TAflE TWO Jfocal and Personal The liKlit npo.ll of palronaKe at the City, auto camp Ik mill on, but. if tho fcood weather of the past few Jays Continues is exnocted to act in hoavllv vcry soon. Only 12 cars and Si! per-inK. facial massaRo, scalph treatment, nuns have arrived at tho camp since hair dyeing. Medford Heauty Shop. Sunday. Medford nulhling. l'hone mi., tf Crescent orchestra Eagle Point Sat. Jml.w K. K. Kelly spent a few hours IllKht , - 2 , Tuesday afternoon In Jacksonville, nt- Havo .you your sunniicr sewing tending to lonal matters, done? Ijf Hot nee Miss Helen KIiir, b N- until towels with fast colored 344V4 South Grape. t " rs borders. Handicraft Shop. 2S" Down on the 1'aclflc highway on tho'- Clean, dry storase, fc-asonafcle rates. Rogue, another dandy dance at the No household goods. Mason, Ehrmun Rlversldo Community cfuh. Sat. nite, '&Co. 24 April 22. 1 Join the good fellows. 41 lloweMns shrubs and Vines. Eden . With tho carnival company doing ! Valley Nursery. tt$0-J-2. 2" buainess hero and its hlue (minted jas-j Save the forests; they are our fie nenger and freight cars standing on Mure revenue, and buy Vilmo flour, the sidetracks and the advertising cat j Keep the money at home. $1 .SO per of the Al O. Harnes Wild Animal Ctr-, cua also standing on a side track while Its crew is abroad In this vicinity ad vertising tho coming of that attraction. May 3rd, the city has a cireussy ap pearance. , Young lady wants position as sten ographer or office work. Will do extra , work in either. Thone 3S3-J. tf - .., Everywhere you- look you see .a Chevrolet. . , . tf Forest Protection Week." Buy your khaki shirts, laced pants and brown shoes from Hutchison & I.musden. s The "Jrene" musjcal ooraedy com pany which delighted a large audience at the Fage theater last nib'ht. left on ' Ernest England of t-os Angeles. J. this morning's early northbound train j K'rd r St. Joe, Mo., Charles Raphael for Ktigene vrheru "Irene" will be pre-jof N"w York, Arthur Joseph and 5Ir. 6entel tonight. nd Mrs. 11. Joseph of Minneapolis. Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetiere for, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Myers of Seat NuBono. ; Phone 5S5-J. tf'tl'. and Mr. and Mrs. W. Owen of Try our. merchants - lunch. The i Fresno, Calif. . Shasta. Parling beruffled dresses for the IaaT Eagle Point every Sat. night ' and four year old girl. Handicraft - 29 .Shop. 2S The monthly meeting of the electri- McQuay-Norris rings Leak Proof, cal jobber and retailers of southern Supcroyl, Jiffy Crip, Snap. Riverside Oregon was held in this city at the Garage. '24 Hotel Medford on Monday night. This office prepared to print Hardwood flooring. Medford Lum- calling cards from your copper plate, ber Co. ' Also business cards, letter heads and Everywhere yon look you see a envelopes from your steel diea, in 24 Chevrolet tf i hours. tf. Baby wearables that are easy to I Tne Grants Pass chamber of corn- finish. Just a touch of hand w-ork. i Handicraft Shop. 28 William Von ler Hellen, the con tractor, left for Portland last night to enter a bid on the Crater Lake-Trail-Prospect road section. The matter of bids comes up on Thursday. Don't let a blaze from your match start a blae in the forest A fine line of children's hose at 25c, black, white and cordovan. Hutchison & Lumsden. 2S Let 'us1 assist you In your mailing business. Fwlding, addressing and mailing at less cost Orders rushed. Address G. V Mail Tribune. 