Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 09, 1922, Page 23, Image 23

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Xush Hotel l!hl.
The Spotless Town of Croatia
' r , CLEANING lilpl
Jgok for this skn
at oarages ana other aealeTs
.They will flush your crankcase with
Calol Flushing Oil safe, thorough
1 and refill with Zcrolene for Cor
net Lubrication.
( California )
China Herb Store
-Tiis Is to certify that Gim Clump of
Medford, Ore., hua cured me of soltre
umj. Htotnnch trouble. S. M. Leonard,
G09 J Ht., QmntB PaflS.
This la to certify that Olm rhune of
Medford, Ore., lion cured me of rupture
pf four yeum' standing. l u. laham,
413 S St., Grants Puss, Ore.
Medford, Or'Kon, .Inn. 13, 3917.
This is to certify that I, the under
mend, b'id very severe stomach trouble
and. had been bothered for several yearn
und. last August was not expected to
Hva, and hearing of Gim Chung (whose
Hej'b slore Is at 214 South Kront street,
Wudford), I decided to tfet herba for my
stomach trouble, and I started to feeling
butter as soon as I used them and tndav
am a well man and can hnnrtliv rpcoTii-
mend unyone afflicted as I was to see
wiin unung anu try nis nortis.
. (Signed) W. Jt. JOHNSON.
..Win. Lewis, Eagle Point.
, W. L. Chlldreth, Ka,lo Point.
M. A. And rscn, Modford.
S. B. Holmes, Raglo Point.
C. E. Moore, Eagle Point.
J. V. Mclntyre, Eagle Point.
Geo. Von rier Hellen, Eagle Point.
Thos. E. Nichols. Entrle Point
The. soils, dirt, stnins,
Pte.t;arc removed Svilji- .
out wear in our Modern
Dry Cleaning '"Equip-"
; 1. V" sftlitrir r
Corns Peel Off
Like a Banana Skin
wben you touch them with 2 or 8 drops
of "Gets-It," tho safe, easy, quick corn
remover used by millions of people.
fUse "Gets-It"
' No dangerous cutting, trimming or par
ing. Instant relief from nil pain und sore
noss. Costs but a trifle everywhere.
Money back if It falls. E- Lawrence A
Co., Mfr., CblOHgo, . .
Jsold in Medford by Leon C. Haskins
, Strang's Drug Store. ...
city which Cruatiaus aspire to have
added to the list of world capitals,
judging from their efforts for Indepen
dence, is told ahout In the following
bulletin from the Washington, D. C,
headquarters of the National Geogra
phic society:
"Zagreb, or Agram as it used to be
known, sits in the lap of the Croatian
hills and looks off across a fertile
plain. The city is divided into three
parts, bni- of which contains the Pal
ace of the Banns, who under the rule
of Austria-Hungary was the local aQ
minlstvator, and is reached I-- a funic
ular or by winding streets from the
lower town.
A City of Scenic Beauty
"Up from the railway station, almost
to the main square of the city, there
runs a fine Mall In the midst of whose
lawns there a-re various fine public
buildings and a liHle to the left, as one
looks toward the lylls behind the city,
thesj are the beautiful grounds and
buildings of the University of Zagreb,
which is unsurpassed in all Jugo
slavia. "Zagreb lias a fine museum In which
one enn see the lovely peasant cos
tumes of Croatia, which, like those o
Bohemia, Moravia and Slovakia, (lid
much to give Austria-Hungary an en
viable reputation as a museum of love
liness. Each region has Its own' pat
tern, some heayy .with gold on black
silk, others brighter with reds and
yellows massed on white. Croatia is a
picture-book land in which the distinc
tive dresses of the peasants form one
of the main Items of Interest. The
region of Zagreb has Its own lovelv
costume. To see it at its best one
must attend a market day in the yreat
square named after Count Josef
Jolaclc, Croatia's most famous banus,
whose part In the Croatian Revolution
of 1848 won him the love of his fel
lows and the honors of Vienna.
"Except on market-day this great
square is a drab, uninteresting place.
Early in the) morning on the days of
tho market long lines of tables are
placed on the cobbles until they reach
to the very tables of the coffeehouses
along the southern Bide; and the coun
try roads are alive with attractive fig
ures, clothed in their holiday best, en
route to the market.
Where "Roll Tops" Are Conventlona
"The waists and skirts of the women
are of white, with much red embroi
dery up and down the front, around
the waist and across the apron. Stout
white hose with roll tops and ribbon
garters fill in the space between the
knee-length skirts and the moccasin
like slippers of soft leather. Around
the head Is worn the Slavic shawl, that
form of self-beautiflcation which re
duces the high cheek-bones of the Slay
to a pleasing oval that would honor a
Madonna of Italy.
