:t rRT)FOT?T) MATL TRTBUNE. MEDFOTtT), OTil-XiOX. FRIDAY. AHJrsT 1022 FACii: SEVEN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anus I HAVE INVITED. OOOCE. VOOR BROThfo YE'b - WAKe HIM UP-DINTX- t, WAVST mm FINOM TO DINNER AND . tA(b HE KNOWS -Tlir If ir i LJCT UAC . -r- - . . LtJ ed - Phone. TO TELL HIM HE. WON'T IJbE HOME ETARUY ifn IS ME. WON'T r r i TILOEN-RiCHARDS WIN FROM THE JOHNSONS BOSTON, Aug. 25. William Tilden, II., and Vincent Richards, playing thru champions, advanced to final round defense of the national doubles cham pionship today by defeating W. M. Johnston and Wallace F. Johnson. Their success was in straight sets but each was a fighting session that went to deuce one or more times. The scores were 8-6, 10-8, 7-o. .... r N. Y. Stocks ', NEW YORK, Aug. 25.-IncreasGd .public buying imparted a, strong tone ito the early dealing on the stock ex change today. Public utilities were In good demand and there were in dications of a reduced flonting sup ply of thoBe stocks. Heavy specula tive selling, accompanied by - week end profit taking in the final deal ings, caused general reactions of 1 to 3 points. Sales approximated 900,000 shares. American ,Boet Sugar At. American Cnn1 60.8 American Car. & Foundry ..... 185. .American Hide & Leather pfd! 74.5 American International, Corp. 34 American Locomotive 119. American Smelting & Itcf'g. . . 64.2 American Sugar 133.1 American Sumatra Tobacco . . 87.6 American T. & T . ...'.121.7 American Tobacco 151.2 American Woolen ........... S3. 7 Anaconda Copper 55.6 Atchison 103.1 Bethlehem Steel "B" . .". 78.2 Chicago.. R. I. & Fac. 44.7 Corn Products 117.7 ,Crucble Steel 95. famous Players-Lasky 92. General Asphalt 67. General Electric . 184. Ccnoral Motors 18.3 Goodrich Co. 34. Great Northern, pfd. ........ 93.7 Illinois Central..., 1,11.5 Inspiration Copper ............ 41.7 International. Harvester ...... 110.6 Kennecott Copper - 37. Louisville & Nashville 137.7 Mexican Petroleum 182.6 Mtdvale Steel 35.3 Northern Pacific 88.2 Pacific Oil 57. Pan American Petroleum .... "9.9 Pennsylvania -. ...... 46.6 People's Gas 91.1 Pure Oil 33. Hop. Iron & Steel 74. Royal Dutch. N. Y 64. Sears Roebuck 90. Sinclair Con. Oil 32.7 Sauthern Pacific, 94. Standard Oil of N. J. ........ 180.. Studebakcr Corporation ..... 128.6 Union Pacific ,;. ISO. 3 United Retail Stores ......... 75.2 United States Rubber 66.3 Unitod States Steel - 104. Utah Copper . ; . .. 68. Westlnghouse Electric . : i . . . . 63.8 Willy's Overland 6.8 Wire Report On Foreign Money LONDON, Aug. 25. (By Associated Press). The German mark slumped early In today's dealings on the. Lon don exchange market, being quoted at more than 10,000 to .the pound sterling. There was a drop during the after noon. At three o'clock the mark was quoted at 8500 to the pound sterling. MarketNews t ' Livestock ' PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 25. Cat tle steady; receipts 25. Prices un changed. Hogs nominally steady; ' no re ceipts; prices unchanged; .- ; Sheep steady; receipts 54; prices unchanged. - - .' , ; ' '' ICggs and Butter . . ' PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 25. Eggs PERI, FCXERAIi HOME ti. j-. n, U At Tour Service ! or ITIgtit Information Cordially Given - dor. flth and Oakdale -few- steady. Prices unchanged, steady; prices unchanged. Butter 'Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. Wheat: Hard white $1.09 white, western white' $1.10, winter, northern Bpring $1.07; 25. soft halrd west- em red $1.04. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat 53; flour 2; corn 1; oats 2; hay 9.' San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 25. (U. S. Bureau ot Markets). Eggs,- extras 40c; extnt firsts 39c; extra pullets 31c; undersized pullets 18V&C SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 23. (State Division of Markets). Poultry un changed. Bids for Wood for 1923 .School District No. 49, Medford, Oregon, will receive bids for 400 cords of wood, same to be sound body fir, and to be delivered and measured on the school grounds, delivery to be made Dot later than August 1st, 1923 ; all wood must be cut from live trees, each stick to be four feet long, and not less than six inches or , more than twelve inches In diameter, yood to be so piled that "it can easily be mea sured on the grounds and all measure ments to be satisfactory to both par ties and in accordance with the Law on weignts a Measures. . . Bids must be In the hands of Miss Riith Manning, Clerk of District wo, 49, Medford, Oregon, not later than September 5th, 1922. 