Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 28, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Focal and
Lj Personal
Mr. ami Mrs Phil ISerheurt nr.d their
two ilaiiKlUi'is wh ri -ii lo lit HI North
Ivy stieot arc ' i'lmratulmini;
solves on tlH'ir liu'K. Simday ;Hi rm n
tlll'V lllMVl S.M1U" lllSliUlU' ll.'VOIl.l J. II l(-
s. nvilli' un.l iiarkoil I r oar pre.a:v
Jury l ealms a I'toni.- Imioli. Alter
siliiiiK on the 1--k -r ir s mio tin. o.. and
luivin:; finisliod liinoh Mr. lii-rlu-.u-t
arose and wont t his oar 6n the way
back to the lot; I'o saw a largo rattle
snako soliod beneath tho l.'K and oloso
to tho foot or hi family, tie Miutotiod
his shotgun fu.m tlio oar aud quickly
.lisat. he.1 ih
1110:0 than three .'pot In Icomh
Women i-etters wanted at Knlovan
ol tho Sil.lov faintly "I: 1'.
hon-r t Mis. Mary Sildoy's siith l.jrlli- dol,
iiav was hold al tho li'line of .Mr. and th:'
Mrs. Thood 'i-o Stovonson. .:'.S
Mr. and Mrs ('. M Knc.lish and
dauRluor M:s H. (.!, Hardwoll and
Hotty Hanlwoll. loft last nliiht for a
throo wooks trip l; Skacway and
Sitka, Alaska
Mrs. carl lnaiis oousm, .mis. 1 . t 1
Trimble of Now York, aud hor sister.
Mrs. Carl Hoots and youim s.m of
Hornhrook are miosis of .Mrs. Karl
Knapii of Ibis oily for a fow days.
Yesterday was Iho wannest day res-
... 1 ..: 1 ; 1.1.. .... 11 in'l...-...,,,,- ,1. ,1,1. iH ,,f
, , . the dam I! rants Pass Courier.
Andes for salo. Imnd lucked t.raven Maures, Mfe a ,,,a)a Medford
8,raik IW, -I lAutoToutfo. Phone 104. tf
Kl.,yd 1). 1onS of Urn Angeles, wl.,. r
,s In charge of he Rovernnient rest (llrlu,i Saunlv ., ViU..,tilin nt
T""1 . , , throe weeks spent at Woodruff Mead
ows near Cnlon Creek. Their (laugh-
1 tor Marion and Mrs, Van Sooyoe's pur-
1 enu, Mr. and Mrs. Kd Stceiie wore in
the parly.
Wheu belter automobiles are built.
I will bo t 10 h'Molreds "II I'.oi aii.Mi of s abic 3 infi'etion in Hlieopj K, (). McCoriniok, vice president of'
.:.iios to tho 1:1 noi.i! oonoinun ni'jiii Ja-ks:m aud ulhor counties of the the Southern Pacific, who baa been
Pnit.-stunt i:pisco.:il church dur-'vato. the state livestock sanitary ; spending the last few days at Crater
l-'ifth ing ibis week. Alt hoimb the convon-: board lias issued an order stating that and Diamond lakes will leave here tins
avenue, yesterday. Her four children. Hon does not open officially until Wed-iall bttok sheep In the state or Drogon evening Tor Ashland in his special car.
Mrs Kva McN'ary of Medford. Oregon, ni sday, September i". many persons j which have at any time during the year j John T. Duggan of Sams Valley was
..lis. Kl!a llockor. Virginia. Minn . Cora are everted within the next sis days.'o'f l!'-2 been with other sheep which seriously injured last week while, rid-j
Stevenson of Matiistoo and Kverott Prominent among these will be a ina-have developed scabies durinff l!IJ2'inK a fractious mare that took the bit
Sibley of liraud Lodge. Mich., also jortty of the members of the house of I must bo dipped twice in an officially I in her teeth and bolted. After having
three grandchildren. Duoena Stevenson ' ships. Possibly 110 out of the 1:!S be-japproved solution under the state or run a short distance the horse fell
Kiang.lino Mocker and Kva Sibley bulging to the house will arrive. Heads , federal supervision between Aug. 15th! pinning Duggan to the ground by the!
were present. She was the recipient of departments and other church of-, '.ml Nov. 15th and in any event before left leg. Duggan's small son Charlie!
