PAOE TWO MEDFORD M AIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OREfiONT, - WEDXESD'AY,. 'AUOUST P.O. , 1025 Personal Duo to the strike situation In the Country llie local train Hervieo is rath er demoralized us I ) trains running on lime, especially trains from the south. About 9:30 this forenoon five trains arrived at about the same time. They were nassenRer tsnins No. IS from the Berth ami No. 12 from the south, and jwo frelKht trains from the south and one from the north. All members of SI. W. A. & W. O. W. are requested to be In Ashland Labor Day, nt 9:30 a m. to take imrt In the parade. Sleet at Moose hall. 140 ;i A novel advertising stunt In the lobby of the Page theater, calllnK at tention to the current attraction for several days In that house, the (ins Ldwards "School Days" film featuring Wesley Harry, is a small school with a bell In the tower. School opens soon. Select your fountain pen and have name on it free hefore the rush.. Sledford Hook Store. 187 Mis. Oeorse A. MoJisfleld of Pros pect arrived In the city this morning rrom n trip to Portland. Women cutters wanted at Radovan Dryer, 90S West Fourth street. Phone ',t2 ur 25. 140 i Mrs. Tina Dower, well known club woman and writer of short stories and poems of Centralis, Wash., and her daughter Jean are the guests of Sirs. Nil Jirown of Crater Lake avenue for the coming two weeks. They arrived Sunday and will be shown the points of Interest In the valley. Sirs. Urown plans to take Sirs. Dower on a trip to Crater Lake and Pelican Hay and to the Oregon Caves next week. Prost-O-Llte Hattery Station for 'prompt service phone 119. tf f, Sheriff George Lewis made a trip to tflay to Medfonl to bring back C. A. Wright, wanted bore for larceny by bailee. Wright was upflrehended 'in Sledford .Monday and the Jackson county sheriff waB notified where the man could be caught. The warrant for hia arrest has been held hers for the past two or three mouths. Grants Puss Courier. Fire Insurance. Drown & White. Sir. and Mrs. Fred Relnecke of Pitts burg who are visiting Sir. nnd Sirs, (ieorge Piirucker and children, Miss Anna Purucker and George Purucker visited Crater Lake this past week end. Dance, Lake Creek, Saturday night, Sept. 2nd. 139 Sir. and Mrs. D. O. Fredericks left InBt Saturday for a week at Prospect. We have a splendid bargain 1n a second-hand typewriter at this office. , . tf1 Sir. and Sirs. C. C. Cate returned a day ago from an outing trip seven miles from Ixist Lake.. This is the sec ond bear hunt Sir. Cate hag returned ;from successful. He Bays If the black bear he killed last week was "huge" UIiIh brown bear Is monstrous. . Buy Medford home. Pay like rent. ?0old Rnv Realty Co. . The three-year-old son of Sir. and 'Sirs. C. E. Gray, formerly of Ashland, but who now live at Gold Hill, died Saturday and was burled Monday after. i noon in Mountain. View cemetery at ' Ashland. , When in need or sash and doors, call Wallnce Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street. .'Quests of the Hotel Holland Include : K P. Rands, mining man from Oregon ' City who left this morning to prospect (pound Applegate; Charles Dahl and family of Portland left this morning Tor Crater Lake;. Mr. and Sirs. H. 8. Noble of Minneapolis and Sir. Noble's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Noble of In tllanapolo, Iowa who are touring from Minneapolis loft this morning for Los Angoles to spend the winter; W. T. Jillunger left this morning for Klamath 'Falls by way of Crater Lake; Albert Lalsure and Sirs. Leisure and Sir. and Mrs. Ray Lyman and daughter of Ber keley are on their way to Salem. tioodrlcu urea and tube at Colonial Garage. tf '(Herbert Jones, formerly well 'known young man -of Sledford Is 1n town for the woek visiting old friends and hcnnulntaneps. 