PAHE TWO rcrFOTU . mato trtbune. tEBFonp, , on k n oy. frtday. may 12, 1022 'i ! ! ! t PORT. OREGQNIAN AN! BOUNCES K. K. PRIMARY TICKET Election 'tickets" lists prepared by It'oupa pnpppd up In political circles yesterday like dnhdellons on a new lawn. . And, .following the figure ot sttwcli, the ftr-nt to show was the "range colored ticket which has made ltapperanco regularly for many janrs. 3te orange ticket la vouched for by the Oregon Federation ot Patriotic Soclatlos and bears the, seal ot that organization and tho name and , ad dress of Its secretary, W..C. Elford, oDarA'tnatllU avenue. There Is also an anti-blue' law ticket' and a red whlte-and-btue ticket, the latter ap larntly being an orphan, as it has no acknowledged sponsor, not even the . rimer's label. On the orange ticket, which was t'.rculated at the auditorium Tuesday night, when a Ku Klux Klan lecture was given, the following candidates ire Indorsed: Congress, Korelt, gov ernor. Hall; state treasurer, Hoff; su preme Judges, Burnett and McConrtt; lalior commissioner, Dalziol; public service commissioner, Thielioff; cir cuit Judges, Crouch, Tucker, Pewitt ond Hawkins; state senators, Klepper, Wilson and Clark; representatives, Adams, Brownell, Campbell. Hurlburt, Hughes. KIrkwood, Kubli, Kuehn, D. C Lewis, H". A. Lewis, Lynn Simmoon and Woodward: Joint representative, Melndl; county commissioners. Ran t in and Walker; auditor, Martin. Neither Judge Tucker nor Auditor Martin has opposition. : U Is said that the Ka Klux Klan intends to follow the orange ticket W K large extent but will break away on some spots. Portland Oregonian. 1 " -t GIRLS! LEMONS ........ r . BLEACH SKIN WHITE Squeeze the juice of two lemons Iran a. bottle containing three ounces "f Orchard White, which any drug will supply for a few cents, stiake well, and you have a quarter 1 i rtt ot harmless and delightful lem on bleach. Massage this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck arms and hands each day, then f-hortly note the beauty and white ness of your skin. 4 Famous stage beauties use th,is J-mon lotion to bleach and bring thnt soft, clear rosy-white complex ion, also as a freckle, sunburn and T;iri bleach because It doesn't irri tate. Adv. JAPAN REFUSED HER TO LECTURE r r 1 lK A v f WWW s i t u V- - v : si f. V v' 1 Mrs. Mnrguret S;ititcer and h?r thu teon venr old son,. Grunt, as they arri-ed in Japan-from san Kranrisco-recently. Samuel Gompers Makes a Vigorous Attack on Prohibition MOTHER'S DAY AND ran ES PH El NEW YORK. May 5. Samuel Gompers, veteran president of the American federation ef Labor, speaking Wednesday night to a crowd that jammed Madison Square Garden in a mass meeting railed by the New York branch ot the asso ciation aeainst the prohibition amendment, declared that "labor must make the fisht now and we will never stop fighting until the rights of the people have been restored to them." He was cheered by crowds both in side and outside the big pavilion, tor those who could not enter the hall heard tho speakers through voice amplifiers. The meeting was largely attended by members ot union labor, representatives of more than SO la bor organizations being present. There also were many men promi nent in the city's business and fi nancial circles who occupied places on the stage. A large part of the audience was composed of women. To Kight Ijiws. "I and the federation I represent," Mr. Gompers said, "are in favor of beer and light wines and attainst any attempt to enforce sumptuary laws aimed at the personal liberties ot our people. "I have always had fulth In th fu ture of my country, but with prohi bition I am apprehensive of that fu ture. Temperance was the rule of the great mass of organised labor, but the prohibitionists and tho so called anti-ealoon leaguers have done more to undermine the morality and temperence of the working man than any other agency I know." Finds PrunkemicKS. "f have traveled all over the Vnit ed States before prohibition. Includ ing its so-called dry territories, and today as i pass through these sec tions I find more drunkenness than ever before." "There are no stronger or more powerful supporters of tho Volstead act than the distillers and bootleg gers," Mr. Gompers declared to the accompaniment of vociferous ap plause. '"With the Volstead act and prohibition replnccd by a little light wine and beer bill, the bootleggers would go out of business." Sunday, May 14, will be marked ut the Phoenix church as Mothers' Ikiy. when every mother and all who would pay tribute to their own mother am especially luvited to be present. Music and scripture for the occasion, a few words by tho pastor, and an address by Mr. John II. Htuld of Portland, w ill bo given ut the . tuoruliig servlco at 11 o'clock. Mr, Rudd Is Interstntfe secretary for Oregon and Idaho of the county Y. M. C. A. work, and will speak especially to Interest mothers and boys. Every mother' and "mother's son," however young or old. is particularly asked to come, and of course the girls and Wn. In the Sunday school, beginning nt 10 o'clock, Mrs. C C. Hartley will have charge ot a short program of music and two-mlnuto talks by several Indies on "Mothers of the Hilite," followed by the regular Mule study period. I The hours for the evening meetings have been set 30 minutes luter during Ithe summer, and from now n the j Endeavor meeting will be at 7:15, fol lowed at 8- o'clock by a brief popular meeting each Sttnday evening. Next Sunday evening, May 14 th, a fine" set of over 70 stereoptlcon slides will be shown by the pastor and assis tant, accurately picturing "New China" In contrast with the ancient enlre and customs of the people. This set ot slides Is an unusually Interesting one. and was shown last Sunday evening at the Medford church. ' - Next Wednesday afternoon. May 17. the ladles of Phoenix are Invited by the missionary society of the Ashland Presbyterian church to meet with them In the church parlors at Ashland at 2:30, for a travelogue meeting on South America, followed by refresh ments. A Urge attcodauco from Phoenix is desired.' ' ' " ; ' The Menace of Mob Rule r . SAME, PRICE """"I KwnsnasHWSvasssaarMMSnuaanaaasa For over 30 years sikiiil Powder Ounces for USE LESS than of higher priced brands .MILLIONS OF POUNDS BOUGHT BY THE GOVERNMENT ... '-- - - : : T-rr rr elf opi n to tibiae, and mix repretieiil itlon. hoVver laudable Us pur(Mi. p7 fr B my MINISTER P IN If there is ever a call for punishment fters not nor has it been determined; GIM CHUNG China Herb Store This is to certify that Glm Chung ot Medford. Ore, has cured me of goitre urd stomach trouble. 8. M. Leonard, iOtt J SL, Grants Pass. This Is to certify that Glm Chung of Medford, Ore., has cured me of rupture tr four years' standing. F. G. lsham. 413 3 St., Grants Pass. Ore. : Medford, Oregon, Jan. 1J. 117. This is to certify that I. the under signed, had very severe stomach trouble find had been bothered for several years Und last August was not expected to live, and hearing of Glm Chung (whose Herb store Is at 214 South Front street, Medford). I decided t- iret herbs for my elomach trouble, and I started to feeling better sa soon as I used them and today urn a well man and can heartily recom- tiend anyone afflicted as I was to see uim unung ana try his Herbs. fllBned) W. R. JOHXSON, Witnesses: XVm. Lewis. Eagle Point. W. U Chlldreth. Eagle Point M. A. Anderson, Medford. S. B. Holmes, Kagle Point. ' C. . Moore. Eagle Point. , J. V.. Mclntyre. Eagle Point. Geo. "Von der Hellen. Eagle Point. Tho E. Mchola. Facie Point by an invisible court it is not before the regularly constituted legal tribunal has passed upon the case. Mob vio lence and ku klux klanism cannot be justified under any condition when the legal machinery of the state is opera tive, and the assumption of power by any set f men in dealing out assumed justice is a criminal act in itself, and as such should receive the punishment the act deserved. The recent Los An geles case where a body of disguised individuals sought to correct certain alleged violations ot the law according to their code of right met the natural sequence of such action, and one man, himself a peace officer, and two others of his disguised comrades, were shot and the peace officer killed. Whether this mob was a part of the socalled invlsiole government or was composed of individuals prompted by self con ceived desires to redress wrong mat- ELECTRIC SIGNS Are business getters, and we are sble to quote reasonable