MEBFOKT) MATH TRIttTWE, MEDFOTIT). OKFlOV, FT?TT)'T, "St AY fl, 1022 PAOF, NIXR BRINGING UP', FATHER By r George McMamiD v V V ; DtONT I TE.Lt- YOU TO ELT HOME. EAteLX THAT WC COINc; TO THE OPERA I'LL GEL READY S OUtiT A minute: TONIGHT-40 SIT! AND A jrw, nir I i i j v n rr mu " x ( r ' v i .s.'Vv-v. t 3Ltana r ,i I " ' - " NSSVSS 1 SO Pt 8.RM 11922 cv l u FcATunt Scnvict. Imc. 9.RM. ; GS '" IW R Rlrini P Vo'siul 'M' k'''N''Vtt',- ""sVt 3 W It"' a" K ln io I VU nKXT APARTMENTS FOB SALEACTOMOBrXEB FOB SALE KKAL ESTATE BUSINESS DIRECTORY s I . a.. a ..1. t . . j n a . a. .-fill 'm a -. . 11111 Mil ill mu"i nun. in imiuiou iviii. . IN'. l UX. H 17, A. Kiirr. irJii ur,.M ruimnurg apiiruneiii'i NAMED CHAIRMAN OREGON GROWERS W. II. tllddUt, .Mudford orrhardli.t snd forumr prominent railroad ex ecutive or tho Santa F unit PrUrn Iluri. mat nnniftl ihutriuuii of lliu HoRua river dlMrlrt of I ho On.Rotl Orowera Packing Corporation, ntfll luted, at a iiiiwlltiK df Hi" (lircrtur lltlit taut lilIit. I. 8. Womiln, (iriiuu )'tt bunliiKMiiian, wum iiunn'd mir Urr. Iilddlo uci'iiilii Culiiiu-I (irduu Voorhti whu diK'lliK'd to lead I tin local tirtiuiilulluu itiioftior year. TUu bfw hfd of Dm (it-owtrx U proraln rut In rntlroud i IrrlM In ChiruKO oml ft. lul. iiin tin formerly maln tului'd tili lii'.idiinrr)i. HtnrtlnR nt ttln Itottom uf llm Inddor, Hlddln rkiil hi ay m-nr lh tnp of tlio Kn( Jf'B )Hl-m, whnn hti wg nam ed waiver Ur tlm I'rlwo (.yMi-m. lpon tho lonipU-lliin of Ihn rKlnnnr tng of till tytliin, the torul man a darned pirnUirni, whlrh iiiwtilon lie lipid until hn roUrnd to hi orchard. Konwod," north of Mudford, a low )ram an. Tho othrr mcmlii-m of tlm Poiithprn OrrKon (limrui liunrd am 1. A. Hclinmr, I', ('. Ctn and A. II. tavin hill. th liiid r two titiK hold ovnr t ronmbfr front lal yi'nr'a RovcrnlitR 4 hud)f. Tho hoard ha namd Col. Cordon VoorMe. Iloworfl A. IIHI, J. (. Uv of Ontral I'olnt. tind lUmllton Tat too. Mndford holii)wniait, mtmtcr of thn advlnnry rotonilttoo. Iloirm-o Vlttor at Tmr'. "Nfpft ami thflr aona firm!" Thin faliMi doi'lrlnn of n hyRoiin iluv la ex plodPil ly a lilKli iiilinli'd ai'iiNlllvx, if-riifi('ln Wdiimn In ft ai-rlra of tnw. dininniic ulitmilonii In Thonma 11. Inro'a aiiii-r itrodurtlon, "Hull th Vonian," nuw (ilaylnR nt tlio TnRO thvntro, Klorrnre Vldnr. h0 t.lkfa tho rolt of tho 'trluniplmnt wnmnn." Rlvva u dorp iotrrprclnlon nt thnao f"ll tli' of wonmnhood that dlrcit Iho fat of humnnlty throuulimil Iho ann. Ph Id auppoilPd hy a hrtl Hunt rant, IncludtnK MuiIko IliOlnmy, flrrtrmln Clnlrc, Throdorn Itohrrtu, Mnyd ItURhin. Tully Mnixhnll. I'lum. Mirdllh, K.hviird MurUndrl, Mil thlld UruniliiKc, nnd otlin-tt, nnd if your dcnno of humor In III. cnll nt thK I'NKn tlii'dtcr for nny iiforni- ni,o Knturilny, Snnduy or Mond.iy, nnd hnv( II riirt-d ty Hmold I.loyd. M. I). (I)oitor of Mirth), who will maKwiKo It with liitiHliicr vllii'iitloiin in "Now or NeVi-r, lila thrro-rrd comi'dy. Court News (Furnlahed by the Jackaon County Abirtract Co.) Circuit Court. ' Htntn va. Mtneiit Woliirimolt. Mo tion, oi'di'i' UUinlHHlnit. Hlnto va. Junii'H KihvnfdH. Motion