Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    lwnrc two
...UJ'J J
Focal and
The legal f inliinK season will okii
tomorrow and will last until Nov. 1st.
hen nil members of the finny tribe
ftlx Indies or over le legal prey and
all fish caught under that size must
be thrown bark In the water, Re
cause of the hfKH and muddy water In
the river and other streams the fish- hours.
ing will not be (food although all the j Ve nre watch socialists. We guar
streams are fuir of all kinds of fish of atlU,e results. Johnson Jeweler, tr
nil sizes. " Nevertheless many , local The Vinlng theater within tho next
fishermen , will he trying their lteKjfew days will be taken over by a new
Among the Medford people who 1,. R. llnslctt of St. Louis, Mo., is a A delegation of Medford member
were in Grants Pass yesterday went guest at the llottil Holland. Other attended the regular session of Malta
..r. nnd Mrs. K. K. Itodgmnn, A. M. guests Include T. C, McCnrthy of. Commnndery No. 4 at Ashland tin
Knapp. J. J. Skinner, L. L. Lewis and Groveland. Calif., R 11. Grandy and
G, Hnnsllmnn. I Mr. and Mm. K. J. Wolff of Seattle, It.
McQuay-N'orris rings Leak Proof, J- Haya of San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs
Superoyl, Jiffy Grip. Snap. Riverside i H. Fnrnsworth of Palouse, Wn and
Gsuaiw. Ul
This office is prepared to print
calling canls trom your copper plate.
Also business cards, letter heads and
envelopes from your steel dies, in 24
within the nettt few days. , The fish'
management, was the announcement
;iu win ne niosny uy oau. as present maiIe bj. 0 nprp1wr 8RV8 the
conditions are against fly fishing. Hear; Ashland Tidings. "Ha stated that he
creek is Baid to be full of steelhead as 8old hls impost in the theaier to 11.
veil as of the smaller fellow ot thejn. urst 8mJ hi8 no,,heWi k,, 0ush
,tfout family. ! : j ing, of Portland. Mr. Hurst for the
. 5(Mason, Ehrmnn & Co. will pay rash past twelve years has been engaged in
jfyi- local grown red and white beans. I the moving picture business, and Is
,sny quantity. ; MV's' ! '. (thoroughly experienced In catering to
T For street wear-Women's sport the public along those lines
Wednesday night, at which two cnndl
dates were liililnlod.
Louie Larsen, an employe of tlutj Aiumim local t-iindldiuiri filed with
California Oregon Power contptmv who the HoiTctiny ol state al Salem .venter
recently arrived In this city from day were the following; Joint II. Car
Yh'Utt . was ' arrested' lal evening by ldu, Medford, republican, for ieprc'ii
Patrolman Adams tut u charge of being lullve from Jnekson county. No hIokhk
displays tonight at ' Intoxicated on the streets. He pleaded (1, A. l''oddln(, Medford, democrat, for
uits with skirt or knickers. Tho;
Toggery. 20
s - Pearls for EaBter at Johnson's where
the price is always a little lower. 21
Siecial sale on little girls' dresses
at the Red Cross Thrift Shop Satur
day. I'nbleached mu,slin trimmed in
gingham linen, ginghams, etc. Low
iflices.; Sparta Illdg. Upstairs.
The .Woman's Auxiliary , to the
American Legion will give a progres
sive card imrtyjn Legion hall, Satur
day afternoon, April 22nd, Ilridge
und five hundred .will be played. Ad
talssion twenty-five cents. 0
When better automobiles art built,
liuick will build them. - tf
Fresh home made cakes at Marsh's.
? ..The outlook for-a nice Easter day
is somewhat doubtful at this writing.
The prediction is for rain tonight and
- If it's insurance we write It R. A.
Holmes. The Insurance Man.
Clean, dry stdrage, reasonable rates.