"The, women are both venders "and
shoppers. Hut many a sturdy wife is
assisted, by the presence of her pictur
esque man, whose coBtume is just as
colorful as her own. His rather full
white trousers are worn loose or strap
ped in at the bottom with the thongs
which secure the sandals and his heav
ily embroidered shirt hangs down out
side to a truly Slavic length. The yel
low vent, with scores of bright buttons
and gay stitching is likely to be worn
unbottoned, unless . his shirt lacks
ample' decoration.
Attire Is Blaze of Color
'Almost always ono is likely to see
some of the Gypsies of the region and
spattered with fire as is the white
costume of tho Croatian women, they
seem lacking in color when a Gypsy
woman strides by. Her head shawl is
a blaze of Turkey red. The massive
red flowers or other designs in her
waist may or may not bo carrying on
silent war with the tone of tho head
dress, but if by any chance they har
monize, the bright colors around the
bottom of the apron surely do not.
"The Gypsy woman's main decora
tion, besides the bright rings of base
metals which emphasize the proletar
ian quality of her hands, is a long
necklace of the huge silver cart-wheel
currency which bore the head of Fran
cis Joseph and helped, to make him
popular throughout the now defunct
empire of the llapsburgs.
"Behind the qity there are lovely
valleys reaching into the hills and liv
ened with singing brooks on their way
to the Save, with pleasant peasant
houses flanked by. huge haycocks hid
ing In the trees, and along the ridges
are scattered the eeries of suburban'
ites who love the air.
"Here too, is one of the finest wild
parks in Europe, its vegetation un
tamed and full of beauty, with benches
pleasantly located to look off across
the city and the valley of the Save.
"But perhaps the prevailing impres
sion of the visitor is not concerned
with loveliness which nature has lav
ished on the surroundings but the way
in which man has kept the place at
tractive. The .tables of 'the, coffee
shops are as spotless as the white
skirts of the women and as soon as th
market is over, usually at noon, the
cobbles of the street are polished till
they shine. Every .'bench, lettuce leaf
or plum pit is spirited away so that its
presence may not add a touch of
variety to the great gray square in
which, but a few hours before, a thou
sand gaily dressud people surged back
and forth In the eternal drama of.
barter and sale.
Constantly Fights Dirt
"Out In the wide plain beyond the
cathodral there is an amusement park
or circus ground where the Croatian
peasant follows Ms main delights of
eating, drinking, singing and dancing.
But with nightfall these colorful folks
are well out on the white roads which
lead to their farms, the woman toiling
along under the large willow basket
with the newly purchased geese rub
ber-necking from their elevated coign
of vantage and the man, his brtmlestj
black felt hat, compromise between
dunce-cap and derby, with its bright
band around it perched over one ear,
and his yellow vest, studded with
small brass buttons until one can
scarcely see the leather, flapping idly
beside his care-free bosom. A verit
able spotless town, Zagreb, emphasizes
the labor of women in a way which
reminds one of the electric sign in
which a woman is constantly fighting
"At evening time the 'citizens invade
the square which during the day has
been crowded with country folk and
tho hundreds of little tables outside
the coffee shops become centers of dis
cussions which deal with everything
from politics to love. Then slowly and
silently they disperse and across the
empty square there go a man and a
maid, a figure in black and a figure In
white. Her pretty head holds 'no
heavy basket. .Not a burden in the
world has she. But against the black
of the man's attire there are two spots
of light. ' A narrow white mass marks
the edge of her novel and like a great
white chrysanthemum against his
breast he carries her big white hat.'
Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like toad
or Bladder bothers you Meat
v forms uric acid.
" ' Most folks forget that the kidneys,
like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged
end need a flushing Occasionally, else we
have backache dull misery in the
kidney region, severe headaches, rheu
matic twinges, torpid liver; acid stomach,
sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder dis
orders. You simply must keep your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an ache or pain in the kidney
region, get about four ounces , of dad
Baits from any pood drug store here,
take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
before -breakfast for a few days and
your kidneys will then act fine. This
famous Baits is made from the acid of
erdpes and lemon juice, combined with
fithia, and is harmless to iluah clogged
kidneys and stimulate them to normal
activity. It also neutralizes the acids
in the urine so it no longer irritate,
thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive!
makes a delightful effervescent lithia-
1 water drink which everybody should taire
1 now and then to keep their kidneys clean,
hus avoiding serious complications.
A well-known- local druggist says he
sells lots of Jad Salts to folks Who believe
in overcoming kiduejr trouble while, it ii
paly trouble,
One of the most popular features of
the Prosperity Week celebration next
week will be the Rose Show which will
be held under the supervision of the
Greater Medford club. There -is" every
iudlcatlon that" the roses will be their
finest at the time of the show and
those in charge of preparing the exhi
bition plan to make it one of the finest
ever displayed in southern Oregon.
Special prizes will be awarded for
the finest exhibits in various classes.
