MEDFOttP MATT! TTUBTTNR MKT)FOKT (W.COX, MO?T)AV. 'AVrnri'21. ' ifl22 ' ravrc six T FUTURE MANN'S The IUHt tJiMHln for the IVIco No MailiT What the Trice MANN'S U S. WOMEN TO FOR TRIAL IN R. D. OF T REPORT I TOWN A Rousing DEPT. OF LABOR! THIS WEDNESDAY INE TRACK TEAM OF SELECTING JURY DYNAMITE SHIP MINERS E OF OREGON SPANISH WAR AGA1NS IC FOR Special COMPETE PARIS BANK CASE SOLD FOR JUNK for Each Hour NEW YORK, April 24 Financial U. 1). Hiuos. former vlcc rrwidont support lrwdy is Uinff accord ml the land awiaMaut canhlr of tlio defunct recently formed national women's j Dank of Jscksonvtll wwt on trial track Athletics commltt, tin assocla.jta th circuit court this morning, on titn dovoUx to oncnnlilnR fimalo ath-j ji Indlctnmt chanting making a lollca to the prefKsnt standard of rami's ;fU report to tho rmuk examiner on rimptlilon, with tho dual olJo-t ot the condition of a Hank. The stato tntBlfUig mtwsl and of arranging i la rpnntod tr District Attorney for proper representation of tho Unit-j IUwWn Moort. and th dofena by ed fitatea In women's international J Tarter J. Neff and Horbvrt Hunna. tournaments. i Assistant Attorney General LUJe- Cbalnnnn Harry E. Stewart an- qutat will assist the state In the prose Bounced today thnt one subscription of cutlon of the case. There are two in I10OO had boon received in addition to dlctments analnst Mines, tho offers of a number of schools to AH tho morning ewwkm was de pay tho oxpenses of their students voted to tho selwtion of the Jury. wh may h on tho American loom c-oo questioning by both sides being that will entor tho international track I tho rule. Each Juror was asked It" od fluid meet for women in raris bo-; na ha1 prejudices against the glD&ing August 20. bank off trials, if they wer deposit- .Tryoutt for the American team will or ,n tn" bnk be held at a meet which Mrs. Winifred ur- onl thpy hB prejudiced Merrill, principal of the Ooksmoro ! b? MV accounts of the trials and school, Mamaroneck, N. Y.. haa been J If "new C. H. Owwi, ftrraMed for Saturday aftsrnoon. May' Wul BniwU. If a tAxpaywr. and If 13. at Mamaroneck. rUted to any of tho principals In la the final selection of thn imn. ! bank craeh. however, recent athlotlc rocord and I iOM WeCully of Jacksonville rscords made In other meta thla rear. I WM used from serrlco upon the MDoclallr h countrv.wl.ln iniAroi.i Frounds "that she had known the rlwrtau teWirraih tournament at Lon defendant all his life,' and "would Bach, Cal., to be held tho same, day asi haU to Tote Pui:y " M1 McCully the Paksmore test, wUl be taken tnto'10 Mld btf h4 l,)lht overdraft .. In .V... I . . . ...n . k. ..... .. .1.. consiaerulioll. 1 fcu" u w uru n uuit: juboiv- ent. Ooorgo W. Herrlott, a farmer of the AppWgate section was also ex cused from service. He was a de nositor in the bank, and lost money thereby. Among the wttnessesfeubpoenaed to testify for the state are William H. Johnson, former cashier of the Bank of Jacksonville, and a half brother of the defendant, now iwrv- LOa A-S'GELKd, April 21. Love let i Ing a ten year's sentence in the state tens eifLangrd between Mrs. Mada-1 orison at Flem, tipon a plea of lynne.C. Obenchaln and J. Helton i ullty to Indictments arising out of Kennedy, slain broker, were ready to-1 the failure. He will arrive from tho day in resumption of the trial of'tate institution in the custody of a W.VKHlNOTON. April St. The eld CUKSSUN. P., April 84. -VirtHest. navy dvn.tmUo cruiwr Vwiuvtu, In Ing npilust the "two per e-nt Ht.tti. 8pnUh war days, hailed ns the r"- Uc f miner' wu,-.v InwU by the lblo nlonwr craft of a new. nnvnl era. has hwiftoM as Junk to J. Up tsUJ. of Musk., tor M.J HO- The orrrutment of the Vesuvius con nleted of thrvv HtandtnH. slender mumled "dynamite Runs" from which huire prohM-tlh"!! Uded tvtth nltro-Klywrlne, sufriclont. It was sjiid. to tear aprt any ehp or forti fication' on which they l.irulr.l, were to b hurled by