of many and useful gifts. als: greet-1 finals are also coming early to make said bucks are allowed to mingle with who was' with him captured the marel
ings 'from numerous friends, and a final arrangements for the meetings of , ewe bands. jnnd accompanied his father to .the
beautiful homiuoi from the Order of their particular organizations. j Lime and cement. Medford Lumber , house where it was found that his lefti
the Kastoru Slur, Mrs. Sibley is a Tnn Valley School for liovs and C.irls ' Co. jwrist had been dislocated. Mr. Dug-;
pioneer resident of Manistee county, j wi ,,,.,,,. for its fifth year on Oct. 1 e wish to announce the re opening : was "fBlt to Medford where he
.Mining bore from New York state in 1 -.i. rv- at 1 10:5 West Tenth street ,,f r restaurant and lunch room that received proper meaicat attention ana
in charge of Miss M. II. Dunham, prin-' haa ,.en remodeled for the conveni-; ls revering rapidly. .
rieucu saiuu ice crvaiu at
Shasta. tf
Arcadia Farm melons at the Public
.Market Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat
urdays. Tons of the famous Sugar
llron vt-ntprmelons at thf farm. Also
r'"" u " 0""" """ -,- -oaiine -iari woo lor ... , Honev Dew. Hnierald Gem and Rocky
the fall of 1S3 Mauistee, Mich.. Ad
vocnte Mrs. MoNarv who lives at -l!7l.
Pido which measured j,,,,,!, l(lU). ilr, Medford for Manistee vail.
everal weeks ago. Sept.
luKnin. ii tires and tubes at Colonial j
1....- .-f...t
V.'.ior'tre; Ul) l.arage. " I.. K. Chrisman
v-......t ..w to .-.t.,..v..u ... . Kauituall 11. A.
Kor information address The once tf our patrons. We will serve:.
School. .Medford, Ore., before .home cooking under the direct man- agemont of A. P. Talent. We make the
(luests at the Hotel Holland include , best fancy pastries aud bread to be!
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. bad anywhere. 1 alent s. lSn' .
Swart and A. A. Al-
now being made. C. H. Wikoff report-i ight who loft for Crater Lake this , ear has been teaching in Pardale. Ford nutmeg musk, melons.
... ...u. ..,..,..11 ...c .....o 1 morning: .ic. anu .111s. u. 1. 11111 ami Oregon returned there today alter a
V. .I.uios who returned from Crater. summer vacation spent here with herllmber Wallace Woods, phone 108.
Lake yesterday: Mr. and Mrs. K. It. . mother, Mrs. Josephine Clark
Solimalling. all of Portland: Dan Wat- We carry duplicate sales slips with 1
j son of Medford: D. C. Craddoek, J..H, blank headings, for use in any line of;
I Manning and Louis K. Cloorge who are ! business. Call 75 for service. tf ;
j leaving for a tour to Coos Hay are; Cash paid for friction top cans, any j
I from San Francisco: It. It. Saniuelson size: must be clean. Hutchison &
f Chicago: W. J. McCroedy of Forest l.umsden. 139
.Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Ooodrich accom-
the northwest and who has been lining
up work on frost for the past two
weeks In Sinikano and Wonntchoe. 1
Washington, returned to the city last
nibt and will do more research work
morning. Others are bringing in pood
strings. One interesting fact Is that
'many of them are being caught in tho
' rapids above ltogue Itiver. that Is
above ImmIi the Anient and Savajte ltap-
ids dams, regarded by Medford sports
men us a barrier to the fish. Of 2-.
steelhead caught this season so far by
l.eorge ullioun.l. Ji nave been caught 1 drove: K. U. Kav and familv and bro-l
iner oi r.ugone. v,. r.. niixton 01 .Ai.ig
las. Ariz.. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Heald.
I.. H. II. Heald of Iais Angeles, Van P.
Payne of Seattle.
Hearing pear ana apple orchards
sacrificed at $100 acre and up., 1 acre
tracts and up. Easy terms. Near
Medford Highway. Oold liny Realty
Co. Phone 72S-R or 134-Y.
Carl How man and John Butler re
turned last night from a week's fishing
tour. They maue a complete circuit of
All kinds of rough and
1711 East Main street.
Handicraft Shop.
Sc per yard.
Buttons covered.
llulok will build them.
until Thursday on the frost situation !
in the valley for the coming winter.!
o. ..... ... ... ..... v. an (Hlt lf lown visitor in this citv on
ports on fn-st from the I . S. weather stt1Jniay
bureau will be st.tlon at Yakitua: ad Sasll and Jour9. MeatDra LumDer Co.
Spokane, ashington and in Naiia. I .
This office Is prepared to print
ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on tho
WANTED Teams and trucks, steady
employment. Valley Fuel Co, Phone
panied the Craters to Copco yesterday.
