Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, September 01, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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Record movement of pears and ap
ples from the Rogue River valley are
in prospect for this year, accordinc to
reports of Southern Pacific railway
company traffic officials, who reported
that a total of 474 cars of pears have
been moved out of Medford already
this season. The railroad men are
prepared to handle a total of 1400 cars
of fruit from this valley during the
present season. Last season was a
record-breaking year for the district
when 1100 cars of fruit were shipped.
Portland Journal.
' Lime and cement, Medford Lumber
' Milo Lamb and family returned yes
terday from a several weeks vacation
iii Sacramento and other California
towns. Milo resumed his duties at the
local Union Oil company's service sta
tion yesterday.
Dance, Lake Creek, Saturday night.
Sept. 2nd. 139
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bellinger have
returned from a several months vaca
tion at Newport and other points in
the northern part of the state. They
will be at their home, 125 North Holly
street, after today.
2 qts. ice cream, delivered, 90c.
Phone 69. tf
Coil springs. Liberty Repair Shop.
Fourteen liunrfrixl m,I fnrt v.fnni- nnr- Tlin ritv fire ilcnartmcnt was called ! Guests at the Hotel Modioli! indiidti Miss Alma Hunter of Sherman.
sons registered with the Oregon Tour-! yesterday to extinguish a small bla.e Ciuto M. Linn of .Manila and Itumpo of Texas who is to teach in the grade
1st Information lliireau in the Chamber i which was consuming the pile of saw- Tondo, Manila, who are going to attend schools In Med lord this winter arrived
of Commerce building during "the dust beneath the west end of the Hear V. of C: C. Frank Harris or the First yesterday to take her position on the
mouth of August according to A. H. i Creek bridge. The sawdust pile be- National Picture Corporation of Spo- faculty.
Callahan, local representative of the 'longs to the Medford Domestic Laun- kane; Pete L. Jackson, who left this' Specially priced -hats from $Y0fl to
bureau. Tho number of persons apply-dry and was used as fuel when the morning for Crater Lake; A. K. Smith, jjinn Saturday. SopL 2d.
0, V. DeJaruett. mail despatching! Mrs.
! clerk of the postol'lice will return to- moruin
morrow niter a two wcks vara! ion.
Will pay cash (' ir a b.irain in a i;o:d
used piano. IMli'lie t.lti-11. 1 til
I K. K. Swan, mail carrier on route
ing at the bureau for free information
and maps is increasing daily, only 1078
persons having registered during the
month of July.
Apples for sale, hand picked Graven
stein culls. Phone 7-F-4. 139
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Frolickstein of
San Francisco arrived lust night by
auto for a several days visit with Mr.
and Mrs. E. H. Lamport. Mr. Frolick'
stein is a composer of music, having
coinK)sed a number of popular pioces,
and is tho western representative for
the Robt. Hums cigar. '. '
Milk and crer.m at DeVoe'g. : tf
Sunday will be rally day at tho First
Methodist church. It Is the last Sun
day of the conference year. Sacrament
of the Lord's supper will be adminis
tered by the pastor.
Cash paid tor friction top cans, any
size; must bo clean. Hutchison &
Lumsden. 139
E. M. Wilson, expert accountant has
returned from a three weeks business
and pleasure trip to California and
Klamath Falls. While in Susanvillo,
Calif., he inspected the books of ' the
city. Mrs. Wilson remained in Klam
ath Falls to visit her daughter.
We want to purchase a cash register
at once. What have you to offer tf
laundry was located in the building representative of I". M. C. Cartridgo
where the Seabrook Auto Paint shop is Co., and Mrs. Smith of Portland; Pailli
now located. , I A. Watson, manager of the Shasta j
Fire Insurance. Brown' & White. . j Springs resort; C. W. Wood and Oscar
G. S. Hitzler of Central Point was lnf la f1' f Sl'n 'lsv wn0 lert
arraigned before Justice Taylor yester- u,is morning for C. Wood s summer
day on a charge of possessing intoxi- hlc Prospect: llaron C. Coleman,
eating liquor and pleaded not guilty. ""rnejf of San , , rancisco and his
He was released on $1000 bond to ap- mothe., M"v LtU Coleman who re
peat oi, Sept. '7th for a hearing. The ,,r.ned nl6ht ,f.rom 8 triM Crater
attorney representing Hitzler is F. J.
Vanity Shop, three is spending his two weeks vaca
linition hunting in whereabouts unknown.
idilh Younger left yesterday
lor Weed. Calif., to take a
position as a teacher In tiie Weed
sclioots the first of the week.
"Whitman's Sampler." Heath's Drug
Store. i:!!i
Read Jones' ad It will pay you to
invest. 13!)
Newman. Constable
made the arrest.
