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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1922)
PA HE" THREE: ; ATTENDANCE AT GRATER LAKE IS k 13.515T0 DATE Will G. Steel's Party to Crater Lake May 22, 1902 INDEPENDENT FRUIT COMPANY 1 METVFORD MATL' TRTBUNTC, MEDFOTJD, OHEriOX, WEDNESDAY. ATTJUST 0, lfl-22 .CRATER LAKE, Au;?. 9, 1922. The attendance at Crater lake this year to August 1st has been 13,515 people and 3824 autos, an Increase of about 25 per cent over last year. Below are the. figures for the at tendance this year to date, in com parison with the. same period last year: t ;'t, . .' '. , To July 31, 1922 . v - . , ', Autos. Visitors. I ' . 3834 13,515 To same date, 1921 . .... .......... ......... 3,005- 10,882 Gain over last year . . ; . V- t ',... 829 ." 2;C33 Percent of Wain 27.6 34.2 The above is ,the picture of a party headed by Will G. Steel, that started for Crater Lake from Medford, May 22, 1902. The party consisted of 27, oijplo, among tliem were ex-Senator Fulton, Joaquin Miller. "The I'oet of th Sierras," Phil Motchen, Sr., Dr. Hill, then pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Portland, and all of the above are dead now excepting Dr. H. Hill anil- Mr. Steel.! This was one of the first trips after Crater,Lake National .park was declared by'congress.and was to get boosting for this scqiiic wonder. ' , . ', Business is. increasing so rapidly that it is becoming a problem to take care of the people. : The new 60 room addition, to the lodgo is progressing as rapidly as can be expected, and it is believed r Radiolite Watches A Camp Necessity REDDTS FOR DIAMONDS -'-'Southern Oregon's' Leading Jeweler Talent's Bread FANCY PASTRIES AND - CONFECTIONERY i Cor.; Main & Grape Sts Medford, Ore. the rock work will bo completed be fore the snow drivos out the men this fall. , . There is to be constructed this year one comfort station on the public camp ground at the rim, one' ware house at Anna Spring, Also combina tion kitchen and mesa houses , at Anna Spring, Wine GlaBs and Devil's Backbone, and a water system in stalled at tho south entrance. It is hoped to get enough govern ment funds next year to (hit rock on the road between the west entrance and Anna Spring as that is the most urgent improvement contemplated at this time. An important item this year was the instalaltlon 6f a service Btatton by the Standard Oil company at Anna Spring, where gasoline is now sold at 37i-tents, which is cheaper than in adjacent towns outside the park. . The telephone system was revamp ed by the Klamath Telegraph and Telephone company bo that the lake now has, for the first time in Its history, good telophone communica tions with the outside world, and this is. being extensively used by the traveling public. RIVIERA PARK IS An Intelligent Car Owner .appreciate the necessity of excellent motor lubrica tion." We are prepared to give this to you in . French Auto Oil A 100 Per Cent Lubricant ' ' ' GENERAL AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Williams & McGuHejr Phone 615-R ; ;I127 Riverside After Your Vacation Trip to Crater Lake Let us figure on your roofing needs." We carry a complete line pf roofing and roof, repairs,, selling at special prices,; '' ;: '": '. '. . ' ' -'; We handle only the best materials and "guaran tee our work to give satisfaction. We can supply you with anything you need in SHEET METAL Skylights, Cornice, Smoke Pipes .Ventilators, Guttering, Irrigation Pipe, Stock and Oil Tanks. Best Equipped Shop in So. Oregon. t . TkM i If L 1 . r t Medford Sheet Metal Works 19 N. Fir St. Jl. R RULON Phone 708 Medfor;d Rivieva Park, 20 miles from Med ford, 12 miles from Grants Pass, 0 miles northwest of Gold Hill, on the Rogue river at the mouth of Foots creek,' is a very popular place for tourists as well as home people this summer, and the park is crowded most of the time. It consists of five acres with beau tiful shade trees of natural growth, there being 32 different kinds of trees and shrubs on the grounds. There, are numerous springs on the grounds with pumps in them that furnish an abundance of pure cold water. Individual camps have been 'arranged, being supplied with con crete stoves, talrtes and seats and tho whole is lighted by electricity and in all It is truly an ideal park. MV. and Mrs. P. E. Elliott, the owners, see that every want of their guests are supplied and are unusual ly pleasant and obliging. Everything in the park is free. 'At the Riviera Service station and store-will be found all the necessi ties and many of the luxuries camp ers and tourists desire, . including green vegetables, fresh bottled milk and cream from their own garden and dairy. They also have tires, oils, grease and other auto accessories. Those who love angling find plen ty of sport in the beautiful stretch of-the Rogue near the park. About 100 acres surrounding has been in cluded tn a bird and game reserve and the park has many beautiful birds and squirrels. Mr. Elliott has plenty of land and next year will put in a swimming .pool 300 feet long, water to be sup plied fresh all the time from the ir rigation ditch from the Rogue, .f So far this .year 7,000 and about 20,000 people have visited Ri viera park, t It- was at this point on Foots creek where gold was first "strucR in ' the early forties and It w'fls a wild and busy place at that- time'., PROSPECT IS POPULAR Tl Nestled in the heart of the big tlm her of the Crater Lake National forest on the beautiful Rogue rlver-and Mill creek' is Prospect, a popular .resort situated 48. miles from Medford on the Crater Lake highway. The Prospect Hotel Is the midway stopping place for tourists on their way to and from Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Grieve, proprietors of the hotel and