' pxnrc tour MTCDFORTli MATT; TRTBTTNR MF.DFOT?D. OREflOX. THURSDAY. 'A?TUT; 27. 1 r22 ! tlEDFORD Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWPPAI'ItR PUMMHHED RYKIlY AI'TKHN'OON RXKCPT KITNOAT BY THE MKOl'ORD PRINTING CO. Th afrrlfnnt Sunilay Mornilitr Sun la fur tah.il auitavrlkei-i deairing utriit day d"lj Office Mull Trlbun Bull. ling, 16-J7-J Worth Kir atrei-t. Phon 76. A oonaoltriatlon of the Democratic Tim, ths Mrdford Mall, the Medford Trlbun. the Houthern Oregonlan. The Aaliland Trlbuna. ROPKRT W. Rt'Ht Editor. BUM IT Ell 8. SMITH, Manaiter. UBSCftrPTXO TZ1KII BT MAIL. In Advanc: Dally, with Sunday Sun, year 17. SO Dally, with Sunday Bun, month... ."6 Dally, without Sunday Sun, yar 50 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .65 Weekly Mall Tribune, ona year t.0i Sunday Hun, ona year ... tM BT CAhRlKR Jn Miniford, Ashland. Jacksonville, Central Point, Phoenix. Talent and on Iliffhwaym: lali, with SuiKiay pun, month ... .76 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .6f ' Dally, without S'inday Sun. year.. 7.50 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.60 All terms by carrier, cash In advance. Official paper of the City of Medford Official paper of Jackson County. worn dally average circulation for alt month ending April 1, lii. tit. more than double the clrrulntinn of any ethrr pr publiahed or circulated in J'ltww County. The only paper between Eiurene, Ore., and ftaeramento. Calif., a diKtance of over had milra, having leaaed wire Associate! Preaa Service. Entered a renO ea matter at Medford. Oregon, under Ui act of March MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tha Amoclated Pros 1 exclusively ntltled to the use for republication of all newa dispatches credited to it. or not otherwise credited In this paper, and also tha local new published herein. All right of republication of special itapatche herein in also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. Revival of the old fashioned kissing games like "postoffice" is advocated : as a way to save the young. "Post office," when your corr. played it, was : as rough as football, and some of the ' young gentlemen who went after mail came back looking like they had en gaged in a wrestling match with an able-bodied wildcat. In those days "the young" were saved by their Pa s and Ma'a not reformers. Home was something more then than a place to go after a shindig, and at mealtime. Europe Is in half a notion to hold another war to finish up the Job of destroying all vestige of civilization and religion. Steps should be taken to have the promoters in the first list of Killed In Action." It would be sad. but end the rumpus In the middle of the opening battle. r Some of the radio miners in the Nash dlst. have got In communication with a set of plowbandles. One of the candidates- for governor announces his intention of "unhorsing taxes." A candidate for governor who thinks taxes are still riding a horse, will not get far. They are in a cross between an auto and" an airplane. It may interest you to know that Asa Rainwater of Sbedd, Ore, is dig King a well. The information is gleaned from the Albany Democrat. Chemical warfare continues to rage in the face sector. Sam Richardson Jr., was seen in the biz. dlst. Wed. He is trying to get his affairs in shape to go to the circus next week, and says he will be forced to take his namesake. A S. F. chemist analyzing imported liquor retjoj-ts he found creosote, petroleum sulphate of nicotine, ether, and other potions. This is not much of a drink, and not apt to kill a reck less citizen before he could get home. Only in the movies do autos beat trains to crossings. Everybody cannot be a Tom Mix or a Harry Carey the latter generally eluding the cowcatch- . er on a horse. A cooking school for new brides has been established in Chicago. Love will not keep the gravy from burning, or make the biscuits light. As usual at this time of the year it becomes evident that