S. B. Sandefer
Lake; Gordon Dnkehart, assistant
cashier of the V. S. National bank of
Portland, and family, wlu left for
Portland tndnv lifter n trio to Prritnr
Anyone who has a cash register for ,,.. n (4ri,.. ..,, T , Bli.,. n.
aale please call this office: 75. " Kugcno. representatives ' for thY Ar-
"Dad" Charles A. King, who has ac- mour Packing Co.: V. M. Hilary of the
cepted the position of director of physi- Sinclair Packing Co. of Kugene; Mrs.
cal education, in' the Baker public Marion Riddcll who spent the day visit
schools for tho coming year is in Med- ing her daughter, Mrs. W. F. Riddle of
ford today. Mrs King is in Ashland Medford; J. A. Welch of Spokane, who
and "Dad" states that they expect 'to i8 connected with the Rogue River
leave for Baker tomorrow or next day. Canal company, and A. J. Mitchell of
Safoty first Insure with Redden & : San Francisco, formerly of Medford.
Canaday. Phone 720. tf
Miss Margaret Mansfield of Prospect
You can get it at Devon's.
Miss Hazel Wiley of Medford
lett last nignc tor roruuiiii wnere s..c- rccentlv returned from Los Angolos
will visit a few days before taking up where she was visUillK lor two;molltls
a position as teacher at the Garden is (.. hpllinir . .iar.i..n..ui ..,.
Homo School,
seven miles from Port-i
Insurance. Brown &
i . '.' with fresh
never was such a
'Mother, let's go
in that restaurant
and get some
Kellogg' s Corn
Flakes an' milh
an' fruit t OA
I'm so hot! An,
Mother, can eat
a big bowlful if
you'll go in therm
and get some
Kellogg s like we
have hornet Oh,
come on"
hot day feast!
Everywhere you go you'll find Kellogg's Corn Flakes
awaiting your call! Restaurants and dining cars provide
this crisp, delicious, ideal warm weather repast. And,
how good these wholesome, nourishing, appetizing flakes
taste served with a generous pitcher of cold milk and
luscious fresh fruit! fl :i -, .
' Eat Kellogg's Corn Flakes for health! As warm
weather food they are supreme easy to digest and cool
ing! Let 'the children eat all they want! See that
Kellogg's are served at least once or twice a day instead
of the heavy foods that overtax big and little stomachs
and cause sluggish headaches and drowsiness. You have
no idea what a lighter summer diet means-r-watch tho
betterment in health! ..
As an extra-treat for dessert some evening right soon,
serve Kellogg's Corn Flakes and fresh fruit with cream I
You can't realize the treat that's in store ! "
f i a "ram wkbxwiww
Be certain you
Flakes the kind In the
RED and GREEN' back
age that bears the signa
ture of W. K. Kellogg,
originator of Com Flakes.
None are genuine with-
Alio makers-of KELLOGGJ3
BRAN, cooked and krumbled
. Covers,
We make them.
Med. Tent & Awning Works
Opposite S. 1, Depot
Guide. Service Tticket .l.ttc
Lamp for rent ....llic
Coveralls for rent. ftoc
Mnals;:. 75c and IT.1.00
hurnislwd Tents...'. $1.1)0
Riverside Garag'e
Headquarters for the Famous De Luxe ,
Pistons and McQuay-Norris Rings '
We repair all makes of cars and gasollno engines. Best equipped
hop In Southern Oregon for cylinder reboring and rebuilding motors.
P. P. CLOSE, Prop.
$8.50 Per Cord
Ilody fir rut In 16-lneli Iehtrtlui'
Laiiifl and Oak $:).!& tior.
C. A. KOSS : E. 4th St
Ing cluh Ret its exhibit ready for the
county fair. The Bills me very much
in earnest about their donations to the
sewlnp exhibit at tho county fair Hind
from all predictions with tho help of
Miss Wiley they will have a fine display.
French salad ico cream at the
Shasta. tf
Citizens are warned to transact
their banking business tomorrow as
Monday, Labor Day, is a general holi
day aiid the hanks of (ho city and
county will he closed on that day. '
Hemstltchiwr dona at Singer Shop,
10 S. Fir street. . 144
The post office department will be
gin a vigorous campaign in Hie future
to urge people on the city routes to
have mail boxes or slots in tho doors
as receptacles for mail. Tho depart
ment will have to announce if this re
quest is not carried out. that mall ser
vice can not bo extended to mis
creants. .
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 1(M
711 Rast Main street
M. M. Massey of the Walton Moore
dry goods company of San Francisco
spent yesterday with merchants of
this city and left this morning for tho
south..' " .. :f .' v ,.
Dance, Lake Creek, Saturdny night,
Sept: 2nd. ' .'..r . 139
Mr. and Mrs. John lieam.of Long
Beach, who spent the month of May in
the vicinity of Medford fishing, re
turned again to this city after an ex
tensive trip to Alaska, Canada, and
Washington and. will- remain for an
indefinite stay jUt .!. .
