Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 26, 1922, Page 3, Image 3

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ASHLAND, June 26. Expenses inci
dent to the Installation of additional
equipment on the children's play
grounds in the parks had to be met,
and it is left to the Parent-Teachers
association to finance the undertaking,
that organization having assumed the
needed outlay. An avenue for secur-
Ing this assistance is now open, pro
viding advantagelstakenof theoppor-,able(, once. This refers to a movie
entertainment at the Vinlng from t me
10 nine, i lie aitrucuun uu i uctsuuy,
Wednesday and Thursday of this week
is a fine one, "Little Lord Fauntleroy,"
stressing the genius of Mary Pickford.
Parent-Teacher members are canvass
ing the business section in the sale of
tickets, school pupils carrying the
' campaign into the residential sections. rellrainary to tne, Tnis means
The association receives a percentage canva8slnK the towIli and a Uve,y calll.
; on tickets sold in this manner, but not ' ,Bn ,g airea(ly ,m(ler way. The ,)lan
; upon admissions paid for at the door,,B tQ ,ntereat ullslnesa housos,
I and those interested will please niakejl0(,Beg am, ,n fact a organlzatlon9 ,
! a note of this circumstance. Mrs. Dr. th,B movementi whlc u one t0 exploit
Blake, Mrs. Louis Dodge. Mrs. Hnm-(le oUservance of au lm)llc occasions
jihreys. and Mrs. George Rose are we afJ the cll,ef natonaI holiday,
committee who have charge of ticket jA standard tlag.nolder is also to be
distribution and sales. Other fine mamlfactured locaiiv. The flags will
: entertainments for, the-school children ,.,, . 2S .,, npt nro.
will be available under same auspices,
provided financial success attends thls:ilouae bulldlng fllluI. , ln purchasing
veuiura. miu ... o.uer uu u,o n u, .i
is hoped that the response in the way
of purchasing tickets will be a gener
ous one. J
Mrs. Charles Guy Dolte, of Chicago,
who has spent the last 15 months in '
China, Japan and the Philippines. is!teriaI1 cnllroh aajourned its regular
visiting a few weeks with Dr. and Mrs
Gordon MacCrnckcn of this city.
' The Ashland, auto camp "grounds
have bees further standardized by the
installation of stereopticon views, the
pictures representing notable scenes
both local and out of town, including
Crater Lake and other points.
'The Emil Enna lecture-recital occurs
nt the Methodist church on Monday
evening, June 26th, 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Day of Hono
lulu, are visiting Ashland friends.
They landed recently in San Francisco
and. their wedding tour will be extend
ed oVerland throughout quite an extent
of coast territory. ' Mrs. Day, formerly
Miss Frances Hamlin, is an Ashland
girl who for years has lived in Hawaii I
and is revisiting old home associations
accompanied by her "bestman," wel-
coniBu uy a uusi oi ineuus. i ne """"
pie are touring California and Oregon
by auto, having left San Francisco and
other.bay precincts last Friday.
Mrs. Maude Creeks is here from
Dunsmulr visiting friends. Mr. Creeks
is an employe of the S. P.' connected
with bridge work.
A left-handed compliment from a
central western tourist was to the ef
fect that "Ashland boasted the most
beautiful scenery of any encountered
since leaving Missouri."
Dr. and Mrs. D. M. Browers are re
celving a visit frofh their daughter,
Mrs. W. H. Hobbs, of Washington, D.
C, who is accompanied by her young
Early cherries are being offered nt
five cents the pound, provided you
pick 'em.
A large party is attending the "dedi
cation" of the caves in Josephine coun
ty today, quite a few making the out
going trip yesterday. Details of the
tour have all been mapped out as to
distance and directions in regulation
timetable form, making it very con
venient for car-owners to trace the
way aftor leaving main thoroughfares.
( ; Were not
i Unless Ijoti Ate
401 South Riverside
Shoes Repaired
E. N. BIDEN, Prop!
Complete stock of these famous spring for aU cars on hand. Prices rea-
We make track bodies, and do all kinds of Mneksmltlilng.'
Billings Carriage
40 to 4S Soutii Riverside
Aniong those who come and go, the
Klmore family have returned from
Crescent City, while Mrs. O. 11. Andtir
son and children have gone to the
coast for a seaside outing in the vicin
ity of Newport. Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Hitchcock are home from Colorado,
and Mrs. C. A. Edwards, accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. McVicar have
gone to the central west. Mrs. Anna
McCarthy, of North Main street, Is re
ceiving a visit from her sister, Mrs.
