Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1922, Page 1, Image 1

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Medfoed Mail Tribune
The Weather
rUin tonight And Saturday.
Minimum yesterday..,, A
Minimum today ,1
Precipitation 01
Weather Year Ago
Maximum ....8t
Minimum .28
Precipitation Tract
I'm, mini jiii
(Al-tfi't'Mi"nih Vrnr.
rt'millly I Htf rWuuiid Year,
NO. 20
U, S. A1Y
OF 150,000
. Major Harord, Deputy Chicl of
Staff, Declares Further Cut
Would Seriously Endanger
' '4
Country- Something Must
Give Away Unless Pacifists
regular army cannot aeconpilsh ih
tss "t fur It ly law with a prrmi
vf Iwn than t$9,0oo. Major Oenvrsl
). O. llnrMiril, deputy chief of staff,
delisted today before I tic senate ap
propriations n.mtmiUx. In eotm-i ti.m
wtH m ronsldointlon of I In' pending
army appropriation till. Aiu iiii tu
carry out th work laid ilgwn for the
war department with ! than I 10.
O0 nii'ii. he an Id. would mi nn thnl
"Something must give way."
'There U a minimum limit l. low
which yau rannul bo with safety."
General Htii tioril iii! tliu committee
"Tim ulr arrvlff cannot l
ilw U.avo itieii: iii. cavalry unil
(laid ArtllU'i-y innuut aalvly U- Ji
mlillnhi'4.' If 1J0.0OQ or nmio nii'ti cuniiut tin
Had. tlifft In my )uiiaim'iit toniinw
Qivulil liana iatt a UifTii-t ni mi
ricii fur an and mH iiiMoml the loun
ny H uur uijilcmni iltfnw."
i niiinun wmi inr pro-war army
outlioruof) in would im mUiitiil.
In the di tiutv rhlif of muff nam-i-tcil,
rinuo ,ftii army lhn numirrMl i
rriminm tr inmniry. ainlnut SI nt
l-ront. ja fuviiity irulnnnU acnliml
.na it rrKirnxnia or lina arill-l
lav ka.ilnMt la . a .....
Mima m w unti. whih wn.- - t.av.
t't'u tiflJ.-U. all of w hirh iit) iu
rt4.TM' "n"" 91 "K"'t
l'ffnw IniMttlltt,
Ihfl Orsanl'iil rtrvtm, IIih reiwrvn
,d by .hi" 'ucuT"o7,.," T.Z " " " '"ho noon and the race for lhe rrmb I mm XT! If A HPrrilAr
txf. ia danaaruu-lr .mail a,.4 im- " ", """ no in.! on . n i L A I I VA I U I U Al V I.
perils tba natlonftl it..f.n-." Tha story of her belief In spiritual. I contiatt-d t.yilie following entries. i f M I I f 1111.11
IIHrd eu.nin,....! .i ,.,.J Uoi n. ,l,i i ,i, ihr.. u Uovernor R. W. iileott. Ktate Hena-; I Ml I I ll I JI I I Mill
striking at the Natlwial liuard and one of ;o, wrl.ten before ah. ?r ,,S,fm-,,,"UBl,"Prr2'
r.' ' H!Ti.! '!? .C.1",,, nn4 ,h" ,vl, ;I th and the third aa she waa half
lun mllllfiry training rumps and oi ,,,. wr,.ir
r,dt..,., the r,Ku..r eMlmnl. that Ihsl"" ' " ....
ninon of tli net of Jims 4. I:u' Mr fI,,h,'r aald today that aoun
inntlurtlil dvfenav n mended l cannot "''"f "ey married three year ai?o. he
nirrluil out." i and his wife Attended a stance and
ritnurnl llnrbord nuillned tliu re- Iwih talUexl to their dead parents,
nulrwd (unrtlona of the war depart-, Since that time, he said. Mrs, Puncher
win. i ne ursi uiki primary rtutv.
he wild, wus "to train and devcloii
the Nutlonul tluurd."
vTbls Ke nuiMlil. r mir ' prln.pul
nilielon," he vxplnlned. "there are
now employed In Hut work aflj f.
Ilei-ts mid 1"0 soldlent."
