PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MTiDFORiy. OREfiOy. FRIDAY. MAY 1922 BEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE am iNDr.rrsnr.NT kfwkpapkr n;m.iHHtu KAKHY AKTF.HNOOM kxckpt NUNKAY, BV TDK WEOKOHO PH1NTINU CO. Th Unlfnrd Sunday Mornln Run I fumlahwl SohacrHwa d-aiting a irvm day dally n.wapap f. Otflca Mill Trlbunr Building, St7-S North arir nnn. rnona vo. A ennnolliUtion qf tha IVmocratie Tlmw, the MMllord Mall, th MMIord Tribunt, the Southern vrtgonlaiv Aaliland rrtlmua. ,, ROnKKT W. RV1IT., For. SUMPTKR a. MIITH. aUnajtw. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS! BY VAIL In Adranrv! Pill', lth fivnuUr fun, ywur $7.50 Dally, with Sunday Sun. month 7S Bally, vlthout Monday .Him, w.t S.S0 tallr, witiiout Hunda 8110, month 6 ytrrkiy Mill Tribune, one yrar. ....... . l.Sfl rMndar Him, on yr t AO BY CAItRIKK In Urdford. Aahltnd. Jarkaon YiUi. Cwlral Point, Phornii, Taltut and on nifnway: Pailr with Sunday Run. month TS Italy, without Nundav Sun, month.. Pally, without Sunday 8un, year..... Rally, with Sunday Hun, or yaar 8.(0 All wrma by rarrm, eanh in advance. Official pvn of th City of MM lord. 'Official papef of Jacfmon County. Xarorn daily avrrar rimiUtion lar I month ttuiinc April 1, 11)211, SJ, mor than doublr th circulatian at any other papa publiahad or cumuaUH in jarkaon Conner. ' Kntrrrd oond cUaa nattrr at Vedford (nyfon, under th art 01 March I, 187V. USURERS IF THR ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tha AaaocUUd Pryaa ia cluiwty yr titled to tha m fay republication of all newa diapatrhe credited to tt, or not othrrwta credit crl tn thla iwpw, and . also to the local new published AO rtjrtta of republication of special dla- puntn nerein are aiao nuimv -Ye Smudge Pot . By Arthur Parry. . SI ayember weather prevails through. out the valley, and next month will be January. The "tempest in the teapot" which swept over the 'state last week, has now degenerated into a cyclone in It percolator. ' This week's Lit. Dig. says that the average weekly pay of preachers in America in 191$ was 114.13. This Is a measly remuneration for so noble a work, full of sacrifice and study. On the basis of one ful fledged and func tioning hypocrite in each flock, they are, entitled to $1,000,000 a year, and the Congressional medal for unselfish heroism. , A brown striped tent has been pitched atop- the Hairy Walther light house. It reminds artistic souls of the barge Cleopatra used in a trip down the Nile. , CATCH THAT EDITOR ' (Pendleton East Oregonian) . Rev. Norman Brown, formerly of Davenport, was the lying squad ron speaker at . the Fifteenth Avenue Christian church yester day afternoon. Antoists throughout the land, con tinue to lose disputes with passenger trains at crossings. WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral houseworry for small family in the country. Phone 606. Vant ad Weston Leader). Correct. , ' William S. Hart, a movie actor of western characters is now under fire of the Presbyterians. William is a movie actor able to sU-nd out in the sunshine, and never tUrew a custard pie at anybody. The Rosenberg boys have designed and executed a pear label that is apt to cause eastern customers to eat the label Instead of the pears. '" A MEMORIAL DAY CLA88IC Little green tents where the soldiers sleep, And the sunbeams play, and the worn- ,C en weep, , Are covered "with flowers today; j And between the tents walk the weary t few, ... Who were young and stalwart in sixty- :. tWO, ' I "When they went to the war away. The little green tents are built of sod, And they are not long, and they are ) not broad, But the soldiers have lots of room; And the sod is a part of the land they saved, When the flag of the enemy darkly waved, : The symbol of dole and doom, . The little green tent is a thing divine; The little green tent is a country's shrine. Where patriots kneel and pray. And the brave men left, bo old, bo few, Were young and stalwart in 'sixty-two, - When they went to the war away. Walt Mason. DYE STOCKINGS OR SWEATER IN , ': "DIAMOND DYES" ";. "Diamond Dyes" add years of wear to worn, faded, kklrt, waists, coats, stocking n, draperies, everything. Every packaKA containn directions bo Iniple any woman can put new, rich, fadeless colors into her worn gar ments or draperies even if she has never dyed before. Just buy Dla moni Dyes no other kind then your material will come out right, borause Diamond Dyes are guaran ' teed not to streak, spot, fade, or run. Toll your druggist whether the mate rial you wish to dye In wool or nilk. .or wnemer u m linen, cotton or mixed goods. ' Adv. A GREAT INVISIBLE VICTORY. THIS Croat Invisible celebration conduct oil n, week iifjo tonight, was, , it seems, somew hat premature. "With the passing of the tumult and the shouting, there appears little in this visible and sheet less commonwealth, to. crow about. In fact the - winch advertised K. K. K, assault upon the Or. 0. 