Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 05, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' FKGV, FOUR
Medford Mail Tribune
M'NIIAV. HV 1 lilt
Th. Mwlnnl Nunrfny Morning Nun la fumlHltwl
nliMithfr. dcfttrliiy iwwti iLy diuly h.wnHMr.
Oflli Mail Trlbunt Bull.lhm, ti-tT-tl) North
Fir rtrrrt. Itiou. 7.'.
A con.nlM.tlnn nf thr- Ounnonittc Tir. tin
Wolfonl Mall. Oi Mnlturd Trlbun., th Southern
Unvnnian, Th Aahlami Tnlwiic.
KOHKHT W. mnit, F.lllnr.
BUMI'-fKB 8. SMITH, 4anitfr.
BV MAIL In Aihanrr:
Dally, wild hiimla) Kim. yrar 17. Ml
lily, with HumlxV Hun, nionOi ?.
Dally, without Sunday Hun, y.r 6 40
liaily, without Sunday Sun. month.,.
Vrckly Mall Triliun., our year t.0
8un1av Hun, one yar t 00
BY CARBIKH In UlnlfArd, Aahlami, Jai-kmn-
llh, Ontral lolnt, ltiotnix. Talent ami on
, iHiity with Sunday Hun, month
.tally, without Humlay Hun, month..
lhiily, without Sunday Hun, year. . . .
Ilaily, with Humlay Hun, on yrar.....
All trrma by carrier, t'aah in advaix.
OfflHal anr of the City of Mmlfonl.
Official pawr of Jat-kaon County.
7. Ml
rnm dally avrrajrp clrrulatioa for aix monOis
rndinit April 1, 1B21, S.'.SH, mora than double
fli circulation of any other paper published or
circulated tn Jai-ltaon County.
Tba only paper between Cuarene, Ore., and
fWramento, Calif., a diatanoe of over NOO milra.
having leaned wire Aaaociated PrNa Service.
Entered aa necond rlarn matter at Medford
Oiffon, under the act of Man h 8, 1870,
The Aaaociated Prma la exclusively entitled to
the owe tor republication of all new diapatchea
credited to it, or not otherwia credited in thia
paper, and alao to the local newa publiahed
All ricbla- of republication of apecial dla
patch, herein arc alao reaerve.1.
TIM', turn. iin or valor into the main canal of the Mtxlford Irri
cnlion District todiiv is irrent iimvs. It murks an enoeh in the
history of Mod ford and tho Ronuc River Valley, final suoooss after
over a dooado of istruculo and tiisoouravroniont.
"With normal weather from now on, the value of irrigation
promises to have draniatio and ooiivineitiir demonstration. In many
districts the soil is now hard ami dry. An average rainfall, from
now on would, w ithout irrigation, mean a loss to orehardi.sts of hun
dreds of thousands of dollars. For blossoms are now sot for the
largest pear crop in the history of Southern Oregon. Without irri
gation this crop could not, by any H.ssibility, be silted up and brought
to successful maturity.' With irrigation, it can be. -
Like any other fundamental economic change, irrigation must
involve a certain period of readjustment.' New methods invariably
bring now problems, and responsibilities. Hut suck readjustments
will be successfully made, and in the not very distant future, Med
ford and the Rogue River Valley will look back upon May 5th, VD'22.
as the dawn of a new era. the establishment of prosperity for the
first time, upon a permanent and steadily growing basis.
Ye Poet's Corner
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Ptrry.
Countess Marklevlci, . a prominent
Irish leader is visiting in Portland.
One would suspect as much from her
A San Jose. Calif, Judge sentenced a
convicted bootlegger to drink his own
goods. U this keeps up the country
will run out of bootleggers, and a tril
lion officers forced to go back to work.
John Mann is underneath a smart
spring hat. a speckled rooster feather
coyly peeping from the hatband. John
Buchter has a new suit, with alternat
ing pleats in the back, . and dainty
tucks at the belt.
i - - (Eugene Guard)
Pleading guilty to the illegal
possession of intoxicating liquor,
Paul Slack, railroad man, ' was
fined 300 and sentenced to two
months in jail by Judge Jesse G.
