Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 13, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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Medford mail TRIBUNE
MKIiPOKl) 1'lllNTlNU CO.
Tht llrdlord Sunday Morning- Su la furniantd
ebacrtbara drairliis: seven day daily newapaper.
Offlcs Mall Tribune Building-, tS J71 North
ft street, itiona 76. ,
A conaolMatiou of tha IVmoorattc Times, the
Medford Mall, the Mnlford Tribune, the Southern
Orrtrontan, The Aahland Tribune.
ROBKRT W. M'TIL. Editor.
8UMPTER 8. SMITH, Manager.
BY WAIt In Advance: . .
Pally, with Kunday Kim, year $7.5
baity, with Sunday rivm. month 76
Dally, without tiunday bun, year .0
l)aily, without Sunday Sun, month., .Si
Weekly Mall Tribune, one year t.tiu
Hundav Hun, one vear,,,... t 00
BY CARRIER In alrdtord, Aahland. Jartaoa
vttle. Central Point, Photnii, Talent and on
. Hirhway:
Pally with Sunday Run, month .75
Pally, without Sunday Sun, month 06
Ilail)-, without Huntlay Sun, year 7.60
Dally, with Sunday Kurt, one year 8.60
All terma by carrier, .caah In advance.
Official paper of Die City of Medford.
Official mm nf Jirkana fVimtv.
flwom daily average ei relation for aix montha
tiding April 1, mi, 85S0, more than double
the circulation of any other paper published or
mrotuaieo in jactaon uoum .
The only paper between Eugene, Ore, and
Racraronto. Calif., a diatanoe of over 600 mile.
urine maea wire Associated rraas Kerne.
Entered a a second class matter at Medford
Oregon under the act of March 8, 187ft.
The Associated Prm is exclusively entitled to
tJit Ms for republication of all news diaoatrhe
credited to It or not otherwise credited 4n thie
psper, and .also to the, local pews publiahe4
All. rigbta "of republics tios of special dis
ss acnes nerein sra slao reserved.
Ye Smudge Pot
, 1 By Arthur Parry.
TllhVknow liov to do things m, California. TVy have no bet
ter rlhnute. no greater resourees. but thov have a ninrvellous
spirit of united action and constructive aoeomplishmont. '
Take California's attitude toward the Ku Klux Klan for example.
Every thinking person knows that if the K. K. K. should (jaiu control
in California, business would be dead. ; Injeetiitif religious and racial
hatreds, encouraging lawlessness and violence in any community,
turns neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend and renders
any worth while constructive accomplishment impossible. ,
" So the people of California as a whole, have uuited against this
trouble making order, and led by every influential newspaper in the
state find every prosectiting attorney from Los Angeles to Willows,
they are proceeding to drive the masked marauders from the confines
of the commonwealth. j" - '
.-,- - . e P ,-'
What is the result! The (Grand Master of the Masons in Califor
nia has condemned the K. K. K. and forbidden Klnn.sinen to enter the
order, .the Supreme Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias, in San
Francisco today anuounced he will request the suspension of any
member of the organization found to belong to the Ku-Klux Klan,
and declared a definite stand will be taken atthe K. P. convention in
August. In Los Angeles, in Sacramento in San Francisco, public of
ficials in the Klan have been tumbling over themselves to get out of
iti while the Elks lodge of Sacramento has declared no. "Good Elks"
can belong to it.
Consequently in a few weeks, the K. K. K. will have no more ca
pacity for trouble in California than a last year's bird's nest. This
is as it should be. "It is essentially rights But it is not only good
morals. It is good business.
""As usual, when prosperity and well being and tho get-together
spirit are concerned, California points tlie way.
The bright May sunshine will lure
cores or people "out In the open" to
morrow, but not alt of the candidates.
' Great Britain has refused to give
Russia a loan. This is a form of chisel
headed nuttlness upon which the Unit
ed States of America has sole and ex
clusive rights..
(Chico Enterprise)
"Gentlemen: Will - you please
send me a specimen copy of the
Farm Mechanics? -1 would like a
sample of the Kara Mechanics
very- much. I sincerely trust that
you will mail me a sample copy
of Farm Mechanics as 1 want to -see
a specimen of your Farm -Me
chanics very much. Yours Truly,
There is nothing that remains un
done1 to make the fruit crop a success,
except a strike of hind-end brakemen.
when the BarUetts begin to ripen. -..
If the state of Oregon could get as
hysterical over the devolpment of its
natural resources, as it does over
politics, the commonwealth would
have' more smokestacks and less ora
tory. - 1" - !
