MEDF01U) MAlIi TUUHJNIS. MKDKOUl). OIUHlOX. ATUUDAV, 'AlMillr 22." H22 Medford Mail Tribune AN mnjtJ'KNTIKNT NEWFPAPKR PUULIHfIKU KVKHT Ar TEKNOON EXUCPT KONHAT BY THIS VKDKORIJ 1'lllNTlNO CO. Th aflliiM Sun.lny Jtortilna Sim la fur UliM aulMuiilwra limiting a srvan. day dull) tMtMmpir. GOD, OR GORILLA? Office Mall Trlbuna Building, J5-J7-1S Worth Mr street, l'hona 7&. A consolidation of th Democratic Tlmaa, the MefMorA Mall, the Medford Tribune, th Southern Ureg-onlan. The Aahland Trlbuna. nOBKUT W. Rt'HX, Editor. V BUMl'TiCK 8. SMITH, Manager. vBtomiPTioir Tsmim BT MAIL In Advance: Dally, with Rumlny Sfun, year IT.RP . ' Ixilly, with Sunday Bun, month "( Dally, without Sunday 8nn, year. 1.80 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .& Weekly Mall Tribune, one year J.O0 Sunday Bun, one year 1.00 BY OARRlKR In MtKlford. Aahland. Jacksonville entral point, Phoenix. Talont and on Iliffhwaya: mil), with tHunuay Sun. month. .75 pally, without Sumiav tSun. month .& pally, without Hunday Sun, year.. T.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8. SO All terms by carrier, cash In advanea. Official paper of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jackson County. won dalls avarapa circulation for Uun aouim llie ciirtuaunn ei any mm-r r puuUshrrt or rwwM in Jrkon lounty. Ttta oolr lwif-r betwwa Buavne, Ore., and fUcramentxi. Calif., a dmtance of ovrr M'O miles, havtnf leased -i Awwiatni ITraa Service. Entered as iwoM rtra matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March a. it7. MEMBERS OF TTTB ASSOCIATED PRKSS. The Associated Prvsa la exclusively entitled to the uae for republication of II news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited In this paper, and alae the local news puonaneo nerein. All rtahts of republication of special alapatchea nerein are aiao reaerveu. Yc Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. . - A 14 year old lady of San Jose, Cal.. recently shot a 1 year old gent. Tne unw la fat fthnroachine when babes will be shooting the sluts out of their cradles. Democratic papers throughout the tale hare started attacking Congress man Hawley, which eliminates all doabt about tho result. . Henry ford denies the report that he returned J29.0O0.000 to tne govern meat. There Is a limit to the fool no tions of Henry. . INSPIRED by William denniups Hrynn. n fighting Irishman named Alfred WntteiMn McCunn, has writ ton book, entitled "God. Or Gorilla." It is Mr. McCann's contention that all people who believe iu tho Darwinian theory of evolution, on n't worship Uod, bul must worship the Gorilla. , This seems rather hard on the evolutionists. Ex-President Kliot of Harvard, for example, is au evolutionist and lo a Unitarian. Would Mr, McCauu foree this diistintruished scholar to nbnudon his pew at Dr. Crothcr's church for a bench in the Host on Zoo! President Kliot may he wrong. So may nil the other evolutionists. Pnt how can Mr. MeCnnn or W. .1, Pryan, of anyone else assume au thority to prove it Kvolution is -merely a scientific theory, mean r.ble of Actual substantiation. Mr. MeOaim's idea of God is also a theory. It can't be proved. It rests upon faith. ."Why this sudden effort to 'dogmatize; to declare Mr. Pryan's theological conception right and all other conceptions wrong t Isn't the idea of Gotl a large enough concept ion to go around. We think it should be. . ..- Some people find knowledge and Divinity incompatible. Put there lire others who find that the more they learn of material things, the more convinced they are of a divine element. A sunset over the west ern sea inspires them no less, ben use their intelligence informs them it is merely composed of a certain combination of hydrogen and oxy gen netiug as ri prism before the rays of a huge molten mass, called the Sim. There is a mysterious spiritual element everywhere, which transcends nil their scientific data, which instead of destroying their faith, merely rationalizes it. It would be foolish of them to insist that Messers McCann and Pryan, as well ns