Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, August 21, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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j ASHLAND, Aug. 21. Beginning
! tho present season without further
j delay, it is planned to go right ahead
with the Ashlnd Canyon roadway,
both eity and county to Join on an
eiiual basis in the notable improve
ment. .Members of tho city council
and county court, reinforced by the
presence o State Engineer Reyning
and Jtoad Supervisor Uruin, have
made a personal inspection of the
route which will practically follow
the line of the old roadway modifying
some of the grades and extending the
width in instances on tho safety first
j principle. The work will bo divided
: into sections, the initial one extend
ing from city limits to the upper in-
taKCH irom three to four miles in ex
i tent, the plan outlined being to have
, tne work thoroughly done "on the in
j stallment plan," instead of merely
i superficially treated as a whole.
t Already ono may visualize a scenic
j, mountain roadway which motor cars
; could easily negotiate, extending from
Asnianu to n point on the Southern
1'uclflc cither nt Siskiyou or between
ii that summit elevation and Steinninn.
j The completion of such a project
j would permit nutos to loop tho loop
over the Pacific Highway and return
,', by the canyon route, or vice versa, a
jf trip which would even rival the Green
. Rpiing Mountain roadway's attrac
.j tions.
;j September 0 is American Legion
JJay, and taking advantage of this an
niversary, tho nnnual reunion of
soldiers nnil sailors will be held nt
Ilogue Itiver this year, beginning on
that date. Tn fact, the event will be
a big reunion gathering of those who
participated in various wars.
At tho Camp Lewis military train
ing school for civilians. Ed Freeman
and Harold Wlllhito represent Ash
land in competition for places on the
nntionnl rifle team which participates
mutually in the big tourney at Camp
Perry, Ohio, in September.
The Eastern Star chapter will re
ceive an official visitation from Mrs.
Therese Castnyr, worthy grand ma
tron of the organization for the state,
on Saturday evening, September 0.
Tho presiding officer is a resident of
Hood River. Her visit here will be
made the occasion of a "notable ses
sion exemplifying business routine
matters, supplemented by the custo
mary social activities.
A large tent on Park street does
not house a merry-go-round, though
located in that customary amusement
center, but is headquarters for the
camp meeting helng conducted under
auspices of tho Free Methodist
church with Elder Glazier in charge.
Among teachers, in Lime county,
Mary Moore of this city hits accepted
a place in rural schools in the vicinity
of Eugene.
' After migrating all over the inter
mountain region and central west,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Freelmi-g arc on
the way home, having been absent all
Portland, as referee In lake testi
mony in the injunction proceeding
instituted against tho appearance oi
the so called Greenfish bill, an ini
tiative mensuro designed to close the
Columbia river to nil except gill net
fishermen, was announced by Judge
G. G. Bingham this morning.
NEW YORK, Aug. 21. The New
York Americans carried to a 7 to 5 vic
tory over Chicago by Babe Ruth's 25th
and 26th home runs Sunday led by a
full game the St. Louis Browns who
were Idle Sunday.
The Giants retained their 3 game
lead over .the Cardinals, winning from
the Cubs 5 to 4 by virtue of a seventh
inning batting rally. Scott, the Giant
'Pitcher, .weakened in the eighth, but
young Limine Jonnard, who relieved
him, stemmed the Cub assault.
Eight runs scored off three Philadel
phia pitchers in the seventh,aml eighth
innings enabled the Cardinals to beat
the Quakers 9 to G.
Cincinnati took two games from the
Brooklyn club, pounding Grimes for 13
hits and ten runs in 7 Innings of the
first game, winning 10 to 6 and win
ning the second 4 to 3. a pitching bat
tle between Cadore and Rixey, in ten
Boone, a recruit, oiitpltched the vet
eran Walter Johnson and Speaker's
club defeated Washington 2 to 0 in 12
innings. '
NEW YORK, Aug. 21. Babe Ruth's
home runs, especially the lust four,
have been blows of salvation for the
The first of the four' on last Friday
won a much-needed game in tho tentli
inning and put the Yanks in a tie for
first place. The second helped the
Yankees to the victory that put them
in undisputed possession of the lender-
ship and the third and fourth, knocked
yesterday, accounted for five runs.
