Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 22, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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To tho Editor:
I am happy to announce that my
Announcement has just been nmde
by wUIlHin von ,ir Hellen and Ray-
..... iwri.f or me construction of a '
I' fruit nackliur
Alcdford. Tho now .n morM or less esteemed nntfmn,,,.-.
bo loratod at the end of the pave- M,th Newbury, has nt last posted
ment on south lntral Avenue just ,7 n,w me Thursday even-
south of the Knihl rachinff Com- ln 'h Vrotwld .UlniE contest
pany and win be of modern construe- i an f 'h,to ho haa ducked, lde-tep-lon
containing approximately ten ; P J"1 VIMl "'V rvery effort to
thousand feet of floor upace. I" him ,n th I'llinR ren, I be-
Constructlon will begin at one. 1 1, thw forf" posted will keep him
and the now wrhoue will be ready ,m runnln' out .of this contest.
16th in tlmo!,ua,s"Ke to old mem
for occupancy by June
to make preparations for the handl
vm vi inia seasons crop.
The warehouse will be. leased to a
new operating company recently or
Rhlj!d by Mr. n.ter rh
tympany will be composed of e- t the ,aU lAsk ot driving the blood
perlenced men: the direct warvhouRe " MirouRh hl elonimted frame, he
operations will be in charge of Mr i U"OW8 tht 'n ths mental arena ha
I Hcndrlckson and Mr. n u i nas "malt chance with me.
Maasdam. AH of the above men f 1 met h,m thirty-!x stars
nen active v rmmoi i. " "en we were, takln
may embarrass
rary, but hi base ingratitude, leaver
no courws open to mo other than to
expose hla pretentions. Down deep
new , .7 . "enraow iunciiona
actively engaged
In tho(
fruit business in Wtedford for the I examination for teacher's
Iut 'several years. tinea tea, On that occasion I r
"The new rnmrnnw r, i Tl V . - s the woebeirone
The new company will be known ' th wob,on eprion that man-
W the Independent Fruit cnmrv ' ,,Ml his youthful and hatchetJlu
and as the name tmplies will be in- eountena'", as he vainly rtruifgled to
uepenaent in every way. The com-! , , lno "mP and elemental
Pny wfll.eneace nrinriiik- i . questions propounded, nut
Tnercial packing and win pack fruft patfy 1 looktHl ovr hi spelling papr
grower inaependent of any j v" v"e numerous
tiMmeung may :, ""cmt.u error and I haw
.. in omer wortls, the growers , "ate years, when
will be assured Of adequate, ware- rvdln of Ring Lardner'a char
house and packing fxriiiti ,.. ' cter stuff, that somehnw hi.
the necessity of contracting the sell- httV,s incited some of Gus" ancient
APim, 2i. 1922
At Page Theater Next Monday Night
Ing of his crop to any particular mar-
eng agency.
spelling pa pes. It was entirely due
Rjnaneas ana pity thnt he got
oy that examination, t
how he went out Into the rural dls-
n ooaraed Yound with the
patrons." In those days they fed
teachers according to their standing
and ability .nd Ous haa hadtomueh
troublo ewr idnce. one only needs
mk over the contenders to know
w"o who in thoee dai.
W much for our earlv fnrm
present dope no one should give him
lookJft. tike
to1e morons, of which he Is the
DhYfiicfll nrftiau,ld h. t .
t , v u0 uaa aegener-
I atod rather than .. .
Essays wrftten la tJlp Sea tar contest ! f'nr,v he has taken up th
i timiun ax. . &rMtl nt ;, "w a proiession.
TK . ... .
of Central V ;, vl yDU wno ar runout pity
toT ..,!and fleurativety do not object to the
Bight of blood should come out and
Bee the slaughter which will 'surely
come off on Thursday. April 27th,
Medford. April J 1st.
froAtr ttnliiN e,i
Point, and, tmuy Fraxer Drown and
Helen ura Leach ot Medford schools
"ven forwarded to State Superin
Bent ChurchWs office.
