MIW1UKU AIAUj 'HilllUUrMKUFOlii). OlihiiON. IKJDAY, 'AIMW; 2H, 1022 SHOE SPECIALS I trow n ('nil', U. x. KltlM'Hj It M'Mi'N SpIcci (Itruwii only) OI'lWlV $5.80 Oxforila, $150 Men' Kline, Mm Sluiea H"liil .. Ilrown t'l.lf Ktitf. lust l.iuht W.-iulil (MllllHllll lllNl. Hl'iNK , $C.0O Work ) All $4.75 Mary .lurn 1'nli I'uinpi, for t i pin. to 11 tit Sirup hi.i'M H 12 iM.ir. Saiii Ntyli', aioa Itmwn Two Nlrni l'iiui fn itrowiiiK itirU, nil Miliil yhite 1'unviiN One Strap I'utupK, potent l rim. only $3.00 Unity White Topped Potent Slum $1.75 Name alylo, wetlifo Kli'H 5 1'J tu 8 .... lirfU, . $2.00 Wo 1ki have n very nttine.. five lino of hw Oioun for turn ittul wmii'Mi t very low price. ' tl North Central ' (SiiiPf 11M2) ER CALL S FATAL TO-GUS NEWBURY'S TEAM Tim wpillliiK match of the Klka"1 Indite In iuw iIjiii a rnunh ronfimed memory, Imiuumi of tho rival clulm Market News BARTLEI PEARS - f. ' IJvoatM'k I'OltTLASD, Oro.. April Cult In at (I y: receipt 1 HO. Jlog steady, recelpla 1K Sheep Hti'iidy; receipt 'lM. T HURT BY FROST I'OltTLAM), Ore., April 2K. Huttnr atcady; rxxifii cubna 8 3 3 1 f: I undergrade it lie; carton liltc; pi I ill m CALIFORNIA miulo liy llm miiiiy ronleatuiil oii1;ihj, liutlrfut No, 1 churning cream : WE WILL GIVE $10 worth- of iKntttl Work t'i I lit man on the' M'dforl- tnin Make a wore rUiinluy. both ablca. Court 1 f itll'M did" nmmrUi 37U 3Hc f. tlutt i liny won tint victory, and iu nriaor. N li ii r y side claim they mill huve their self respect end ran look the whole World square In (tin fae unil tell tlii'lr iiiioiii'iiu ot hint tilKht to IMIlkH lllCIIINelVCS Hi II ri'O III a Certain I place. iiimi'iKi ir iiiiiin'mtiiiK ttimn- Solve N brothers lot usual tin1 H! loataui tu l ln h'I1Iiik in nt ( h nri now lialiig the woriU "aeorplons," "rob- hi.m " llltit "rmil-tliiMltttrtt" In Omlr 111.2 f i alcrual ron vnriu t Inn. ifl'.Hl) 1 1 "III" end of Hi" mutch enmo sud denly after it hotly contested fight, ' W nU lin'ii with mill utatlUiliK on llm Ni-wliury UIm mul thrnn on tit Hull kIU, mici'i'imfiil mrntcny wim UHKll liy till) Mull 111 I'll, who Imd lfH lounlcil out, liy (in ulstlnit word loli'tly to Ilia Nil ho ry men mill "ullvn" Hmt liiiwh wa lii'lng tnrvd lu thn lid iHiiii-nt. Th .NVwIitiry npi'll- itm, hk rvpwti.J, tunit'll at fi r tin- biinnmciii ripinilnK to uruti u hltn and ruli uimtnlri iikuIii with It and Kt liiti-k Into linn ukhIii nil n-l't tlii'lr hutr who 1 not lift th" lunch huni'h lii'iuum- It wn hlii turn to iuil out a word, ami lh word , Klvi'ii htm wit an IiiiiHiIp onn that 1 no hunian Im'Iiik rould npull. tr fcuriii l ilunkvii ami -waa rouiitod oat. wtirwiipnit !h Kleolul IU1I limn uiittiilm oiiMly rlulmwl thn mil I ill UK thry had tlircn turn Htund In: mul in I it Nowhury inuit wi In llm-. The Ni'whur inon alio claim ihut the word atniuun-tr rt-al out only wiirila ot ilmililo niiiiiluK to thriu to ''II and In a forxlKn acrnnt, whlla to tin Halt ni"n hi gave out culv atm pl worda pr nounrnd