PACK TWO MEDFORD MATT. TRTBT'XE. MEDFORD. OREOOX. FRTDAY. ATTlT'ST 4. W2 local and Personal hit Jjntc its si.rt -:--oz:e s s Eciaced, that the club c't-trsi:? f- of 12. 50 existiag heretofore lus Ucr3 re-ince-i to 75 cvc;s 2 :.xt-.:i. A';' r.eate:s wfeo tai i-x.i tie ..;. fa i- . r.ce ..i r c ."r-1--:: for ti-r s rr. - l:r.,. -: .. 1- - t ' -.- r.-'. .. '..d f-i &lv.c.a er.tit.cs -it :..e:-il-:-rs t it-? -.ise t-f the st-wr baths. cyrstsxitSv- i' arrss in-i Cut: c'.ii.. facilities, as berQto'ore. a liszer r-iembersi: .. sxresht ! 4U-- Pre s --';. :.f.-.: Sat. M :r r.i: '...r.h. I-- :"-. ic r. s orchestra. 11 KdaiC fl'.tns it !c V 1. tf James Ols-r. of the Onfssniia. aal Ralph Wiaca c! the J.ranu:. PorUiad newspaper en who hire been ker covering tie ? jury invesiisat.'.n. left for tirse Si.-, B:sht by auto. V-' -jr a:.".arJ. ..1 a!Ti"S t-e :n g-x2 Clean si-i 2nd 'ear if y..-rl ft us take tare 0! tbera ( tvoj Pica 2.3 A;-.i.arei French Dye Worts. $21 .North Riverside, i - Lime and cement. Medford Lumber Co. At tiie E'ss ".idge rueetirs last ni-ht six candidates for !re:r.b?rsh!o we-e voted on and accented, aai e;Jbi a. ;.li ca;kns for rr.e be rb: ; fre re.-::vei. in the ah-seaee of 1 E. Kelly, tie ex alted ruler's chair was fillei by O. O. Alenderfer. and the fjzt c-f Srtretary I-. I Jacobs, wh !- on his n. as taken by Onaey Fatten. Atto'roc4.ti Ins-rance. Brown White. if Mr. and Mrs. R D. Wadsworth and children of Los Atjti are guests of Mrs. Wadsworth's mother. Jean H. Isakeman. They are mnorics- Mr. Warfsworth ! prvai:neat in ioho;l cir cles of Loa Angeles. J. i. Brophy h soiJ his ha!f inter est in tie new brick yard, west of to a to Jens Jensea of Jledford. who ha a force of men at work preparing the first kiln of brick. Jack&onTilie PosL Ofening dance Lake Crees Corcma nitT hail. Aug. 5. Dance. Prospect, neit Sat. llo" Mrs. Margaret Sohss ieaTes tomor row morning for Portiaad and CorraJ lis in which cities she wil! Tiiit friends. Fte Insurance. Brown White Rocker Taai Company. Phone &(-W nigbt and day acrrice. City trips 25c. 116 Master William Cunninpham, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cunningham who was operated upon the first of the week for the removal of his tonsils, is getting along cicely. See the new special ligfctweighf De l-iute pistons for Fords at Riverside Garage; weight only 19 ounces. tf 8ii passengers left this mornins en the Crater Lake stase and tea or cleren are expected to leave this after noon when the Shasta Limited arriT.? from the south. The Shasta should have arrived this mornir.s at S:44 bnt was late. teia? 9-'i":: c : . ; e : - -J -, i. :.O.f t t . : ti-ei ;. :"j..u;--a of the tV'.fcrjIsOn . -n ! - - r an? ;. that a!I i s':-e .n- s un and triS.5 ili : e in a few d:o3 R'se-. v ir? News Review. ; arcin Grants s.n-1 Mr. aci Uf.-t 1:, , -.-I ?. TONIGHT WILLIAM DK MILLES production o! G-trge Broad hurst's "KOVUIIT AMI PAID KtK" featuring J.nk Holt. Ainu-. Ayres ami Wa!ter HeJrs. TOMORROW! TO CIV6 YOU Jt -r-. . - - rr OP TK 15AIOHI -. .1 U r - i ? 1 11 B i a 1 I 1 1 11 . f Bull" "0f iLsSSOJ Mi nta&s V-T3S;i' the cast gsr I WHAT a jatt; (pOMEOY fCPHAH sJ A .... - Tueiar ..Norma Talmadee . in Smilin" ThrntV t s'-nn? ntma sat. (PJ a-.tecdias. why don't 11-5 I s'.e cs 'air rets $5 ceras a I'ar-celio Prepirilions at ! Liierty i'liz. !:! ik.ii. t.' fr. ac-i Mrs. Geo. B. Eaa. a ti'-.v d3a.