Aiming oilier rrnioiihllUlltii. of tin.
war difnitnuiii, iu inilud.-d tin.
liVlllllrlinliiSi of uiH'eswiry Si'hoolH for
triilnllig the purls of the
nrnj, the inalnti'tinin e of "tliu ad
lilllilxtrstlve uverbead" for the reuu
1'if army, Nullonul (imird und orgun-
it.u rrwrvon
providing of gartinoits
lor uversens
posHehslotis ami rotiti-
imiitiil eonht di-fi'iiM s and to ninlntiilii I
7.. Z ' ..L ' . "r ''" I
liH-a. the Bdmlnlxtnitlvu, organization " inr son nnu a
S II uflbers nnd I4.7H men ond the "m, to" f"r 1 nll K"lug to guide you
rouilt Ii fi linen. Willi only IS ,f tin- "tltll you do." .
!5 Mtniloiis itinnimd. reiuli-y 4T7 of- "lurlln beloved husband." another
iln-rs and 05J men." letter started. "1 am writing von a
(inrrlMina for overveaa piwaeHslons line on this queer suicide and l" know
n:r0:::,;,::.d::.n,y,rrar,r: -
bord, who warned tire fulled 1 0Ht r ''-"'" hnven t by a
Ht'iUa, shunning Its unmistakable B "" ' l"'r i-t wfiut t um do
oIiIIhhiIoii to keep order nnd preservu I. want you to get married again
life nnd property In those districts. 'f 'ou wlah. You know ab mt siilrltuul
"Hiiiii1 we be again forced into Ism and I wuut you to go wbero you
or, ue snwi, "our overseas guriixoim
would prnetleully eemnln as the
enwgency finds them. It Is doubt
ful If tva could' reinforce them after
war had actually lHgun und to do It
while relutlons' were strained would
probubly preclpltutu matters: the
first. overt act In the war between
UuHnla nlid Japan preceded 1l)e dt-cln-ration,
of war." .' '
VAHHINOTON, 'April 14. The
much crlll6ltud flapper found a friend
today In the wcatliur buiem which lu
' (llciiiod that abo mlgbt go forth on
Kaftnr wonrlng' hr .bright colored
tweud suit and pcrtwlnklu hat with
out four of rain.
(luaerally fair woathur for Bunduy
wan soen by the weatlmr bureau for
that portion of the country cast or
ltd MlHiiltmlppi I'lvuiinnd probably the
hOUthwoHtern states. Unsettled con
(lttlouH, however, may brevall from
tho flroal Lakes wont to the Pacific
coast, It waa salrt. Modorate temper
BtufcH will , be exporlonced throtii;h
thd aotith, while In thu north" tho
weathor genorally will be nnol lint not
Asks Pennsylvania
, To Collect Bill for
Sheep Bought in 1780
IIAIlltl.SllliUi. I'll., April
4 Tim coiiiiiionwoullh of I'eunayl- 4
4 v tt ti In today wiu presented with u 4
4 bill f r one hundred paimls nter- 4
4 linn for two Iii'hI (if sheep pur-
fluinitil fur llin iiho of tlw Amur- 4
lean revolutionary army under
what In tunned tlto "army m't of
June 1, 17mi," ,
Tim I. ill wiu sent t Attorney
General liy Oliver Koylo of
4 l'h!linloliM with a request tluit
he he Informed whether it wan 4
A ..4.ll..,..ll.l.. Tl.i. ......W Mi.Uil,llll
",r" '
executed July 2. 170 by David 4
IBvll -miuisitnry of imhnia.
It wan dated at Rending, Pa..' and 4
drown fvr f Bamm-i
4 Urn vulua of lli nolo tmlay In
4 American money l aliuiit l.'CO. 4
4 . ,
N. J. Woman Kills Baby Son
and Attempts Suicide, Be
lieving Action Will Lead to
Happiness in the Spiritual
NKWAIIK. N J.. Aitrll 14. Mr
Uo awllow pulnon
Vtii1iiy aftr alaylnai tier lialiy n.
(Vill ItayiiKMil. Imp,-.! to guldn lu-r
buaband to hanulneka aa an einanci-
' ' ."' . . . .1
i.hiU Hi., imlm in. ntt nffitr Ihn Kitliv'ti
l.n.l ink...