No household goods. Mason, Ehrman
& Co." 54j
Jackson school will have a food salej
Saturday morning at the public mar-j
ket Home cooking, beautiful Easter
eggs and baskets made by .the school
children. 20
' Dn H. S. Shangle, president of Co
lumbia college, Milton, Ore., arrived
today to "preach at the Methodist
. church, South, on Sunday.
Everywhere you loot you see a
Chevrolet tf
Hard times made easy, buy ranches
without money, pajr with share of crop,
. like rent Gold Ray Realty company, tf
! Fresh home made cakes at Marsh's.
, A number of high school boys took
part In a raid on a private party on
South Orange street the first of the
, week. They entered the back porch
of the house where the party was be-
ing held and unscrewed the fuse plugs
;.tn tluvswitch. block thereby leaving
mo party m darkness. After darken
This office is prepared to print
ledger sheets, bills, etc, used on the
bookkeeping machines. Don't Hive
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out of Medford. Phone
us and we will call. tf
When In need .of sash and doors,
call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to
7U E. Main street -
Follow the crowd to Kingsbury
Springs dance Saturday night. 21
The periodical meeting of the Fifth
district Oregon Association of Electri
cal Doalers and Contractors will be
held in this city next Monday night.
Pretty glass or pottery rases for the
Easter flowers. Handicraft Shop. 19
Sash and doors. Medford Lumber
Fresh home made cakes at Marsh's.
' 20
Porter J. Neff returned this morning
from a sojourn at San Francisco. Mrs
Neff will remain. in San Francisco for
several days yet before returning
Can save you money by saving that
damaged tire before it's too late.
Exchange Tire Co.. 28 N. Riverside. 22
Free dirt for lawns or garden. Call
at building site, Minnesota street If.
A. Thlerolt ,
Watch repairing of that quality that
gives satisfaction at Johnson's.
Jeweler. tf
The old hotel at Placer, Ore., belong
ing to E. G. Patton. was burned to the
ground last Tuesday, causing a loss of
Best garden loam for sale. Phone
912-J. - ; . tf
Bookkeeping quickly mastered with
new Burroughs Simplified ' Machine
methods. TJasy shorthand guarantees
dictation in eight weeks. Business
College. ' -. . 20
Big dance at Kingsbury Springs Sat
urday night Lovelands orchestra. 21
Ob Eiister Sunday, April 16. Malta
t-ommandery. Knights Templar will
now irieir r-asier services an. conjuno
tlon with'the De Molay Boys, at the
ing the house they departed with re-i-Ma8n,c in Medford. Dinner
freshments but not before one of theni ! served at 1:30 P- m- services begin at
was identified. Through the identifi
cation pf one of the party Chief of
Police Timothy rounded up the entire
lot., numbering eight and they re
placed the loss of the refreshments
and apologized to the hostess.
Two watchmakers, prompt service
and unexcelled workmanship. Johnson.
Jeweler. . , tf
.Several thousand dollars to loan on
Improved ranch security. O. C. Boggs.
I t
, Tonight
Positively Your
Last Chance
the screen 's great dra
matic actress, in her
crowning dramatic suc
cess! -
Supported by
and a score of other bril
liant stars.
Peter B. Kyne's
San Francisco Story
2:30. All Sir Knights and visitine Sir
Knights with their ladies together
with the De Molay Boys are welcome.
Sir Knights Bhodld attend in full uni
form. Order Arrangement Committee
Rev. E. P. Lawrence will preach an
Easter message . at the Uniontown
school house Sunday afternoon at 3 'p.
m. A Sunday school was organized
there recently by Rev. C. C. Hulet
Sunday school missionary and Miss
Louise Hodges, of Medford who Is. the
teacher, is superintendent. The school
is a short distance above Riich on the
Little Applegate. The services will be
open to people of all the community
Women's sport and street suits with
either skirt or knickers. The Toggery.
Invest your savings In the Jackson
County Building and Loan association.
