MrcnroRD matl trtbune. Mrcnrfmn, oheoox, Thursday, august 24, 1922 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE IN INIlKPRVDEKT KF.WSPAI'Ell HJBMdUBD KVEItY AKTEUNQON EiOEn SUN I AY, Y THE URDFUKU t'KINTJNli CO. Th Mt-tlford HumUy Morning Hun It furntiltnl M'tMcnuvri dcHtniiK a even day uaiiy iiewjuir. Office Malt Tribune Building, 25-27-29 North rir turret, rnone io. A consolidation of the Democratic Timea, the Iffriford Mail, the llwiford Tribune, the Southern Oiegonlan, The Aahlmid Tribune. ROBERT W. RITHL, Editor. BUill'TKJt S. SMITH, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: Br MAIL In Ailvunce: Daily, with Sunday Sun, year $7.60 Daily, with Sunday Sun. month 75 Dai It. without Sunday Sun, year 6.f0 la(l ulttmitt Hnmlav Sun. month. ... Weekly llail Tribune, one year t.00 Sunday Hun. one' yestt S 00 V PA Hit IKK In Medford. Aidiland. Juckaon- Title, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on Highways: Dally with Sunday Sua, month 75 Daily, without Sunday Sun, month 5 Daily, without Sunday Sun, year 7.fU Daily, with Sunday bun, one year 6.60 All terms by carrier, ch in advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackmin County. Sworn dally average circulation for all months finding April 1, IV 'it, more than double the circulation of any other paper published oi circulated In Jackaon County. The only paper between Eugene, Ore., and Sacramento, Calif., a distance of over fiOO ml lea, Aaving leased wire Aaamriated !'rena Service. Entered as second clanm mattei at Med ford Oregon, under the art of March 8. 1079. MEMBERS OP TUB ASSOCIATED I'llESS. The Aaaoclated Vrtus la esclualvely entitled to the una for republication of all news dlHpatchea credited to it, or not otherwlne credited in this paper, and also to the local news publiahed fceretn. All rights of republication of special dla- patcnea nereiti are alao rewrvea. ANARCHY OE ARBITRATION? T HE COAL STRIKE has been settled. The railroad strike prom ises to 'be settled, lint us fur as the essential problem involved in both of these industrial walkouts is eoneerned, nothiii" has been settled. -Ami notliiiiir will he settled until some proper labor court is established whose decisions are final, supported as other court de tisions are supported, by the police power and by public opinion. It must be plain to" everyone that if sometlrfhg is not done, if matters are allowed to drift in the future ns they have in, the past the inevitable outcome is anarchy. The present disclosures in Chi ciifro supporting the eharue that there is a widespread movement in this country on the part of radicals to capitalize industrial disorders toward a virtual dictatorship of the proletariat, only adds emphasis to the gravity of the crisis. . -,- Civilization found a way to prevent aggrieved individuals from taking the law into their own hands, a way can certainly be found to prevent organizations of individuals, whether they represent capital or labor, from taking the law into their hands. President Harding in his recent address to congress on the strike situation, roughly outlined a course leading out of the present intol erable situation. "With men like Hoover and Hughes to assist him there is every reason to believe a practical program can be evolved, which will deserve the support of all citizens who believe th'at the time has come to serve notice on every selfish interest that it must yield when public welfare demands, to the interest of the people as a whole. "Christy" Comes Home ,J Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Ouill Points .Apparently there is a place for everything except Emma 'Gold man. i The traditional good nature of the Irish is showing up in fine shape those days, with pitched buttles In the coun try, and midnight assassinations in the cities. ... Of oil the vast horde of candidates who have run for office In Oregon since the infliction of the primary sys tem, none have taken themselves