28 It will pay you to climb my stair way. Tailored suits guaranteed to fit an wear well, $3S o $50. Klein the Tailor, 128 E. Main. 29 The Diamond Match company in a letter from its New York office writes tbe Ashland Tidings that there Is ab solutely no foundation for the rumor that the company would establish a plant fn Ashland. For a long time tho rumor has been in circulation lo the effect that the company had made a purchase of .2000 acres of timber land in the" Dead Indian country and had also purchased 20 acres contiguous to Asbland, on which it was expected the company Vi'ould erect a plant , " Lime, for spray. Medford Lbr. Co. Hear ye, Hear ye, Klein the Tailor makes well-fitting, long service-giving clothes. Choice of SO patterns. Value f 45 to $55, this week only at $42.50. Wanted Market price paid for wool and mohair. J, J. Osenbrugge. Phone 292-y. 24 Hand tailored suits, Medford made, guaranteed to fit and satisfy ,v $35 to $50. Klein the Tailor, 128 E. Main. 29 i The .High School Parent-Teacher Association meets Thursday evening, at 7:30 sharp. Election of officers and other Important business will be, transacted. -Fathers aro especially jn viteU. . The finest fabrics and loveliest de signs In baby garments. Handicraft Shop. ' 28 Mason, Ebrman & Co. wiii pay cash for local grown red and white beans, any quantity. 21 . "Lumber goes up as forests burn down." "liurned forests build no homes." Hut you can always get qual ity service and courtesy and a hearty welcome at Hutchison & Lumsden's. 28 Rev, and .Mrs. A. Wolfe of Rogue River removed from that place this week to Myrtle Point, Ore., where they expect to make their future home. ' Fire Insurance. Urown & White, t Grafting wax. Eden Vulley Nursery. C80-J-3.,-'? r. 27 TUT America's Home Shoe Polish C Makes .. Sr Shinola Horn Sat ' X Mr. ami Mrs. V. II. Canon returned to Kofu'lxiiK l:ct nlnht. IVrsunal service given t H auto repairs.- Klwood's Auto Shop, US South Central, Phono TC!-J . Ml "Heatu.v is the first Kift that nature Klvea to onion and tho first she takes flwny." K. Hurnham's toilet reiiuisftos, shuuipootnj:. liainlresstns. manicur- sack delivered. Hutchison & Lunis den. 2S Tlio many friends of Wm. Vlrieh will be Kind to know that he is out of th hospital and able to walk about after his , serious major operation which took place in Portland some- time ago. For dancing, I.aunspach's orchestra. Two watchmakers, prompt service a"'1 unexcelled workmanship. Johnson" Jeweler. tf -When better automobiles are built. Puick will build them. . tf Guests at the Hotel Medford include inerce will attend the fomm of the Ashland chamber on Tuesday, May 9th, instead of May 2nd, as had been previously announced. Frozen automobile, tractor and truck cylinders welded,- de-inforced and guaranteed. Only the finest pre-heat-ing fuels and metals used. Vulcan Welding Works, 39 S. Front street tf Tako time to extinguish your camp fire, aflU buy fancy Netted Gem pota toes $2.25 per 100 lbs, delivered. Hutch ison & Lumsden. 28 We are watch specialists. YVe guar antee results. Johnson, Jeweler, tf Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holgrave, who have been visiting, ,Mr. and Mrs. Wayne J.' Pictlor xf this city for the past week leave tomorrow for their home in Portland. Gladioli and Tuberose bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery, CSO-J-2. 27 Watch repairing of that quality that Kvs satisfaction at Johnson's, tf Jeweler. uurbank and Corey's Thornless blackberry. Kden Valley Nursery, CSO-J-2. 27 ! G. A. Childers. leaves this evening tor a several days business visit in Portland. j When you go camping be sure your f 're is out, and don't forget your camp jSupplies will be carefully filled, double checked and packed at Hutchison & Lumsden. - 28 Fruit and shade trees. Eden Valloy Nursery. 680-J-2. 