. ; u
a, con uuuic nmue canes ai .Martins.
. : : ' 20
- See the toy table at the Red Cross
Thrift Shop Saturday. Doll shoes and
ciomes, toy furniture, etc. Sparta
C. L.- Goff w-rites insurance on any
tning. Telephone 41. -
lowers for all occasions. See us
about your bedding nlanu norch
boxes and hanging baskets. Maddox
& Bonne, 1005 East Main. Phone 374
' tf
What Is more beautiful than pearls
for Laster? Beautiful assortment to
choose from at Johnson's, Jeweler. 21
wrs. fcarl Roberts, who underwent
a major operation this week, is at the
Medford hospital instead of the Sacred
Heart hospital as previously stated
.Mrs. Roberts is getting along nitelv.
Wanted Market price paid for wool
and mohair. J. J. Osenbrugge. Phone
oiaaiou and Tuberose bulbs. Eden
auey Kursery. 680-J-2. i1?
Table Rock school house, Sunday
April 16th, 3 p. m. Rev. Beatty of Cen
tral Point, will preach and there will
ue special music. You are cordially
lnviiea to attend.
R'iv. A. Wolfe, pastor of the Presby
lerian cnurcn at Rogue River. Is find
lug difficulty In' convincing his con
BicKuuon mat he-should resign. A
he Intends to leave Rogue River he
tendered his resignation at a meeting
oi uie congregation Monday niuht. Hi
parishioners refused to accent it and
another meeting is to be held to settle
tne question, i inances of the church
have more than doubled in the last
year and a large community hall has
ueen constructed.
Fresh home made cakes at Marsh's.
rn.v.,j .i . ..
uumonsirauon . ana cx
hlblt at M. F. & H. Co.. Anril 10 in TK
Come and let an ex,pert explain how. to
uso uiese products for furniture, pic
noes, porcn lurniture. autos. etc. 20
American Legion Easter dance Mon
day, April 17th. -Nat.', ' ,21
Arthur Klugon of Sacramento.
When In need ot shingles and roof
ing call Wallace Woods, 10S. 711 E.
For rent on shares danciug pavilion,
hotel, tvgtatmuit. fishing, hunting,
bathing and camping privileges cover
ing 1000 ucres. River frontage. Gold
Ray Summer Resort, Gold Ray Realty
Co. Phones 72S-R or 13 1-Y. " tf
: The Kniahta of Columbus will hold
their annual Easter ball at the Nat,
Wednesday evening, April 19th. for
members und their friends. Invitations
can be obtained from members. 20
A train load of supplies and mater
ials were taken up to Butte Falls Wed
nesday afternoon on the Pacific
Eastern train. Most of It will be used
on railroad contract work.
Crescent orchestra Eagle PL Sat.
night. 29
Lime for spray. Medford Lbr. Co.
See window displays tonight ot
.Marsh's. 20
Elmer Whipple of the Steamboat
district is spending a few dttys In the
city attending to business matters.
Sec tho pretty gingham dresses at
the Colonial. 20
American Legion Eastor dance Mon
day, April 17th. Nat 21
tverywnere you look you tee a
Chevrolet tf
Dr. O. K. Harbin of Nashville, Tenn.,
will deliver an address at the Main
Street M. E. church. South, this even
ing at S o'clock. Dr. Harbin is the
representative of the Epworth League
of the church, and at the close of the
address will Install the newly elected
officers of the organization. There
will be refreshments in the basement
served by the yotmg ladles ot the
Dance Eagle Point every Sat night
Crescent orchestra Eagle Tt Sat
night 29
Get your knife now at Medford
Harness Shop. 19
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Houston and Mr.
and Mrs. J. V. Houston have returned
to their homes at Klamath Falls from
which city they were summoned bore
by the death of William Roberts
New silk hose in all the new shades
at the Colonial. ' 2o
American Legion Easter dance Mon
day, April 17th. Nat 21
see window displays tonight at
Marsh's. 20
At Cottage Grove last Saturday
night, Ralph Hand, formerly of Gold
Hill, defeated Charles Olsen, champion
or Canada. Olsen won the first fall
with a cross Icghold In 21 minutes
Hand won the second fall in 12 mln
utea with a toehold and the third one
in three minutes. Olsen wants to meet
Hand again for a $300 side bet if he
will bar the toehold. '. Hand has won
five straight matches, and will meet
Oscar Butler of Portland the latte
part of the month.
