Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 25, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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    V'JiOE FJGItT "
Mr.Dronu matt; TftTBtnnV Mrcmroim oiwoov Tuesday. rAiun;- sow
' llil.H1 U IL1H
huui innuLui
iiuirnTiniTrn mil
INVtbllliAItU til
AfiHAiirhit limn
xd wns rniaohci nnil the frame orJecvuld not tocato a single goblin, Mtw
the right hand side near the middle (tie or knlnht
wag badly sprung. The radiator and
engine, howewr ero undamaged.
A crowd or townspeople lurronnd
ed the truck from the time of the
! accident until sundown last evening
and passenger on later trains dls-
. mounted for the purpose of Inspect
ing the wreck.
(Continued from Page One)
During a short rectus Grand llob
Hn Coburn approached iv-iran and
"I want to offer my aiwiittanco."
loran replied: "I have no time
to talk to you."
Adjournment was taken for htmh
nnd Shnmbeau left tor WooUiuo '
Investigation into the accident,
which occurred yesterday morning at.
the Third atret crossing and which
reiultcd tn the death of two men and
the possible .fatal injury of a third,
began when the coroaer'a Jury start
ed lu Inquest at 2 o clock this af
ternoon. A. S. nosenbaum, claim agent tor
the Southern Tacific railroad, acccm
pauled by his secretary, A. I). Little,
and Fred Williams, president of the
INliV Oiiof Acts.
l.OS ANUkXKS, April S3. l.o
Antrvloa citv and county official nv
in a tree at tha foot cf Florence - nrouoed nnulnxt nluht rUlrc and nub
street were drowued when the tree violence ax a result of tho Inxlewootl
was swept away. Other refugees hovtln Sunday in which Constable
lu nearby trees and house tops saw M. n. Moshcr wa killed and two
them fall, but were unablo to reacU i ?hp .P""" ' wounded while
Illinois lmnR Hugo
I.F.ATUXSTOWN. 111.. April IS.
I Flood damage In Illinois caused by
tho recent heavy rains and the con-
; sequent overflow of the rivers
throughout the central part of the
state public service commission are state will reach twenty million dol
here lor tho Investigation. A rail-, ,arg Sute senator E. C. Mills of Vlr
rcad board of Inquiry will inveatl-1 Kmla counly, estimated today after
gate the accident. The meeting of i a surTiy of lno 8lricken territory,
tho beard wi'l take place tomorrow Thousands of homelesa In tho
forenoon at the public library at 10 Mut(iwil portion of tho state, ac
o'clock. f 'cord'r.R to Mr. -Mil's, who will re-
The cotrtiition of two cf the nien pcrl to Governor Small here today
wno were injureu in me collision ta nSg BUrTey. with the recommenda-, planned and mill retain his member
between the truck in which they were ,ioll t nat a gpiaj geasion c f the leg-' ship. I shull dlnmls-i him Immcdiutely
riding and southern Pacific passenger isiature be called to provide relief tor I from public wrvlre. This office will
train No. 13. was favorable this morn-j fi, ,.ffrne work riiRht :ind dity to enforce law
purtloiptttlim in a mob raid by
mn.-'kvd men.
Louis Ouks, new chief of police,
declared that Ills men had been
ordervd to brik up uny molxi found,
and If any member of the police de
partment take part In any mob no
tion or bee-omen u memlnr of nny
organtutlon fomusl for tho purpoee
of inking action ot this kind, ho will
be diHiulsned from service.
Sheriff W. I. Traener, who otdercd
Kpecinl Ruurd.t to police the tnuumt
at InBlewood tiHl:y, declared: '
"If I can ascertain that any peace
officer, over whom I havo control. 13
a member 'of a secret orgunliatton
which rountenaneva such proced
ure or In prem nt u . nny meet
ing ut which such conduct is
lug, acct rding to attending physicians,
it la said that J. C .Kads and Frank
Vlllmarth will recover. Joe Ander-
The Ked Cross and other organttod
relief workers are taking care ot tho
homeless and suffering temporarily
hut rftnnnt h pxnwtpi! to do an until
with severe Internal Injuries, and his tUe watera refd,( Mr. Mnu declarod.
on, however, is In a serious condition
I within the county limits"
I t'nlted States Attorney Joseph
Burke announced: y
f "I'll move quickly and fwirloasly
It It la shown that any member of
nny secret organisation has violated
j a federal low.