King Popo. the Hottentot chief of Pygmyland. look at the world and God ns they look at them. So it is equally foolish for the anti-cvolutionists to insist upon everyone accepting- their pre cise theories or be denied the spiritual satisfaction that their own belief trives them. 4 Why not be a trifle tolerant! No faith that makes n man strive to be n better citizen can be a bad faith. Why not base, theological judgments upon results, as we do in other departments of human activity. It would save a lot of wasted euergy, needless friction and valuable time. , . HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? Quill Points Let's have disarmament, also, of th woajHms that kill time. , .there Is not much pep in the nation wide coal strike, owing to most of underpaid and downtrodden workers being In Europe on a visit to relatives who can't get to this country. Mica Womack's talcum powder mine Bear the gas plant, has been converted into a fire proof brick factory. " , NORMALCY (Grants Pasa Courier) - I TIE PARTY who took the wheel barrow from - Oregon Cement ; Sewer Pipe and Tile Co., please " return It. ' - e - . The valley seemingly never fully re covered' from the btfttte cry ot 'A917: "Work or Fight "mostly the latter. Ike Patterson, a gubernatorial aspi rant is headed this way. He is at present madly infatuated with the far mer vote, and rat poison to taxes. It is almost impossible 4bese days to pet a shave, without first winning- as oratorical contest. . . j " Anyhow, there's no traffic jam on (he straight and narrow way Another one of the unsolved mysteries : Why Is a paper napkin ! Russia hitched her wagon to a Bolshevik star, whose last name is vation. That Topeka man who wagered his neighbors were honest and left his cellar unlocked, found plenty of lakers. Arbucklc probably spends his leisure time teaching his lawyers to drive that '$5,000 car. . . , The firemen are ahead of the flappers on labur-saving deuces. The firemen use reds to roll their hose. Loafing is the hardest work in the world, and Oolidge announces he will not be a candidate for re-election. Yc Poes Corner 1. WhiO ntdle riiikK Koroiitt to Ni'v Vnrk hi tiotur :tr iVKistrtltli? S. Which la tho lui'iti'Ht runnl opened IU 1'iillott Stutoa? S. Wluit ImnOio Iiu'rvM city In Jaimn . . 4. What anniversary f our liulo- pcndoh l Philadelphia to it'h'hi'ali' In l!2ti? P, When lo rouiuI i-ciiHv to bo- i'kiiip iiuimca: ttiul iwonw noise t . What la tho color of tho silver fox? , V"hnt oauaod tho numlier of postortlro. In this country to do- i-rotu-o . X. What la the avernno oonwumi- tlon of NUKitr per pot-volt lit thin country? 9. What Ini'ce .noileun t-lty 1 dlreetly" north of the Pnnnnitk funal? 10. What ' in the ntiutt tiniiortaiit islam! of tho Dutoh I'.ost IndioM? tiNvont to Vewti-riLij'M tm-xtUnw: 1. What perentiie of I.', 8. eltl- .ona hnve IneotnoM f aooil or more year? Ana. One. and one-half per eent. 3. What in the eapm lty of the alt- tomohilo plants of thin city? Ana. S.TiB.OOrt cars unnutiUy. 3. How loe the railway ntlleiiKP of this country and A slit roinparo? Ana. I'nlteil JSIatoH haa four times aa many mile, of milt-oai as Axia. . How lillilty iiiimTh were killed ht K'-aue eroaNliiKa In J'.iSl? Ana. 0(1 tl. j. Where Im the northernmost point ih the I nlted Statoa? Ana. In northern Mimieanta. . Whore, la tho rnaternmoHl point? Ant. In Maine, near Kat port. s i. W ho rnvnn the railroad!- In France? Ana. They were formeily owned hy the government, but they nr now lielng turne.l over to private eoneei na. . What perlnil of life Is ilotnm? Ana ' KevWe old hire. 9. How 1. trice n vote In the wnato Ih necesaary to ratify n treaty? Ana. Two thirds. 