-iiter. Auc-at !t. in Portland. J. C. Morns. K. R- R;-i:ck a-id C. B.' fr.:rr of 5ss rraacisfo are futs'.s ai tie Hotel ilar.1. Cther re s's in cl'a.e R. '. S- aE!er and family of On lario. Ore. F. W. Albro of Ozien. Vtah' an! Hiro:J Al. r of Alt-any. Ore.. Mr. asd Mrs. P P Z:y lad Mrs. E. J. Ziy rf Miimt K'.a . and P. M. Allen and ; v" '!' of tie U. S. fore-st service. ' H-'s the world's mrst fanio:s !i!e the fi.ile that Nora Til rni're br:ai:. t charm yu in her mc-st masmricect plciare "Smiiin' Throueh." Hi', !'.e-r.en:r the home style chicken 'anr S-.niay at the Home Restaa-! rant. L. E. Hartwiz. Central Potct.', Otvrox 117; Stanley G. Clark of tie Grants Pass! t.'a!;foraui-Oreon Power conianyi tri-ich is a Vedfori business visitor, j I if to j will come to the Army store: we will save you money on your cami.-: iae outfit: .L-eds. cots, stools, chairs.5 riaoketf. tn'.s. water buckets, auto, packs. kaa;ssacks, hamxuoc-ks. luf?a?e carriers, wool and khaki riding; breeches, khaki dating eoa'.j. In fact; itccst everything you need, and can save you money. I'nited Anuy Stores.! JJ So. Central Ave. 1I5V ! Flfty-eisrht different wires of Injur j , icce. Holmes "The Insurance Man." 1 i tf j ' W. G. Drew and family left Tester- jdity for a few days vacation at Crater and Diamond lakes and 'other points of scenic interest in the national forest, i Will sell, or trade for livestock. Lib erty Six touring car equipped with fiTe sood cord tires and in tint class me chanical condition. Cash price 1600. Phone Ray Moran. Hi daytime, 1S7 Central Point evenings. Goadricb tires and tubes at Colonial Garage. tf I Miss Icil Edwards, of Medford. is 'siiending a few days in Ashland as the .guest of her cousin. Mrs. C. E. Evans, i Ashland Tidings. Siik stockings in all the 1 new shades, ' From 11.25 to t3.75. I The Vanity Shop. 122 , Dance. Hot Spring. Sat. nite. 116 j Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Payne relumed yesterday from a month's outing and .vacation at Cinnabar Sprinss. Calif, j Tents New wail tents in all stan dard sixes. 3. 34, 4 and Moot fall. I made of U. S. government standard 2 inch base. White duck, sites 7x7 up. priced at I'J.eO up. Auto tents in white or khaki duck, 7x7 or 7xS. priced at l.5 and up. We caa give you better tents and save you money. I'nited Arnsy Stores. 32 Central Ave. So. 115' This office is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc, used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give yottr orders to traveling men and haTe ihem printed out of Medford. Phone us ana we will ca!L tf Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Fry returned the first of the-week from a several weeks outing at the Lake of the Woods. Smilel Siuile all the while: Smile as Xcrma Talmadge does in " Smilin" Ttroush." j 15 System Service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. Strong companies Office 2nd floor Medford Hldg. tf" The city council of Ashland this week rassed an ordinance absolutely prohibiting anyone from either picnick ing or camping in the canyon of Ash land creek, above the lower intake. This ordinance was passed in order to put a Mop to the habit of many people who insist an using any and all parts of Ibe canyon for a picnic ground. Prepare for the races by having a set of spei-ial lightweight DeLuxe pis tons installed in your Ford bug. At Riverside Garage. t; Everywhere you look you see a Chevrolet. A delegation of Grants Pass and Gold Hill fans, including Joe Gorman and Johnny Carlson, attended the weekly exhibition of the Medford Ath letic club last night. Crescent orchestra. Lake Creek Community hail. Aug. 5. l!S Special this wees: Army folding cats at U5. All steel folding stniiie bed at 5. It Is a Simons bed. Camp stools 5"c. camp chairs Too. You should worry if the ground is hard when you can buy steel tent stakes at the Army store for lie each. Regulation navy hammocks 3 25. Pup tents at J.VS5 New regulation O. D. shirts JJ'-). Rrown wool shirts at 12.75. Gillette sty'e safety razor with one Made, ii.'