.'T"he school children or Jackaon coun
tshave been preparing for thia con
test -for some weeks, and all essays
were, completed by April 10th. Blnee
tliea .6mmittee has ben at wnrfc
making selection of the best ones from'
ATadna E an,l It . . I
.-" v, irviu Kranen i nnn i
; thtoghouV6econd and third vJr' . ? Wtman, ; tor some
w.uoqi, w the county and also from rhTn, ... T luissionary in
7. f V
if J ,lHMN
Pan ind Ink Imprsstions of th leading personalities.
dlstMa of the first class.-
China, will give as address on the
-The writers of eesavs art, in im- M.'ffJ"'3 er wortt S7 a. m.
Lhn ten Hi . m Baptist church. Sh will
t;4 vi 1.11 Ql
Place in the county, and they also have v , great Merest, as Mrs.
fc chance for th .tat. 11 !tl.? n 1b an interesting and Inform-
The bulMlncs that will Kn wit
the fair grounds will bo of a substan
tial character. This was th wi.i,,n
of the directors of the fair asmxiu
tion at their meetng evening.
Kuther than build a lot of buildings
In a shoddy manner, they txiiwt to
construct a few in such a manner
that they will not be a source of con-
Slant expanse us the rhuau.-r klni
rreliminury drawings and con
struction estimate wero submitted
last evening and on account of fixed
charges for fences, water mains and
sewer, the original plans will havo
to be readjusted to come within the
financial means available. The
sociation now has the plans for
turning oasis and these were
An Informal. tff-hand movement
whs Inaugurated today tor the estab
lishment of u city playground for th
children of Medford, while John I'erl.
J. W. JnesHler and Mayor C, K. tlutea
were In tvimitil coitveiHiitliin on Houth
KtverHlde ave. The suhleet turne.l
to the new auto camp being estub
llHhed by the city and naturally grav
Itated to the nwesBlty of a children's
public playground In the city.
All three were unanimous thnt
such n playground would fill a
felt want In the city, properly euiilii.
ped with playing appitus and
under proper supervision, In that It
would keep children from playing
on tie streets, would promote their
health and afford rare-worn mothers
freedom a few hours dally by know.
mg mi tneir children were enjoying
healthful exerela.'rf under guardian
ship at the public playground.
"I tell you such a playground Is
an absolute necessity In Medford and
would do untold good," sold Mr. I'erl.
"All the larger cities havu them and
tht smaller cities and town are fuss
establlehlng them. It is something
w must have. Probably th city
run not afford to establish a playi
ground Just now, but it can W don'
by private subscription. Tell you
what, Just to got such a movement
started. 1 will make a IC sulwcrlp
Hon to the cnuse. A few such do
nations and wo will have a play
ground." "1 will make a further sugges
tion." said Mayor Hates, 'and that Is
thnt the city devots the south naif of
the city park ln-yond the lountaln to
usw as a playground."
And there the mutter rested with
the admonition to a newspaper man
present to start the ball rolll.m. bv
publication of the above.
You'ro the breeziest, nerviest, coolest Western Hero
that ever stepped across a screen!
ft I IIP fm I A nr. ai 1 1
ISHITTSAN Isaac Y. Hrlltson wos
lorn lu Ohio. November SB, 1849 and
died at bis home, It 1-arU Miu-is
April 10. l:j, aged T! years, 4
months. 11 ditvs. 1'rom bis nutlvn
The Medford city team which meets . hn mowd to Mbwourl in l70.
Jacksonville's nine on the Oak flmve where he remained until 10. when
diamond Sunday afternrnm has shown ,ho rome 10 r,,un' here he has
real class In Iheirxccent workouts and. . u "u,t ot Jack-
baseball thrills as the Jacksonville chriatiau ufe. After coming to Ore
team is said to be above the average gon he untt-d with the Kres Metho-
this year. . dlst church and for several yer has
Medford has a bunch of uluvors that' -"l minister of that church.
are busy all the time and sime of thora H1" Sr at"t "It" n h's work was to
would put pop iuk a game t-f chess. 4 , "na,w?m,,n co, ,0
-rank Foley, moaiUer of a well known J. 77 " "
Kogue River vai.By family will iroi a,. l(111P ... ' " uJZ. ...
amy twirl for Medford and it he is hope, for wo know our loss is hb
i.,. ... ... . .
Htm tew unn are preoicteu. rviey gain. Aitnougn we fe-l our lsw. wo
SS-'haS SlMnt Sret-ftl I'AIN In bn.l fil fill, knilW ft,,,llffh .Km II..
ball and only recently returned here ""'' the w'ul Is safu in lieu v. n lie
f iwzrivrx n
in Peter B. Kynes smash bang
story of a young Western Daro
Devil who laughed as ho fought
the whole town.
