Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 10, 1922, Page 5, Image 5

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Tho student body olncllnn ((mil
piiii'ti yesterday ufleruniiii tit dm lui-ttl
Mull school Hint NA' 1 1 11 ik 1 11 "I lull"
Johnston was elected student limly
president, other officers we're: First
vli'it president, AIIimvi Mnrdoff; sec
tnd vice president. Hubert lliogg;
seerelury, lleth Furlow; IiuhIupmm
officers elected Includo Dorothy New
in n it. minor; lleth I'uilnw, aiuioclulit
il M nr. mill J it mm llcuion, himiucns
iiihiiuk'T. Tiny tukn offlcn tiKi
full. (
Aid filing In person iiciltluintcd
will) I li high School m'I tliH nomi
nee thin year worn carefully rlii-sen;
unit displayed ilWrrliii'nutlou on tin
part .f lh student In l v-. The flnan-
rlu I Mill nil of I lui Hi In l Ih
determined liy the aliillly
Rt'OKAN'K. May in, No mirterliil
(1 u in 11 k ii Iiiih Iiih'ii iloiio to eastern
Washington crops hy frosl of I he
Itist few iluy. according Id report
) U 111 I M tl I'll lllTIV
! In many licull(ir. tint lulu spring
itf Ihiit.ltM.I tkit M....I...... A.. ......... I..UI.I '
fur iiilwuiri'd iih 11 't ii a I
i '1 ho Walla Wu'ln ri'Klon, It apiii-um
from tlm repm t. wan llm hardest till,
curly vegetables tin v in u been Injured
tho wuriit. Strawberry's, prune nnd:
I f'li.'ffli.'l It ,.'l, ..It. .Ill u.t.1,.1.'
AKIII,A'I, May I 0, -Invasion of
Ashlmid territory liy tho Cavemen of
Cm nt l')i will occur on Thuriday
evening. May II, Instead of Tm-Hilay
evening, Vuy li, uh originally planned.
iJruKii tnukii u Do.ii (if till) chunxe 111
itppi'utuic nix, bml govern yourselves
to-cord'ngly, Ittinioru huvo It that no
h h t hun two scoru t'uvemi'ti, prebls
lorlc am) i t ln-r wlm., wll tiivmlu lurul
li rrUory t-i Thursday tilaht, .The
In two cities, effort cxtotidliiif from
Ashland to Hun KranclK' o.
Tin- high school baseball li-nrii lo.ii.
to Fort Joni'Jn a game payed at Hint
town hint Saturday. Tin morn w:i
well nigh a llo, having l-'-cn !) to H In
fuvor of tho California!!, who will
appear In u rnturn uunm hero on Fri
day of this week.
I, unities roumn oiiIchUhIu, In a
competition, which Involved the hlKh
schools of both AmIiIuihI and M'J
fofd, lut Kaliirdny. will r-inlr a
frli'ndly rlrulry on Thumday of thin'
wi'k, the rvloim rontMHt not havintc j
utlnfuctorlly ilwld-d thii im-rlti of i
tho mtm. Thl urntid rontont will
take p'acH hum, th flmt having tak-1
mi plai'n at .Mfdfnrd.
Mr. and Mrs. (W. . Ilcktrnou liev
ri-tiirni'd .from: a wmii'r'ii atuy In
m-uthnrn California.
'-.SllaiZr S3 SLm tow f'.-m x
k-ii-Tt;iia aW m
coitci'i'ii lii fi'il, Hifn Ii.ih lni'n
luti'tit kllliiiK (rout on ii'ionl in
U'iiIIm Wullu foi'inlry.
Kim w fi-ll yi'Kli'rduy ul it It z V 1 1 1.
W hmIi , mill i ri'. I'tipi'i-lsUy whi-lit.
iiitua 1 1 ' uro ri'l'i'iti'd a l.iM'kward. lew Ihrmi-
of thii , iuf''r or n Hu ll in inii'Kiniia rorm-
.mnitvM. Kupm Ully tlm Htilili-nt "l l'""1' At riut o, all..
hody pri'li.nt Mint a record year In ;1""" f,,llt " frl th w rm, or
accompllnni'i'U and miidi-nt l.odv ac- ' '""H'" f' lln Unit tlm frort onl
tlvUlim In pri-illrtcd for m-u your. "'"I liuhlnn'ii k tbi apiiU'i. At
A of nolo iih. n In rontta1l l-, '. Idaho, tlm iiiiMi-ury drop
and Imnkntlmll am M',H,I to atti'i:d ! f""1 :" d''"r""1' ul 'fifn.
m hool ni'Xl yi-ur and th ontl. ik l"Kr.-M nhuvu ru,
with IMdio iMiniiii. foniH'r V. of O ''' rcporta liow.
ular ullili'tu and thin yrnr'a f rahmaii
vourli at that'tutli ii. In hrUhl.
