Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 12, 1922, Page 7, Image 7

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    ail Tribune
Second Section
Six Paget
Second Section
Six Pages
"" '"' 11 " 11 1 "' n ,- in III I I III HI I u " '
tttVV-Hh..r;.r. MEDFOUJ), OltMJOX, FMIUY, MAY 12, J922 . v ' "" "" 7xOl' .
Items of Interest From the Rogue River Valley
ASHLAND. y.e.f li. l'lm Chau
tauqua aaiioiialloii hua departed from
tritilltitn In tli matter of holding ihu
annual mmmiitily season earlier tliun
ever, antliipatliig (bit July period by
ftkitttf lli dates (rum May 21 lu 2!,
The attraction wit', bn on an Klllnitii
Wlilte circuit basis, affording it dl
rcralty of enteilalnment In tlm way
of lltarature, mualo, travel, niiiKli'.
fli'.i At nn admission which, In Hid
d.rm of scuaoit ticket, will Im lower
(ban nver. these. mIm) rr lute lllierul
"topirr" prlvllegea, Till r InxM
ticket will b f I JO IliU year, a plo.
iiomeiially low price, but even thU
limitation mny bo reduced to mi even
dollar, Providing 1 500 adult seaaon
tlrksta are lold by Monday evening,
MoV 22, rebate of fifty cant will
1 bit made on each II.jO ticket mild.,
tliut reducing tlm caauii admtnaloii
ticket to one dolUr only." Can you
tel ll?" ThU lowering of admU
ion du not Imply die a pen In it of
talent, "Hyatein" mid l in work
doe the bualncM. Furthermore, un
der auaplvaa outlined, the uso
ciallon gets th benefit of a wealth
of advsrtlaltm. the tout of It being re
inforced by a wealth of plctorlul cm
bellahment, greater byfar In extent
limit the MMU'tutily would be Justified
In handling indlvldualy. Comment
to earllneaa lit tho tuasuii. possible
weather condition, etc., are met by
tlm management guaranteeing to
nistie the Interior of tlm bin audito
rium comfortable. It la alao planum!
to tuatHiiid Mil canvaa (rum tlm dome
In the way of experimentation regard.
1MB Improving aoouatlo effect. For
several year pal the aaamihly has
leii handicapped by the holding here
at tlm Mini lima of a lot of other
event trenching upon th Jurisdiction
of Chautauqua's scope, aurh aa sum
mer achool and conferences, of w hlrh
hav had a aurf'it, I'wler the '
plan It U proponed to make tlio nn
imal gattierlfTg a "May festival," and
11 If hoped and tpec(tl that Hie new
departure will mcol with due encour
agement, (ram all supporters of the
old limn Chautauqua reunion.
Tho dairy farm of It. K. ltolilimon
In Ihla vicinity waa th scene of a
dairy meeting on Friday thla week.
K.nrh pnrknge of "Diamond lyi-a"
rontalna illrm-tlona no almpln any
woman rnn dy or tint hi'i' worn,
ahaldiy dri-wca, Hkhtx. walala, i-nalM,
MliH'kliiKf. awraliTK, I'livirlnnH, ilra'
rli'K, haiiKloKN. I'vcrytlilim. pvimi it
Hhn htiN m-vrr ilyi-d before. Hoy
"Plnuiond iyea"no other kind-
then (H-rfifl hoimi ilyelilK la mire
Imh'iiiihi' Ulainoiul Dyea are uunrnn-i
teed nut to aiiut. fitde, atrenk or run.
Tell your dniRKlnt whether the
terlul you wlxli to dye la wool or
ellk, or whether ( In linen, t'liitmi or
mled rooiIh. Adv.
14xlC, 5 ft. wall $27.75
7x7 Tourist $9.00
mm A T 10 g.M tAI I
IVIUU. ' I ulll (X HWIIIIIU VYUIKS.War veteran in a resolution pre -
OiiinwIio N. I'. lM-Hit
Prof. Kit of O, A. ('., boliiK dmon-
atrutor In rlutlon to toptra dnulliiK
Willi "llroi'dliiK nnd t'ulf UulnliiK,"
Ulld "HiihnoiiiiI 1'i'mlliin "
liifiiriiiuilnii oil it l) KiHUri'il at th
lihrury ri'iturtlliiK unoihi-r niH'liu-ry
cliiiui whlrh will IickIii on Monday
uvchliiK, Muy l.'i, iindi'r tho I'oarhliitf
of Mra. Kid m u tlray.
I.HKt cull for tho Klirlnu daiiiui at-
nli In n ! . Krliluy ovcnlng, May 12.
I'OVi'lnml'a ori'lioalra f aiiyon plocna.
Tr'PiicrH of tlm lliiht (unlaatlc are
mining from Medford and (irmila
l aaa, alno nttlKliborliig lorulltloa. Ha
m imii I it-r, all Muaona uml their frliMid
aro Invltod. Tli'kola, two dollara,
(tini.ral ..rvl(i.a of Mr. Hmiiuol
Cavln, who dld on morn- j
l..a i il... f-mll h....n on Iowa I.
airm.1. . I I V..,li.,.ada v afl.-r-
I ai 1 run I at a tit 1 ittl ti I ulll
Vi..w'.. .,i..t..iy. Ii..f..-o.d wa. a -
llvo .f Arkiii.Kua. 3 y-ar of brp. and
and ix'i'ii ii roHldout of ihla vb iulty fr
nearly fifteen yeura.
The ('hniitiiii'iia renalaaaiiva here
la primarily dun to th aetlvo and
enleiprlnInK effort of over onn hun
dred repreaelitatlva public aplrlted
rltlteua who havu peraonally guaran-
(rod the PApento of thn flue program,
and It la now In order for the public
to appreciate the effort by auh
rrlbing for aeaou tb keia, tho prlrs
of whliii la far lower than ever offer
ed heretofore. Chautauqua orrura
erly .May 2 4 lo29and there la no
otraalon to plead a llltiltlpllrlty of
rival attraction during tho oiotfui
bly'a enKouenient.
Funeral aervb-ea of tlm lutn Th"o
dore I'rovoat. who died auddenly In
Hitiiaiuiilr bint Tuendiiy niortillig, were
held on Thumday afternoon at Klka'
ti tuple. Interment being In that or
der' plot In Mountain View cemetery.
Itev. ('. K, Koehler, pro4iytorlun
puator, will (K-rupy tho pulpit of the
Methodlal ihurrh next Kundqy, Dev.
Mr. Kdwurd being away at Murah
field and North llend. where tin will
deliver addreMKto ICpworth Leaguers
and high achool graduatea.
An Initial picnic of tho aeuon oc
curred tho litKt ofthe week when the
teacher' training clua took a hike
to Wagner creek pretliuiia, particu
larly vlaltlng the alia of Hie Ancient
Anhland mine, tho iicglerted appear-
aitre of which reminded one f the
abundoued ahaft of Ihu Conaolldaled
Virginia In Nevada year agone.
Tho May Ixmio of the Aahland tele
phone directory la out, and la a apo
dal good number, dealing with "cur
rent" event, aouio fiction, and a lot
of goaalp.
The engagement la a announced
of Carroll Wagner, we'l known Aah
land young man. now In tho employ
of the (ienerat I'etroleum Corporation
of l.oit AngclcH, and Mlaa Marlon Allen
lllark of San Kranrlaoo.
Tho Khrltin patrol will meet at the
Armory In thla city, on Tueaday even
lug. Mil 1(1. I'rojramH for the cere
nioninl to bo held by llllliih temple, at
Medford, Muy 20, am being printed
In that city uml will be laatied next
week. Indication!! point to a, big at
tendance, not only throughout thla
Iminediutn valley, but from point aa
far north a Kugeno.
Toiirlata urn thronging thn auto
campground, nnd late agitation In
their behalf tmllcnti), that community
rent and rending rooma, cheery flre
plaeen, inovln pletureH, alao a rndlo
annex, would bo arceplahln.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ilnriugea. of the
Cilorln Vlata orcharda on Mlnear
height, are receiving a vlalt from
their duuKhter, Mra, J. W, Uosiiic, of
northern Oregon.
Waiitx Irfidy lor lexirted.
I'ANSAIC. Mny 12. The ederal
Koveriiment In nuked to deport Uuly
I AmIiii- iim mi limli'Mlrfiltli. nll,ii lit' tin
I , i , u i,.
( 'iiMii-Mii . (-, imiii i-uiiiiMiny, rIinoin
sent ed here.
Astonishing values in attractive
Spring and Summer millinery
We are showing a new line of Women's
Hosiery Nude and Camel Shade
Scarfs Sweaters Silk
Underwear Blouses
, "Quality and Service"
BAMH VAM.KY. May 10. Mr. Ilur
hnr or Tallin Hock, haa Inaafd tho
Htonrr prop.rty hero for tho year. The
T l" ,(",lu',
ur ""rlmrdlrtas rimrt a lUlit apple
""M,m " h""vy 'K"lr !
Mu' W,HI Mt Tu.-aday enlng
'"r fr."11 " ,ho "'"mlnif broke
Iiouvlly clouded overhead and dl
peraed thla feur for a while nt ut.
The ahower of Monday did conalder
ablo gHl to growing crop, but waa
not very welcome i(, tint ahecp aheur
er a It itoatpouod their work for a
The audden change In the weather
la chilling to the marrow after expert
cluing the balmy weather of a few
daya puat and the dlacarded winter
coat feel good again and a warm fire
I a little better.
Several baaebull game have been
played recently between our Chief
Sam nnd the Modoc which reaulled
!n tlio Modoc being the victor by
cloae nuirgln,
Ijiat Sunday our boy met on their
home field with the Kugle Tolnt team
nnd were completely defeated. The
gnmu waa loo oiio alded to be very In
tereatlng. the acore atandlng 21 to 4.
Mr. II. A. Treahnm and young eon
reached home 'from Kugene Tueaday
evening and atood the trip well
Mra. II. 1. Pelton, who haa aojournej
for many month In amitlinni Califor
nia, returned home Inat week acconi
panled by her daughter, Mlaa Glady
who attend achool there, and a party
of young friends' who will be houae
kucmi at the Pelton home for nn ex
tended time.
Meaara., Moat and Allen, our ntate
club men were raiting on our school
rwoently In the lntoreat of their bual
nea connected with our agriculture
nnd girl aowlng club here.
Mr. and Mr. J. M. Dodge and baby
aon of Medford, were pleoaant visitor
with relatives here laat week.
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Itert Chapman. April 27
Roland Flater of Jacksonville, waa
visiting at thn Johnson homo. this week
and left Tuesday to Join relatives at
Myrtle I'olnt. Abe Johnson accom
panled young Mr. Hater and w;lll
spend a week on the trip.
Hev. Adams of near Kagle Point de
livered a sermon at tho school, house
Sunday morning after Sunday school
Mr. Jasper llodgers left this week
for Trail creek to bo with her father
Mr. Houston, who Is sick,
Frank Maniuis and his slater llnzul
were out In this neighborhood thla
week hauling with a truck and takin
wood back to town for Tom Jones.
Mra. Klnls Mayfleld was very sick
from ptomaine poison nnd had to be
taken to the lioapltal at Medford, nnd
is still there
-Kaglu Point baseball team played
Sams Valley Sunday, score 35 to
In favor of Kagle Point.
Mrs. Claudo Chapman and chlldrr
lof Medford are viKltinir IwiinA folk
I " - -
1 at neagio tins wceg
1 Mr. I. Ilea, whllo hatching oil
(llfford Plnehot, former socrcturV
of the Interior, during the ItooiM-velt
udtiiinlMlratliin, la reported ax having
hla hat In the ring, a he la the choice
of a tremendous majority of J'enn
eyiviinlu people for t 8. Kenalor.
turkeys for other parties, came acroa
a peculiar freak, a turkey hatched
with four leg.
Mr. It. Terrell of the Meadows,
went to town Monday to trade.
Mr. Lucas sheared sheep for Mr.
George Staccy the first of the week.
Tho llcagle boys are now organiz
ing a baseball team and will practice
next Sunday, the 7th. on the flat by
Mr. Gordon's, the old baaeball ground.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanderson
and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Case visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Chapman Sun
day. Mrs. Thco Glass Is recovering nice
ly from her operation.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ash moved to
Trail Sunday from their home on
Elk creek. They expect to camp this
summer near Mr. Ash's work.
The road work Is starting up on
all aides of us, and gives the idle men
around here employment.
Irvln Hume and II. Ash are dig
glng ditch for William Cottrell.
Miss Minnlo Poole Is visiting this
week with friends and relatives near
Drew, Oregon.
Georgo Wcews and Mrs. Emery
were business callers In Medford Mon
Mrs. Middlebuaher and daughter
Knld wero callers at (he Bergman
homo Friday. Mr. Bergman la very
sick and not much hopes for hla re
J. L. Ragsdale hauled wood to
Eagle Point and the new road camps
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. E. AsH and Mr. and
Mrs. Kll Galumeau visited the road
camp Monday.
Mrs. Ragadaln and sons Hunter and
Glen, were pleasant callers at the
llowo home Thursday.
With Medford trade ta Medford mt
Experience In all branches.
Designing of all kinds.
Prompt Attentiou to Mailorders.
.- V. lOtli St. Plume S.-.3-Y
; - -
'''' '
L-M. I j
WXiVK RIVKR, May 11. A large ,
number turned out to hear the lecture
on the Near East relief and to see the
tdctures shown, Monday evening at
Community hall. Pledge were solicit
ed for the cause and resiionded to.
Previous to this the children of the
school had raised about $85 for this
Mrs. Miksch of Aahland, spent the
week end here with her daughter, Miss
U. Miksch.
Tuesday night Rer. Alexander Smith
gave a lecture and stereoptlcon view
Palestine to quite a large gathering
in Community hall. Jt was especially
interesting as Mr. Smith had personal
ly visited the places shown.
The baccalaureate sermon will be
given by Rev. Le Gray next Sunday
evening at the Presbyterian church. A
large crowd Is expected so come early
in order to gel a seat.
The logging season has opened in
MANN'S The Best Tloods for the Price, No Matter What the Price MANN'S
The Final Wind-Up of Our Most
Astounding May White Sale
Sheets Muslins
Pillow Cases
and Sheetings
72 inch Woarwcll Shcct
iiip. Fine grade, rim id
weight ami beautifully
bleached. Regular 60e
grade. Yard 557
3G inch Daisy Muslin.
Fine and white soft fin
ish, 19e value, yd 16
36 nch Imported, White Ratine, good weight
and fine quality. A real French cloth, yard,
72x00 Wearwell Sheet. Fine quality linen
finish, caeh .'. $1.48
HI) inch f ineXaiusook, for under
wear, 3r value. Yard.29
3G inch fine white Xaiusook,
soft finish, grade,' vard,
36 nch fine "White Dimity in cheeks, stripes
and bars, yard 39
18 inch nil linen, unbleached Crash Toweling.
Regular 33e value, yard 29
40 inch Imported Parisian Ratine, in white only.
A beautiful quality for skirts or waists, $2.0(1
value, yard $1.75
36 inch funey white Wash Skirtings in Poplins,
Peach Cloth and Gaberdines, 89c value, yard
Women's Silk Top Envelope
Union Suit, $2.30 value. Spe -
eial, iuit ., .$1.98
Women's Summer 1'nion Suit, a
good $1.23 grade, suit 9S
Women's All Silk Hose in
black, white and brown. $3.00
value, pair .$1.9S
Large size, soft spun Turkish Towel, SALE ,' Hx'ra
551c value, each ...39 each
25e Soft Spun Towel, each 15 33c soft spun
43c soft spun Towel, each
Extra large fancy
soft spun Towel.