Crater Lake is too far from Portland to amount to much. The Columbia River Highway would be a fizzle in a section not drained by the Willamette. It is too had "the Scenic Wonder" was not born in California preferably near Los An geles where development of natural wonders and resources, is not left entirely to Luck, and something is expended for progress besides wind. The P, & E. was connected up with the C. B, & Q. Wed., in one righthand ed swipe with a silver-plated lead pencil. In these days when Bryan is satis fied evolution is not true because it is not mentioned in the Bible, the follow ing letter from the school board of Lancaster, Ohio, under date of 1828, Is both Interesting and amusing and la a good antidote to the Bryan theory: "You are welcome to ubo the school house to debate all proper questions in; but such things as railroads and telegraphs are Impossibilities and rank infidelity. There is nothing in the Word of Cod about them. If God had designed that his intelligent creatures should travel at the frightful speed of 15 miles an hour by steam, he would clearly have foretold It through His' holy prophets. It Is a device of Satan to lead Immortal soul down to hell."! Bt. Cloud (Minn.) Journal Press. I GENERAL GRANT'S BIRTHDAY. : .. , LET l S LAUOR for the security press. Dure morals, tinfetteretl lights ami privelejjes for all men, .irrespective of nationality, color or religion. Koekless and lawless men have associated themselves together in some localities to deprive other citizens of those rights guaranteed M them by the Constitution of the Tnited States, uud to that end liHVn ciMiimittcl (loci's cf vinlciii. n.l hl..t.lli.i.l V ivrcnt- mi i.iiit v of the people in all parts of the by all classes of persons ot those rights to which they are entitled under the Constitution and the laws. We invoke the aid ami influ ence of all good citizens to prevent organizations whoso objects are by unlawful means to interfere with those rights. There has been imposed upon the executive branch of the gov ernment the execution of an act of congress commonly known as the Ku Klux law. Under the provisions of this net, it is the purpose of the government to exercise such powers for the purpose of securing to all citizens of the I'nited States the peaceful enjovment of the rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution. , Thousands of inoffensive and well disposed citizens have been the sufferers of this lawless violence. Therefore, a proclamation lias been issued, in terms of the law. calling upon the members of these combinations to disperse within five days and to deliver to the I'nited States all arms, ammunition, uniforms, disguises and other means and implements used by them for carrying out their unlawful purposes. Perhaps that doesn't sound like an editorial. Well, it isn't. 'With the exception of the changeof one pronoun, from I to We, it is pre cisely what President l S. Grant wrote to the American people in 1S71. Today, the people of America, from the President down to the school children are honoring General Grant and celebrating the hun dredth anniversary of his birth. If President 'Grant were here today, we wonder what he would say when informed that according to the leaders of that same organization, he stands convicted of being something less than 1(K per cent American! We never knew the hero of our Civil War, but from what we have learned, we have a gene ral idea, that his remarks would, perhaps, not be strictly parliamentary. Quill Tax collectors make pretty good in good trim. Oue of the saddest sights of Nature is a Smart Aleck of eighteen trying to give the impression that he is a Hard Hoilcd Egg. Dispatches speak of ''the Sultan's Foreign Minister, Izzet Pasha." Well bite. Is it! The funniest thing about the teller thinks it is. Our new demand seems to be every fool fad that bobs up." Mr. Edison could earn the eternal gratitude of housewives by in venting a non-spillable cigar