Order. Htnlo va. FloiencO Hull. Motion. Older. . Vrohnto 4'ourt. .Tamea O. Huilth, cnIiiIo. llfport of nalo. ItOlll IsNtlltO I'fllllKfcl'. JI. 0. Miller, et ux, to V. If, t)reaalor, W. 1). to lot In Im- '. perlnl Add. to Mt'dfurd $ COO rtnyd Af.' Poller, Ot ux, to Mii- rKnii FUNKiiAfi nnrK At Vour Servlco Day nr NUiUt ' ' ' '-'' tt. It"- i,' Iiu'ormntloii lirdmny" GItoo, Cor Oih n!x Oukdnlo tlldu V. rievlln. W. r. 3u ami ai, ,oik "&, louil Add. to AhIiIiiiuI I.. II. Kt iil, i l ux, to 10. A. V li h. W. II. iu .it. a niK 17, I.Ik. I, .lui'knotrw Add. to Mfrt, . . Cuiiniy of JurkHoti io V. J. Ciii- iU k, ttt-xil lo lot !, .U. a nnd lot 4, hlk. 4, Ni.kcll Add. to Mi-rt ford ThomnM KuiiIkihi, it ux, to Wll- l.ii.l T. Wilon, W. 1 1. to lot . hlk. 3. I'urk Add. to i;rn. n. ji ih,i. i t vir, to ii. it. I'.tIIn, ft ux, W. I), to lut 3. Ii.'iit lot li. I'lmlit'i Add. ti A m h Iu ml I'liilik, it ux. to i:. :. i'iiiiiH. v. i. to lot SI li it ii 13, Hniillirin il.dlio Triut. Axliliiml MiiIh'I IiiIi.iii, t vir, to J. II. Mouil.u.-I, it ux. V. I. t.. lot S, 10. II. )!, k. "I Italhoud A. 111. to AMhlnnil . . I. li.yd A. WllllmnxKi, t ul, to l lty of Mr.Uonl, ij. c, li. to land In U. I.. ('. 44. li. St R. It. 2 Wont D.lraU-lll Itiuti l'. ! n to I'n-d Fli-k. V. II. to I! i lot 3. I: ' lot 7. hlk 7. J-kwonvlll John Kriiiii-r to l-'rcd J. Klrkv V. II. to K i i.f lot 3. K lot 7, I.Ik. 7, JiirkMonvlllu. , . Wni, von ili-r llfllm, t-t ul, to W. V. Mornn. U. C. IK to Iota I, 2. 1. 4, hlk. 4. On. tin I Addition to Knlo I'olnt Wni. von dr Ilh-n. el ul, to W. I. Mniiinn. W, Ii, to Iota In t'lihh'a Add. nnd t-nitrnl Aild. to KuRltt I'olnt Ji-miIk Kldrlde". rt vir, to John K. M'Kir, W. I), to part of Iota 6 and S, hlk. t, Jarlinoti vl! T. A. ('ull.pnaon. l ux. to Kher T. Wt. it ux, W. II. to i: i of W S of M:, hkp, , ti. 37 K., It. II. A. Miitih. w, it ux, to V, M. 1'iirkrr. W, Ii. t.i land In Ii. I.. SJ, two. 97 H., H. I V Klljiih ( I. Ultra. -t ux. to KolMTt 10 10 10 100 10 10 430 10 600 10 tooo CO K. Ilurd. W. IK to lot . hlk. 3. )Uk Add. to Mt'dfurd ... 10 I Initio V. Ilurd to KIIJuli II. Ilurd. V. 1). to. S nt. In NW aii'. 11. two. 33 H., It. 3 Knt 10 Aimlln Mrioiiii-r, rt vir1 to Mary K. Walker. W, 1), to lot 6, hlk SC. (J..IU Hill 300 LkhIIo Uufflrld to Mary K. Walker. W. IK to lot 6, hlk. 34. I told Hill SOO It. I Tohland. et ux. to Wll- llum It. Walker. H ux. W. Ik to lot7, hlk. 34, Ciold Hill... : & o Cljtlo W. Walker, et al. to Wil liam It. Walker, et nl, Q. ('. )). to lota 6. t, 7, hlk. S6, fluid Mill 0. M. KhiK. et ux. to Mooford t'hurrh of the Nnuirrn, W. I. to lot on North Central avenue, M eil ford 10 W. K Mnnnev, et ux, to t W. kYSTEriiERVlCElO; surarce2r Irwestmsrds 4)y M. P. BCTDim, Mrt. Phoae rutt , Llbsrty Bldf XXXXOOCXXXCOC)00(3COOOOOOOQ USED CAR BARGAINS Oakland Six, new rubber all around. ONLY $700.00 ' A fast bug four speed trana mission; excellent Bhape and real speed. $378.00 , Ford Touring Car. Must bo seen to be appreciated. $290.00 . Overland Four, roconditioned and with fine tires. ONLY $475.00 TERMS GRANTED BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Zlaln at fiitersido MEDFORD . ! 