Newcomb sells slab wood for $2.00
per tier and less. Why pay more
Phone 631
See window
Marsh's. 20
Non-poisonous Easter egg dies, all
colors In same Bp package. Medford
Hook Store, 20
Young lady wants position as sten
ographer or offlco work. Will do extra
work In either, t'hono 3S3-J. tf
Get a rebuilt tiro for a spare on your
car. Exchange Tiro Co., '28 N. River
side. 22
James ,. Neff who recently arrived
In this city on fuiimmli from the
murine corps service was arrested yes-
fined $10.
Beginning Sunday all services In the
churches of the city will begin at S
m. Instead of 7:30 as heretofore. 21
Miller-Oeared-to-the-Road tires and
tubes. Exchange Tire Co., 28 N. River
ine. 22
Greeting curds for Easter. Swem's
Studio. . 21
The circuit court will convene on
Vpiil 24 In adjourned session and th"
grand jury will convene on May 15
Instead of April '17th as heretofore
Hrtrdwood flooring. Medford Lum
ber Co. .
Greeting cards for caster, Sweio's
Studio. 21
Send Suster cards. Beautiful colle-c-
tions at 8wom "s Studio. 21
The uniforms for the local baseball
team arrived this morning nnd the
viunjr miiMuuuu. ! . l . nhoilt tl.H llill-llnH .1 Plir S.l-.. Sl
street, uy twicer J. Ji .Mc.Maium Tor. n , , .... . ....,.1,i
peedlng. die pleaded Kutlt;. this mor- " iw,anil -u,,,. ,,,,.. wwkl,
in UK ueiure jusiue in.iior iinti -was
utility In Justice 'Taylor's court this
morning and was fined $15,
Itnnrlng! Nat! Sat! lor, 20
Ounce ut Kingsbury Springs Satur
day t April I rth, Host of music. Come
and have u guild time. Loveluml
orchestra. . 20
ly ami evening classes tlrcgg lie
view and Speed typing; special rales.
I'uslnes College. 20
Moths are working overtime- now
I We enn stop their wild and wooly
career. f0 cents Invested now may
save you many dollars. Call nnd see
oprsRontuth-e from JurkHim county
Slogan: " Tovenuul better laws, lower
taxes nnt eliieiitey In state itdmlilU'
Sal. nltc!, Nat! Oanelim loo. 2
All colors b'HNter egit dies lit same
rc packaKO, Marblo effects. Miirord
Hook Store. ... :o
American Legion EaHtuf 'dnnro Mon
day, April J7th. Nut. , 21
tu-,t will resume his practice Monday,
April I7lh. .
A-nice lot of flue young rabbits for
your Easter iliuiier. star Meat Market.
Phono 273. We deliver. 20
St. Mark's Guild will have a food
suit Saturday, 15th, beginning at 2
p. in. ut tho Southern Ore. Gits Co. of
fices. West Main. All homo cooUlng.
beautiful Easter ckkh. Just, tho place
to get your Easier "goodies." 20
Kroten automobile, tractor and truck
cylinders voided, re-lnforood and
guaranteed. Only the finest pre-heat-Ing
fuels and metals used. Vulcan
Wedlnic Works, 39 S. Front street tf
Dance Kim to Point every Sat. nlght
Lime and cement. Modford Lumber
A number of foreign tar licenses
havo lnen seen on tho city streets In
the last few days. Two auto parties
The I'.i'tu i ,i I public In Invited to wit-
iH'Hti 1 1 1 baieliall i.uiue tomorrow
afternoon ut the IiImIi miiool Imselmtl
m'oiiiiiIm, toot tif Notih Holly iilt'oet,
between the Kupan Kilowatts and the
Kuftncji .teams of the California-Ore-lion
Power company, No iidiiiluHlmi
fee will bo timiKed.
