9, 1022 ' ' ' ' ' ' , PACIfi TWO medfotit) itfAm tribune, TEflF.oftp oftrxioy, ft?tdav, juke NEVER SAW IT'S EQUAL, STATES MRS. BROWER Portland Resident Says No One Has More Reason Than She to Praise Tanlac "I've iil'Vim- wen such n change in un.vonc nnd i don't believe any body Ihih hitter reason fur prntMnff Tanhic than T li;tvt" dec-lured Mih. J. R l;rove:, K. 81st St., Portland, Ore. "Nearly. H "' life I had awful HitellH of fiiek heailnehe that kept mo in bed dnyw at a time. My nerves Mftmrd , to collapse and I would almost ffo distracted over any little noine. 'I'hen about three yearH ao my Htojtiacli began to trouble me and I have Himply suffered tortures from inditfeHtlon. I had to be extremely taietul About even the little I did eat for Kan made my heart palpitate until 1 eould hardly breathe. "I took Tan lac because a friend told nie how much sood it did her. BEDFORD SCHOOL TEACHERS TO SPEND SUMMER mm ALL PARIS OF THE WORLD The officials and IcaeherB in the Meilforil schools who begin dispersing today to various parts of the United States, to spend the summer will most of them be back on duty again here next fall. Many will uttend summer school and at least one will travel in Europe and two will visit Alaska this summer. The list of teachers hired for next year will be given out by Superintendent Smith for publication early next week. The teachers will spend their summer vacations as fel lows; Superintendent Aubrey Smith will be In the office and at home for a week or two. He then expects to at tend the summer session In I!, of O. at Eugene and do special work in edu- Now 1 fid so woll iii every way 1 cation anil related subjects. r:in't ti ll (here was ever anything the I Miss Henry expects to spend the nwiti. i- with in.- and 1 gladly give slllllmer nt school and all of next year huh HtnleliK'iii 111 inp nope otluM'H :niny profit frnni my lii'licf." ! . Tunlno Is sold by nil good gists. . that expo- driiK-Adv. nt Oregon Agricultural college. I MIbs Frances Sherwood leaves Sun 'day night from Portland for her. home 'at Chicago where she will Bpend the Property Accldc-nt.s like this .occur every day. In hoiuo- cases unnvold nble in "some caws they arc not. Yours may be the next case! Are you prepared for such an emergency? -Let us draw up a policy for you which will rid your mind from worry-and relieve you of a heavy, financial .burdon In enso oil trouble. ' ' 'v Do It today! McCurdy INSURANCE AGENCY ' Phono One-Two-Three NEWCOMB FOR WOOD lGiccU Slab Wood, dry in yard, $1.75 per tier. Delivered green, ?1.75 in loads of 4 tier, dumped. Dry Mill Blocks, $7.00 per load, or $6.50 dumped. Phono 631 Day or Night WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors summer and attend summer school, taking a special musical course. Mrs. E. C. Jerome leaves Sunday to spend a couple of weeks at her for mer home in San Jose, Calif. ' Mr. Jerome will Join her there and they will go to Atlantic City, N. J., for the hlks convention, visiting Glacier Na tional nark. Returning by Way of Seattle where Mrs. Jerome will spend the rest of the summer and expects to be back in Medford by the first of September. Louise Manning will travel in Prance and Italy during the summer and will return to Medrord 1n the fall. K. M. Hussong 'expects to spend the summer in boosting for Medford and the Rogue River valley; studying bugs, beasts and flowers of Crater Lake national park, and raising food for the gods in Ills home orchard nnd garden. Program, repertoire and itin erary subject to mood, fancy and poaketbook. ' ' flertha V. Baumgartner will write her master's thesis at the University of Cullfornla this summer, and expects to return next year. ' Mr. and Mrs Strock will spend the Bummer In Denver. They will be back in Medford when school opens. C. T. Steward