0M00Cw9000CXKQ0O000OC Wood, W. ri. to 00 acre In . H, twp, 32 H., It. a K. , It. H. line, it ux, to '. A. Kiirr, W. I), to 30 n. rea in H. I.. C. ti. 37 H., it. 3 Wt . . 10 I. A. Kiirr to It. H. ltm, i t ux. V. I), to land In !. I.. C. T'J, twp. 37 H., It. 2 Wel 10 Aditln Wlllinnmon to t'lty nf Meilford. w n. to bind In 1). I C. 44. two. 37 H., 1!. i Weat e;oo Carrie K. I'orter, nt vir, to City of Medfi.rd. Q. I), to 3d foot Ktrii off II. of land In aw. 35. twp. 37 H.. It. W 10 I.. I'eteraeti in Julia I'elera deed to Int. In inlnlnR rliiliim in nee. 37. twp. 34 B., It. 4 Wmt 10 1IFA.I WAJITT.D Mule anil I Vnmlo WANTK1 -.Married rouplo for runvli work. No ihlldren. Addrean llox t&. Mall Tribune. tf WAXTEO irru' rF.H.U.E WANTKli Womiin to do wuahlna and IronliiR at her homf. Tel. "ot-J. 38 WANTKlVKxiKTlencad maid for Rent-rat hdimrwoik; muat ha Rood riKik. Ilrforenrea. Two adults. 4')-I Mra. Ilnrld ItoaenlierR, 19 Rim Court. IIKM VAVTKI MALE WANTED C97J3. Orchard hand. Phone If WAMTKD MTCATIOVS WANTKI jn and Phono COO M. eardin work. 41 WANTKIt Sptajlni; by day or con truct; htiTc new rlR. Phone 4'Jb lt 3. 0 WANTO WIJtCKLLAJrEOCB WANTED An elderly woman wonld like room nnd honrd In a quiet fam ily, with a. woman HvlnR alone pre ferred. Rend full particulars to llox A, Mall Tribune 39 WANTED To buy bIhrIp work har- oom. Address llox U. .Mall Tribune. V . 39 W ANTED Man to take county rlghta ror .Nuw Auto Sun Glare Shade, fits any car. Retails at $3.50; better than 115.00 shades. Good opiior tunlty for aalesman with car. Gen eral Distributor, Mall Tribune. 38 WANTED To rent email place suit able for chickens, Trlhttno C. A. 38 WANTElx To purchase Ford body. 40 Clark Motor Co. WANTED Close In acreage with Im provements, also town homea, to trade for farms and stock ranches. Four-Site Bales Agency, Modioli! ltldK. 3K WANTED To busy rood work horse, welRht 1400 or 1600. Thone 691-J-2. tf WANTED An Improved farm, valued at ooo on government loan plan, $2000 down, socond mortgaeo for balance. Writo full jmrttculars, f East 2Sth St., Portland, Oro. 41 WANTED Auto radiators, fenders and running bonrda to repair. C. I). Miller, opioalte S. P. IXpnt. WANTED Hons mormi and ' re pairing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. tf FOB HKNT;-FABM9 KOlt HKNT Tho Nnnnn nmch of 385 acroa near Jacksonville will be for rent Oct. 1st, for 5 years. 110 acres alfalfa, 30 acres irrigated, 70 acres Krain land; well fenced, uood build ln(?a. Chns. Nunmi, Modfcird, ll: 1. a MKDPOIID O BANTS PASS BE INDEPENDENT 1 WHY WORK FOR OTHERS, when opportunities aro hero to make better than ordinary wages? Wo have In our offlco Stores of every kind for sulo, and sev eral take only a small Investment to handle, providing you aro reliable Every business wo sell will atunil strict investigation. , BUYERS AND SELLERS MEET HERE W'tt-iUTE 8AI.KS AGENCY Medford Bldg., Medforfl, Or. 4-MOHT TOWN NON-RESIDENT OWNER SAYS SELL . 60 ACRES PEARS ALFALFA , PRICE $9500 WORTH $20,000 33 aero 10 year old Pears; 23 acves Alfalfa, Grain Good Farm Houso and bain, Ntce Hhade.