n MEDFORD MATL TRTBH XE, MEDFOttD. 01'K(iON., FlilPAY. AUtil'T ? 1"-- PAOE SIX of Interest From the Rogue River Valleyi It ems RISK! SUBJECT OF TALK IE ri'.ir.-.n KOGUE RIVER, Aug. Zi.Al the regular meeting of the Kogue River Community club last Monday evening, F. S. Hramwell, a prominent business man of Grants Pass, gave a moat inter esting ami instructive talk on ' risk takers." Many of those present were taff rtf ihe fianta Clara c-.un-' North Talent, Urn. John Rice of IM-h hoKpual at Hum Joj-c. Calif, and who 'and other friends in Phoenix and vkiii has been suen'imi; tile la.-il two months ity. at the hme of her parents, Mr. and; (irandrna Holdridge has been quite I Mrs. James Martin of this city, left for! sick at her home near Talent. Her Medford last Wednesday, where she daughter, Mrs. Delwin Hurley is with will resume her professional duties. , her. Mrs. Morri3 of Rock Point, came up to Talent last Sunday to visit her i sister. Mrs. Jay Teriill. i frank Holdridge and family and E. V. Reed and .Mr. and Mrs. Wood of ! Medford, all went out to Diamond t rr- .... . RIVER; EDEN PRECINCT i I I SALVATION ARMY STARTS DRIVE FOR $1000 IN ASHLAND . i 'from a California trip, on w-ttcn he .started several days as J by the way of Crescent City. j i he Lakeview rodeo is scheduled for !Sepu 2-4. and will be a thins of the 'past long before the big county fair at Medford. Sept. 13-16 inclusive. The Class A garage has a new part ner in the person of Engineer Harring- lens I.r,-s--nt. t-.. to i-.iul a r-rtr.i-::! :ir.d uin-, td by all Mr i T. Irwin of our rity. w no i- empioyed at the Tomlin Uox Co.. in Medford had the misfortune to meet . with a serious accident by being hit : with a piece Vf lumber. He was at i once cared for at the Sacred Heart, i and is now much improved. ton. formerly of the Southern Pacific. ; Marion Pienlng reaciieu noun tw.. h.9,inN wiul in iThursdir nicht. having bee n sum- Hotel Ashland block. Henry Galey has returned from an extended trip throughout California. tr nnH Mm Unhurt riitrh and ASHLAND. Aug. 2a. One thousand extending as far south as Los Angeles. The many friends of Mrs. Clyde, of: h, TffliPn and W P. Hnrlev of dollar, u tha lne.-.i n.Kita needed in i where relatives reside. Incident to .Ashland will be pleased to learn that j East Ashland wen, over to the Jose- ;liebalf of ,he solvation Armv drive"'53 tol,r ne visitwl several quarries she is again in her own home, after a ine Cave one k 0lUntr a nt .ment which is , " " "tte. comparing their products 'Home at Ashland Mrs. I rader is;rame ovtr ,ast TmlrsI,ay to 6tay at the.,ho nn,, .v, ,.,, tavnrim. , Ashland corporation. Irui.lnV hnnan for lpa I'luda . ... . " ' " - - (janiea Allen home for a few onihimpfl with n determination to t;i t ...! uv ;, otir,r...uJt i,r t ' ... . - ------ ( i. j u.i. a VI r- nml lpa I- lT,mna f f'ntitr'.l ....... . i weeks j project. The Jackson county quota is $:i5u0. The fieM here is being per- set forth for the development of the ,, KMm,, nicely under DrJ " , .i"' r d M.(re, dtial dlrtrlcu .ystematlcally vlj rrfcitltural nossibilities of the com-' ,,.tr,. ,,.... ..... "lll am "!. .c,rtljnd' ho have ,,f'.en Ited by about half a dozen workers. ... iiw.uu amnn wnom are r.nvov craves iromi Portland: Mrs. Anderson. Eugene; I. Medford, visited munity and for the prosperity of its Mr!) ciara it,.am property holders. Inless there is.at t,e 10In, concerted effort on the l.art or tne cm-1 Thursday. Mrs. Ream had zens of a tow:, or community, said Mr. turn0(j from a trn to Grants Pass. Hramwell. 'success cannot be real-j Mrs. Jim Pellett has been quite sick ized." I anil Mrs. lludgeon has been nursing , P.ev. Howard, pastor of the Presby-j lier- At tng wrting Mrs. Pellett is ierlan church of Jacksonville, Ore., igotnewhat better. Tisited friends in this city on i uosuay jhbs n.,e a cousin of J. K. fish of JACKSONVILLE in visir Willi r nnr! r. h vna n . . .i t'. i . , . T. t, u . ... tf tra lnhn Cum l-.ut " ....... . ruriiuiiiii .u.t. rtuuviviu, t-uficuc, a. i .ir. unu . rs. U. . mHUdn ' .. " joined a number of other friends in aiv Rpdnrfer. Rosebure: Lietits. Yates turned home Tuesday from a month's JllSt re- ,,:cn. fl. Aohlnn.l itarlr laut S.tHirHnv i .i i ... t. . r...... 1, 1 vurw.rin ut.dni u-ir'.f ih.lr ,l'in,'htr , , . ami orillUlti. U1UULH vuui. i.iiessi n..... '- n Mrs. Ernest Jaeobson of Rogue,of Medford. It has been proposed toi-Mr- aml -Mrs- c- Howey and famiiy River. 