Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 09, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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    0r009 u, .
The Weather
Pair tonluht nd Wednesday
Warmer Wednesday.
Weather Year .Ago
Minimum .
Maximum ytateiday
Minimum today
(irillv-Kviitiinlli Yi-ur.
tVekly I'lfly-MuuuiiU our,
NO. 41
rcns city
With Municipal Water Supply
Cut Off, Fire Breaks Out in
Business District of Fort
Worth People Forced to
Flee Mississippi River
Levees Break Again.
FOUT WOltTII, Teus. May 9 -Kirn
broke out this afternoon In tin
heart of thn huMluoa dlatrlrt threat
ening a wide art' Thi firemen were
handtrapprd by a lurk of water.
FOUT WOHTII. Texas. May 9
Trinity rlvi'r wm i Jt nf it banks
today, Inundating Uitia of Tort
Worth for the second I Inn In a -rioit
of two ik,
Warning to resident in tliu low
land prevented lo of llfn tnttay liut
property damago i expected to ap
proximate thn flxurn reached by the
destructive (looU ft lain April.
Municipal water supplies urn rut
off. s'tenm ami electric transportation
la stopped, ami rity'a khh ami
eleetrlc planta are parilully crippled.
Tim river ronllnued to ila ilurlnK
the morning with government fore
caster unable to determine when
tho crest of thu flood, canned by
liivy ruins throughout tho territory
during I ho past few days, will reach
tho city.
7. '.-.
Demfcsey Homesick,
, Buys Large Stock
Of Paris Perfume
Ten Trucks Carry Floral Trib
utes to Church Where Last
Rites Are Performed
Cross Laurel
Place of Honor.
Mm. Esther ". Newton, Chicago,
tail entertain n many men n she
i Illume,, rilled llv rre Judge Lynch
l.awrrnru J. Newton, rwnl heir to
IIOd.ODU ilijerteii to increased ali
mony i n ilia ground o ttld not do
serve It.
DALLAS. Texas, May 9. -Two hun
dred residents of Wont Dnllu aliati
d ned their homo today ami tmk
tefujtn on nearUy hillsides from the
water rapidly rlatna In Trinity river
which reached a latnn( 4V. fct.
WACO. Tia. May 9. Th Hratoa
rlvpr la in fwl abova nnmml hr and
rlaliiR rapidly, Advlri from up
atrram IndU'itto n pc mllile duplti-atlon
of th 1919 overflow Ui'n tho river
nubmerxoil nearly nil of Kuat Wai-u.
iNKW Oltl.KANS. .May 9. - Mood
InK of Jonc.ivllli. I.n., t(h a populu
UjU of nlmiit ll)' by ft frvali, break
In tho lvei, today had awoMvd the
total of l.oulitluiia and Mlaaliutlppra
lioineleiii nnd liicrunitcd tho treuieii
doua ri perty dnmax In tbe Inundat
ed aertion. Kc-llowlMK tho lireuk In
thn leveo protecting nlirvit two-tblrda
of the town lato yeaterday, tho water
today u reported to 1m two lo four
fi-ot deep In III" aireeia. Supplying
ft food lo approklmaloly .In.nnu irfu
feea aeatlrred throuxbont thn flooded
area In uddltloti lo thn I, "Kin belitK
rarsd for at relief rump. Mill pro
aontod a nerlnun prohli'in.
TA .,, May 9. Tile IBIll nn
mml iimvenilon of Hie ('ooki"k of
.M il lift m nnd 1'iiieiil T u hi ix mi
in I if .i) . cot down to luitiii-M here
yiHti-rdny wlirn Mm. Milton IIIkkIoi.
of MikiuI -Iln. iinlloniil pieitl-
d"lil. i mivninl thw uxevutlvw rout
inlll.f. The ei'iiitnlileo tranwo'ted
umi I Hi' iiultieM ull aflirnoon. IUp
hIM lv v f l urn 3'l hllilin are lo lM'
pr- wnl.