Tlm m hoot iiffUInU tfini In liar
liiony with tlm r'ult of Iho i ll i tlon
whlrh ultltu'ilii ll limnrn rorri'lulhni
of ofrorl fir III" !iot n-ult In tlm
coiiiIhk ttir.
MAItKS I I M lt tl,
iii:;isri k MiAT7
Wuitian KCIihI liy ('own.
CKKTK. Nli.. .May MMr. Jo
rcpli Ith-htarik. iih llnr of flv rhlld
ri'll, wn trampled to (tenth yrnterdny
hy oria if two row In a barn where
aim had hii'n at work ltli tlm dally
IUt !lm at Vlciurln.
VICTOHIA, H. t'.. May 1.--Kir
hrokrt out In tho An-ade IntlldliiK In
I he henrl i-t tlm IiuhIiii'iui illntrh I (ht
morning and ilrlfod the liiillillnu.
liAYTON. (thlo. May 1 0. Sinipttc
liy tunrki'd the funeral nervier here
tnday for John M, 1'iiilnrnnii. "",
fuumler of thu National t'ahh Ui-Rlati r
n riiptiny, w, died Sunday tbiiaitl a
lialu linr AllMntle City.
Ui'iiiciin of t ft city rami' to a rmn
pletii halt d irliiK tho funeral.
Two Ihouaand nliuol children
throw floKi-ra ht-roru llio'fuuural pro-
IIHlll I.
i Kllliil ul Sawmill.
lyt'lTMAN. !., May 10. Thin
nun wele killed nnd a fntilWi wim
f itiilly injtiri'd toiluy win n tin, holler
of Hi" K Mi tlx win mill ckiiliHli'il. Till!
Inlll iin ,.in. 1,-Miroveil.
ATrying Period Through Which Every
Woman Must Pass
Practical Suggestion! Given by the Women Whose
Letters Follow
Thlla., Pa. "When I waa eoine
through thn Chanp of Llf I waa
weak. nirvm. lifczy and had head
nchr. I waa lnnil.-l in thla way for
two yanrn and waa hardly ahla to do
ror work. My friend advlnod mo to
taka l.ylia tl I'inkham'a VpeUhli
tm)iouiul, anl I am very nrry that
I dl l not tnkn it aooner. Hut 1 hava
(pit f!ix rulu from it and am now
alilu tt do my houiewurk moH af thn
tim. 1 f'commrn.l your mwllolna
to Uion who have timllar trouhlei.
I do not liko puhllrity. hut if It will
tHp other women 1 will ba c'ikI tor
vou to una my loiter." Mr. Fan
tv. Kosfa-vsTEtN, W2 N. Uolly St,
1'hila., J'a,
Ui'twlt, Mlchi(ran-"Durlnj thn
HianRa of l.if 1 had a lot of atomach
tmuhla and waa bothered a great deal
with hoi llnnhna. Sometlm't I waa
notablo to do any work at nil. I road
aliout Lydia C l'inkbam'a Vrtretabln
Oomimind In your littln rmoka and
took it w Ith very irood rmulu. I kip
houaa and am nMe now to do all my
own work. I recommend your miilf
rineand om willing for vou to pub.
liah my tiUmnnlal.,,-Mr. J. S.
l.iVKnNoti. 2)il Junction Avenue.
Detroit, Mich.
LydU V 1'ln1iAm'K l'rlvntc Tif-Uook tipon "Ailment
Priiutr to VMr,n" will 1m acnt yon five upon rrmii'at. NV'rlto
to tlm Iivclln. i:. I'iitkliiuii lcili lno Co., Lyuu, Mu.ssuchuaott.H.
Thin lMMkcontului vulunblo inforitiatlou.
Thr rritirn Urna of a womnn'a Ufa
uniallv cornea Ix'twron th yrara of
46 and Go, nnd in often bimjel with an
noyinjr nympnm rtich a nervoji.
neaa. imiability, melancholia. Heat
Hashes or wave of hoat appear to
liana ovt r thu Ixxiy. cnune tlie fare to
l very red and often brinK on head
ache, diuiimas and aetiaa of ulTo
calion. Anothur annoj lns ymptom which
cornea at thia time U an Inability to
recall naniea, dntea or other ainall
acta. Thin is lial le tomnkoa woman
loao confidence in her!f . She b
comea mrvoiu. avoid meeting
trangera and dreads to go out alonu.
