Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 24, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Focal and
1 1 .
f Jt Xn I . Publlshpd In last Saturday's Mail Til
bune, announced this forenoon that he
The next meeting of the Crater cluli. oml RlmU' thp m ,h
two, -weeks from tomorrow night, pro- lork,J himself up in his orf ice-u draw
tnlpwi to be a memorable one with!"' an appropriate, formal reply to the
lamrhalili miint. All ih i-ul BnHI. i lia11 effort. H is understood that
dates for office are expected to be
present and outline their platforms to
the Craters. ,
Iuvest your savings in the Jackson
County Hullding and Loan association.
Lime and cement. Modford Lumber
Danre at Trail Sat night. 33
" A light to heavy front is predicted
for Tuesday morning. N'o smudging
was done this morning as the mini
mum temperature was only 32 degrees
Be careful of your fire In the forest I
Ons Newbury in response to thej Tho maximum temperature ot Sun
challenge- to a spelling match at thday was 6S rtcgrlVa, ih coniparert with
tin lodge Issued by Court Hull and t ho wartiipgt tomiiniiitnr.. ir tim mime
If you must burn the timber wait until
it in a building and It is insured
with R. A. Holmes, The Insurance Man.
Messrs. Newbury and Hall will choose
up sides rrom all the Elks next Thurs
day night, when the contest takes
Tteauty and simplicity. In the new
Hupmobtle. Clark Motor Co. 33
Sash and doors. MedTord Lumber
Crescent orchestra Kagle Pt. Snt.
Miss Alice Ament spent the week
end with her parents at Grants l'nss.
You won't need to carry a Uaedecker
on the Trl-L trip. We furnish the
guides Tree of charge. Tickets $1.00. 28
.Med cord Service Co.? 29
Application has been tiled with the
state engineer for water by Charles $.
Kdwnrd of Ashland for water from j
South llrunch and Prairie Hnmch and
springs for irrigation of 8i ucres In '
J no k son county. j
Comply with traffic regulation and
have a dandy spotlight Installed com-
day a year ago, 57 decrees
Flowers for all occasions. See us
Vlavl headquarters. Hotel Modford.
Phone Mrs. A. C. Four. 82
Vlavl dealer, Mrs. A. O. Foor of
Portland. Hotel Medford. 32
Reports of a rich noUl strike at
Takllma were confirmed this after
noon by a telephone mossane from
that place. A rich lodge, carrying gtild
in In tUrt ntui nt It lo umu .t it I. a
v tiuiuiitin o. nun Pttuvn i inr " "
Oscar lleer mino lust nvor tin. Call. Kxposltion Shows, which came to o
rornia line. The body has
lete on your car for $5 .25
a rase.
Haby wearable that are easy to
imisn. just t touch or nana
Don't let a blaze from your. match
stan a blaze in the forest. A fine line
of children's hose at 20c, black, white
and cordovan. Hutchison & Lumsden.
:' ' : 2S
Good vigorous sweet iea plants, also
all other bedding plants for sale. Mad
ddx A IWmney. v ' " 59
C. M. Kldd who has been 111 for some
tlm past la now able to be about
again and is breaking lightly into his
usual business routine.
uentlemea- You had better hang on
to your Watch and loose change when
thess good looking Gypsy Rlrls make
eye at yoo Trl-L tour. Tickets $1.00.
-,-'.. - '"28,
shout your bedding plants, porch
boxeta and hanging baskets. Maddor
ft Donney, 1005 East Main. Phone 374.
tartnello Cosmetic Shop, 409 Liber
ty Bid. Phono 657-W. . 47
" April has been a peaceful month, in
Josephine county if the number ot
occupants in the county Jail can be
token as a criterion," says the Grants
Pa. Courier. -There has not been a
single person put in the Jail since
March 28. when a man was held oven
sight awaiting a hearing as. to his
Hupmobiles are enduring. 33
Hot luncji, lac, 20c, 25c, starts 11:30
Yankee Do-Nut Shop, 28 N. Front St 29
When better automobiles axe built
Buicjt .will build them. tf
Miss Lena Nelson, superintendent of
Granite City hospital and Miss Cos.
nurse, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
R. L.Orr and family at their home on
Kvaaa creek.