'Ho has been In Vir ginia the iast winter. Mattress work all kinds. Medford Auto Ton Co. Phone 104. tf 'H. V. Welch, assessor of Multnomah 'county, is down from Portland on bust noBs for a Tew days. This Is Sir. Welch's first Visit to Sledford for sonic :tlme and he Is greatly planned with the ( metropolitan appearance' of the city and the Wonderful sconory of the val ley. When better automobiles are built, Hulck will build them. tf' George T. Collins returned late last night from a brief business trip to Klamath Fails. Sash and doors. Sled to ra Lumber Co. ' ' , One of the largest attendances re corded at the Medford city auto camp this year was that of last night when thlrty-rotir cars containing los 'people registered. Dance Wed nlte, Jackson Hot Spring. 137 Emll Mohr and family returned Mon- "About 350 men In Portland - are day rrom a several weeks tour of Ore-j awaiting definite In formation from gon and Washington. Sir. Slohr re- the Ford factory at Detroit concerning porta that ho and his family enjoyed the rumored shutdown of the Highland the triji immensely and that while in' Park and Lincoln factories, where the Hauler national park they saw wonder- passenger cars of the Ford line are nil wild flowRi-H, acres upon acres. He made," says the Portland Journal. "W. stalls that the highways In Washing- II. Goodwin of the local branch of the ton are superior to those In Oregon as Ford Slotor company said today that they are wider. , the main offices had sent no informa- Your name free on fountain pens tlon to Portland about the proposed purchased of us and they an Water-' shutdown, but to the contrary he had mans. Sledford Hook Store. 137 received a wire from Detroit that Port- "Fourteen deer were seen In five land would receive its quota of passen mlles Sunday by Sam Rockhlll, Kern ser cars for September. The Portland Rock hill and Sam Stlnebaugh who, branch. Goodwin said, would be able I were on meir way to me caves, says lw i.uuimo u,ci,iuuD -j the Grants Pass Courier. "Three of or more even If the Detroit plants I the deer were bucks and the rest does .should "top. The Portland branch em land fawns. No attempt was made to ploys 65 men while Ford dealers em- shoot them as It was not clear how far I'l'W " more. Many ueaiers said it the boundaries of the national monu- the main plant should bo shut down Iment extended. If was found, how-'they would be able to continue opera lever, that the caves boundaries extend tlon from 8i weeks to two monthB. but a mile and the three are thinking Several managers said they, would con .bow good one of those bucks would , '!nue anyway and book orders ahead." Telephone lumbers . , , to Remember rPire! Department ' ' 50 (Fire calls only) J Insurance .Z Any Kind 123 McCurdy Insurance ' Agency,;. Medford Nat '1 Bank Bids. have been." Kodak films at De Voe's. tf J. A. N'ott of the L'nlon Pacific rail way company arrived in Medford yes terday afternoon for a brief business visit. When In need ot Bhmgles and roof ing call Wallace Woods, 108. 711 E. .Main. , Sirs. S. SI. Bullls returned Monday night from a two weeks visit In San Francisco. The Handicraft Shop has Just re ceived a new shipment of Columbia yarns In all the new colors and shades. 138 Wm. Von der Hellen of Prospect, the contractor, was a business visitor In the city today. Pacific package outfits are known from coaBt to coast as tho beBt art embroidery package. For sale at the Handicraft Shop. 138 SUsb Irene Frank who will teach this year at the Table Rock school returned recently from an extensive trip to Portland, Seattle and Port Angeles, Wash., and then spent two weeks In Grunts PaBs before returning to Med ford. Dance, Lake Creek, Saturday night, Sept. 2nd. 139 Sir. and Mrs. Earl Roberts left today for Redding, Calif., whore they will onter their two children In a convent at Redding. Have you tried that big milk shake at deVoe'st tf Sir. and 'Mrs. W. 13. Robinson left yesterday for the Blue Ridge mine and will be gone two days. Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Onrage. tf The Beaver' Portland Cement com pany here reports having shipped over one thousand cnrB of Heaver C'cment'In the past twelve months. This 1s the greatest production of any Industry on the coast. Gold Hill News. Take your kodak films to Palmer's Btudlo. First class work and prompt service. tf L. E. Whiting of Portland, was In Sledford today un route to Atlnntlc City, N. J., whore he will attend the national meeting of tho International typographical union. Mr. 'Whiting was tne pioneer linotype operator 1n Medford, doing the first work on the Mnil Tribune. Harry Young Is the next oldest operator. Sir. Whiting owns a ranch near Eagle Point. Dance Wed nlte, Jackson Hot Spring. , 137 Mr. nnd Mrs. O. L. Davidson left this morning on an all day fishing trip to r isn iuKe. : , System Service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. 8trong companies. Office 2nd floor Medford Bldg. tf Joe Allen, who has been an employe of the California-Oregon Power com pany for the imst several months and Mrs.'Allen of Cnrglye Court are leav ing In a day or two for Portlnnd where tney win reside. . Dance, Lake Creek, Saturday night, Sept, 2nd. 139 Dr. Robert W. Stearns nnnounces that he now has Dr. Ralph E. Green an his associate, and that ho will open and conduct the community hospital at 843 East Slain street for the care of medical, surgical and obstetrical casos, wiui luuoratory and X-Ruy equipment. For Fire Insurance see Bennett, IIS West Slain street tf Huckar Taxi Co.. tiny and nlcnt ser vice. Phono 876-W. City trips 25c. 148 irs. r. k. Merrick returned home this morning from a three weeks vlBlt in Chicago. . You can get It at DeVoe's. tf Flfty-elght different forms ot Insur ance. Holmes "The Insurance Man." tf Sir. nnd Sirs. W. H. linrr, who have been residents of Modford for the pnst several years left yesterday afternoon for Oakland, Calif. Thoy were accom. panlod by their daughter. Sirs. Ada Slllls whose home Is In Oakland and win remain Indefinitely. For good Insurance, yon, should go to Goff & Yeo, office with Jackson County Abstract Co. Wo want BOO friction top cans, such as syrup or Crlsco cans, any sl?.o. Must ue cionn; will pay cash. Hutchison & i.umsilen. i;ia Funeral services for tho late Todd J tarn win be held Friday at 10 a. m. nt the Wenks-Congor Funoral Parlors, Rev. D. E. SHIlard Officiating, time for spray. Medford Lbr. Co. The Valley School Dor Un,vs nnd Girls wm 1-0-opcn ior us mm year on Oct, 2nd, 1922 at 1103 West Tenth street In charge of Sllss SL It. Dunham, nrln. clpnl. For Information address Tho Valley School, Sledford, Ore., before sept 16th. Governor Hen Olcott. Secretary of State Sam Kozer, State Engineer Her bert Nunn and Dr. It. R. Loe Stetner head of the state hospital, nre to be members of a party to arrive nt Lake- view Saturday for the Lnknvlew Round Up, which opens a throe-day program on that day. Pacific package outfits, articles of real merit that have always lived up to their reputation. Handicraft Shop 138 LI1110 and cement. Medford Lumber Co. - Anyone who has a cash register for Bale please call this office 75. tf Hearing pear ana apple orchards sacrificed at $100 acre and up. 1 acre tracts and up. Easy terms. Near Sledford Highway. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R or 134-Y. N. B. Newcomb and family returned Sunday from a trip to Crater Lake. Four of the boys returned via Huckle berry mountain and brought with them a quantity of Huvkleberrles. There's a busy Business College In your homo town. 147 Dance Wed nlte, Jackson Hot Spring. ., 137 Price of pears on the Portland mar ket was reduced slightly Tuesday mor ning, duo to an oversupply. The high est price paid for fancy Bartletts is $1.60 to $1.75 for an apple box full. The cheaper grades are selling around $1.00 per box, and some of them are bringing us low as 75e. Portland Journal. Apples for sale, hand picked Graven- stein culls. Phone 7-F-4. 