nvDFORD MATTJ ' TRTBUOT),- lfEBFORT). Oft KAON". SATITttD A V. MAY ite PTfHE TWO Jfodaland , Personal Dans for th observance of Mothers' Day at th First Methodist church. Fourth nnd Phrtlett streets. Include Mother's Pay will be observed si the First Hiqitlnt church Sunday with $m idmsis on the day In every -service. several notnlile features. 'Thts Throne The speolnl Mother' VNiy sermon will Room of JhMiiooracy? la the.sulijeit of be delivered by Rev, F. U. I.ech nt 11 Voter Manet, (he noted nl.nt aiithor.; lt0 ul ,(e ,.ai.l to ...othednMHl. Mr.i Mother's Prayer" will be the special ltv. from the l'n tod States dewirtnient) . "... ....... ....... .. of agriculture,' I spendtriff today nt the Southern Oregon Experiment Sta tion, Koln over the )ear work with Mr. Itelmer. Mr. Itlsset is In oharpe of the experimenters service depart ment of the nnrenii of Plant lntrodue-j tlons.. This Is his third trip to the local Experiment Station. Sand, gravid, sediment. Phone Stl.'-J. 1 have taken over the White & Trow bridge Insurance Agency, formerly operated by Mr. lien. J. Trowbridge. I will be pleased to attend to all endorsements, or aid in adjusting losses. J. W. Wakefield, Palm IU.wfc. ..'.,.' 4'' The Woman's Auxiliary of the Amer ican Legion, will give a chicken dinner lor members o the American lesion and their ladies, in Ixgion hall, nt C:3o D'clork, on Tuesday evening. Admis sion 50 cents. . 4i On account of Illness of the pastor, D. E. Millard, ll. P. Lindas will fill the pulpit at the First Christian church Sunday morning. Mr. Lindas' subject will be "Building the Christian City." Mayor Gates announced today that In nceordance with an Invitation Is sued to hint by the Kit Klux Klan or ganization of Medford he attended their secret . meeting Thursday night, under the conditions laid down by both tho Klan and himself as to making a public report, and is already at work writing out his reiiort. Dance. Eagle Point, Rat. nite. 69 C. L. Goff for Fire Insurance. Tele phone 41. Maniiafacturers of the better grade davenports, chairs, rockers, and foot e tools in latest design. Constructed to give service and comfort. Of best workmanship, hardwood frames, wel MacDonouglt will sing, "Only One Mother," by Windermere. At the even inn service Mrs. Susnett will sing, ' When Mother Prayed." The sermon subject for this service is announced as "The Human Common IVnomina tor." Special provision has been mmle for nil who would otherwise be unable' to attend those services. Anyone wishing an auto to call Is requested to phone Kli-R tonight;'. ; " 1 V have a tine black bear rug Tor sale for the mounting charges. Call and see this rug. llartlett's, W W. Main street. 49 Gifts that last." A big selection fur the baby Martin J. Heddy, Jeweler. ; ....... . . c. Attention, ex -Soldiers: Ranches sold under Soldiers Bonus plan or ay with' share of crop, like rent. Gold Ray; Realty Company. .' Mr. W. F. Jewett ami Mrs. Carl Washburn of Eugene, drove to thl city to spend a few days visiting with friends. They expect to drive on to Metlford before returning to their homes. Roseburg News Heview. Free dirt for lawns oi garden. Call at building site. Minnesota street IT. A. Thierolf. ' Everywhere you look you soe a Chevrolet. tf Wanted A reliable man to water lawn and flowers a few hours every day. Phone 390-L. tf Mr. and Mrs. Miles Contrail of Rnch spent Friday in the city visiting friends and attending to business. For dancing. Launspach'a orchestra. 45 If it's Insurance we write It R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man. Anto insurance. Brown & White. An enjoyable dancing party was held bin bottoms, high tempered steel "si ntgm si me ivai oy xne z-wz ciuu apring. filled with flax, hair and cot- an a large number of high school ton. , Spring or down cushions. Cot-1 students attended. Music was furnish- akuI In denim, velour. mohair or taoes- r lne imperial i"0. try. No woodshavings used. All material new and clean. Upholstering of all kinds.' Draperies made to order. If interested call Jacksonville Phone 202. J. Weis. Vpholstery. 51 Witness the marriage ceremony at the entertainment in the Natatorium given; by the ladies of the First M. E. church Tuesday evening. May' 16th. Ticket 35c, ' .45 The'pnblic niarket of this morning was a fair one for this time of year with a goodly, supply of early veget ables and plants on sale. Twelve booths were occupied. The meat sup ply . was small, as fresh meats are growing scarce. Dance! Butte Fails, Sat May 13th. Launspach'a orchestra. Midnight lunch 45' Wanted, the best car $100 or $300 1 cash will buy. Give full particulars. Box 82, Mail Tribune. . 