;t ua assist you In your mailing
business. Folding, addressing and
mailing at leas cost Orders rushed.
Address G. W.. Mall Tribune. 28
4t .will pay you to climb my stair
way. 'Tailored suits guaranteed to fit
and. wear well. $35 to 50. Klein the
Tailor. .128 E. Main. 29
. trance at Trail Sat night 33
An order V get at the facts in refer
ence to the status of Crater Lake the
Portland chamber of commerce has
appointed a committee or investiga
tion. H. 3. Ottenheimer, chairman of
theivputdoor recreation committee is
chairman of tha
seems to know Just what is to be done,
although JMr. Parkhurst is understood
to .Be , making ready to take over the
lode for the 1922 season. What is
considered a good offer has been made
to Mr. Parkhurst for bis interests at
Crater Lake. This offer did not appeal
to Mr. Parkhurst and the committee
will take the matter up with him. The
other members, chosen to represent
the dally newspapers of Portland are
H. ,11. Piper. Marshall N. Dana, e. n
Wfceejer and Fred L. Boalt Pacific
Hotel s'ewa.
We have a profitable hauling con
tract for the man who win hn? .man
Robublic truck. Inqolre Busy Corner j
Motor Co., Main and Riverside. tf
l. . To Ford owners: Have your car
equipped wlth.a utility manifold and
Hoy wasting your oU and gas. Distrib
uted and demonstrated at 217 8. River
side, C B. Soderstrom. 28
Jf s easy enough to Jump Into your
ear and run down to San Francisco, or
eten clear back to New York, but who
ever beard of going clear around the
World In your fltwerr Come to the "Y"
FrUlay night and find out how. Tickets
$1.00. ' '; ' ' ' 28
The work ot putting the new city
auto camp ground Into condition for
occupancy is progressing fast The
city has quite a large force of men at
work cutting out and burning brush
nd stumps, while plowing and grad
ing Is being done at the same time.
18.000 miles on two Miller 33x4 cords
on a Dodge roadster. Exchange Tire
Co.. 28 North Riverside. 22
Free dirt for lawns or pardon. Call
at building site, Minnesota street H.
A. Thierolf.
Of interest to the Medford and Ash
land National Guardsmen Is the news
that war department plans for summer
training at Camp Lewis provide for
3397 national guardsmen during the
period from June 14 to July 29. Civil
ian training w ill open July 27 and run
to August 25. A coast artillery train
ing camp is to he established at Fort
Worden for Oregon and WashlnKton
coast artillery.
; Men's two-piece suits dry cleaned
jand steam pressed $1.00. Bring yonr
Cleaning and dyeing and save money.
Apparel Cleaners, 622 North Riverside.
!:.:.-. .. 3i
This office is prepared to print
calling cards from your copper plate
Also business cards, letter heads and
envelopes from your steel dies. In 24
nours. - tf.
Frojsen automobile, tractor and truck
cylinders welded, de-lnforced and
guaranteed. Only the finest pre-heat-Ing
fuels and metala used. Vulcan
Welding Works. 39 S. Front street tf
The last edition of the Volt the pub
lication put out by the California Ore
gon Power company is devoted entire
ly to the Josephine Caves. It includes
a large number of pictures of the camn
and the different chambers IA the cav
erns. ' There is also a description of
the caves.
Dance at Trail Sat night 33
If it's insurance we write it R. A.
Holmes, The Insurance Man.
Everywhere you look you see a
, Chevrolet tf
Stanley Jewett. the federal preda
tory, animal extermination expert
spent today at Prospect in giving a
coyote poison demlnstration. and will
spend Tuesday at Eagle Point on the
same mission. Mr. Jewett is making
Medford his headquarters for several
days while looking after this line of
work in Jackson county.