''" '"(Con. from yes.
"But, say, St. Peter, it seems to me
This gate isn't kept as it ought to be.
Yon ought to stand right by the epen-
ing there.
And never sit down in that easy chair.
And say, St - Peter, ' my sight is
' : . dimmed,
But I don't like the way your whiskers
t are trimmed.
They're cut too wide with an outward
i toss; .; 't-
They'd look better narrow and straight
i ;- across."
St Peter sat quiet and stroked his
., ' staff.
But in spite of his office he had to
"Who's tending this gate, Maggie, you
W or I?". . "
Then he arose in his stature tall, "
And pressed -a button upon the wall,
And said to the imp who answered the
: bell,
Escort this female around to hell.'
Slowly Jiggs turned, by habit bent.
To follow wherever Maggie went. '
bt. Peter, standing on duty there,
Saw that the top of his head was bare
He called the old boy back and said:
''Jtggs, how long hast thou been
; wed?" i,
"Thirty years" (with a weary sigh)
And then, he thoughtfully added,
, i - ' "Why?"
St Peter was silent with head bent
He raised his head and scratched his
' crown;
Then, seeming a different thought to
, - Jake, ,
Slowly half to himself he spake; '
"Thirty years with that woman there.
. No wonder the man hasn't any hair.
Swearing is picked; smoking's not
i; good;
He smoked and swore I should think
' ' 1 he would!
"Thirty years with that tongue so
v-i sharp -
Ho! Angel Gabriel! Give him a harp;
A Jewelled harp with a golden string.
Good sir, pass in where the angels
sing. ' 1 1 - '
And Gabriel gave him a seat alone,
One with a cushion, up near the throne
"Call up some angels to play their
' best; ,
For Jiggs has surely earned a rest.
"See that on finest ambrosia he feeds
He's had about all the hell he needs.
It isn't hardly the thing to do
To roast htm on earth, and in the
; future, too,"
They, gave him a harp with golden
. (v . , strings, '
A glittering robe and a pair of wings
And Jiggs, looking down from bis high
i; level,"
Thought of Mflggle and felt sorry for
the devji, i trims)
Quill Points
In the spring a divorcee's fancy lightly turns to soni other love.
Pshaw J Now Russia and Germany must tear up that treaty and
make a secret one. ' ' "
The newest addition to the list of hazardous occupations is that of
quoting Mr. Wilson. '
It's easy to form, an eternal triangle if the woman isn't square
and the man is a rounder.
The allies think we have deserted them just because we don't get
excited every time they do. -
Ours should be a stable government. Congress certainly manu
factures enough, stalls.
It might help some to take a little less scientific hiterest in anees
tors and a little' mort in progeny?' ' ;- -;-
Poverty may not encourage virtue, but perhaps you have noticed
that the man with the hoe is seldom a rake.
, When a stranger asks a girl to ride in his car, her acceptance is
a confession that she's that kind of girl.
The kid rules mother, mother rules father, and father is doing
well if he is able to exercise any influence tver the house cat. ;
Wicked movie stars may be off the screen, but you still have the
fun of reading about 'em in the public prints.
Civil service men will never feel safe, however, until parties as
well as presidents are limited to a single term.
Getting cheerful messages from the dead won't help. What the
world needs is a few cheerful messages from the-dead-beats.
i ' . . . .-
- Mi I . I -a
J hat H I
JAMES BAXTER TWIGG drank lemon pop, prune crush and
onionade, and other deadly kinds of slop, of drtigs and dye
stuffs madei And people roasted J. B. Twigg, they climbed him
every day, they said he was a blooming pig to drink that sort of
whey; they jawed him till his sorrel wig soon changed to wintry
gray. Qh, now and then we see a gent with stubbornness en
dowed; he is so built he will resent the preaching of the crowd;
though in his hoad we make a dent, that head in still unbowed.
I thought it wasn't strictly wise to roast James Baxter Twigg,
for there was brooding in his eyes a spirit strong and big, the
soul of one who faints and dies before he quits the jig. And so
I said to him, "Oh, James your neighbors make you sore, and
jawing gents and doleful dames have made your life a bore; if
you would queer their moral games, you'll do what they implore.
For months they have;'surrounded you, and raised their daily
storm, and tried to pourid you black and blue with language rich
and warm; I often wonder what they'd do, if haply you'd re
form." James Baxter Twigg, he winked three winks, and said,
"Your rede is kind, and I'll cut out those noxious drinks which
have unhinged my mind, and laugh at all the busy ginks who've
talked me deaf and Wind!" . ,
Newbury Aiutwertt Anderaon.