compresmHl ulr. Uhe ninny other novW craft, which Were 'xptvti-d to swfp all bultle Khlps frm the mvia n the Mt-rrlmuc and Monitor wrote tho doom of wimhIcu hullx. the "dynamite ship" failed utterly and was discarded. In 1H. when the American flet was concent rutd before SmtUito de Cub to bottle up tho battlecraft of Spain, tho Vtsuvius steamed down to Join the grim ring ef steel. As a trial she Wo ordered in to Two Ulks to business men ol i Medfoid are scheduled fur next Wed-! nesday. One of these me to bo Riven al the forum of the Medfcrd Chum- department of labor, a letter addreM- her of Comiuerofl and the other at th ih! to Julius J. JliiViN, secretary of U- tmr, by John (trophy. pretdtnt of tlltttru-t number two of the I'ulted Mine Worker, today t'k r.harp Issun with the (itturvs Ktven out by tho de puhllo library ut !t o'clock In the evening. i Theso talks are to b Riven by i Karl Kllpatrlrk, director of tlio ov- LOVE LETTERS READ III BURCH TRIA L Arthur C. Burch on a charge of murder of Kenned-' here last August. Mrs. Obenchaln and Durch were Jointly in dicted for murder and granted sep arata trials. The prosecution present ed a letter of March 4. 1918 from Ken nedy to Mrs. Obenchaln in which the following appeared: . "You are ia the city of darkness to me, but some day I shall conquer It Then I shall laugh at it. Much love It was signed. "Helton." U reply a letter from Mrs. Oben chaln contained: "I didn't leave your love in the city of darkness, but I hid It in a corner of my heart." R I ALTO tEXTEA- , Here Tomorrow Night HARRY MANNING 'MED FORD S CARUSO' rbwdcal and Popular Hong NOW PLAYING HOOT GIBSON in guard today Most of the testimony In the case will revolve around the books of the back, and expert accountants will be called by both sides, in an effort to unravel the tangled skein of figure upon which the case hinges. It is ex pected the taking of testimony in the trial will begin early this afternoon. Nino women Jurors the largest number so tar since the new law went into effect, reported for duty this morning. The following is the Jury panol for he present term of the circuit court nc w in session. W. H. Boren, Medford: Nets Erich-K-n. Ashland: C. L. McKlnney, Ash- ad. l. S. York, Jacksonville: H. Egbert, Medfcrd: Owney Reddy. Med ford; C. W. Isaacs. Medford: V. W. Truax. Medford: II. F. Piatt, Moxl 'ord: Lem Charley. Medford; Helen M. Sears. Eagle Poinf: C. C. Doale. lutte Falls: Ernest Applegale, Ash 'and; I.uella Apnlegate. Ashland; W. . Shell. Medford; Katherine Llnd 'ey, Medford: Issie McCul'ey, Jack onTille: Kenneth Deebe, Central Dtlnt. Jewe Hauck, Medfcrd; Ollce Swedenburg, Ashland: Benjamin ''aymond. Gold Hill; L. L. Damon. VTedfcrd; C. W. Fraloy, Ashland: O. W. Jlerrlott, Apnlegate, and H. C Mackey, Medford. hurl Uuth and destruction Into the for e.ipa. liy fur the year wiw 3Q per walls of Morro castle on ho hlh ; cent. bluffs. When, ot tho closo runite I TIwtv were S t-3 avrae working otH'Htutry because of the low powvr J dy a week, a'-eordlnit to Hrephy's or the air guu. the Vesuvius finally ( flurwt unU he ured Bs-retiry of "let go." a terrlbW roar came back j lJbor Oavts to verify hi fii?uriv4 and from the bluff. It shook th earth : se th th bureau' Rt.Untl.-H were and se with sound and sent fright- j u.vurute heroufier. ened residents or the ctty scurry mg In fear to caves and cellars. Iut It proved to be only sound. When Kan- ,.rtmer,t and naked the secretary tension division of Urn fnlverslty Of, he regarded 700 a year as a saving : wregou. aon ins kupjwi tor too toruni luncheon is "Tho nit ure of tno ore. . gon Small Town." Tho meeting at the library Is open to every business ntul profesHlnnal uuiu and a'l of their employee. The ! subject, "When thn Farmer Comes to Town," Is otm of exceptional Inter- 1 est to clerks, stenographers, book- ' keepers and any one connected with ; buHlness lustltutlotis of th city. Th Medford Chamber of Com merce, under whtjo direction tlies' business talks nrn betug given, ex tend a cordial Invitation to business men or the smaller communities of, th.i county to uttend nnd heur both of hio ulks. The fur um will le bnld ot the Med- i ford Hotel at tho noon hour. I.unrU-j on CO ceuts. ! wage." l'.rophy's letter divlured that a sur vey of dlHtrlet number one, covering 31.