Tho binlv hns not vet
been proven to know Us extent but on
the Mill now nviwifiml It
59 j large. The mine Is a quarts property
and Is the second rich strike to be re
ported within the past month, the first
having been found on Briggs creek.
Grants Pass Courier.
Darling befuffled dresses tor hi
two and four year old girl. Handicraft
Shop. us
For dancing, Launspacu'a orchestra.
Auto Insurance. Brown & White.
Among -the recent cor mirations fil
ing articles of Incorporation with the
state corporation department is the
Medford Church of the Natarne or
Medford, -for $2500. with II. G. Kina.
Oeorge Desaler and Myrtle I-ee King
as incorporators.
Watch repairing of that quality that
gives satisfaction at Johnson's.
Jeweler. tf
When you go camping be sure vour
fire is out and don't forget your camp
supplies will be carefully rilled, double
checked and packed at Hutchison &
Lumsden. 2S
When in need of sash and doors
call Wallace Woods. 108 or come to
11 E. Main street
H. L DeArtnond has returned to
Medford from Klamath Falls after hav
ing spent several days there on bust
Hemstitching. '
8c per yd.
Buttons covered.
Handicraft Shop. tf
When In need of shingles, and roof-
,lng call Wallace Woods, 108. 711 E.
Have yon your summer sewing
done? If not see Miss Helen King
3444 South GraDe. s
The scene of this morning's auto-
tram accident at the Fourth street
crossing was visited by hundreds of
people sll day long today.
TniA Office is nronnraul in n,lnl
ledger sheets, bills, etc, nseA on the
bookkeeping machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out of Medford. Phone
us and we will call. tf'
Find-no-leak makes any tire punc
ture proof, preserves rubber. Liberty
Kepair Bhop. 41
lose here lute Saturday nlnht, was
arrests were made in the alley be
tween Central and Front street and
..... 'CI.a l I...... I.r..l... It...
successful from every viewpoint, and bottles before the police retailed them
demonstrated that a clean show com- but the patrolmen recovered parts of
pany with Interesting attractions ami the .bottles containing liquor'. It. I
Without Klimhllnir devices Mr hU ill llml i.,ir'l. mux lm,l lu.. Iintllx
came will ulways attract the patron- of moonshine. ;
Hen Lindas is not dig us defense at-
titt-mtv niil 111,, iii-hM 111 ( ml r V h.inrftti) In,.
....... j ...v .... ., ... ....
hire Jtid;To Taylor 'Will tnk pbtCif to
morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. ,
. mwira nuuuai 1 v) 1 ciomes. Cnolce of G
ag TickeU$1.00. 2S $4 5 to $55. this week
Medford Service Co.? Ml tv.i. w r.J. ...7..... ..
r- . n . , 1 iiiuuvn, puDiicuy airector
M-wTtr We6lC n"y yoaT'inT A1 G. Barnes circus which shows
. "u u.ou nere May 3rd. transacted business
shoes from Hutchison & Lumsden. 28!wf.h ....',' Iff- M
tv- t .1 , . 7 "' iiuajr. imroes circus
The lnsta ation ot night warning has been making Medford for years
at PT1Q I a at all trenln . 1 .
r. me ana always Rives a good performance.
rin:5fe! Bargains second-hand bicycles. Lib-
- I"-"- "im me puuuc ?r-jerty Kepair Shop.
"w commission oy stage and truck
operators of the state.
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for
NuDone. Phone 5S5-J. tf
Twenty-four automobile makes are
a nd lc raft Shop.
The eiiKiigement of the
Night I'atrulmon Cave and LckkIii
urrentt John Conim und Iluwley
llopwood early yesterday luorntng for
tiS'ii ceills each,' Two conimll lees
are In t liiirni tf .rim j ! of those
ticket. The one for the wost Hide U
mttdo up by Ki'etl Weeks, chairman;
J. A. Moffat mid. At I'lclie, and for
the east side by l.i nl 1'irlcli, Chair-jiieiMptl 4U'slMi.f.2i Ihlrd i 'h ll
man. K( rt llulilmid ind l'. A, Meek- rourtli 4 U 'h H9.s2; Victory 3
riv 1 .' ' ' loo. Oil; Vlrlorv 4 ' 100. t.