The committee has urged that those
wishing to cooperate in the roseiow
and to compete for a prize bring their
roses as early as possible. While ex
hibits will be "received up to 10:5
a. m. Wednesday, it' would be practi
cally impossible for the committee to
furbish assistance in arranging the
displays after 10 o'clock.. . All exhibits,
whether in boxes or vases, are expect
ed to be in place and ready for the
judges at 10:30 a. m. At the time the
officials of the show actually begin
judging the various displays, exhib
itors will bo asked to leave the hall.
No person Bhallta allowed to com
pete as an amateur who " sells rose
plants, blooms or buds for budding,
nor any person In the employ of a
nurseryman. Any objection raised as
to the rightful qualifications of any
exhibitor shall be referred to the
executive committee for arbitration,
and their decision shall be final and
binding on all parties. The exhibits
of amateurs must not be staged or
prepared for staging by trade growers
or their assistants. . . ,
Any person may have two or more
exhibits in any claus, but no exhibitor
may take more 'than one prize In any
one class.
the same rose or roses cannot be
entered for two or more prizes.
Where a certain number of roses is
designated there must be neither
more nor less than that number
In order to make this rose show a
big success the people of Medford
must cooperate by supplying generous
exhibits from their gardens. The
Rose Show feature will be one of the
best of the Prosperity Week program
and should. attract wide attention.
' Section "A"
First and second prizes.
Class 1 G roses, separate named
2 12 roses, separate named varie
ties. ...... r
Section "B"
First and second prizes.
Class 16 sprays, any named varie
ty of climbing or pillar rose.
Class 2 6 sprays, any named va
riety of climbing or rambling rose.
' Section "C"
' First prize.
Class 1 Best rose in the- garden.
,,. "Section "D" '
First and second prize.
Class 1- 3 tea roseB, any named
Section "E"
First and second prize.
Class 1 3 Hybrid Tea roses, any
named variety. f
'"- ' Section '"F" -,
First and Becnnd prizes.
Class 1 3 Hybrid Perpetual roBes,
any named variety.
Section "Q"
First and second prizes.
Class 1 Bowl or basket ,of Baby
or Polyantha roBes,. any named vari
ety. '
Peetlon "H" ' ' '
First and second prizes.
Class 1 Bowl or basket of decora
tive roses with foliage, any ; named
Section "I"
First and second prizes. Shown In
vases. ...'..,
Class 1 10 red roses, any one va-;
rlety. i
Class 2 10 pink roses, any one" va
riety. . Class' 3 10 ' white roses, any one
variety. ' - . ,
Class 4 10 yellow roses, any one
variety. . , ,
Here's K MM
Saturday, June 1 Oth to, 17th
Get in On This Shower It's the Big Treat!
flood tho si-cut northwest fall wook, beginning Sat
urday morning. Swoet, tender, delirious as ever
Dressed up in the clever new FULL-POUND tin just
the right size and shape to slip into your grip for your
enjoyment traveling, picnicking, camping. Just as
dandy for keeping tire marshmallows fresh and tender
for months ready for immediate use in salads, choco
late, desserts and for pleasurable eating at homo.
If We Could Tell You the Secret
of the Delightful Flavor
of KRAUSE'S Marshmallows
if you could this minute place one on the tip of your tongue, feel It
melt and release' Its "bouquet." ou would realize why Krauso's
Marshmallows are in demand farther east than Chicago. What la that
flavor? That's a secret known only to three men in the world. It's
yours to enjoy to the fullest extent just the moment you get Krause's
Buy the Handy NEW Full-Pound Tin
Get 50 Per Cent More Marshmallows for Your 60c
We couldn't improve KRAUSE'S Marshmallows so we dovlsed the
handy new full-pound tin, being introduced this week. These tins were
designed to keep In perfect condition the best marshmallows we can
produce and to give you extra value for every nickel you invest.
Buying the NEW pound tin you get 60 per cent more marshmallows
for your money. Uniformly priced everywhere,
the pound tin OUC
Only Stores Displaying the Picture of Krause's
Marshmallow Man Can Supply You With
KRAUSE'S Marshmallows
Look for Krause's Marshmallow Man on the Store Window
TRU-BLU BISCUIT CO., Spokane and Portland
The Home of Krause's Stellar Chocolates and Tru-Blu
Braham Crackers. .
Elll tea w
Sold Also in Small
Tina nt. 1 Rn . , . ,!
Fine for
' Salads
. Puddings
and for
, Cake
' Fillings
And a " .
treat to -
Special Subscription Bargain for
The Mail Tribune and Sunday Sun
i Will make the following special prices on subscriptions
Daily and Sunday, by mail ...
Daily and Sunday, by carrier ,.
. $6.50
., $7.50
The rate by carrier applies to Medford or any of the other cities in the county and
on highways where papers are delivered by carriers.
Call or send in your check before Saturday, June 17th, '1922 to get this rate.
Get Your Repair Work
done now and profit by our summer, prices
An excellent bleached hard wheat flour, 49
lb. sack, now ; . .,.$2.10,
Cash and Carry Grocery