ash. " People are growing tired of "Weeks. a-Plain-Week Week" for a change! Other business may be dull, but take advantage of style tendencies season. Modern .romance. They became engaged. Later they decided t.o break it off. Their tastes were not congenial. Thy smoked dif ferent brands of cigarettes. ' RippHngRhun&s s . - - UNEDUCATED. HERE'S nothing more swelled up with pride than yonder old gray hen ; she has her chickens by her side, they number nine or ten. But she has never learned to add, subtract or mul tiply; she cannot tell what chick's she's had, how many should be nigh. Now one is drowned in yonder pool, and is not missed, by jit'Si t'ie !d hen never went to school, and cannot count her strong. And silently the cat takes one; the old hen doesn't know; she's having forty kinds of fun, out there where green things grow. And when the stars like glowing lamps light up the soli tude, night after night the old hen camps upon her dwindling brood. Shf started out with ten or more bright chicks in bravo array; and now she's only three or four, and think's it's all O. K. At last some even when shadows fall, the old hen comes along; behind her are no chicks at all she feels - there's something wrong. .She clucks and cusses in despair, she takes ber troubles hard; alas there are no chit-ens there, no downy things to guard. Oh, she can tell when there is none, and feel a mother's woe; the difference 'twixt ten and one she never learned to know. So, children, learn your lessons well, and study more and more, and when you're grown up you can tell a goose egg from a score. Catholics The Catholic Church teaches the true Church of Christ must be universal and spread all over the known world, not confined to any one race, nationality or language. It must preach the gospel every where, at all times. Mark l6-l.", "Co ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation." "(lo ye therefore and make disciples of all the nations." Matt. 28.19. THE WORLD'S GREATKST PAINTER, RAPHAEL, WAS A CATHOLIC r . These advertisements inserted dally and paid for hy two native Medford Catholic business men who believe In their religion. n fret1 thought, free spec-oil, fro1 religious .sentiments ninl ewunl country, favor the full enjoyment j Points doctors, They keep everybody average joke is the fact that the for "life, liberty and the pursuit of Whv not celebrate "Just- we understand mosquitoes will to open up new territory this - - . Everywhere 33 HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? 1 lliive Kusslims ever eaten our Indian corn he-fore? 2 What caused the Whisky Insur rection iloritiK Washington's itdmfnls t rat inn? 3 How deep Is the Amnion river? 4 What broiiKht almut the adoption of Iho tricolor us the fta of rVnitec? 5 Is It true that woman has one more rib than a man? fi How did copper Kot tt name? TWhy do thicks i(ud socse fly In V-shaped formation? S What animal hears "ermine fur"? 9 What is the area of Kjtypt? 10 How many varieties f Imnnnna are there? Answers to Yesterday's Questions 1 In what city was the first monu ment erected to OewKo Washington? Ans. In Italtlmore, Md. 2 Where are the Mesali moun tains? Ans. In northern Minnesota. 3 What city in the J nite.l suites has the largest Negro population? Ans. Now York City. I How far above sen level Is the highest iHiint In Florida? Ans. 3:Ti feet. 5 How many concerns In Canada make motor cars? Ans. Ten. 6 What was the name of the first emperor of China and when did lie rei:n? Ans. Ills name was Ku hl and he reigned 2S.V! to 27:iS II, C. 7 In what country did glee cluhs originate? Ans. In Knttlaml. S Has the number of deaths from drinking increased slnee prohibition became effective? Ans. The number has mt increased in suite of tlio deaths caused by wood alcohol poison ing1. ! How much money loes the t'nlt ed Stales government award each man upon leaving the nenitentinrv ? An. $". 