(Continued from Paso One)
ablo than those of the other two men. I
Mrs. Eads. wife of J. C. Fads, the j
Injured man and mother of Wllilam
Eads, deceased, arrived In this city ' .
yesterday, in order to bo at the bed- ou Friday evening was attended by
side of her husband. Constable M. II. Moshor, who was
Mrs. W. J. Smith, widow of V. J. ' slain In thu raid, and his son and
Smith of Grants Pass, who was the deputy. Waller, who was wounded,
second victim of yesterday's aeel- according to Shambeau's testimony,
dent, was a'so in this city yesterday.! Hasty iH-paHuren
Smith is survived by his wifa and two ' Just before being - taken away, every community In tho throe state3,
cons. i SUambeau was asked to stand up and it was announced today.
Tho truck which was struck by the look over the audience and point out
eowcBtcher cf the locomotive and . any members of the lyi K'.ux Kluu
which caused several of the larpei who might le present. The witness
Iron bars of tho cowcatcher to be arose, but there had been seme nasty
badly bent, was badly damaged. Tho departures between the start of his
front wheels were demolished, the testimony and that question and he
SEATTLE. Wash.. April In a
final drive to roach every veteran tn
Oregon, Idaho and Washington who
may be entitled to government com
pensation for disabilities received
during the world war, plans are un
der way at rorthwest offices of tho
I'ntted States Veterans' bureau here
to assign field representatives to visit
William X. Rydalich left here for
southern Idaho, where he will Inter
view veterans lu SO towns relative
to their claims. Tho plans contem
plate special attention to the sparse
ly settled dlHtricts.
National Gingliam Week
APRIL 2429
32 inrh Imported English Tissues,' an oxct llcnt sliowinp of tho very latest
cheek and plaid effects, colorings are verv impressive. Gingham Week Special.
Per yard 63
27 inch Drew Ginghams, plaids and checks, ))er yard 15i'
3G inch Fancy Shirting Madras, fast color printed stripes in an excellent as
sortment of shirting stripe styles. Gingham Week Special, per yard 40, 50
3G inch Fine Cretonnes, a fine range of those new Chintz patterns. Gingham
Week Special, per yard ; 20 up
2.50 values Silk Taffeta $1.6D
Large assortment new spring colors.
Krepe Knit, genuine, per yd ....$3.95
Baronet Satin Skirting, plain white
and fancy patterns. All colors, $2.30
Shirtings, pure silk, fancy stripes and
plain patterns. This week $1.98
Imported Swiss Organdies, 43 inches
wide, permanent finish, all colors.
TV'st quality, per yard 95
30 inch Indian Head, all colors, guar
anteed, per yard 50
White Gabardine Skirtings, at 4Qt'
Navy Blue Dotted Swiss at 95
The MtronKi'ttt evldv n e jet adduced
by the state lu the tct.vl in the circuit
court of u. i. Illikvrt. former vlo.
president of the dufunct Ibink of
Jacksonville, and In clmrue of the
Institution duiiiiK tho month of May,
I'.TO during th ul me in thu tAMt
of W. H. JohiiKon, was Riven this
morning by Mrs. Myrtle IHakeley,
former county treasurer. Hinea is
charted nlth makluK a f.iUo lepoit
to the bunk cvnmlner.
Mrs. JUnkeh-y Itlcntlflivl a sheet,
showliu; the amount of Interest at
two per cent due on Jackson county
fund lu tbe Ixink and ild It wua in
the handwriting- of the defendant.
The Inlereitt was fltiurfd on the cor
reel amount ut county mutiev ou
hand. U is tli theory of the defense
that HiiieK had no way ot kuowlim
the county's deposit ut that time was
In the ueltthborhoud of IS4.000.