134 Notice of Appointment of . Administratrix In the County Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of ' Jackson. In the matter of the Estate of nay V. Crum, deceased, v The undersigned, the duly appointed, qualified and acting administratrix of the estate of Ray V. Crum, deceased, hereby gives notice to the creditors of, and to all .persons having claims against the said deceased, to present themi duly verified as required by law within six months after the first publi cation of this notice, at the office of F. J. Newman in the Palm Block In the city of Medford, Oregon, and all per sons owing said deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the said F. J. Newman, attorney for the admin istratrix, at his said office in Medford, Oregon. The date of the first publication of this notice is August 11th, 1922i Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 11th day of August, A. D. 1922. MARY CRUM, .. . Administratrix of the Estate of Ray V. Crum, Deceased. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Miners, gardeners, sawmill men, loggers and wood cutters on . shares-. Gold Ray Roalty Co. tf WANTED Man to irrigate. Phone Mlravist 597-J-3. . tf WANTED Air and water boy, 16 years old or older. Jones & Kirk- pa trick Service Station. WANTED Experienced packing house foreman. Apply Mr. Rowland, 91o W. Tenth St., evenings. ,- 133 WANTED Plumber and steamfitter. Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. . WANTED Laborers. Apply Califor nia-Oregon Power Co. .. I tf HELP WANTED Sfnlo and Female WANTED Pickers and sorters., team ster; also man and team., jfhone Miravista 697-J-3. . . tf WANTED Hop pickers at the M. Ranzau hop yard, six miles west of Grants Pass. Picking begins Sept. 1st. Address M. Ranzan, Route 2, Box 59, Grants Pass, Ore.- ; .146 WANTED Men and women to pick pears, long Job. Bear Creek Orchards i 133 WANTED Pear pickers. 408-R-1.-131 WANTED Pear pickers. Call even ingB. Phone 408-R-3. ' - tf WANTED Hop picketrs beginning Sept. 1st. Fine crop, excellent camp sites, good water. River Banks Farm, Grants Pass, Ore. 134 WONDERFUL BUY Moving to California Will Sacrifice Story and Half Dwelling Lot 50x147 Inquire 129 No. Oakdale Ave. . TELL. HIM THE JUOE WILL. p t ee here. - J r ALL I oo1 W n i ir how t wait "! . ' - - ; . : WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED To do your -window clean ing, floor waxing, housecleaning, Jan itor work; experienced, prices right. A. M. Rhoads. Phone 705-W. 134 WANTED Dressmaking. Mrs. May Whipple. Phone 826-L. .133 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Maid for general house work. , Call 567-J-2. 136 WANTED Experienced women pack ers. Apply Oregon Growers. tf WANTfcD HlSCmjLANEOTJS WANTED $700 at 8 per cent on 160 acres in Jackson county. Phone 821-X. . tf WANTED Again buying wool. Bring In what you have, good prices. Phone 292-J. J. J. OBenbrugge. 136 WANTED Well furnished, heated apartment with bath, close In, family of one. Phone 542 during day. 133 WANTED To rent furnished liouse with furnace. F. C. Preston, Jack sonville. Phone 38-F-6. 135 WANTED At once by family of four, no small children, furnished houBe of five or more rooms, must be three bedrooms i of two bedrooms and sleeping porch; must also have gar age. Family Just arrived from the mlddlewest to make Medford their home and will guarantee first-class care of property, having lived In their own home. Address S. S. Smith or phone 886-X. . ' 127 WANTED Will buy, sell or trade automobiles. . Gold Ray Realty Co., telephone 728-R. tf WANTED Good second-hand register. ' Phone 75. . cash tf WANTED Hons moral and re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf FOR RENT -FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, bath; men. 245 N. Grape. -134 FOR RENTr Nice sleeping room with bath privileges. 325 S. -Riverside. Phone 701-J. ... tf FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, men only, $2.00 per week. 445 S. Front. 134 FOR RENT Cool furnisnea rooms, close in. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. ' , tf FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT FurMBtieot apartment in Mail Tribune building, hot and cold water, electricity, gas stove, $30 month. - tf FOR RENT Cool furnished apart ment. Children welcome. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf FOR SALE-ACTOMOnrLKS ' FOR SALE 1919 Maxwell cheap,. See car at 517 N. Holly. 135 FOR SALE Cheap, a Fisher all alum inum sport body with windshield and two tops, a sport top and a weather - top. This body is listed at $1000. Hittsbn Motor Co. 135 FOR SALE-1917 Overland car in good condition. Phone 690-R after 6 p. ni. :. - .. 137 FOR SALE-1917 Overland touring car cheap; good mechanical condition. ' Phone 590-R after 6 p. m. 135 FOR SALE OR TRADE Dodge car. Cash, or trade for property. - Pat's Cafe, 28 N. Frout St. Phone 694. 134 FOR SALE Cole 7-passenger, Buick ' 1922, and Dodge -automobiles, - or would trade for other cars or pro ' perty. . Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. ' -'.. i.'i... .'. . tf FOR. SALE Ford truck, worm drive, Timkin bearings, good tires, model j 1919; in first class running order, complete with stake rak for fruit hauling. Price $400. Room 4 College bldg., Medford Oregop. tf AUTOMOBILE GOOD BUYS Extra good 1919 Chev rolet Touring," with con siderable extra equip ment.' - ' ; Price $335.00'' Oakland Light Six Tour ing car, run only 12,000 miles. An economical light l'ooniv can '.' I . Price $475.00 COLONIAL OARAGE Adjoins Hotel Medford FOR RENT HorSEKKEKTNa ROOMS FOR RENT Modern housekeeping rooms on ground floor. 345 N. llart lott. . FOR RENT Cool, furnished house keeping rooms, near business. Chil dren welcome. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 7S8-R. tf FOR RENT ROUSES FOR RENT Modern fdir room fiir- nished house with sleeping porch; also piano, $20. 1112 Niantic St. 137 FOR RENT Furnlsheo n-room house Medford business center, suitable for boarding and rooming house, millinery, dressmaking, real estate office, or any business. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. . . , FOR RENT Houses. Brown & White. tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT One very desirable office suite, one single office. Inquire 41b Medford Itldg. Come in where it is warm for winter.- 133 FOR RENT Garage, $3.00 per month 325 So. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT Garage, cor. Peach and Second St. tf MONEY TO 1X1AN TO LOAN State school money on im proved ranch security. O. C. Boggs. TO LOAN We have money to loan on improved city property. McCurdy Insurance Agency. ,. FARM MORTGAGES Medford Farm Loan Association. F. P. Farrell, Secy.-Treas., 220 W. Main St FOR S ALR-1 JVES TOCK FOR 'SALE About 800 head ot high grade Angora goa'.s. For particulars address Charley E'dler or J. G. Mc Callister, Lake Greek, Ore. 134 FOR SALE One team of four-year-old colts, well broke and gentle; might consider young mare as part pay ment. E. E. Reames, Central Point. ' 135 FOR SALE 600 turkeys. W. H. Pen- inger, 2'4 miles north of Central Point on highway. 133 FOR SALE Work horse, 1260 lbs.; also saddle horse. Phone 601-11-1. -; 165 FOR SALE A few beautiful fresh milk cows. Walsh place, one mile NE of Medford on Crater Lake High way. 154 FOR' SALE OR RENT-rTeam mules, wagon, fruit rack with springs. Theo. J. Fish, Phone 324. 133 PUBLIC SALE OF HORSES 35 head will be sold at private or auction on Saturday, Aug. 26, at the stock yards at Medford. Sale begins at 9 a. m. Terms announced at sale. S. T. Howard. ' 136 FOR SALE Some choice Shorthorn bulls; also females, at a bargain it sold at once. Address C. O. Garrett. 133 FOR SALE! One mare, two milk cows. two heifers, freshen soon. Some White Leghorn hens and pullets, Tancred strain. Simplex, silo, some farm machinery and tools. Mary Crum. Phone 697-R-l. 134 $ TALKS $ The Best Used Cars in Town ; I - J ... 1921 FORD TOURING 1920 FORD TOURING 1917 FORD TOURING 1918 MAXWELL .. ' 1919 CHEV. RUNABOUT BOX. ON BACK , , ... 1918 CHEV. TOURING TORD BUGS LOOK - THESE CARS OVER BEFORE BUYING. THE PRICE ' WILL SURPRISE YOU' C.E. GATES AUTO CO. BUSINESS CWTOBTCNITIES FOR SALE A good paying business in Medford. Owing to. being called past will sell my ice cream business, liorsos, wagons and harness. Partic ulars given on application. Phone 810 evenings, or cull 510 N. River side after 7. 