8nt several days with herie8tabil8h an auxiliarv of the army In' Olympia Wasn., and brothers Kd aunt. Mrs. Wti. Hieh of Talent lasti t,i,i ...in .io,i .. ard and Isaac Baeshuw of Wash- week. Mr. Jaeobson is working on thelcumstances, the success of the present dance pavilion at the Hot Springs. iarive oeing a factor in determining the of last week, upon his return I North Talent. Ytalte at their army most success.ui.y .i.t i .Q tipii . .... ... OUiir lrmf near pnoenix, is out to ' affords Dhasea of both moral and sulrit- the Lake of the Woods with A. U. j uat assistance in behalf of many where r ii'ii i i vmi eiiuiw ia.il iu niuuuu, nunc ji viimnt 2i h.? ,n, h "f J- M- Rader 8""1 hia wheat to the material aid is proverbial the world II. ?. t fVuwlt!, "!P""enix Mercantile company and had over, not either grudgingly or" waste- . ....... . . v. . ..... .jvu, uu,.,,... I n UBM. !!(!. U...LT fr.m Ihfi t 1 mc, h ranch on the Pacific highway last Sun-jer Oakland, Oregon, where he occupied , Ia8t sun,iay. the pulpit of the Prestiytenan cnurcn toa(.n tnjB Wintflr. the Sunday prevkius. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield I-aws and I their four children left for Newport on Thursday of last week, where they ex jiect to upend at least two weeks. On Friday of this week the Women's Civic Improvement club of Rogue River will have a picnic dinner In the park, at which tho husbands and fam ilies of the members are Invited to be present. i On Thursday evening of last week a crowd of young people of the communi ty enjoyed a wienie- roast at tho Sav age Rapids dam, given In honor of Miss Kileen Murray of .Merrill, Oregon, who has been a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hatch for tho past few days. 1 : Mrs. W. 8. Cory anil her mother, Mrs. Aldrlch, who have been visltjng relatives In the northern part of the state for the past few weeks, returned to their home In this city on Tuesday pf last week. . Rev. William Lee Gray, pastor of the Hope Community church of this city, is now In Portland making arrange ments for the transportation of his family to Rogue River. They expect to arrive Friday afternoon of this week. ' - ; Mrs. Clay Charley and her two sons of Ijiko Creek, Ore., accompanied by Miss Lavern Drown of the same place and MIbs Kthel Freeman of Ashland, Tislted Mr. and Mrs. James Mnrtln and family of this city on Saturday last. Mrs. Elizabeth Fowler, who has been in Corvallls for tho past year, and who has been attending the summer school session at the O. A. C, Is at present visiting friends in .this city. Miss Julia Martin, who, for the past two years has been connected with the WILLOW SPRINGS STARTS HARVEST OF TO! moiled from nenti uy vorf. ";. i the accident of his .'ranilfather. Mr. and Mis. Cliff Ilunningrton of t'pper Applegate were business visit ors in our vity Wednesdav. nnil Mrs. Himh Johnson of Iow.-i spent se--al days ill our city at helped to ripen the immense crop of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roe en tomatoes in Jhe Willow Springs vicin route, to their home havinc spent jty The tomatoes are large and of several months ,in a. nuniner ol Rplendid quality. The Field brothers WILLOW SPRINGS, Aug. 24. The warm weather of the past few dayB has states since lt-nring Iowa. day. ho Kden Precinct corresiKindent wishes to state that she had been mis informed ns to there being no Induce ments to exhibit flowers nnd fancy work at the coming county fair. Elton Eieeson, one of the fair management, Informed her that both would be on the premium list. Mrs. G. W. Lnthrup nee Grace Steph ens of near Cottage Grove, came up to Phoenix to attend the burial of her father. Rev. A. J. Stephens. Mrs. Lath rop returned