$?? miners made l,y the miners' uolon showed the average vvuge ws IH.CO a Week or f?60 a y'ttr as .-iKUlnnt the department Ktatl.itltfi of J1.3?! for the The letter uIno Insisted that the use of the production peak In October for the jurpM of flKiirlog statistics Is a ''favorite srtrnlagvm of the oper ator?)." aa'th l:iNt to weeks in October averaged &j per cent capac ity, while the mineiit' actual average I Uaxo fell und tho elimination wus IKWKlbU'. it was found no rtauuui" had leen done to the old. tottrrlng frts and amient bronze gun. The VeMivitM remained 1th the f'.eet throuiihout tlm War. doing patrol and dlepateh boat duty. Out Immediately after the war In Sep tember. 1S9S, he was discarded, never again to be rated as a fighting ship. POP' WARNER IN CHARGE FOOTBALL COLORADO EDI AT STANFORD U. STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Callf. An urgent call for more men to man the Stanford football machine has been Issued by Glenn ("Pop") Warner, head coach of the University of Pittsburg, who Is directing spring gridiron prac tice here. Ia the Stanford squad at present are twenty-seven men trying for backfleld positions and thirty-eight for line posts. Warner and Claude. Thornhlll, line caach. say there are many more big men on the campus who should be out In uniform. . "Stanford has Ions desired an ade quate coaching staff and now that' the board of athletic control has gone to considerable trouble in providing one that seems satisfactory, the studentf should give it their unqualified sup port." Warner said. "University of California, the tradi tional foe of the Cardinals, has so many more students than Stanford that Thornhlll and I tavo come to the conclusion, after being here several weeks, that If Stanford hopes to meet the Dears on equal terms, all the avall- ble material must turn out for the team. "Every man possible should turn out. It doesn't matter whether they ever played football before or not." AUG E AND ELECT OFFICERS OF OXFORD UNABLE TO PAY EXPENSES KILLED BY RIVA L HEADIN' WEST and goin' like a cyclone .That's the hero of this new and different West ern thriller. 'See him leap 'from an airplane right into, the midst of the swiftest adventures you ever experienced. COMING WEDNESDAY "CAMERON OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED" from llulph Connor's stirring ; ! .. , story DKVVER. April 24. A special to the Denver Post says: Rod 8. Day, i editor of the Durango Democrat, fol lowing a quarrel on tho streets of that . city today, shot and killed William L. I Wood, city editor of the Durango 'Herald. I According to thn Post the tnen dis agreed several months ago on an edi j torial Day printed in his paper on the ! 18th amendment to the constitution. ! Later the men, according to the spec ial, nave been eichanfflng editorial comment which Is said to have grown j personal. They met on the street today ae cording to the special and several blows were exchanged. Then Day is alleged to bare drawn a revolver and ; fired twice. Wood fell mortally wounded. 1 Day was detained at police head quarters but no charge had been nlacod against him up to late thi afternoon. Complaints were filed this morning by 8. II. Sundefer charging Mrs. Jose Phine Bargent with tho crime of con trlbutiug to the delinquency o her 1 year old daughter Pearl James, an against Cliff Larkln charging him with rape. Doth are in the county Jail at Jack sonvllio awaiting a preliminary hear ing before Justice Taylor. Mrs. Sar gent Is held on $1000 ball end Larkln on $3000. Mrs. Bandefer left last1 Thursday night for Fresno, Calif., and returned last night with Mrs. Sargent without having hnd to secure extradition pa pers. ' I.NtKiN Oxford and f'ambriditC ur.4vrKlile. for thn flrxt time to thvlr lung hlxtorlnt. art; unubb to support Ihfninlv.i and luiw , ull.d upuii tho riulnl.' fur axnlNtumv. This w!u diM.