45 Well dellTer you 100 lbs. of table potatoes for. J1.S5. Monarch Seed & Feed Co. Phone 2C0. Children cared for. Mrs. W. N. Campbell. 371-1 . - . .. 45 James (Jimmy) Jones, a well known resident of this city who has been bed fast with an attack of blood poisoning in his foot is able to be around again. Hard times made easy, buy ranches without money, pay with share of crop, like rent Gold Ray Realty company. 45 Crescent orchestra Eagle Point Sat 59 leash will buy. Give full particulars music with other interesting, features. A short program will bo given nt the Sunday school hour. "The Old Fash ioned Home" will be the theme of the evening sermon, which should Interest every lover of ljomes, as ft practical application of the theme of tho day Is heeded. A" new feature will be Intro duced at the evening service. . An orchestra has been .formed under the, leadership of Ray Hague, who recently returned frow serving two years In the Jyavy Hand. - The orchestra will render several s'eleclions. The choir will also have some-' music In fceepfnjr with the special theme, "An Old Fashioned Home," by Mrs. Scougall and Miss Steiner, nnd the choir w ill sing, "Moth er's Prayers Have Followed He." Cars will be sent for anyone desiring them, if they will call up Rev. F. It. Leach. Hemstitching, Plcoting. Sc per yd. Muttons covered. 1 Handlctlft Shop. tf Crescent orchestra F.agle Point, Sat 69 I.lme for spray. Medford Lbr. Co. Mr. and Mrs. Ed G. Brown expect to leave about May 20th for a' month's visit with Mr. Urowna, mother at West Fork. Arkansas. Watch repairing of that quality that gives satisfaction at Johnson's, Jeweler. Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. - . . Abner Hixson of Watkins, Ore. spent Friday In the city vjslting friends and attending to business matters. ' Shoes called for and delivered free. repaired or shlned. Mail orders a specialty. Work sent C. O. P. C. B. Watkins. 127 W. Main, phone 556. C9 Lime and cement . Medford Lumber Co. The junior box social at the high school last night was poorly attended The work of putting new ties and otherwise repairing the Medford t'oanl railroad will be completed by tonight. The entire road has been gone over and scores of new lies and-rail put In. Tho road will begin Monday the work or hauling Rravel on a Southern Pa cific contract. Fire Insurance. Brown A White. "Ueatity la the Mist gift tout nature gives to women and the first she takes away." E. Burnham'a toilet rcqulsltea. shampooing, hntrdressing, manicur ing, facial massage, acalph treatments, hair dyeing. Medford Beauty Shop. Medford Building. Phone 191 L. tt George Nuebcr returned to his home stead Friday In the Butte Fulls district after a short stay In the city. Now is the time to book your order with Newcomb for alabwood the large load iM dumped. Phone 631. 49 Watkins household necessities. No, 9 North Fir street or phone 9ti7- or :i7l-L. William Campbell, agent. 4S Rev. K. P. Utwrence will be absent from his pulpit at the Presbyterian church for the next three Sundays, but arrangements have been made fur ser vices for each Sunday. Tomorrow morning Or, Wm. P. Holt will siienk as county health officer on "Matters IVr- taining to Public Health. Special music will be a violin trio from Ixdien- grin played by Misses Ruth Campbell and Elsie Kaufman and Curleton Janes. At the evening service J. ('. Clark, Y. M. C. A. secretary from Shanghai, China, home on rurloiigh, will bring a message from the heart of the great hat Ion now in the midst of so much turmoil. It will bo well worth the hearing of every one. Mrs. R, E. McElhose will sing a soprano solo, s Flowers for all occasions. See us about your bedding plants, jmrcb boxes and hanging baskets. Maddox & Bonney, 1005 East Main. Phone 374. " tf If you are not among our satisfied customers, try us today and adopt the profitable habit Phone 223. Apparel Cleaners and Hatters, C21 N. Riverside 46 Inrln Prick capsUed In his Ford touring car on. King's Highway last Pies, rukes, salads', meats nnd vegetables made to order. Medford Cafeteria. . .' 46 ! 11' . 111 1 I'. I. .. . Jl..1 ' .1 THE X-RAY Wanted Clean cotton rags at MalllUo 82. Mad Tribune, Trfbijne office. . tf For rent, on shares dancing pavilion, hotel, restaurant fishing, hunting, bathing and camping privileges cover ing 100 acres. River frontage. Gold Ray Summer Resort, Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R or 134-Y. 45 George W. Walters of Kings high way is seriously ill with a tumor on his left temple, and Mr. and Mrs. Walters have sent for all their chil dren, some or whom live nearby, to come home. Mrs. Carrie A. Miller of San Jose. Calif., arrived here last Tuesday, and another daughter, Mrs. A. B. Kaeler, and her husband, of Fort Jones, Calif., drove through to Med ford last night. The oldest daughter. Mrs. Leila Young of Elgin, 111., is on the way here and is expected to arrive any hour. Bee Dean & Dixon for codling moth spraying. Phone 106. 