10 What is a madrigal? Ans. It is an unaccompanied song for three or more voices. El IS SHOT DOWN TH TON, April 26 tl'.y the A-so-ciated I'l-ess) ItrlBadUr (ienerul A damson. coniniuntliiiK Uie AtM'Ot hriKaiJe of the reitulur Irish republi can nrmy, was shot d-nl yesterday near the headquarters ot the inde pendent republican forces Jn Ath lone. An nffl'lal cvmrnunlipie Issued from the headquarters of the rcc;u!nr nrmy in Beggars liush barrack, this city, snld: -Biirdier At1nmsn of thw Atha lanoo laiKade was ht dead In the Ktreets ofAthlone. The general Was I returning ta the Dartucka near the I hotel where the miitlnous troops huve their hadiunrtVra. He was suddenly confronted ty a group of armed men who ordered him to throw up his hands, j "The general, heiuf alone, com plied, and while his asms were raised the assailants dellheriKely fired Into him. Several of the mutineers' of ficers were arrested. Cut This Out It is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidaey Pills for pains in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. Salem Postmaster Xmol. WASHINGTON, April 28.- Nomin ations sent to the senate today hy Presldent Harding included John H. Farrar, to be postmaster at Salem, Ore. 1.11 'fij2tmnDFIUril rDEMCI nkkmukb nhriu torioltis BriilNS Ktlng ith) unm.nlL Ulnt u4 mmt 4tii4aMt femur nmrtj tmt OMs, iudarlm n4 La Grim. Don't fsptriawnl liuui upon II ilt's Casara nramiat (hiulnr. Wirld standard CaM raaK for tw fentratieaii. Imu4 i4 bai bearing M HuTi antral! aa4 sif natart. (2o)i Al All hnniili itlCnlt OnMdays Further Information from local railway and steamship agents or W. II, Htiucon. (ien. Aizt. Puss. Dept., f,,", Third Street, Portland, Oregon. I'hone Hroadwuy 90. IRISH GENERAL mtMtcam tbh worlds IA CHIPPC R ' 1 rot TWO M 3 BAYS LSa J QUHKMKMt K w 4 Va n w. m w tw jliKIOIlE VOL 1'U.V A JOfKXKV HliU A Ifcn . , J' at C-nFUM sr v iiuia I m The Call of Horns "The Call of Home," now pla lug at (ho I'uge theatre, depicts on the screen one nf tlio most oviraordinary flood seems ever filmed, presents in the prominent roles two , players "of the very highest skill In Irene lUch ami Itanmey Wallace. Miss f tit-It us the wife mid Mr.'Wullaeo as the huahnud are paited tiy nn adverse fate early In the loluro, luit destiny reunites them later ami there, Is a happy ending1 not a conventional happy eiidliig lull a finals that setuls home an audience with n thrill of keeti ilellght. I.. .1. tlamiler. wluj directed "The Call of Home," founded ' upon lieorge Agnew Chaiiilierliiin's popular novel, ' Home," has accomplished e.no of the lilggest feats of his screen career, the flood scenes reaching the peak of dramatic interest in the hlg climax. Wonderful Frontier Picture Ono of the most entertaining pic tures which has been seen In a very lonn time, opened yesterday at the Uialto theatre, where it will play a four tlitys engagement. "Cameron of the lloyal Mounted," It Is railed. There Isn't a single dull moment from the start of the picture 1 1 Its smashing rllmux. w htch, by the way. is as iKiwerful a thin as the screen I i-H'l iwiuwn. IK'll fei KIHS IIICI the faie that he had Intended for Cam-1 ., ... i i-i'n, me itimieuee were a ireiy tempi ed to cheer. (iuston liluss, who scored so trluin- pnaaiiy in inimoresipie. Is seen ! again ns a young mounted policeman' while Vivlettne Oslmrne and William' Colvln are seen In ndes to which their' talents lilem- ttult them. MRS. T. O. NORMAN - . ' . v. -. '1 th-j.. ilk Have You a Daughter? Watch Her Health 1'iirtlan.l, Oregon " h' tt my 1 daughter was In high s. him and i I away frnru hi.ine she was troubled j with ten. ti.tnal disturb. im i s and , pain, ti. the rtetit of almost having j to glw u her sttidl-s. When h j cam. hutr.e and I learned of her ' I ronilltloii. I immediately tiegan glv- j Ing her lr. rlerce's laviirlte Pre n rli'tlon combined with the l'lrasiuit I'eliet ami in a short time her sys tem In, nine regulated ami her s'lf feiing crafted. 1 hope this statement will help other gills who have the same iroul.li' my daughter had." .Mrs. V. ;. Norman. 