Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 13, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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A. C. Hewlett
Youselected yourcar carefully for qual
ity. Select yourmotor fuel thesame way.
It's unfair to feed a good car an inferior
"Red Crown" answers completely tho
automotive engineer's demand for a -motor
fuel that will vaporize rapidly and
uniformly in the carburetor and ex
plode cleanly in the cylinders. All the
heat units it contains are converted into
power at the drive wheels.
"Red Crown" is uniform in quality
every gallon is the same, wherever and
whenever you buy it.
Fill at the Red Crown sign at Service
Stations, at garages, or other dealers.
v (California;
cIhi Gasoline
of Quality
. $10.00
On the Purchase Price of Any Cabinet
Gas Range
GAS is a clean, convenient fuel. It comes into your
house and to the stove in a small, well-concealed pipe.
Gas fires produce no smoke and their flames can be
perfectly controlled. It is only necessary to open
further a little valve when more heat is wanted.
The advantages of brightness and cleanliness in your
kitchen in themselves are reasons for investigating
most fully the many other merits of gas as a fuel for
Southern Oregon Gas Co.
Wool and Mohair
All members of the Oregon AVoul & Moliniv Association nre.
advised to deliver the wool mid linlr to the FARM BUREAU
EXCHANGE for lornling out the last ear JUNE 20TH. lie
member if you don't jret iictlie ear load shipment, your own
individual crop must bear the loeal freight.
. Pacific Co-operative Woolgrowers
KFFF.tTIVU MAY 2X, 11)22
Xorth Hound
Head Povvn.
Lv. 12:00 Xoon
I.T. 1:00 r. M.
,v. 4:00 1 iM.
Av. 7:30 I. SI.
Dally Except Sunday
(ranlM I'jisa
South Hound
Head t p.
Av 1'. M.
I.T :t:o p. ,
l.v. I :oo . M.
I.v. 8:110 A. M,
KAKK: AHlilnmMtmrluii-K, V 1.(10; Modfoiil-HoscliiiiR, 91.13;
Grant Pass-HoHcliiirK, 9:1.00.
Meilford Phone MOO
Juno 12. (Special to tho Tribune).
Immediately nfter the term examina
tions this week, a party of geologists,
led by J)r. Karl Packard, head of the
department of geology of tho univer
sity, will leave for tho vicinity of .Med
ford Riid Ashland to spond threo weeks
examining tho economic resources of
the area and mapping the geologic tea.
tares and topography of the Ashland
quadrangle. Vliis will bo the third
field expedition sent by the. geology
department into this part of tho state
and tho work accomplished this, sum
mer will ultimately be Incorporated in
a geologic folio of tho quadrangel cov
ering a period of seven or eight years'
The party, composed mostly of post
graduate students who are majoring la
geology and mineralogy, will establish
a permanent camp on Dear creek, near
Talent, and from this place an area of
some 25 square miles will be mapped
and studied. According to Dr. Pack
ard, there Is only one other section of
tho state, tho Wallowa lllno mountains
which has more scientific Interest to
tho geologist, and it is expected that
tile data gathored this summer will be
of interest to paleontologists and geol
ogists throughout tho United States.
Tho members of the summer camp
will explore, excavate and do thoir
studying in a great amphitheatre hav
ing recorded in itB walls tho history of
appenrance and disappearance of llfo
forms over a span of time covering
millions of years.
In tho territiry to bo studied, uplifts
of tho Siskiyou mountains have bared
goologlc Btrata which extend back to
tho Paleozoic, that tlmo when strange
forms of life came into existence Also,
in this area Mesozoic strata have been
exposed and tho geologists will have
tho opportunity of examining forma
tions laid down at that distant time
when cumbersome forms of land nnd,of Mrs. M. H. Kentner of Los Angeles,
water roptiles lived. Eocene plants, ,,n" 1 hai1 the Privilege of attending
and Pleistocene mammals have bcen,to session rrinay anu was suimuwu
Ed Cowden, . ono of our far-seeing
and , enterprising stockman-farnmrs
and dairymen was in town Wednesday
and so was Charley Humphrey who
brought in wood for our townspeople
to supply tho demand for the coming
winter. And while the two wcro bore
in town they happened to meet and
Mr. Cowrion Jumped on Mr. Hum
phrey's truck and bad a fine ride over
the unspeakable road to Charley's
home beyond Derby, and while thcro
made a deal for twenty-one pigs that
had Just been weaned', and the result
was the pigs were transferred from
the lien Into two largo boxes, put onto
the truck, and In order to economise
in time tho truck was moved t.i a rick
of stovewood and two tier of wood put
in and the whole load brought out, tho
wood to Jho Sunnysldo and the pigs to
the Cowdon farm to be converted Into
hogs for the fall and winter market
Thus the city folks can see the way
the country people have to shift things
around to procure money to buy the
necessary things of life and pay tho
taxes to support the higher-ups who
ride around in their fine cars, Inspect
ing what the farmers raise, gathering
samples of what the farmers raise for
exhibition at the county and state fairs
to help to boost our country and build
up the towns and cities so that the
farmers can find a market for what
they raise and thus keep the ball mov
ing. The question is ofton asked how
30 manjj people can keep 1111 we Bee
riding over the country In their fine
automobiles, wearing fine clothes,
smoking good cigars and not producing
a thing, for it is not an uncommon
thing to sco two or four, for they gen
orally go in pairs, "agents" and hear
them telling of their selling four or six
autos in a week, thus showing that
our country is in a prosperous and
healthy condition, and it Is all brought
aoout because of the brain work of tho
Win. Almy and his mother, Mrs. M
D. Bowles of Lake Creek, were among
the business callers Wednesday.