intended to attend California university hut Mrs. Stew ard's condition may not permit. If such Is the case they will Bpend the summer in the hills nnd return in the fall to begin the next year's school work. , , Ruth Pett will go to Alaska, AugUBt 5th or a little while before that for a 12-day trip. The rest of the summer she will ' spend nt home, 705 North Riverside avenue. She intends to tench here next year. Outside of visiting a fow scenic spots in Oregon, II. F. Copo expects to spend some time In Scuttle, Wash., at tending to University of Washington summer sosslons doing graduate work. Maurlno Carroll Intends to spend a Widow Cries for Joy "I couldn't eat anything but raw eRffs nnd Hweet milk and was ho weak I could hardly walk acroKs the room. I would have been in tny grave to day If 1 hadji't taken Alayr's Won derful ltemedy when t did. AVhen I think how I have Buffered with my Htomach and how good I feel now 1 cry for joy." It la a nimplo, harm Ichh preparation that removoH the ca tarrhal mucus from tho Intestinal tract and allayH the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis., Ono dose will con vince or money refunded. Adv. The Desire to Please The desire to please prompts the .purchase of gifts of every nature, 'and this store with Gifts that Last, ' comes almost always first to the mind of the searcher for appropriate ijifts. , . . ill ' . " yfe realize that every pleasing gift that leaves our store opens the way for ,the "sale of another. JOHNSON, Jeweler With a Desire to Please few weeks at her home at Eugene, Ore. On July 1st she will go to Neah- Kah-Nle Tavern, Nehalom, - Ore., to have charge of the dining room, man aged and run by the Oregon Agricul tural college girls. The first week in August ' she is going to the Nation''. Home Economics association meeting to be held in Corvallls and Portland. She will then Join Mrs. E. C. Jerome in Seattle, from where she will return to Medford. , ' R. W. Jteinemer expects to leave on camping trip to California, next week. Will work along as I go to pay expenses. , Alice Chiihlluck will spend the sum mer In Seattle, attending the Univer sity of Washington. She alBO expects to be diack in Medford next school year. Leland A. Mender will leave Wed nesday for Corvallls where he will teach in the Industrial Arts depart ment of the Oregon Agricultural col lege during the summer school, after which Mr. and Mrs. Mentzer will visit with Mrs. Mentzers' parents in Spo kane, returning to Medford about the first of September. v A. J. "Hanby expects to attend the summer term at the University of Oregon. Mrs. Laura M. West will spend the summer with relatives in Portland. Warguerita Andrews expects to at tend the University of Washington at Seattle: Clara Brown expects to spend part of the summer in southern California. Ora Cox ' will spend five weeks at the State Teachers college, Greeley, Colorado; and then spend the rest of the summer at 'her home in Bushndd, Illinois. Bertha Weber will spend part of the summer at her home in Brownsville, Ore. The rest of the time she expects to be either at the U. of O.'or in Alaska. 1 Marlon Wallace expects to spend her vacation at home, Rock Rapids, Iowa.' Alphla Busick expects to attend the summer session of the U. of ' C, at Berkeley, and then spend the remain der of her vacation at home In eastern Oregon. Phina Nordwlck expects to spend most of lior vacation in Medford and later will take a trip to southern Cali fornia. Jean Kellctt intends to attend the nelllngham normal the first six weeks and will finish her vacation in the woodB of northern British Columbia, Ruth Daniels expects to spend pari of the summer in Medford and visiting in the country, and later take an auto trip to eastern Washington. Roosevelt school teachers plans are as follows: Mrs. Canode will attend summer school at Sisson, Cnl. Miss Yager expects to spend the summer traveling. MIsb Andrews expects to remain In Medford.