10. Where la the illnt.tnoe ohnit ft nerostjc the rontlnent from the Atlantic to I'ailfio? Ana. From Charleston, S. C to San Plego. Calif. QUILL POINTS , A fentiiro of (Ills paper. The olio we like the heat, lt't the mm they've hcitilod "'Quill Points"' Where ' I'at tH" ai'o aplcod with "Jeaf We find It 8o IUHilitim, As wo lead IIioho little (pilpa, Knch fiirniHhcit with u "vnuiiiicr" l.lUo a "skinner's" btaek annke whip. Thert' aoniellilnif In their shortness Which makea their truth auhllnio. And they hold a snappy Btoryj A "bltlla-eyii" evoi-v time: Like a nice hunch of the "iiim-HiMittt" wiileh make a winninu hand. Tho "Quill Points" take the "aweep- atukeM" And Ht "the head" they atimd. l)elhtr Fehl. , V . Don't Huy Oil Stocks Until You Know What - Vou Arc Getting ' ' " DRILLING REPORT FREE ' ..' ' :? leill mid autliPlille drlllli, nMimts im Kl.l't'rtlliliil'lv fl" wi-lta, llath I'll iliHa Mild Wlldi'j ui'ru,i In I.iiih'hKmib, kiiulman, Niomtii, l'ntiiui mid lit ndi'ronii iinihtlfi, ON REQUEST ( itiMiilt'lf JlntNiUnl report tm all kikI tt'tiitfff tni'HrtitR'". f'Of it. "il iffMir,( n''lJi I'd1., Itl tMHUitliHt, . , MARKET LETTER t'imirrliriisle maik.-t ,itr r..nuliiliin liifxriiinlliin ( ItiiMlmtble talus rntiiiilli'l OIL IV M'sl MIMH, inmk.i r. ,.,ul. n from tln lulit mid all Hlift llt llfwi mailer irtinint to lvu oil Siild lu t llin In. 1. 1 imiuii'tii iimdo-l l.ll.-l Billillolird, And In addllliih to the nl.n wlilmut ..l.liull..n nr ri.n,.r u tnv kind nn ymif I'irt lll lutnikh inu ullh lull harllMlr mi I'Mtl'IM. I'.VVMIM' I'l.tiN H' Vl lK'IIVkl: n- ANY Oil. slot M, Wi' li.l -loel In Tims nil l.i.k uhd ttnlU, lii.liiillii ll MaAU iNMlkrt. ami inn m-ivi' vu inoiu-v in tui Hi llv 'wrv liiMiiinrt1. Oi-I mir ifU-r4 l, ir Iiuviihi AM)' KIM nl-- mi. sua ks mi t Nirs, miiik 'ioIlu. so tun itaim.N on ot it i-Mir. la'l ui irtilivl )init lioVKtnirliU. W'tllr tixtNy (ut Itiuitmilllnli. D. W. Y0UNQ & CO. tnvailmtitl Braktrt, Davt. . ttohanja a log., Foil Wsith, Taa. ill II Jl I! I . III".. "'H Ill,, I u'ni ' I'll ' "' "la'nn UTTLE APPLEGA1E Mr. J. W. Atkltia of tho Kvei'uieen rnneh nintle n utilok. but buvlneaallke trip lo Medford yeaterday. He was on the rnnd three lmura anil 30 mln uioif. Kolnit iiinl oomliiH. Mr. It. It. Vaughn has been tiuik Init Kin U. ii for J'rank lutanorth the past few ilnya, Mra. Nu-hiiU has heunn prepni'ic lioiia for a new lawn at her plaoe. KvorytxMly Is nut of hay. It aema. nnd the ti-aiis la so alow Ntarttmt on the outside ranitc. Ml jis Intsworth had n w hool enter, talument itt the t ji urelltiirst aoliool Monilny, whl. h was very ifnod. Mr. Dawson and datichtor, Ia-lla, nnd Mr. Peyton made tt litislnean trip tit Medford Wednesday. Mr. Ilaw aim expect a to return Katiitday. Miss Zi-lla Pence and Mlsa llaxel I U in-Ill were vltliim; Mis. tins litis worth from last Friday until Sunday. Mr. i!oy VniiKhn la busy plowlnit and aeedinir. Mr. Sohtrildtlnir apent the rvenhm at Mr. ItnWHott'a Tticailay. Hoyt Him it It hna on helplna Frank l'ltaworth With hl fnrm work the lust few ilnys. r Anderaon Is MsltliiR the mlthliorhiioil this Education is the basis of sanitation. Teach Uie houscflics that life in the open is more healthful and there you are! A man may boss his first wife, but his seeoiil mate is usually captain. . , William friends in week. Mm. Nleholaa Mitchell and Mrs. Kol.iad Mitchell are vUltlitK a few days with the luttii'a sister, Mrs. Percell nf Ktuh. Janiea Iluckley nnd family attend ed Kaster aervicea in Medford. Ardith ComtM-M apent the week end with homo folks. .Mrs. Cora Crump nnd family apent tlao week-end at their ranch on the Little Applegato. Mlsa Montgomery and Mrs. Walter I Zeidier drove in P Meilforil Siitur-' day and remained until Sunday to attend Kaslcr services. ' H.-nius Cointx-st: and family spent, Faster in JitekaonvDte ami Medford, I Mailing friends. " ! Misa Francos if. JIays, of Portland. represntative of tha Ktato Child Welfare commiHaion, was culllnir on vaiioua people in Um community lust 1 t rlday. I IVn't forget the lnlla' meeting1 Ajiril 29, nt the Crump ranch. Mis1 Florence Pool will demonstrate, dross forma in both ndheaive t;ife and plaster purls. W nr planning to meet at eleven and dismiss at three. Feels Like a New Woman "I was n sufferer from kidney trou ble for ncveral enw," write. Mrs. Arthur Ik'iwullo, It. V, p. 1. Craaoiere. N. II., "and buffered so much I felt completely