-c. I nitel Army St"rt-, 32 So. Centra! Ave. is:..' Crawford C. lmm.m. manager of! S gable & Pay. fruit distributors, willj move his office m a the hole! Holland! banning Saturday to the firms nci sn house on South Fir Sl Fire Insurance. Brown c White. " When in nved of shingles and roof ins call Wallace Woods. 1P5. 711 E Main O V. Myers, local agent for Mark) t'Uik. made deliveries of two ne five; t in Macks this week. One went to W.j G. Robinsnn of Ksrby and the other toi John R. Schrump of Jacksonville. Mr. Myers left this nooa for KiamalB Fails . , where he will remain for several days on business. Take your kodak films to Palmers studio. First class work and pm;t! service. t? The ladies of the t-aliiollr church ill give a moonlight sccial oa the church lawn at S p. m. on Thursday the Mrs. Nerrr.a i from P rtl-i. f-.r ilftii wi-.-e t piite." ij It. H. C :-y. st.ite ; io... K. Cvreni .HJ is tj ta.-.e i's service ' The Cif. rcia 7th. They are maciini; tie cars are ur:nz into O.-vsr n, try-.c Vj and r-iii stop at Cratvr a: get away from the heat of ihe Califcr- lakes and Pelican Bar cn nia vaiieys. Even in Medford. where. Best music, best floor. Nat. Sat. nite. it is hot. the Caiifornians tsicc it isj 115 cooi compared to west tney have been; j;f:k and creara at rxToe'i. inir.e 1a. and they are ail beic aJ-j Keicsntc-Mog, vised to continue north aad keep on. Picotins. gJin? until they reach Portland, lu ; Sc per yd. ail the traffic on the Pacific highway , Buttons covered. in that section, aa Ore?oa license Handicraft Shop. plate is the exception, tfce great ma-i The report is out it it a new back is ;rity of cars being foreign. When "to be opened at Jacl-sjnviUe in the the California's strike the hard- verv near future rrhaos next nionth. jaTemem at the to? of the Bully for J villel Jacksonville Posu at the Oregon line, tiiere is. Hemstilchtng. P.I FfHIMilY OOfFTFRIfl tf tf s'irf ace is.-nyous. aiways rejoicing, for some of the roid in northern California is decideily' ro'JEh. Portland Oregonian. I chance at Hot Sprir-g yavilion Sat ! nite. Big crowds attending, why don t ) you. l!; Have von trtp.f that h! milk b'.:et T1.j i-s.v rjv.,,;, v., hea In need or sash and doors. . Tneo-aore Fish of Phoenix, has ac-! . ,. tI. . ,1 , - ir.,. .t. !-,i-,ca!' Wallace Woods, li or come to company and was decked cot in a pair of white paats when he asiimed his duties at the Main street station this mens lag. I'se spreader in your iast sprays. You can get it at DeVoe s. if Co" ,, , . . ...! W e want to purchasi a ec.oy a sooj uoor ana a c'i Plcoting, he per yard. Work finished When you want it The Vanity Shop. Cor. Main and Bartlett St- tf Dance. Frosrct. next Sat. Midnight lunch. Launsr-aeh's orchestra. 115" HE. Main street. .Mrs. J. A. Cailes left last week for an ' extended visit with friends and rela tives in San Francisco and Santa Clara. Buy Medford home. Pay like rent. hall be at Lake Creek Saturday Aug. 5. 