The fourth, coming in the ninth inning
with two on bases, won the game.
Babe s season total now is 26. six
behind Ken Williams of the Browns.
In al! his big league career Babe has
knocked 188 home runs.
Misses Mollio Britt and Elizabeth
Reuter left for Portland last Satur
day morning. They expect to re
main nbout two weeks in the Rose
. J. O. Pendleton of Table Rock was
a business culler in our city Thurs
day. Mrs. E. J. Lally and two sons ar
rived Tuesdny from Wenatchee.
Wash., and are guests at the home of
Mr. nnd Mrs. G. AV. Godward and
Mr. and Mrs. H. K Hanna and
bouse guest' Mrs. H. L. Porter and
daughter. Peggy, plcnlced at Wagner
Springs Sunday.
Miss Geneva Dorothy visited her
sister Mrs. Bud Laurence of Medford
last Saturday.
Mrs. Carrie Horton left for her
home in Fullerton, Cnlif., Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coleman, accom
panied by Mr. nnd Mrs. B. N. French
of Talent spent Sunday nt Crater nnd
Diamond Lak returning Monday.
1 Mrs. Bert Sargent of Ross Lane
spent Thursday In our city, guest nt
the home of Mrs. F. Bentley.
Oscar Lewis and family were visit
ing friends in Medford Sunday morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson of
Medford werq visiting Relatives in
town Suntfay. .
Mrs. Henry Swnrtzman of Portland
was tho guest of friends in our city
Mrs. A. Chnse left for her home in
l.aniarc. Wash.. WYiln.'.s.lay, liainw
spent two months with her mother.
Mrs. Mary Wcndt of our city.
Mrs. Will Culellan of Medford spent
Thursday In our city Kuests of Miss
Issle MoCully nnd Mrs. .1. M. Crone
miller. Misses Kate llucklcy and Eva
Couch of the Sacred Heart were
guests at tho home of Mrs. Williams
nnd daughter, Mrs. Frank Saulsbury
Mrs. T. p. Irwin and Mrs. L. V
Storie were guests of friends in Med
ford Thursday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Benedict of Ap
plegate were guests of friends in our
city one day recently.
Misses Cordelia and Oora Renter
were business guests of friends in
Medford Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Terrill and
daughter spout Friday evening In our
city, guests nt the home of their
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Fi.k nnd
daughter. Virginia, returned Mnndav
from a trip to Crnt"" anil Diamond
Lake, returning bv Klamath Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Armpriest and
son have returned to their home,
having spent the summer near Pros
pect. Miss Hazel Tetberow and Miss
Doris KUinhammer. employed in the
sheriff's office, are enjoying their va
cation In San Francisco this week.
Mr. and Mrs. N. 1.. Uohiuson of
Portand are spending n few days in
our city, guests of Dr. nnd Mrs. J. W.
Robinson and John F. Miller.
The Salvation Army entertained nt
the Presbyterian church Thursday
evening, which wus well attended ami
enjoyed by nil. '
Harry .Miller of Burlingame, Calif.,
was n recent guest of his brother,
John F. Miller nnd Mrs. J. W. Rob
inson of our city.
Mr. Miles Cantrnll and son llnrla
Lelnnd were transacting business
town Friday. ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J.; L. Roe have as
their guests' Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl
I. coney ami two children of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Tiny Combest are the
proud parents of a ninc:pound baby
girl, born August IS.
Constance Talmadge at Page
Constance Talmadge's latest film
production, "Wedding Hells," plctur
izeil from the very successful stage
play of the same title, will be tho at
traction at tho Page theatre, starting
tomorrow matinee. Maintaining all of
its original "charm in humorous situa
tions, hut enhanced by tho frolicksomc
personality of Cnnstnnce Talmudge,
"Wedding Bells" is a picture that
comes strongly rcconimpuded as one
of Miss Talmadgo's best.
