MHDFOIU) MA llj TltmiJNK. ' MKDFOUn,- OMEnON", TUK8!)AVr, MAY 2.- 1922 PAGE TTTUEU A PROSPERITY WEEK REGISTRATION IN TO BE PUT ON BY LOCAL MERCHANTS At a wi ll utlitiiiltil dinner meeting of thn Itetnll Merchant Human of llio Medfnrd t'hnmbor of Cniniiierrit last evening lh member decided to con lin t what u to ii known uh "i'rnNpnr Ity Wmik" In the viry near future. (Vmiinlttee were, appointed for this purpottn nnil ll waft the. general riilnli)n ttlMt til llri:M of such II Week would ilHii(t entirely upon thn energy uuil niliUHlumu which lint iiicrchuni put Into It. The. bnreini approved and recom mended Hint merchant take advertls in N in on (n the booklet Itelng pnhllsh oil tiy tho Knlr Association In which the iiri-iiiliim Ih( for thn rmwly f"l' U to hn printed. 'Mm rut which the space wilt 'be sold for will Unruly cover the printing and mulling rout unit the alr Association w ill lint make uny money out of H. Member of lh' bureau examined th tmtatlvo building plan for Km coiiniy fair ami cr enthusiastic lit t lii tr pralae for Hi" constructive effort being tuiulo Id Klvn Jackson ruunly ierttiuiient fair Improvement In whli li every citizen of I lie eouniy will he proud. Front nnw nn they nun-erf that nil j would advertise the fulr Uii('n In wlit- ever iimiini r they f itittd ioilie. I Then dute are Hiteinher 12 t AU Inrlimlve, the firm duy being iteNlgnnt. it! nn entry iluy. JACKSON COUNTY 7,I'4H 2,071 i:n IS OVER 1 1,000 Iti-gbitrntlon (Uureri for the ll22 elciiflon. prepared hy the county clerk unil IrnliMiiillliMl lo l liit secretary of lnli hIiow u lotul of ll,2o;i lptruxl tmilely) In Jackson comily, divided im lo puny uh folio: Iteimhllcumi Dkiiioc rut , , I'rohlhltlon .. Socialist MUci'lliiueoim 355 The liilHi'i'llini-oiiH Include progrc. Ives, liiileMinleiilN, nonpartisan nml Hiohm who keep li,.r fullll a secret. The county elcrli will huye the regis iruilon hook reiiily for distribution Miiy 12. hy the herlff to thn 6rt votlnK liiei lnru of the county. Tlwi sheriff Iiiih not yet iienknuitMt the votlnit .place for the precinct which will he im n ! hi' aw HinHihle the same, nn In IttL'll. In l!2rt thn highest votn ciiMt fur any ciiiiillilule whm N.'lii, unit thin In uhoiit 75 per ceni of thn vote, 111 primary election the vole hu hcen front 40 to Uo per cent, nml o fur there 1 no lgn It w III he exceeded thin yeitr. WONDERFUL PICTURE Dealing with wunitin' new plitc) In thn woilil, it nil ilcmollMhlnif aiiHtere nml iintloiiutei) vlewit, "Hull thn Worn an," Tlioiiian If. Iiico'k plcliirlxeil hil liinil epic,' conic to thu l'nun thenire toilny for four day eiiRiiKement. AecorriliiK to ci'HIeH, who hiive wit- ni'Mmi HiK preview of tlild picture, It Ih Him niollon picture Irntimlry'K unHwer to the puhllu' oftexpreHe(l PRESIDENT DENVER C. OF COM ERCETO BE FORUM SPEAKER SPOKANE VOTES ON BARRING JITNEYS FR0CITY ST'S. fli'OKANK, May' 2. Aftftr nearly a BEDFORD WED. . J it Ih very A'-I'lotn tlmt iniiil,er of j the Me4fnrl 'lmniln r of Coimtii-rce j year of controverny, Hpokarie'H tranit have the oppori unliy to ,nv ut their poitatlon prohlem are helm? Hettleil the joIIm today. The voters are , .vHtemd, which If the proposal carrk' ' are to he united. Thu qiK-xtlon of motor bun traoepor rwroi'v v" - - - -, forum upwiker ii inai ri pri'iu'titlnK ut I li II m ril'r III I (HI liij.r,. ni'ii M j.nur of Hi.- Kinky Mountain, out tlm "'1 " lecll whether a new fran Hpenker tomorrow, i not iilone thn c:hlH will b granted to the atreet ( r n xlii' iit of tli lifiiver CImi ruber of Coniloerce, but Ih iiIho ii nuiri of ex- crpltinill einfiiiive iiMMIf. i III wuhjert I to )n "Comniunttyl SZXZTZZ H 'i iirrle ai1"""" - luenniK that niiy ui"Milier from any j numnier after the treet railway had l otiiniunliy limy profit therefrom. I been granted an eight cent fare. The I, I, ftouk cm,.. to Med ford to rUy cinmlKKloner tood hack of the V',iy.!i" , i i ,U J? Wr"1m'"? Jitney whfch charged a five cent fare of the World, of u lib it Im I head ..' . , . .. .........I. fro. i h.. i ,.fn.. ..t ,v,. If IranchlH carrte. the jitney o.Ki.tiiz,.tlon vhl.h Ih .ated lniwl11 U' barr,!