11 A large part of Hie smoke pall which hung over the valley Wednesday was due to three forest fires in the Apple gate valley. State Fire Warden Hoxie i'e want to purchase a cash register ;at once. What have you to offer? tf 1 Safety first Insure with Redden & , Canaday. Phone 720. tf t The following persons registered at the Oregon Tourist Information Bo-: reau in the Chamber of Commerce states that while they were putting out: rw,. , ' ' . . - r, . cent City. Calif, Dr. G. H. Douglas of I Douglas Park. Calif.. W. W. Perry of : Orange. Calif, U. A. Keppinger of Portland. Ore.. Minnie D. Frick of Cor- iwo of the Iires, another one was set. The first two originated in the Mis souri Flat and Provolt districts. The one set on the south side of the river burned over 30 acres, while the ones on the north side burned over about 220 acres, both being put under control by evening. The fires were in brash country and did no damage to timber. Grants Pass Courier. All summer millinery 50 per cent dis count. The Vanity Shop. tf Dance. Hot Spring. Sat- nite. US' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Meeker leave; tomorrow evening for a vacation at Seaside, Ore. They will stop in Port land to attend buyers' week. Best music, best floor, Nat. Sat. nite J15 vallis. Ore.. Mrs. A. E. Cavanagh of Abbey. Sasi'., Canada. Dance, Prospect, next Sat 115"! All kinds of rough and dressed , lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 10S. 711 East Main street j Twenty men are being added to ihe' Ca!ifornia;Oregon Power company Jine' construction crew at jiyrtle Creek. They left this city this morning for the . construction camp. Wanted Auto camp outfit DeVoe's. ... r vjt i your miii diocss irom ice vaiie.Ti l FiipI Cfi 7fl W e carry duplicate sales slips with You can ret most any oW thing at olank headings for use in any line of ; rjeVoe s most any old time. tf business. Call 75 for service. tfj -gv- Bigham caught 12 steelhead Sash and doors. Medrora Lumber CoJjn riTer Tes,erdaT near TabIe 1 Rock, according to report The largest Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Peiear of Brook-' one weighed i pounds, line. .Mass, are among the guests at, Blackberries for sale cheap. SIS the Hotel Medford as are H. W. Booth ; v5t Eleventh street. Phone 757. 116" and M. E. Scribner of Oakland, Calif.. Evervwhere you look you see a O. A. Kolden of Rhinelander. Wis..! Chevrolet tf ( -V. ...... .. H " ... . . . c. T . ' 1 ' .. w. ..wv ci. j,.. spreader in your last sprays.; .ml. riuju reuueu 01 tasr, o..!1(;Uc iD. Conner's Warehouse. 12 M. E. Spaulding and family and B. H. j Williams of San Francisco. Dr. J. L.j ' ureen anu cintora toiey (rt not Springs. Arkansas, and Dr. and Mrs. George R. White of Savannah. Ga. We would like to have the adver tisers more closely observe the rule that copy for ads of any size must be in this office by 3 p. m. the day before publication, and that S a. m. of publica tion day is the lime all copy must be in. We often have to refuse advertis ing because the copy is received too late. When better automobiles are built. Buick will huild them. . tf Everywhere you look you see a Chevrolet. tf l se spreader in your last sprays, ; ltv,c lb. Conner's Warehouse. Market News I i Livestock PORTLAND. Ore, Aug. 4. Cattle calves 5c higher; rest of cattle quiet; receipts 51. Choice dairy calves Js 'a iS.50; prime light 17.50 ii S; medium .5 ,1 7.50; heavy i g S.50. Hogs steady; receipts S3. Sheep steady; receipts 1953. Butter PORTLAND, Ore, Aug. 4. firm: extra cubes 39 :40c: , .,,,: grades 35 i: 34c; cartons 47c; Butter under- prints Manager Darls of the Ores Co- aeriat, .o. 1 churning cream. operative Growers association at!46'7c -. Poniacd; 44c at sta Grants Pass. srnt the day in .Medford ! tions: unden;raies 43 g 44e. yesterday getting supplies lined up for! ; the new plant which the ass-xiatn! San Fran:'' MarVets will open at Grants Pass this month. I PORTLAND. Ore., Aug. 4. Wheat: Alvoa Daaford and wife returned 