so seriously, or defeat so bitterly, as one CIihs. Hall of Coos county, who now holds the world's record for long dis tance bellyaching, ami maintenance of a broach. The gent is now "sojourning by the .blue Pacific," and, no wonder it's blue. : ' - NATURE FAKING 1 ' (Albany Herald) F. H. Hough has a real cucum ber. The big cucumber brought in a few days ago when placed beside it looks. Hive a baby. Wandering into the timber To hunt the frolicsomo deer, 1b getting to be as dangerous As drinking home-inado beer. IlorscR will cavort ut the Jack. co. fair, and tho management Is thinking some of- staging an old fashioned run away, for the benefit of tho rising gen eration. . If Mr. Harding is content with one term, he needn't worry about his place in history. At any rate, the striking miners haven't demanded that operators paint targets on the mine guards. If only the principle of collective 'bargaining out so much collective loafing. could function with- Russia may have no heart and very little use for a stomach, but her gall has suffered no deterioration. Henry Ford was making 4.'t miles an hour when arrested speeding. Now you know the kind of car he doesn't drive. for A girl's chances of being given away" by her father depend largely on how many times she is given away by her small brother. The eagle represents America, the donkey and the elephant the political parties, and the goat the chief executive. The only thing that grows in transit and gives the consumer more than the shipper sent him is a price advance. Quito a few of the male population have new shirts day variety. ' Under the soviet form of govern ment being prepared for this country by an aggregation of nuts Oregon had her quota this province will be known as Jacksonofagunskl, and the proletariat will hold a plebiscite to de cide whether they will bo in tho north or south of HiIshIu. Until tho govern ment stepped In, the plans for the new Utopia were progressing favorably, with perfect co-ordination between the . wild ideas and tho whiskers. . "CHARLIK STRAIGHT GIVEN YEAR FOR MOONS1I1NIXG" (Hd llne Orogon City Enterprise). Remov ing tho kinks. The San Francisco wife who was willing to sell her husband for $100 per month to another San Francisco lady, undoubtedly saw hor coming. A CULL ROMANCE (Corvallls Gazette-Times) FOR SALE Ladies' diamond ring, cost 1(IS. CaHh prlco S0. Might trade; what have you? W. O., Gazette-Times. ' Chun Egan teed a carload of llait lotts this week, with masterly putting, and in long khaki punts. The fishing Is so poor in Roguo river that the next sosslon of the legislature will have to talk 43 days to adjust It. RipplingRhiiniQs Kr I BEST SELLERS. EOIvEOW up my endless ipiest, I seek them high and low the books that used to sell the best some twenty years ago. Our glad applause we used to rive to every transient tome: "Here is a book that's hound to live until the cofs come home. Oh, when, since Sappho cashed her string, were odes so ably sung? These pomes will surely live, by jing, till every "dog is hung." And thus, with fervor in our souls, our noble fits we'd throw; where are the d.eathless rigmaroles of twenty years ago! I mention books that once were sold by train loads through the land, and only gaffers growing old recall and understand.. Now, Maurice Thompson 'a masterpiece deserved a lasting fame, but when I ask my nifty niece if she has read the same, "I've never heard of such a book," she sayo, and tilts her nose; "if I read all such .stuff gadzook, I'd miss the movie showsv "I ask the bookstore clerks today for tales of other years; they've lfever heard of-them, they say, and shed unbidden tears. They try to sell ino current rot, but such a scheme won't go; where are the books that hit the spot some twenty years ago? 9 ' , --- - m , , ' ........ w..',.. ?