Mrs. Ulukeley supplemented her
testimony by showlnK the u mount on
bund from the book of the tresis
urir's o(flc durliiK her rlme.
The dlxhoiicred drafta Klven by
Johnson to cover county funds were
twrrvd from the evidence nnd then
re-opened. Attorney Neff (or the
defense Hiked the Witnex if the wan
not under indictment lor inuklnR a
f;ilx report, which caiit'd tho prose
cutor t.j uxk If nbe hud been promlwd
immunity for uny testimony nh
niiK'ht Klve In this cuse. Sho Said
.Mr. lUakiley test i .'led drafts to
cover Jackson county funds, and
then dishonored, were returned dur
ing the period IIIihh whs In chare,
and that HiaeH hud t Ul her by
phone that the luuik was unable to
meet one. This draft was for 1 15.000
on a New York bank. Th witness
textlili-d flhe spoke to Mines about a
jri.ooi) draft, nnd that she had
drawn drafta on the bunk to approxi
mately f so.tiot) to reduce the county'
depOHlt. The witness k.U1 lllnea told
her be did not know thn 1:5.000
draft wan out, or "be would have
been prepared t. mevt jt."
The witne wld whe did not re
call uny conversation with illne
rcUtivv to further uctjon on the
draft. The wltnes alo tetlfled
Huns dhowed no surprlw at the re
turn of tile draft. i
I'nder cron-eindnation wltnen
t'alified that JohniHin Kce her the
draft, when sho pretmed him for a
reduction In tho county- depOHlt to
about $10,000, and that he promised
to accede to her demand. They were
returned unhonored. while JohiiNon
was nti hi enntern misnli-n.
L. II. Van Horn, a mininic man of
the Oold lil'.l diHtri.t wu railed n
a vttnen nnd temlfled that he hud
pro-urd 00 frrm the bunk of
Jaclcnonvtllff, while Iltnen wu In
churir in Muv. 19f0 thut h noiilii'd
lt tn hi hecklni; nrcoutit and ued It
I to meet the payroll ut tile mine,
ft t , - . ... t -1.
r.. i r.iiiui, i.'7ii(y si. 11 UiinK
examiner, in rtinrire ot.jlie Itunk of
Jin ksonvilli-, after It clowd Ita dnor
In August. 10:0. was the firet wit
ni'N at the iuori.lnff 'Kln, and
Identified rerordi nnd
ch-ckinn aicotin'. He (Cjntlfled
Item on the nhvt of Van Horn, n lu
the hnndu rltlnir 'of It. I. lllnen, the
defendant, ui-.d nade duiiiiK the
month of May, 520
ud In ke-ciln a recoui of tho In- hleh was t InuUml , coiiHlltuto nt
dividual dciiiwtiii, and how the t red It pieHOllt thliM'foiirlliK of tho t'lul P'
and (lelilt Were iniute by pulllmt (.,1 i inntiKC.
level- and pichkIuk key on the ma- T,i ooinmU.slon will recommend
ohn"' . , ., 't coiKiesi," tho clialnnan Hiild. ' that
".. .lttI"1 "".,.Jr.::! M l M M determine vM.nt
t 1 1 III' IIIV1I 1MVIT HIVW I'i It'll , .
dav a report with the state banUlnu LnUiClloH of tile p ,tM eel vice are mU
board "hm purported'' to be 11 re- KiistiiinlllH with ft view to imtklliK Hie pon't
port on the condition of tho finance entire service eii BUHtiiitiuiA. or mon
of the hunk. Johnson Identified ten nearly In iiooiidunci) Willi Hie cohU,
entitivt on a report tiled with the Thl hIiouUI bo done by prooer
ilitlustment of chiiritc uud lemoviil of
preseut rule InconMlHlem le. The pur
piiHo if lioliHtlH the utal hoi vice I"
apoimlve. to t!ie nmnU ot Hie puoplo
Mhould be conaluntly Kept lu Mew,"
RiAy Crnyt Here's an
OUl-time Pccipe that Any.
body can Apply.