Wells in justice court this after
noon. '
Peggy Joyce, a highly efficient vam
pire, whose wiles are employed only
on millionaires, to date with great suc
cess, has a place in the European scan
dal sun, with Max ser, the Swiss liv
ery stable prop, and International
cradle robber, who is going to marry
a 16 year old granddaughter of John D.
The federal trade commission has
taken a timber concern to task for
cutting Oregon trees in New York
AH the candidates with any enter
prise will be in the front pews the two
remaining Sundays before the holo
The claim that "the way of the
transgressor is hard" originated when
the author completed a ride to J'ville
on the trolley thereto. '
GAIN"- (Hdline Oregon City Enter
prise). Served him right
MR. ALES HRDLICKA. of the Smithsonian Institution, address
ing a body of scientists recently, called the American race the
infant of the human family. Physically there is yet no specifically
defined American type. There are many types, each representing
the European racial group from which it came. .
Mentally, however, there is an American race, as clearly marked
to the psychologist as the Scandinavian or Greek or Chinese would
be to the ethnologist.
The American possesses an unmistakable alertness, a nervous
energy, an atmosphere of intelligence and independence which are
peculiarly his own.
If there is any one inclined to" feel badly because there are no
physical race characteristics, he should cheer up. There is more cause
for pride in these mental and spiritual qualities which speak so plainly
of the nation's achievements, ideals and opportunities.
Quill Points
A I, Ctivu.
Why csii't Tom bo like you, Hill?
So thoughtful and kind and good;
You took your girl to the circus
A a regular follow should.
Yhlo 1 stayed home In tho gloam
ing. Wistful Hiul lonely ami blue,
Just throwing dirt la tho ' Koplte
Hut wanting to boo It too.
It's great to be youim and girlish.
And prvtty and nice siul sweet,
To only bo petted tuid tmliylml,
And not have to cook and sweep.
Why can't fellows know though. Hilly,
.That time doesn't matter much;
And, even a scttHtblo my'uiu.
Longs for that v ! . f"ch,
That tells otie with
When a circus ct
That she wants to see It ulno
Pressed, In her bostest gown.
Could anyone tell Tom, Hilly.
Without hurting his precious face
Next time there's something doing
Ills Sweetheart wants in on the
race? m. m.
At times we suspect that a "complex" is just highbrow for darn
ed meanness. . .
Thcgreat need of France at present is less propaganda and more
Success is three parts the will to get there and seven parts the
conviction that you can make it.
The quoted price of champagne in France causes a puin on this
side of the water that isn't sham.
Apparently half the world thinks opportunity consists in a vacant
lot where one may start a filling station. ,
England, France and Italy love one another too well to fight. So
they let Greece and Turkey do it.
About the only thing to be said for prohibition jokes is that they
save us the affliction of more For"d jokes.
Oh, very well. Let feminism have its way; and then some day
there will be a war to establish freedom of the he's.
If Lenine is really sick, there is comfort in the thought that some
unschooled proletarian probably is prescribing for him.
There's one good thing about bootleg whiskey. The chap who
drinks it i usually dead before he gets to the quarrelsome stage.
The reason the old-fashioned toy worked more than the modern
boy was because of the hickory that lay in state above the kitchlu
"In 1492, according to the best infor
mation at hand, Christopher Columbus
discovered America. He was a great
discoverer, and the young boy now at
the bar of Justice, if he was not down
stairs getting a drink, I think it is
unnecessary to toll this Intelligent
Jury, of water, Is a cousin to the
hereinbefore mentioned C. Columbus,
of whom this Intelligent jury has no
doubt heard of at one time, or another.
Are you going to blacken the fair
name of our founder by sending this
meek and lowly defendant to yon grim
county jail, where, if there is a change
in the present administration of coun
ty affairs, he will be forced to operate
the deadly lawnmower, , 1
"Learned counsel for the state with
all their eminent astuteness, will tell
you this defendant is guilty of rob
ulng his grandma.' The evidence,
Ladles and Gentlemen plainly shows
that his Grandma Tobbed him."