(1 from lh Htreet Denver, lie arrive from the nori h j 'ter January 1, tomorrow movtiliiK and Immediately) The ittreet car rompanie have ufier the forurn inlilreH. wltl be taken 'agreed to unite their Intercut, elve (on a wlghl-weelnic tour of the valley, j un I vernal transfer and charge nix I The forum w ill be held ot the Med-i , au.i Bevu -., ,.,, farM. ford Hotel at iiomi. I i,p,i i,.n ,t t. t.. Ing conducted today. Two men are to he Kfle&ed from a field of lx. 15,000 GALLONS BEER PUBLIC MEETING I P. HALL TONIGHT : GAME ASSOCIATION MEETING MAY 4TH Two national fi4ure In Percnt- in interpreted-with almoitt religion! riTTSFIKI.n, Man.. May 2 Flf ten thouiwnd gallon Of beer valued at heliHMt f:f,bii'l and will Ih tttrned Into trie nwer at thn licrkahire Drttwlng 'iiniiuny'a plant hern tinlny by fedorul ffler. The coinDy de rided rerrnlly to upeml lillMltiem 1 i n i ii i. Mrs. Esther Wolfe demand for "lietter rfd hlKger pic ture." In the word of uitn critic: "II hold thn mnt wearied of fan en thralled, anil earn the elncerCut rom menilutlon of thn everet critic," Tha Mliil-v tif "ll:tll I Im Wiinuili." -I.I..I. i i..i ...... .,. ...,,ll in-i ii iuii in in-uiK tirruuiieu hikiiu Willi ii in unnni Ur-u inn , w n,. .... i mimlatlona of Atn.-rienn life, ajr nuntoer o nnermen aagmg me written hy C. (iardner Sullivan, f ire-,'""""' "' i" reniuTB n,e r-i-i Am.rien .tr.mi.H.i ii u,tricM 'P at the Anient dam neople. the epic of American womanhotd. ndl,nn rlKh ,rom U- tht''r dld last nils iiv-lUK unr til inQ le w pit&i: i Tei her Circle will be the aoeaker 1 .nn" t, . ,,i..i i,u.i f i.. ' th river where Halmon can be i ul the pttlille nia meeting t the K. artint. including ucU well known , cUKhl- t f I', hall tonlaht. The local clrcle - t-i,., vi.t,,, v.,t- n.i .! Tnl proionion ha to lie acted are to h roiigrtu'ntil on the mn ittn1yt Theodore Robert. Lloyd Hughe ,nPn ,h anie commllon at onej .ea of tm-lr effort to bring U.M Tully Mnnthall and otherM. of lne,r "tontbly meetintr. Neither j women to the valley. All parent, According t critic. "Ilatl the "luw wuru nor "ny mK m urged to attend. Father will -Woman" na rro:r. orio tene. nat-ith cummin loner ha power to act. oral .Ituntlon Int.) the next, until mi T1,B -.on County Gam Hrotec unlqttecllmaxoftherT.enlrenllr.e,,t've aalatlon wa formed so that In .iH'rh church cne and apothe-; ", h thing could 1 taken up and aet ol. It artitlc photography doea tl.-d before appealing to the game com- llo.ilr. In reiil allearirlrnl rene. nf "lllon. Tlwy have aald they Will leier an 001 t fled fhe meelltig of aperlal liitcr.-nl. Aft excellent program of tniilr hi been provided aim. Hefre-ohlnettt will ho served. The evenings offer ing I a follow: Vli Hit duct arlton Jane. Hutlt the "Nlpht of the Nativity;" flahe, In 'u"" among .ettlng of life In the New York j ? ''on of that connty before tak tenement. Ing action on .ame. i ne booth mentioned pennon nas not been taken up with the local asso ciation and to avoid delay, a the com mission only meet once a month, and the time for salmon fishing la getting abort, a meeting of the Jackson Coun ty Game 1'roteutive association hi 'called for Friday evening. May 4ih, at 'the public library at 7:3n for this pnr- Ikmw so that Cmnilsloner ltert An- Campbell. Addre Mr. J. L, Hill, of Tori lutid. t)regon. state president I'.