L MEDFORD MAID TRTBWR, MEDFCYRD, OKKflONV TIM DAY. TUXK fl, 1922 TACIT) FIVE A New Leader in the Home Run League SPIRIT OF '49 TO BE ABROARD 10 HAVE BEST FAIR IN STATE : :f;'ivT.,wi-s.'ir'i;'V'S''.ty'ir.Tif7-. 1 'V CITY JUNE 15TH it JACKSON PROSPERITY For many years during which there was a county fair held in Jackson county,- the' lisaociution was called ilubn to muke expend itures' annually of ' frftriv fifteen' to 'twenty-five- hundred dollars on temporary structures ue cause"the county had no permanent srbunds.' ' ' -" ' :On account of these expenditures, .the.fair. nasoctation at the. end of each year found themselves in debt. About Ij tjye Vi'fi'ars- agi w Hen ' Alio Iris t ' cou n ty jfiiVr was" Held,' the ass6elatltu"madc sufficient money to pay the debt which 'had been hanging over them tor .more than five years, lteins clear of debt, the officers of the fair association vowed that no fair would ever be given in the county until proper facilities were provided. It, has taken two years of hard work on the part of the fair association to get these facilities under way, but the next fair, which will be held In Sep tember, -13th. to lB.tli, will be housed in the best county fair buildings in the slate of Oregon. ' Tha city of Medford and county of Jackson bought 118 acres of ground 'located one mile south of Medford on :the Pacific highway. It is the most sightly location from an advertising -standpoint as every tourist in auto or on the train will fjass same. These grounds represent an investment of . $23,000. - Alter showing the people of Jackson qounty the possibilities of making a wonderful fair, they voted a one mill tax last December for permanent build ings and other improvements. This tax raised $37,412, although only $25,000 will be available' this year as ; there is a usunl delinquency of approx imately 10 per cent in tax collections, i ThiB tax money will grade and level a good portion of the grounds. It will pay for some three thousand feet of water mains and fifteen hundred feet of sewer. It will pay for the construc tion of some five miles of fencing. In addition to this, the county has pur chased 5000 yards of 42-inch olive drab 20-oz. ducking at 12c a yard f. o. b. Medford and eight tents, 36 by 55 feet at $i.00 each. The last two items were war materials and are valued In the open market at about $1000, and cost less than $1000. ' The main building program consists of an agricultural and horticultural palace 74 by 108 feet, a stock pavilion 71 by 75 feet, an entrance building , measuring 84 feet wido, a grandstand .with a capacity of iOOO people and a if i Rogers llornshv. crack St. T.ouis National player, who lias taken the lead in the scramble lor home run honors, llornsby cracked out two four base hits in Sunday's (Muy 2S) galne with the Pittsburg Pirates, running his total to thirteen. Hnrnsuy totaled 'St homers all of last season. Tho spirit of '40 will be abroad In Medford Thursday night, June 15 when the local American Legion post stages Its Frontier Days celebration at the Natatorlum in conjunction with tho Prosperity 'eek entertainment. The U'glonnulre8 plan a revival for one night of the palmy days of Jack sonville when flannel shorts were the vogue and the slxshouter was cdnsid ered a necessary part of n gent's ward robe. A real old time "foot-tapping tid ier," will help out in the dancing, a resurrected bar will bo set in place with real sawdust lu front of it. where ladies and escorts may "likker up." Faro, roulette, and oilier Indoor pas times of bygono days when men "bet their bottom dollar'' and occasionally 'died with their boots on," will bu open for play. The American Legion has contem plated the staging of a frontier days celebration for many months. Tho ef fort and expense necessary to put on a really good entertainment has deluy ed the proposition until tho question of giving the entertainment during Pros perity Week camo up, and It was unan imously decided to hold the event at that time and make It a big affair. T woman's building of an irregular Hand some architectural design. In addition to the above mentioned funds, the fair association ' has by another means saved approximately $5000 with which the mile and an eighth speedway is being constructed. This will be saucer shaped and have an auto speedway of between eighty and ninety miles. This track will also be used for horse races and round-up events. A safety zone of forty feet on the outside of this speedway will be strongly fenced to avoid all. possible accidents. . , With the fair facilities which Jack son county is providing:, no " cther county in southeilt Oregon -can eom pete and as a result, the Jackson coun ty fair will be the outsiani'ting'bvent annually of southern Oregon and nor thern California, lu tact it will be an interstate affair with a good prospect of growing and of being a financial success. The fair association which has charge of the fair proper, is a non profit sharing organization. livery cent profit will ho int-ested in further improvements at the fair grounds. The law provides that an association must 'operate the fair as it does not permit the county authorities to contract ! debts which the people would have to pay by taxation,, , Interesting figures as to the con struction program now taking place are that there will be 200,000 feet of lumber and a ton of nails used. Some 200 barrels of cement will go into the foundations. The buildings will be painted and bo completed in time for the fair. ' ' It is now up to the agriculturists, horticulturists and stock men of the county to prepare their exhibits. The boys and girls have been actively en gaged In doing so for some timo. Hefli make this the best fair ever held in Oregon. YAKIMA, iV'ash., Julio 8. Mi-B. George Young who hus been held by the police for several days on sus picion of being' Implicated in tho holdup of Carl Fielding of Portland, who lost $230, last night confessed to tho police that she and her husband, now in the county jail, had planned the robbery. , The police obtained a signed state ment from Mrs. Young who also Im plicated a second nfaii, not yet under arrest, In the plot. Mrs. Young acted as "come-on" inducing Fielding to take her for a drive and then hud him go to a secluded sFot where tho hold up was staged,., according to the, police. Some men get homesick when away from homo others at home. Minnesota has three women mayors. WEEK Next week is Prosperity Week, and during the week, we ; will give one Free Theater Ticket with every five dollar 7 , cash purchase. These tickets are good at either the, , , s ,.f Page or Rialto theatre. '. SPECIAL PRICES :. NEXT WEEK Standard Corn 10c per Can ; 7f 4' Home grown Strawberries are now at their best. Special prices by the crate. Personal Attention Prompt Service H. E. Marsh Phone 252 GROCER Phone 252 PROSPER ITY WEEK PROGRAM M edford Juae 12 to 17 WEDNESDAY -Flag Day and Rose Show THURSDAY Irrigation and Indus trial Development FRIDAY---Community Day. Big - Feed at the Park at Noon Baseball Game in Afternoon. High Jinks at NigKt THE MERCHANTS OF MEDFORD WILL GIVE FREE TICKETS TO THEATERS ALL WEEK WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF $5 t ? t T f t f T T T T t X i l t X T T t T T T T ? t f 2 T t DROP ALL WORK AND COME! t - i