Our Vacation Hilda School is pro
gressing finely under the management
found In this vicinity, according to Dr.
Many phases of vulcanlsm and dlas-
to see and hear the progress tho cbll
dren are making in memorizing and
repenting tho Incidents related In the
trophic movements in this quadrangle'0''! testament and the interest most of
the children seem to lane in tae move.
Uonember that on .Sunday, .Tune
18th, that Rev. M..C. Davis, at ono time
popular and efficient Sunday . school
evangolist. now of Wolf creek is to
will be mappod and stiidlcti by the unl
vorslty'goologlRts. Molten tongues of
lava Intrusions hnve baked and me
tamorphosed the earlier formations.
Following this dinstrophlsm, a period
probabilities will also be Investigated.
A fossil location has been reimrted
in tho vicinity of tho Oregon Cnvos,
and Dr. Packard, who Is an authority
on prehistoric fauna, is eager to make
a trip to that locality.
Motlford will be the baso of supplies
for tho party while in southern Ore
gon. Cllenn Walkoley, of Eugene, man
ager of tho camp, will loavo the uni
versity Friday to establish tho camp
on Pear creek. The party of eight or
ten men will go to Meilford Saturday
or Sunday.
of depression and submersion took Preach here, on Sunday morning, 11
iilneo and tho metnmornhosed rocks o clock and in tho evening t. 8 o ciock.
have been covered with,. laid. and at Trail at 3 o'clock in the after-
down in tho ancient Cretaceous sens. noon. Those in Trail and vicinity who
Tho research men will make a study see this notice tell their friends 01 tut
of tho artesian waters near Ashland, "ev. Davis coming as ne nas a noai 01
and for thla renann It la oviincm.l thnt friends in that community.
the work of the geologists will be Among the diners at the Sunnysldo
watched with interest bv the neoolei Wednesday were Wm. lilUson. 11. f.
in the southern part of the state. Oil j Oatnian and H. E. Warner who arc
working now In tne interest 01 tuc
county and state fairs gathering the
different kinds of grasses, alfalfa,
clover, timothy, vetch, etc., to be
cured properly nnd placed on exhibit
to let tho world know the wontlorful
productivity of Jackson county, Ore
gon. Ray Ilarnish and Lloyd Harvey,
Ralph Cowgill who is the civil engineer
working on the water canal from llig
Ilutte, beyond Butte Falls to Lagle
Point and beyond, and F. A. Deputy,
Talent, Oregon.
Miss Maude Allen of Eugene, a nleco
of Mrs. A. R. McDonald is here visiting
her undo and aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Silliman, of the
Sugar Bowl candy manufacturing es
tablishment of Medfbrd, were here for
supper. Mr. Silliman mnkes bis, own
candies but sells at wholesale and de
livers. He had been to Trail and Ilutte
Falls that day to deliver a lot of bis
goods and stopped here on his way
home Tor supper. Claud (Shorty) Miles
and his mother, Mrs. J. Doublodny and
James Degan of Heaglo wore also here
for supper.
Thursday W. Blake of tho biological
survey, U. S. Dept. of Agilcult ire, was
here for supiicr, and Wm. Llchtonberg
of Wolf creek, sntosman for North
Ridge Brush Co.. spent the night. He
canvasses a town or community,
takes orders and the next week de
livers. A. G. Bishop, one of our prominent
orchardists and farmers was a busi
ness caller Thursday and so was An
drew Poole, one of the forest rangers
of Trail.
Gnrey Garrett, of Meilford. and
Marsh Garrett of Lake Creek, Henry
French and son Lloyd passed through
here in the morning and went to Med
ford nnd returned in the afternoon.
Mrs. S. R. Johnston and Mrs. G. W.
Averill and Charles Martin of Butte
Falls, were passengers on the stas-'e
from Butte Kails Thursday and Fred
Ames of the Edgell orchard was a
business caller Thursday.