To the Editor:
My attention has been directed to
the letter of Bert Anderson in re
ward to ('Republicans who appear to
be greatly disturbed over the present
situation, and who are insisting that
all candidates take sides In the public
Mr. Anderson knows that there
were three outrages perpetrated upon
three citizens in the community which
it is true greatly, distressed the law
abiding citizens of the community, be
cause these outrages were plainly, in
violation of the jaws of the land.
. In my letter to the Tribune I made
no reference to the K, K. K. or any
other organization, but I did say that
I stood against any man, set of men,
or organization' of men who counten
anced the outrages that were perpe
trated ' upon -these Individuals. Can
it be that there la any. other "side" to
this question than the one I have ex
pressed? ,
It is certainly the duty of all good
citizens . to denounce such outrages
and it occurs to me that it is the im
perative duty of any candidate tor
any public office to come out flatfoot-
ediy. and denounce tiinm. I am cer
tainly 'unable to agree with Mr. An
derson when he takes the position
that a man who publicly denounces
such outrages as were itrpotrated
against these people, mskos hlmsolt
unfit to alt lit judgment upon the
rights of his fllow cllUena, '
It la my hurnnlo opinion that a
man who hasn't tho conviction to ex
preaa himself frankly and emphatic
ally and unmistakably agninst these
unlawful acta and put his donoiiitrta
tlon in euoh language trwt he can hot
be misunderstood, lacks one of the
wsnntial qualifications to sit In
Judgment upon the rights of hi fel
low rtttaeiiR. for one of tho Inaliena
ble rltshta of ft man Is to have his per
son protected from such outrages.
.' Doe Mfv 'Anderson want anyone
"upon tho benoh who countenances
tneso 'outrages? Ami If he domm't
why should he object to his candidate
(or Circuit lurtffd s,nraaJn hlmsnlf
fully and frankly upon the queatlon?
U he fearful that tliore are a bunch
of votes that he mlKht lose if he ex-
presatMi himself frankly?
It la more' to h nrpforrcil tn tin
right upon a question of this kind
than It Is to get votis, and when the
question ct mob violence Is a matter
of lsue before the people of a com
munity, there la no time for the ex
ercise of such diplomacy as will bring
votes at the. expense of .. plain,
straightforward statement of where
a candidate stands upon the question
Involved. '..!..;. , ;
I have no other position to take
upon thin Question exoont-tha one
which I now take In this letter, and
which I took in niv previous letter.
and which la emphatically against
mot violence, and for the protection
of the inalienable rights ol my tel.
tow citizens.- - - .
Very truly yours,
.... r.ra wcwbpbv
Medfotd. SraylSth, 1922.
. Ijtmpman Answers Cutvlg.
To the Editor:
' I believe that It Is the poet llurace
who tell ua that mirt upon a time
"Tho mountain labored and brought
forth a' mouse." This ancient proverb
has been recalled by Judge, Colvla'a
article In The Mall Tribune of tho
i2th Inst., ' wherein ho esaayeed to
comply with my request for proof of
hta alleaatlons anent the trrlevous
slna attributed by him to the Ku Klux
Klan; supplementary to which he
made demand not request, as he
now states that the candidates for
local office publicly define their sev
eral attitude towards that organiza
tion. It will be recalled that my re
quest was simply that ho file a bill
of1 particulars, accompanied by tho
proof, in .the matter of his conten
tions that the clan was an oraanlied
band of. midnight mauraudera, guilty
of the commission of about all the
offenses enumerated In the entire
calendar of crime. It will also be
remembered that I did not then,
nor do I now Impeach the
Judge's veracity, but only insisted
that he produce ala proof. Having;
such proof I would then be In posi
tion to join with him and other re-
spectera of the law in denouncing
thee malefactors. To this .appeal
the Judge has been finally moved to
make reply, which contains neither
proof nor Information, but rather
bunk, pure and simple. Here, - In
brief, Is his entire case: During the
past year numerous outrages have
been committed by gangs of masked
men In Texas, who branded the let
ters K. K. K. on the persona of their
victims. The newspapers, credited
these outrages to the Ku Klux Klan
and, because no other secret society
was so charged the Ku Klux must
needs have been guilty. Logical and
entirely convincing, la it not? If evi
dence of this character Is ample to
convince Judge Colviar of the guilt of
one accused of the commission of a
heinous crime, then Cod forbid that
he or any man possessed of similar
bent of judicial mind should ever be
permitted to sit upon the bench as a
trial judge.' With al! due respect to
the press, more than forty years of
newspaper work has convinced me
that considered as proof, mere news
paper statements should ever be
taken with a - liberal allowance of
chloride ct sodium. . .. .
i For nearly a century the charge
has been made by the enemies of the
mighty Masonic fraternity that that
order has not only, countenanced, but
actually caused to' be. perpetrated, a
deliberate and cold-bloodod murder.