- Beautiful pluco. No frost. Under Medford Irriga tion Prfljoet. tCHi than 5 tulles from Medford. Orchard alono will pay IntoreBt on $2tf,0tl0. Bettor soo this now. iViro 781-I j.C,B.vnxiis 1 A '.' apartment afti-r 6:00. 3H FOB BE MT noi'fl VA hXJR KKNT Two room bnnRulow, fur nlahml. No children or doRM. Phono 41'J-M. 38 FOR HKNT 4 room hungulow, 16.76. l'ltono owner, Mi l.. 39 FOR HKNT Flvf hotiKi. Phone C75 nwint M. furnished 42 FOR HKNT 5 with turiiKU. Coll.. room nioili-rn hotte r:n V. Second. Wione 3S FOB BENT Fl'BKISIiF.D BOOMS FOR HKNT LarRp, well furnlahfd alrepinK rouina with hath privilege; aloo Kara Re for ri-nt. 32i 8. Hlver aldu. i'hono Tot J. FOR HKNT SleoplnR rooma. nil home prlviU-Ri t, RiiraRe. Tel. sa9. 3S rXJR HKNT 81wplnR rooma, 245 N. Orupo, ald intranci-. men. If FOR HKNT Rooms, rooma. reason ablo. Hath prlvlleRi? onr per week for rpRtilara. Imperial, 30 N. Front, Medford. 38 FOR BENT Blaepm rooma, bath any time, garage la connection; dead lad lira itorate, 114 Kins St. FOB K.T noCSKKEEKINQ BOOMS FOR HKNT llonaekeeplntf room and aleeplnt: room, 15 N. Orapo. 40 FOR RENT Furnished houaekecpinR rooma. 221 N. Molly. 3 FOR RENT Housekeeping; and sleep ing rooma. 333 6. Riverside. 43 FOR RENT LtgTit housekeeping rooma. 611 8. Central. tf FOB BEXT OFFICES FOR HKNT Deitrablo small front office euite. Apply room 416 Medford Building; STOLEN STOLEN The three women who kid napped my two lambs will save tron Mo by bringing them back. Frank Zuccala. Central Point. 38 LOST U8T llotwcen ARRte aud Table Hock school, coat to ladies' blue suit. Finder please leave it at Mail Tribune or Table Rock Store. 38 MONEY TO lOA BONDS BOUOHT AND SOLD Money loaned and Rood ranches for sale by J. B. Andrews, Investment Broker, 31 N. Q rape St Phone 63-M. WE HAVE MONEY to loan on Ira proved dwelling and mercantile pro perty in Medtotd only. McCurdy Insurance Agenry. tf FARM MORTOAOKS Medford Farm Loan AaRociattcfn. F. P. FarrelL Secy.-Treas, 220 W. Main St Bl'SINESS OPPOBTUNITIKS FOR SALE Small grocery store at invoice price, with or without pro perty. Now stock, new building. Good locution. 437 S. Central Ave. 39 TOR SALE '-4 interest in a fine, well liayiug business. Address Box C C, .Mull Tribune. ' FOB EXCHANGE FOR-TRADK 160 ai res land in south ern Minnesota for improver! acreaite near Medford. llox 830. City. 38 k - ASHLAND KI.AMATU r ALLS 10 WORK FOR YOURSELF SOCTxUCKN OREGON Xitali Hotel Corner FOR HKNT Kurnlalii-d with RaraKO, $25, Call 211 N. IVarh. FOR ,AI.K t'haii, 314 truck and trailer for lumber, or track and hod for general haulimr. Phone 453-Y. 39 FOR RALB Ointment car. In Rood condition. Call t23 W. Tenth St. or phone 80H-X. 3S FOR SALE Kurd Track, flrHt-claoa Phon 171. coait!tiou, cheap. FOR 8ALE- 1920 Dodite roadster, fine See Patten and Robtnaon condltlon. Inc. FOB 8 A IX irVTSTOCK FOR 8AIJC Youns ToKRenburR iw of Rood milk atraio. at a bargain if taken at once. Call ut 133 Kenwood Ave. Phone 439 J. 40 FOR SALK 1 brown Ridding: 2 years old, welRht 13S0; 3 JerBey cows: loose barley hay. Carl Each, phone 4 F 14, KaRle Point. 