I lltellV IIhikIh
M'iw YOUK. April 2 1. liberty
bondii closed:
:m'M mi. an; first ' uD.ti'i
second 4 09. KH first 4 '' Hit.
i-l :
s l-tirlni; liquor in their possession. The
agi of nmuseinent seekers.
Even'where you look you see
Chevrolet. tf
The Apparel Cleaner and Hatters
ure now located In their now modern
fire-proof building' at i22 North River
side, and have In their employe a
practical cleaner and dver. 20 Years
experience. New up-to-dato machinery
has been installed which enables them
to do hluh grade work. 31
The Greenwich Follies coumanv
which nlavs at the Pui:t tonlxht Is
scheduled to nrrlve In the city late
this afternoon from Redding, Calif.
Mrs. A. O. Foor. represent inn lhi
Northwest Vlavl Coniany of Portland.
is tiow located permanently at Hotel
Medford. hYlends and patrons Invited
to phono or call. 3a
Two wotchmakers. nrnnint service
and unexcelled workmanship. Johnson,
Jeweler. 1 tf
The annual D. O. K. K. Ma.v dav
dance will be given next Monday night
in tne large nail of the natator lain.
The music will be furnished by tho
D. O, K. K. orchestra.
"itcautv is the fit si gift that n.iturn
gives to women and the first she takes
away." K. Burnhftui's toilet requisites.
shampooing, halrdressing, manicur
ing, facial massage, scalph treatments.
hair dyeing. Minlford B-auty Shou.
Medford Hullding. Phone 191-U tf
New bath towels with fast colored
bordors. Handicraft Shoo. n
In lu wrlte-u Ratunlav of the dis
trict Epworth league convention at
Ronehurg, which was attended by a
large delegation from Medford the
Daily News Review of Roseburg said
in part: "Rev. J. Randolph Sasnctt. of
Medford, is the genial chairman of tlw
convention, and Rev. 9. J. Chnney, of
Klamath Falls, was toastmaster at the
noon banquet. After a
young folks will enlov a weluer roaHt
this evening on the bank of the river
near the new suspension bridge, ad
at 7:30. If any one Imagines there Is
Hear ye. Hear ye, Klein tha Tailor I th5r hll(' vlt this convention."
ntru ri,.- 1 , . . I Sav thM fomtlii'
UK ink 11 1
scats uw hi:i.j(i!
AMl'JlH'A'StiW I'ST, l'l,l-'.i:Tl:S'l' ,M MOST A XT 10 IIKVt'U
I'lie lot Notewoi-ihy l uiid-.Mtilc Mmw 'Hint r'vrr VUlted
I tho l'min t'tuixl, f
cDohcmions. nc
SccoAnnual RgvusicALCoMEbyVcwbw8
Latin Quaptqr
Jnd Edsall's Cole Eight louring car
burned yestefday afternoon on' the
desert between Again and Kanle Point.
The fire was caused bv a short rlrcull
In tho wiring system. The rnr Is a
total loss, covered by Insurance,
Edsall is tho Eagle l'olnt llutte Fulls
mail contractor.
The car of J. J. Walker of Phoenix
Which was stolen Saturday nUMt was
recovered this morning, the Medford
police department having been notified
that It was near the Central Point
Tho second erla of the Retail
Merchants' l.urtau dinner meeting
will begin next Monday, May first.
Tickets for these meetings are now
belnn offered for sale. They are for
n .. ... ....ltn ., .. ....... I V. III. ..... .. , ..
'Sernentlne ' " " '""' -'n" .