Court of Pasadena, who will remain
in Ashland Indefinitely. Ruth York,
teacher in Douglas county, is at the
family home, out near the normal, for
the summer. Miss Bernlce Yeo, uni
versity student, is home from Eugene,
in time to visit with her relatives, Mr.
and Mrs. R. S. Chambers, of Potlach,
It seemed like old conditions prevail
ing in wartime when over fifty dis-
ex.80rvice men a63ed through
;here recently on tnelr way t0 San
Fnmcisc0 durlng the train stop, being
met by deputations from the Red Cross '
and Auxiliary of the American Legion
who served light refreshments to and
distributed floral reminders among the
soldier boys.
The Civic Improvement club is to
profit in a way by the sale of flags
,, , ,h , , Q11im, , ,-liih
tnem one performs a doubl duty
cultivates the patriotic spirit, and also
assists in the promotion of an impor
tant civic object. ; . r '
With Its program on Sunday evening
.Woo,,inBior fiiiiwi nf ih Presbv-
meetings for the Bummer.
The Sylvan Provost family of Ash
land and the Crowson family of Med
ford are receiving a visit from rela
tives, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storm, of San
Diego, Cal., who will tour among
scenic attractions in this locality, and
may prolong the trip way up north be
fore returning homewards.
After a month's absence, Ed Staples
has returned from Sacramento and
San Francisco.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Moore of Olym
pia, Wash., were in Ashland on Satur
day, returning by the auto route from
a trip to southern Oregon and northern
California. They formerly resided
here and have numerous . relatives in
,h,g vicinUy. The ramlly longs t0 ,.e.
t(lrn to tMg oId nome environment,
and , leaving for the north an-
jounced an intent of disposing of their
Washington property and coming back
to Ashland town.
Among visitors to the caves are Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Turner of Long Beach,
Cal., temporarily stopping here, who
made the trip with Irving Fintey.
One does not hear much of Colestin
nowdays, the old-time outing grounds
on the railroad. Local parties seem to
prefer the paved highway over the
Siskiyous. and at the summit there are
accommodations for transients as well
as those who wish to remain for a
longer period. Paved roads and the
auto have robbed the railroads of much
holiday as well as regular traffic.
5 Picnleers Suffocated. 1
HARTFORD,' Ark., June 26. At
least five members of a picnic party
were suffocated in an abandoned
mine near here. Three others who
attempted to rescue them, were over
come and are In a serious condition.
Luclle Abbott who has been attend
ing California normal at San Jose re
turned home recently nnd will spend
the summer in this city with relatives.
Phone 474
The Model
Boot Shop
f 21 8. Central -
While You Wait.'
and Auto Works
: Medford
BUTTE - FALLS, Juno 2C The
Butte Fulls correspondent is taking a
vacation- in the mountains of Cali
fornia, so your assistant has taken
advantage of the situation to say
that Butte Falls is busily engaged in
preparing for the big celebration,
July 3 and 4. .
The pit to be used in roasting the
big fat steer, is being dug near the
park and most all able-bodied men
in town are taking a hand in the
operation. Judging by the size of
the pit. the steer will be a monster.
Butte Falls does things and will pre
pare to entertain a large crowd on
the Fourth. J. B. Watkins of Cen
tral Point is employed here and will
receive a double share of roast beef j
on July 3d on account of helping to i
dig the pit. The pole for the;
greased pule climbing contest is in
place and only needs an application
of grease.
One of the big attractions July 4th
will be the address of :Hon. C. M.
Thomas of Hertford. Mr. Thomas is
in great demand by the people for
similar occasions. lie is scheduled
for Yreka on the evening of July 3,
but has promised our committee to
drive home at night and be on hand
July 4th. Let's hear him.
Faber and Simerville have lumber
on the ground to erect a warehouse
for the storage and sale of hay, feed
and salt. The roads around Butte
Falls' in the winter are not the best
in the world and such a warehouse,
filled during the summer months
will prevent a shortage of feed dur
ing the rainy season.
Fishing in Big Butte creek is im
proving and we notice California
cars bringing fishermen to our town,
yet we do not see them with many
County Assessor Coleman has been
In our district the past week, check
ing up timber assessments. He was
assisted by Mr. Langley of Jackson
ville and Mr. Hildreth of Butte Falls.
The road from the valley to Butte
Falls is In excellent condition. Mr
Allen, our road master Is on the job
every day and now is working on the
road to the Duprey mill. Ho is doing
his share to induce a large crowd to
attend the celebration.
Mr. Ray Parker, a local boy, ar
rived home from Pacific university,
where he recently graduated.
Mr. Parker will be employed in the
local high school next winter, and
wo must add a word complimentary
to our school board for employing
local talent. We are so prone to look
for greener pastures farther on and
to send to distant points for instruc
tors, when there are applicants in our
own community.