Mrs. S. A. Rlchter of Trail, who lives
just beyond the divide on the Douglas
county line, came out on the Butte
Falls tage Thursday and went on up
homeon the Persist stage. In speak
ing of his health remarked that he had
the flu last winter but bis nearest
neighbor was eight miles away and the
snow was so deep that he could not get
out. and he had no phone so had to get
along tho best he could alone.
Mrs. R. MelXinald of Brownsboro.
Mrs. M. D. Bowles nnd son, Wm. A liny
of I-ake Creek, also came out on the
Butte Falls stage Friday evening and
went on up home.
Walter Wood, one of our prominent
stockmen was here for dinner Friday.
J. M. Wllfley, one of the bis orchar
dists of Rogue River valley was here
Friday afternoon, and so was Mrs
Herbert Carlton of WelUn.
Mr. in. Davis of l.caglo was
visited by his neice this week from
Grandpa Houston of Trail Is stay
ing with his daughter at tho Beagle
post office, as ho is In very poor
It Ih reported that Tom Godfrey of
tho Beagle hall, who left, a short
time ago for his brother's place near
Portland for bis health Is dead.
A family reunion -birthday dinner
was held at Mr. and Mrs. George
Stackey's Sunday, relatives from
Central Point, Medford, LonK Branch
Beagle and Antloch nil gathered
there several of the family's birthday
anniversaries coining in June.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Deford visited
wllh Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Glass
Mr. Green, who has been staying at
Mr. Glass' left this week for his home
In Portland.
A large gathering of people was
at Mr. and Mrs. ljiwrenee's Sunday
to hold ineetlug, a faulty from
Fivsno. Cnl... called on them nnd
stayed several days, also visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Glass.
Mrs. W. W. Morrison fell nnd hurt
her knee unite badly this week.
Mr, .Moore and Mr. Chapman made
n trip to the Meadows Sunday to Mr.
HO Moore's place.
Mr. Polnetx and Mr. White of Med
ford were out in Antloch Sunday.
His Friend Recommended Them
"Six yenrs-ago," writes W. II. Shad
well, Sta.iley, Va., "I bad kidney trou
bio. and at times was unable to raise
myself in oed. Foley Kidney Pills
were recommended to nie by the Chief
01 the 1 Ire Department. After using 3
bottles I was completely relieved and
have never had a return of the synip-
oms. by sntiVr when yon can get
relief from rliemnetlc pains, backache,
swollen, sore nnd stiff Joints; sleep
disturbing bladder w-akness and other
symptoms of disordered kidneys. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
About 45 ex-service men of Morrow
county have petitioned for a local
chapter of the "1U and son Jo be estab
lished at Heppiier. '
ftj .3. J
The Cleanest Farms
In Any Community
FORDSON farms have that reputation. Early fall plow
ing is what keeps these farms free of weeds.
"That's easy to talk about, but how are you going to plow
when the ground is so. hard and dry, and the weather so hot
that a team can't work?." That, probably is your objection to
the formula.
"Use a Fordson-Oliver Plowing Outfit," is the answer. Heat
and hard soil and dry weather don't bother a bit when you use
Tordson power instead of horses. Early fall plowing with a
Fordson tractor and an Oliver No. 7 plow will enable you to
turn over the soil the time you know it will do the most good.
Otw 200,000 Fordion Farmers Ue Olnrer Tillage Implements
1. m&-&;(SJi?i m&3.
Don't let the blaze from your mutch start a blao In the woods.
Railroad Travel Costs Are Down
San Francisco
and Eastern Cities
Via the Scenic Shasta Route
25 Saving to San Francisco and return
Salo dates Juno 13 to 20 incl. 'Final limit July 20th
Summer Tourist Fares
East through California
Cost Much Less This Year
You may visit San Francisco. Los Angeles and Kan liieRO, wonder cilies of
the Pacific Coast: California's ClinrmiiiK Seashore and Mountain Kesorts,
Three National Parks and scores of inviting pleasure places.
Swing East this Way and Sed More of the U. S. A.
Round Trip Fares
To Portland
Are the Lowest in Years
$13.25, $16.00
For sato dates and other particulars ask agents
Plan now to make trips this summer and tako
advantage of great reductions in railroad fares
For fares, reservations, train schedules, transit limits, stopover
privileges or beautiful folders inquire of agents.
JOHN M. SCOTT. Ceneral Passenger Agent
- 'For Reliable
L. Knips Transfer
Car Washing Service y Q.Q rj j
(ilve Your Car n Weekly WashiiiR
1 or in.ini a Month
At llittson's OnraKe
lry Mill Illorks: Fir Slab Wood nnd
nil other kinds ot wood
Cor. Third anil Fir ' Ptione KID