A thrilling drama of youth gone wild.
m- Ber. P. R. ferred to the building comn Ittee Z ""IH Is ho,wd that he will locate per- J to m"ur"' htafc"- A,d! H
"The Prodigal', submit their recomn.enTaUon. at ".y as his services go a long way ."tv?. th bov. 'and'
a new interpre- meeting of the, stockholders of the making the team the rine ag- u'r " girl. Mr Lwad TiTutsan
the Prodigal Son. fair association.' which will be held gregatlon It Is. . I i.enm?.r tn v T I '
i ' . 1
re,dor.ars to th .in. ' 'X Paer. Mlp
. - " lacii win speak on
Pupils innst clasa district. Medford, S f'
TtX. ... . . WUwQ OK Inn MnfT nf fhA UmJIimI C ft, if- n ....!,.. i .. I . l ... . ... rr-,... .1 I, i
mi mu sui grades: 1st since. Emll. - . --....suooii. -...v., ,,,,. m nvla .r,.uuu u , , limi-nuF t. V V. t a nif..
. . ' twv. iMartt a..n a , . n. Tt -ri.-n - . . . . . i . , . . i ... -
rraaer Brown, grade. i . . 7 mornjog ai "wu Bl lne e-l .wjuigoraery ana ujicnioe are recent snn of Eagle Point, Ore.; Mrs. J. It
6th and 6tn grades: 1st place. Helen I "ret Baptist church In Ashland, l'0' Idbrary. assembly room, f comers to Medford as are also Ollrlen lister of Medford; Mrs. T. II. Mc
Laura Leach. 6-a grade V"e' V Community dancing! Nat! To-night I ftr?" . lmprovm.eD,',' ,and Hl"ls and these players togeth- C'telland. Medford; Mrs. It. M. Mar
Pupils of 7th and 8th grades In 2nd' n rv, . . 27 I ot gooT archUertural proportion. er Wlth men who have ben "' V."' M'fur?' ,anl ""I .br0,h'"'' Tl W'
and 3rd class achools of ttacowty SI' th Mvf-,?6t!,,?f ChIcago ta 4 -nJTirroertha? 8,ay of Medford Pa-t wUI 1,r"u"' ,c,f V''- r'''
ranked as follows: - - V1 HoteI Holland as are Stanley G.I the citizen, of Ja.kso county will maka UP h ' tomorrow. I B"d ?oM "f f,Umd" loImB; Th0
- m-. . I Jewett and A. I. Crura tt pmu.j ' . ' T.. . .. i tk- .. ; , ' funeral rvice was conducted by the
. . , " ' pruua oi mese ouuaings i " u-.-up ous noi oeen aeciaea u-wks-Coniter comimnv nt iho free
?-?UlUthJ UrKbUt ,h8 f0"0W,ng D,en Wh hV8 SrrhuVhrrSd Hhar'of
prospect, T. Brown and Mr. and Mrs.? The stockholders meeting, nrrt all shown up well in recent work-outs the Free Methodist church official-
J. C. Oaks of San Francisco, and C. D. J"eay afternoon la a most import- will be given a chance during the Ing. Interment In the 1. O. o. K.
lt Bft 1st place. Pruim. if w
t. 7tb. grade, of Wagner Creek
Plst. 42 2nd place, Alice E. Arm
Btrong, 8th- grade, of Lost Creek school
Wet. 5 3rd place,, Eva L. Kerby.
7ta grade, of Wagner Creek school
.Diet 73-r5th place, Helen- Scheide
Pelter, .7th grade, of Bellevlew school
r PupHs of" 5th and 6ta grades In
schools of 2nd and 3rd class:
.. Dist 6 1st place. Helen Slmerrllle,
Gtt grade. Central Point school.
, Dlst. 89 2nd place. Alfred Peii ...
grtdo, Central school. Eagle Point Rt
r.h t',J6rl place' RgB0 Stancliff.
T." """. veuirai fott school.
; Dlst. 2Q 4th place, Frances E. Wll
on 61 grad. Sama Valley achooL
r Jr n P'0' Lester Bcott, 6th
"j ventral Point school. .