- Miss Wilson will go to Denver, Colo. Miss Whlsenant will remain In Medford. MiBS Van Meter will attend summer school' at University of Oregon.' Mabel C. Mickey's plans are indef inite, but she expects to attend sum mer Bchool if possible. ' Dora C. Qebers will leave for Seat- tie to attend the summer term at the University of Washington. Alice Cromar will leave soon- for Berkeley, Cnlir., where Bhe will attend summer school at the University of California. Merl ClaBoy will leave Saturday to spend the summer months in Minne sota, visiting. friends and relatives. Theoue Carkln expects to attend summer school somewhere. Her plans as yet are not Very defjnlte. Her ad dress is Medford, Route S. So fur as Amy Harding knows at the.jjrosent time her vacation will be spent at home in Medford. Kathryn Dunham's plans for the summer are yet undecided, hut she will probably remain in Medford. - ' i Ruth Reynolds expects to spend the summer touring Cnllfornla. Kitty Bragg plans to go home at Portland .first, and may later possibly go east as far as Chicago for a month or six weeks. Ora A. Collins leaves Medford on Saturday, June lOtli,' for Portland to attend tho grand cliifliter. From Port land she will go to Llunens, Missouri, to spend the summer with her liarents. She is .contemplating a twe weeks course in kindergarten observations and methods av Chicago university, re turning the .latter part of August over the southern route. Lottie M. Inglson will visit a while In the central states. Definite plans have not been made for the entire vacation. Mrs. P. H. Daily exports to attend the summer normal nt Ashland. Miss Klliaboth Ferguson Who hns attended summer sessions the lust two summers will upend the vacation at her home, 314 South Holly street, with weekend trips to neartiy mountain resorts. . C'ecllo Creede will motor to Califor nia' and attend National Chi Omega convention at Salt Lake City, return ing !) way of Canada whore she plans to spend part of the summer visiting. Miss Odoll Krh accompanied by her small niece leaves Friday evening for the state of Washington. , Jlnr plans for the future are not definite, le: many Wends regret that she will not return to Medford for another year of BREAKS AN AXLE CAMP LEWIS, Wash., June 8. After a successful flight during which the machine reached an alti tude of 10,000 feet' and remained in the air for more than an hour, the new aririy .pursuit airplane, tested for the first time yesterday evening at, Camp Lewis snapped an axle on land ing and lies a splintered wreck on the: flying field. - Lieutenant John - L. MacReady, holder of the world's altitude record, who piloted the machine on its first flight, escaped with a shaking up and a few bruises. The plane is the first of the new fighting airplanes developed ' since the armistice and of which 200 are being' manufactured for the army by a Seattle uirplane manufacturing company. MacReady declined to make any statement regarding its flight as the test was for military information. ftiwks Shell Turk City " CONSTANTINOPLE, June 8. (By the Asocluted Press.) The Turkish town of Sansttn on the Black sea was bombarded . yesterday by a Greek fleet. The bombardment caused some damage, the extent of which, haw ever, has not yet been learned. AUCTION SALE, A' x On Saturdfune 10 ; We will sell at auction seyeral used, cars 1 1918 Studebaker Six, all overhauled, new top' and paint. -1' 1916 Little Buick Four. Good Tires and Starter. 