m ? WTCDFORP MAH; TTITRTTNE. UTEDFOTID, OKKnQ7, KUTD'AY, MAY 12, '1022 PENSES U. S. E IN 1022 CUT BY $1,600,000,000 House Cut in Half to Facilitate Moving Jackson County School Notes W'AKIIINtlTO.V (joveri)tnent ri pendltiircM fur Urn flNi nl year Hit will kliiiw a reduction of more than 1 1 ,ilU0,ooo,0(O from thi) art mil -lu'iiilllurin fur Ilia precedliitt; flaml year, ion, coiia'ieiui Wna Informed to ll il V tiy I'realdant JlHKllritf In trim iiilttltiK Ilia report of Director Dnwi Of tha Uuillirt tin moilomlna and av. Iiium lii icuvnrninetilal tunl iuhm. Director Dawea ratiinated Hint government vxpemllturea (or the cur i rut flaml year which ware given In the December lllllII't eatlllllllra u tl.li,3:,m will lit nl Icaal Mi, t.r.o.jjn r, r iiroxttnuiy ,. 021.371.030, An ruiiipared wltbli!l, lie 'con tinned, ihere linn been a reduction nf ISOT.nuo.oOO In eioendlturea fur the (Iteration of tha ranlln hualneaa nf the (lovri iiini'iil subject Nenerally to executive control, (if thin mini hn attributed I.'OO.WIO.OUO lo tlia linpo. Htlnii r the exeriillva plan mill pre siire nn tlm routine btmliiM urennl xullon of th uvorninvni under lli nw avatcm liimiKiii'iitKit ty tha budget burellU, Tho rruoit of Director Dnwre wnit auhmltted to tlm Iiduko appropria tion roiiiuiltten by the prealdenl In connection with n pending reoutlon ly I tr-u cai-nl n ( I r Hyriia, Democrat, Tenncaaea, MukltiK the prealiU-nt lit inform the bullae In what waya direct aavlna of lai.ooo.ooo anil indirect p miii(4 of Il04.ouu.oo0 pievloualy announced 1 1 - tint liiiilm-l bureau (Sur lily Ita flint nil months of operation, had l-ii made. Director lwr presented In detail with ncroiiipntiylna' tithlea and atate Incnia Ilia comparative expenditures for tlm paat nn 'I present flm kI year divided Into Item repiest'titiliat those which nr i Inn ki iI tu executive rout r el mid others such n public dnlil nlnl similar accounts whlill wer considered as ntmrl from tha subjeri of routine government ex penditure, tlx l submitted ex haustive report nf the governmental a M n it aironipllnlii'il through Intnr dpinrtmnntal iraiiKfrra of aurtOua aupiilira ami otttor ii'iuiomy muthoitu put Into effort hy thn tiuilifnt bureau, lii'tnUtiH thoutuimla of tranaurtlona lnvolvlns hlp. Ihi". avallnit wax. ami all tha runny artlrlt and com moUlila utlllxvil hy tha sovrrnniviit, lorihnr with thn amount of aavlnv ri-allifil In mill rm. "Tha hurrau if th hudisot la nn mirronnl. antt nun-portlimn lu4 livaa nurnt." aalil Mr. Itawra. "In thla piittli ulnr r i-port where Ita rati- inatra may bermna a bi f conten tion In an Bppron. hlnic inlltlrnl eon l oat. Ha flittirea aholllil he ronaerva tlva ami mart thn lixl of examina tion, not only In the prevent, hut In the futura whrn ixUilna imrltann Ulf fi'rrio- are forituttcn and tha reronl for lmnrllallty and non-pitr- tlauiiNhlp of the dutlicel hurenu la ronalderrd In rt'troaneel hy the un prejudlrrd nilnd .f thn guvrrnnunt ei'onntiilt and atiiilrui." Or tX-i: yi .a 4 J i 1- y.'iv-. ? rtru ',"v';':-'ft.,--iv," i 1 ;)f "flii. W-. I "3m. ft r; Tlm LonK MoudUIo Hchitul, Ulatrlct 37, hat a year's retmrt of perfoit at tnuUunce, 100 per cent, for tha four Iioya who cnnprlati the arliiKil. Mra. Hfle Miirphy la certainly to be