133 i. COD ." oiNESS ROOM suitable for nn.v ouslii'jFS, with furnished living rooms above, Medford buslnoss cen ter, an opportunity seldom offered. Gold Rn Realty Co. Phoue 728-R Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! FOR EXCHANGE WILL TRADE Irrigated farm with modern improvements for city pro perty. M. U. Andrews, Medford Col lege Bldg. tf for sale: no.MKs FOR SALE Six room houso, furnish ed or unfurnished, cheap. . Terms. 438 S. Fir. 138 FOR SALE Modern six room house on paved street, cIoho In, cneap. Terms. 023 S. Central. 135 FOR SALE Five room plastered houso and four lots. A bargain. Reasonable terms. Close in. Also four rjom house witli Vi acre ground; take a good second hand Ford car in on this.-' JAMES BOWLING, 20 S. Peach St. Phone 353-J. 134 FOR SALE Cozy five room modern home, close in. Inquire 243 N. Ivy. 133 FOR SALE 6 room plastered house, sleeping porch, bath, laundry trays, linoleum, garage, $1800, on terms to suit. Phone 964-X. . 134 FOR SALE Four room modern house, lnrgo sleeping - porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, nice lawn, flowers, nicely furnished, electric rnnge, Glee washer. - Bargain if taken at once. 219 Haven St. 134 FOR SALE REAL F.STATE FOR SALE Acreage on paved high- way splendid soil. Five acres, 10 acres, 15 acres, 20 acres, and the price is right O. A. Manning, Talent, Oregon. FOR SALE On tho highway, about one acre of land, good house, electric lights, all In garden, some berries. Price $1600. O. A. Manning, Talont, Oregon. 1 10 ACRES CLOSE IN Houso, bam, tank houso, woodshed, chicken house, etc., woven wire fence; good soli, all cultivated, all Irrigated, and the price is $1250, $260 down, bal ance $25 per month at 6 per cent. O. A. Manning, Talont, Oregon.- FOR SALI3 Cozy five room modern home, close in. Inquire 243 N. ivy. ' L. "t . - - y 133 FOR SALE OR TRADE l)y owner, 400 aero Btock and grain ranch. Box R, ' ' 135 FOR SALE Ranch of 8V4 acres, five room modern bungalow, turn !nhod or unfiirnished, good barn and other buildings, two cows, two horses, chickens and farm tools. On paved highway 4 miles north of Medford. Terms. " 134 FOR SALE Bouses ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. Butterfield, Medford National Bank Itldg., Phone 389. ' ....-,.. ...... fOOOOOOOOOOOOC iCOOO USED CAR BARGAINS Fdrd Bug-, 1 special. ' Very fast.' Atwater-Kent ignition, storage battery, cord tires. A snarj at ' , ?275.00 Ford Touring at $160.00 Ford f ouring at , $250.00 Ford Truck,- big' bed, jit3t right for fruit or wood. r , They all bpught Overlands. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. MA IV AT RIVERSIDE OOOOOOQ .-vj5 iir . 1 jj . Copy,ial,r im by Int'l Fc.lur. Servic. Ic 8 2-5" FOR SALK REAL ESTATE KOIt SALE And horr's another! U acres all ready tj pliw, 1 miles from town, good s-ll. all irrigated, lays nice. Price $'i'iO c: sh. O. A. . Manning, Talent, Oregon. FOR SALE llS('i:i,:..-.XK) s FOR SALE Windioatcr rl'io, 30 cali ber. 1'nlinor I'iuno Hnusu. 135 FOR SALi: Seven weeks old ducks; nlso mco young chickens. 534 S. Fir. 133 FOR "SALE Third cutting alfalfa. 28-R1. 138 FOR SALE Early Crawford peaches. 'hone DI 0 J l after 6 p. in. 138 .1. J. Mnnko, ad'oinlng Clancy orchard east oi jacits Qiine. iiui FOR SALE Peaches. .My peaches will. be ripe abmit. Sent. 10th, and thei price will be riRht. R. R. Ouches. uruuu i-ruuic, ruone hji-l.. lat r OK SALE The big plums at tho Nealon Ranch are rfno 2U cents on the trees. Phone Central Point llxvl.' 133 FOR SALE Singer automatic sowlns machine, almost niw, at a bargain. Singer Sewing Machlno Co., 10 S. Fir St. II. O. Parkhurst, Mgr. tf FOR SALE Four acres Burtletts f r canning. Phono 61 l-J-5. 133 FOR SALE Sweet enrn, Cowglll Ranch. 1 5c n d 'Ken. 134" FOR SALE Transportation for two to Kansas City. Address Box 100, care Mail Tribune. ' tf " . . Tr. 1 T?. r, " FOR SALE Tomatoes and Hra.Ish iw -Plums. Phone 462-W. 131 FOR SALE Strawberrlos. come and Vk'k them, 8c a cup. Close to city limits on Pacific highway north.' . Carloy's. Phone 452-L. I'M FOR SALr3 Send In your orders for grapes now. J. A. Manke, Ron to 1, Medford. East of Clancy orchard. 13l! FOR SALE Root beer barrel which dispenses rpot beer, still water or soda water. . Less than half cost. DeVoo's. i tf FOR SALE Dry hard chunk and stove wood. I). F. Van Dyke, Phone 403-V. 133 FOR SALE Strawberries $1.25 per crnto. Come and pick them, good picking, high grade berries. Bring your cups and crates. Tel. 452-R, C. II. Howell. Full SALE Canning peaches. Web--stsr Orchard Co. Phone 671-J-5. 