Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 01, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    PAflft FOITTC
Hkdfoki) Mail tribune
Th !. ford Him.lar llnrninic Hun im furnUhnl
bwcriberi ilesirii.g a t-ven day daily Mwiitr.
Offir Mali Tribune Building, 25-27-29 North
fir atteet. riione lo.
A oonM.ldatton of the Democratic Tim. the
Bedford Usit. the ilifon. Tribune, the Southern
Oreyomait, The AuliUnd 'Iribuiie.
ROBERT W. Rl'UIi, Editor.
8UM1TEK S. SMITH, Uanager.
BIT MAIL In Advinoe:
, Daily, with Sunday Hun, year $7.50
Daily, with Sunday Hun, month 75
Dally, without HuihUt Hun, year 0.60
Dailr. without Hiindav Hun. month....
Weekly Mai! Tribune, one year S-00
. Sunday Hun, one yeui S 00
JY OARRIEK In Medford. Ashland. Jackaon
Tllle, Centra) Point, i'boenlx, Talent and on
Highway a:
Dally with Sunday Sua, month 76
' Daily, without Kundtt Hun, month 6ft
Daily, without Sunday Hun, year 7.60
' Daily, with Hundity Hun. on year 8.60
All terms by carrier, caah in advance.
Official paper of the City nf MM ford.
Official paper ol Jackson County.
Sworn daily average circulation for all months
fHiintf April i, i viz, a.'izB, more man aouuie
the circulation of any other paper published oi
circulated in Jackson County.
The, only paper tWtween Eugene, Ore., and
sjarramento, Calif., a distance of over now mi lea,
turitig leased wire Associated Treaa Service.
Entered as aecond clast matiei at Med ford
Oregon, under the act of March 8, 1870.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to It, or not olherwine credited in this
Riper, ana also to uie local news
All rights of republication of special dis
patches herein are alio reserved.
lu- :, ;zT-trrg"r'' "
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry.
-PerpcDdiculnr voting ot tho party
ticket in Jackson county, is bt'foro tlio
luamjes here.
' Everything is all set for the week
end rush to the hopyards.
There's a new automobile on the
city streets and country byways, and
another mortgage on tlio old home.
One of the speed contests scheduled
for the county fair went off premature
ly on Hellbent ave. last eve.
C' Wig AnhHle ate a pear with the
hide on Wed. ami upset himself.
'; Portland papers nulto frequently
take editorial shots at California for
her "superb self-satisfaction," "her
irrepressible desire for the limelight"
and "her. climatic boasts." California
transformed a sagebrush waste Into an
agricultural empire, without the aid of
a Joyride by businessmen and politic
inns, builded more than one city within
her boundaries, and never loft the de
velopment of nor natural resources,
exclusively and forever, in the hands
of the Lord. Also California docs not
become Insanoly infatuated with every
nutty notion that comes along. And
the metropolitan centorB of California
back their orations with tholr spondu
licks. If the Willamette valley was in
the Golden State, people would travel
from the farthest cornors of tlio globo
to be rained on, every autumn.
SOME day there will be a fire on t lie west side of Mi-ilford. Ami
I lie whistle will Mow jiiKt as ;i lengthy IVi-i'ht train from the
south comes to rest MoeUimr Main street.
The fire engine will swoop from the fire hall, headed for the west
side, ami find its way Mocked at Main street. It will also find its
progress hampered Ity the quickly congested antoinohile truffle.
There beiii? no croNsinn on Sixth street, no crossings on Fifth or
Fourth streets, no underground crossings .oji any street, the fire de
partment will be forced to buck truck, and find a enfssin, probably
at Third or Jackson streets-. 1 ! ' -
Now- anyone who knows anything about fires and the problem of
fighting them, knows that the first few. Ininutes form the critical
period, five minutes at the inception of a fire are more important
than half an hour after the fire ,1ms once gained headway. ;' .
It must be apparent to anyone, therefore, that sonio arrangement
should be made whereby this danger Jo the safety of MY'dford be re
moved. An ordinance compelling; a train Mocking the Main street
crossing to move on ut the sound of the fire whistle, is of no practical
benefit, for the time consumed in such an operation would probably
exceed the time required to find another outlet.
- m
This prospect is drawn to emphasize the need of more crossings
between the east and west sides of Medford, and the great desira
bility of an underground crossing. Extending Sixth street under the
tracks would not only provide necessary fire protection, but would
be a great benefit in a business way, and in the solution of the im
portant problem of lessening traffic congestion on Main street.