39 FOR SALE A fr-w frenh cows, excep tionally Rood. Walsh's place, 1 mile NK of Medford on Crater lke road. FOR SALE A few fresh milch cows, officially tented. Schtil Ilros., adja cent to County Fair Grounds. 47 FOR SALE TnomugTibred Airdale pup, C months old. Phone 591-R-l. tf FOR SALE 10 bead of milk cows, 5 or 6 head soon freshen. Molstein, Hed Poll. Guernseys and Jersey. Phone No. 12-F-ll, Eagle Point. 42 FOR SALE neautlful collie dog, won derful watch iog. Phone S91-R1. tf FOB 8AIE HOMES FOR SALE C room furnished honso on laved street. Terms, 438 S. Fir St ...... tf FOR 8ALE Buucalow, 53 X. Orange. 4 FOR SALE Itrond new bouse. No. 1010 W. Eleventh St., 5 rooms and large sleeping porch, many built-in features. Full concrete foundation. Street assessments paid in full. For quick sale $2950. less than Cost. Trowbridge Cabinet Works. 38 FOR SALE Bargain: 4 room house. parage, berries and fruit trees, close in. Apply F. U Clark, 127 N. River- side. . . 3S FOR SALE At a bargain, a 6 room modern bungalow with Bleeping !orch, on good street, good aur ronndlngs. Small cash payment and balance on monthly rent basis. Phone 366, Pruttt-Myers at Valley Garage. tf FOB SALE POriiTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Seven weeks old Leghorn cockerels, four dollars per dozen. Ernest Webb. Central Point. 39 FOR SALE OH. TRADE Trucks and one auto to trade for real estate. Clark Motor Co. 3S FOR SALE Laying hens, Plymouth Hocks. Phono 9C9-R. . 40 FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs rtom o. A. C. best layltm strain. Phone 201 J. 60 FOR SALE 150 White Leghorn hens. 1 and 2 years old; Hansen and Tan cred strain. 11. L. Young, Browns- boro, Oro. FOR SALE Eggs for hatching, O. A C. Barred Rocks, $1.00 per setting. C. E. Gates. tf FOR SALE R. I. Bed eggs for hatch Ing. DeVoe'a. FOB RALE BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE One of the beat paying Income properties In Medford; also 9 room modern house close In. Call between 1 and 6 p. in. 322 S. Central Ave. 39 FOR SALE Houses nnd bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also ncreago. Insurance. C. S. Itutterfield Medford National Bank Bldg., Phone C89. FOR SALE OR TRADE Five, ten or twenty acres good berry or garden land, mile and halt from Medford good road, under irrigation, .price $100 per acre. Small payment down and easy terms on balance. ; For Sale Kivo acre tract on Pa rifle highway near Talent, under Irrigation. Price $225 per acre Terms. CAMPBELL & CARLE Y, No. 9 N. Fir. . Phono 907 FOR SALE Small ranch, $160 mi aero with Improvements, fenced and cleared; make good chicken ranch. This is close In property. Box 60. Mail Tribune. 43 FOR SALIC Hearing pear nnd apple orchards sacrificed at $J00 acre and lip, 1 acre tracts und up. Easy terms. Near highway. Gold Ray Realty Co. Flioua 72S-U or 131-Y, FOR BALK OH TRADE 40 acres mostly bottom land, located about 414 mflcB from Central Point. Paid up water rlRht for 21 acre. Good building. Htock and implement. Price $i800. Will take Medford property In exchange. Clarence Pierce. Phone f.17 L or 103. U FOR SALE At sacrifice: r,uy home and. living from one year's crop 10 acres bearing orchard with alfalfa. houRo and barn, near Medford and ' highway, only 3)1500, easy terms. Improvements cost more. Gold Ray Realty Co., phono 72S-R or 134-Y. FOB SALE MISCiXLA-VEOCS FOR SALE JachBon hay fork, 4 foot. and Tanning mill. O. C. Stanwood. II. 4, Medford. 