con- Kratululnu.' No wonuVr he Kalncd per mliHlon to go to tha clnrtia with tliRin laat wnek In way of i''li;tiriitWn, Iloeae Creek achool made a pleasant ocean ion of their cloalnK day laal Krl- day. After the one o'clock neighbor hood dinner on tha ground, Kiria and program filled tha aftern'ion. The put- gram waa unique In. that recreation and' other number had been selocud by the pupil from their text, allow ing what had appealed to them In the yeur'a work. Two flower drill, a well a tha uniform county drill were enjoyahly given. Not only parent, hut friend from Kagln Point and other nearby district were preaent. The h unit of neighboring In achool inter- eai i a good one, and there have been aeveral pleagant evening affair dur ing thn year uuder MU Lane leader- ahlp, which have added to the com munity aplrlt of Uiatrlct 47. The town achoola are rloalng a fol- i,,;? a-. & Till half nf a three alory honan wa photographed while Ixilng moved along Commonwealth Ave,, Nuwton, Mum, tha aectlon welKhlng approxi mately 40 una. It ia being moved a ilinlame tit one quarter of u mllu from Ita orlKlnal apot. New Books at County Library llillon. "tshllxii," nnd otln-r roiunncra of ()ypy blood. Jlen ovli I; "The Man Krunt the Wlbia," Itlnillima; 't'lirla li,ph r lllblmtilt. Koiiilitiiikrr," llry ant; "Ituumiininn Hlorlea," liyng: 'ne t'pnn n Time." IihvIn; "IawI Valley." (ieroul. "Tb Kverlnalliig Whlaper." tlreiiory; "Murln i'hapde liilne," a tule or the Ijik" HI. John country, I lemon; "Cnravnn by MkIiI," a romance of India; 'The IVrtrnlt of u Ijidy," Jaim-a; "The OutenNt." Uiaerlof; "An Ocean Tramp," Mi K'ee; "The Hiiejiherd of the Wild." Mnrahnlt: "Tlio Ijwt American," Mitchell; "The Hand Ioe ti.r," Mulder; "The Iar-iO Three," Mulford: "Iteyond the tJeaerl" Noyea; "I'rlae Htotiea of liSl." U'llunry Memorial Award; "A Bword of tha tiUI Frontier." I'arrtah; "Handy," Kiev: "l.lfe and Iath of Harriet Krean," Klnclulr; "Jade," and other atorlea, Wiley. Non-riitlon. Karma," lieneant; ' "The Hnnd mook for I'racllral I'arinera." I'liul Iny; "The linMili II. .,-W a.khuni; Text Hook on Wlreh-aa Telecraphy, Htanley; "Ttrea mid (N'lilranlatng," Tufford: "The Klower Oarden." Hen netl; "The Trout Are l!lln In Kng bind and Houth Aft lea," Hennlon; "(loin' Klihlna." t'ook: "Many, Many Moona," a ttoiik of wllderneaa poema. Silrelt; "Kwwya In IdleneKa," ltep pller; "In Jur Convent luya," Itep pller; "Iam Hhlpg and iAimly Hen," I'uinr; "I'nder Hall," Itlaenlierg: "Kaerv Ijinda of tho South Seiia." 1 1 1 ..J low! May lit, Talent and Rogue Hlver; Mny 20, Jackaotivllie, Ashland, (iolil 11111 and Central Point; June 2, Phoenix; June 9, Medford. Applegate and lluttn Full school close on May 20, but 8am Valley not till June 23, owlnn to delay In occupying their new building last fall. The school gathering at Much on last Saturday was participated In by six districts, and proved a-hrlmful day of activities! The morning program showed In part what share these schools "can take In Jackson county school day program at Ashland on May 27. The address by Superintendent Hrlscoe was well worth hearing. After the neighborhood picnic dinner of abundance, cam the race and other event. Kach school represented had entrant in the event, and honors were well