139 Dance, Lake Creek, Saturday night, Sept. 2nd, 139 Sllss Lillian Roberts, accompanied by her mother. Sirs. N. D. Roberts, will leave tomorrow for Newport, Ore., whore she will spend a six weeks va cation. Cash paid for friction top cans, any slzo; must be clean. Hutchison & Lumsden. 139 , Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Sir. and Sirs. Ben Garnett and son Clifton left Slonday morning by onto for Portland where they will remain until the end of the week. Fire Insurance. Brown & White. We want to purchase a cash register at once. What have you to offer tf Louis Richardson, son of Sirs. S, T. Richardson left this afternoon for San Pedro where he will resume his duties as corporal In the Marine guard aboard the U.S.S. Texas. He has been visiting his parents here for the past two weeks. Orders taken for men's and young men's all wool, made to measure suits, $19 and up. See the many new styles and over 200 samples, at Forsythe's, 118 Mistletoe. Also dyeing, cleaning and pressing. . 138 E. E. Loomis, traveling auditor for the Standard Oil conlpnny Is In Sled ford and will remnln for several days on company business. Snroty first Insure with Redden & Canaday, Phone 720. tf 2 qts. ice cream, delivered, 90c. Phone 69. tf Sirs. A. H. Callahan and Mrs. Gar lock left this morning by auto for Doad Indian Soda Springs where they will Join Mr. and Mrs. William Lyman and Mrs. Fred Scheffel who have been camped there for the past week. Automobile Insurance. Brown & White. tf French salad Ice cream at the Shasta. tf Sir. and Sirs. Donnld McKee returned this morning from a several days visit In San Francisco. All kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 71,1 East Main street When a strong breeze blew up early last evening, relieving the murky at mosphere for a time, many people at once declared that "a storm 1s com ing." Sure enough It grew cloudy to day and tho official prediction Is for probable rain. Slost residents, except thoso engaged In the fruit industry, hopo that thore will come a storm with plenty of rain, which haB not been en Joyed here for several months. Pacific package garments havo style nnd originality. Completed with veln Ing, tucking or homstltchlng, explicit dlroctlonB for embroidery contained In each package. Handicraft Shop. 138 Lightning caused about 20 fires on the Klamath river recently. In Jose phine county there Is a fire weBt of the Stevens ranch In the Williams creek valley, another on the forks of Wil liams creek, and one which covers 200 acres in Poker flat on' the Klamath. Dance. Lake Creek, Saturday night, Sept. 2nd. 139 County Prosecutor Rnwles' Sloore, who is enjoying his annual vacation was soon In Salem this week by local people returning home, indicating that he Is mixing liimlness with pleasure. Don't forget the old fashioned family baskot dinner at the O. A. R. camp grounds. Rogue River, Thursday. Sept. 7th. Bring well filled baskets. Always something doln'. Emif said. 141 St, J. Bagloy of tho dog and pony show, which has been here for some time, declares there are 110 bills against that organization. Sir. Baitlev Is staying horo nntil his sister gets won. '1 ho show is not for sale, and he Intends soon to go on the road with the show. , Dnnce Wed nlte, Jackson Hot Spring. 137 There will bo a community meeting tonight, one of the series under the direction or the Jackson County Farm Bureau, at Sams Vnlley where C. SI. McAllister from the I'nlou Stock Yards ot Portland will lecture. Tho Handicraft Shop has Just re ceived u new shipment of Columbia yarns in all the new colors nnd shadps. 