1 ended as fur as result are con cerned in a complete and dismal vout. Ralph Williams, who was opposed by the Ku Kluxers,-was renom inated for national committeeman over the Klan candidate, O. II. Fithian; Labor Commissioner Oram was successful over Palell, the Klan nominee; T. K. Campbell, veteran member of the Public Service Commission, was victorious over J. K. Tliiehoff, another invisible aspirant ; Congressman llawleympposed by the K. K. K., slaughtered A. "W, Norblad; while in the third district, Korell, the K. K. candi date was defeated by Congressman Mc Arthur, and Congressman' Sin a Catholic, against whom a bitter fight was waged by the Klan, was easily victorious. Only the governorship fight remains, as far as important state of fiees are concerned, and unless the K. K. K. has something more vis ible than talk to produce. 'Governor Oleott. who led the fight in this state against Invisible government, is victorious over Hall by a 'safe and secure plurality. The result is the' more remarkable for these political innovations. usually capture the public imagination fit the outset and enjoy a real, though temporary triumph. The old Know-Nothing stampede per formed that way and the Xou-Partisan Leaguers made a clean sweep of the Dakotas, for the first few years. "With the Klan'skHIfully or ganized, and the opposition divided; cent vote and the opposition, as a whole, polling less than fifty per cent, a clean sweep by the Klan would not have surprised many well informed political observers. But the Big Explosion proved a Dud. Iustead of a boost the K. K. K. endorsement proved a blight. As a result, there is not likely to be such a wild scramble for Cyclopean endorsement at the next election, for if. the KMC K. couldn't win tinder conditions a week ago, they can never win. All of which is highly desirable. For if the nest election can be fought out on genuine constructive issues, nd not on fake destruc tive ones, the people of Oregon will have much to be thankful for. Quill All that Ireland needed in the she needs now is less of 'em. It is hard to tell which causes hives or a political bee. Now as always, however the chief cause of crime is the assurance that one can get away with it. A leader, in the average town, is the various committee members. RipplingRhun&s t y ' J r .IJ. kl-. 'v -HU. WaltMctfon MYSTERIOUS RUSSIA. IN RUSSIA men are starving, and starting-are their wives; there are no roasts for carving when dinner time arrives. The kids in vain are calling for liverwurst and pie; the vultures see them falling, and tear them when they die. These facts I gain by reading a book just from the press ; I see poor Russia bleed ing, and weep in rny distress. But here's a volume printed a few brief days ago; and in the book it's hinted that Russia has no woe. The people, fat and hearty, have cake and pie and bread, and laugh at any smarty who says they are not fed.' The .yarn that Russia suffers, is reckless and unkind ; it's spread abroad by duffers who have an ax to grind. They have it in for TroUki, and Lenin 'a name they late, and they are writing rotski at quite a vicious gait. I read one book and mutter, in sympathetic tones, "Poor creatures in the. gutter I "111 send them fifty bones!" And then I read another, and say, "I'll keep my mon; the Rus sian man and brother is having ltg of fun." . Alas for human vision 1 Two people look at things ; one says, they fire elysian, and ' one the hammer swings. ' ! ! - i ' ' . . , pillllIllillillH I For Her Graduation 1 WRIST WATCHES . ' ' at a special price. , I BEAUTIFUL.PE ARLS H ' at. prices ranging from $3.00 per j E strand upward i I DIAMOND RINGS " H Specially low priced for this occa- i EE , , , . sion. i Our assortment of gifts EE the girl, is very complete. EE place to do your graduation shopping. ' ' I at Johnson's with the Klan polling a 100 per Points old days was a leader. And all the patient greater discomfort, the " one who assigus the hard work to V ' KB. for the boy grad, as well as EE This store is the logical EE mi . mi XT jfXr M 1500 CHICK AT'F.'Sj A tiro supposed to lmve started from a brooder at about 4: SO thin mronliiK destroyed olio of the large chicken house on the K. S. Carpen ter ranch, near Porrydalo, und 1200 ,r K00 chlckcna were burned to death. The building was half t'onmimod when the flro was discovered und lit tle could be done. However a ntim ler of the rhickeim were driven out before-1 hay were burned. William Hrayton and his aniutl crew und a number of other nr'shbors lending their assistance. Threo brooders have beeu burning In tho building since February 1st, and it Is tiupsuRc-d tliut somethluR went wrong with one of them and that tho coiitragratlon resulted. Tho building and equipment were covered by Insurance but the chick ens were not. Mr. Carpenter est! mates his loss at f 1000 to $1500 al thongh it t hard nt the present time to nuke an estlm.