VTherefore, I ask this intelligent
Jury to return a verdict in accordance
with my own notions, and not cast a
shadow over the past of Columbus, and
the future of the party of the second
part, whose case is now pending be
fore this intelligent Jury."
thank you!"
AUorney for defense then walks
excitedly to water pltchor for drink.
r'ours water into cuspidor, spits on
the floor, and returns to his seat.)
Walt Mason
at T"f 2
1 What kind of wood Is used to
make toothpicks?
2 When was the great famine in
Ireland ?
3 What are two natural enemies of
4 What Is a sylloKlitm?
5 What word for a form of killing
human beings comes from the Latin
word crux?
6 Who was Booker T. Washington?
7 How many ex-servlre men are
receiving vocational training from the
8 Why docs an ostrich have flat
s From what kind of vegetation
are coal deposits lurxely formd?
10 What channel baa famous chalk
Answers to Yesterday's Questions
1 How many barrels of oil did the
I'nlted States produce In 1921? Ans.
443,402.000 barrels.
il When was the Parthenon nt
Vthens completed? Ans. In 438 B. C.
3 Who is the nt-w V. S. ambassador
to Siutln? Ans. Cyrus B. Woods.
4 What Is the name given to Hol
land and Belgium? Ans. Low coun
tries. -
5 What Is St. Martin's sunftner?
Ans. Indian summer.
C What is a child called that is
bora after its father's death? Ans.
Posthumous. , '
7 What was the original meaning
of the word pedagogue? Ans. A child's
attendant. '
8 How far on either side of the Nile
river is land cultivated? Ans. Only
a comparative short distune.
9 Id Catskill what does the ending
"kill" mean?? Ans. Creek I Dutch).
10 On what day of the week was
Lincoln shot? Ans. Friday.
Fatty Arbuckle has received one
vote , in the Popularity Contest for
movie kings, queens, and devices. The
police are working on the theory that
he cast It himself.
Df. A. Slaughter of Salem Is Irans
acting business in Portland. (Port
land Journal). Nothing in a name.
Med. Tent & Awning Works
S'J. " PI'osllQ S. r, Depot '
IT DOESN'T matter when I reach the town of Bungville-on-thc-Beach.
I've no important errand there; I merely go to hold a
chair in Alner JohnsorVs Blue Front Store, and loaf and talk and
be a bore. It's fifteen miles, the signboards teach, from here
to Bungville-on-the-13each, and I might take an hour, I ween, to
hit those parasangs between. But I step down upon the gas, and
men who see my lizzie pass throw up astounded hands and say
"That boob will break his neck some day." I'm always winging
hens and cows'; and faster than the law allows I speed my um,
and make her roar, to chew the rag at Johnson's store. The speed
fiends zip through dust and mire, as though proceeding to a fire;
you'd think, when you. behold them whiz, that "life or death"
their errand is. But when they've madetheir breathless race,
and come to the appointed place, into the druggist's joint they
drop, and fill themselves with ice cold pop. Just,ask the speeder
to explain why he propels his rattling wain, defying all the traf
fic laws, and he can only say, "Because 1" There is no sense in
all the haste that causes such a wanton waste of men and dogs
and Berkshire sows, and geese and ducks and mulcy cows.
IKGora Praises Opera Co.
To the Editor:
Lagt night Mrs. O'Oara and 'I hud
the very grit pleasure of welng a
very repronentaUve crowd of Mtd
ford people, none other thun our
well known KJ AndrcwH, Churk-s
HuzelrigfC und the Mlwiea Hamilton
playing in the "Mikado." Kd as Ko
Ko is the (mine Kd that we all know,
a real comedlun who nun lout none
of his old-time vigor and la playlntr
to very appreciative audlencca.
HazelriKK, an leader of the orches
tra, 1m the came Charlie, thut I re
member nt the I'oicu.