Milk and crer.m at DeVoe'e. tf
There's a busy Business College in
your home town. 147
W. F. Isaacs and Dr. R. D. Coe re
turned today from a week end sont
fishing at Bill Isaac's cabin on Ilogue
Fire Insurance. Brown & White.
We want to purchase a cash register
at once. What have you to. offer' tf FOR TRADE New
Mr. and .Mrs. George Roberts, Sir.
and Mrs. C. T. Xoe and G. H. Samuels'
WANTED Experienced presser on
Hoffman. City Cleaning & Dyeing
Co. tf
Elgin standard
gold watch for auto. 2u7 S. ivy St.
.,.rs. .Mir11.11, wup.iru 01 Asiiianu was ,K1.lma,i, co,lnty ,,, tie est aU(j re.; spent yesterday. at Applegate and re- j WANTED 100 women to work in
port some wonderful fishing at the , freshed themselves with blackberries. cannery. Ro'gue River alley Can
month of the Klamath river. Orders taken for men's and .young I nlng Co.
men's all wool, made to measure suits.
Allotments of $400,000 of federal
funds to states cooperating with the
government in protecting forest lands
from fire have just been completed by
bookkeeping machines. Don't give
,.'.,. 01.1,-13 10 nun .1.1.0 ..... . ...... , 1 , . 1.
;K . 1 . j .. . . , , , Hie forest service, 1 nited States do-
,.,...., ,.. ul .,.e,..,.. uu.. ,..., of nsl.iCHllllro, aeeonling to
us an.i we will call. tf nio,, , , ... ,7.....
J. C. Ihomi.son, assistant treasurer. , . , . . ...
.. ,., ' ' " ,, 1 land. The federal eK'iiditun in any
the California-Oiygon Power com- .,, , , ,.,,,,, , J . ..
lu- returned vesteniay alter an ex-l MiIllu30ta, MiohlKan. Vaine.
Kuce1, ,H,rll'U", a"d I Pennsylvania. Washington. ' New York
.usene. . anj i,,.,,,,, Wlre nw:.r.lod the maxi-
Hats cleaned and rebl.K-ked J .00 ,, llplirorintion of $LM.000 each.
mhis c ,..e.t ami pressou t.,o. ignt. lni,noKra,,u,c
repairing. Liberty Re-
'pair Shop, phone -'61-J. 1:15
1 F. U. Lewis, traveling, agent of the
James lloyd. clerk at the Hotel llol-l ' V .,. Y. . r"'
hu d was oper.te.f or. for ap,H.nd,citls for , ,,riof uusin(,s3 vi8 wit Mrt
Mvtnrday nljSlit and is reported doing . M,.nt,rv , T or,..
general freight and passenger nem at
mot hods, guaranteed service. Phone!
Apparel l'"reneh Dye Works, 624
North Riverside. 1:15
Prest-Ol.lte Battery Station for
prompt service phone 119. (f ,
Mrs. Pearl Kibbler of San Francisco,
enroute to Snlem, and .Miss Mildred
Miles also of San Francisco enroute to
Kugene Is expected tomorrow tu look
into the iar shipping siluatiou. . . ..
When In need ol shingles ancT roof-
! ins call Wallace Woods, 10S. 711 E. '
1 Main.
.....I,- 1,1. B.MM,. ...M..U.. l.lir. - .
A band of gypsies invaded the city:$10 and up. See the many new styles!
Friday and bothered local business: and over 200 samples, at Forsythe's.
men until many lost their temper and U 16 Mistletoe. Also dyeing,
had to toll them to got out. Some
were wise and refused to lot them in.
They are camped south of the city and
and pressing
FOR SALE One small air compres
sor, rip and slash saws with shafting
and tables, two log wagons. Bosme
Itiver Valley Canning Co. 137
Miss Thelma C.annaway is to take ! WANTED Experienced waitress: no
Miss Josephine Koppes' place in Dr.
are traveling in automobiles. This Is B. R. Elliott's office the first of the
others need apply.
Grants Pass.
Josephine Hotel
' 137
the second bunch in as many weeks.
(rants Pass Courier.
You enn get it at DcVoe'e. tf
from Diamond I-ake.
David Wilcox, nephew of Mr. and
Mrs. C. S Bntterfield. who is employed
month when Miss Koppes intends to
leave for Portland to later attend O.
A. C.
Safety first Insure with Redden &
Canaday. Phone 720. tf
Weston Miller of Trail was an out of
at Crater Lake, met with an accident 'town visitor today, and will be in Med-
Saturday and injured one of his big ford two or three days on business.
toes. He came 'down yesterday to re
ceive medical attention and exacts to
leave to resume his work at the lake
again Thursday.