-Uii as It U not known how many 'chickens' escaped :ho flames. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? 1 What keeps us from being over heated by the sun's rays? - 2 What keeps the air around the earth? 3 What U menct by "b!oe"Jn agri cultural bloc? 4 Is FteaQe, Calif., ail inland city or a seaport? 5 From what language Js "bloc" de rived? . r 6 What was the Columbian exposi tion? 7 When did It open? 8 How ninny city mail carriers are there in the Cnited States? 9 How many rural mail carriers are there in the t nited Stairs? 10 What Is the most valuable flnti? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 How many elephants are killed each year to furnlh( the world's Ivory supply? Ana. ' 12,000 to 15,000. 2 What other ruler wo assassinat ed the same year as President (Jar field? Ans. Alexander II of Russia. 3 Ig the Indian population of Unit ed States Increasing or decreasing? Ans. It is Increasing slowly. 4 What is another name for India? Ans. Hindustan or Indostan. 5 Is insanity a disease! Ans. In sanity Is a legal tenn. 6 Which of the Great Lukes con tains the most fiah? Ans. Lake Mich igan. 7 How many crops does a fig tree produce each year? Ana. .Two. 8 What was the area of the largest army camp? Ans. The area of Camp Uragg. N. C, was 120.4500.03 acres. 9 How many tourists visit Wash ington hotels daily? Aus. 9,000. 10 What was the number of U. S. battle deaths durias the war? Ans. 50,406. Corns Vanish When Touched WithGels-ir -Ai V0? absorbs water. does "nets-It alMorh-Md lrmw on; s any tender corn. Iil or lltUe. all nsv I and on-nHM. Himm falls. "Orts-i? i the primriBl corn ml enllua pwek r. Be aura ..""k 7 ' hT i rlnt aiihstl- tutea. Money hai:k If nut tatlanel. imu 8old in Medford by, Leon B.JIaskins i t Strang's Dmg.Sujro.' j FOR SALE at a very low price One 15-30 Samson Sieve Crip Tractor. No good for'wet sticky work, bu can not be beaten for free soil, or us a power plant. Can unseen at Patton & Robinson's or call on Geo. II. Treichler Motor Co, ' J Hand-Tailored Suits $35 to $50 BURNED CARPENTER RANCH D W I V XrCr fx SPECIAL Some good suits left from last Saturdays Sale. Some new suits arrived this week. All on sale Saturday. . " -'i $35 Values $30 value $30 Don't miss this opportunity to get an up-to-date :-- a f ., OUTING WEAR Men's Khaki l'ants, 'J..W nuj .t'2.2,"i values, jmir .Men's Khaki Shirts, $1.25 value, each Men's ami iSoy'a Khuki Hut', each 'I'. . ...... Hoy's Khaki Kport Shirts. Ut pular $1.25 values, ruelt IJoy's Khaki Knee Punts, 11.23 value, pair - UNDERWEAR Men's Athletic Union Suits, $1.23 value, each Jfen'a Dulbrijjgan Union Suits, $1.23 value Men'a Mesh Knit Union Suits. $1.23 valne, each Men's Shirts and Drawers, 6'hs garment, suit ". CAPS Men's Spring Caps, $1.23 value J5oy's Spring Caps, $1.25 value, cneh ... Mail ' Ordert Promptly .Jilled. A Bargain in Cars One Model 84 Stephens. One Model 86 Stephens. IJoth of 'above x-ars have been used as demonstrators, are in excellent condition and are certainly good value at prices w ean tjuote. v-. t - '... .. . Also one Olds Eight Road ster. Kun four thousand miles. "Will Bell tit a verv low One 1920 Dodge Brothers Screen Sides Delivery Car, In excellent -condition, ;nil at a low price. Two Dodge Brothers Tur ing Cars. Triced low. ,,, Geo. L. Treichler : Motor Co. Phone 304 16-18 South Fir S A LET WEED SUITS remarkably low price. SHIRTS (Vlliir uttaehej ami bninl neek Dress Shirts, $1.50 valun $2.00 $1.00 Hoy's Shirts lar attaehej, 7C t O c TIES Silk Knit Ti'-s, 73e value, 2 for . SilkKuit Ties, worth $1.23, each Itejftilar 35c WobU Ties, 23c each, 4 for . Cut Silk l-iii-hanls, 75o value, 2 for $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Durham Cotton 7 pair for Regular 35c 2 pair $1.00 $1.00 Fiber Silk Sox, (!5c value, 2 pnir fur Thornix Silk Sox, $1.23 value, pair '. Mann's Department ' THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY ' , MHiFOBD, OlUCtiOX Travel Costs Are Down To Portland and Return May 2G to Sept. 30 $13.25 for 15-Day Tickets f ; .. 'v $16.00 for Season Tickets 15 l.V TICK ICTS (. HMM I IUDAY AXI HATl'IUAV Good for 15 days after sale date ' Season Tickets on Halo Dully Oood for throe months after nulo dato, not to exceed Oct. 31st. Stopovors alfowed at all points on Bcaaon Tickets. Ship nd Travul Southern Pacific Unas, ti "Pionr"-ia development of Western Oregon, j ' Southern Pacific Line paid $115,843.48, or 9.53 pur cent of all taxes in Jackson County for year 1921, '-, - ' Kor further particulars ask agents.1 Southern Pacific Lines $25 i Sport Suits at a $1.00 auJ Wtiists, eol- 1 bniij nrk. rachV UU $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 SOX Sox Lisle Sox, C5o Store Pottage ' Prepaid JOHN M, SCOTT. Ominrnt PiissenKer Ajent.