1 1913 Overland, sold as it stands. We will also sell several used Fqrds, providing they. are still in' stock SALE STARTS AT 230 P: M. f Qo. t NG Open Evenings 7 to 9 NOW ON Open Evenings 7 to .9 WE ARE POSITIVELY QUITTING BUSINESS This is a. bona fide sale. Every TIRE and AUTO-ACCESSOR YJn our house is offered at a price you cannot afford to overlook. Look over this list. If you need anything, BUY IT NOW. It' may be a long time before you have an opportunity like this again. v We are offering many iterris not listed here at a saving of 50 per tent. Don't wait until the stock is exhausted and be disappointed. ' ' KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRES : : ,1 GUARANTEED STANDARD QUALITY FRESH STOCK CORDS . J . (NO WAR TAX' FABRICS NON-SKID OVERSIZE v. ,. ' Kcgular Size List. 30x3V ----- - ........$18.95 32x31. ...,: ; 25.90 32x4 " 32.75 33x4 : 33,75 34x4 34.95 32x41. ; ; 42.40 33x4vS 44.00 34x4l 44.30 36x4 1 ... '.: '. 46.55 33x5 " 52.30 : : 54.40 : , 90.90 (NO WAR TAX' Sale .'jJXO 36x6 Price .$14.20 19.45 24.55 25.30 26.20 31.80 33.00 33.25 34.90 39.25 40.80 68.20 -. Size 30x3.. 32x31, 31x4 " 32x4 33x4 , 34x4 EXTRA FLY SUFERSIZE Regular List. .-. .'. $18.90, ' .' 24.30 2s:io. 31.50 . 32.95 : : 335 Sale Price $10.95 15.75 18.00 20.65 21.40 22.30 MASON TIKES ' :tOx3)4 Regular flS.SO Guaranteed. Priced for this snip, : : ".. $H.OQ : '' : ' - -NONKII) TIKES ' 33x4 -Keulnr ITJ0.7!S. Fabrics ' Only, mi 3.05 SAME PROPORTIONATE DISCOUNT ON KELLY RED TUBES ACCESSORIES . 1 REGULAR 7. PRICE i)i 5.00 LujiKi'SO .Carrier (Collnpsib'.e Steel) 3.50 "Boyco" IjURgape Curriers..... .. 3.50 Violet. Ray Headlight Lenses, pair .90 7-8 A. C, Titan Spark' Plugs... ZZL .!)0 1-2 inch A. C. Titan Spark Plugs .(i0 Champion X Ford Spark Plugs .... :.a.. SALE PRICE .....:.'.$2.95 2.45 ,..:..'2.30 .55 40 ...... ;45 .50 Combination Ilash and Trouble Lights 1.55 1.00 6.00 2.80 3.25 .30 150 "Rain-E-Day" Winrlslneld Cleaners... 8.50 Klaxon Horns, 6 vclt ... ..:,....:....:.......... 5.25 Stewart Hand Horns 4.50 Petry Cutouts ' '2 .00 Cut Out Pedals 10.00 Noyce Motometera, .Standard Model 7.50 7.50 Noyce Motometera. Universal Model 5.65 '9.25 S & M; Spotlight, No. 60 . ..... 6.95 13.00 Kvertfood Bumpers ..........1 '. 9.00 3.50 Ford Kiiierjency Chains '.. 2.00 2.50 Boyeq Cu'.iteens. f. Qxiart ...........v...... 1.25 3.00 Boyco Canteens, 8 Quart 1.75 11.00 Pyrene Fire Extinguishers '. .. .. 8.60 1.10 Dobbins Blowout Chains, any size .. .75 1.50 Stewart Speedometer Shafts 3.10 2.50 Oxidizfd Copper .Oil Measures, Flexo Spout......... 1.60 1.20 Ford Rear .Curtain Gl.nwes, ctU .60 .45 Ford License Brackets 25 35 Rim Lugs" :. .1' io. REGULAR - , (j. ' PRICE ? $ .50 Cans Bulldog Tire Patch .......... 3.50 Baker Tire Covers, 30x3 1-2 .... 3.90 Baker Tire Covers, other sizes... 3.85. "White Reliners, 31x4 ... 4.00 "White" Reliners. 33x4 . 4.15 white Reliners, 34x4. ........ 1.75 Chamois Skins j. 1.25 Chamois Skins - sale; PRICE .:.:;$ '26 -.'2.05- - 2.25 - .2.65 . 3.10 $3.25 . ,.90 . .'55 .20 :4o .1.30 . . 65 . .65 .$1.00 . .30 .30 .90 .is, .00 5 lbs. Cans Cup. Grease .......... .' ,60 1.75 10 bs. Cans Cup Grease 2 "' ''.: ',,1 1 1.15 ,55 Cans Monogram Graphite Gear iGreaseJ .1 ,35 1.50 Monogram Transmission Oil, gallon cans 95 ,S5 Zerolcne Transmission Grease, 5 lb. cans. 60 1.35 Veedol Medium Oil (Eastern) gallon bulk . .85 1.20 Shell Heavy Oil (Western), gallon, bluk J .60 Bring cans for Bulk Oil. .35 Calor-Gloss Auto Polish, pints..;... .70 ,Calol-Gloss Auto Polish, quarts...... 2.25 Calol-Gloss Auto Polish, gallons,.. 1.10 Whiz Cream Body Polish LlL .90 Johnson's iiiquid, WTax "Polish .. 1.70 Johnson's Liquid Wax Polish .,65 Cans Cltttoh and Brake Compound. .65 Caii8 .TVomler: IVorker Clutch Compound.. 1150 Everbright Auto. Top Dye .."....;...rI;:. .25 1 lb. Cnng.Cup.G.rease . All Piston Rings 50 Off Regular List. All J. M. Asbestos Brake Lining 50 Off 27 South Front St. MANY.OTHER ITEMS NOT LISTED HERE McGuiston & McMurray Phone 95 work,