-fe!tfW)rii -T " M Uasebull funs all-over tho country is only taking a short visit though and will be glad , to know that Christy i will then return to the pure mountain air until hip sickness has been thor oughly routed. Photo shows his "dad," Matnewson is well enough to motor) umvii irom Daranac, in me Auironuacs snlling'and. happy to. once have bis fa- to his old home In Factory ville, Pa. He mous son at the old home. shepherds sling, ho looked upon him "Honored Lits and Clients," the let with contempt. tor said, "Hoping all's well, we apolo- o. Solomon was the last son of gize for undue procrastination in fur- David, nishing necessary reply to your last b. The name "Solomon" meant esteemed of bygone late. Peradventure 'peaceful." WHO SHALL ENTER : Not every one that sa;th until ine, Lord, Lord, shall enter Into the kingdom of heaven ; but he that doeth the will of my Father which Is In heaven. Matthew 7: 21. COMMUNICATIONS . Xiiino Not Authorized. To the Editor: In The .Mail Tribune of August 17. 11)22, appeared an nnielt. stating that an lndcpt.mlit Voters League had been organized in Jackson county. My name- appeared as a member of the executive committee witnout au thorization from ino. It. CI, ..BAUD WELL, Medford, Aug. To. we are at fault he ours the blame and burden also contrition Honored Lits. "The elephants is gone off instanter and ditto the tigers. The deopards Is too much deficient in sirats for our climate so pray be watchful and we will watch over you. The sample wax dolls Is all running away owing to equatorial heat of Indian summer. So pray stay your hands. Eight china dolls is to hand with six broken noses per doll and nine cats Is come with only seven tails. For which our valued I will make some necessary deductions on fundamental basis of one nose per : biped and one tail per animal. Admon ishments of your honors packing de partment is our good advice to you that I the same may not come to pass again." HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? The smartest boy In town is Sam Richardson, who Is four years old, and land? can digest a funny paper. How carborundum made? What Is tho largest river in Scot- a What country Is famous for Its mnngo trees? 4 What Is cumulative voting? t Who gave the republican party are not as bright as thoy woro. as Its name? James Mlddleton Cox will not gpt back! 6 Did the fulled States ever ropu- irom r.urope in time to mako speeches against him. The chances of Senator Henry Cabot Lodge In the Massachusetts primary tu res on wood with a hot iron called? Ans. Xylopyrography? 9 What Is the greatest length of Alaska? Ans. 1200 miles. 10 What are two synonyms for sal lent? Ans. Remarkable and consplei. ous. any . Pedestrians havo a new evil to com bat. Successful hunters are nailing deer horns on tho prow of their go carts. ; LARGEST PINE TRACT WILL.BE OPENED UPl dlato a public debt ? What was tho valuo of chickens raised In this country last year? 8 What kind of grapes are tho seed less raisins of commerce? 1' Who was Mark Anthony's wife? 10 Of what denomination is the "Little Church Around the Corner?" Answers to Yesterday's Question 1 How many people dlo In Bible Questions And Answers ES ON DOLLS BIG INDIAN PROTEST WASlll.NHTO.W American toy ex porters must send enough doll's noses and cats' tails with their shipments or sufrcr deductions for the missing mem bers, according to an original lottor of complaint from an importer of Luck now, India, mado public today by the commerce department. Your Worry Is Over The Brownlee Mill Is Now Operating and We Are Book ing Orders for SLAB WOOD Place Your Order Now Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76 CHERRO FLOUR You cannot go wrong to buy a flour that makes white anil light bread' with that natural iiutty flavor. CITEItRO Flour being milled from select hardwheat with modern equipment assures you of superior quality. Use CllFRlfb Flour and be sure of getting flour made of old wheat and at the right price. I Question! 