The young folks nnd some older
folks are enjoying the facilities for
bathing in the big tank. We don't
see how we can accommodate the
crowd on July 4th as far as bathing
is concerned in the tank, but may di
rect some to the mill pond where the
wter is cool and refreshing. .
Chris Beal has gone to his lookout
station for the summer.
Tom Grlgsby had the misfortune to
lose a horse this week. He had re
cently purchased the team at Central
Point to haul shakes to town.
Butte Falls hopes to see you July
3d. Bring your blanket and fishing
tackle and stay over the fourth.
Jitp Prince Is III.
HAYMA, June 20. Prince Fu
shiml Is ill as the result of compli
cations following an attack of Influ
enza. . Physicians of the Imperial
Fushlmi family stnte that his condi
tion in serious, but is not critical at
Tap Squadron Soils.
YOKOSUKA, Japan, Juno 20 -The
Japanese training squadron sailed to
day for Honolulu on its trans pa
cific tour.
Mason, Ehrman & Co.
Wholesale Grocers
Cig'ar Importers
Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Lewiston
Repairs and builds springs
All new springs guaranteed.
General repair, Blacksmith
ing. Only Spring Furnace
in Southern Oregon.
118 S. Bartlett. Phone 183 J
Up-to-date Service.
Bowman L Noe. Props.
Vilmo and Harmony Flour
Ask your dealer for one of these brands.
It is anticipated that the forum on
Wednesday will be well attended as
a representative of the Southern Pa
cific company will present the South
ern Pacific view point in controversy
over the recent railroad decision of
the supreme court.
J. H. Mulchay, general freight agent,
will address the members forum. He
is no stranger to the citizens of south
ern Oregon and his presentation of the
subject will undoubtedly clear up some
of the impressions which have been
gaining a foothold in this territory.
The people of Medford should not take
hnsty action in endorsing any move
ment of either of the interested parties
until both sides of the questions in
volved are heard.
The forum will be held nt tho Mod-
ford hotel nt noon.
A. C. Howlett
John L. Robertson, Sr., Jack May-
hew and two strangers were hero for
dinner Monday. Mr. Robertson is one
of our thoroughgoing and extensive
farmers and reimrts that the hay crop
is fully to date, and that the prospect
for a good crop of grain is very good
H. Charley and Miss llertlia Ford of
Medford, were here for supper Monday
Mrs. F. A. Whaley and family of
nutte Falls, came in as guests at the
Sunnyslde Saturday the 17th and re
mained until Tuesday afternoon and
were taken out to Medford where Mr.
Whaley had secured a house and had
brought their household goods. Mrs,
Whaley has been an invalid nt the
hotel for several weeks owing to the
high altitude at Butte Falls.
C. A. Plckel, the meter reader for
the California-Oregon Power Co., was
here on his regular monthly round
Thursday for dinner and so was Char
ley Brown, salesman for C. E. Gates
& Co.
When the Medford-Butte Falls stage,
the Hudson six arrived at our post of
fice Wednesday morning It was loaded
to its capacity, three men on the rear
seat, four on the middle and three, in
cluding the chauffeur on the front and
two on the hood over the lamps, be
side the mail, parcel post and baggage,
and they all seemed to bo comfortably
seated; they all went on to Butte
Falls. . '
Our annual school meeting was held
at the school house Wednesday and
tho regular order of business gone
through and' in addition Mrs. T. E.
Nichols tendered her resignation as a
member of the school board and it was
accepted and the contract was let to
haul the high school pupils to and from
the Medford high school to the last
year's contractor, Sam H. Harnish, for
the next year.
Mrs. R. G. Brown was re-elected to
follow herself, and Mrs. Grover was
elected to fill the vacancy caused by
the resignation of Mrs. Nichols and the
old clerk, Mr. John Linn, was re-elected
as school clerk.
H. B. Tronson, one of our leading
orchardists was a business caller Wed
nesday and reports that th,e prospect
for fruit is fine. and Mrs. John Ruder and their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Stanley of Anttrtnpe valley made
When your
Are in our
you can bet, you'll get re
sults. Remember we spe
cialize on rough dry family
wash. ' " ' .
Laundry Co.
21f B. Riverside. Phone 873
a business trip to Medford Wednesday.