A line tiHHOi tliieul of nice spring
( hli'keiiH for that Easter dinner, Hlar
Meat Market, Phono 273. We deliver,
Wo h.'ivo n profltnhlo hauling cen
trait rnr the m,iiu who will buy a small
Itoptibltc iiiiekv liilpilro Busy Corner, Co.. liifu JwtdiltlvemUU. U
''',- i
Tuesday Evening
April is
in i - , .
Box Office Seat Sale Tomorrow 12 o'clock
have the venire rejiort for
24 at; p. m. Fifteen of the
foot of North
Se window displays tonight at
Marsh's. 20
For garden work, lawn making and
mowing, .packing und crating house
hold goods, oil Jobs and repair cur-
tcnter work, phone 104 !-M. 23
Easter lilies 60c per stem; calla
lilies 10c a choice, two for lie. Jap
Art Store. 21
Tho following item of Interest in
Medford and vicinity In view of the
report that the next federal court dav
grand Jury at Portland will Investigate
the three recent masked band holdups
hereabouts. Is contained In the Port
land Journal of Thursday: "At the re
quest of Assistant I'nlted States Attor
ney Maguire, a grand Jury of 40 men
was called Wednesday by Federal
Judge R. S. Bean, after which the
court instructed the I'nlted States
marshal to hav
duty April
venire reside In Portland and tho rest
in other parts of tho state."
Fryers for sale at Public Market.
Saturday, Booth 3.
Personal service given to all aujo
repairs. Elwood's Auto Shop, 118
South Central. Phone 769-J. 31
Attention, e Soldiers: Ranches sold
under Soldiers Bonus plan or pay witb
share of -crop, like rent Qold Ray
,1 Dance at Kingsbury Springs Sattir
uay, Apru tuta. Best or music, come
and have a good time. Loveland
orchestra. , 20
Auto Insurance. Brown ft White.
The local lodge of Elks will have
the usual large delegation at the Sun
day evening Easter services at St.
Mark's church, In compliment to Rev.
Wm. Hamilton, who Is tho chaplain of
the lodge. The Elks will meet at the
Elks temple and march to tho church
in a body. This is an annual custom
with the lodge.
Dancing! Nat!. Finest floor!
Easter lillrs DOc per stem;
lilies 10c a choice, two for l&e
Art. Store.
Newcomb sells slab wood for $2.00
per tier and less. Why pay more?
Phone 631. . 20
Lottie Howard has Just received a
shipment of Eimter huts, flowers.
feathers and ribbons. 109 North Cen
tral avenue. 20
J. V., Combs of Columbus, ()., in u
guest at the Hotel Medford, us are II.
O. Wlnslow of I Am Angeles, F. W. An
derson of Fresno, Mr. and Mrs. Goo.
Matthews of Cottage Grove, W. C.
Champion of Seattle, J. Carrothers of
New York, J. Ualrd of 8t. Joseph, Mo
and B. It. Poolcy of Eugene.
For dancing, Launspach's orchestra.
Fire Insurance. Drown White.
Chl-Naincl demonstration M. F, & II.
Co., April 10 to 15. 20
American Legion Easter dance, Mon
day, April 17th. Nat 21
team Is now anxious for a' game wtthV,r BW, thl!l mring enrouto from
tne nijin scnooi team, it possible, the California to their homes In British
high school team and the town tcam;Cull,m,lrt Automobile tourists, how-
win piay at the nigu school rieid at the eVl,r M10 not tllB 0y umm going north
V-...t. t .11.. ... - 1 t . .
tu.iiv biiwi okinuHTiw 111 llu, unini wenllu-r A t In. U t,t
K'wse northward bound passed over
the city last night about 8 o'clock.