Ki-rnt Interest In spirit mil
"That aciime." he aald, "put the
whole Men Into Imr head. Khu thmu;ht
she rould Ho belter fur mo. If she were
ileuil.jinil would guide mo tn Heaven."
Mrs. Kaneher's lienlth had been very
lfor slneo tho birth of their an and
slio felt, hT letters Indicated that her
death would relievo her husband of a
severe handicap. Slio took tho baby's
life because, slio could not bear to
think of aomeonu else raring for the
boy, she said.
IJeiir. my heart Is breaking af lenv-
InK you und you love the bubv so. too,"
' can talk with me,
While phyaVdnna say thore is little
chance for the woman's rccovory, she
stated ttKlay that If she did get well
she would try tulnldo agnln. "and next
lime" she aald, "I'll ninlte a g(H)d Job
of It, you may bo aure."
NBW YojtK. April 14. John Mc
cormick, noted tenor, who was
stricken with tin iif foot Ion of the
throat hero Inst Hiituitlny and whose
Illness hocumu nlarmlng Wednesday
lens decliired loclay to have passed
the crisis, but will not be able to sing
again for several months. Physic
ians attending thu singer asserted the
Illness would not uffectthe quality of
voice, as the Infection was above the
Mall Robbery Frustrated
fUtANITK CITY. 111.. April 14.
Vigilance-of police officers today
prevented u, jr3.000 pnyrolt robbery
und resulted In the nt-rest of u lone
bandit, who uttemptcd to rob the
driver of tin automobile truck carry
ing thu money to tho poirtoffleo here,
A shipment of fftfl.noo also wns to
he received toduy,
: law, fe-'i b:"7r
Tliut'a what ncuiiturit rail thi-lr on Mrtvato coiireyaoci- wlikli tlu-y )n
Him Mt.Hiit.4 iinil irr(iBii If 1m tf.lf.rlrfriitlv tfirrntH unH run cn a liutmir:ill
WRNii Mi
MAI. KM. lrv.. April H. Today
w.m the iiiMt duy for fltliiii ty Ktata
unil ti'iilKluliviy i tin.lliliiun for pti
mary noi..t..utk.n. and ttu-r- wa. j
r, a ruMi ut the MH-rHury of mate a
irtle. Kvery mull va full of intrlra
fur th primary vkctlima of both par- U ywiupMer was only slightly in- 4 Th caDy valiev and Fsoarto Ula-i WA611txJTON. April I 4. Presl
i,. bl.h will b h.ld May I i. 1 4 Jured . 4 ;tr,ct , rtfrn Tote to ' ut lUrtlni to Wr twd totoy
m-,. ..r n.rT.i.n.irx,ti mWfitiiu i 4 v 4 . t t., w.i ' , t. " urged that the naval
lnolr "rwrmiw in peraon. .o new
Ili'un. Htute Henntor Churles Mull, and
H,i pri iM-ntutlve J. 1). Ia-c.
For tr aleniocrutle nomination
Wulli-r M. Pli-rce of Ijiiirande has
filed and liarvey 0. Hturkwonther of
I'orllund wus eipicted to file today.
t'nliioi there are last minute flllim.
the prlniury ticket or eongreshlonnl
noniluullona will te: lleprrM-ntutiVe.
first district, W. C. Haw ley. Salem,
lepublii an; Kurl K. Kleher, Heuver
ton. rrptilillt an; A. W. Nortdud. As
toria, repuldleun.
Iteprt sentiithe second district N.
T. Ninnott. The tiullcs. republlcaii;
Jume II. fiwlnii, Pendleton, republt
can: James Harvey (iruhuin, Huker,
Iteprehelituttve third district
rrnnklln Korell. Portland, reputdl
enn: C. N. MeArthur, Portland, re
publican: Maurice B. Cruinpncker.
I'orllund, republican: KotH-rt A. Mil
ler. Portland, - democrat: Kobeit (i.
Duiicnn, Portland,' democrat.
"1Iiiih for oilier slate offices up
to noon were:
J notices of the supreme court
George II. Ilinnett, Hulem, republi-;
run; John MK'ourt. Port hind, repub
llenn: Jfdin 1.. Hand. Ilaker, repulili
can. Ijibor coiiitniKsioner C H. Gram,
Portland, republican; W. A. Dalslel,
Port land, rv-publlcan. ,
Public service commissioner (state
tit large) J. It. Tmcfhoff. Portland,
republicun; K. -U. I-yniun, portlnnd.
reiutillcnn: Tholhus K. Campbell.
Port and.
Members of iintionul committees
ltnlph K. Williams. Portlnnd. repub
lican; .1. W. Morrow. Portland, dem
ocrat; Will It, giving, Portlnnd, demo
YAKIMA, NVash;, April 14. Lead
ing apple shippers of tho Yakima val
ley, with representative growers,
delegates from the farm bureau,
granges and other organizations, will
meet this afternoon to consider par
ticipation In, a move to advertise
northwest apples during the coming
your, General plans call for a na
tional advertising campaign, to be
handled by the shippers, and u
ehurgu of one cent per box produced
to bo paid by tho growers. It Is ex
pected this system would provide
about a half, million for the adver
tising campaign. I ,
Puss Hospital Measure. -
WASHINGTON. April 14. Tho bill
uuthoi'lulng an addHlonal approprlu
tlon of 11 7.000,000 for hospital fa
cHlt'ea for disabled former service
mon waa pussed uniinlmoiiHly today
by the somite and now gooa to Presi
dent Harding for final approval.
Minors A. ne, wpeaaer i.ui r.i mmmw tfs.
Condor Seizes Baby,
Father Kills Bird,
Child Is Recovered ;
'4 4'
;4 UKNKVA. April 14 --Seizure !
', 4 of a Swlsa peuaant'a itaW l'y a 4 ;
4 huge bird Identified as u con- 4 I
4 dor, ia chronicled by the Ober- 4"
4 lander Volkea Zeitung. The 4
4 mother, while weeding her car- 4
4 den tn the aiopen of thy high 4
4 HaHllberR nu untaln.. left the 4,
chUd alttmc co a niankei on tne
4 graaa. Her himband. aeelBK the .
,nUnt M? nm f0f
trmy ,n(1 ,bo, the b(,.d .
A. - V. 1 t. ...It 11 - t it,.. t V.
hiui ii ii'ii riu- ii i lint -
i'''TTT - ' "
TL.. i t.
Three TnalS tXpenSIVe fOr
n .rli-ie. D,,4
bCrCCn UOmeOian, bUt- ine
. Th- . ... v J
MOnCy fOr Third NOt Tet
Paid Arbuckle Films to Be
Released Gradually.
SAX KliANCiWK, April 14 The
defense of Kosroc C. t Fatty) Ar-
bin k:e in the thru- manslaughter
trials in connection ith the death of
Ml.. 1-I....i..i.. t-.. ......
Mi tro ... ... . ......i- .......
l 10.000. not including attorney's
fees, it win; b uriu il her today. The
lirlnging of witnesses froTn OhleiiKo
nnd other distant points entailed the
greatest poition of this expense.
It Is the- plan to release nil of Ar
buekle'a films which were completed
ut the time he met with his difficul
ties In San Francisco. This will be
dime gruduully. The comedian him
self, has not perfected his future
plans, but acconllim to those close to
him, these lay between returning to
the screen s an uctor and directing
the production of films.
Arbuckle was nuked to present a
monologue between pictures by two
of the biKsesl motion picture theaters
here after his acquittal Wednesday,
but declined to do so. He explained
his refusal with thu statement:
"1 do not care to cupitalixe my
good fortune so soon after achieving
It. There Is o n-ntlment attached to
the experience of acquittal that must
come before uny commercialism. I
will return to my profession when I
consider it proper to do so."
Xo fees have been received by the
defense attorneys as yet. it was ex
plained toduy by Gavin McNub, chief
counsel. . It was arrunired that no
fues were to be considered "until Ar
buckle hud, been cleared!" McNab
Snow lu Washington. .
KliLKNSBURO. Wash.. April 14.
EllcnsViiirg residents awoke this
morning to find a blunket of wiow on
thu ground. Reports from tho Cus-
cade mountains, . west of here, were
to the effect thut the snowfall was
heavy In the foothills and moun
tains. 1 . .;'
SPOKANE, April 14. April
showers frappe- continued on the
weather menu of Spokane lust night
and today. From half an Inch to an
Inch of snow fell during the night,
but melted as It fell or soon after-
vvurd. The forecast promised mor
of the sume.
aeuiTylnis back and forth bflween
IMd(fl arff Irnp tn tlirm. Uirl1iU.