Medford is growing. The automobile traffic is increasing tremen
dously. Itlocking Main street during business hours, even for five or,
ten minutes is a great annoyance to people of the city and its fre
quency seems to be increasing. "When added to this we have a posi
tive menace in ease of fire, and the necessity of radical change in the
lines of communication across the S. 1. tracks becomes of immediate
and serious concern.
Ouill Points
When in doubt, vote "No."
Corner: An angle. Usually occupied by a filling station.
In politics, those who look on the lri
;ht side
are on the inside.
We have, no Minute Men now.
inspector would class as seconds.
liul the country is full of men any
We are an extravagant people, forever-making new laws when
the old ones haven't been used enough to showigns of wear.'.
There will never be a sucj'essfiil revolution, of 100 per cent
Americans unless the leader cun speak seventeen languages.
A representative government is one that elects six men in favor
of u thing and six against it and wonders why something isn't done.
- . (Marshfleld News) .
Mr. Corey was driving east at a
t six mile velocity with the right of
, way on his side, when along came
the Putnam truck with a big load
,"of wood, hearing southward. Ac
: cording to drlvor Print's story, ho
'- espied an attractive flapper cross
" ing the Btroet and somewlioro
about hor porson, tho fateful red
garter. With eyes gluod dn the
garter, Print was oblivious to all
oIbo and when ho struck Coroy's
machine, the running board was
. smashed and tho body of the car
dented badly, while quantities of
wood soared ovor the Corey machine.
Tho soldier's bonus bill lias passed
the senate. This deplorable raid on
the pockctbooks of war-made million
aires will be vetoed by tho president.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Finger of Marls
sav Illinois, who have been touring the
west apent last wook end with Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Kelly. (Salom Capital Jour
nal.) On hand.
Arrangements have been made to
have the weatherman Hcrldnnlnllv ulmt
for a doer, If there is any precipitation n()ls lluve ont'rely disappeared ?
during the fair.
Three of tho best arguments in the
world for the Darwinian theory are
quartered at Dock Gltzon's.
' ' (Siskiyou News)
,,Iii tlie morning the children
. played games and In the afternoon
enjoyed magicians tricks with the
ice cream furnisliod by the Sunday
A truck scooted up an alloy unex
pectedly Thurs. pin., and 17 of our lend
ing Whisperers escaped by a mlraclo.
- Now that the Constitution him hnnn
amedded locally, with a little outsldo
help, a fe.w defects in the 10 Com
mandmcnts can be corrected.
J Whoro are the Loo.Choo Islands?
2 Who was culled the Nero of the
4 How many states are In the com
monwealth of Australia?
4 For what crime can a president
bo Impeached?
5 How many Immigrants woro ad
mitted to this country last year?
G What is tlio per capita consump
tion of fish each year In this country?
7 What is It in Cnnada? v
8 In what sea Is tho Islo of Man?
0 What Is carborundum used for?
10 Whoro la William the Conqueror
Answers to Yesterday's Questions
1 Who was tho most noted Kronen
fuhullHt? Ans. Jean do la Fontaine.
2 What medlcino is made from
Peruvian hark? Ana. Quinine.
8 Where Is tho Sargasso sea? In
tho North Atlantic.
4 Wlionvnu tho first' world peace
congross held? Ans. In 184!) at Paris.
6 How strong is gravity on the
moon? Ans. Only one-sixth what it is
on the earth. Instead of a body falling
10 feet tho rirst Becond it fallB but 2.0
foot. '
0 How strong is gravity on the sun?
Ans. Twenty-six and one-half tlmos
us strong as here.
7 From what part of a whale do
wo get whalebone? -Ans. The mouth.
8 Who is In eliargo of tlio trade and
conunorco affairs of KubsIu? Ans. I..
Krassin, soviet trade commissioner.
0 What two historical towns In 1111-
Kaskaskla and Cahokla.
10 Who wroto "The Now World
Symphony?" Ans. A. Dvorak, a Ho
liomlan composer.
Bible Questions
And Answers
1. What were the names of tho Ron
henlle and the l.ovlte who organlzod a
conspiracy against Moses and Aaron?
2. Whoso disciple was Peter at .the
time Christ called him to become one
of His disciples?
3. How did Saul feel towards David
after ho (David) had slain Goliath?
4. When the children mocked
lillshn, tho prophot of Israel, what
curse did ho bring upon them?
. 5. What did Herod tho Great order
done to the nobles who woro with him
at tho time of his death? . , "
0. After his brothers had sold Jo
soph to the iHlimaelltos, what, did they
do with his coat of many coIoib that
they hud taken from him?