Mtate bankinK biutrd a in the hand
wrltlnu of It. I Iltne.
Two report of the bank condition
were denied ndinlHMton by the court
upon the objection of the defense, n
not connected with the case nt hand.
INiM 8 IVr iVut.
Johnson testtlled that the lutnk
paid two ht cent per month Interest
on county fund, but that the Ut two
or three yvr tilt was made "Irregularly."
The- defenmt lnterpoed
(Continued from rapi One)
Member of the nub-commit tco an-
objection n.mnced that a vole was belnu taken
to the tiite liitrtHluclnc , i,y th operator In nil effort to nKren
,.,1.'f,r,.',h.",'l m!"h,H "Kan"'" ,3 to, hl.lll , wlloh ttll woul, BUhHre.
10. 1 niter en examination John-' , ( ,
con mild the (.liret were not n led . . ' , ., . ' .
In the current buslne. Johnson also '"'! Wm.ho. the Hubfouiniltteo Into
ndmltted thut hu kept a false nnd month or further mK"tltt"n.
correct deposit hect. and that A natlnn wldo check up of bltutnln-
neither Ilin nr tho bank eamlner ou re'urce was hcKiin today by b-dh
hid a way t, know of their f a tMty minora uml oooratom to detertnlno to
(Continued from TaR. One
500 pairs Onyx Silk Hose 98c
Black, White, Brown, Navy and Grey $1.50 values.
Women's Imported Kid Gloves,
Small and large sizes onlv. SX.50
omen's Capo Leather' Street and
Driving Gloves, with long cuff and
embroidered, $5.00 value $3.50
Co-Ed Taffeta Dresses $16
Bungalow Aprons 98c
Percale Gingham Indian Head Sateen
wa on hi eastern trip.
ltp nu also Identified ns in the)
handwriting cf the defendant. Other
eiitrie In the bunk' record were de-,
dared a in thx in-rlpt of Hint . T,h
purpow nf the wa to h'w the
fntnlllurity with tho book oj the
bank. f
fh tnklntc of evidence proceeded
lowly. owlnK to the oiona of evidence
Introduced. No prrnon. cept thme
dutlon culled thi-m to the courtroom
Were pre-M-nt.
fiheot and check were Introduced
and identified by Kaylor, of tho uc
eounf. of Uliu-o and Bnlder. former
Medford auto deab-rn, to iihow tho
xtutu'H contention that room of the
check drawn atinlrmt the Mine and
Hnlder deposit were posted and nome
wero not. An urxument onww a to
the regularity of the notation made
on tho records, the court holding the
defoiid.'iiit could not be held for uny
period other than iIih month, h Wa
In charge. Kaylnr'a statu wa alo
eHtabliwhed u tluit of un expert wit
A report prepared . by Mandi.-ill
Hooper, former bank ex;itnlner, pur
portlnu to how the county treaie
urr' account In tho defunct bank
wa ruled out by the court, on the
objection of thn dofenno ' on the
ground thut it wu prepared by one
official, and being tentlfied to by
another, and therefore of no value to
tho Jury
The overdraft renlter of tho bank
howlnK an entry thut Hrt liarr had
made payment to the bunk after It
had cloned, wa denied admlHHlon n
An effort of lli5 Bt.-ite to Introduce
a man of check, to nhow the do-
poplt on May 29 and Aiiut 10, wa
with thn undcintandlnff that thee
debts be culled down and the arrears
In Interest either poatponed .or remit
tod In part, tho bolahevlkl nuked' the
compieto annulment of nil wur debt.
Where th-y bd prevloiiHly ar'oil
to tho payment of the financial oblUa.
when Johnoniions jUB to foreign national, which
or coiTvrt Tho Kheet were
roconl of the bank, whll" th de
fendant win In chnrite. The luetic wa
Whether 'nine had acewt to these
heet. JolinHon tctitlflcd that lllne
wn in a pawltlon to know about nome
of the hhe, tn, but not all of them.