divided, though Rueh achool took the lead. Applegate valley seems to possess hoys and girl of vim and pluck, and It is worth your while to watch their sport. Several eight .nonth school are closed, or are closing tills week, among them flounce Rock, Pilot Rock, North Trail, Little Ilutte, Pankey, Long Mountain, Table Rock, Lost Creek, (Jails Creek, Klk Creek and Central. All over this county of Jackson boy and girls are awaiting the arrival of eighth grade examination days. May 11 and 12. Quito an army of sixth grade pupils are prepared for the physiology test, and a still greater number for the geography. High school plays are popular these days. Medford gave "Clarence" last week. Ashland nnd Central point gave the play "And Home Came Ted," tho on different dates. Ilutte Kali give "The Varsity Coach," and Jacksonville "A Cheerful Liar" on Friday evening this week. Central Point grades give thn operetta "Cinderella" on Friday night of this week also. Rogue River staged a most anceessful play In their new Community hall last week, and Gold Kill presented one some week ago In their well equipped achool audi torium stage. The weekly papers published by stu dents of the several high schools have found place on the county superlnten dent's reading table thi year and have been welcome visitors, bringing a they do news of the event and attain ments, as well as of the fun and cele brations which carry on In the differ ent school centers. Day or Night WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors TOTE TILUWE W a-un mil i ai i II Corns Peel Off Like a Banana Shin who ynn touch thorn with tor (drop of "Ontn-It." tha tiifd. ear. quirk aura ramovar used by million ol popl. Uso "Goto-lt" Nolnnroo eoitlnr, trlmtnlnt or par In a. Jaitani ratlaf from all pain and Kro nm. Coats but a trlaa averrwbera. Money hack If It (alia, K. Lawrnno Co, Mfr , Cblcaso. , Sold In Medford by Leon B. Hasklns Strang's Drug Store. FOR SALE Bolt Caterpillar Tractor and Logging Truck Term to Ilrwponsibla Parle MY IXXKLL. LlMBKIl CO. Macdoel, Calif. Quality Mull: "llimnlii In t'liheavul." lloaa; "Tibet nnd Nepal." Ijindor; "A l)iitialiler of the Mlddlo llorder," lliirliind; "Tho llouieilo Palace," lahaiii. Juxeiille. "Center Kuali Itowland." Harbour; "A 'IVmlcrfooi With I'eary, llorup; "NoiM-liiiid Tales," Hoyem-n; "The ln-en Korea! Fairy Hook," Ilrady; "AI the llutteifly Houae." Ilrowu; "The Htibatltute." Camp; "Old Ryer- aon." Camp; "lloyhood Htorlea of Famous Men." Cuther; "The Hpy Cooper; "ICuat o" the Hun and Weal o' the Moon." laent: "Plecea for Kfny lny the Kchools Celebrate, Ienilng; "The l-and of Pluck." Podite; "M.-ny Wales. Hophmore.' Dunlon: "Hetty Walea. Henlor." lun ton; "Captain of tha Hchool Team." Karl: "On the School Team," Earl: "Indbm lleroea und tlreat Chief. tulna." Kualmiin: "Colonial laya." tiordy; Feli-lcla." Could; "The Story of France." (luerbcr: "High Adven ture," Hull; "The Story of Aaron,' Hnrrim "Story of the Odyaaey," Ho mer; "The Adventurea of Odyaai-ua and the Talc of Troy," Homer; ''Ut ile American History Play for Lit He Amrrlcnna," Hubbard; "Cod's Troubadour," Jewelt; "Hereward the Wake." KlngKley; "Fuck of i'ook'a Hill." Klpllna; "Fairy Hook." Ijibou luye; "The Hilver Thread" and other , folk