Nliit. Ilitixlim 'i)d Hi" worn
it of tin nntlon now Mine mi rxoep- opportunity to end wnr fi r nil
tliiie nod xlie predli li d t tint the
P. T. A. would enter mtlvrly Into
lirliiijinti nlmut an et:i of tiernniiieiit
"The teii-yi'ur niinl liollduy,' ahe
mid. '-l the kient opportunity for
the traehera Hint parent of AinerU-ii
to end nil war. In the m-xt ten year
It will lie ponMlilc, I liilleve, no to
I nil n the rhlldreii In the ptilill
uli'ioU nlunic the lliii-n of nrhliru
thin, irnmin imrl prare Unit by the
time the h i 1 1 1 1 1 V la over the lilt I -
iln tl. then rmeiiiliiK na Vutera will
are that Almrli'u olilttlna ll rontluu
aiH'e. The women of Annilia uiuat
ke the lend III 1 1) In, fur the women
DALLAS, Texaa. May 9 Tho level
of tho Trlnliy rlvor hero la annln on
lite upurailii, followiiiK ij four Inch
roln ycateidftv. Thn river n rver
nlnn feet In Twelvo linui. However,
a repetillon of thn hlKU a tern of two
w nek a ii ko In not oxpertoil by the
wi-iither bureau.
Tho llnizoa river la underKoliiR a
hhiirp rlae, ratiKlni; flood rondlllotia
prountt Cliilmrnu.
MMTUT VAI-LKV. N. V.. M.iy .
Men iinJ woiin-n of luleriintloiuil
promlii' iteo in the world of flnunio
nnd !' I y howrd with plain VII
InKera In H i niiinivii K'ief Iml.-iy at tint
I II r of lliniv I'. Imvlaun, flnumliT,
phlliiniliK'tilni, nnd ,lund of the
Ann rl. nn lt. il t'roxa duiiriB thu
wiirld wnr, who died K;iturdy.
The little Ivy covered i Impel of St.
Jiihn'a of Ijtttlniftow n, neatllng
nun. nit the fluweiltiK hllla of ttiia pliv
lutiiri ailie I.iiiik IM.iihI lllnKe, waa
eruwiled noil many hundieda unal.le
to kiiIii ndmlttnnri) atoml allently out-aide.
A upei lul tmln ronveyid mournera
from New Vork. ltuiwa earrleU them
throuiih latiea of atiph' tree In lili.
hoin nnd over rundH rnllInK pnat to-re
after iot of velvety itrevn luwna of
tli entntia nf nililloniilrra.
The Inat wlahea of Mr. Pnviaon
were fiilfilleil. MemlH-ra of hla foni-
lly. ulihiuiHi dreioied In lil.trk, did
not weiir deep mournlne.
Thn aervlee wna unoatanUitlnua.
The euluKV Hua omitted from tho
KplM-opMllun rltunl with h followed
prlviile nervhea at the home, and
the aeene nt the ;rnv aide Wiih re-Ki-rvid
fur only , tluiau tieurt-Kt nnd
The lied CroKH, the Krent mother
of men, uliU h Mr. Duvlaon nerved
no ably with a world In turmoil.
p'.nyed nn linportnnt role In tho final
tribute to him. In n little churi-h
bunked with flowera. n green Inure!
wreiith benrlng the Iteil t'roaa ayin-
bol. weutilid the plaep of honor.
lixrr the rnaki-t from the raftera
buna tlte flu of the foiled Htnlea
nnd the Hd Crona. Outaldo tha
Impel atood a group of nuriea. who
duilnii the wnr had hulled Mr. Du
vlaon aa their commander.
Ten trutka earned tho floral trlb-
vitia to the churih.
J. I. Mnraan and Charlea Bteele,
p.'irtnera of Mr. Itatinon, led the pro-
reaabm . Into the rliapel. Aaaembled
fill I I... ifl.l...A 1 1 t... (...n n
oni'tnera. tiut Junloa H. Morirun nnrl I
Tliomua V. Ijiniont, who arc in Iaui-
There, too, wer ttto H. Knhn, Au-
cuat llelmont, former Ambamuidor
John W. Itnvia. Kellx Warbura; and u
boat of ot hen.
I'AKIH, May . (Ily AHoclatd
lral. Aftnr HHtpouliiK hla tie-
parlure from I'urla aevernt tltnoa, 4
4 Juck IiompMey filially iiuhIk up 4
4 hla mind to break wy from the 4
4 attractions of tho Krenrh cspltaf 4
4 and leave fur iondon IIiIh nft'-r- 4
4 noon, 4
4 He ipent the morolng shoppInK 4
4 and returnlnK tho rlalta of frlen la. 4
PgfJ'4 Anion his purthaaea were sov-4
Wreath in' "''' Klad H's all over," w nald, 4
M tie atarteii to pii' k it ih truiiK.