39 FOR SALE Two largo Scotch rugs. Phone 431 R. Wool 39 VOH SALE 10,000 feet lumber $18.00 per thousand. 2x4. IS and lfi, 12 foot length. Inquire Palmer Piano House. 45 FOR BALK Kominirton typewriter. $.'.0; Noiseless, $35; Vnderwood, $40; Corona, $35. AH good condition. Medford Hook Store. 39 FOR SALE An Invalid's adjustable wheel chiar. 344 8. Central. 3S FOR SALE Pasture for 100 sheep for two months. C. Nunan, Medford, R. No. 1. 38 FOR SALE Harley Davidson motor cycle. A bargain. Phone 437-R. 42 FOR BALE Just bought a lot of New towna cheap; can aell now at 5oc per box, 2 boxes 75c, your box. 317 E. Jackson. , 38 FOR SALE Loose hay, alfalfa. Phone 500-R 2. grain and 38 FOR SALE Four or five thousand , feet second-hand lumlier, suitable W bridges, barns and garages. Stan . dard Oil Co. 38 FOR SALE One 72 ton Indiana silo, good as new; one 1 -horse John Deere corn and bean planter; would consider cattle or hogs In exchange. Schulz Bros., adjacent to County Fair Grounds. 41 FOR SALE Two-horse second-hand Stover gas engine in good condition. Phone Walter Frazer Brown, 610-R-l . . 38 FOR SALE OR TRADE Stump pull ing or loading donkey cheap. L. A. Whitley, Trail, Oregon. . 41 FOR SALE 2 cows, 1 calf; 1 cream separator, 1 springtooth harrow, 1 Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine 14 horsepower. 60 Leghorn hens. Aloha Ranch, R. 1, Box 89-A. 38 FOR SALE For weak babies use goats milk: 5 does just fresh; 2 to 4 quart milkers $25 to $30. N. B. Stoddard. Butte Falls. Ore. 41 FOR SALE Cheap, 3 truck and trailer for logging, or truck and bed for general hauling. Phone 453-Y. 40 FOR SALE Prog. evertearing straw berry plants. F. II. Dressier. 951-L 3S FOR SALE 3 fc. p. Bean sprayer In first class shape every way, fitted with tank filler, 100 ft. hose, three extenakin rods complete. This sprayer was replaced by a 10 h. p. Friend, sprayer. 221 N. Fir St. Phone 777. FCR SALE Free dirt for lawns or gardens. Call at building site, Minnesota St H. A. Thierolf. tf FOR SALE Sana. grareL sediment and dirt. Plowing and teaming work done. Phone 9 12-J, Bamuel Bate man, S02 Maplo St. FOR SALE A 12 Tiorsepower steam boiler, good as new, for less than halt price. Phone- 203. Snider Dairy & Produce Co., Medford. .. It BUSINESS IHKKCTOBY Architect FRANK C. CLARK 219 W. Main St Phone S41-J. Attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. Specializes in Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 " North Central Ave. PORTER J. NEFP Attorney-at-law, rooms S and 9, Medford National Bank Building. A. E. REAM ES-s Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. E. E, KELLY Lawyer. Resumed prnc tlce of law. Office with Porter J, Neff, Medford Nati Bank Bldg. Convalescent Home CONVALESCENT HOME Ashland, Ore., cottage plan, faces Llthta park. " Milk diet and other nature cures. Mrs. W. M. Barber, Proprietor, 153 GittuUa St, . 