plays for young people, Mackay; "IJfe and Adventure of Robin Hood." Mnrah; "Htorlea of lleowulf," Marahall: "The Hook of Itlrda for Young People," Mathews: "Carrots: Jual a Little Hoy," Moleaworth; "Tulea of Folk and Faliiea" I'yle: "The Hoy Scout of Ijikevllle High," "The Chrintmaa Child." and other verves for children. Smith; "Old. old Tales From the Old, ttld Book," Smith; "nocas, the Indian Hoy of Santa Chira." Sneddon; "Monl, the Indian Hoy of Hnnta Cliira," Sneddon; "Monl. the Coat Hoy." Hpyrl; "Htorlea Children I.ove," Welsh; "Famous Leaders of Industry." life stories of boys who have succeeded, Wltdiuan. "Management Problem In Retail C.rocery Stores," Harvard school of hUHlncna administration: "Care of Lenther," tshnes, harness. I driving belts, etc.) V. 8, Department of agri culture; "Feeding Craln Sorghums lo Livestock." V. S. Hurra u of animal industry: "Trees for Town and City Streets," I'. S. Ilureau of Plant in- diiHtry; "Practical Information for Ih'Klnners In Irrigation," U. S. Bu reau of public roads. Mm uw that's the Reason for the ever growing popularity of Albers Flapjack Flour. Makes light.tasty hot cakes. Order a Package Your Grocer Recommends Albers quality Flapjacklldur: CmluUr Ifi cylindricit con ttiutr iafurff t6f;u( uaiftiea. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE FEB. 1, 1022 MEDFORD ROSEBURG STAGES Pally Except Sunday LV. MKDFOItn 10 A. M. LV. RORKMmd 1.00 1". M. , GRANTS PASS-MKIIFOIII) BTAOES Dally and Sunday Leave Medford 10.00 A. M. . 1.00 V. M. 4.80 r. M. Leave Grants Past 10.00 A. M. 1.00 P. M. 4.45 P. M. Fares) Mcdford-Orants Pass, Orsnts Pass-noscbnrg, W.OOj Mcdford-IUiseburg 94.15. BIG STEEL COMBIN E BOOSTS UP STOCK NEW YORK. May 1 l.Mrties Tay lor, chairman of the Lackawanna Steen company, announced late today that his company had completed ne gotiations with tho Uethlehem Steel Corporation, for a merger of the two corporations Rumors of tho consolidation caused heavy buying of those stocks and kindred shuros In the final hour of today's stock market Lackawanna Steol made a net gain of soven points, Bethlehem 8teel rose 1 5-S and affiliated shares advanced 1 to 3 points. Lacawantm has recently been men tioned in connection with the propos ed tnergor of some halt dozen othur independent companies, but Including .Midvale and Republic Iron. ' Bethlehem representatives have frequently stated that thoy'were not Interested In the reportod mergor or consolidation pluns of their competit ors. I CON FARIS, Mny ll. Mlxs Sully nee dier, nllioe of Hugh C. Wallace of Tuconin, W'liah., former, United States niuhnnmirtor to France and Count Jenn ltertrand do Luppe, were mnrrlcd by civil ceremony here yesterday after noon. AmhiiHandoiHerrli'k nnd tho Hnrl of Derby wero witnesses for tho brldo. The religlotiH ceremony will V 35-atS I IV and the skill of expert bakers make PEERLESS BAKERY a "Rich as Butter Sweet as a Nut" Most Delicious Most Nourishing Most Economical Food You Can Buy SlITTES'NlIT BREAD Insures you all that is BEST Pure and Most Wholesome . . , . - . .. .. On Sale at Your Dealers That Sweet Full Wheat Flavor, peculiar to BnTTER-NPT will appeal to your appetite Made RIGHT in Medford V; ONLY BY PEERLESS BAKERY Telephone 503-J bo held In tho Mudulln tomorrow,