1 , , 13$ Sirs. J. W. Harrison and daughter of the Gold Hill section who are visiting in the neighborhood of Seattle, areex pected to return to the Harrison ranch on Galls creel; about September 1st. Dance, Lake Creek, Saturday night, I Sept. 2nd. i:;9v I Mrs. A. E. Trowhridc-p lias lust re turned from a week's vacation In San Francisco, where she studied the styles for the fall and winter. Sam Kozer, secretary of state, says If you contemplate filing by party con vention or assembly for any political offices In Oregon you must do so be fore Sept. lith, or if you intend to ruce as an Independent, you must file a certificate ,of Individual elector before September 27th. Leland Cantrall of Applegate, arrived this morning to spend several days in Sledford. . Sirs. J. E. Weaver of Central Point, was an out of town visitor today. The visit of the California Trade ex cursion to Klamath Falls has been poBtiioned from September 23rd to October 21st, because of duties that keep the Californians In San Francisco. A petition for the rehearing of the case involving Richard SI. Hrumfleld, alleged slayer of Dennis Russell of Douglas county, Is being asked in the supreme court on the ground that the members of the supreme court appar ently did not grasp the argument set out In the appeal brief prepared by the attorneys of the defense. Guests of the Hotel Sledford Include Sir. and Sirs. I. O. Olson of Los An geles, F. A. Korman of Boston, W. W. Blanchard and family of San Pauler, Calif., Lewis II. Friedman, sales man ager for L. Sonneborn Sons Inc., or New York; Sirs. Fletcher D. Proctor or Proctor, Vermont; A. Burch of San Francisco, who owns an orchard in the valley and is staying here while the pears are being picked on his place; Peter Grant of Memphis, Tenn., who returned from Crater Lake; E. L. Mann of Salem, who owns large timber Inter ests in the Klamath country; Herbert D. Hewell. manager or the irrigation project at Klamath Falls; Sir. and Sirs. N. W. Blanchard Jr., Nathan Hlanch- ard. Dean Blanchard and Elliot Blanch ard of Santa Paula and J. W. Warner, also of Santa Paula; W. E. Curter and family of Norfolk, Va., who loft this afternoon for Crater Lake; Comman der nnd Sirs. W. N. Hughes of the Unit ed States navy. Sirs. C.'J. Semon, who has been seri ously ill the past four weeks at her home is out or danger now and Is fast recuperating. Sir. and Sirs. R. D. Semon who have been living in Butte Falls, spent the week end In town visiting Sir. Semon's parents, Sir. and Sirs. C. ,1. Semon. Sir. and Sirs. W. W. Wheeler and two daughters, Slary and Louise and Mrs. SInry Mathews or Los Angeles, returned Slonday from a trip to Crater Lake and Pelican Bay for three days. Clarence Boyle' and Mrs. Boyle, for merly Sllss Allison O'Brien of Sledford, and Sirs. Cora O'Brien or Santa Bar bara have driven up to spend a month In this city. ? Roy. E. P. Lawrence and Mrs. Law rence havo returned Ironi a two weeks and a hair vacation at Diamond Lake and a week at Klamath Falls. The regular services will be held at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, and the last or the union meetings will be held at the South Methodist church Sunday evening where Rev. Lawrence will officiate. W. O. yebster, local salesman of the Associated Oil company, left on a vacation the first of the week to he spent nt Seattle. A large number of boxing Tans or the valloy intend to attend the Frick Sleadows bout at the Sledrord Athletic club- smoker tomorrow night. Four preliminaries In addition to the rour round main event, will be on the card. Shrine Stated Session The Initial gathering after the summer va cation will be held nt Masonic hall, Ashland Friday evening, Sept. 1. Patrol members will please bring their suits for deposit with the caretakor; preliminary to arrange ments being made for the fall cere monial. '. ' F. J. NdWSIAN, Potentate. W. II. DAY, Recorder. 138 With Medford trade Is Sledford mndo. Handicraft Shop. , Hemstitching Plcotlng So per yard. Buttons covered. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Experienced packers, dependent Fruit Co. "Phone 228. LOST On Willow Springs road, n fancy riding bridle. C. C. Hoover. 