the same duy to her home. Mrs. Angell, nnd daughter. Miss Mary, were calling on friends along the highway south of Phoenix Thurs day morning. They were looking at tho poultry flocks among the different owners on the way up. Mrs. Fred Happ and her two little sons were in Medford Tuesday on a shopping expedition from Talent. The threshers were at tho Rrtpp ranch, and Mrs. Rapp drove to town to bring out some supplies needed. Mrs. Lawrence Crawford and her children nro camping at the head of Wagner Gap while Mr. Crawrord Is out hunting. Mr. Crawford returns to camp each evening and they are enjoying the outing. Miss Arleta Messenger of Provost Is visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rader and Miss Twlla Illnkey for a few days. Mrs. H. D. Rico of Chehalis, Wash.. Is In tho valley visiting relatives, among whom are Mrs. Fred Pratt or Central Point, nnd Mrs. Jack Allen of Mrs. Wm. Ferns and her mother ' Mrs. Ella Patterson were visiting with Mrs. Everett iieeson Wednesday after noon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Denham of Tal ent returned from their trip to Los Angeles and other southern points last Sunday. They have had a very enjoy able time during their southern tour. Mr. und Mrs. Ed Foss of Talent, re turned from a ten days stay at New port, Oregon where they went for a summer's outing. They drove in their car and found the roads In fine condi tion. We regret to chronicle the death of Rev. A. J. Stephens, father of S. S. Stephens of North Talent, at his home near Cottage Grove, Oregon. Mr. Ste phens formerly lived near Talent, on, county as soon as arrangements can be the place now owned by Ed Jacobs. I made. At that time he was pastor of the Bap- A vivid reminder of the Passion play tlst church at Talent. He afterward jat Oberammergau will be afforded at moved to Medford where he built two the Methodist church, Sunday evening, nice homes and lived in Medford sev- Aug. 27. through the agency of splen eral years. Later he moved to Cottage did pictures as shown by Dr. Wilkin Grove where he died. He was the fath- g0n, of Los Angeles, cr of a large family nnd was a kind , x0 clue as yet to cause of tho fire oAre You buying Tea Fla vor or Just Tea ? Tea may be the highest possible quality, but if part of its flavor is lost before you serve it, you arc not get ting full value. When you buy Folgcr's Golden Gate Vacuum Packed Tea ( Black Tea or Green), you arc buying full-flavored tea, for all its rare fragrance and fine flavor is kept for you by the round vacuum tin. Ask your grocer. F Golden Cato fully bestowed, but economically with' the view of substantially bettering the' condition of the deserving, thousands of whom have been reclaimed from dis tress and want through agencies of the artnys' moral, social and finnnciu ui lift. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peil have re turned from a visit over in Klamath and Lake county regions. James Yeo, of Corvallls, has been here of late, visiting numerous friends and Relatives. His presence is familiar and "Sunny Jim's" countenance is as genial as ever. , Charles C. Sater, of Bandon, left for home last week, after investigating conditions throughout the valley, in cluding this city where he stopped a week or so. He bas a brother at Med ford, and contemplates locating in this and loving husband and father. S. S. Stephens of North Talent and George Stephens of Ashland, are sons of Mr. Stephens. Rev. Stephens was a man last Monday which burned up the resi dence cf Ed Moore, about eight miles south of town. The destruction was complete, neighbors having had hard ington. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Oardner and daughter, Geraldine, returned Tues day, after having spent a week at I'nlon Creek camping. Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Chapman spent Thursday afternoon at Kogue River. Mrs. Wm. Eaton and Mrs. O. C. Dorothy were business visitors In Medford Thursday morning. Tone Stone returned to our city Thursday from the Willamette Val ley, where he has been engaged in farming for the past five years. hav- ing disposed of his farm there nnd after a short visit with relatives he1 will locate in Washington. I Mrs. Bud Laurentz of Medford,! was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Dorothy Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chesney and children of Davenport, Iowa, spent several days in our eity, guests at the home of Mrs. fl. C Wittier ami family. Mis. Walter BostwicJc of Medford Is spending the vAeek in our city, the guest of relatives. Tom Dunnington, Jack Sharpe nnd Harold Reed returned Thursday from several weeks, spent at the Cinna bar Springs. Mrs. Roy Martin is visiting rela tives at Roseburg. Dr. and Mrs. J. W, .Robinson and E. Britt were business visitors in Medford Wednesday. John F. Miller made the trip to Crater. Lake last Saturday with his niece and husband Mr. nnd Mrs. Robinson of Portland. Oscar Lewis and family motored to Dunsmuir Sunday returning Mon Mr. nnd Mrs. George Merrill, from RACES AT FAIR IS Speedway events at the county fair will' be open only to ama teur drivers, according to George Gates i who is in charge of the motorcycle and automobile races. . The program advantageous figure. splendid quality. are hauling them out by the truck loads from their tract. Herbert Harris is supplying the merchants of Central I Point and also the catsup factory in Medford. The well at the Willow Springs school is being cleaned and the school buildings put in order for the opening of school on the 6th of September. The Joe Hoagland family, who have spent the summer with relatives here and camping nt the different resorts of southern Oregon, left for their home at Chico, California, Friday morning. Hilly Peninger has rented hlB farm for the coming year and will move his Jackson family into the Henry Pomerene resi dence. W. n. Harris has disposed of his broom corn, which he has had in stor age for a number of years, at a very Roland llii-kholz who knew him MINNEAPOLIS IN AT PHOENIX SUNDAY! of sterling worth and beloved by alllwork to save property adjoining the house. No Insurance, the loss being nearly $2000. Thus far this week the municipal budget has been augmented by nearly ?100, proceeds In the way of fines. Assessed against those who Indulge in the cup which jeers while it inebriates. A moonshine sinking fund would al most meet the expenses of one of the minor city departments. Plus the pen alties exacted for speeding, Volstead might be able to redeem a good share of the llancroft obligations. A dual water system has been sug gested for this city, proferred by the. Talent Irrigation District, the plan ap plying to irrigation purposes only. The line would be high enough above town to cross Ashland creek nt the intake of the old Anderson ditch, that waterway to be reconstructed. It is figured that this system could supply rielleview dis trict also, through which territory it would pass on its way westwards. Estlniatos are in the neighborhood of $100 per acre, the relative cost which ranchers assume in patronizing the Talent project. The problem would be one of distribution within city limits. to meet the demands of small holdings as well as ncreage proprietors. The city council Is considering the matter. alter M. Pierce, speaker here at the monster picnic on Labor Day, Is a rancher on a big scale In northern Ore gon, his home being at LcG ande. He is a member of tho executive commit tee of the Farmers Educational and Co operative I'nion of America, represent ing Oregon and Idaho on the board. Moreover, he is candidate for governor of this state on the democratic ticket. Mr. Pierce has Informed the local com mittee of arrangements that he will be on hand at the appointed time. The Past-Matrons association of Alpha Chapter o( the Eastern Star or der, hold a picnic in the park on Wed nesday evening, the guest of honor be ing Mrs. Maude Shinn, who on or about Sept. 1 will leave Ashland for Ttremer- ton. Wash., to remain indefinitely. Mr. nnd Mis. V. V. Mills are having a vacation with friends and relatives in the vicinity of San Francisco, plan ning to be away