27 When in, need of sash and doors. call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street. " Earl I'lrich of the Union Creek di' trict is spending a few days in the city on business. Get. your chokers now. You Jneed ono to be in style this spring. New colorh, popular furs at lowest prices. Uartlett's Fur Store. 24 Hemstitching, ' T'icoting, 8c per yd. , . liuUons covered. Handicraft Shop. tj Mrs. f,. If. Hill, sister of Mrs. r . U Kenly, left yesterday afternoon to: San Francisco after a several days visit here with the Kenlys. Mrs. Hill will join her husband In San Francisco and they will return to their home in ISethlehem, Pa., by way of Los Angeles and southern California. Moths aro working overtime now We can stop their wild and wooly career. 50 cents invested now may save you many dollur's. Call and sue us about this, liartlett's Fur Store. 24 , Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery. CS0 J-2. ; Auto insurance. Prawn. & White. your shoes neat and trim, Msay I. . and improves the whole appear ance. Shines for au the tamily. . . v Black, Tan. White, Os-blood and Brown Always 10c. Mali ths daily shine an ey habit gt tbe SHINOLA Home Set A gonuine britU dauber which deans the thoes and applies poluk quickly and eaaily. Large lambt' wool poluher bring the shina with a few strokes. It hest to ay "SHINOLA" MrroFonn matt; tutbunt:. The state's brief in tho notorious Hi- t!l..liur.l M 1 1 ft. .1.1 inr,lr ,-!IK.i that excited Hoseburg and Douglas county to the point of hysteria haa Iwen filed with the supreme court, hi' reply to the plea of tho defense for an1 appeal. ' It comprises S3 pages, aud in! It the contentions of tho defense that newspaper articles were "detrimental" to the defendant tiro combatted. Claims of bias and prejudice, are de nied. The brief written by District Attorney Ot-orge Neuner, describes the murder as follows: "Spaco will not permit a detailed statement of tho I crime which has no parallel in tho his-! tory of our state. It is tho product of a master criminal mind, ingeniously planned and cleverly executed, every step and every move dellberatoly and premeditatedly considered, weighed and carried out not only lu cold but frozen blood." Rose bushes and evergreen shrub Eden Valley Nursery, CSO-J-2. 27 All kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Wallaeo Woods, phone 108. Til East Main street. Mayor Siwncer of Rogue River, has set April 19-22d as the clean-up days for that town. The auto camp of Rogue River Is also being placed In ecmlitton to caro for the summer and fall tourist patronage. If It's insurance we write it R. A. Holmes. The Insurance Man. Everywhere you look you see a Chevrolet. tf Today Is the last day in which one could register to vote at the coming primary election. We have a .profitable hauling con tract for tho man who will buy a small Republic truck. Inquire Busy Coruer Motor Cc Main and Riverside. tf To FOrd owners: Have your car equipped with a utility manifold and stop wasting your oil and gna. Distrib uted and demonstrated at 217 S. River side, C. E. Soderstram. 2S M. l-ow-is of St. Iouia. Mo.. Js a guest at the Hotel Holland as are X. Hues- ton of Oakland, Calif., A. Stewart of Rostburg, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Collins of Redding. Calif.. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hensil of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Clarupitt of Chehalis, Wash., and J. E. Enger of Rosebnrg. Crecentorchestra Eagle Pt. Sat. night 29 This office is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling jnen and have them printed out of Medrord. Phono us and we will call. tf Frank Johns ot Vkiah. Calif., is visit ing friends and attending to business matters in the city for a few days. Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. , Free dirt for lawns or garden. Call at building Bite, Minnesota street. H. A. Thlerolf. Pick Turpin leaves this evening for Portland where be will spend a few days on business. Invest your savings In thfe Jackson County Iluilding and Loan association. tf Hest garden loam for sale. Phone 2-J. . f James Grieve,, proprietor of the hotel at Prosiect will have a radio set for the entertainment of his guests this summer. The set which is an up-t-vdate, short wave regenerative set capable of getting any of the bread casting stations on the Pacific coast has arrived and will be Installed the end of this week. It is the opinion of local radio sharks that the results with such a set at Prospect should be very good. The outfit includes a magnavox or loud speaker which makes it pos sible for everyone within a large radius of the apparatus to hear. When in need of shingles and roof ing call Wallace Woods, 108. 711 E. Main. . . Dance Eagle Point every Sat night . . 29 Ralph W. Hand, late "pride of Gold Hill," threw Charles Olsen at Cottage Grove last Saturday night in two straight falls, the first in 44 minutes with a single toehold, and tho second in 12 minutes with a double toehold. This was the second time the same air met. ('. L. Goff writes Insurance on any thing. Telephone 41. Flowers for all occasions. See us about' your bedding plants, porch loxt.'s and hanging baskets. Maddor & Ponniy, 1005 East Main. Phone 374 tf Three candidates were accepted for membership in the local American Legion post at the meeting last even ing and after the regular session tbe men were Invited to a lunch prepared by the ladies of the auxiliary. Medford legion post is growing rapidly, candi dates being voted upon at every meet ing. Medford Service Co.? Einll Mohr, who has for some time been at Murrieta Springs, Calif., under going treatment for rheumatism is at present in St. Luke's hospital in San Francisco where ho is recovering from an operation for the removal of his tonsils which was performed last Sat unlay, Mrs. Mohr is with him and thoy are expected home about the end of the week. Marfnello Cosmetic Shop, 4Q9,lber ty nidf?. Phone C57-W. 47 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Five pure bred . White 1-egliorn pullets. Must be taken at once. Phono S80 X ' WANTED By Medford Service Co lots with water for caring for sume 111 S. Holly. .24 for HALE At a Bargain,-a 5 room modern bungalow with sleeping porch, on good street, good sur roundings. Small cash payment and balance on monthly rent basis l'hone 3GG, Pruttt-Myerg at Valley Oarage. tf FOR KENT-Sloeping and housukeep. ing rooms, furnished, close In. 611 MfiTVFOUD. QKEflOX. -I '.. iJ.il 1 -.U-..-11- Miss tlattle lllden of tills city was a visitor in Ashland on Monday, - Medford Service 1.Y Frank 1.! Clark, local automobile man left this evening for Portland whore he will spend several days on business. Hot lunch. IBc. 2oc, 55e, Marts 1 1 : 30 Yankee lX-Niit Sliop, 28 N. Front St. 2! A large pole carrying the lines of the lostal Tclogrnph company was moved ubout fifteen feet yesterday by members of tho Copob lino force as sisted by several other uten. The pole stands in front of the Jones and ltrk- Patrick Service Station on North Riverside and It was found necessary to uiovo it as It stood la the center of the driveway and was an Inconveni ence. Medford Servic Co.? Lhue and cement MetiMrd Lumber Co. . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Myers and Mr. snd Mrs. 8. G. Fisher of Seattle, wl5 have been touring through California spent last evening in Medford. Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Fisher are friends or Mr. and Mrs. Sumpter Smith. Ml for merly having lived in El Dontdo, Kan sas and they had a splendid visit while here. Mr. Myers Is owner of one of the largest salmon packing establish menis iu Aiassa ana Mr. f isher Is a prominent business nrnn of Seattle. Medford Service Co.? OBITUARY CASTE U Mis. Mary Ann Castrr died at the home of he r son, A. I.. Caster and wlftv.nt Ellvnsburg, Wn., on April 17, IS2J, m the age of 7ii years, ono month and S3 days. De ovaMed was born in the Mate of Ohio February 25. 184S nnd niovca to the state of Iowa, whi'i-e )h wan united In mnrrl.iK fl Marlon Castrr on No vember 1. lSiitt. Ten chlldrrn were born to this union. The family moved to Oregon In Marvh. 1SS4. .Mrs. I'a.-rtrr's husband died at Medford, Ore.. iHtobvr S, 1S92. One son died in Infancy. One son, W. J. Caster, died mar I'lux'nlx. Ore., Ovtober 2S, 1SSS. M. H. Custer died In Washington on May 5, 113, and another son. J. T. Castor, died at Central Point, Ore., On IM-ember It. 1917. Hix children are left to mourn hT loss: Two daughters. Mrs. C. J. Laird, of .Mount Dutm-, Calif.; Mrs. J. W. Pruett of Medford, Ore. Fonr son. Otto Caster of Med ford. A. 1 Canter. !. C. Caster nnd L. W. Caster of Kliensbarg, Wash.. 14- grandchildren, nnd 3 great grand children, and a host of friends. Mrs. Caster had lived In California. Oregon nnd Washington, fliu-e 1SS4, nnd had Um-ii making her home with her rhlldren In this) valley and In Washington the last, few yearn, huv ing spent the last winter ul Kllens burg. Wash. She also leaves two sisters in Washington. Mrs. Oasteivs mnfdim name was Mary Ann Ensley. Funeral servtcea will be held at tho chnpel of Wttks-Conif i r Co., Thurs day at 2:30 p. in., fcey. Hasnett of ficiating. Interment in I. O. O. F. cemetery. WINK LEfll.K'" fSerirge F. Win kleblec died In Medford, April IS. Aged tJ yen rs, t months, 6 days. Ho was born in Iowa July 12, 1S53, and for many years wn a resident of mlnneapoHs, Minn., where hu . was mployed ns a miller at ono of the urge flouring mills. Ho was a mem ber of Medford lodgo No. 103 A. F. & A. M.. Masons. Mr. Wlnkleblec had been a resi dent of Mojford for three years and of Qold Hill five years. He leaves one son and one daugh- er, Clyde W. Wlnkleblec, Jackson- llle, Florida, Mrs. C. A. Peterson, Medford, Ore. The funeral services will be held at the Perl Funeral Homo Thursday at 2 p. tn., under the auspices of Medford Lodge of Ma- soiih. Interment in Hock Point cemetery. " JOIl Ona Wavnn tJnl,. son nf Mr and Mrs. Ona Job of Talent, passed away at their; home yesterday even irte. sired 3 ve.irs 1 fl nmntliM ?1 rl.'ivn Jecensed was ill but a short time and his demise came with a great shock to the relative. The remains arc at the parlors of Weeks-Conger Co. Funeral announcement -will be made When completed. - NO COOKING The "Food-Drink" ifor All Ares. Quick Lunch BtHome,OtTlce,and Fountains. A$k for HORL1CICS. is?-Avoid Imitation & Substitutes WE SELL ' Protection p ... and Service THAT'S ALL BUT Are You Getting ", Both? Insure with' McCurdy IXSl'ItAXCE .' AGENCY 1 WKDXEfcTUV. 'A VINT j 10, ROUND THE WORLD rap APRIL 28TH BY Y. W. C. A. GIRLS The TH-1, . eluli of the Y, W. C A. I.i iil.innliiK lo iut 'on a trip around the world, similar to the tm given lm year. Knliniy different homes Will be used and different countries will bo reineseiited. In fait, some extremely unique and Inteiestliiu features are lielntc planned, and the tiii proililwS to tie one ( the most novel entertainment of the year. The club Kills aro spaiinir no pains to make, the affair it success, ami are aKxUte by n number of popular Medford nitlHts and townspeople. Plvn houses im to bo used to rep resent different foreign countries, and entertainment, characteristic of thai country will be provided at each place. lietVexhmenls will also Ih served. The following countries will" ne