Of course that charge has new ex-en
proven, and consequently, ton not
been believed other than " a ' the
avowed enemies of that order. ' street
rumor and newspaper report upon
wiiich Mr. Colvlg places reliese, has
not always dealt kindly towalJs even
so great and good a man , oa , the
judge . himself, ut wanting - con-
iirmaiion incite irresponmciie tuimi'
nations properly made no impression
on the public mind as being worthy
of credence.
I note with admiration the facility
with which the -Judge quotea from
Holy Writ, although ; I am reminded
that so good an authority as Hhakea
psars -declares that "Tho devil can
cite , Scripture for , his purpose.",.
also note that the .'. Judge reiterates
the' statement that he Is suspicious.
Here again it Is the Immortal Dard
of Avon, who admonishes us that
"Suspicion always hayrrts the guilty
mind; the tnlef doth fear each bush
an officer." Of course' neither of
these- quotations have personal appli
ration to the dear bid Judge, whom
we all love, save in . a I'lckwlcklan
sense. - ,
One thing, however, the Judge has
succeeded In making plain and that
Is that the local Klansmon stand con
vtcted Of having at divers times ap
peared in -public places,:- robed ( In
ghostly habiliments v and wearing
rnak.. In. this bjorrjle .guise they
imve even nau me lememy to ,in-
Kvery one that" once uses Ohorro
1'oultiry 'eU refuge tto use- amy
other bocauMo Oicrro J'oedx are lnaio
up : of a pi-ifoct balanced ration;
from choice products thoroughly
mixed. ",, ' r, , ..,',, .
' if 'II IlltltO .onHIV FmmIs are car.
ricti by most foed, men,
vude the chmvhca of Medford While
anored sorvlcea were In prtigiess, ltiy
their lieiiefuctiona on Iho very nltur,
after which tluy have respect fully
withdrawn without having illst'loHed
tholr Identity. And this la tl wholu
head and front of their proved of
cnuiiiB. mmpiy Juiriibto to contc-ni.
plate, Isn't It?
in view of nil ihln. and for the
present at limst, this writer retimes
to regard thu local Ku Klux klnn as
being composed of either aeraulia or
demons, and-therefore Ih itusulutely
refuses to Join with Judge Colvlg In
the cry of "Cruelty, haytii" iMcan
whllo he will content; himself ty
judging them by trmlr proven hcta,
r oy meir works yo ahull know
them." , . ,. . .. , V ,
.' ' II. 11,, LAM I'M AN."'
Central Point. M)f , Its:'.; ,
,.' .
AiuIoii Airswrrs, Kflljv ' '
To the Kdilor: f,(t ,V:t
It was purely for .t'eiiubtlcwn con
sumption thai I wrote niV harmony
article appearing In the Tribune of
last Thursday. 1 specifically dis
avowed any opposition to criticise the
democratic candidate for Judge, mid
it . was an attack from an sntlrrly
unexpected quarter when In y enter,
day's Tribune I find Colonel Kelly
pointing an accusing finger at rue,
."Vow it Just serins Immxwibln to
satisfy those soys who have slipped
j mental cog ovr this K. K. K. busl-
ness. They have wurkiwl ihnniMima
Into such a sweat that they can't ee
that In 'one year from now or sooner
there will not be a: single hooded
or sheeted t Inure In the
Ilepubllran north. There may b
some excuse for them In the old
Ifcurbon - machine-controlled, Illiter
ate democratlo suulh, but there can
no no permanent pjaee for them In
that section of our beloved country
where there Is free siieec-h, a free
press, and a free ballot.
The Colonel charge me with belns:
Influenced by my "Intense partisan
leeimg." jow as an Illustration of
my intense partisanship, I am going
to maKe a bashful eonfemlon eouie
years ago when the Colonel waa a
candldute for prosecuting attorney I
voted for him. 1 went even further
than that in my partisanship I por
suaded ft"e or six other feeble
minded republicans to Ho the same.
However, since thai time tuy sins
have been forgiven.