Don't forget the old fashioned family
basket dinner at the G. A. R. camp
grounds, Kogue rtiver, Thursday. Sont.
7th. Hrlng well filled baskets. Always
something doin'. Enuf said. 141
S. M. Tattle who lives near Ileal
Lane between Medford and Central
Point, raised a mammoth .watermelon
on his place weighing forty-one pounds.
Dance, Lake Creek, Saturday night,
Sept. 2nd. im
Among peoplo registered at the
Hotel Holland are L. J. Orres, Ashland
tailor, who shows his samples weekly
Miss Alma Hunter, a teacher from
Sherman, Texas; Albert White of Junc
tion City, Ore.; B. F. Oliver and daugh-
ter of Portland; C. C. White and C. W.
Williams of Portland; J. C. Nellson
and wife of Seattle; Mrs. L. L. Walker
son of Portland; 0. Lewis of Portland;
C. C. Hopkins of Santa Barbara.
Hop picking dance at PernoH's hop
yard pavilion Sat., Sept. 2d, Applegato.
Mr. Scholtes or the Seattle Cap com
pany arrived this morning and wll
visit merchants within the noxt day.
Fred Alton Haight, teacher of piano;
accredited teacher, specializing In
piano instruction In all grados. Pupils
now heing accepted for the rail term.
Studio. 318 Liberty Building.' Medrord,
Ore. -. Phone 72.i - . 144
Sergeant Templeton or the Eugene
Aviation Field and Fire Warden H. M.
Bowser in the state Tirst patrol plane
riew over the fires at Foots creek and
Grave creok yesterday afternoon, and
report the fires are under control.
Sergeant Templeton will return In a
few days and remain stationed here
and make daily trips over the territory
to report on forost fires.
At Arcadia Farm one and one-hnir
miles northwest of ' Medford on Itoss
lane wo tiro selling melons at a price
we Know tlio peoplo appreciate, for
instance Sugar Drop melons, 12 and IB
for $1.00. Rockyrord musk melons, two
dozen Tor 25c. Iloneydew and Emerald
Gem cheap.
People registered at the N'osh hotel
Include Mrs. E. G. Barnes and Mrs
D. D. Hill, shopping here rrom Derby,
tor tne day; Mary O. Blgelow of
Sawyers Bar and Florence Lange and
Mrs. Gula E. Wltlson of Walker. Calif.
who left this morning for Crater Lake:
J. E. Parker and Mrs. Parker, who left
tins morning for Crater Lake.
Lawn mower sharpening. Liberty
itopair Shop. ' - 1 144
Dance Sat. nito, Juqkson Hot Spring.
'. - . uo
1 1 1 c
'2 OJL1U 4 JOA
at such low prices it will pay you to even buy now for next year,
When we advertise a sale, we believe in giving a REAL'
and all we ask is for you to come look for yourself.
Just think XA Sox for 1 6c pair
Same as you have always paid 35c for. You have never seen a
sale like this in Medford. So don't miss it.
New shipment of
and Caps
to match. These are pretty snappy,
low prices we have put on these.
You'll be surprised .at the
Goods Sent C. O. D.
Free, Delivery
of course
Phone 125-126
Phone 125-126
The Store ?That Really Gives You a Chance to Save,
Watson Auto and
Furniture Painting Co.
We Do Auto and Furniture Painting.
. All Work Absolutely Guaranteed, f
609 N'. Grape 6L r j i , Phone 683
WA NTH D Ex perleqcod packers,
dependent Fruit, Co. Phono 228.
Funeral Directors ,
Day or Night
FOR SALE Kxtra rancy apples. Now
is the time to send In your order tor
our extra rine BelleNeur and Winter
Banana apples. Lxtra fancy, per
r box, 12.00; fancy per box, 11.70
jumbled, per box; 11. CO;, loose, per
box, $1.25. Send In order Immediate
ly. Court Hall...,. ,
FOR SALE Peaches. 1000 boxes fine
Klbertas and Mulrs, 30 cents per box
at orchard, 40 -cents delivered. Al
most ready now. Bring your boxes
R. R. Cliches, Griffin Creek. Phone
In Sport Models for Young Men
Come Early-r-Only a Few Are Left
Pure Silk Pongee, $6.50 values.
Very special $5.00 '
Silk Striped Madras, $4.00 Values
Other Valuable Numbers
Springer & Lee , ,
"Duds for Men"
105 W. Main St. Phone 595-X -
' -' . ,
Co-operation Not Needed
V ,', ! i' ... .
All you need is money to buy feed and flour cheap at.
Johnson's'. ' We have just stocked up with a full line of
feeds and flour, and we honestly believe we can under
sell any one in town. . .,,
Eggs, Fancy Veal, Hides, Wool, Pelts and Furs
241 N. Fir St.
f.-tv ,,1)
807-L. m