4 "I don't want to tuy In london 4
4 beyond Saturday," aald iH-tnpaey. 4
4 "I nniHt Ret back to the United 4
4 Ktatoa and aUrt tralolnK ti meet 4
4 Wlllard and all other comers." 4
Amassador Child Gives Un
mistakable Hints That Pri
vate Commercial Arrange
ments With Russia Won't
Be Recognized.
WASHINGTON, May 9. A dincua
ion of the ItUMainn problem os It
la affected by tho negotiations at
Crnua occupied moKt of today's a"a-
aion of the cabinet. It developed an
opinion truit the uttltude of the allied
govi-riunenlN toward the aovlet re
gime had nhftn U up nt fjenoa In vir
tual agreement with the policies of
the t'niti-d Ktatea.
After the cabinet meeting It was
..- ,'..--1 - ."'V. ''
it. '-. V L
Miss Mary Iandon liaker of Chicago
English and Italian Delegates
Meet With Russians and
Present New Formula' in
Hope of Saving Conference
From Disaster Belgium
Issues Views.
aald by admlniatratlon official that I pootographeti on ner arrival in ,ew
there had been general agreement i Vork, from where she sailed on the
among the cabinet members that the 'g. g. Aquitania for England. Here she
work now proceeding at Ocnoa was m become the bride of Allister Mc-
going forward largely along llnea.
wlili h had prevloualy been laid
down by the atate department.
Ttie same adniiniHtrution spokes
man declured hope was expreaaed
that the solution of the whole prob
lem which could bo endorsed by this
government might be reached at
(Jenmi. Jt waa added that should the
conference fall tho United Ktatea
would have to go ahead Indepen
dently in adJuMting Its relations with
ICormlck. who mshe "left waiting at
tho church.
OKNOA, May 9. (By tho Asso
ciated 1'reaa) The principal Kuro
pean delegationa hero hnn been given
unmislakeablo hint by the Ameri
can ambassador, llichnrd Waisliburn
Child. th.A the I'nlted Htates main
talna Ita eonaiatent standpoint re
mm pnAon
uhluuii uunnu
GENOA, May 9. (By tho Asko
elated Press.) English and Italian
delegates to the economic conference
met today with members of the Rus
sian .delegation and began working
outa new formula concerning- tha
restoration of toreign property In
Kusala, said, an announcement this
afternoon by the French delegation.
The announcement said it was hoped
to devise a new clause In the Russian
memorandum whlchj would satisfy
Eelgium and therefore France.
Following In the wako of the storm
of Monday and last nlxht comes the
prediction of fair weather for tonight
and Wednesday and a heavy frost
early tomorrow morning. It piay be
possible that conditions may change
nightly by tonight, but Kloyd Young,
the frost expert, and .County Agent
Calo stated this forenoon that such a
(hange was not In sight. A number
of the orchardlsts are so apprehen
sive that they are' making prepara
tions for extra heavy smudging late
tcnlEht and In the morning. This
ivuninii'i nreilietton nf ahmii 61.10 in gnrdlng any private or general ar- PORTLAND. Ore.. May 9 The state
7 o'clock by Mr. Young will be await-! "nl'm""; rnn be 'r'w.lVnm'off'c'J- Intervened today In the lons-tin ,laBger f Intraediateisruptlon.
... .,.w - . - ilnited States, says Henry Wick nam ... ' ... I Controversy Raoes
' Tho vaearlei of thia BDrlne'a weath-I , . . .u... .. un. . n.ra.
" - I li iikuci v,iwv ...v - . l . . e , .... ... ,. , . ,i. i t i . .r ... .t-i . i . . .1 . .
er reached a cllm.i,. In the storm oflment haa or may be made must be arm""""" "r- .fc . nwrwa w : -
yesterday during which, a large part t nff ted by the American attitude i Infcs wl be started tomorrow. The'seven In the allied memorandum to
GENOA. May 9. (By Associated
Press). Genoa today was eagerly
awaiting the sovief reply to the eco
nomic conference's memorandum on'
the Russian question, with the fate of
the conference largely dependent upon
the tone of the Russian response.
If the reply Is essentially concilia
tory, it is argued, the French and the
Belgians will have difficulty in main
taining their opposition to the memor
andum, but if it should prove highly
non-conciliatory the conference wUi be
much Inlarimt in fruit rir. -'- . . . u . .... . , I vonirovcry nages
Steed, editor of the Times oi Mn- .ne. . r. ouuwro, Blglum l8 the center of the fierce
on. tcnairman or tne state board oi conctit- onrnvev ip ih. Rns.ian uiinn
tuke tne lend In thin, for the women I AniTIAA eine Alllrr"
of the real of I lie world ore looking! I a II 1 1 II " " I I M I I ,M 1 1 I
to iim. It la a wonderful opportu- I fll I 1 1 iA 11111 I ill 1 1 P
nlly to develop and nyaliillli the I V I II I I UVI I IllU UIIIUI
glowing di'inniiit for pence."