I am now going to tlivulae some
thing elso. Secretly the ha
always been my Ideal of whnl
double fluted, peppery, fluhtlna man
should be my opinion of what sort
of a judge he would make la another
story. And then, you know. V have
promised myself not to interfere in
the troubles of the democratic party.
I am grieved beyond words to ex
press, at the foul intimation con
talned In the last paragraph, of the
CTolonei'a communication, if u had
not oetn lor my illaincllnutlon tu
vouch for anything democratic,
could have Included him in tho
"clean bill of health" that I was able
to give our two candidates.
DM Him Mora Good
Many men and women suffer from
backache, rheumatic pains, stiff Joint.
sore muscles and other results' of kid
aey (rouble because they neglect the
first warning symptoms. Foley Kidney
Pills aid the kidneys to throw out Uie
poisonous waste matter that -causes
pais and - misery. Stephen Lewia
Kldrldge, Ky writes: "Foley Kidney
rills did me more good than all the
other medicine I ever took. I had kid
ney trouble ten years. I don't have
any pain like I had before I took
them.' 'Sold everywhere. Adv
f'j! VyfcuAmMA.v.'nti'rfiuc
V' : rs .; . i If
-"7rpi'Win-ai J ir' '
.1. M K
Nebraska Ihvta Iowa.
LINCOLN,. -Neb.. May 1 3. The
University of Nebraska defeated
Iowa state college of Ames In a dual
track and field meet here today by a
score of 78 to (3, One now Nebraska
record was set up when Achoetitirll
tossed- the Javelin for a distance of
17.1 feet, 4 Inches.
' I hereby announce my candidacy for
the republican nomination for repre
sentative In the state legislature at the
r primarjv. .: i. '-' t: x.
AdT. ,.(;( , JOHN H. CARKI.V
I . announce myself as a candidate
tor Representative in the Legislature,
on the Republican ticket, subject to
me primaries in mi. ., , , . . i-
Thos. H. i Slmnaon. -of.' Anhlsnrl
authorizes his annnnneemant mm nan.
dldate for the nomination for the office
01; lunty (Jommleakiner of Jackana
County,, subject to- the decision of the
ttepuDiican vniera of said county al
the Primary Election, May 19th, 1922
I'"' AdT,
I am a candidate for the nomination
for County Commissioner ot Jackson
ounty, on the Republican ticket, sub
ject to the decision of the voters at
ne primary to be hem May lath, 1922
ao.t., TirAjKuts Aur'mn, I'hoenix.
' Fashionable '
; Krperlence In" all'Mrancnds. ',
, ! Uealgnlng ot all kinds, .
Trompt Attention to Mailorders.
905 W. I Oth Ht. Phono 835-'
Day or Night
.'. n Vi.j ant,., i.
Funeral Director!
I)K, Mrill'HV
2nd - Heor '
''''Medford 'Building
Fir 93.00 Tier and up.'; !-'
CUh Egg Conl 16.50 Ton.
Cot Tit una TUIra rofle 813
'i 1 ; i i c u a
:S " ,
1 .iti :nmAMM.t trajf.
" Vice-Chulrmun '
Rcpubllrnn Kalioiiul Committee !
AN IK AT I A.N A IV cW.vUT' rn i '
' fL'-l t --
t 'i i .. ,.' . .. Jfi
AI.IUN'Y 0:1 niue
I ' X.-w York NY 12M V May H iXl
lU.pli IC. Wlllinms,
' IUputillin National CoiiuiilKt-e.
, man, Portland, (rKvn.
MiiiumI frilnbi Itnve lold nu thai
you are a candidate tor re-clccllon hs
lloptibllraii National CominlttiNMiuin
this year, and I am coiiatrtiliu .1 lo
win! Just thin 'word of apiirrcliitlon
for your aplondld scrvkti on ilia com
mil tec all the lime (haf I was chiilr
inan, Your election as vli-tM-lmlriiuin
of tho national rommltteo was ' the
fullrwt HMslble evidence of the- com
mttico'a gratltutln lo Jon and their
conriilcnce in your great fulniv nK
fulnnss) to the rnmmjtfeo and lo Urn
ixtrty. In this I Join most liraiflly.