Proceaskm" through the stents. he VV S .P. t,r'
vounr folk, win .nlnv ?rtn '"' the affairs of the
bureau will be taken rare of by an
executive committee. '
There will be etjtht dinner meet
ti.,.,t,. i 4i. . .u , I 1 ner win tM ciyni u liner meet-
at 1 If Anv nnn lmnrfn., than, la t -
h. ivu orviw giving
of 50 patterns. Value turo I'v,nu. nd buy Vllmo flour,
reek only at $12.50. KwP tne ney at home. $1.80 per
ien, publicity director Mck delivered. IHitchlson ft Luws-
rtmtm whioh .Krf.. B. 2S
guasanteed to nt and satisfy, $35 to
JV. Mein the Tailor 128 R Mnln 59
, 'Are You Getting
Insure with
, ixsrnAxcE agency
equipped with Miller Urea. Put Miller
on your car. Exchange Tire Co., 28 X.
Riverside. r ' 32
E. Burnham, world's largest estab
lishment of beauty. ' This is your guar
antee of the merit of E. ' Rurnham
Toilet Requisites, in constant use at
Medford Beauty Shop, room 429 Med
ford Bldg. 32
Senator I. L. Patterson, one of the
republican candidates for governor,
who is spending a few days in Grants
Pass mixing among the Josephine
county voters, is expected to arrive
here tomorrow from that city to mix
around in this county.
Dance at Trail Sat. nicht s.t
Take time to extlneulah vonr FAmn
fire, and buy fancy Netted Gem pota
toes per 100 lbs, delivered. Hutch
ison & Lumsden. 28
We are watch specialists. We guar
antee results. Johnson, Jeweler, tf
The Salvation Army will hold a rum
mage sale at the hall, No. 320 East
Main street, on Wednesday and Thurs
day. April 26 and 27.
Dance Eagle Point every Sat night
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108.
711 East Main street.
Try our merchants lunch. The
Shasta. ' '
Tentative plans for a 1922 statewide
convention of poultrymen to be held
August 1st, 2d and 3d, at the Oregon
Agricultural college. hav 1ut huon
announced. It may be possible to have
a numDer or men of national reputa
tion, who will attend the conventipn
in poultry husbandry
jlast week In July, as speakers for the
state convention. As August is the
1 slack season for the poultrymen, a
large attendance is expected.
Haven't you always wanted to travel
and see the world' Now'n vmir rhnncp
Tri-L Bhip sails Friday night. Tickets
oniy ii.un. .28
Young )ady wants position as sten
ographer or office work. Will do extra
work in either. Phone 383-J. tf
Crescent orchestra Eagle Tolnt Bat.
night. 2!)
Tourist patronage at the city auto
I camp continues to be fairly brisk.
(Twelve cars bringing 26 persons ar
1 rived at the camp between Saturday
lorenoon and this morning.
Best garden loam for sale. Phono
912-J. tf.
Dance Eagle Point every Sat. night.
C. L. Ooff writes Insurance on .any-
, t r, . ' . " . away aaiuruay arternonn in
w bought 'or
daughter, Mrs. Maud Ackley and three
granuemmren at Tillamook.
Lime for spray. Medford Lbr. Co.
The finest fabrics and loveliest de
signs in baby garments. Handicraft
Shop. 2g
The musical programs ni tha rhri.
tlan church Sundays are drawing big
crowds. In addition to tha nLinn.
by the eleven-piece orchestra, male
quartet, chorus choir and congrega
tional singing Mrs. William Fanchler
sang a very beautiful solo last night
Medford Service Co.? 29
Free: Toy dog that harks In vnf-v
boy or girl who brings father or moth
er to The Medford Exchanm n
tunlty Sale Saturday, Monday or Tues
day, iso purchase necessary. 1
Twesty-one Student nnfhnra Tiivo
submitted manuscrlnts to ia mnaiii
ered in the annual Edison Mn rnhnll
short story contest at the U. of O.
rroressor Wllkie Collins has made his
report as the first iudire and th ator,
ICS Will go tO Mrs. Melvln Ktnno Intor
to Charles Alexander, editor of the
Aioany Sunday Democrat, the other
two Judges.