Kd Andrew has not forgotten that
he Is a rult grower, when tvi Ko-Ko
he ald that he could not kill any
thing, "not even a Wooly 'hls."
This quip wuh directed towl
O'Gara and me who sat If
box so that wo could get I '
of Ed.
1 have JuHt gotten back t im New
York, where I spent about five weeks
and I want to say that none, of the
Ilroadway allows appealed to rue hulf
as much us Kd Andrewit and his
troupe. They are playing "Pinafore,"
"Robin Hood," "The Mikado" and
the "Bohemian Girl" and pleading
everybody. .
I want to tell the Medford people
how much I predated meeting Kd,
Charlie und the others, whom I as
sociated with during my many years
in the KoKue itlver valleyi
With my very kind regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
t p.J..XQAnA.
May 2, 1922. 1
fie up
Catholics' Agree With St. Paul
Catholics believe that Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, is
whole and entire, both under the form of bread, and under the form
of wine; hence it is not necessary to receive Holy Communion under
both forms. Consult your Bible, authorized version of 1881 (Cor.
11:27), "Wherefore whosoever shall eat the bread OR drink the cup
of the Lord in an unworthy manner shall be guilty of the body and
the Blood of the Lord." See Cardinal Wiseman's Book on Holy
Communion and Real Presence At All Book Stores.
I hereby announce my candidacy for
th republican nomination for repre
sentative in the state legislature at the
May primary, '
' These advertisements inserted dally and paid for by two native
Medford Catholic business men who believe In their rollglon.
I announce myself as a candidate
for Representative in the Legislature,
on the Republican ticket, subject to
the primaries in May.'
Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland,
authorizes his announcement as a Can
dldate for the nomination for the office
of ' County Commissioner of Jackson
County, subject to the decision of the
Republican voters of said county at
the Primary Election, May 19th, 1922.
, ;v Adv.
I am a candidate for the nomination
for Countv Commissioner of Jackson
ounty, on the Republican ticket, sub
ject to tne decision or tne voiors ai
he ..-i.i.nry to be held May Hub, 1922
Adv, aixmais alfobp, PHoonii.
MANN'S Tho Best Goods for the Price, No Matter What the Prico-MANN'S
P?v w m) w i
Oiir Second ' Annual 1
Begins Friday, May 5
and continues for one week.
Buy all you need for the hot weather now.
Ilcpilarly soli. 116 . iw $..;(). (looil
quality slripc.) icrcale ;tinl Oxfonl "elntln.
Some plain while with collars iittitcficd. All
sizes from 1 1 to 17 l-'J, in both collar nttucln-l
nnl baml neck styles.
In this lot we have shirts tluit mV tit $1.7,
$2.0(1 ami ir2..'0, eighty some IVrrul.-s. I'lalu
ami Corded r,nliiis. Molh l'.ati'l N'i'ik iukI
Colli. r iitlachi'd styles.
All sizes from I t to 17 1-2.
; UcKubirly sol.l ut itn.l Moo. Mn-lo of
Cordcil M.iilrns in fancy and plain stripes,
l'latn and fancy SnisotfeH. . wonderful hh
srt iinnt. All sizes fnin II I" 18 1-2.
; - 3 for 95.25 ,
Tlds is tin- banner assortment of Shirts Hint
regularly sold at if:l..)(l to O.00. Kuney Satin
Striped Crepes, Aeroplane Cloths uud jnuny
other materials.
3 for $1.25
3 for If 8(50
Silk Shirts,' I'onutcc S'hirts, regularly sold ut .'i..')!) to
$H.-"0. l'lsin white silks, striped silks, fiber silks,
Pontrec thirls, band neck nnd collar attached.
Sizes 1 1 to 17 1--J. i
ikl i t v 11
7 . ! 7o u
Mann's Department Store
The Store for Everybody
Entrances E; Main and N. Central
Medford, Oregon
Arrow "
Shirts :
Mail Orders Promptly Milled Postage Prepaid i