1Uri wlV ivy- soft wllit. nite Sunday from Portland, where he had . c!ub- harJ w:QIer- northern spring been under" treatment for several i ": rc1 w aiia weeks in a hospital. ' savs the Jack-wn-' ToJa.v' ' receipts Wheat IS; ville P?t. -At the beginning of the'nur - 0314 3; haT war Alvon enlisted with the Canadian army and fought in -me of the fier- est battles of the war and was wound-' ed several times. He has just receiv ed from the British government anoth-; er medal his 5th for distinguished i service. This one is a M:ns star Portland Wheat SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 4 (V. S. Bureau of Markets. Ecgs. extra firs s 2?4c; firsts 254c; extra pallets 24c; undersized pullets Xo. 1, 154c MfuH Cliurgeu Wltll ofiii-uiui mw nnn released on his own racognlzance. 3rd. me.lal, of which Alvon is justly proud." New f3ll rrillmery now oa display at The Vanity Shop. 12"" All summer millrnery 59 per cent dis count The Vanity Shop. tf Summer millinery 50 per cent dis count at The Vanity Shop. 32v" C. E. Leland of Los Angeles is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. John Barneburg for a few days Best music, best floor, Tat Sat nite. 115 Mattress work an kinds. Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. tf Bearing pear and apple orchards sacrificed at 100 acre and up. 1 acre tracts and op. Easy terms. Near Medford Highway. Gold Ray Realty Co Phone 72J-R or 134-Y. Try oar merchants lacch. The Shasta. ! Car! C. Evans, district manager for! the Mack truck and H. H. Harwood. manager of the Portland branch of the! Mack com;iny left yesterday for! Klamath Falis on business. j Per Fire Insurance see Bennett, 113' West Main street tf Lime for spray. Medford Lbr. Co. ' Anyone who has a cash register for sale please call this office 75. tf' Jackson County Fair, Medford. Sep-! temher H to 16. t! The city auto camp had as ptestsi Ast nU.t ani this morning seventv fie j-ers'ns who are traveling in tuenty-one ct s. For god insurance, yot. should go to Goff t Yen. efnee with Jackson County Abstract Co. " We will deliver today urge foad of No. i mill brocks, dumped at 15 TZ. j Valley Fuel Co. Phone 7- . tf , Gxvirich tires and fibes at Colonial' Garage. tf All varieties of peaches In season at1 booth 3. PuMic Market. A. N. Wright; SAN I-RAN'ISCO. Aug. 4 (: Division of Markets. Poultry changed. late nn- Card of Thanks We wish to express our appreciation to all the friends who so kindly assist ed during the illness and death of our sister and dear friend. Ida M. Keith, also for the beautiful flowers. MR. AND MRS. A. G. POWELL. .MISS Bl.tLE GR1ERSON. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALt; Asiraehau and transpar ent apples; Wickson and Santa Rosa plums, iiagley Ranch, Talent Ore. 1-V WANTED To rent five room furnish ed house. Best of references, perma nent Itox 35. Mail Tribune.- 117 THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE Who Got Your Pay Check? Tuesday was the first of the month, pay day for many of us. Was the check yours, or did it go for last months bills? Had it keen your last for a while what then? Why not pay cash and own your check when you get it? There is a lot of satisfaction in a bank account, and it won't take long to get one if you will trade here and bank the difference. We have just received another shipment of Government Meats, and this will be our last as no more is available. Roast Beef, per can . ' 18c Corned Beef Hash, 2 for .25c Corned Beef, No. 2 cans 30c Bacon, 12 pounds . . . . $2.40 GATES & LYDIARD JACKSON COUNTY FAIE, SEPTEMBER 13 TO 16 ,iV. Y. Stocks 