49 Everywhere you look yon see i 45 by the boys of the high school but aHlht "! although the car was dam those who did attend had a good timeiid considerably Frick escaiied with and plenty of refreshment The Junior l'Kht """"P on he I, class cavo the social for the uurnose nd windshield wore badly 1 Chevrolet tt Have you seen the new stone marten chokers In Bartlett's window Prices range from $10 for the cheaper grade to $40 for the finest 49 The Women's College elub will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. W. Stearns, S3 TtortirOrange street. Nico-Dust kills aphis on roses and vegetables. Sold by Monarch Seed Co. X-Ray at Dr. Murphy's office. 47 Save money on garden tools and hose at Monarch Seed Co. l ' CHANGE OF LIFE MAN'S TRIAL Proof That Lydia E. PinkW Vegetable Compound is of Great Help at This Period . MetroBolis. Illinois. "I "have taken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- 1 pouna ana n is an n claims to be and has I benefited me won- Iderfullv. I had been I sick loreigntmontns I with a trouDie wnicn confined roe to my I bed and was only I able to be op part of the time, when I was I advised by a friend. I Airs, fcmitn, to try I Lydia E. Pinkham's iveeetafcie uom- Bound and Liver Pills. I was so much benefited by the Use of these medicines that I was able to be tip and about in two weeks. I was at the Change of Life when I began taking the medicines and I passed over that time without any trouble. Now I am hale and hearty, do all my housework washinp, ironing, scrubbing, and cooking, all there is to do about a house, and can walk two or three miles without getting too tired. 1 know of several of my neighbors who have been helped by your medicines. ' ' Mrs: Emma Culver, 706 . 7th St., . Metropolis, Illinois. Depend upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound.' Nervousness, irrita- ' bility, heat flashes, headache and dizzi ness, are relieved by this splendid med- . Icins. MlMIIIIll r ... i L. U. Collins of Yreka, Calif, spent Thursday and Friday in the city visit ing friends. When in need of sash and doors. call Wallace Woods, 108 or come t 711 E. Main street ... Viavl dealer, Mrs. Foor, Hotel Medrd .64 Wanted A reliable man to water lawn and flowers a few 'hours every day. Phone 390-L. tf On Saturday. May 2". Roseburg will be host to about 400 members of the Knights of Pythias lodge, who will gather here from all parts of southern Oregon for the regular district conven tion. This district includes Kugene, Cottage Grove, Roseburg, Grants Pass, Ashland, Medford and Klamath Falls. The grand lodge officers will be pres ent and with the delegations from the cities mentioned and from other points within the district the attendance Is expected to be well over 400. The convention will differ ' from former meetings of this nature in that Instead of putting on the work in the Knight degree such as has been done formerly a Page 'class of 100 members or more, the largest Page class in the history of the lodge In this district will be initiated into the order. This work will be conducted by the grand lodge officers themselves. The program will include a number of fine features. chief of which will be a band concert by the famous "Dokie" band of Med ford. Medford is to be well represent ed in this convention, and in addition to the band will have more than 150 delegates. Roseburg News-Review. Everywhere you look you see Chevrolet tf For expert lawn mower grinding call Mitchell Ladder Co. Dancing! Natatorium! To-night Come early. Free dancing until 9:30. 44 Farmers of the valley have starWd their annual warfare against the goph ers and digger squirrels, both rodents being reported quite plentiful this sea son. Big lard reduction at the Economy and West Side Meat Markets starting Saturday, May 13th. 10 pound palls ri.40, 5 pound pail 70c, and 3 pound pail 4Gc. ' 60 Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. ' " . The largest and best orchestra in southern Oregon will be heard at the Nat tonight Admission only. 10c. Free dancing until 9:30. 44 Thomas Simpson of Ashland, spent Friday in the city attending to busi ness and shaking hands with friends. When better automobiles are built Buick will build them. tf Hig lard reduction at the Economy and West Side Meat Markets, starting Saturday, May 13th. 10 pound palls $1.40, 5 pound pail 7,0c, and 3 pound pail 45c. B0' Mike Hanluy, Jr., of Butte. 