138 FOR SALE Oil TRADE Dodge car. Cash, or trade for property. Pat's Cafe, 2S N. Front St. Phone 594. tf FOR SALE Choice peaches. Carmen now ready, Slulr and Elberta about Sept. 5th, 2Hc lb. Bring boxes. Chas. E. Gray, second place north Rockpolnt Bridge, Gold Hill, Ore. 139 FOR EXCHANGE Ewes nnd milk cows for stock cattle or Ford. Box O. 139 WANTED EXPERIENCED PACKERS AND BOXMAKERS Independent Fruit Co. Phone 226 MEDFORD SCHOOLS OPEN SEPT. 1 1tH The public schools of Medford will open on September 11th, the open ing having been postponed a week from the original Intention, as an nounced and published in this news paper some lime ugo. , Notwithstand ing, seme confusion has been caused among parents and pupils by a Port land newspaper recently erroniously publishing that the .Medford schools will open September IS. . Work preparatory to tho schools opening on September 11th keeps Superintendent Smith busy n'ght.and day, caused mostly by a number of teachers, who had been engaged, re signing for various reasons, ami the filling ot their places with compe tent 'educators. '.DurhiH the, couty fair, September 13th-lGth, It Is announced by Super intendent Smith that the schools will close part time for a couple of days in order to pf-rmit the public and teucht;r8 (c a'WMit! I ho fair. Latest Arrivals at Auto Camp Grounds One hundred and tight people stopped lit the i-ity auto camp hiHt night with thirty-four cars. The fol lowing van it's wore registered: .1. A. Grass of l'orulello, liln., on llie way south; ,T. Owons of linker, Mont., on route to l.os Angeles; " V. L. Loue tit Los An'h-H, en route honif: .lack Union of iilythi', Calif., on the way to Los Angeles; .1. t Dale of Portland, on the way south; ('. A. Zinton of California, en route home; .1. S. (ill ley of I'rosser, Wn., en route to Oak land, Calif.; Dull' Hates of lCllens liurg. Wn., en route to Oakland; H. McKesSell of Arhuekle, Calif., en route to Crater l.niie; It. W. Tainor of Napa, t'il.v, Calif., en route to Long Beach, Calif.: .1. X. Wire of Napn City, vn route to Lous Beach; :. T. .Moire'I 01" San iDeito. Calif., en route hume; Kr',: Witte of San lego, en mute hone-: Thomas llaimanl uf linllal". N. V.. en mot!- to San Diego; c. K. Chapman el' Vis-ilia, Calif., en route to I'oriland; L. M- -Monroe of Walla 'Walla, Wn., en route south; F. W. Robinson of Oakland, Calif., en route to Sledford; J. S. Humphrey of Los Angeles, who may Ktop here; Ouy .Mo'ore of Seattle, en route to Los An geles; Waller Hunt of Salem, en route home W. 1'. Day of San Francisco, en route home; 1.. M. Hansen of Port land, en route home; W. ' Single, of I'oitland en route homo; J. E. Glass of Kutuinvllle, Calif., en route home; E. H. Myatt of San Diego, en route home: .liilin Wilson of Grant, Nel.. on the way to Los Angeles; It. E. Dundy of Seattle en route to Los Angeles and H. .1. Humly of Seattle, on the way to Los AnKoles. Please remember that classified ads, locals and small ads are cash In ad vance. Bring in your ads and do not use telephone. tf DANCE TALENT, FRIDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER 1ST Under Auspices of TALENT ODD FELLOWS Lodge 211 . SNYDER'S BIG 7-PIECE ORCHESTRA Everybody InvitedGood Floor Good Music A Good Time "School Days" featuring WESLEY BARRY mm Now Playing Hi i I pirn - it S'-i-y lift!- ?: II' a f1 1 INDORSEMENT Ministers of the gospel, educational bodies, jurists, teachers and laymen are alike in their approval and unanimous in their indorsement of "School Days" as being one of the really great pictures produced during the past five years. Its appeal is universal and for all ages. GIVE YOURSELF A REAL TREAT t It's the I Talk of the 1 Town 1 I " A "l 1 f i Coming Sunday ' 'i- J I RUDOLPH ' VALENTINO ; rj ll GLORIA SWANSON BRING "YOUNG AMERICA" A DIME ANY TIME "BEYOND THE ROCKS"