resort, have established a reputation for the family style dinners they serve, and this reputation is known through out this country. Their special atten tion to all guests makes the resort all the more popular. ... Prospect Is In the heart of the hunt ing and fishing country. Guides, 'pack horses and outfits are available for j hunting parties. A free camp ground .has been provided for. tourists and 'hotel aecommodaUonsinclude cottages jwith bath and electric facilities. Occa; inlonally dances are held in the big open air pavilion near the hotel. The Prospect store provides groceries, gasoline and oil for tourists. Near Proscct are located many. scenic attractions Including the beautl ful Mill Creek Falls,, the Natural Bridge on tho Rogue and the California-Oregon Power company's big elec trical, plant. ATTRACT MANY Southern Oregon offors a diversi fied program of entertainment for tho sportsman. It had boon appro priately rmod "the Sportsman's Paradise" because of what It offors. Game Is abundant in the mountains and valleys, streams and lakes aro bountiful with fish, steep and rocky peaks tower above the giant forests Inviting the more adventurous climb ers, while huncrreds of, small, lakes, geniB of blue, buried lit the omorald setting of tho forests, offer unexcollr ed boating and swimming. - Innum erable camping spots, some within easy reach of the tourist, others al most Inaccessible, witt'abundance of cold, mountain water at. hand, make camping In. southern Grogon moun tains a delight. 'The black bear Is r.o uncommon sight In the . deeper rnttsses of tho southern Oregon mountains. Moun tain lions or cougars are plentiful far back in the mountains. The Unipqua divide country is universally known for. cougars, and these wlley nnd dangerous animals are hunted with dogs, some hunters keeping trained uogs lor tnnr purpose. Deer are plentiful throughout this .. country,' owing to constant efforts to Insure thoir protection. For the exponent of the shotgun, Chinese pheasants, mountain and val ley quail offer great sport. In. the winter time duck shooting is onjoy ed along Rogue river. . - Rogue river is known the country over as one of the finest fishing streams In the northwest. Rogue river steelhend, although plentiful, test the skill of a real anglor because of their "fight."., People come from evory section of the United StatoB to cast their lines into the waters of tho Rogue. However Rogue river has not a monopoly of the fish of Southern Oregon. Within easy reach of Med ford are hundreds- of small streams and many lakes which invito tho sportsman. Both Big and Little ISutte creek, Applegate river. Dia mond lake, Squaw lake and the Kla math lakes are popular with South ern Oregon anglers. . i One of the finest climbs for more ambitious hikers offered In the north west is Jit. Pitt, situated in 'the Cra ter Lake National forest about 45 miles from Modford. . This majestic peak, rears above the surrounding country with an altitude of 9,493 feet and provides - )the sportsman who scales .Its ldes a panorama of the entire southern Oregon country, In cluding tho beautiful Klamath lakes. At tho foot of Mt. Pitt, nestled in the big timber, arc three lakes, Fish lake! which supplies the city of Medford with water, Four Mfle lake and Lake of the. Woods.. Directly north of this mountain is Blue canyon, which offers abundant game and fishing as well as boating and swimming in the many- small lakes of that vicinity. Because of the inaccessibility of Blue canyon, gamo and fish aro unusually plentiful there. . ,i . ; ,v -; Southern Oregon is truly a mecca for tourists and sportsmen. It would be difficult to match its, scenic at tractions Ihjany part of-the: world. COMMERCIAL PACKERS Fruit Packing Exclusively, Regardlessof Where Fruit Is Marketed Modern Equipment Experienced Organization RAYMOND R. RETER, Manager ; r. ' End of S. Central St. Phone 226 : When -a tire suddenly blows 'out apparently for no reason at all, It Is hard for the motorist to realize that the cause of the break was a bump against a curb that the tire sustainodi two- or three weeks before, says the United States Tire company. Because the tire showed no external evidences of damage at the time the bump oc curred, the owner Is likely to blame the tire -when - the Internal damage done by the blow finally makes Itself felt. -- - A rubber tire ' will stand a great deal; it will deliver thousands- of miles of -service orer rough roads and wear amazingly under conditions that are unfavorable. ' But one thing .that is likely to causo serious dam age Is a sudden, heavy blow. The Injuries done by such a blow are to the fabric that forms the carcass. The blow breaks some of the threads, and this breaking gradually spreads until the tire breaks down. COLORED PICTURES OF CRATER LAKE HI f f f j - Kim k ';" &sf I Uh-kc nnd Small for Your Sclcrllnn , WHEN YOU VISIT CRATER LAKE OR TAKE A TRIP INTO , THE HILLS, KEEP A PICTURE RECORD OF IT! . And when you have your films developed have Swem's'do the"' work and be assured of the finest details possible. 4i . Experienced Work Quick Service and Reasonable Charges Mail Orders Promptly Filled. ';'',' if'..; 217 E. Main StJ VEIU DIO Bedford j . 7& jiiiii iiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiliM ' ""'""" m Rofifue Elk Hotel it rt" On Crater Lake Highway at the Junction of Elk Creek With the Beautif ul Rogue River -STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE Steelhead, CutThroat, Salmon Fishing Quail and Deer Hunting Natural Swimming Pool .. ... .. Rates $25.00 Per Week Artistic, Quiet and Homelike Atmosphere. An ideal place to spend your vacation. . W. G. McDonald Stages from Medford to Crater Lake pass the Rogue Elk Hotel . ' ' daily during the season. .,.": ' ""WW"?