In purt Knf lih. Tim Hull iiikii tnuko coutiUr rhure-'j. : Thn ff-llnc la auili that tha rn i upm tivn npi iiiiiis mirlta .f ea h aldn I I In ili-nl.t, Inr'Uil'nK tlii'lr li-ailiT. I and uothlnn will nt thla d Input ' Krotii a match to thu ftulMh "on tha ;iuari" In tlu future, hutwefii a half diwt of tha iHMt api-llcra Bt'li'ct rd by Hall and Newbury from ttiolr n-aiHTtlra lili. o. I) Portland; utiiliTKui'drn I'orlhuiil hi 4it I'OItTUANI, Oro., April IS. Wlmut: Hunt whim II.2X; hard winter 11.2 7; aoft whlli', whltn cluh Tuiluy'a rur rnrclpta Wheat 19; hurley 7; flour 2; outa 1; huy IX, . Kun I'lnnrlsi'ii .Minki'tv SAN HtANCIHl'O, April 2S. (IT, H. Muri'un of Murki'ta) Kkkk. extra firHla not quotiMl. I'n'li'rHlziMl pulli'ia No. 1, 20c. (Jimrttn M. I'op", of I'l'inih., Klrn- hull & I'op", In alayltiK u few il.iyn ut tho llotfl Modford uflr i-nillriK l wi-ka In fhn vurloua awtlorm In Cali fornia lookliiK "fti r tho buiiln'-ax lu- li rntn of til firm. Iln fpporta Unit alncw arrlvlim li tlm Inipcrlul Val ley, where hla firm handle hulf of thn Krapo output, that thn weather ha been very adveran to fruit ailvaii':"- iiUtil of Uu? advaiibo In foreign tar I iiunite. . It la u llttlfl too early to miy i what tho eaatern, ('unu'llun or Knttr' Huh croiw of upple will he, but thero 1 In no doubt bill that thn apple front ; tlm lloi'im' rlvnr valley will continue I' Krovr In popuUrlty in I'iiiUnd and the Kcttiiiliniivlan eoiinlrlnH. I'Uillir, the punt aeavon thn moras In Ij'uiihIi. rate for pear hati been put j III O J.'-ra r n . all'l till lom been dun araely to thn effort of .Mr. I'opn, who loin worked .n Ibla ileal for aeve.ral ', yarn, ami thn ruliroadx fln.-illy put U In their tariff laat aeiiKon, whii h Klve . tear ahippera thn prlvlleun of Mnrlng the'r pAa wherever they denim at a very allKhl Additional rot, and KlvliiK i lu-in t iio tmn or a Kreut many morn iiiurknti wtilch they were una bio to une formerly. Mr. I'i p:'a atay In. lledford will bo iurtal!el eonalilerably on uer-ount of LUCKY A Chinese Lucky Ring In Sterling Silver. Atsorteil eolorM-e(ioe front. Thoy tire tr,H,-t weiu'lil. nii'l well niinle. Only $1.00 Fay E. Diamond. J eweler ment. Thn coiiiIhuouh ei.bl weather i arrival In America of M r. John W HA V ritANCIKCO, Aprlt 2. (Htato Hnrnau or Marknta). Poul try iinclianKcd. haa raUHed very material ibimaire to thn apricot cri p, mul haa ulxo hurl thn llartiett pear In the Hurra men tu and KuIhuii dlairlet cnnaldi-rubly, an well aa tha plum. ttrufct I. I .. .. .in i i llllll liunmnn I'llll II II lull HnpTOV lfi( In lhi euht, Mr. 1'opo look for I a Kood pear anil up pin market all ovi r j the country. Thn export cMiditioim tnrm mIho very much Improved on ac- JU-i t-JJ-J i J . iJennla, head of thn firm of W. ula & Vim, Ltd., of London. I Km-' LllHTt IWllllU. NKW. TOIlK, April 2. Liberty I.oii'Ih i'IwiI: 3'i'n $!.4l: flrnt V 4.r.0f aeeond 4'a !i.4 Old; flrnt t' $',). i:r,- aeconil 4'4,a 9:i.i)4: ttilrd 4U' I'JS.M; fmu-1h 4'm "Jit.HH; iitory IV 1100.03; Vic l irv 4in 1 00 4. zzzzzzzz&zzzz PARLOR TEA ROOMS OVER W00LW0RTH BUILDING Lunches 11 :30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Afternoon Tea 2:30 P. M, to 5:00 P. M. Evening and After Theater Service 7:00 P. M. to 11:00 P. M. PRIVATE PARTIES ON SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT N. Y. Stocks Ni;V VOftK, April it On a more moileriitn voluina ut ' nn rattoni and atlffer money rutea the atoek mnrket today made Irri'KUlnr recoveriea from the lie lie rut reaction of thn mid-week. Hulea iipproaliiuiti'd 1,1 &0.00U ahnrot. Atiorlcnn l-e Huanr '. 40.2 Aiii-rl.nn i'nn 47.1 Amerlcnii Cnr Foundry lei. Aoieib iin Utile A leather pfd. CH. Aiiierliiin Inicriiittlntiiil forp. 45.1 Ainerlinn Ixcomiitlv 114.2 Aniciimn Ktneltlna A Itef'K. .. tB. Aoierliun Huaur L.& American Kumntrn Tobacco .. Sj.7 Amrl.an T. T 122 Amorlenn TotuiCco IStt Amertctin Woolen ........... Ki t Anaconda Copper 02. Kaldwln lAMonimlvn 115.2 Hi-ttilehem Bteel "II" -,H.2 Central le ather ST.2 t'hnndler Motora ts.T f rst; Notice Policy Holders Western Union Life t I $5 ChMieakn Ohio 6.1.1 CMrniro, Mil. niid Ht. lnul . . . ?.tl Chlmtao. It. I. ft Pac 4.1.2 Colorado Kul & Iron 51. Corn I'roducU 104.3 Crucible Kteel 04.7 Kamouit l'lnyen l jiky hi. Oencral Aihalt , CI. 7 lii ni rnl Klrctrlo .'. . 1I. Oetifrnl Motora JJ, Cloiidrlch "o. 41, Orcnt .Northrn. pfd 74.7 'HUtK.ln Central 105.2 InHpirntion "upper 40.1 Iniernatlonnl HarveMer Hi. 5 Int. Mcr. .Marine pfd 74 j : Interniitionul Paper 4K. I Kelly-Hprinufleld Ttfca a. vorth f tli'titul work Koca t tin firat matt to make n 2-Iium hit. When it eomca t clontnl work, we auro "have a lot on the I. all." Dr. 0. J. Johnson 228 E. Main Over M. M. Co. Phone GOO t wjtit to thank you for thn con : f'detira you hava shown me, In Klv tut? the nlfinrild tuiAlnoNa vnu have. 1 1 ..... . u ..... 1 itxiiavlll,. j wain ou 10 khuw iiiML ui-ti ( 1n pre1late.il, and that no company I ran Klve you a netter ri fo man you j .-,.w Vl)rk fvnirul '. Vhve la The Wcntern t'nlon l.lfn. lis", v.. n, n. nm iiitrtford ' want yi'U to know Diaf at all tlmea 1 1 Northern Pacific Sam readv and wllllnit to wider the I'miflp on , Kcniiecott Copper NiiMhWItn Mcxhan I'etn'i.um .. .Vldvate Hleel , . TENTS FOR LESS MONEY Med Tent & Awning Works ram" ttnrvli-a that I hava Riven my patron thn pant nineteen yeam: a aervbe which la o nereaaary In car rying an liiHitrancn Policy. 1 makn thn ahovn-annotineemnnt becauto after May lm. my anna and I w' have the iiianuKinient of N'nrtb 'rn California and Southern Oregon, j Mh th anmn oftlraa. firr the Purine I Mutual I Ifn. of !. Angelea. Thla Old Lino Lejjni Heaervo Com pnny, founded In 1S6S, iiemln no in troduction, uh lta loana, luvextmenta and depoalta here ar near the half million mark, and are growing dally. They write nil forma of both dividend and ' nmi-dlvldend hearing pollctea. Low coat, best acrvlcn. I . 1. !