Grimes of McCloud, Calif. ant onc BI? a" members of tho as- gam8
OU"-. marshal., Foley. Montgom-
Bi-CTi iu women ana me first she takes h "
awav" V. n,... -I....:.... ''- " a ' ol lno program.
who. requisites,
shampooing, halrdressing. manicur
ing, facial massage, scalph treatments.
Pbom,123 R DEVOE'S 430 W. Main
0. A. De Voe, Prop.
Groceries and Confectionery
nuts. rRurrs, shelled walnuts,
Wo Sell Anita Stewart Coffee
Open Evening, and 8undyi
balr dyeing. Medford Beauty Shop.
ery, Mclntyre, Bcelcy, FlUpatrlck, Cof-
feen, Clarlt, Duchlne and Hlgg:ns.
Libert jr Bonds.
NEW YORK, April 22.
bonds cloeed:
3s 99.40; first 4's 99.64 bid;
second 4's 99.40: first 4V4's 99.SJ;
' ' American
Chicago 10; St. Louis G.
Cleveland 7; Detroit 15. t
Washington 0; New York 1.
Philadelphia-Boston postponed, cold,
.' -;' '" - -.National ...... , V .
New York 4; Brooklyn 1.
I'hiladolphla 4; Boston 6.
Cincinnati 3: Chicago
" Pit tabu rg-SL ' Loui
( ' 8acramento 3; Ban Francisco 4.
Salt Uke 7; Los Angeles 2. "
, Vernon 4; Seattle 3. '.
Ottklaad 2; Portland 6.
HelpeJ Her Motnsr Wonderfully
In these days of "flu." coughs, colds.
Medford Building. Phone 191-L. tr ' tn imow that vr vvn, q
uruziy, wUd flower and mushroom more bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar
hike Sunday. April 23. The hikers will than of any other cotign medicine. Mrs
gamer at .lnterurban Btreet car sta-;8. L. Hunt, 616 W. 6th St.. Cincinnati, econd 4 Vi's 99.58: third 44's 99.70;
f ,1:3, p" m' an, BO to J'vUIe on Ohio, writes; "Foley's Honey and Tar! fourth, i 14 's 99.HS; Victory 3'
-.v v v-r una niae up j acKson relieved me of a backltffe cough. Uck-
ling la the throat, wheezing and pains
In the chest It is helping my mother
wonderfully." That's why druggists
recommend Foley's. Sold everywhere.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Springer who
have been spending the winter In Cali
fornia and who are enroute by auto to
their borne in Portland are visiting
friends in this city and are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Buchter. They
have been here since Wednesday visit
ing friends and' leave tomorrow for
New bath towels with fast colored
borders. Handicraft Shop. 2g
Tho remains of Chas. Nickell, for
mer well known Medford and Jackson
county citizen, arrived here from Oak
land, Calif., where be suddenly passed
away last Thursday, me funeral ser
vices were held at the arave in the
Jacksonville cemetery this forenoon.
flowering shrubs and vines. Eden
Valley Nursery. 6S0-J-2. 27
Fred Bpuhn of this city and araduat
of M. H. S., will row with the U. of W.
varsity eight this afternoon against
the U. of C, crew. The course is on
Ike Washington and the race was to
have taken place at ten o'clock this
morning but was postponed until three
this afternoon because of rough water.
ine crews, according to sport writers
are practically equal in experience and
u,ll on'y one pound in averane
Jap University Wins Y
' Vn Iff O A r.ll I . ...
PW..T A Trowd' of 30 000 ZIZ The ',Mer f
wUne,L1he Z?Cl ofZw??! I? west at the regatta in
Indiana university basebkn UnTl gnKpBl.? ta Jun- is l-ull
which came tn .in .1,- J 1 ,u oar ' to stroke,
- ----- luriutvwu
o( Waseda university tor a series of
twelve games here. The score:
- ' 'R. H. E.
Indiana university .;.. . o 5 6
Waseda university 4 fl 0
H. A. M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32
:.. Special : communication,
Tuesday, April 25th, 8 p.
m. Royal Arch Decree.
Save tho forests; they are our fu
ture revenue, and buy VUmo flour.
iveep ine money at home. $1.80 per
suck, oeuvered. Hutchison & Lums
den. jg
A baby boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Wright at their home at
122 North Ivy street, at I a, m. today.
. For dancing, Launspach's orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Alhnrf Vn til tin A AnttrtVi.