Answers to Yesterday's Questions
1. God revealed to tho different
nutliors of the Hooks or the Iilhle, His
purposo and plans tor tho redemption
or many. What is written In these
Hooks is tho testimony .of God to mun.
2. Tho Old Testament was translat
ed Into Greek about 280 U. C. .
.1. A lit Jail mado war on King Jero
boam of Israel In an endeavor to re
cover tlio kingdom of the Ten Tribes,
and succeeded in'taklng sevoral cities
of Israel. " v
4. Alilshni was the son of Zcruiah.
David's sister' and therefore was Da
vid's nephew.
5. Goliath doflcd the armies of
Israel forty days.'
0. Tho priest ot M Id lan gavo Mosob
his daughter, Zopporah, to wed.
jfar Bifiiouqhtr Today
J 111 KKKI'KK:
keeper: the Lord
thy right hand. I
The Lord Is thy
Is thy shade upou
salin 12t : 8.
' Used powder puffs continue to gar
nlsh tho leading corners.
T ' Hfcjrxo Slayer F.IectisM-uteil.
, OSSINING, X. Y.. Sept. 1. Luther
Hoddy, a nogro. slayor of William
Miller and Francis Buckley, two Now
York City detectives, and Herbert
Smith, convicted for the killing of
Postmaster Johnson, at Nineveh Junc
tion, tN'e York, in 1919. paid the
death penalty In tho electric chair at
Ring Bin prlBon Inst night.
"Nolleo Is hereby given Hint (Im undersigned will receive sealed
bids mil 10:00 o'clock A. M. Scpteiulier "til, 1IW2, for n hotel anil
Its coiiUntM (partlully (laniageu by f,v) located on Willamette
lloiilevard at MeKennu Avemio in the City of Portland, Oivgon.
Xo blih will lx considered utiliwi accompanied by a certified
, rlMi-k to (lie order of tlio company for five per cent of amount of
hid, balance jwyablo iimiii acceptance r bid by tile company.
lilibi will 1m received for Hie bulldiiiK and contents only, build
ing to bo removed inside of thirty days of iMxcptanro of bid.
Tlio company reocrves tlio right to reject any ami nil bids.
Peninsula Lumber Company
1', iP. Drawer 41 UH -. Portland, Oregon
Mix Hits Bull's-eye
Tom Mix has hit the bull's eye again
in his latest production, "Trailin,"
which is now on view at the ilialto
-Max.Hrand wrote the stirring story
on which the photoplay is based. : .,
It seemed peculiar to see Mix in the
role o'f a tenderfoot, but he soon dem
onstrated thut-he was not so tender
after all. Steve Nash, the bad man;
and a few others who attempted to
interfere with. his plans were soon con
vinced of the hero's superiority-at
their own tricks. Incidentally '-.Mix
walked in and practically took tha vil
lain's sweetheart from under his very
nose as though there were nothing un
usual to it.
A' deep mystery connected with the
story is not cleared until the last
scene. . ,
"School Days" Ti rllls
Every mother who has boys, every
man who remembers his boyhood, will
recall some delightful memories after
Woman Surprises Her
After a spell of Typhoid Fever 7
years ugu f begun to suffer -from in
digestion and gas in my stomach and
coile attacks. This f.-raduall.v became
so had that my dm-tor advised an
operation, for gall stones. A friend
advised me- to try Mayr's Wonderful
Itcmedy which I did with splendid
results. My friends Were astonished
.-it my rapid Imnruvcment. I have no
more bloatimr nnd'ran nat nnvthlnc
.1 wlsn. .It removes the catarrhal
mucous from tho intostfnSil tract and
allays the inflammation which causes
practlcully all stomach"; liver.. and in
testinal ailments, including appendi
citis. Otie doso-wilt convince or
money refunded. For sale by all
druggists. ' Adv.
seeing Wesley Harry in the presenta
tion of Gus Edwards' "School Days,"
which closes its engagement at the
Page theatre tomorrow night.
The picture reveals all the pranks,
the disappointments, and the glory of
an untamable irresponsible boy. Speck
Brown, played by the freckle-faced
star. And Speck fairly revels In his
portrayal. Urlsi first seen .among
rural surroundings, a)id later he gets a
taste of private, tutoring that is accord
ed children of wealthy parents in big
We. carry duplicate sales slips with
blank headings for use in any line of
business. Call 75 for service. tf
Have that Auto -Top
Med. Tent & Awning Works
Opposite S. 1 Depot
Quotation on Pnmps and Ranis for Ir.
" ' " rljtntlon. . ,
TfinS. I. TKMIM.R. Mclforrt
8 Column Standard Keyboard
Adding and Listing Machine
VICTOR . anotxth.