prices on a higher class sign. their act was wronK. Illegal and with out provocation. The courts are con stituted to deal with all Infractions ot the law, and the taking upon them selves the power delegated to the courts places them beyond deserved protection and make ot themselves lawbreakers doubly guilty of the law's violation they sought to punish. This mob may not have been made up of kti klux but whether tbey were or not the ku klux klan will receive the odium of the act, because they mas querade in disguise and their identity is difficult to establish, and Uie accom plishment of better things which they profess to be their object, will not be acquired through invisibility. If their purpose is a worthy one let it be done In the open and they will receive the reward to which they are entitled otherwise they must bear the stigma that their actions, place upon them. Sheridan, Oregon. Sun. Is a Park for Sheep, or Tourists? Zan Grey Story at Rlalto A love adventure story of surpassing interest opened Wednesday at the Rlalto theatre for four days, HenJ. B. Hampton's latest and greatest photo play of a Zane Grey novel, "The Mys terious Rider." released by Hodklnsnn. It is a big, clean, wholesome and re freshing modern drama of the out doors, enacted by a stellar cast and It's interesting and full ot action every moment. IS - TO K. K.K DANGERS I'OKTI.AXU. May 12. "I have al ways assoclaUKl mantis with banditry or revelry.'' declared Dr. Krnest M. Halliduy. geueral secretary of the ex tension board ot the CouKTegutlonal church, who took a up at the Ku Klux Klan In his add rem at tho lunvheon of the Kotury club ut the lieuson hotel Tuesday. "I don't believe It necessary to be- lonK to this Khostly fraternity to en force the luw," U said. , . "Such an organisation is laytiiK it Theiv am many who will take adva:i tage ot the. IncoKtiito Ij perpetrate their own until . tul acts." The speaker dei lar-d that nuturU's aito the rlKht (o 1 1 la I ty law was wrenched from nutiK-rncy. ''We tuiiHt retain theno iIhUis It we are uot to tindeniitiiu tlie principles o( our guvcrnn!iii," he r mtlitued. The speaker expressed the belief that if America falls now It will lie Hit throtiKh the bronklug tut of the republic, but tho deterioration ot ac tive Kood cltb.eunhlii. Better pick up some ot the print raper on rolls fr wrapping goods and isave money. Comes with core In It I to (It roll pa ie r racks. Much cbespef Irinif wt'&DulnS paper. ' ' tf OPEN RAINIER PARK WITH SNOW BATTLE T.U'OMA, Wusli., May II. Nana were nnnouueed here today for a snow null battle lielween prominent resi dents of this section to mnrk the open iillt of the season at Itullller National park on June 17. Major (Itinera! Charles II. Milr. commander of t'nmp Lewis, will lead his forces In a snow utt'irk upon the dfeii'llnit army com manded by Sut'rlutendent V, It. I'eters of the park. Seattle. Taronia and other cities will combine In a pa rade to thi park foftfrn'opentnif. The people of Roseburg are making a new and harder fight to keep Dia mond Lake out of the Crater" Lake Na- PERCOLATOR SPECIAL $14.00 , . 9 Cups, Mission Style Renard Electric Co. Phone 1000 119 E. 6th St. BREEDERS' NOTICE Ketab 87,277 Imported Percheron Stallion i making season stand, starting tony 2'.', at (Jitzen Harn, Medford, Oregon. , WOOD! " Fir $3.00 Tier and Hp, Utah Egg Coal 816.50 ton. MEDFORD FUEL CO IF BM W USE' ' SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat 1ms meat if Kidneys feel like tad or Bladder bothers you Meat forms uric acid. . ; Most folks forget that ttie kidney, tike the bowels, fxt slupgiah and clogged and need a flushing occasionally, lse ws havo backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe beadaefces, rheu matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and ell sorts of bladder dis orders. You simply must keep your kidney:; active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of J ad Baits from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before 1reakfast for a few day and vonr kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of yrspes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the aeids in the urine so it so longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Baits is