Hound three of "Tho Leather Push
ers" with moro punches, thrills and
humor than you ever saw before, will
be an added feature on the program.
"They Like 'Em Rough" at Rialto
Another part has been found for
Miss Viola Dana, the little star, which
seemingly was especially constructed
lo provide her with an opportunity to
display her reckless, devil-may-care
vivaclousness In the portrayal of
which she is surpassed by no actress.
"They Like 'Em Rough" is her new
est vehicle and It opened yesterday nt
tho Rialto theatre, where an apprecia
tive audience gave every sign of com
plete satisfaction with both'tho star
anil her picture.
The story is a most amusing ono,
with a touch of adventure nnd well fla
vored with thrills.
ill S8SS52a5w 1
ij Tin- nnpnmrh of winter time calls forcibly for I
I! n Kurd Sedan to solvo the family lransirtatlou in
Ij problem. This little car, although adaptable for 11 '
II "II kinds of went her. Is primarily a car for the lij
I cold, winter niimllis when niilck, economical trans'- Id
j portalion is desired with provisions for warmth II J
I Ijl ' and comfort. I f
j Reform winter weather actually Ix-glns, why not I
! V come in and sen the Ford Sedan'.' Wo will lH' glad
lo demonstrate It to you. Ill I
(II! Cor. Sixth aid Pacific Highway Ijll
SPOKANE, Aug. 21. Arthur E. Vel
guth who played 144 holes of golf over
the municipal links on August 7 was, I
W. J. Beck, a newcomer from the off at daybreak today" in an effort toil
province of Alberta, in tho vicinity of finish 22 rounds of the nine hole
woo cine iat. nns removed here to COUrse before dark tonight. U- he is
"'"I successful, he estimates that he will
have walked 53 miles during the day. i
locate permanently In business.
family will occupy the Shlnn property
on oak street.
: Tho modern Woodmen meet In reg
ulnr session on Monday evening. Aug,
21. In addition to a grist of routine
business, the big picnic here on Labor
Day will demand special attention by
way of arranging details.
miss Francis McWIUinms has re
turned to her school work in Oak
land, Cnl., after an extended vacation
here with the home folks.
Reports indicate that H. C. Sparr
will not only return to Ashland, hut
is nctunlly on the way from Iowa, the
family making the long tour by auto.
After a lengthy visit with relatives
nnd friends in Idaho, Mrs. S. A
Hawks has returned home, accompu
nicd by a nephew.
Fred Neil, Mai Emery, Ray Jillson
Arthur Wick, Henry Enders nnd
Frank Murphy are among those who
struck tho trnll the lust of the week
for various sections where deer nre
supposed to congregate. The hunting
season, however, will not be under
way In earnest until Clyde Costolo
nnd Harry Hosier take to tho tull
One by one the former residents
nre coming back to old home sur
roundings. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Good,
living for some time past at Duns-
muir, will relocate here.
At the Lyric theatre, on Monday
evening this week, W. E. Van Am
burg of New York, will give an ad
dress under . Bible student auspices
on the topic "Eden restored and
where it will be." -
Drs. Gregg, Brower, McCracken
and Wood of this eity. attended the
gathering of the Jackson County
Medical association, held at Medford
last week, Dr. T. G. Heine being host
to the practitioners.
Dr. R. L. Burdic is a candidate for
the city council, nomination papers In
his behalf being filed.
A forest fire broke out in the timber
near Alco Rock, Sunday, the 13th. It
was extinguished by Mr. Poole and a
lew forest patrolmen.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sturgis motored
to Medford Monday the 14th. Mrs
Sturgis' mother returned with them to
spend al vacation on their ranch.
Claude Moore hauled a load of lum
ber Tuesday.
Mrs. Lee Whitley and Elmer Ivey
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stur
Bis last week.
Mr. and Mrs. PTE. Sandoz, also Geo.
Hail, were Medford visitors the 11th.
In ,u Moure ana Earner ivey nac
f wen nuttlne im Dnvn Pence's hav.