Mlaa llmglna eald Hint Imnlahinrnt
of llilteiaiy la I h great aim of the
I'. T. A. ami alio aiiKKalcd Hint par
nla ahoiild receive apci-lnt training
In order propel ly to edtlento their
del hold of the child," ahe nd
IhciI. "He interested In tlilnua he
la Intel enti il In hla beetles and hla
mil lo mid let lihn know you rcaltse
wlutt he la Irving to do. M.ike homo
ho nllrai llve to the children that they
will nut want to Icnvc."
of the day. there was a downpour of
rain, anow. hull. Blush and various
combinations of cold wetness. And
this on the Sth day of May. with the
fruit trees in blossom, early flowers
and shrubbery blooming, and early
garden truck almost ready for con
sumption. This storm and coldness was gen
eral throughout Oregon and the Pa
cific coast, except Southern Califor
nia, where it was cloudy.
The amount of precipitation of all
kinds, during Monday and last night
vii .OS of an inch, and was of un
told good to the orchard and other
unless nnd until equality of industrial longshoremen's union and the shipping; the Russians behind whlch'France la
opportunity in lluasia is assured on Doara agreed to me pian, sata wooa-
primiiiles and by means which the
I'nited States can recognize.
The correspondent understands
that minor British oil interests in
Russia hnve suggested to the British
delegation the ex
ward, but no word had been received
from the waterfront employers' union.
PORTLAND, Ore.. May 9 Assertion
standing in her opposition to the
memorandum. Consequently all eyes
in Genoa are on Belgium and M. Jss
par, foreign minister and chairman of
the Belgian delegation.
. estnb-'that tlie ''aterfront employers union! "The question raised by Belgium
' ' A .. , 1 ...... I I 1 ' nUllDA BAVaM k a - mn - .
iiMniiii n snei'iai iieirciieum ruuaui " r i - - - '
ulongaide the Genoa conference and
says, that, were such a council to be
constituted, and were it to include
the leading companies. Its proceed
ings might speedily eclipse those of
the main conference.
roUTLANP. Ore.. May ft. A. L.
i'liOn. lieutenant In the Port land
fire depiirtincnt nnd Inspector In tho
city fire marahnl'n office, who re
cenlly brought charges of Incendlnry,
misconduct nnd drunkenness against
Fire C hief John K. Voting, resulting
In n hen ring In which Young W ns
completely cleared, vas today sua-prmli-d
thirty days without pay nnd
reduced to the rank of hosemnn by
an older Issued by City Commis
sioner Hlgelow.
I.leiitennnt Frank McFnrlnnd nnd
Cnplnln Fred Hay who were asso
ciated with Pullen In making tho
charges were suspended thirty days
without 'pay, but were not demoted.
Itlgelnw ntan nnnminccd that here
after the fire iiinrshnl's office would
be directly umlor the clinrge of the
fire chief.
PORTLAND. Ore., Mny 9. Hob
Fiwionor yestenlny pltmdiHl guilty to a
COH'MMA. S. (!., Mny g, mutiny
of J60 convlcls in thn statu pcnltoit
llitry yestorduy wus put down. after
eleven tf tho titiitiiioors Imd lieon
wounded by penitentiary Riuinls nnd Klamath FalU Will
cuy Hiiiee,
riio flro chief sitld the dlHonler
charge of sliinhinK n. monkey's ear nnd Blurted when a Ki'onp of prisoner re-
Case Settled After
wns fined $2T by Jiulgo Hawkins.
"Wero you after monkey glands?"
asked Judge Hawkins,
"No, your honor," replied flpooner.
Hpoonnr was iiiTosled lust week y
Komh R. Chtiri-hlll, stntn litimutiH offi
cer. Churchill chBrgod that Spooner
wan plnylng with the monkey and
when tho ii n I inn I bit htm on the finger
pulled out 0 pocket knlfo and slashed
off tho monkey's right cat1.
At Cincinnati. R.
Boston 1 6 2
Cincinnati . 3 10 2
Batteries: Marquard. McQuillan and
Oowdy; Donohue and Hargrave.