Visit or(ter left last night for American Falls,
- Idaho, whpro
a... . nni, Hocy. jwhu Air. Noiu's iirothor.
will return in a week and Mrs. Noth
will continue to Berkeley, Calif., where
she will spend si weeks visiting rela
tives. E. F. Sadler is taking the place
of Mr. Noth as 8. P. ticket agent dur
ing the absence of tho latter.
Mrs. A. O. Foor, representing the
Northwest Viavi Company of Portland,
is nor located permanently at Hotel
Medford. Friends and patrons invited
to phone or call. ' ' , 32
Two watchmakers, prompt service
and unexcelled workmanship. Johnson,
Jeweler. tf
Ed Lamport, Vera Van Dyko, Wal
lace Williams and Chick Hawk will
leave at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning
for Squaw lake where they will spend
Sunday flshingl The trip is to be
made in Hawk's fUvrer and the party
expects to return to this city before
Monday morning. '
Dr. C. T. Sweeney leaves tonight for
a several days absence at Portland.
Darling beruffied dresses lor the
two and four year old girl. Handicraft
onop. , to
100.02; Victory 4 94's 100.70.
3T. LOUIS, Mo., April 22. Two
policemen were killed today by three
bandits who held up the local offices
of Morris and company, pockt-rs, and
escaped with between f 60 and $75 of
payroll mon.-y.
FaW. Wife Telb How LydU L
Pinkluni'i Vegetable Compound
Made Her Well Woman
I" ; -jf "
Carter's Creek, Tenn.-" Three years
ro I was almost an invalid. I spent
half of my time in
bed. bclnar afflicted
with tr-m.ViK. klk '
women of a certain
age are apt to have.
I took Lydia E.
Compound Tablets
and used Lydia E.
IMiikbam's Sanative
Wash. I am a well
woman now and havo
been lor two years.
I can work as well as
A Sprayer Many Growers Have Long Wanted
i mi new Bean outfit meets the demand for a lightweight rig with plcnty
Of power.hlgh pre.sure,and big capacity. It deliver. 12 gallons of limiid
per mmute at 300 pounds pressure. If that capacity ia about right for
you, then the sprayer you ought to have is a ,
The convalescence of Horace Drom- on wn i" younger and as I am a
ley from his recent dangerous illness
following an appendicitis operation
has so fur progressed that he was able
to" be taken from the hospital to his
home this afternoon. It will be a
couple of weeks, however,, before he
can resume active duties Again.
Vlavi headquarters, Hotel 'Mediord.
ruoue airs. a. u. Foor. 32
farmer's wife fh
cultivate my own garden, raise many
chickens and do my own housework.
You may publish this letter as I am
ready to do anything to help other
1 nave oeen so wen ana nn
since my troubles are past. "-Mrs.
Galloway, Carter's Creek. Tenn.
Most women find plenty to do. If
thev are upset with some female ailment
and troubled with such symptoms as
me carnival, which has been on Mrs. Galloway had, the smartest duty
Since Wednesday, will Mm. f Dn . - i.!Jw uuiy
, ... .wuv vv cau cuu
Mr. Nolh
tonight, and the largest crowd of the
week Is anticipated to narticl?at in
tho wlndup. -
Viavi dealer, Mrs. A. 0. Foor of
Porilftnrt, Hotol Mod ford, 32
seems a mountain
If you find it hard to keep up, If you
are nervous and irritable, without ambi
tion and out of sorts generally, give the
Vegetable Compound a fair triaL We
believe it will help you greatly, for It
bee helped others.
hi sWJl
It has Bean porcelain-Uned cylinders, the most satisfactory cylinders ever
developed for a sprayer pump, threadless ball valves, which cannot cor
rode or stick tight and which can be opened up entirely in less than two
mirmtesj Bean patented pressure regulator, which holds the pressure to
the exact point desired, and saves much wear and tear on engine and
pumpj i lortg-wearing eccentrics instead of cranks and many other advan-"
,Za- Z" ' j 1 . BUK,B-C wosrumng noxes ana stuffing box troubles.
r& bim and senJ thc coupon, whiclt describes entire Dean line for 1922.
Cor. Main and Riverside
The Bean Giunt Triplex U equippej
with the new 6 H. P. lieun cniine, which
can eaally and quickly bo made available
for all kinds of power job. Ak about it.