'Creek, was a visitor in the city on Thursday and Friday. Meet your friends at tho community dance tonight at the Nat. 44 All kinds of rough and dessed lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108, ,711 East Main street. ' ot raising funds for the Junior prom which will be given May 31. All Junior boys are in favor of having the money for the prom taken out of the class treasury this year instead of being forced to pay admission as has former ly been the case. The senior reception it has been announced, will be held June 2nd. i ents New . all and auto tents made of government standard 29-Inch wide canvass, all new and in all stan dard sizes, our prices will surprise you. . New army pup tents $2.95. O. D. wool army blankets at the low price of $2.95, like new. Extra heavy khaki pants $2.75. Extra heavy khaki breeches $3.25. Genuine blue cham bray .shirts $1.0l, at Unite Army Stores, 32 Central Ave. So. 45 Hardwood flooring. Medford Lum ber Co. E. M. Eldridge of St. Louis is a guest at the Hotel Medford as are F. M. Roeplcr of Fresno, E. B. Fitta ot Cor vallis. J. C. Osborne of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Lewis of South Ilend, Wn.. W.. L. Beyer of Eugene, S. II. Hess and Thoo. A. Comrades of San Fran cisco and Charles F. Smith of Los Angeles. Frozen automobile, tractor and truck cylinders welded, de-lnforced ' and guaranteed. Only the finest pre-heat- ing .fuels and metals used.. Vulcan Welding Works. 39 S. Front street tf Bearing pear and apple orchards sacrificed at $100 acre and up. 1 acre tracts and np. Easy terms. Near Medford Highway. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R or 134-Y. J .A. Wolf and Elsworth Abel were each fined $15 this morning when they entered pleas ot guilty to charges of speeding in Justice Taylor s' court The arrests were made by Traffic Off! cer J. J. McMahon. Marlneno Cosmetic Shop, 409 Liber ty Bldg. Electrolysis. Phone S57-W. 47 Regulation army shoes that fit your feet; buy a pair and you will have comfort as well as good service. Sum mer weight Balbriggan union suits 95c, All wool cashmere army socks 35c, 3 pair for $1,00. " .Wallace Bros, silver ware, set of 6 knives and 6 forks, 75c; six teaspoons 15c. Just what you want to take on your .camping trip. Trade at the Army Store and save money. United Army Stores, 32 Central Ave. South.. 45 Tom Gaines of Trail has returned to his home after spending a few days in the city. . Two watchmakers, prompt service and unexcelled workmanship. Johnson, Jeweler. . tf The Bennrul public has Hula Idea of tho progress made In medical and surgical science during the past five or ten years.. Titers la still long wuyj to go; but the advances made have placed the dlu gnosis And orgunlc loca tion of dlMeaae beyond thrt'slMgo of experiment. .' The science, utid art .f X-ray diag nosis and treatment U now only 25 years old; during which time It has been developed by pbysloists, electric engineers, photographic eheriihaViind physicians. ' " lurlng the rirst 15 years progress was slow and knowledge gained wui limited, by reason of Imperfect equip ment. Muring fiee 1. years the ap plication of X-rays was restricted to the location of bullets, or the diagno sis tf fractures or other diseases of Iwmes. The Interpretation of such pictures was relatively easy, and a ph.vslcjan with a smull X-ray machine to his office was the only specialist The American Invention of X-ray machines, such as the "Interruptles transformers" and "thermionic tubes" prepared the way for great advances. The medical use of X-rays has been, during the past ten years, expanded to tho diagnosis ot all diseases which produco deformity In either the bones or the orguns or the body. Today, a roentgenologist ran diag nose diseases of tho chest and heart, the stomach and bowel, Rail bladder and appendix, kidneys and bladder, the pelvic organs and even the brain; so that the treatment of suiTi diseases i Is Iteyond the stage ot cuesswork and Is baited on exact knowledge. It will be readily seen that a physi cian cr a surgeon cannot devote lime enough to the medical and surgical application ot X-ray science to be come proficient In It, and also In his own work. .To fill this need a now specialist has n risen In this new Ith The top iroken In the accident wliieh occurred when a tront tire oiew oub an.i me irom hr(Ulch of medicine, which Is so Intri wheels took a quick flop and Jammed. ... a8 t0 d);mi.n,i ,hn . ,, causing the car to overturn. They have won a reputation by icr formance. Let your next car be a Hupmoblle. 