134 X. tilth St. tiet I)r. Pierce's Favorite .Pie. strlinl'in today from your neighbor hood driiKK-yr, In tablets or liquid or writs l)r. l'lerre. President Invalids' Hotel In lluffalo, N. Y., for free eon fidentlal, rneillci.l advice. Kmlose 10c If you desire a trial pkg. tublets. Adv. ANNOUNCEMENTS STATE REPRESENTATIVE 1 hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for repre sentative In the state loglslaturs at the May primary. Adv. JOHN II. CARKIN. 1 announce myself as a candidate for Keurcnentattve In the legislature, on tne Kepuuncan ticket, subject to the primaries In May. Adv. KAI.PII COWGILL. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Thus. II. Simpson, of Ashland, authorizes his announcement as a Can didate for the nomination for the office of County Commissioner of Jackson County, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of said county at the Primary Election, May 19th. 1922. Adv. I am a candidate for the nomination for Couuty Commissioner of Jackson ounty, nn the Republican ticket, sub ject to the decision ot the voters ot ho primary to bo held May 19th, 1922, Adv DKOKfiK At. FORM. PhoenU p EUROPE Shortest ocean route to Europe. Two days down the St. Lawrence and only 4day8openea. Sailingseverydayorso from Montreal and Quebec' Land at Cherbourg, Southampton, Hamburg, Antwerp, Liverpool or Glasgow. Canadian Pacific Cnnatlinii Pacific Ageni r '''''' '''' ' . NORBLAD FOR CONGRESS A. W. NORBLAD The Aiti.i l.in Is gratirieil 'hat Hon, A. W. Not blatt has a ceplvfl the peal of his homo I'otuimiblly so In tlinati Iv acttuuliiteil Willi his strength ami the call frnm s toany liiflmn II, il rotnieH In the state, and will lie conn a candidate for tongiehs from the first emigre Hitimttl ditrc of lire gou, opposing for the nomlimt bn In the prlmmlcs on the leinitdlcan II. I, c( In M.iy. ('oiik'rtnmiian Willis P. I law bv Mr, Not blad's inteer in the comiiiunilv where h" has so long been promlnc nt, and his larger ftcllv Hits In the public lire of the state, tlll'tiUKh his services as a member of tin state senate, l-ave tin micsilon as to bis eminent t' .iiiiimeiit (or tile re spotiit;ililes tb:it a seal III the na tional house ilclniind, Mr. Not bbld is i i'coiiI.-c.I ana one of the nlilesl men of (iieiftin i,m thnt standing has been m hieveil through nrrvlce nf a chaiscler vtlore out ilandlnu tal ents nlolie roiilil succeed. Ills elec tion would reflect credit unmi (He ron and would give that further pre line to the west's voice in tlio na tional councils tli.it the situation so demands. Mr. N'mldad will enter the race with the t losest Interest of his legion of pcrional friends and tin assured support of thousands who have I. ecu in t,,ui h with tits puhllc service. II Is so generally tunlei aloud that ( 'ongi eHsmii n flow ley has no' appre ciation of the broader demands of his nervier from a state Mntidpollit that further ills' llb. III'. MB that line at this Hum Is unnecessary. A service of fifteen years in eongiesa has found hlol at the t oe .of that period without ir."tgo, power or Initiative, wherein' the tall Of tile' timet- the pics'lmf demand of ever i hsnsing. forward looking conditions- In for men ef vision and ne. Hon. Mr. Ha ..y nffords, In fact, the conii lotts etlill.lt thnt con- Kress, iifeits new blood. To elect aj man of Mr. N'oi -hind's Matnp to am rreil him w ill prov ide a national ser-' vice, ualde from enhancing the hit-j meillnte prestige of Oregon it p n state, and the Attorlntt feels ronfl int In Its predii lion that the peopls of the district ore to take that step. Morning Astnrlan. A, W. Norblad Is In the tnrv for the iiiigressiomil tiotnlnatlon, and he vl. I vvln lie has i-ertiilu thiiriic teristpM that peculiarly fit him for the office he will represent not of Clatsop alone, nor even of the coast countlijs. but of every one and all of the counties it will bu his duty to serve, and of the stale nl large. lie Is a