Anyone who has a cash register for
sale please call this office 75. tf
Miss lsobel Burbidge has returned
to hor liosition in this office after a
twr, weeks "vacation spent at Prospect Phone 69,
and Crater Lake. Arthur Hess and party
Economy Groceteria
The Home of Bread Like Mother Made
All week demonstration of
Come in and try them
. . .
Special Free Offer
A can of Heinz Beans of
the size you buy with
each five cans purchased
at our regular low price
Buy here and bank the difference
New fall hnd. winter, hats arriving )
daily at Lottie,' Howard's. Xo. Central !
avenue. ji. ' ' 134
Mrs. A. T.' Sevier of Portland is the:
guest of her. daughter. Mrs. Margaret
Seyler of Berrydaje and. is here for an
indefinite visit.'..- T-
2 (jts. 1ce -cream, delivered, 90c.
motored to
,.-, .,..nrn , m a.ierm-.n an. u, Thf r afe , tnlvolin
he the guests of Mrs. F. Roy Davis Mr ,,acific , niK.ks g ;
the next few days. . I ,,., . ... ... ' . .,,.. .
M7 IM Fd Pierce.
;';,auti cams over Saturday and Sunday.
home tomorrow
Fire Insurance.
D,m McKee who left for San Fran- i8tmH) , ca, , . ' "
H-; ''U- mS.S .f'r C"" "r." 'T0U fig milk .hake
. S A. Collins has moved here from
Bmwn i White. v.v.-t,,,,, A-..1. . ....
x.-"T..l5r"l",,,r '" M Shop, a, 1ST North
i.i'v'. .1 ' I Riverside, opposite the Nat. He is an
T, " .-". .. ..""..,... (experienced painter and furniture
of Portland on their way to Orlr finiji,tr
lke and will then stop in Medford j KlXlak tf.
1 V- 1 J,,: Kl G- n-" '".Cleveland. Ohio, are guests of their son
1.. i. 11 V ; H- K- "odginan and wife. This
tsny of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Peter
C Grant and children and Mrs. Hil-
.lw..h ..f XI W;. T . , .. 1
Mr. 11 .1 :M, m,!s ,r"" ' """j i:"-.lrich tirea and tube, at Colonial
Mrs. H. H. Armstrong of New llvn. nara... .
...,u., .-,1. ... 1 V ... ... ! I
a at
For good insurance, yor. should go Grants Pass yesterday with friends,
to Goff & Yeo. office with Jackson Automobile Insurance. Brown &
County Abstract Co. White. tf
Bring "Young America" A Dime Any Time!
eAHr-Sf- sir?;-
IS i
their first trip to M,slford and the
coast and they are delighted with the
Waliher ami K.
lautols of i
I H. Neal. VVaUer He,,,, who are ,he Californiareson wVer cnnv ) to 1 'rate.' Ijike for a two' ,h ,,. . . . 1
.!ystay from A,u,e,i; K. K. Henry ! 1-" - re,,.
of the Oreson Asricultural cdlese; J.j vo,.r fcvut.v nm. v.,
K.Mcers of the New York Keitins .,,,., 'rw ..... .k ...
. 1101 iidu nil., au Li mum i.
jservicv tf
Mrs. Kohert Pmsser and daughter.
(Miss Grace Hurt, left this mornins for
their home in San Francisco after hav-
Grants Pass toninht.
System Service 10. writes Fire and
and PacKitu! onmi-wny of San yrancis-
.Mr and Mrs. A. P. Green and Mr.
and A. Vernon Green of the Marshall-Green
Paint coniiwnv of Ps-
1 1. 0 a I .M , .... I.,.. vt . , .. .
r.i..i .. 1 .. 7" , ,v in siwn several weeks here visitins
. ortiand and Mrs an lie lrs K j ronrvw
and !'hter ns who rx-turned. Klys. UN,rt .
estor,Uv fr,m t rater lke The dnll team of the M.viforvi l.xUe
We have a splendid barsain In KeNkahs will have charge Vf he
. """""O nwri,er at this offi.-e. ; inlIiaI,ln of Ih, vn; k, ?l?.tt IV. Calder. Mr. and Mr K. A
,., ,,.r. nnu .vjrs i noiiiss t srnov .,n ..,,...... .
..,.1 ohii,. r..,,,, ....... 1"". " c,ron compames
lrT 'x AUS' ",h m iver and piimpine nu w the
oAV.'','' M " X nnU:" "''!"! Vears. and who had 1 Jn on
... ...... ..... v-.-,,ii,t.v. 1, v Like ,.',,- at
.e.ameu u,iy aitor an envable trt: .i yaT
.:: rejvri.