until about Sept. 1. Leslie Price, confectioner, who con ducts thnt department in the Enders store, has moved into the Way resi dence on Almond street, at the inter section with l-aurel. . . Hawley has returned home Thrco young men, one of whom comes as a singer, and all of whom are touring tho Pacific coast this summer und holding gospel services, will speak and sing next Sunday evening at the Phoenix church in a special service at it p. m., and also In the C. E. meeting at 7:15. An unusually Interesting meeting is promised us, and everybody old and young, is asked to attend. These young men aro from the Northwestern Illble and . Missionary Training School of Minneapolis, and have already held about 100 such meet ings so rar during their vacation this summer. Opimrtunity at tho close of the meeting will be given any wishing to contribute to their expenses. In the morning at 11, the pastor will preach nnd Mrs. J. M. Rader and .Mr. M. F. Sheets will sing "The Holy City" as a duet. On next Wednesday, Aug. 30, the Aid society is to meet at Clyde hall at 2:30. Iluslnes8 of special Importance In cluding plans-for the Phoenix commu nity exhibit at tho Jackson county fair In. September. Everyone interested is asltcd to attend. ANTiOGH ITEMS Riverside Garag'e t Headquarters for the Famous De Luxe Pistons and McQuay-Norris Rings Wo repair nil makes of enrs nnd, gasoline engine.. ltct equipped shop in Southern Oregon for cylinder n'boi Ing nnd rebuilding motors. UTIIK WOIUv A SflX'lALTV P. F. CLOSE, Prop. Mr. nnd Mrs. Shook nnd Mr. and Mrs. II. Chapman went to tho Apple gato Sunday fur berries. Mrs. C. M. Cunley was out from Med for to visit home folks at lieagle Sun day. J. Hlnkens of the Meadows went to the llrowns cabin this week for an out ing and to pick huckleberries. Mr. Srbrean has rented his ranch to Mr. Persons nnd ramiiy of Agate. Mr. Persons Is moving his family In. A party of twenty-six friends met nt Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Chapman's Sunday ftir a picnic on Evans creek, and re turned home by way of Winter, Rogue River nnd Gold Hill. The Yankers show Is showing all mis ween at tne Heagle hall. It was not well iwuronlzed the first night ow lug lo somo being gone on their hunt ing trip and others working on the thresher. Saturday night will be the big night. 1 Mr. Sebrean nnd wife will travel on ia business concern Mr. Sebrean patent ed some time ago. j Mr. and Mrs. H. Rodgers and family imado a trip to Gold Hill Sunday. r.u Houston or ixnig Hranch, was i down to Beagle this week. The Glass Hros. will finish threshing e:nu3.:uy at noon. WHY ARE SOME WOMEN POPULAR happy, beloved nnd successful, while others drag out ft negative existence, of no uee to themselves or anyone rise? Kxrept ill n few cases the nnswer Is to be found In a state of freednm from tho troubles known ns "female. " The well woman radiates cheerfulness and serenity while the niling one repels because of her lack of these qualities. It is not neces sary, however, to harbor lichen and pains, and the "blues" thnt make one a detriment to society. The use of I.ydia I". l'lnkhmu's Vegetable Com pound hns brought' relief to surh women, and given them a new lease on life. Adv. for the horse racing'has not yet been given out in detail. The automotive events which begin on the wpening day of the fair, Septem ber 13, follows: . Wednesday Motorcycle polo, $100. Ford bug race 10 laps, purse. Fair association,. $25u. Entry fee $10 added. Motorcycle novice 9 laps, purse. Fair association, $150. Entry fee $5 added. Motorcycle professional 4 laps, purse. Fair association, $100. Entry fee $3 added. Thursday Motorcycle polo, $100. is assisting in the sorting nnd baling for shipment. Helen M. Hrophy, who has been visiting her parents for a few days, returned Monday to the camp near Chlloipiin where Mr. Brophy Is work ing. One car of Hartletts has already been sent from the Seven Oaks siding and the second car is being loaded. These nears are from the Feldenhelmcr orch ards and the first two carloads are be ing shipped to Portland. Miss West, daughter of the United States agent at the Klamath Indian agency, has been visiting her friend, Lola Blackford. The girls both grnd- in Medford Free for all automobile One-half i uated from the academy entries' to run and three .winrtfers to this spring. enter final race on Saturday, 20 laps. J. W. Blrkhoiz has accepted a posi Motorcycle professional I laps. ;tion as engineer In the refrigerator de- Entry lap. i-urse. Fair association, $100. fee $5 added. Motorcycle track record 1 Purse $25. Friday Motorcycle pom $100. Ford bug 10 laps. Purse, Fair asso ciation, $250. Entry fee $10 added,, Free for all automobile One-half have left for their home in their farm near Central Point, spent entries to run and three winners to ( county, Illinois. Sunday with Miss Issic McCully. ' ! enter final race on Saturday, 20 laps, j Raymond Anders is here visiting his Miss Lucille Abbott of Medford. Motorcycle with Side car, profession-'parents for a month. ' partment of the Oregon Fruit Growers plant. 'Mr. Birkholz held a similar po sition for many years in the east and is an expert in that line. : Frank Alberts and family, of Med ford, and J. H. Chinland were callers at the W. B. Harris home on Sunday. Mrs. Alberts and son and daughter Mercer tt of Medford. Motorcycle with side car, profession-' of Miss Morgan. al 1 laps. Purse, Fair association, I $100. and Mrs. o. was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. Lewis. Miss Ruth Kayes left Monday for a short visit with her parents near Portland befoie assuming her posi tion in the school for the winter. Mrs. D. Jones of Medford is spad ing a few days with her mother in our city. Mr. and Mrs. J. I!. Coleman nnd fee $3 added, famiiy spent Sunday at the home of Motorcycle track , record 1 lap. .irs. .lonn iiomnsun near iiuem ou" : purse $'5 All motorcycle races to be run under The Hugh Porters entertained a par- Entry fee $5 added. Ity of friends at a jolly watermelon Saturday least on ednesday evening. Motorcycle iolo, $100. j Residents In the community have Free for all automobile final 10 been much annoyed of late by loose laps. Purse. Fair association, $1000. bands of horses and cattle. Owners Entry fee $50 added. j are evidently not aware that there is a Motorcycle professional t laps, .county as well as a state .law against Purse, Fair association, $100. Entry , the running of stock at large on public dav. the ocenslon being the i;,th i.:-, u.i.... e i .. r..i..... .. n'u .,,,,1 I Mrs K-ilu-'i Cole- ,ulra wumiieiiiiuu ui me ,im.,i- Knhlnson's mother, llllin. Twenty gne-its Were pres roads. Members of the vicinity are taking steps to have a corral built where such stock may be confined until "bailed out." ., cycles and Allied Trades association. (With Medford trade Is Medford made. "Dotty, Tnt gfaif you got Kellogg'' Corn Flakei and fruit for sapper. I'm to fagged out with the heat that Kellogg' is the only food that would appeal to my ap petite. It digests so easily and-yet I know it is nourishing! Guess I'll have another help ing. Kellogg' s certainly are delicious" , " f Eat smsAp: during the warm mather! uvrr y t- corn 'mremm&'QiMciaus & FLAKES are nounsnmg -It's a leng step for fccaltli and rid dance of suTicier drowsiness and that sluggish feeling if you'll all stop eat ing so much heavy, greasy .foods and let Kellogg's delicious Corn Flakes do your health a good turn! 'With cold milk and lus cious fresh fruits, Kellcgg's are extra de lightful so crisp and appetizing. Kellogg's Corn Flakes all crispy and won derful in their flavor are nourishing and sup ply all the summer energy mm you need; yet, they digest easily and actually rest the stomach! On such a diet you'll feel so much better; your mind will be keener and you'll ac complish a lot more work and help yourseir Keep cool and cheery! Be certain you get Kellogg's Corn Flakes the kind in the RED and GREEN package that bears the signature of W. K. Kellogg, originator of Corn Flakes. None ars genuine without it! . Alio malacn of KELLOCC'S KRUMBI.ES ud KELLOGG'S CXA.N, cookol ud kruablcd TOASTED CORK FLAKES