1. what religious party did Nlco demus belong, and what position did he hold among the Jews? 2. How juany dovlls does J he tllhlc state went out of Mnry .Magdalene when she was delivered of her sins? 3. Wlere was Joseph born, and about what yeai ? 4. 'What was the approxltnala date the f John tho Baptist's rtjftth? I G. How old was David at the time WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-1. The largest compact body of yellow pine timber owned by the federal govern-each year to bury tho deail of a city ment, a tract of 660,0110 aeres In of 1,000,000 population? Ans. Four eastern OreRon," la noon to lie opened acres for sale and development, the forest 6llow u tllk6 , service announced today. The tract VovUe ti.n nihi. a... ia I- nn h. n-aarhA In ttto Ullvl.,.. " ' "Wlltlll world evorv day? Ans. 97 fli'fl 2 What Is the offlclnl currency ,,f nc slew uonutnT orto Rico? Ans. -American money. Huw alu l,avl" expect to nave tne 3 Is the three-mile coast line an 'strength to slay such a giant as Roll- international aerppnieni Ana v w"en ho Himself was of such a 4 Who was the first king of Kns-,"nlaH 8IBlurof land? Ans. Kgbert SL'T SSS. 4 How mauy acres are required Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1. The field of Aceldama was near Jerusalem. . 2. Tchan and his family were stoned to death. 3. Caleb promised his daughter Achsah, In marriage to whoever should river In the Malheur national forest , ' r"r ""dl m Kny "ance, noted? take the city of Deblr. and is 'said to contain 7,000,000.000 ""rai springs. 4. When C.ollath the giant saw feet of mature saw timber.. . .. I liat 18 Ue art of burning pic- riuvld armed with only a staff, and a QUICKEST TIME ACROSS THE PACIFIC "Empress" Steamships Sail Twice-a-Month From Vancouver and Victoria, B.C. Largest, Finest and Fastest Steamships on the Pacific sailing to Japan, China and tho Philippines. r t n a r nm , ?JsJ - Sm ' jSslj! TT is a pleasure to report that Tffitf i the Havana filler tobaccos mSw and shade grown wrappers MM pSJKr now going into El Sidelo are jVl&ffM probably the finest in the sj'vM 'honorable history of this fa- Sllsf ' ' '?n'oas brand. Needless to say, wf&jfl , TOfyr El ,Sidelo's workmanship con. wlftSl Wal ' tinues topnotch in quality. 13 tVKVJria t' 333 3 ItMcVM . KW&Fi m?mm$, msn mimm MKa tviviM b mmm m?mm plwu km&zm wmmm mmmm iittraa mm mm mm mwm mmmm mzmmm ikch Eisyswra iggiPii mmmi ff i Ktaa ma. -vrntsmmK- vm . ESS?) Ideals ' . 10c Mas Alto. 15c (LfsVS tiffalSI Chesterfield 2 for 2Sc Emoero 15c lHWf Lilv ' ' ' 2 for 25c JUISHH- Amhanidntr ' - El by -i ' Jlistriblited 'lli "Af.t'KX & CoJoUial'd Ciitar Oxpontion 3 ' . VS .. I.MWLS, I'orUalld -. , ,Nc" XoA , . I Nv ) KfOKXK HKAXCII, " "'-- ' TiAiuXNAa, .VI.LKX ti LEWIS. Kllgcllo : r,r - - -: l AVTO TOPS. AXNOCNXC1XG THE Ji Medford-Klamath 1 Freight Line jmmir-. Trucks mako trip dally between Sledford and Klamath Falls We lssuo an insurance policy with your auto top FREE "No premiums bfrvipp rilAIl ivwrn to pay." Only exclusive top ahop in s,IiK ICE GUAR AX TEED the city. Medford 'Auto Top Co. 30 Phone 1033 N. Grape. Phone 14 I. I ! COUPE $780.00 F. 0. B. Medford Express Service to Europe ONLY FOUR DAYS ON THE OPEN SEA The "Trans-Canada Limited". Vancouver, B. C to Montreal' eaves you a dny. Canadinn Pacllle Steamships sail every day or so from Montreal nnd Quebec for Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg, Antwerp, Liverpool or Glasgow. Before you plan a Journey, see a Canadian Pacific Agent Canadian Pacific Ticket Office 55 Third Stre ot, Portlnnd Telephone, llroadway (KMK W. II. lK-acon, tneral Agent Completely Equipped As Follows: HASSLER SHOCK ABSORBERS, STEW ART SPEEDOMETER, METAL SUN VISOR, DASH LIGHT, FOOT THROT TLE, 4 U. S. ROYAL CORD TIRES AND SPARE ; ' vj 1 I ..- - " ....... -.' -" . .. This makes the most completely equipped car on the market for comfort and service, at a price far below the cost of other cars without the extra equipment. Sedans with the same equipment. $845.00 F. 0. B. Medford C.E. GATES AUTO CO.