Buy Medrd honxv Pit Ilk rent.)..
,o.a nay ueauy co.
Gladys Richmond wtx is eni-.-loyod
at the Californ:remMi Power p-m
('any 'en nt room-neon a taratron toi
be s.ent in IVnlatid I
p . i ,, . ... ' -J
a slv ias vacstion spent at Diamond!
ami Crater Ijtkes
the wntinuousiy since
Olh tasL resigned his tuition
uh the Crater 1-ake cvmii-.iev veitiei
.ir..i came down to the cmv
nitht. Mr. Henlein will make h:s hea-)-ifliiarteis
as usual at the Klks ci.ih
! in the oily He is as v
.xi as t., whether he :!! remain in
When In n..xl or sash and d.vrs.!
call Wallace Woods, Jt$ or Mt to!
.11 K Main strwt.
ord or locate In s.-.r.e other Pa
t city.
For Fire Insurance m Penoett, 155
tf Numbers
to r.cnicmber
Fire Department
(Fire calls only)
Anv Kind
McCurriy Insurance
i!edfoid XaH Rack
- Bid?.
' jW t Mam street.
1 :o i;i:nir,xs f:cM. cars of
h-' t-a s.v.ipr ! frv:v t!
v.s! o s far th; r i cars were
s;.vj (-4 A.-.;urir ard Si vestervUT
I !sv!'ir'a s the i-vnk div f t--.
, r-.f.v-e:-it d.fTeren: R-rrc. of Issv:
! -.-. H.-rafj -Tie Ii;raac Xaa.
I' Craw fori at'. Ja;'v re-
I t- irf-l S..iv.r.'.y ftvt.i aa -:;o tl
I I IW where xtt isitei SJr.
V"s 'r. father-.
!: R xvrr Tai Co. ar n,i B'fH
V-re :t.W Ciir tr;; r.V. Uj-
H C. F..1fT le"! l: r---.:-.
:-r,- Vicaa. Oi.::. aftrr .n .r .;ted
fT t'e in.-t ;w -;s Meifori
th Itr i:er. Vra .'. C C'ark.
4V"" "C rrAsn t.p i;s, s.
""r c- C-:. car?, arv nr Vast
cieat: w.:; H-;.'hjk--i k
i.rtr.j-TTf t,
Will lie at the
on the S twB for 5 I'jjs Kec inning Tv
"School Days
fv-r all kid from C Vrar , tn.
P. s. it W ill
1 Kc, I oanc
Ic.-. Hapf-it-r.
. I Sit-
-V ... j
We meet the demands of every one
of our customers. No matter how
delicate an article may be, we launv
der it right. The care exercised at,
this laundry in every detail of the
work eliminates all possibility of dis-
satisfaction. We guarantee cleanli-
Try Our "Wet
Men Wanted
for logging camp, saw mill, box factory
and lumber yard. Good wages, good ac
commodations. Write or Call
Fruit Growers Supply Co.
Hilt, Calif.
Car Rent Service
15 lb. Bundle . . 75c Central Point Taxi
American Laundry
21." S.- Riverside
Phone 87
at Central Point Feed Store.
With Medford trade is Medford made.
Quotation on Pnmpa and Rami for Ir
rigation. THOS. I. TEMPLE, Medford : '
4 U
0(; T.MOHT
i iovh r. ia; m.h:k -thi: lstkk
1IMV a; MAKV rC'K"VH'.l mi -MNti
Since l7t the .Southern Pacific "riONEEK LIXE OF OREUOX" lias
been a vital factor in the commercial ami at-ricnhural development of Oregon.
Iiivestments by So. Pac. in Oregon approximate 0,000.000
Expenditures by S'L Pas. in Ore?ou for new lines, betterments
and upkeep during: past 10 years total
.Nnnual Payrolls of So. Pac. in Oreeon exceed
Annual Purchases by So. Pac. in Oregon approximate.
Annual Taxes of So. Pac. in Oregon exceed
Lines owued and operated in Oregon exceed 1300 miles.
uMore than combined mileage of all others in OrewiO
Employees in Oregon approximate 6,000 persons
Sole Support in Oregon of approximately 25,000 persons.
Expends 25f. Gross Earnings in Oregon for upkeep of its Road .
Provides Dependable Service at Convenient Hours
Comfort Speed Safety
Steam and Electric Heated Steel Cars
Paizvuie Soliu m Pacific Lines. l!y yo doing you will strengthen these
:r.vs acd encourage th,m to further develop Oregon.
Uencral Tasscnser Agent