47 We are watch specialists. We guar antee results. Johnson, Jewclar. tf Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Judy left yester day afternoon for Tiller, Ore, for a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr.- - Foot troubles scientifically treated at The Marlnello Shop. Expert Pedl- curlst In attendance. , 47 Mrs. Paul Hansen, corseUert s t or NuBone. Phone E85J tf Dean Allen of the University of Ore gon school of journalism arrived this morning for the purpose of delivering an address to the conference of high! does not Imply ability as a roengen study of the one engaged In Jt the "roengenoMtst" the X-ray special ist. The X-ray specialist has a ground work of medical science elab orated by years of training In bis special line ot work. . , The public is not benefitted by .-ray picture. Their health prob lems are concerned only with the Interpretation of the rvNultn of an X-ray examination by a specialist In that work. The work of the roent genologist forms only a part I (hough an important part) of the whole ex amlnaiion and diagnosis. X-ray equipment may be purchased by Xnycne with the means to buy It; hut possesslson ot such equipment school editors at the high school this afternoon. Invest your savings rn the Jackson County Building and, Loan association. tf Goff writes Automobile Insurance. Telephone 41. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CONVALESCENT HOME. ASHLAND Finest place to regain lost health Diet and hydropathic treatment 45 WANTED To rent a horse for a month. Light work. Will pay well for use. A Jt, care Mall Tribune. 48 WANTED Woman for cooking, and general housework In family of two. flood .wages. Inquire Mrs. Geo. H. Parsons, Hillcrest Road, Tel. 491. FOR SALE Alfalfa In my orcharu Just west of Central Point; imrty to cut It and pay so much a ton. Phone R. L. Wilson. Hotel Holland. 51 FOR 8ALE Good Chevrolet body touring car. Clark Motor Co. - 40 LOST Pair brown kid gloves on N, Hart but 81. Finder please phone Mann's Store. r 46 specialist, or the knowledge needed to make X-ray examinations which are of value to the patient, any more than the . possession of a , blgh-pow eied racing car would make a man a successful racing driver; even though he were expert In the . mechanical knowledge of automobiles. ' ' Grave danger attaches to X-ray work done by unskilled. Inadequate machinery may be purchased and the representation made that It is ade quate and that the possessor has the skill to use it to advantage There are many so-called X-ray laboratories elsewhere In this region; but. they cannot1 and should not be expected to furnish material aid to the patient. Between Portland, Orogon, and aacramento, lalirornia, there are only two places whert competen X-ray service, fnrnlshed by an X-ray specialist skilled by years of training and with adequate equipment, can be had. These are At the Sanitarium In Ashland and at the Sacred Heart Hospital In Medford. Dr. Lincoln Kalleit is the roentgelologlst In both places. ' ( Adv. FOR RNT Sleeping room. N. Holly St. Man. 22K . 45 FOR BALK Three brown gelding 2 1380. . Carl Each Eagle Ptiint. Jersey cows; years old, weight . Phone 4F-I4. 4 lffkMt Ossuty jw!ry Besatrinr, mauosa natung, . watas Bepalrtag. Satisfaction Assured In quality and price. Mall of your wants. MARTIN J. EEDDY 9 , A Practical Man for a . "- Practical Job . . . ..." " WM. A. DALZIEL Republican Candidate for LABOR COMMISSIONER Primaries May 10, 1022 Honor Your Mother ' , .bygoirig Sunday to the ; ; ' ' First Baptist Church (N, Central and 5th St.) 1 : - - . . -- '1 ' t '" .' i I -' , t Two special services Extra music 11 A. M. "OUR MOTHERS" . 8P.M, "AN OLD FASHIONED HOME?' (Orchestra and Choir) VC'i Ton.w HI'XIHV AXlt " MO.MHV NOW At work he wields a wickedpick, Ofttimes he lays a wayward brick; He toils and boils and sweats . - there. There's not a job he will not shirk; He takes his dinner pail to work, - 'Cause it's lunch time when he ' gets there I CHARLES CHAPLIN t i IN 'PAY DAY 9? And the saddest thing of all Was to hear the Missus call ""Ya gotta get up; ya gotta get up, An' go to your work this mornin'l" The New Chaplin Laugh Knocks All Records in Half, -Al so ENID BENNETT in "Keeping Up With Lizzie" Delightful Comedy-Drama Played by Sterling Cast COMING TUESDAY BEBE DANIELS in "TWO WEEKS WITH PAY" REPAIRS " 'S I- " i Now is the time toiix up the mower and rakes for haying. We have a complete line of John Deere ana McCormick mower and rake repairs , Order yours early, while our stock is complete. !. - t Hubbard Bros. A . t