Mail Orders Promptly
Rogue Illvcr, one truck having already
made several trips up Evans creek.
The ladles' Circle and the Civic 1m
provement club held Joint meeting
Friday afternoon at the home of Mr.
Clark. The main bulness wa select
ing a delegate to represent the clab at
the Federation of Clubs meeting held
at Grants Pass Saturday, May 6th.
Mrs. Clark wa chosen and with aev.
era! other member attended the meet
ing. The operetta, "Treasure Hunters,"
given by the school last Saturday
evening In Community hall, was a suc
cess from start to finish. The add
star cast acquitted themselves with
credit. Virgil Scbultz and Juantta
Dengler a the leads, dtd excellent
work. Pitt I'enny afforded much
amusement and seemed at home In hla
role of a New York society man
Much credit should be given to Prof.
K. C. Itrowne for his dramatic coach
ing and management and K. C. Jacob-
sen who directed the music ably assist
ed by Miss Miksch at the piano. The
Kogue River male quartet and Miss
Carstens deserve credit for their help
Ivan. York is working for Joe Russell
who has a ditch contract below Grants
34 inch heavy
15c Value, 10c each
ManiVs Department Store
illled. Postage Prepaid. Agents for Pictorial Patterns. Y
Pass In the Jerome Prairie district
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Rollle Carls motored
to Grants Pass one day last week.
Ike Vincent and son Buster moda n
business trip to Grants Pass Tuesday,
Mr. Rainey has gone down below
Grants I'ass to spend two weeks with
Charlie Cook.
C. T. Davidson, Wayne Bailey and
Dick Lewman's family motored to Gold
Hill Sunday to attend church.
W. 8. Halley and son Ardell are
spending tho week in Grants Pass.
Clyde Davidson has been busy shear
ing sheep In the valley. ,
Evan Kubll mado a business trip to
Grants Pass one day laat week after
supplies for the Kubll store.
Mrs. Vernon Halley and aon Gaylord
spent Sunday In Rogue River visiting
MUs Kva Owens.
Vernon Bailey mado a business trip
to Grants Pass Monday. '
Mrs. Ethel Davidson spent Friday
afternoon with Mrs. Josle York. -
P. R. McFadden, our road supervisor
has been busy two weeks grading oar
Jim Leonard and Miss Fleeta Turner
of Grants Pass spent Friday evening
with Mrs. Vern Bailey.
U R. Root of Grants Pass has been,
busy the past week hauling grain from
the A. J. Staub ranch.
With Medfnril trade Is MM fcrA made
Linens, Bed
Spreads, Curtain
Scrims and :
Cotton Batting
GO inch Mercerized Table
Damask, Our regular 8rc
grade, yard . :.69
36 inch fine Transparent,
beautiful finish Organdie, .
50c value. Saturday only,
jrard : 40'
Oyster White Imported Pongee,
$2.73 value, yard $2.19
40 inch, good quality "White Crepe tie Chene,
sells regularly for 1.73. Special, yard, $1.4S
40 inch Imported Organdie, in
all best shades, permanent fin
ish. Saturday, yard .79
30 inch Curtain Nets, up to !0i;
value, yard ....49(
300 yards of fine white Curtain Scrim. Satur
day only, yard.-,- .....12 1:2
36 inch colored Dress Linens in all best shades.
Special, yard . $1.19
27 inch fine quality Dress Ginghams, 23c
value", yard ..- -17
Women's Crepe Bloomers, $1.50 value, pr 98
Infants' Blankets, $1.00 value, pair 79
Women's Shopping Bags, each 1.49
Women's hand Embroidered
Handkerchiefs, with colored
borders, up to 50e value. " Sat
urday, each ... ..29
Women's extra fine Lyle Hose,
$1.23 value, pair 98
large Turkish Towel; G'Jo value,
Towel, each.. .. ...257
35 . ,
Extra large soft
spun Turkish Tow
el, 98c value, each
! 85 ;