Lydla E. rinlhani-a V(tetahl
Compound la especially adapted to
help women at thl time. It exer
cise a rentoratlve Influence, tones
and strengthens the system, ami as
sists natunt In thn loner woek and
months covering this rx-riixl. I,et it
help carry you through this lime of
life. H is a aplenilld medicine for the
middle-aeed woman. It is prepared
from milicinnl roots and herb end
contains no harmful drugs or narcotics.
Portland, Ore.
and along
Great White Way
Will Bo Your Noailquarters
At This Popular Hostelry,
Homelike Accomodation,
Comfortable, Spacious Lobby
And the Home of the Famous.
Arthur H. Meyers Manager
' iim
Ilieicliiinco In ilut.'.t was ii'iin!iuli'. duo
the M't un un'orseeii roiutilicaiioii ri'Kurd-
InK wcu'her rond'iloim, a Hiiualiou
which nlldlilii forecunUi proiiilNoi to
allevlato by tho latter date nieutloil
I'd. i And, hy thn way, while dwelling
upon Idlo'iyncrucli'i of tho weather, as
pur devcloi'inniiiit recently, a surkcs
tlon Ih lieieliy imiile n an lntej-pluta-lii-n.
that thn Chainliers of I'otniiUTcp
of (he two rules rcH.ii-ctlvi'ly colli). ior
ato In iiiodiflng tueii'oroloKlcal con
(1 tloiin un iri'vulllng of tutu, I l!ut to
return lo our tent: The Cavemen
frcui Crnnta fans will h tho kiii-bIk
ot Urn l.lihluns of Aah'.and on Thurs
day cvciilin:. a prellniliiary lie lug the
film luiti'UH't Hpread at Hotel Aiihland
at " o'elock,, followed by Informal so
cial hour and the li?-utttlou of uieaa
uie of mutual benefit to llm va'ley In
1'i'inral Of courne tho (iranta I'aas
folks will fctreii the Josephlim caveb
uiluiltte.J to he nti Important scenic
aiomt f siiulhi'rii Oregon, across to
which will b readily made thn cur
rent reuHoii over Improved hKhways
bi'loK steadily ili veli iml. In lime,
Aahltwid will exploit Its mineral
waters, rsrka, and advantages at a
IHerury nnd tourist center, not over
looking Its "Kateway" prestige In the
way of becoming leading convention
A rerun t Incorpt. ration through
tHto authorization Is thu Ashland
Crunllii Co , the purposo being to se
rum ownernhip cf tho Illulr quarries
si'tiliieimt of town. Cnpitalltat'.on will
be t ;). nun. Incorpurators are E. V
Carter. J. P. Wolf, II. H. Klkart. i V.
Wagner, U. IteronU Kind I'eil. O
Winter. II. C. Caley and X. II. Ilarrl
on. Thts project Is one that has
been agitated for a long time, and
prospect are aimurlng for the estab-
l'ih'(ieii of ii lead'MK Industry on a
big scale rUht at hi, me. Tlm iinury
di vi'lcjiiiii'iit will he a'ong granite
lines. Neither will its output be re
strh ti d to nionutiieuts, for with prop
er workhms It Is plan tied to get out
rock of sufficient d'monslons to meet
building requirements gauged ou vx-
itennlvo plans.
A trlf'io belated, elcctiosi an
nouncements now being scattered
broadcast, indicate that Congressman
llnwley Is still (ii the federal legts'a
llve ring.
Malta Ci mniaudery meets ou Wed
msday evening this week. May 10. In the Ited Cros degree.
Attention V -Medford members is
called to this announcement.
Wednesday of this week marked an
Important date In church aoriul cir
cles. The Methodist Teacup club mot
In stated Henlnon, with Mrs. ltertha
botitoti as hr Ueas. at her charming
homo on Laurel street. The mission
ary society of tho ltapllst following
niao gathered. th topic for the af
ternoon's ronsldernttcn bcljig the
Indian, and relics of tho aborigines
were exhibited., illustrating tho auh
Jert of tho text. At the regular nmot
lug ot the Wednesday Afternoou club
held In Presbyterian church parlors.
Miss Agnes Dimford, returned teacher
fiom Alaska schools, gave nil Inter
esting account of educational dove!
opmenU in tho distant north,
J. J. Mulllu of Sun Francisco, man
tger of the passenger department of
the ruclflc-Atlantlc Travel llureau
una In town on Tuesday, Interviewing
piotpective excursionists to Hawaii
during the Shrine gathering In Frisco
next June. .
A feminine Jury exclusively, empan
oiled In tho 'city court on Monday
morning, swiftly pussed judgment on
an aggravated rase of drunkenness,
which carried with 11 a fine of $J0
In cash, supplemented by a. Jail sen
tence of thirty dnys. A proviso, how
ever, reduced tho penalty to a fine
only, iirovlded the amount wus forlh.-
comlng within 24 hours.