- . " ' "' ' .. i (gOuDf)rI)0P(p- Qualityi Higher Comparison with other tires will show why the Fisk Cord Tire is the best buy on the market. Price's, tower Thert's a Fitk Tire of extra value In every ' titO, for tar, truck or speed wagon Flak Premier Tread 30x8W-lQ.8S Non-Bkld Fabric 80x8'- 11.85 Extra-Hly Hed-Top 80x8-1185 FIx-riyNon.Hkld Clincher Cord 30 Jt3K 17.85 Rlx-I'ly Non.Skld Straight Side Cord , 30x3;- 19.88 Tlmo ! KaVi7rr aa ruki Slx.Ply Non -Skid Cord 81x4 7.00 Non-Bkld Cord . 32x4 - 50 Non-Skid Cord ' 32x4- 30.00 Non-Skid Cord 34x441.00 Non-Skid Cord 33x5 5L50 Hat Tread Cord for Truck 30 x6$77.00; 40 x 8-$156.00 ao 8 117.6 nt. 'a:. s 21. s 75.3 r.s.s r.j. 4IJ 6.: J3.K4 ). 7C.7 CI.S C1..1 I'nu Amerlcnn Petroleum . Pennaylvanlu . . . . . . )'nple Oua Puro Oil Kay CiinnolliIal.il Copper .. ItetidliiK lie p. Iron A Kteel ItoynJ Dutch. N. Y Heiun Itoebuck 75. S Plurlalr Con. Oil 31.2 Houthern Pacific RI.O Ktandnrd Oil of X. J 183. Siuiletmker Corporation ll.l Tobaoeo Producta fiS.3 Traiiacontlnentnl Oil ll.l Cnlnn Pncirte , 137.S t'nlted lletnll Slorea nO.K 8. 1ml. Alcohol 60.7 foiled Stutea Itubbcr 64.8 foiled Hintea Steel . 7.7 ftah Copper 6ft. f VNnHhnuHO Klectrlc SI. 3 Wlllya overland 7.8 KLAMATH STRIKERS W DECISION KLAMATH FALLK. , Ore.. April 28.- The Oregon atnte ctuiclliallou bnnid. in it atutcment IkhuoiI here, haa koiiu on record In favor ot nn eluht-hour day In the lumber Indus try. The ttct-lalon wua the outcome of u henrliiR held In nn effort to Bot tle tho lumber worker atrike. The report, algned by WU'.lnm R Woodwurd, titto Hnrtwlii and J.. K. Kl.vnn, aald in part: "To acknowledge that tho elsht hour day la n mlmuUe. thnt labor can not efficlmitly function nor' Industry be mntntiitneU on thla baala, la to concede nn error by a majority ot the IndUNirlnl lendera within our notion." KxtviiMltm of tho workliiB day to moio than eight ho lira la nn ixauo ot tho Htrlke. , - , , . . . i, ' I , llavo you cleaned hoiiao yet? What are you doing with tho things you will not keep another year? The Ued Cross Thrift Shop wnnta them, uiid will renovate and put them Into the hands of nennlo who neoil them. Clothing, furniture, toys, hooka, pic tured, dlBhea, fruit Jars nnd orna ments. Do not throw things away. What may bo uaelesa to you mny.bo too very things mniio ona needs. Phone 450 and tho Ued Cross motor corps will cull at your homo to eolloct anything you havo tor the Turin Sliop. , , For Southern Oregon People After May 1st i - ' i' v:. -r y PEERLESS BAKERY '45) iff: &i .A BM) Sweet as a Nut" SnTTER-NUT "Rich as Butter - - - - f , , . t ' That sweet", full wheat flavor peculiar to ; . appeals to all appetites Most Delicious Most Nourishing Most Economical Food You Can Buy ' We are pleased . to.. anriounce.tthat SlITTER-NlIT BREAD is now on sale at all dealers. TRY IT TODAY. It's rich, nuMike flavor will be enjoyed by the entire . ; ; 1 ' ;: family, ;. - Made RIGHT in Medford by ; """ PEERLESS BAKERY Phone 503-J vV1 - Mtf a)V ikHaMMBbM'A aatvai II Hi,. II ill