A fiii w. finely finished machine that will do anything any standard
addi i .-I. :imo do. Weighs only about 27 lbs. May be carried from
desk u lusn. j? uied on stand. Only standard machine at anywhere neaf
the pr-i .-ilmplest and therefore the most durable machine made. Fully
guara-.te-.u. Has over 1000 less parts than others, hence the very low
j . .x t.nn f i. mii n ' ' . I'i'i-: .ii iui vasii, piiv uii umc payments. .
(-.- vt J3f statements. They demand proof nd re are ready to fumUh that proof
Y-'hMJK tht Jiutttest obligation, by allowing you a Frmm Trial of the Victor in .your own
-!!'. ForK."'- the rice and compare it point for point with any other machine made. If
t: Vict jr doesn't measure up to your ideala In every respect we don't want you to buy it.
T m a a D 4 Good bustneas demands that you Investigate the Victor
f iTCC DDOK at once. Our Free Book illustrates and describes the
, . machine and Ks uses in every detail. Mail the coupon
today for vour free codv. It mav save vou a lot of money. Don't wait until vmt arraHv
blaU the coupon today. Find out what $100 will buy in ai adding Machine! -
to buy.
Central Ave. Phone 112
v MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Price MANN'S
The Gall
to School
CLOTHES. , , '
$10.00 to $16.50
We feature these famous clothes for the boy, because
their splendid styles and qualities and the extra pair
of pants with the suit afford the greatest values, poa
. sible to offer.
A fjnoit Slip-Over Sweater.
knit in two colors
'Ml Wool fOip-Ovor Swentei'3. - All sizes.
From 'J to 10. A great many different color
$3.00 to $5.00
.Boys' Shifts, collar attached d I
stylo. . Dirk and light colors f V V
Boys' Waists, blue, .black,- f 1
khaki and light colors V 1 UU
A few Roys,' Waists in Striped 7(?
percales O C
Boys' Caps
Boys' Overalls
All Sizes
Mann's Department Store
All Wool
and Shirts
; for Boys
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Always eay "Bayer" when you buy
isiiirin. '
I'nloss vou sec the name "Bayer on
pockupe or on talileta you are not get
ling the genuine ilayer product pre
urihed liv physicians over twenty-two
.-ears ami proved euie by millions for
olds, headache, toothache, earache, neu
al"ia. lumbago, rheumatism, neuritis,
ind for pain in general. Accept only
linyer" pad;ape which eontnins proper
lireetions. Handy boxes of twelve tab
ets cost few cents. Druggists also sell
.ottles of 24 and 1K). Aspirin is the
raile mark of Bayer Manufacture of
donoaceticacidcster of Salicylieacid.
Dry Mil) Blocks; Fir Slab Wood and
all other kinds of wood
Cor. Third and Kir Phone IMS
Car Rent Service
Central PointTaxi
at Central Point Feed Store.
217 E. Main St. , Medford
A Select Jfon-Srt'tarlan Boarding
School ' -. '
Iloya between (I and 20 years
Social Advantages, Homelike -Atmosphere
. -.
Small Classes and Men Teachers
Detailed U. S. Army Officer
Opens Sept. 18, 1022,
We put a new meaning
in the word "Service"
a trial will show you.
Your Worry
Is Over
- i
the Brownlee Mill Is Now
Operating and We Are Book
: ing Orders for
Place Your Order Now
Valley Fuel Co.
Phone 76
am chung
i China Herb Store
and Btomach trouble. S. M. Leonard,
j ni., grants fash.
Thlm , . tn A ... .
iuiy mac uim i;nunff or
"s curea me or rupture
of 'our years' standing. F. O. Isbam.
"a o ol, crania ans. Ore.
fui aea'ora- Oregon. Jan. IS. 11T.
t X I .-criiiy mai l. tne under
alKnert, had very severe stomich trouble
na had been bothered for several yemra
u Vn.d hearing of Olm Chung (whose
L 'i "-iuw it gei nerDS ror my
stomach trouble, and 1 started to feeling
better as soon as I usd them and today
am a well man and can heartily recom
mend anyone afflicted as I waa to
Olm Chung and try his Herbs
Wm. Lewis. Eagle Point.
W.. U Chtldreth. Eaple Point '
!? Anderson, Medford.
S. B. Holmes, Bgle Point ' ,
V- J5- Moore. Eagle Point
J. V. Melntyre. Eagle Point - '.
Oeo. Von der Hellen. Eagle Point
Thos. R Nichols. Cale Point
"WW-MP.".'!'--. J(T ,: