mrdfori) mah; thtiutxh. Mi:nFotin. 'ouvms. toiday. may" 12. 1022 vaqv, vim ?4 i A M. ORGANIZATION IS INSTALLED AT MEDFORD HiGi! S An uNDomlily wmm'Iiv11 today ut Hi" h'nh school o Introdhon a niw or talilriiUon In Din afiiilntit body unci explain lis ulnni n n 1 purpiim ti the. asuiutilily. Thin now orriuilatlon li tha Inttormen's oritunlt.itloii and will bo known a tint "Ordnr of tho 'M,'" ll In fnmpoHKtl of H charter members, nil of whom Imvit won u letter In mm tr mora if Him rotivi'utloiiiU ain.rts, biiHi't.ll, truck, htukoihiill and foot ball. , TwcJvn or flfimii n w member will , be initiuiAU Monday niulit. Tim fri rare Ur thn remainder 1 f this year aro: , I'nwliluut, ' lioorKU Mansfield; Tlirn prnldcnt, I'iinjlN 1'renroit; troamiror, Itatmiiiii Wclminr und cc rvlary. Willis Htnckham Officer have. Wim elected for itrt your and they urn us folios, a: President, Willis Htockham; vim president. Unity Slim ler; treasurer. Hart Id Hlnhmelii; secretary, IMrk HIukU'i. Tln faculty member In U10 conch, ulid Oil year In Mollis HunllntUon. Tim purpo of thn Order- (if Ui M. I to promote better athletics, keep crier at Runift mid U gt Rend athletic material In attend school. All alumni who have received 11 letter In ths punt r KllRHdn for honorary membership und 11 will he (heir duty to round up likely looking follow lid Induce, tlli'lil ( attend high School. A (lu licit or a Vali'iuxt Klvon liy the new o Iniiuu In planned !r the ntar future. DEAL CONSUMMATED I'OnTI.ANH. Oik.. May 12, JiirR tract of itovernmcnl timber romprlcd of mnin 2.12i,ou0 board feet nf yellow ilnn and 370,000 board feet of DoiikIiik fir, wan wild to tho (ircnt Northern Lumber company of l-eavenworth, Wanh,, through thn dllrfci foreater's office of thn local forest aervtce head quarters. The timber Hen on Hind creek In thn Wcnatrho foreMt. Prices wers II. tu a thomuind for yellow ,ine ' and fifty rents, a thoimand for Isutitliis fir. Market News l.iVCMKM'k. IMIlTI-ANIi, Oil-, My u. cnt ll noiiitiiiilly Klcioly; no rui'DlptM, Hiii;n nli'Hily: rwf(iM 1. Khi'(i mi'iiily; ri'ii'li'lH Ki, llutlcr, rom'MNt". m Mny 12. IJgt It'iKlcricIy; xln rin Jr; uiidr linidi'K S01(3lc; uiiIioin 3Hc irlnU 3 7i'. Iluttcrfut No. 1 ihiirnlnir cronm D71l8li' f. o. h, I'ortlund; undur- Wilful, t'OUTLANll, On.., M,(y 12, WIikhI, html winter 11.30; mift whltn, M'MIm cluli, mift nd wliiiur, northern hiu'Iiih (1.2V; ciMlirii red W'nllii It. 2d. Tudny'M rnr r'ic,('vin'ut 42; on Ik 2; liny 3, Nun I'riiiiilM o .lrk4. HAN I'll A N( 'IH( 'd, Mny 12. It'. H. Iliii'iiiii Miirkt'tN) l',un, ('Klin fli'l, 21 : (Kirn fliu 211 '(:; cxtrii pul lt 23 '.c. HAN I'llANCIHCO, Mny 2. (H(u(i HIvIkIioi of lurkl 1'oullry uiiiliiiiiKi'd, N. Y. Stocks Jumps From Operating Table to Fight Fire CORVALMS. Ore Mny 12 Krom th dpemtitiit tudln to thn mn of m tm wuk a trip umdo In a tw nilnnt tlm by Thoinan L. Urnlmni. chief of til Onrvnlllii flro department yeiitcr dy. (irnlmm went to in Immiliul t Jmvo ft Krawlh riTnolrod from hU dohp nd choek. Tint oerntliin wat per fornifd itnd thi pntlent nemiy irnwH up In tunny ImniliiKen. Jnnt an thin jirovim won ooinpleted th flro RonK rlmiKiwI. n nil (irnhiim, who win coinlim out from tinder the nnrtoMilietln ltnd from hi lmd, All dot-torn, nurne and ttendiintN In thn honi'llal failed to hold him. Half danod, tin Jnnued In hi ear, (Untied up thn Ktrnet and nr rived nt thn biirnliiK building tn time to direct oiKMntlonH. II Lt - HL(iliJl H .. I Resident Has Awful Experience "I wnii-twlcn confined In hrmpltalu In tlio bint one nothing tint irriiel WAIcr wiih Injected Into me 4 iIiiioh day, n my nummcli would not re tain nny fund. 1 aiiffere'd terribly; wan reduced to n nkeleton. ly folkn uw n n d of Mayr'M Wonderful lteniady.ftnd It him iiurely wived my life. I wolwh IkO IbH. now." It U n Klinple, liurmU'HN irepnrntlon that renioVcH llm ralari'liul iiiueini from thn tntiiKtlnnl nnd ullayii tho inflaniniiition which emme practl cully nil Bloinach, Hver nnd Inlemt mil nllinentu, Includlnir npieiidlcltlii. tine aoNO will rouvliica or money re funded. Adv. NKW YOltK, May 1 2. Independ ent ate nt Kslnn of 3 to 13 polnu vern llm otiUlandliiK featured of to- clay'i ui llvn market u a reault of tho prnapoctlvn Ilelhleliem-Ijicka- wunna deal. KiUl.inenl und kindred 'ku hIiwi atreiiKlbeiid, Sale ap piutlniated ,2Uii,uul uliarea. The rloaliiR a Nln liK. , American ltmt SiiRar 39 American Can ....... " 47.3 American Car k l-'i.unilry ISK.S Ainerirnn l.oioini.tly Ill American Smelting 4 iufg J8 American Huitar : "1.3 American Hutnatra Tobaero ...... 32.1 American T. ft T 12 1 .6 American Tobacco 139 r. American Wooler ,.,,j , 91,5 Aimcoftdi Copper . 62.K AUblaon ,..,. .. o.i llethlehem Hee ' U" KI.3 Canadian Pacific 110 Central leather ....'. 37.1 Chandler Motor iS.X Cheaapeako & Ohio ti5 t blraito. Mil. ft 8t. Paul 2'. 7 Chlcao. It. I. ft V 13 Chlno tapper . 2S.I Colorado Kuel ft lroc.... 35.2 Corn Product j,,.; 101.5 Crihiln Steel ig'. 7.'i.7 KTrln 13 1'umoun Playera-liaky k0.8 (eneral Aaplant w. ....... 61. S Ccuerul Kleclrlc .1. 1 General Motor . 12.C Goodrich Co. . ...... 40 Ureal Nortbern. pfd ......,... 71. J IIIHiola Central 10J.6 Implratlon Copper -...,... 10.2 International Harvester ..., 97.7 Int. Mer. Marine pfd 2.7 luternatloul PiMr ., 50.7 Irivlnclbln Oil 17.7 Kelly-Hprlnnfleld Tiro r.0.2 Keuliecott Copper 33 l.oulnvllle ft NukvIIIo ..............114 Melcn Petroleum 130.5 Mldvalo Ptenl 3.3 New Ytrk Central S9 X. T X. H. mid Ilartforil 2.l Northern Pacific 7S.3 Pacific Oil CI.K Pan Anierlcuii Petroleum 63.8 I'fMiplea (iaa fill Pnrn Oil 33.3 ttep. Iron ft Steel BS.3 Uoynl Hutch. N. Y C3.1 Svara Hoebuck 73.3 Sinclair Con. Oil 31. Southern Pacific. 80.J Southern Hallway 21 Standurd Oil of X. J ldS.2 Studebaker Corporation HI TenneHHeo Copper 11.2 Texoa Co 4S Texaa A 'Pacific 33 Tobacco Product K8.2 Tmnneontlnontiil OOil 14.8 I'nlon Pacific . 13T.S I'nlted Uelall Rtorw 58 T. S. Ind Alcohol 4.3 L'nltnd 8UU Number 63. R I'nlted Statoa Steel : PS. 8 WratlnRhouao Klcctrlc 82.2 Wlllyg Overlnnd 7.3 EDMONDS 'FOOT FITTERS' FOR MEN ; $7.50 a Pair- Gooo Shois" j ' 21 North Central . Sinoo 1012 FATE 13 IN BALANCE (Continued from Page One) era will favor continuance of tho din eunHton, but If Franco withdraw from tho conference, certain of tho other (lower will follow her. Tho number of audi nntlmiH mlKht bo enouKll to'nmkn linpoKMlhlo tiny iiKreemeiit with tho aovlet oven If Mr. I.loyd Oeortrn 1h wllllnn to con t In tin the eonfereneo Without Krance. The latter conttnKcncy In Improbuble, however, coiiHldeiinir tho Mtornt of proteHt Hiich nn Indication of the col lupmi of Ilia cnU'iito ililuht rnlNO in KiiKland. M. Harthou tuleRrnphed the text of the IlUN.Miun ronimuiiiontlon to I'aria and expeeteil to receive hi tiiHtruo tloiiM today. After running the docu ment bin only i'0iiiiii-nt yi "it la lean an iiiiHwcr tlmn nn indict incut of tho powem, coupled with a flat rctutml to reply to tho iiuoHtlomt put to them (tlio HuhmImiih), FAMILY LETTER INTRODUCED (Contlniiod from Pnw One) onto plunnod a hunting trip to l.itb V'. vn Bho waniiul to go to Ai.ukn and kill a benr ti ,U pelt. We nlwuyi r. larrolad ahottt rtouiy," Bho aiii'l, irsoiiaHlng Iht n. 1' i'i iih with Mi. firilhniut, J "1 wiinted tn'M.ld'' courts n-.l A (.vimniitiff pool ,n the patatJ u'wl mora clot lien for ilia, children. . Mr. StiUman objocteil U) t lie amount of money spout . la aeeplug up "'r Maybe He's Thinking of What Might Have Happened p if?, m.. " " ' ' ' - ..- 4 t r f -J a im. -w a. v.- ' .'.. LEAGUE CONSIDERS ALBANIA MANDATE I tr I vjr" k' iw ! I'rcnldi-nt and frJ llnrdlhK fn fhe'lir.ut en route to Point rie.iR.-int, nblo, (iem-riil ( Jni in m t.lri hiiliice, where ih prinlU'-nt apoke nt the rile of ihe K-nicimiy of Orunt'a birth. Xoto tho quizznal xpin ln oil Ihe u inlili nl. (Lower) Wreck of Hie "Ixlund Queen" which cnlni- under tlio weight of pneni(era un tlielr Wi.y to tie (.Jrnnt Cnntcnaiy CVlelMailop,, one lerion ImvlnaT been killed. IV.-lliit and Mr. Harding were ortBi-" natiy acheduled to make lha trip on thla boot. Mberiy Ibmda NKW VOkK, May 12 bond cloaoil: TALIAN OBJEC T CV.xr.vy, May 12 (f.y the. Aww. rlnlect rii'n) ('OMMldi-rutlon of . a Ihriio of N'atloriH proicctoi dte for All.inin, wax udd"iily bloiked at tlit inorninK' public aemion of th oiilK'll of Hie liaeiic; when M-'irqlllx liTtperliili of Italy Informed the rnem ber. Jiixt before the oporilni; that Italy could not conwiii to Much draM tle Hiipervliiliiii of iho affair of Al bania l,y the P'hkuo wlihuut fimt helm? iiiur'd that Italy' vital Inter cut In tliul country Would bo aafe liiianleil. The tneniber hurriedly conferred and de iileil lo ponlponn conxidern lion of tiio Hubject a few day in the hope f innetlriR the Italian objection. In pointiiiK out tho need of super vision of Albania by the league, tho Karl of liulfour mild thn h-ttgWa w ork had already p.icllli d a corner of Kiirope which had Im'n rapidly becomlna a iwandal and thn potential Koune of another war. No other ma chinery could have carried out till wink, lie i- tared, and the league by it intervention had d!npoc-d of a oui'Hil.m which had been agitating the world Mince 1911. The Ix-ngue of Nation, added Lord riitlfmir. had entirely cleared Albania of Siberian troop nnd tho country hud lx"n placed in a poiltlon, whore with t!i aid of forulgii capital h could take tier pl.vp along with th nutlnn of the inrlh. . , STATE BOARD STARTS POilTLANU, Or.