149 FOR SALE Two good heavy screen doom, one 41x83 Inches, $2.60; one 40x8(1 Inches, $3.60. Soe thorn at Mall Tribune office. tf LOST LOST Culllo puppy. Reward if re turned to 301 S. King. Phone 781-J. .134 IIU.SI.VKH8 directory Abstract or MURRAY -BROS. , &: VAN VORIS Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 6, ; Not 22 North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County AB8TRACT CO. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and k Tl"e Insurance. Architect FRANK C. CLARK 219 W. Main St. Phone 841-J. Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. -..: ' PORTER J. NEFF Attorney-at-Law, rooms 8 and 9, Medford Na tional Bank Building. A. B. REAMES Lawyer, office in Liberty Building. E. B. KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of law. Office with Porter J. iNnff. Medford Nat'l uank Bldg Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK . A BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all - kinds of cement building products. fvr. Kir unrt Tnntn VreMs ; 1 Auditing f Accounting XVSTEMERVICE(0j i0 lreurajcc Investments ' ' V. V, (MOTJUTT 2nd Moot - Medford Uldg BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427-28 .if udford Bldg. Phone 965. tf DR. XT" R. . 11 E DG ES Neo-Eclectio lMiyslctnn. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me chuno Therapy, Spondylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: Stewa-t llhlg., 235 E. Main St. - Phones: Otfice, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DR. e! W. HO FFM AN Chiropractic Physician. Office hrs. 9 to 12, 2 to 5. Suite 203-04-05-06 Liberty Cullding. Convalescent Home vf Lr,oe. i riuMK,-yuoa e neer Good care. Good food. Terms reasonable 153 Granite St. Phone (li lt. Ashland., . , . . Expert Accountant 1 I WILSON AUDITING CO. Ea M. Wit- i son, C. P. A. Attention given to any thing in accounting and income Tax requirements. Look into our simpli fied accounting method,. Liberty flldi?. Bradford. Phone 157-R. Farm Loans FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW 6V4 Applications should be on file by S:it. 'st for September appraisal, i') II. Hard, Secy-Treas., 402 Medford U'dS. Monti menfs THIS OREGON GRANITE CO. Monu. inonts. E. A. Hicks, general manager. p- M. Kershaw, sales manager,-103 E SixUl gt Medfor(1. tf . -, Osteopaths DR. K. G. CARLOW,' DR. EVA MAIN3 CAI1LOW Osteopathic Physicians, 410 418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-2 Rostdonce 26 S. Laurel St. DR. W. W." HOWARD Osteopathic Physician, , Special attention given ' to eye, ear, nose and throat. 309 1 ilierty Building. Phone 496. - Physicians and Surgeons tTTThoTneT Mm. Physician" and Surgeon. -Specialty, Eyo, Ear, Nose and Throat, Glasses scientifically fitted and properly adjusted. Office 314-315 Liberty Bldg., cor. Grape and Main Sts. . DR. J. J. EMMENS PhyBlcian an Sttrgmm. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes scien tifically tcsted and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for S. P. R, R. Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 567. . DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee? St. Phone 105-J-2. DR.-, A, DURSELL Physician and Hurgoon. 312 to 814 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. DR. LINCOLN KALLEN X-Ray spec ialist. Medical and Dental. X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment. Offico hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2-5 p.m. Telephone: Office, 61; residence, 61-J-2. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher ot Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. - . - , SADIE E. LACY Piano instructor. Special work for children, studio 301 Liberty Bldg. Phone 167-J. 88 Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the best equipped printing office in . Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS , makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs.. Phone BIO-M. ,706 Pine St.; Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front St Phono 815. Prices right. Services guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved day , or night. Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dences 647-R or 206. tf Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full Una ' of materials. . Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 101. - Jacksonville, Ore. - n setrtM . runt il V9W9999W9999999999WN