The iefeno iM'ored mune point nnd April I
the w linen ndmltted that he autwtl
tuted Hheetit xhnwlnit a balance for
tlOHi with un overdraft. The wltniw
Aid he wa unable to tell how many
nheet he had held out. In order to
ke,-p the linue Mlraluht lfore the
Jur'. the court o.uetlon-d Johnmm on
hi keeptiiK of the depolt rH-ord.
Johnnon tetlflcd that Mine wa
hi half-brother, and had been em
ployed a n. bookkeeper In the bunk
two er Ihreo yisir pri'kloti to it
fuilure. Tli" Ntate wa ii runted per
mlHMton to recnll Jobnon u a w linens
later to Identify record. Tim defi-ni.c
did not crowi-cnamlne Johnnen.
Itoy t'lrlch, a renldent of Jackon
vllle nnd n patron of the bank teetl
fled tliM he had ninde a deponit
while Jnhnaon wa on hi Katern
trip and thut he talked to lline
about it. I'lilch wu not ur of
date, The wltncHM wu aubpoenaed
to brlnu the cancelled check and de.
poult, but they were -ideiic In u
civil action, and tho wltnriut could
not produi4 them.
John Hum of the Applcgnte tenil
fled thut he carried an account In the
defunct bunk. H tuild he nave l'u
gene Thotnpon, a mall carrier. $10
to di'telt on or iilit May SO, l!:o.
and afterward reclved notice of on
overdraft, the testimony twlnif over
ruled. , The Jury. neleted after bth
aide had t-xhatiMcd all premptorlr
and ihtillene 1 a follow. with
two womrti, both from Aetil.ind:
1C. Kiitwrt, Mr. Cllv E. Sweden-
burc, I.. S. Vcrk, W. II. Iloren,
Krnedt Applcirate. I.. C. Charley. C.
W. Innae. II. V. Tlatt, Kenneth
Ileeb. C. T. Ilinle, Mr. I.uelU Ap
pleunte and C. 1,. McKunney.
what extent the titrlko ha depleted
Ktm-k on band. Homo roticem wa
expi-ei atnonit the union men ut cir
cnlatixl rcirla thai nonunion nilno
had kept up with the domanilH of in
d'tMtry alnce the Hlrlke wa railed
The urn of Si nn) Bulpliiir for f
ntniinit, Hiny ball' to II natural
color ilnir l.n .-ii to riiiriitiootliri
tune. Hlw lined It to ke hor hlr
btaullfully dark, KloMy and attrac
tlve. Whenever her hair took on that
dull, frtdail or mronked appearance,
ttii iinplo tnUture wa applied with
wmulvrftit rffect.
Hut brettlmt at home U tiniioiv and
niil-of -il.Uii, Nowaday, by BKinf nt
any druit more for a bottle of "Wveth a
tiuit mid Hulpliur I'ninpoiinil," you
will ret till fiiinou old prepatattnn.
Improved by the addition nf ntliar In
Kieillenic, wliU h ran ba depemlrd up
on to restore iiuUirul culur ami beauty
to tha hair.
A well-known downtown dnuiclt
nays It dni'ken tb hlr o nutuiully
uii.t evenly that noboOy ran toll It haa
hrvn appllrd. You aliuply dampen a
sixiiib or toft brush with It xml draw
thl throiiRh your bnlr, Uklrui one
atrand at a time, lly murnin tha
wrsy hair disappear, and aftrr an
oilier application or 10, It titmc
beautifully dark and l"-y.
Wyvth'a b-i and Hulphur Com
pound la a dsltehtful toilet riuttta
far iIiom wlm ilmlre a mora youthful
appearunc. It I not Intended for
the rure, indication or prevoutluo of
in , i ii i
ruled by the court na too much of
rnathemutii'iil task for the Jury. The
dcfcriHe con"-nwd that the condition
of the bfink'H tmok In fleplemlter
llta, bail nothln to do with H con
rtltion in May, I!i20, when Jllnc wn
In chart?".