43 Abstractor MURRAY BROS. & VAN V0RI3 Abstracts of Title. Kooras S tad S, No- 22 North. Central Ate., ip atalrs. - 4 Jock ton County ' AIWTBACT CO The only complete Ti tle ftytem la Jackaon County. ' . - Abstracts' of Title aad Title Innaraace. Bolldinic Matcrlftla MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK,. BLOCK WORKS Specialize In !1 kinds of cement bulldloR products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Street. Chiropractic Fhynlclan DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chtr. practlc and Electro-Therapy. 427 28 Medford Bldg. Phone. 965. tf DR. A. B. HEDGES Neo-Eclactte Physician. DR. LOCISB B. HEDGES Naturopathic Cairo practir. Mechano-Therapy,. Bpon dylotherapy, Food Sciences, Cblro practlo Office: Stewart Bldg, 235 E. Main St. Phones: Ottle. 170; Rea. 170-J-2. 7 DR. E. W. HOFFMAN ChtropractiO Physician. Office hrs. 9 to 12, 2 to 6. Suite 203-04-05-06, Liborty Building. Expert Aceoontar.t WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wlfc son, O. P. A. Attention given 14 anything In Accounting and la come Tax requirements. Look tnta our simplified accounting method, Liberty Bldg., Medford, Phon Farm Viaas ROGUE RIVER FARM LOAN ASST Loans to pay mortgages and tor agricultural. Attorney E. H. Hard, Swy.-Trea.. 411 Medford Bldg. ...1 Osteopaths DR. F. O. CARLOW. DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic Physician 416-418 Liberty Bldg. IPhUj 904-J-2. Residence 28 S. Laurel St, DR. W. W. HOWARD; Osteopathic Physician. Special attention gtrta - to eye, ear, nose and throat. $0$ Liberty building. Phone 496. Physicians ad Burgeons T. G. HEINE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses scientifically fitted and properly adjusted. Offlesj 314-315 Liberty Bldg., cor. Grapa and Main Sts. ' DR. J. J. EMMONS Physician and Surgeon. Practice limited to eya, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses sup piled. Oculist sad Anrlst tor S. P. R. K. Co., Medford Bldg. Phona 567. DR. WML W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 163-J-2. DR. H. M. . SHAW Physician anil Surgeon. Eye. ear, nose and throat specialist. Eyes tested. glasses fitted. Office hours 10 S. ni. to 12:30 a. ,m.' and 1:80 to 5 p. m. Room 402 Medford Building. Phone 744-R. tf' i i DR. -A. BURSELL Physician and . Surgeon. 312 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 35 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 26. " i t rr- ..tyJa Piano Instructions FRED ALTON HAlGHTj Teacher ot Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. ' ' ' ' ' ' " Printers and PuWLsliors I MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has tf best equipped printing offlca la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Flrjlt. Bog Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phosa B10-M. 708 Pine St. ' I i. '4- Transfer EADS TRANSFER ft STORAOB COv Office 42 North Front St. Phont) 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. ; DAVIS TRANSFER AND 8TORAOJ . CO. Anything moved day I f bight.. Service guaranteed. 2) t Grape. Phone: Office 14, tf H4, 47-a Of 104. . ti ... ,.