"Lumber goes tin nn forc hum
iIih.. , Jin . ...
uu""' uurnea wrests build no
homes. But you can alwavn mini
ity service and courtesy and a hearty
welcome ax Hutchison & Lumsden's
Personal service given to all nn to
repairs. Elwood's Autn fihon lis
south Central, Phone 769-J. 31
Leo L. Bronhv wan finnH ir. thiu
afternoon in Justice Taylor's court on
a -speeding charge. The arrest was
made by Traffic Officer J. J. McMa
ree: One 25c box Monrfef. fro
with each $1.00 or more purchase at
The Medford Exchange Opportunity
caie, Saturday sad all week, April 22
ij. jug uppoitunity Bargains.
Fire Insurance. Brown & Whllo.
The Josephine fair board hna kpIiW.
ed September 19-22 as, the dates for
me kjm josepntnn county fair,
Ilardwood floorim?. Medford Lflm
Der Co.
Everywhere you look you see
Chevrolet -
iienry Mackev w Mi lav rr
photographic stunts this week because
of serving on the lurv at ii lipnnll
icourt term at Jacksonville
Medford Service Co.?
medical treatment about two months
ago. Death came as a result of com
plications from pneumonia.
Deceased was born In Jackson conn-
ty In 1906 and was aged 15 years, nlno
months and five days.
He was well known In school rlrrlna
where he attended at Gold Hill. He
leaves besides his bereaved Barents.
two sisters and four brothers. Ruby
Hamay, Wayne.' Glenn. Clair, and
Dal all of Gold Hill.
The funeral services were held this
afternoon at the chanel of Wpks-
Conger Co., Rev. King of the Nflzarono
church officiating. Pallbearers were
selected from tbo students of Gold
Hill school. Interment In Central
Point cemetery.
' I thing.' Telephone 41.
rOK RENT Choice, brand
modern five room bungalow,
W, Second. .
. 30
for thesti coat $5.00, an averuae of
Hand ..,w . .A .u..vM.H r.uwsra Milton
uttBtmi 1 r 1 ,T .raaue' Higlnbotham. son ot Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Hlginbotham of near Gold 1(111
passed away Saturday afternoon In
: : : M AY5
sfActD uy
1 1 1 1
luvuucnuy , I'uneil tor a .MiiiiIOk hi Hip Oni'tilrli I Ulnno and
Shulx'H Tln-ntnit In .Vrw Vik
I'ltK J: l.o.r 1 U.or, J.7.T: HiilcouV, rJ -''. illWt, ft. 10. '
lot litilt x War 'lui,
A Tip to the Children
Wntrll t'ir tlu
Yellow Ice Cream Wagons
Ice Cream, Cone3, Eskimo Pie and Buttermilk.
Thivt' wagons llvt rvwlit'iv in tho ity.
The Handicraft 8I10D is now located
In Its new mt-to-date quarters, first
door north of the old location. Tho
room has been remodeled to suit he
business, a balcony put In, new shelv
ing and show cases. A new nleater
has also been added to the equipment
and Mrs. William Hates, the propria
tress, Invites the public to call.
The Handicraft Shon carries ladles
art needle work, baby goods, yarns,
gifts and novelties.
Mrs. Hates has ODcrated the shon for
several years and built up a nice busi
A ."a - SSI MSB
A Mil C
r-a l-tfAUlFD
HIV CDlTiON cr At. c.1 V-A
2 AND 8 P.M.
A1 10 30 An DAILY
I i ins
II ei . ii w
' f' .; -Let us explain the one-class cabin
bhips which give you aristocratic
service at democratic fares. And
the delightful voyage 2 days down
. the picturesque St. Lawrence and
only 4 days open sea.
Further Information from loral ruil way and
steamship agents or
AV. If. Deacon, (Jon. Agt. Pans, nppt., r.5 Third Btreet, Portland,
Oregon Phono llrondway !)0.
; 'a fx.
) r t4A
The Call
it uu 00
01 n
A Great Cast in a Great Picture
;See the Thrilling Flood Scenes