lame all over. Since I have been taklnK Foley Kidney Pills I am not bo lame. My back ached all tho time and my eyes were all a blur. Now I can see tine and ft: like a different woman. Since I have taken two bottle of Foley Kidney Pills I don't have that tired feollttK. I can do my own work now." They bring quicV result. Sold everywhere. Adv. x - , 1 1 ' . . I I PUTTING 1 IN CIRCULATION (J. J. Taylor, in the Dallas Morning , News) Already we have been to Sulphur Springs, Greenville, Clarksville, and. now, Paris. An hour from now I shall j be (crabbing another train Dallas- bound. Could stay out a week longer if my money held fast, but it Is melting rapidly. Already $16has become fused into general circulation. ' . At Greenville I remained fle'veral hours, very profitably and economical ly. Mr. Charles Camp Cantrell .was good enough to take me in his car and Bhow me all of the city he thought proper for me to see, Including the Greenville Banner office. It is a fine town, with lots of paving alreaJy spud ded in. Mr. Cantrell took me for an incidental call upon his father, pr. Will - Cantrell, noted surgeon, who keeps a hospital. As soon as Intro ductions were over in the reception room, I said to Dr. Cantrell, "Yours is a profession, sir, whose nobility is no less distinguished than my own. for you, doctor, heal the sick, and I, iq rny capacity of Journalist, refresh the souls of men." - Immediately my host gave me a keen, searching clanrn nnd liocnn talk. ing about "head cases,'; meaning cases! in which the human noodle comes otit 'j of plumb and needs the firm but kind ly ministration of one skilled in cool ing the brain to function. . U was then that I discovered, to my dismay, that the dear doctor mistook me for a "head case." He thought-1 had come to have my gears meshed. It was quite a while before I could convince him that there were no cogs stripped from my flywheel. The baseball season is upon us and it's almost time for the para craphers to start killing the office boy's grandmother. RipplingRhurcQs Walt Mafon a& FAREWELL, WINTER,' EVER TRY ITT (Coos Bay Times) Roy Landrith was a genial host at a stag party, given at his home on Wcdnesdny ..evening. Cards were an engrossing divernlon, the 'players smoking meanwhile. Next week there will kbe an 'influx of candidates, nil pure like driven snow and bilking powder. - Some smiling acres, that refused to plow thenmelves, are now being up turned, by maia strength.' '" IT HAS PEEX a weary season, this old winter that departs. Spring arrives, and with good reason we liave gladness in our hearts. Always when the winter's aging wu grow weary of its curves, weary of its futile raging, and its presence jars our nerves. When the wind, in nook and cranny, howls through dark and bitter hours, how we yearn for fGentle Annie, with her apron full of flowers! When the winti r frst comes chas ing, we pretend we like, its play "Ah, this cold," we say, "is bracing, it is good for any jay; it is fine to ftieo the blizzard, and it makes us young again; heat may snit Ihej elammy lizard, cold is for the sons of men." For a week we smite nnd chortle as we peg through drifted snow; but our mirth is jrail. nnd. mortal, and a fortnight lays it low. Oh, the night win.l is uncanny, 'and it has a ghostly sound, and' we yearn for Ciontlej Annie with a yearn Jug most profound. Snow wijl do for crazed explorers, who would find sopic sort of pole, but the spring! winds arc restorers of the weary human soul. And I nit here wjith my granny, arm in arm we twain abide, and we root for Gentle Annie, gladly lct ting winter slide. THE PLACE TO START SPRING HOUSECLEANING is in the kitchen. Your old wpod stove should be the first thing to go. It's place should be taken by a modern cabinet style Gas Range of porcelain finish that is as easy to keep clean as a china plate. There are five different styles to select from at the office of the Southern Oregon Gas Co. EVANS VALLEY The Pine Orove and Wlmer schools are busy pnu'ticlna; for the Field Day exerelB- at Talent