-T. A. j Vocal olo -Ituth W'arnpf. t Addre-Mr. Milton lllgglns.1 Wahlngtmt, l, "., nstlonnl prenldent : I'-T, A. Vcm'uI nolo Win. Iaac. Mrs. Andrnw at t h plsno. METHODISTS MEET U. S. SENATOR ARIZONA TROUBLE When You Have a Cough or Lose weight and Appetite Take This Advice Frenno, Calif. '"Afire an attack of scarlet fever t In n wenk. annemle condition. My appetite wna poor ii ml I had no Intercut In any thing. My friend did not expert im to live a with the wrnkncM I hud n Iwid rough. I hml heard my mr-iitn fpeak of Ir. rttrce' Medicine. n I got a Imttle f the "(lulden M eft lint Dlmovrry" and becnn to Inke It. Jtcfore 1 had lined nil of Iho flrt tuit- tin I knew It wn dolna me good, for I felt a desire for food, my t ough ! ceased and I began to have color anil tot take tin interest in lire. I con tinued to take thu tlolden Medical Dlscovrry till I felt strung and well. Today I nm enjoying the best of health." Mr. Km her Wolfe, JJlt Tyler Ave. A neon n you commence to tnkn thl 'Discovery," you heirln to feel It hraelng, appetising effect. Iluy It of your driiKRlst. In tablet or Ibiuld, Write Dr. I'lcrce. President Invalid' Motel In lltiffulo, N. Y t yotl ill-Hire fre nil Ice. IT: rilOKNIX. ArU., State Senator Kalph I., turned to rtioenlx todfty I matter of a I be said "I am led to believe hy rumor The North .Methodists will meet ! newsimi-r re.ris. wa returned the Christian church team tonight at ' h" f,'l,,r i"'' the High arhool grounds at 6: IS. The ,mo-t a nr "w " public Is cordially Invited. Thl Ul n0'0' t'arneron went to the office th third gam In the league .chert- 8,M Marshal Tom 8arka in All if ih miie i,. !.,. nnd asked If there was a warrant seen In action and much Interest I May ! Cnlted ; nen,on cnn u'10 " tne com' ('amcron rn.,,,l",lul1 al ,IB uirmm i7 eni. for the avow-' A" niemle-r f the association and -.4 nf fein.. n.. UmiA i he ouiera inieieniBa in usu biui Fme r rl ln.llrtnient hllli"eii ww prfBrst. - ' w I DIU J. CI. THAYER. V. C. K. W. COI LD. Sec.-Treas. developing on the wart of church r nt stltuency. Team standlnr at tha close of tlie week were: South Methodists 1 Christian I Haptlst I North Methodist 1 W. 1 t 0 n rn. 1.000 1.000 .000 .000 Insect Pic Win. YAKIMA. Wash., May 2. When Jury panel of TS reported for duty In superior court this morning, so many talesmen convinced the Judge, Ceo run n. Ilohlen. that they were In the critical stage of their annual bat tle against Insert peal that he ex cused thn orchsrdlats. He called an other nn net there fnr him. He wn Informed that no warrant had ever Iwen submitted to that office for service. The senator next went to 1'nlted States Commis sioner John II. llenrke and asked that bond be arranged to cover any pro ceedings which might he taken. Althn no complaint had been brought lo the attention of the federal ciimniissloner, SenatorH'omenin was told the request would be complied with and a Ixtmi arranged. IM E N FORM AN HAS RAISED ft NEW STANDARD FOR BAKING POWDER Because it's made in the most careful and scientific manner from absolutely pure materials that remain pure in the baking and in sure wholesome, healthful food. Because it possesses the greatest leavenii.g power. Because it is not affect ed by time or weather it never loses its strength and never fails. Because it is more eco nomicalyou save when you buy it and you save when you use it These are a few of the reasons why Calumet is the standard baking pow derthe choice of millions more being sold than of any other brand. I Mm mm-w, -' - i PtsroaeiiN V , rA?J ' ' " ' wipoffTeiu l- , ifti. ? V GENERAL ADMISSION BIO SHOW frElCES ICo AND 75c FERTILEE OVERSEAS LEG ON Joint Mci'nrniiu'k Sails. NF.W YOltK, May 2. John Mo Cormack was so fur recovered today from his recent serious Illness that he Vina a pnsHcngcr with his wife and family on the Aquituniai bound for a rest and