Klntriwt rt'gnrtla and boat .wlshe al
wajn, " it-., . "-,"' t
" M
' j r
Will II. Hays, who but lately re-
tired as chairman of the republican
national committer, pays tribute In a
telegram to the service performed U
the republican party by the commit
teeman for Oregon. Kalph K. Wil
liams. Mr .Hays should know. Hi
testimony may be accepted aa some
thing mora than a tnre polite and
formal expression of approval, to be
expected from onn member of the or
ganization for another; for ll Is sup-
portea by t?io entire committee.
which, not many months bko. by
unanimous vote of the representatives
of foriyolgtil suites elected Mr. W'll-
lisma vice-chairman. He la the oldest
mumber ln point o( service, and II Is
obvious It Is not denied by anyone
-rthat his standing with the bonds of
th' republican party is very high.
The national rominiltrn'manshlp Is
a party Job. It pave nohilng In-sslary
but II currte many responsibilities.
and falU for work, It's rewards are,
Of course, recognition of leadership,
and the prestige, and Influence that Ko
with It. Mr. Williams has been the
committeeman for Oregon for four
teen years, and is a candidate for re
election, There Is no good reason
why ha ahould not be re-elected;
there are good reasons why he shoo Id
be, the most obvious and unanswer
able of which' la , that i be liss
a liluli piece: with t the commit
tee, is on terms ot Intimacy gad
confidence with the natlunal leaders
of the republican party, la in line tor
the national chairmanship, and cau,
and dnubUoxa will, perform ervlcn
.which no new man., whatever his
qualities, can possibly perform. ,
. Tlia OreRonlan Is reluctant to In
terfere In the contest for national
committeeman; but the advantases
to the republican party In Oregon of
Mr. Williams' election are so plain
that it foehj that It should point them
out. . . i ....
(Tald Adv. by Commlttoe of Republicans. T. L, Starr.' Sec y, 817 floard ot
tiraae wag. roriiand, uregee.l- - ,
Elcst SE23
" ' FOR
at the primarisa-Friday. May 19. .
I la is a man of rare patsonalily and
E roved eaecutive ability, lists,
nally, is his story I Usee Lee Pat
terson was born in Banlon County,
Oregon, in 1859. Attended country
schools and worked hi way IhroucH
(.hriatian Lollsi. Monmouih. Be
cams a aucceaaful msrekant in
Seism. In 1994 wa elsctad Stat
Senator from Marian Coaatyt - In
1896 wa appointsd Collector ef
Cuatomt at I'ortlsnd, by President
McKinlsyt ra-sppeintd by Prsaidsnt
Roosevelt la 1902.
A Record of Achievement
t TYTHILC tt wa collector, the biuinssa ef Mr. Psltsr-
VV en's offtcs praetieslly doublsd yst tt reduced the '
cost of runninf his office by $6,180 a yssr. Since 1906
' lis bean a successful farmsr at Eola, Polk County. "In
1919 and 1921 ssrvsd as Slate Senator from Polk County.
. 'As chsirmsn of Sapata Finance Cemmitts ld the fight
against wholeaala salary incrsaas bill and defeated most
ef them. In 1921 voted against increasing Covaraot'e
aalary, t . U i ; j- a
Vote for Patterson land Stop this Waste!
Since 1913 SUU Ukss We' Increased 748.7 per aaeitt
This gross eatravaganc mast be stepped I Mr.'PaNr
sen has plsdged that when elected ha. will make a sub
stantial dacraaa in your state taxas by efficient and eco-
- nomical administration.. A vol for Ssnatot Pattsrseo is
,! vote for clean, economical buainsaa-lik governmaat.
.. ......
rim,r ft;
'" v' ,'N N
tot Imparlal Hotst U .' "'. PerUsad, Orsfoa
' ' f . ' , j ., 4
Save Money on Flour
CRATER LAKE, an fxcellcnt Hani Wheat bleared
fl.Viin pet- Hadkof 49 His::..::..!;V;;..V.:$2.10-
BflUWY BUTTE, made from Uoirue liiver Tallov A
iBlue Stem Wheat, sack of 49 lbs......... .....$1.85
iWhitaketfs Cash and Cany Grocery
"" Dally Eaoept fionday :
LV. R08EDUTM3 1.00 P. M.
hk - k ,IH.',V'4 V't.f.-t. s ..,
Daily and Sunday
, ' 'l'l " t.T '.v;
Leave Medford
10.00 A. M.
' 1.00 P. M. "
4.30 P. M.
')( H. '' " ' ' ' 1 ' -
' Motif ord-GranU Pass, fl.15 Grant rass-llosoburg, t8.00
'(,.' Medford-Roaoborg f t. in.
Leave Ornate '
10.00 A. M.
1.00 P. M.
4.48 P. M.
w - te m a f 4