represented: Turkey. China, tiypsy Camp, , Alaska and "Main Utrect." The last named will un ilouhtedly ehltlt .Vedford's own Main stivet to fultvst. advantage, and make the "tourist" feel that he Is really Home again from long Jour ney, l-'iid.iy night. April !, Is the datf Set. Tickets are selling at M00 each, and may he, procured from any of the Tii-t, girls, at the Vanity Hat fihop. Palmer's Music Store, or the Cominrrrlul club. A. F. A A. M. All Masons are roiiuestetl to V V be at Masonic hall Thursday. r April St), 1:50 p. m. sharp to attend tho funeral Of Brother tl. K. Wlnklcblpck. 24 J. P. 1.AWRKNCR. W. M. I A SAFE TEST Per those who nf lit neiJ , n remedy for kidney troubles and backache. It Is a good plan to try Moan's Kidney Pills, They are strongly recommended by .Medford people. Ask your neighbor! J. II. Atwell. painter, 1:9 W. lllb Ht Medford. says; "Ooan's Kidney Pills arr alt that Is rlalmed for them. I have taken IHian's on different oc casions when suffeiinif from back ache and kidney weakness and they have always given tne splendid relief. I use a few nuw nnd then to keep my kidneys' In good order." The nViove statement was given U:0, Mr. Atwi-ll added: "I gladly March IS, 1916 nnd on March 12. cotitirni all I said tn my former state 'miil ns Doon's have always helped me when 1 have needed a kidney remedy." Price 60e at nil dealers. IKm'l simply ask for a kidney remedy Bet 1oan's- KIdnsy Pills the sum that Mr! AtwsJ nad. ; Poster-Mltburn Cm Mfrs.. I'.uffalo. N. V. Adv. -pS i ra(fal Begins WlMLml Today! Kills . : ,iCS Gloom : , 0$$m 4 at a kMm w&mJnfh G,ance wwp 1 . .mmsm-:- , . mr Not a Picture for (J ' " v ' m Oloom-costerg V I John Emersoii Ked. Hot Not all laughter Not all romance Not all Drama 'Not all action ' ' . BUT ENOUGH OF EACH TO PAINT THE OLD TOWN RED! 1022 A varied piniKram ciiiiiiIhIIiu; of iiiiiu bers fro'lif fllen ' uf' ht 'scllooU, and iniiuiliug every viii') Ami gtado of chil dren rroni tlni piiiitalif tiirouv.h hltii schiHd, will b triven nt tli high school iuiitltoiliini lo-vt Tiiday evening lit S o'clock. This entertainment Is under the auspices of the several parent teinher organlltatlons of thu elty. The tickets are now roIIIiik. and a largo attcnduiit'o Is iintlt'lpaied. Tho lot'iil Knli;lits of Columbus council will glvs their annual Kasler dance- at the Natiltnilum (otilghl. All PAGE "j?, APR. 24 Slall thtlerS Acceptctl Now When Accompanied bj-.tlieck or Money .Order and Slumped, Siif-uddressed l4iveloM'. SKATS t) Hl.K. litlDAV. APini, 21, AT 12 NOON AMKIilCA'S tavi'ST, 1 I.1.IVI KSI Al .MOST AMiC HKVCK The Most Noteworthy tilii-nnil-Mu.lc Show That Has Kver -Mled ' . , , , the Pneiri- Coitst. 5v Doh pml on s n rv&i preterit' a Sccoiio Annual RevusicALCoMayVowMwiS .Latin Tcif 'C0MPAN' .'- Idenllcalljr As Played for A Months at tho Orrenwich UUge and y , ShiiU-i-t theatres In New York. '.. "THE EVENT OF THE THEATRICAL SEASON" , . riUCrSv. Imir Vl.H.r, 2.:1; llnl.tmy, 2 2A. $.o. f 1.1ft. " Not a Picture for V T,he bian with a split ' Tlt wirl ..rt, t,rt-,1 what laughing does to the figure The man who made a big bet never to amilo. But Everyone Else '11 Be Olatl They Came. brttctit ,iiieU' own production Not all thrills lilemlH aio Invited, Come mill liuvii u good time. . ' ' MIILDRENS COLDS 1 Should not t 'Mnssd." TlSst iIipiii txtsrnally with V VApoHud Owr 17 Million Jan Ui Yxu' i TO THE PUBLIC: A luive picked tip u tnrpiii in Dry Mixed A'ihI, wliioh wo oru piiKsinc in to our customer, Snap Wliile It Lasts' Phono 70 VALLEY FUEL CO. Quarter ft . .1 COMING HATl'UUAY "THE CUP OP LIFE" feat in lM llohiii t Ihmt oilli, MnilRo llollanly, Tnlly Marshall ' nnd Mien Welch. f IJicfod t. iAi.c b &y 1 1 T I Romance N, liartlett. " 21