1 ! Corn Products Crui-ibie Steel ; Erie , : Famous Players-Lasky Oeneral Asphalt NEW YOP.K. Aug. 4. A reduction ' General Electric in the call money rate to 3 4 per cent General Motors and rebound in the Mexican Petro- J Goodrich Co 'eura to weil above ihe high price of ; Great Xor-.hern. pfd. .. ihe forenoon, intimidated the short J Illinois Central interest into covering e-xtensively in ' Inspiration Copper .... the balance of the list. Low priced 1 International IHarvesier railroads like St. Paul common and (Int. Mer. Marine pfd. .. preferred. Perre Marquette and i International Paper ... Pittsburg and West Virginia were in ! Invincible Oil demand as were a wide assortment of Keilr-SjjririsfieW Tire . specialties. American and Lime, lo-1 Kennecott Copper comouves. American Ice. common j Louisville & Nashville and preferred. Sludebaktr, Posium j Mexican Petroleum. ... Cereal. Woolworth. Kresie. Renting- j Miami Copper ton Typewriter. U. S. rtealty. Brook- i Middle States Oil lyn I'nion Gas and American Radia- Midvaie Steel scored cains of 1 to 4 ponts. aortcem l acuic lor ; American Beet Sugar American Can American Car & Foundry American Supar American Sumatra Tobacc American T. At T. ... American Tobareo American Woolen Anaconda Copper A?.-hison All, Gulf & W. Indies Raldwin Locomotive Baltimore At Ohio Bethlehem Sreel "B" .... Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chandler Motor Chesapeake At Ohio Chicago. Mil. and St. Paul Chicago. K. 1. PiiC. Chino Copper Color-"!" Ft.'! .V !rrt . , . . 47. S ' Pacific Oil , .$ Pan-American Petroleum 72. Pennsylvania i People's Gas ; I 'him C' ( Ray Cono)tdrtod S.1 7 40.7 122.1 US. 5 I 53.2 11.7 32.5 120.5 5T.5 140.1 3.S if. J0.7 44.2 3 a. 1 110.1 S3.1 17. Reading 75.7 Rep. Iron & Steel 71.5 Royal Dutch. X. Y 53. g45 1 Sears P.oebuck 81.5 -0 s ; Sinclair con. uu . 3 v.d 1797 ! Southern Pacific 91.5 j3'.7 Southern Railway 25.6 I Standard Oil of X. J 1S3. s3'3 Studc-baker Corporation 131.1 10S Tennessee Copper 10.1 4(1'5! Texas Co. -. . 47. 10-oj Texas & Pacific 30.1 6$ -I Tobacco Products 79. 54" j Transcontinental Oil 14. j.1'5! I'nion Pacific 142.5 44" j Cnited Retail Stores 63.8 -. inn. Alcohol 62.5 133.; U nited States Rubber 174.2 ' n'ted States Steel ... 2? ! I'tah Copper ji's ! Westinghouse Electric 34", ! Willys Overland 7S.2 54.6 75. 4.7 6.1 29. S K.-r. 56.7 rci.3 64.5 61.1 8.1 Wanted copy of "Lord's Birds ot Oregon." used as text book some years ago. Call Mail Tribune. tf With Medford trade is Medford made Sae 7ttU& t infants invalids - AbKrUK Horlick's Hie Original Aooid Imitations and RnhtHtnift rf Growing Children iRichmiTk. mailed grain extract m Powder Tha Ons Food-Dnnk Fog AU Ages) No CoMng NowrUhin, -Dihl. U MiWri'-h 7S3r) f-Trni--ifTri a IMS - W U S. a B 1 V F. J ' ! FOR SALE Five room bungalow and two large o;s; also furniture. l'Ci i Ntantfc Phone 333J-I. 117 Telephone Numbers to Remember Fire Department 50 (Fire calls only) Insurance Any Kind 123 McCurdy Insurance Agency Medford Xatl Bank Bldg. Fancy Sardines Sardines are especially nice for hot weather; no trouble, justif open and serve. . .. . xc American Sardines in Cotton Seed Oil, Mustard, Tomato SauceV and pure Olive Oil. ' ' Norwegian Smoked Sardines in Olive Oil. French Sardines in pure Olive Oil. We also have a very high grade Kippered Herring. Special Prices By the Dozen Personal Attention Prompt Service H...E. Marsh Phne 252 GROCER .:;, phone 252 JACKSON COUNTY FAIR, SEPTEMBER 13 TO 1$ WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE."""""""" JF.SSE VACUATWSOS i TUOS. T. 'TEMriiE, Medford