Huckleberries are reported to be
Opening rapidly: also a good crop if
Predicted. Hunting Is very good this
wson as quail and Chinese pheasant
are plentiful; deer are also numerous.
Velguth, a road contractor, went to
Spirit Lake, Idaho, yesterday and
supervised the oiling of three miles of
road. He rested last night for today's!
endurance play. He said his only con
cern was for his caddie, Bobby Willard
who rested yesterday in preparation
for his attempt to stay with Velguth
throughout the day.
Velguth's former record was com
pleted two hours before nightfall, and
wa3 challenged by Edward Styles, for
whom it was claimed ho had played a
total of 180 holes in a day at the York
Road Country club, near Philadelphia.
Velguth has played golf only since last
New Swimming Record
NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Miss Helen
Wainwright, New York, today set a
new American swimming record for
one mile in the national mile cham
pionship at Manhattan beach, negoti
ating the distance in 26 minutes 44 and
3-5 seconds.
PARIS English women athletes
won the "first international women's
track meet over competitors from Unit
ed States, France, Switzerland and
Czecho-Slovnkia. The American team
was second. i
PEORIA, III. Johnny Weismuller
shattered another world's swimming
record, negotiating COO meters in 6
minutes 41 and 2-5 seconds.
mons, promoter, made public a letter
to Governor McCray in which he for
mally notified the governor the Bren
nan-Dempsey bout had been called off.
WINNIPEG John A. McGIll, Wlnnl
peg, won the men's open singles In the
western Canada hard court tennis
championship, defeating the titleholder
P. B. Brain, Minneapolis, 6-2, 4-6, 6-3,
New York 7, Chicago 5.
Washington 0, Cleveland 2.
No others scheduled.
Chicago 4, New York 5.
Cincinnati 10-4, Brooklyn 5-3.
St Louis 9, Philadelphia 6.
No others scheduled.
Los Angeles 5-2, Oakland 4-3.
Seattle 8-5, Portland 5-7.
Sacramento 3-6, Salt Lake 2-7.
San Francisco 0-3, Vernon 2-4.
Referee for Fish Hill.
SALEM, Ore., Aug. 21. Appoint
ment of Captain C. P. Rauch, of
You Will Appreciate a Home of
Your Own When Gold
Weather Begins
It would be wise judgment, on your part, if you began actual construction of your own
home now. When winter weather sets in, you will appreciate your own home. Your fam
ily will enjoy it, too. This season affords an ideal time to start your home.
Medford merchants are prepared to give you every possible assistance, their interest lies in
the growth of the community. Mutual co-operation on the part of merchants and home
builders pays dividends to both. Medford merchants appreciate this fact and are anxious
to help you make the dream of "a home of your own" a reality.
The question resolves itself into this proposition: Are you going to live in some one's house
or are you going to live in YOUR OWN HOME? Are you going to pay out several hundred
dollars more for rent, or are you going to start NOW to own your OWN HOME?
These merchants will be glad to assist you in planning your home and aid you in every feature of its construction.
Bring Us Your Building Problems nnd Let
Is Help Yon Solve Them.
Lumber, I.atli, Shingles, Lime at very
Moderate Prices, Try Vf I
Paint, Wall Paper, Etc.
Headquarter!) for Fuller's lino of pulnls,
oils and varnishes. Wholcsulo nnd retail.
120 N. Front Phono 401
Painting, Tinting and 'aer Hanging.
Phdlie 477-J 2U1 Kast IHh St.
Furniture and. Hardware
Builders' Supplies. Carpets
Wall Paper
New location Otii and Bartlett SU
Ideal, Areola Ileal Inn Plant
MuolLcr PieliviM Furnaces.
Phono 020
Ptumulng and Heating
28 N. Grape Phono 102-J
Service First. Profit Afterward
Contractors and Builders
Contracts for all Buildings.
Itcs 217 Apple StPhone 043
Ail kinds of Roofing Paints and
Jiullili-rs' Supplies. Phone 427
Contractor and Builder
103 Crater Lake Ave Phone 277
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