The Chnutuuqua assembly season
lilts been advanced from tho usual
period in July to May, tho dates being
from tho 2 4th to 29th inclusive. It
will , ho an KUlsou-Whtto attraction
bused on a program of circuit dim en
slons. Tho date being iitgh, acme
v.el I developed effort la being miido
tti inuko the event as successful as
tho assembly gatherings ot o'.don
: Teddy ' Provost tiled suddenly In
Dunsmulr on Tuesday morning, sup
posedly from heart trouble He was
the son of Pierre Provost, woll known
resident of thla city, and wnn one of
a Inrgo.famlly of brothers and slsteis
For several years pust ho had been
employed hy tho Southern Pacific In
lis painting depart me nt.
Crlcumstnnces Indicate that Um't
Moses hns recovered sovoral very vul
unblo fur couts, stolen from tho fam
ily 'promises several weeks afco.
Plnns for recovery of the .garments
Involved some effective sleuth work
rtk Premier Tresd
30 x 3!i0.8.
Non-Skid Fabric
30 x3!4 11.83
Extra-Fly Red -Top
30 x 17.83
Rix-Ply Non-Skid
Clincher Cord
30 x 3! 17.83
Six -Hy Non-Skld
Etraiht Hide Cord
20 x 3V,
Pix Ply Non-Rkid
Cord. 31x4 -J27.00
Non-Skid ord
32 x 1 30.
Non-Rkld Cord
32 x 39.00
Non-Skid Cord
Non-Skid Cord
a5 x 5 51.50
Flat Tread Cord for Trucks
36 x 6 $77.00; 4') x 8 S136.0J
"Cilve and Take," the new et edv
written by Aaron Hoffman for Kolh
Ik Dill will be at thn Page theater
Thumday night, May J Ith.
This wonderful success Is built
around laughter, music and girls,
there Is an old fashioned chorus tit
Clve and Take," each one of the
girls Is not only pleasing to the eye
but an artist as well and each per
forms her share in the so'o work that
Ih winning the pralso of delighted
"Clvo and Take" Is l-t d"ncrld
as a comedy In three acts with a sur
prise every other miuut as tho
screamingly funny plot Is first tang
led and then skillfully unwound to
Its logical yet lillarloim conclusion.
It Is without doubt the blgKcst.
beat and funniest vehicle that Kolh
. lull have, ever bad as a medium of
cxpresidon. for their Inimitable and
distinctive comedy methods, there la'
a song review at the opening of the
-I only 6tand comparison with
other tires and show their
extra value, but
They are bigger, stronger,
and better tires than those
which in the past have made
the good repute of the Fisk
The Fisk Cord Tire of to
day represents the utmost in
tire construction at a price
which makes Cord equipment
practical for all cars.
There's a Fisk Tire of extra value in
every size, for car, truck or speed wagon
third act that la reve'atu n and fast
becoming a cyclone of novelty and
charm. Kolb & Dili have selected
30 CFMrnSV V1 I
fjl TTm to Re-tir?
J I (Buy Flak)
. i
assist them, each prominent on the
comedy stage.
And lu addition to all this.
Symphonic Juts Orchestra
these comedians carry with tbem, Is I Two Tier 12 inch Pine, One
a novelty feature of particular merit. Tier 12 'mC Oak and Laurel.
nunoiN Fruit o. k. ! all for $2.75 a
Condition of growing fruit In till- i
mils lit the bent In several yearn, ac-
cording to the crop report United l(y i
the weather bureau here toduy. j
Krol lll 'Hite dnnini;.'.
Phortp RR1
A bath a day keeps the doctor away. Are you taking
yours in moSern bathtubs?
Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. .
Phone 620
Holt Caterpillar Tractor
and Logging Trucks
, Terms to Hesponnlblo PiiHos
MiicdoA Hf.
' '' '
Singf.-Siv Scvrn Passe ger Touring
N its unprecedented
beauty and its typically
Packard performance, this
new Single -Six is worthy
occupant of the high place
always accorded to Packard
among cars of the finest class.
The literal fact is that it
embodies a degree of out
standing value which has
heretofore been foreign to
such cars. '
Thus it is stamped as being
unmistakably the greatest in
the long succession of bril
liant Packard achievements.
It would be difficult to im-t
agine how one who recog
nizes all that is high and
fine in a motor car, could
see this latest Packard
without giving it complete
and instant preference
among, its kind.
The price of the new Single-Six five passenger touring is S2485 at Detroit
The ntv price of the Twin-Six is f 3850 at Detroit '
123-125 So. Front St., Medford