At rittsbtirg. R. 11. E.
Brooklyn 2 7 1
Pittsburg .. 8 14 1
Batteries: Cadore, Schrlver, IVcstur
and Herry. HunKlIng; v-ooper and Mnt-
At Chlcngo. R. 11. K.
I'hlladolphtii 9 13 0
Chicago I 10
Bntterles: King and Henllne; Free
man, Keeno, Jones and O'Karrell.
At l'liiladelpliiu. It. H.
Cleveland 4 9
Philadelphia 15 20
Batteries: Coveleskie, Kwro. Bnghy
nnd O'Neill, SMnault; Komtnel aud
WAtIHNGTON", May 9. Definite
progresa tn the negotiations looKing
to the refunding of the eleven billion
dollars foreign debt may be expected
ua soon as tho Genoa conference is
terminated nnd the foreign economic
and financial experts arc, released
front their duties there, administra
tion officials said (oday.
strikebreakers to work while long
shoremen are on strike here was made
in a statement issued today by the
M. Jaspar said: "On one side it is a
question of principle concerning re
spect for and protection of private pro
perty abroad. The other Bide concerns
The statement after reciting a series the economic restoration of Russia by
of attacks upon strikebreakers, warned
men who are working not to take any
"Workers will be housed and fed in
safety and every precaution taken to
see that they may go to and from their
work without being molested," the
statement said.
WASHINGTON, May R. l'real
flent Harding today told Erin V.
Ilnuser nnd a delegation from Port
land, Ore,, that h would he unable
to accept nn Invitation to visit the
Portland rose festival on Juno 11, hut
hoped to vIhII the Oiegoii clly Inter
in t ho summer should he ' ho shin to
oni'ry out his plans to pinko a trip to
AliiHkn, -
turning from lunch In the main UlnJng
room attacked tho guards who were
escorting tlieiu.
Tho mutiny wns put down in short
inter infortunium from the ItiHtitu
Hon confirmed tho report that a num
her of convicts lmd been wounded but
It was said that nnno wero fntully hurt
Between 300 nnd 400
t 1 t. ..,. T
Fight of Two years, Detroit c."
Circiut Judge C. F. Stono in a decis
ion filed today upholds tho county
court findings in tho Laboree will
rasii which has been pending on ap
peal for about , two years. Judge
prisoners were Stone found tho will of O. O. Laboree
Involved In tho attempted uprising, it u valid and dismissed a petition
wus nttld. to revoke protmto. The court award
ed cotits to thu defendants, Anita La
boree, executrix and J, W. Siemens.
Father Loses Life ill administrator. Tho will which has
Iueeu ci'iuegieu uy ucnjumtii i.uuuroo
and Gladys Kelly, children of La-
ooree s rim wire, involves approxir
MAItK.NOO, 111., May . Five per
sons wero burned to death here last
night in u fire which destroyed their
Tho dead are August Bourko, Jr.,
3o, and four children, The mother
and two children, ono a six month's
old linhy, were saved by the father
who lost his life in ii n ultenuit to
save the remaining children. The fire
Is snlrt to have started from nn In
riibiilnr In Hie basement.
mateiy $100,000. The rase attracted
sinto-wlilo attention because of the
reputation of the late 0. O. Laboree
as a railroad builder throughout the
northwest, - , . .
Another Broker Fulls. ,
NEW YOHK, May P. Failure, of
the brokerage firm of Corpender
Cnffry nnd company of 74 Broadway
wns announced this morning from
the rostrum of the New York slock
Boston 2
Butteries: Ehmkc and llussler; Fer
guson, Russell and Ruel, Walters.
San Francisco-Salt Lake postponed,
Seattlo-Vernnn - game postponed,
toanm traveling.
At Nowr York. R. H. E.
Chtcugo 7 14 1
New York 8 14 3
Batteries: Hodge, Acosta and Scliulk
Shawkey Jones and Devormer.
At Washington. R. H. E.
St. Louis v 7 It 0
Washington , 5 10 2
Batteries: Vangilder, Hayne nnd
Sevenld; Francis, Gleason and Ghar-
Negro Uprising Falls Flat
MKXIA, Texas, May 9 Reports that
an uprising was, imminent among
negroes of Freestone county as a re
NEW YOHK. May 9. Ell Dul'uy.
manager of the Hotel Margaret In
Brooklyn Heights nnd Albert Hrad
leh, u vermin exterminator, wero
held in J3000 bail on warrants of
suspicion of causing tho deaths re
cently of Mr. and Mrs. Fleniont M.