-., May 12 The atate board of fonclllatlnn today bean tho work nf actinic a peacemaker in the ntrlke of lonKHhoremen., ('hali man W. K. Woodford nald that mo far an the ahlppInK lard and tho longxhorchicn'x union I concerned the. conference; la a mutter at arbitration, both having agrend to accept t(i hoard's doelslim. In regard to tho waterfront employ! nnlon. however, th board's finding will Im uken only a advisory tli employers rvfused t arbitrate, . Tho first speaker was J. F. Madson o tho lonKshorchirn'H union, wlii charged that the employers had trnat ed thn union unfairly nnd had attempt ed to flood tho rtty with propaganda for their cause. Please, remember that classified ftds, locals and small ads art) cash la ad vance. Bring In your ads aad do not ne telephone). tt '. 111 11 ..'.I. L.JJ! J it!1 .. n. ..' ... 1 I -. : .''' r. ' "'; , '" '3-- I '.' .V .' With Medford trad la Mcdford mad AWNINGS Phone 145-J Med. Tent &. Awning Works Op'KMtite 8. I. Depot iond 4'a 63 :"0; first 44's 9i.2: sec--Ulx-rt ond 4U'a 69. J; third 114 'a 99.90; fourth 44'i .92. Victrry 34's 2 Vs 99.30; first Ca 99.C6: soc. ! 100.02 ; Victory 4 "s 1 uO.r.S. Cherro Flour j Costs a little more than some, ". but is worth more. - $ . ' - ' . - -L il! mm I f. , I V. I A A ii j" H v& ill! If' Banff-and a Vacation You Will Never Forget The diyt or weeks you spend in the ' Canadian Pacific Rockie will brand , themselvej into your memory never to grow dim. At Banff alone, in the very heart ef these wonder mountains, you will enioy a tare combination of amuse- ment. education and inspiration to be found nowhere else. Mountain Climbing, Wonderful Drlr, Swimming, Golf or Ttnmis. A vocation tuch a jaw Hoc neutr enJoye4 btfort Pi AH IMil, WlliAA t.. A .. . - i Clcr. Yoho Vlly Enxrtld Uk Chtltt Luc Wpi Cmp. Uk Louhc nl Binff Canadian Pacific Railway Zi Third St. Tortland P.roadway 90 W. H. Deacon. Oeneral Agent ill J ' twit Seonn Hol om Mr, I' I (W4I HOMC IPWI JuM IS K'', a. 9 i iN fl r R N Mil TTJ I'M 1 ,i a nr73 n ' 3il . , UU r i IjJV"" " "ii''"y'liiiiiiiiiiuiliiiii I tfiihiJi I,; ' lfTiiTilii i ImiTii. aj e,"",i' fc'e.&.aaailsrt)iliiiBijiui ,,.il,;Sl n i..l.liiliiiUl NEW -Jpl ) nun iit . TODAY mMs . PRICES: AdulU, 35c; H l'V IHT ". r?lTM"7rn Kiddici, 10c, includes tax V Xi r U V fc .AM H 4 WHOLE DAYS OF PAY-DAYS AND GAY-DAYS o . .- Do't wait until pay day to go to ss "Pay Day," for if a laugh is worth ado'. lar you can get a thousand dollars ad Y&nce anytime because A . CHARLS CHAPLIN MACK SWAIN EDNA PURVIANCE SYDNEY CHAPIJN . and PHYLLIS ALLEN are paying out overtime rates in silvery . hollers in this great comedy, which jerkt the irk out of work. Also showing 0u the Same Programme ENID BENNETT -in- "Keeping Up With Lizzie" Clever comedy-drama, with Otis Harlan, Victory Bateman, Leo White, Edward Hearn. From Irving Bacheller's novel. , SCENIC MUSICALLY INTERPRETED BY GENE HOWARD .... - ., ...... ? TUESDAY , . ": BEBE DANIELS in . "Two Weeks With Pay." DC