-lo!Hi in a report is sui'd by the rcyiil commiwton ap pointed undr th.- chairmanship of Es-Prrmier AHqulth to lnvetnlian the flnum lal condition of the two in utiluUonx. which two years ago was admittedly o unstifa-tory thut thv government grunted r-urh of them an i-mergrncy subaidy if 30,000 pounds annually. )hus saving both coU'B-n from collapeo. Including these subidl.-, Oxford had an im-omn of Ml. 7 in pound in 1920. wlill.. that of Cnmbrtdgo to talled 719. do pound. The commis sion's report rveommends lnrrilnK the annual grnn's to 100.000 pound caih. with :ildl!lii!)nl provlNlons for extending edurtitionftl fu-llltl-(i for wnmon and pnytng pension arrears. Tb commltwion strcw tho point thnt todny tho unlverkltles hav largely returned to their ortglnul function of ministering to the non wralthy Ktudent. and hsv. In fuct. beoni" "ntUfl.T.t dmocra',i,H." Innddltion to rt-comnw-nding ample fucl.ltlrs for th (Mtucatinn of women, tho report ph-ads for more state scholurihipN, cheaper llvlns coirts and better pay. with pension pros pects, for prof.-iwtors. Tho annual meetiug ot tho stock holders of the Jackson County Indus 'rlal Kslr asso.-litUoa ht lo be hold to- i morrow nftrnoon at 2 o'clock ut tne i Medford public library. ' Ilosldes tho election t f tfrirer for ; he cuiulnti ymr, tlixro will bo a tium- xr of very ImporUut matters brought up so that every stockholder (t tho OBs.vlallon Is urged to attend. Tho datn of tho fair this fall will to !cdd and reports of bfftcers will 1m made, Drsslngs tf the proposed porma neut building Improvement will be :n display and a report of tho plans and specifications committer of the ''oard of directors will accompany them. R. A. M. Crater Lsk Chapter No. 32 1 Boeclul communication,' luesnay, April .otti. s p. nu Royal Arch Dogre. Refreshments. Visit uri welcome. 29 A. K. NOT1I. .cy. s GIGANTIC METEOR plunges in sea AflllUHY PARK, N. J.. April 21. The shooting suixr-star described by Ne.w Jerseyites as "bigger than tho Moon" which last night ended a brief but lurid pyrotechnic career with plunge Into the Atlantic, struck about five miles of the Toms river coast sta tlon, it was said today. Officials of the station reported to headquarters that tho dnmiso of the meteor was witnessed by a lono beach patrol last night. Ills attention was attracted by the appearance of a bluish light In the sky. This revolved itself into a ball of fire, which, according to the guard, exploded like a clup of thunder and dove Into the sea. A prolonged hissing followed, the witness said. Several minutes later the disturbance which hud been caused in tho ocean was evidenced by a succession of bugo rolling waves It was reported In tho vicinity of Tom river that slight earth tremors sccom panted the uictor's jdunge. ; ' Plro Jn Portland Hehool. : PORTLAND, Ore., April 21. Eight hundred students of the Clin ton-Ke!ly school here marched ou of the building today in one minute and 10 seconds after a fire alarm bad been sounded. Three bovs of the ichool extinguished a blafco on the roof belore tho fire department ar rived. WASHINGTON', April 24. The capitalization of the I':iciflc Oil com pany by stockholders of tho Bouthern Pacific to take over 259,000 acrCR o oil Kind owned by tbe Bomthern Pa f if lc- and r Associated' Oil companies, attacsed by Cmrenco JI. Vcnner, stockholder In thn Southern Pacific in nn nppenl, will not bo reviewed by tlio supreme court, It wus announced todity. L 2 S ROCK BOAT BOYS DROWNED CASUesQllNINl A.ti MCtt TlMW IMr tM M M tM mi LOS ANOKLBrf. April .24. Ar-. rangements wero being made today for removal to their home towns of the remains of David Keeney, IS years old, son of a Banta Mnrln, Cal., attorney, and lo Iteghettl. 