Jackson, who are alleged to have
In-en killed by fumigating gas.
The action followed exhumation
of the body of Mr. Jackson and ti
second autopsy which was said to
have shown death was caused by
poisoning from cyanogen gas, al
leged to have been used III fumigat
ing rooms beneath those In which tho
Jucksons lived. Tho couple is sup
posed to have been killed by not
properly airing the rooms in which
the fumigation was Used.
PORTLAND. Or., May 9. -Bids
for tho last bit of paving on the Pa
cific highway iu Oregon, 7.74 miles
between Halsley and Harrlsburg in
Linn county, wero opened today by
tho state highway commission. The
contract was to bo awarded late to
day. Work on the Pacific highway
began just five years ago.
Bids for the last stretch of paving
on the west side highway, the Mon-
mouth-Suver sect ion ( will bo opened
tomorrow. '
Cairman R. A. Booth, of Eugene,
was not present at the meeting to
day, having been called to The Dalles
last night by the death there of his
REDDING. Cal., Mny 9. Roads
littered win caterpillars are reported
to be numerous In Shasta county.
The plague seems to bo worst tn the
vicinity of Palos Cedro, Mlllvllle,
Holla Vlstn and Buckeye. At Lnmoine
and Delta, the "bugs" aro swarming
through the woods and crawling
It IS remnrked that there are no
caterpillars on tho west side of Still
water creek, while on the east side
caterpillars carpet tho earth for
Prince of Wales Sails ,
KAGOSHIMA. .Japan. May 9. (By
Associated Press). The Prince of
wrlsnl for the lynching of four negroes Wales today completed his official
there since Friday had not material- visit to Japan and sailed for Manila
.ed pnrly toilny, Ion hoard the battle cruispr Renown.
reviving the industry of that country.'
"Belgium invested two and , a half
billions of gold francs in Russian in
dustry and possessed 361 factories. In
cluding blast furnaces, glass factories.
electric street railways, cloth mills,
water works and electric light plants.
We used to produce in Russia before
the war 42 per?ent of the foundry out
put of the entire country, 48 per cent
of the steel rails, 75 per cent of the
chemical products, 50 per cent of the
glass, tableware and 30 per cent of the
window glass.
Belgium Ready to Restore
"No other country is so prepared as
Belgium to restore Russia if the latter
returns her former possessions. Bel
gian industrialists already have a bil
lion francs laid aside to restore their
industries there.
"In clause seven Belgium admitted a
formula which allowed for nationaliza
tion of property in Russia on condition
that its use should be granted to the
old proprietors, or, when this was im
possible, compensation be given them.
"Belgium does not wish tho failure
of the conference. AH her efforts hero
havo been directed toward the success
of the meeting' while everyone, includ
ing Mr. Lloyd Georgo, has paid hom
age to tho Belgian sincerity and peace
ful spirit." ;
M. Jaspar denied statements printed
recently in several European news
paiH'rs concerning a military and eco
nomic alliance between France and
Belgium. He said the two countries ;
concluded in 1920 a purely defensive
convention, effected through the ex
hango of letters which provide that
e convention bo effective only when
mutually agreed upon.
PORTLAND. Ore., May 9. Wil
liam King, about 60 years old, be
lieved from papers found on his
body to have been from Morrow
county, on route to Portland looking
for work, was killed today by an
Orvgon-AVuKliington Ruilroud and
Navigation company train when ho
stepped on the track In front of the
engine while walking along tho right
of way carrying a pack n his back.
He carried a letter of recommenda
tion from the sheriff of Morrow
Virtual Coining HiKh.
LOS ANGELES, May 9. 'Victuals
are coming high this season," re
marked one hold up man to Richard
Paul Jones, when the latter was halt
ed near Seventh and Olive streets.
"So tha ham and eggs will be on
you," added the orher holdup man.
They obtained f 27.
SAN DIEGO. Cal.. May ' 9. Two
men were arrested Into last night and
hold ns suspects In tho case of Wal
ter D. Bower, who was brutally at
tacked and killed aboard his bout
Inst Friday night. Bower was found
dead in his boat eurly Suturduy under
a railroad pier. His pockets had
boon turned Inside out and as he was
known to have had a conaldorablo
sum of money, the police were con
fident that robbery was the motive
of tho crime.
The police declined to five the
names of the men arrested. They
are hold for investigation.'