To refute tlm expert loKiimony of
KaVlor thn Hi.f..,,iu. niir-wtliiiinil lilro
Will hi film Ufli-r.l r.n1 tin Cfil'A h
tory of biH career from thn tlmo he
went to work In tho Tentral l'olnt
JWmk n a bookkeeper to hi prcNcnt
V. II. Johnson,, cashier of the de'
funct bijok of Jacksonville, now erv
Inn a ten-yen r sentence In (date
prison, wn cnlkd n tho first wit
ness In the trial of It. I. IJIne,
Charced with miikliiir n false report
on die bank' condition:
Johnson tent if led that he left Hlno
A deposit jarw usually rc-fermil to n Iho pre war
debt, tho aoviet okemen aRked for
a moratorium of thirty year on these
debts and the cancellation of th Inter
et. according to the allied version of
the ueeilnK. Thit cancvtlation o. t
apply both to the and to the
period of tho moratorium.
Finally, thn Russtana rondo rlnr
that. In refuains lo reatorw private
property In numda, thl would not Im
ply any sum-nder by Husslan citizen
of their rlghiM to bdd proerty In fo
almple In forr-lKn Iaiida, "bourgiKil
countries," where thn right lo rswaea
property went with th bourgeois -tern.
Such, aald the bulahovlkl, were the
termn, but they could only grant tlmru
on condition that thn power re pre
Rented at Genoa would first agroo u
recognize tho soviet Kovernment and
accord it adequate flnnnclal help t'T
It proper pcooomlft reconHtructlon.
Terma Impeaalble
I'nder th'e condition," aald Rir
Laiuini; WorthlnKtou-Evnna, chairman
of the meetlnK, "wn cannot discus any
further. Wo niust refer thl matter to
our reiectlvo Bovornmenta."
It wu then decided to adjourn tho
fritting slno die. AH the ox port ex
copt tlio JlUHHlan nitreed to meet to
day and no ovor the cntfro Hituation
KeKardlnkT the outlook tlm head of
the various delegations havo 0't bban
doped all hopo. Bfmo, however, frank
ly Informed tho Associated I'resa Inst
nlnht that they saw no pniHlblllty of
making un arrangement w I ill t lie
aovlota until the latter radically uiodl
fled tholr pro;ram.
fContlnnfid from Pane On
olectrlo lines aorvliif? rural communi
ties In view ot tho tendency lo recoR.
nl!o tho noce-BBily for an adequate re
turn In rate- for tlio oervlco domnjulod
by tho 'public, Tholr value, not only
oa freight carrier, but a a quick
mean, of ncccR to townx by rural
residents wan emphasized na thn on
climlons announced by Chairman An
derson. Tho commiflHlon'n study of tho pos
tal hoi-vIco nu relating to tho farmer
wbh efild to have convinced It that
hank duiiiitt a. trio i "Increusnd poHtase ralca on second
In charge nf I hi
he made to the In Mflv. 1920. and : c'f",f hi"" ninttor, notWMintftn'llnK" ro-
l1'i iitififcl sheoiH from thn denoalt ductlons of fourth cIohh matter fnarcol
lledKei- as the accounts of H. L.' John- poHtl havo befn particularly burden
non, I. M. Van Horn, Dert Harr, Bome on farm prodtlCtlonH."
Mabel Welz and Hoy WoodH, and In ; U was pointed out that t!A sm vlce
bank during hi abacn. e on the remIore(i , th di'trlliitnm of second
Tim wiin... ). i,,t it., .i'..1""" matter entailed, less expenso
register and the mechanlcnl process than' for parcel post, the Voliimo of
The Best Ooodi for tbe Prico, No Matter What tha Price
3000 yards of 27-inch
fine Dress Gingham,
sold regularly at 19c a
yard, Wednesday only
14c yard
Mann's Department Store
Mi:iriu. oitifjov
Extra Tonight! Extra Tonight!
No Rise In Prices
in Classical and Popular Sing Numbers
on the same program with
Hoot Gibson in"Headln' West"
CAMERON of the
from RALPH CONNOR'S Btirring Story
A magnificent talc of real adventuro in Canada's great
north country by an author who knows the country better
than any other writer in the world.