The following persons wore appoint
ed a committee to arrange the school
budget for the coming school year:
Mrs. F. W. Reid, Mrs. S. B. Holmes and
Mr. F. J. Mel'herson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Singwalt nee
Hattie Cingcade jf Oakland. Calif.,
cume in Monday td visit Mrs. Sing-1
wait's parents and her many old time
friends and schoolmates, for Hattie as
many of us still call her, was educated
as far as and including tho ninth grade
here, she then by her persistent efforts
attended the business college of Ash
land, finishing her course there, then
went to San Frnnclsco where she at
tended night schools until she secured
a position in the S. P. railroad office,
and kept climbing until she is capable
of filling almost any position in the
business world, and her folks have
reown to feel proud of having such a
dtughter. Mr. Singwalt is In business
in Oakland, Calif., preparing the types
to print pictures for books and news
papers, and has a force of ten men
employed at the present time in Ills
Wo hnvo had another change in real
estate in our town, John L. Robertson
Jr., having bought what is known as
the Charley Painter property, a good
roomy residence and three acres of
choice garden land with water light
and a good roomy barn.-
J. D. Patrick who has been stopping
at the Sunnyslde hotel most of the
time this spring nnd summer, doing
odd jobs carpentering lias gone to
work on a job for Frank Rhodes.
A crew of three men havo been at
work placing caution and distance
signs along the Crater Lake highway
the past few days and making their
headquarters a part of the time nt the
Sunnyslde hotel.
Charley Humphrey was here Wed
nesday with a load of wood. With him
were Mr. Graham of Reese creek who
owns the old Fred Pettygrew place and
J. W. Isbell, who had his finger caught
In machinery about a week ago and
cut off with tho exception of a very
small piece of skin. The doctor placed
the two parts of the finger together
here intending to redress it the next
morning when he went to Medford. On
examination there he found that thoy
were growing together nicely, so that
he will not be under the necessity of
losing the finger at all though it will
probably be stiff.
Mrs. J. L. Manna nee Annie Pnnkey,
formerly of Central Point, and two
daughters, Helen and Hnrriet of U. of
O. campus, Eugene, are in the valley
visiting her brother and two sisters
and friends, and called at the Sunny
slde where we had a pleasant visit.
Wm. Cottroll of Eagle Point post-
office, one of our prominent stockmen
was here for dinner Thursday; also
W. H. Brown and wire and B. H. Wil
liams of L. Dunkelsplel & Co., San
Francisco. Also (1. W. Frey and wife
and son J. W. Frey of Lake Creek.
H. U-Whlted and Miss Marjorle
Whlted of Vlsalla, Calif., with Mrs.
Laura Hosier of Ashland, nnd Mrs.
Cora Relmers and Mrs. Sarah Gunlnrd,
both of Alameda, Cal., took dinner at
the Sunnyslde. E. M. Hosier is super
intendent of the water system in Ash
laud. II. L. Whlted is a jeweler ln
Visalla. Calif.
Dr. and Mrs. E. O. Rlddcll of Santa
Barbara, Calif., and children Dorothea
and Nelson are here visiting Mrs. Rid
dell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Dr. W, W. r. Holt was here for sup
per Thursduy and reported the birth of
a son that morning to Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Tucker of Ilrownsboro. Mrs. Earl
Tucker nee Winnlfred Hank, was for
merly a school girl of our town.
Prince of Monaco Dies
PARIS, June 20. Prince Albert
Honore Charles of the principality of
Monaco, died here this afternoon at 5
Sale Stable
111 N. Fir St Phone 551
Lee Watkins & Go.
Choice Grade Crushed Barley,
Flour, Bran and Middlings, Hay,
Grab and Poultry Feeds.
Custom Grlnillna and Rolling a
397 South Front St.
makes perfect preserves, jams
and jellies with sugar and
Karo Crystal White instead of
all sugar. Be sure to ask your
grocer for Karo RED LABEL.
FREE: Ask your grocer or write
Corn Products Refining Company,
Dept. A, Arg'o, III., for beautiful and
instructive Karo Preserving l-'oldcr.
I .& I
HI Many linvo tho impression that, n Sedan is prt
III niai'ily n winter car. Thn xipiilui'i(y of tho Ford Mil 1
HI Sedan in summer timo disproved this impression. II II
HI It affords nil (ho open uir pleasure of n touring car
HI with tho comfort and conveniences of n closed car, U
III since the windows can bo lowered with case nt any ,
HI Why not come In, see this llltlo rnr. in-
HI vostlgnto for yourself its merits. Wo will ho glad 111
HI to show it to you. '
c. e. gates Auto co. . I
III Cor. Sixth and Pacific lihvay jjljil
Automobile Springs
Merriman's Blacksmith Shop
20 South Riverside Phone 279-J
"With Medford
Trade Is
Medford Made."
AT 127 W. MAIN ST.
Next Door to Wnlkrr Anto Co.
Have You Done It?,
The Old Reliable ? j
No. 7 N. Fir Street ; it
Best Shoes for Less
We handle Weyenberg Shoes
Hig Class
Shoe Repairing ,
Awnings, Tents, Auto Tops and
Cushion works; Tourist Supplies.
Anything made of Canvas.
Phono 145-J v
Opp. S. P. Depot Medford