17, of Oreutt. Oil., hlsh school uth!etc who wore drowned vit"'.- "-take park, a public playground here. Two. girls In a row, mat iityiuliy rocked the canoo in whb-h tho boj-s were boMin. It overturned. Tlie boya drowned and the glrla fled. Tho hoj n rnrne hi re to attend a Mouthern fHllfornla intersi.-holastle champlon jlp track and field meet Huturduy. THREE OFFICERS $HOT (Continued from Pago One) "Hold-Heet" Grill Stove S2.95 A dandy article for light cooking, l-argn enough to toast two slices of bread at one time or to keop coffo pot warm for second cup while toast ing on other end. ldeul for warming bablns' milk. Hupplled rntnpleto with cord, two piece attachment plug and separable connector. Two Year Guarantee, Oven Attachment with Utensils $2.95 statement of Waller E. Mosher that tho raid was that of an "organization made up of picked men,'' and the state ment credited to him that ho would 'not g!vo the namo of tho organisa tion" to which ho belonged, the stories of the witnesses that most of the raid ers wero masked with white hoods, tho fact that the automobiles parked near- bly all had their license plates cov ered and hidden, and the very prompt arrival of Mr. Coburn, all gnvo tho officials the belief that thoro svas a strong possibility that tho Klan knew more thun It was telling, according to their expressed vR-ws early today. MTJLTIPHONE 4 receivers for thn price of one Renard Electric Coj 110 I' liOCATION Hlth Mtrort IHO.N'K 10OO IAIH0OPING COUGH U if No "curs" but helps to re If duce paroxysms of coughing. V VapoRub Cxr 1 7 Million Jan UmJ Y'di NEW TAXI RATES Kl'FKf.TIVK MjV 1ST City rate, 1 or 2 passengers,' fWc 2.V for additional piiMMMigorH. ' Shopping try hour, ftj.OO. JH-iving in city, :MM Taxi Phones 66, 96, 15 - Day or Night WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directort Dr. Johnson Says . REMEMBER AJl the king's horses nnd all the kinff'H men, enn never replace tint lost Hound tooth flgaln. ' MORAL Don't wuHto timo and loose them. YES Wo Kivi prnn in dentnl oper ntions where indiciilod or de ftired. Dr. O. J. Johnson 7"'- 'DENTIST 228 East Main St. Phone 669 ' Beginning at 9Ba. m. TUESDAY Between 9:00 a. m., and 10:00 a. m., 36-inch fine Nainsook. A real genuine 10 C 20c value, yard Between 10:00 a. m., and 11:00 a. m., 36 inch fine Dress Percale. A 132C good 19c value, yard Between 11:00 a. m., and 12:00, women's fine Chamoitctte Gloves, 39 C 59c value, pair 1 Between 12 and 1:00 p. m.. women's Silk Blouses, all sixes. Best style, $2,29 $5.00 value, each Between 1 :00 p. m., and 2:00 p. m., women's summer Union Suits. Regular 75c 39 C seller, suit Between 2:00 p. m., and 3:00 p. m., full sized Bed Spread. A real $1 IQ $2.00 seller, each Between 3:00 p. m. and 4:00 p. m., Men's Department. Men's genuine $1,00 B. V. D. Union Suits, suit Between 4:00 p. m., and 5:00 p. m., 36-inch Silk Messaline, $1 .98 $1.19 value, yard , Each Article Or Sale Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY MEDFORD, OREGON One Hour Only TO MEDFORD THEATREGOERS: The Greenwich Village Follies which ap pears at tho Pago tonight, are traveling special train and we consider it or.e of tho biggest and most entertaining attrac tions of the season. We want to personally uokayM this pro duction and suggest getting tickets at onco and avoid disappointment. Have had a lot of trouble securing this company and want to prove that Medford appreciates high class shows. GEO. A. HUNT & CO. By Geo. A. Hunt. THE PLACE TO START SPRING HOUSECLEANING is in the kitchen. Your old wood stove should be the first thing to go. It's place should he taken by a modern cabinet style Gas Range of porcelain finish that is as easy to keep clean as a china plate.' There are five different styles to select from at the office of the Southern Oregon Gas Co.