harmless; inexpensivei mskea a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys' clean, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known- local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks Who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. . , . DRY WOOD Two Tier 12 inch Pine, One Tier 12 inch Oak and Laurel, all for $2.75 a Tier. CUT RATE WOOD YARD Phone 551 tional park. We trust their efforts will be futile, because no bigger mis take could be made if Oregon wishes to promote tourist travel. This whole area along the summit of the Cascades from Crater Lake to the McKenzle pass should really bedome a part of the national park in order to give U the area and attractions necessary to draw and hold visitors for a reason able length of time. No Crater Lake Park is generally good for but one night's stay and it Is not susceptible of any great development unless en larged, according to the statements of the park officials. With a larger area along the skyline boulevard included the greatest playground of the Pacific coast would be developed in a few years by' the park organization, which Is willing, in fact quite anxious, to undertake the task. The argument that any considerable part of the state's natural resources would be tied up in the park limits Is unsound, since there would be little timber of value included, and the water power sites would unqaestion ably be opened to development by gov. eminent permit whenever they were needed for Industrial uses. The only remaining objection that lfwould close the area to sheep pasturage is not worth consideration, since only a few thousand head feed there during a short period in the summer, and sheep and tourists are not congenial any way. If the Cascades are to be re serv(jd for a summer sheep pasture, then all our plans for making our mountains an attraction for pleasure visitors must be given up. The trouble with the members of the Roseburg chamber of commerce quite likely is that few of the members have personal knowledge of the section they are seeking by resolution to control, and that some selfish and special in terests are Influencing the body thru misinformation. Eugene Guard. - Pay Day at Page Theatre "Pay Day" Is here at the Pace theatre tonight, Saturday, Sunday and Monday for motion picture followers who have been waiting for a good laugh. : , ; "Pay Day" 1, a First National at traction, being the title of the latest Charles Chaplin comedy and the first one that the superlative star of fun has given the screen in many months. It will be pay day for the fans who have been waiting to cash In on a good laugh, for advance reports have it that the picture Is one of the biggest hu mor onities that have ever come from the Chaplin studios. With the Chaplin feature there Is a second big picture. "Keeping ITp With Lizzie." the picture version of Irvlnit Bacheller's story, which is rich In humor. Enid Bennett, Otis Harlan, Leo White, Edward I learn, Llla Leslie, Victory Hatcman, and many other popular nlayers are included In the cast. Court News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) With Medford trsdo Is Medford msfle X RAY 1)11. MVKP11Y 2nd Floor Medford Building , Ileal rotate Transfers. O. L. Smith, et, al, to Thora Smith, Q. C. D. to part lot B, blk. 3. Cottage Add. to Medford 10 Charles II. Tierce, et UX, to William Humphreys, et ux, W. I), to land In V. L. C. 42, tWp. 39 u. i East, In Ash land , 10 William H. Miller, et- ux, to Uewey MoTlmmonds, Q. C. D. to 8V4 of NE, sec. 13, tWp, 37 8.. Jl. 4 West , D. D. Buge, et ux, to Willis 8'. Thotnuson, et ux, W. D. to lot 2, 3, 4. blk. 46, Central Point 1200 C, W. Palm, et ux, to Carl 1), Bowman, W. V. to lot 8, blk. 61. Medford 10 J. H. McUee, et ux, to Floyd V. Dkkey, Q. c. V. to lot In I'racht's Addend lot 1, blk. 45, Summit Add., Ashlund .. 1 Floyd F. Dl.-key, et ux, toO.T. HerunT, et ux, W. U. to lot In I'racht's Add. and lot 1, blk. 4r,, Summit Add. Ash... 10 MaiKrct..ValakoweUI (adtnr.) to A. C, Ijirnon deed to'B M lot HW, V i ,of SK,.scc. 6,, " two. 32 8., Tt. 2 H ..' J.' I 341 ijL 1 i- ij Hand-Tailored Suits ,$35 to $50 m. ,i,a,Lf Jk'-IL-U. ill'., !!Xv4it S-ftvr y&iu a17, L vacuum packeo icoiiee 1 Ti COPYRIGHT tP22 CV)j Ftr Third rbono 2 12 4