Friday, April 2S. F. O. Homer Waa a tiualneaa Visitor frorm hero to riranta Pass one day day this week. If. A. Pauifherty, the Itulcig-h luileaman, waa callinK on hia custo mers on Evana Creek nnd Pleasant ontek Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Henry Cavo and Webb Neathamer motored in from Medford Sunday and spent the day with homo folks while here Mr. Cnve botntht a team of mules from It. K. IClchman. KliBone Carls waa a flranls Pass visitor one day this week. .Mr. nnd Mrs. It, 1-5. Itlchman "err Modford visitors last Ktinday. ;Mis llortlia liorrell is vlsitlnK her cousin. Mrs. It. K. ltlchmnn. Catholic Church Precede Bible The Catholic Cburch celebrated Ifs silver Jubilee many years be fore the last book of the Bible was wrlften, was tnore than 30t) years after the founding of tho Catholic Church tlliat the world ob tained the Bible. Christ's Church does not depmid only on thd Bible. See Matt. IB, IS. . THM FIRST PRINTING PRESS -IN TUB AMERICAN COLONIES WAS SKT 1'P BY A CATHOLIC PRIKRT, K AT HEW WHITE. . ' These advertisements Inserted dally and paid "for by two native Medford Catholic business men who believe In their religion. Two-Piece Suits $35 to $50 Three-Piece Suits $40 to $55 We Make Them . 'Nuff said , GUS THE TAILOR 1 a MEDFORD BUILDING a a Tweed top coats, full silk lined $30.00 Sport Suits, Silk lined $40 to $50 Skirts $9.00 up Knickers $9.00 up GUS THE TAILOR 419 MEDFORD BUILDING lfliaat Quality Jawalrv aWpatrlaf. Dlamona Betting, watot BapalrUtt". Satlsfsctton Assured In . quallt n4 price. Mall ua roar wint. -MARTIN J. REDDY ANNOUNCEMINTa 8TATE REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announce my candidacy for the republican nomination for repre sentative In the state legislature nt the May primary. , Adv. JOHN II. CARKIN, I announce myself as a candidate for Representative in the Legislature, on the Republican tioket, subject to tho primaries in May. Adv. IIALPU COWGILL. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Thna. II. Simpson, of Ashland, authorizes bis announcement as a Can dldate for tun nomination for the,4)fftce of Couuty Commissioner of Jackson County, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of said county at the Primary Election, May 18th, 1922 Adv. I am a candidate for tho nomination for County Commissioner of Jackson ounty, on tho Republican ticket, sub ject to the decision of tho voters nt he primary to ho held Mny lath, 11)22. Adv. GEORGE ALFOUD, 1'hoeulx. i ca riKtH ri -iti i i ,ftn -xK t A PAYING INVESTMENT Itcfinish your nuUunobile Willi Acme (futility Motor Car Eiuihli. It will not only improve t lie appearance but will save the surface and protect the ear front the tlcstrue five effects of hard usage in nil kinds of went Iter, lengthen its life nndudd many ib.llars to'its value. ACME QUALITY v MOTOR CAR FINISHES are offered in popular colors as used by the lending matiu facturders. They are easy lo apply and by following the Hiuplc itisl ructions a beautiful and lasting finish may be obtained with little expense. Call nt oiu store and let us show you the bountiful results you can obtain with Acme Qualify Motor Cur l-'inishc CRATER LAKE HARDWARE CO. Ship Your Cream "Where you can get top prices and quick returns ..... . .' j'-. ; We offer Ittic for bnttcr-fnt V. O. II. here. Checks arc mailed to you within 24 hours after ereliin is received. SKND 1 Tf4 A CAN' OK CKKA.M; you will be pleased with the returns; or send in your mime and address and we will quote you prices from time to time. . GRANTS PASS CREAMERY i Grants Pass, Ore. Write for vefpronecs CHANGE IN SCHEDULE ' r, EFFECTIVE) FEB. 1, IMS "y; ' 'v ' MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGES Dally Except Sunday LV. afEDPOTtD 10 A. M. ; IV. ItOSICBURQ 1.00 P. M. GRANTS rAHS-MEDFORD STAGES , Daily and Sonday , Leave Medfonl . Leave 3 rants sn 10,00 A. M. " . 10.00 A. M, 1.00 P. Bl. 10 I. M, 4.1W I. M. 4.H P. M. , Fares i Medford-Grants Pass, t.l."Jj Granta Pass-nomnbnrg, iS.00 ''' Mcdford-Rosebftrg S4.1S. i ! t ; . i