selfiiindo man one who lias fought Ills way up to bono ruble ser vice of the people and to recognition among the I. IK men of the bur and In tlin state senate, lie Is in the prime of life mid ambitious tu achieve greater honors, ami he knows that the secret of su. eefs for him is In the one word "service." No one doubts he will give his stnte, his county, and his district everything that is In him mid that is the kind of a man w want. Hvery citizen who wlshe.i to see the district receive Its full eharo of the attention of the federal gov. eminent, should get busy at oe.ee, 'let llusy. Wairentoti News, I'll Id Adv, Two-Piece Suits $35 to $50 Three-Piece Suits $40 to $55 We Make Them 'Nuffsaid GUS THE TAILOR 419 MEDFORD BUILDING WOOD! Fir :t.00 Tier nn.l up. ntuh Kick C'oul $1(1.50 'Ion. MEDFORD FUEL CO. Cor l ie uud Third .. Phono St 12 TONGUE REBUKES FALSE REPORTS Rumcra of Opposition Are Called Malicious llcclisiliui of rceocul National Ci.mmltleeniaii Is His-lmi'il I avoird ) Keuniue, "With circulation, both In the pros mid by 'pasnlng the wold ulonit' has been lvrii a malicious repiul origliiiiled by the oppom tils of llulpll K, Williams, to the effect that Heiiti tor Mc.Vaiv iuenUnnK thp loyally of Mr. William and Is oppiwed to Ills reelection as i eiub!li n u national coiiiiiiiUeeitniii," sabl Thomas II, Tongue, Jr. republican state rlialr in.1u While In W'eilncMbiy, look OCCflSll "onti on the ' I kllllVV lotely false Mr. Tongue. Portluilit on business .M'.lile t'bllll lllllll 'I'otlgllM it in glvo Hid tumor i hin." this report lo he nbso. unit untrue," continue. I "The story Is uniiuthor- Ie,. It Is iiiifni liertnl mid timlei handed, ele, lion piopagnmta pine uud simple, treated for it purpose, nod should not mislead the friends of Senator McNaiy mil' nnvnne else," Part In t'nnicsl Denied. In n teli'itiam to uie, lieaitntt date of Aim II lU.'J. Henator McNniy saltl: "Am laklnit no part In contest for national eoitimtttreniun nor In any other political contest. Indeed, no one has ever feiUtled an rkpi essluit from me t mu ernlng any of lh can tlldates anil I have atlt lu.i l?ci no one to speak for me,' . "I ioiivily know from recent cot rcpi, n.ti to n with the 'senator that he not only does not question Hie loviillv of .Mr. Williams, hut feels exceedingly friendly to him, "Hlitce his election as republican itnthnml enmmtttocmnti for t'regon, Mr, Williams has done everything in his power to till Hit up the republi can party, tu da away with fuitlonnl differences, to seiuro harmony and In elei t the entire republican ticket at ever ydet tlon, Mr. William. Is Praltl. "pe-ogiiiiion by the republican na tional committee of the high order of ability mid linlli ins set vice of Mr, Williams to the parly resulted In his ele. lion to the vice -chilli touniililp of the irpuhlicatt national cnmmlttee, in honor never hefor conferred upon a western man. This reflects credit not uiilv upon himself, hut upon the atate iif Oregon, "It la one of tntluemn secured only by paliislakliig labor ami years of service, it means much to the state, and It would he u serious mis take at this lime for the republics!! voters of Oiegoit to d-fcat Mr. W'U- Hams and elect H new liisa who woti hi he nt the foot of the coin-mitti-o liiatctid .,f it vice chairman." Portland Or-itoiilan. LADIES Tweed top ccats, full silk lined $30.00 Sport Suits, Silk lined $40 to $50 Skirts $9.00 up Knickers $9.00 up GUS THE TAILOR 419 MEDFORD BUILDING "Hold-Hect" Grill Stove $2.95 A dandy article for light cooking. I.urun enniich lo fount twn alien r.r bread at one limn or to koop coffee pot worm for second cup while tousl ing on other end. Ideal for warming babies' milk. Supplied complete with cord, two piece attuchment plug and icpiiruiiie connoctoi'. Two Your Cuiii'iinlcc. Oven Attachment with Utensils $2.95 MTJLTIPH0NE I receivers for Dm price of one Renard Electric Co. NF.W IiOCATIOV 111) 10. KUtli Street IMIONH 1000 With M nil lord Uado Is Mudfurd mudv