visit to his home In Athlone, I rein ml. THE COLONIAL Liberty Building . Wednesday Specials All Wool Jersey Suits1 I . $11.75;;'; H , ' Two and Three Piece Hik ing Suits in, Tweeds . and Wool $25 20 off on all Taffeta Dresses , 20 off on all Tweed Suits off on all Coats Phone 298 it WASH1NOTON,' May 2. American women who served behind the lines! during the world war. frying dough nut, nursing the wounded and doing1 Innumerable other tasks for which' only feminine hands are fitted met here today in the first grand rennlon, since the armistice. The meeting wag held under the auspices of the wom en' overseas legion, an organization which will be given a federal charter nnder a bill rereBtly favoruhly reiiort ed to the house. The assembly will continue several days and will be addressed by Gen era! rershlng and be received by Mr. Harding at the White House. BIGAMIST IS T MEMORIZE LAW 1.08 ANliKI.KS." May 2. Memoris ing S7tl sections of the California penal code la one of the condition of the probation granted Walroth Oliver, who pleaded guilty to bigamy, but declared he had committed that felony through ignorance of the law. Instead of waiting a year before re marrying; after obtaining nn Interlocu tory decree of divorce, Oliver waited only four days. In granting prohatlon, the court speclfietl 276 section of the code, all regarding marriage and told Oliver he must pass tin examination on them within a your. Cut Thi Out It I Worth Money Cut out thl slip, enclose with 5c ' and mall it ft) Floye & Co.. 2835 Shef field Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your namo Hnd adtlresB clearly. You will receive In return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; i Kolcy Kidney Till for pains in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid ;ney and bladder ailments; and Koley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for con stipation, biliousness, headaches, and1 sluggish bowel. Sold everywhere. L I i ii mil Try it always buy it 1 - , Your grocer can supply . . . you- II ; ' " V twmtin its j f 1 II V" I II i A nMud can of Calunwt contain full i i Mil I 16 os. Some bakin powder com to I Jill HI Ji ot.csn loeteea 01 id ox. cane, am I III) aure youse! pound wUcn yoawaat H- J 1 1 1 1 i 1 THE DEVIL'S ! I rrwrrDi " 'I t i ii jLj i i ji'- i i ; I LW I - -'.., ,..1,.....-.. rS s ' II . Ton cannot drayr ,as?a'mst yor bank account continuously with out making sufficient deposits, and expect your account to re main' in a healthy condition. ' Yon cannot use yonr bank aev count in this manner; neither your, soils. Plant food is drawn from the soil by each erop taken off. and unless plant food is put back into the soil through liberal fer tilization yoa can expect RUN DOWN SOIL. ' ' ' ' ' ; Why not raise better garden crops, choicer flowers,, and enjoy . more beautiful lawns by fertilize in? your word ont soil? You can Tiuild up your garden ; your berry patch, or your lawn by applying our fertilizers made for each purpose. " We have a fertilizer for ' every crop. Eerry Special Fotato Special -Tomato Special . " , General Garden Special Lawn. and Flower - Monarch Seed & Feed Co. , , Phone 260 for Seeda That Orow. . i . . ' - -..., , ..... . James OliverCunvood's latest big thriller "GOD'S COUNTRY . and THE LAW" BEGINS TOMORROW RIALTO tJOlXtl TONIGHT tll.ADYS WATTON In "Haying With Fire" GAS THE MOST CONVENIENT FUEL FOR COOKING ,t It's always reedy, right on the dot No waiting, no waste. You have a HOT fire, cs hot as you wish, from the instant you, light your .range I Your operating cost stops the instant you turn it offi You can regulate your heat to the exact degree you wish, . , v A - - ....... ,.'......,.,., J CAN YOU DO THIS WITH ANY ; OTHER FUEL .. i v Southern Oregon Gas Co. f -I . AdT.