Nat! Dunclnff 10c! Sat. nlte. 2o I
For "Paint and Clean-up Week" you
must touch up the porch and furniture
as well as the auto. ' Vae Chl namol.
demonstration April 10 to 13, at M. F.
& H. Co. 20
Tweed suits at tho Colonial. 20
Tho best grade Jap crepe 35c yard
at tho Colonial. 20
mcrluau Legion Easter dance Mon-
April I7tlu Nat. 21
Over Five Million People
ljia Witnessed did fleckmeet
efie ItmdabiH Podudnd tcwmiur
YW 1
i Musical Comedy
6 rtcwlhs m
Esrbeen sven m
ei?rij jr$fe center.
, of tne civm&i Worn.
IMUCES: l'or, fJ.73i llahotiy, J'i.a, mid $ Include
War Tav.
When you want drr milt Wov. w I Realty Company. tf
can Valley Fuel Company. Phone
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods. Dhona 108.
ll East Main street
Carpenters are remodeling the Pan
torlum Dye works so as to give more
room for the office.
8c per yd.
Buttons covered.
Handicraft Shop. tf
Dance at Kingsbury Springs Satur
day, April 15th. B4st of music. Come
and have a good time. Loveland
orcnestra. .20
Get your chokers now. You
need one to be In style this sorine
.-sew colors, popular furs at lowest
prices. Bartlett's Fur Store. 21
At Roseburg the defeat of the school
bond Issue, at the recent school flec
tion, has necessitated the elimination
of four departments In the Ros.burK
nigh school for next year,.accordlng to
tne school board. The departments
are teachers training, manual train
ing, domestic arts and music. The
money heretofore used for these de
partments will go to necessary repairs
ana upkeep on the school buildings.
nee window displays tonight at
Marsh s. 20'
Everywhere you look you sea i
coevrolet tf
Scatter sunshine with Easter cards
Large assortments. Swem's Studio. 21
w. T. Grieve and Mr. and Mrs
james t,. orieve of Prospect spent FrI
day forenoon In this city.
wrs. Paul Hansen, corsetiere- for
rsuuone. Phone 685-J. tf
iry our merchants lunch. The
rOR TRADE What have you in in
come good farm and residence In
Moarord to offer in exchange for
Portland income. Salem home and
70 acres of land .3 miles out, all
clear. Address Coo, F. Peed, 1320 8
Commercial St., Salem, Ore. , 21
TOR RUNT Furnished housekeeping
rooms. 323 K. Jackson St. Phone
zu. tf
Tribune office.
of keys. Call a
v an l hiL) Late model Ford touring
in good shape. W ill pay cash for
good bargain. Address "Ford Car,'
Jian Tribune.
FOR SALE Brood sow with six pigs
six weens oia, $4.00 each. Also four
shoals. 18 each. M. Hockenberger,
r.ugie j'oint, iteese creek on new
Crater Lake Highway.
Choice Vegetables for Easter
We always specialize on fresh fruits and vegetables and for the
Easter Trade will be able to serve our patrons with the very best
assortment obtainable. '
FOR SALE 1 oak dining table and
six leather chairs, 1 blrdscye maple
dresser, -1 - heating stove.- ' Kelzur
Transfer. 21
. , , - -. 4
Are You Getting
Insure with
Telephone Your Orders Early
Head Lettuce
Green Onions
Fresh Asparagus
Green Peas
Bell Peppers
Fresh Tomatoes
Oranges Lemons
' Bananas
Florida Grape Fruit
Personal Attention-
' . I
-Prompt Service
1 r-'...
Phone 252 MaPSll Phone 252