FRANCISCO. April 14. I.ate
rt.p0rt Indicate that a few localitlea
, the Sarramento- valley auHered
from recent eevere
statement issued today
f f man Of the federal i
i. r connty damage up to tne present
time Is very small and aa a whole con-
I dttloiia are good, with very little dam
age to the fruit the past week.
The nioct serious damage In the
grape growing section occurred
around Keediey. Uinuba and Parller. " UDlr woulQ oe le ennsiea per
Tl. Sun-Mald raisin rrowera estimate. ionn' reduced below 86.000.
the acreage frosted at only about T.
I . .....
I p-r cent of the acreage rrosteit tas'
vrar. Owine to 4he backward de-i
velopment of the vlne this spring. '
it la hard to estimate about what the
loss In tonnage will amount to. but I
as a whole It cannot be very heavy ,
uuleia later frosts occur.
In the Santa Clara valley and the!
,t , . . .
;Puy ciunties a usni crt p oi apricoiK
wua evprcted en account of rot. Frost
further decreased the prospects
(or crop alld no better than
40 per cent of a normal crop can be
eNpefll.d Soulo gllJ5ht damage to
the prune crop In the Santa Clara io men w? were giaoiy cuui-
valley may follow although it Is tco m'tted at the international confer-t-arlv
to make a percentage estimate. fcl!CP-
according lo the statement. Toe President while "not doubtlns
Weather conditions in the grult l" od faith of the committee mi
crowhiE sections are not ontirelv I Jority." said he "miist believe In the
; favorable and the frost period is by
I 0 m0ans past, but every day now
greutlv decreases tho danger which
',,,,' .i, r-..,,. bnti.,o- rr.wi
1 ... ....... ..... ..B
At lloslon. R
Philadelphia 8
Uoston 2
Butteries: Rommel and Perkins;
Myers, Ferguson, Fullerton und Ruel.
Other games postponed, rain.
At New York,
Now York
. Batteries
Mammaux. Smith, Shrb
ver and Deberry: Barnes nd Snyder.
At Philadelphia.
Butteries: Marquard
, R. If. K.
6 8 0
.;. 2 8 2
and O'Neill;
W'elnert. Winters and Ilcnline.
Other games postponed, rain,
CHICAGO, April 14 Adrian C. An
son, old time baseball player known
to millions of fans a. "Pop." Anson,
died today at 2:30 p.' m.
Mr, Anson was stricken while out
walking lust Sunday and was rushed
to a hospital, whore he was operated
.on for glandular trouble.
For a day or
critical but
two his condition was
when he rallied it was believed thut he
waa out of danger. Today, however,
he suffered a relapse, weakening rap
idly, i
N. J. Governor After I'. S. Semite.
'. TUKNTOX. X. J.. April 14. Gov
ernor Kdward 1. KUwards today an
nounced bis cundldaey for the demo
cratic nomination for United States
1 setiutor at the primary tiection to be
held September 2.
i .
Alleged Betrayer
Of Irish Cause Is
Killed in N. York
XKW VOHK, April 14. Vtn-
Kennce fr hla Hllwd betrayal of
4 the Utah cause waa aacribed by 4
4 K)llc aa a powtlble motive for 4
4 the allotting of I'atrli k Connor
4 In a gun bat'le with nix otlmr 4
4 men In Central Park In tit night. 4
4 Connor waa wounded five tlinra 4
4 and l not expected to live.
4 Connor, a former Irish army 4
4 volunteer waa sent to Jail by the 4
4 Hrillili Kovernment for bin artlv- 4
4 It lea. While In prison he a al- 4
4 l?fied to have revealed Informa- 4
4 tkn which reacted t") the detrl- 4
4 ment of the movement. On hla 4
4 releane 'about a year ago he eml- 4
4 Krated to tbia ountry. 4
4 IenilxT! of hla family, police 4
4 caid. admitted that Patrick had 4
4 received number of threatening 4
4 lettera within the last few 4
4 month a. 4
President in Formal Letter,
Opposes Plan to Reduce
Naval Force to 67,000
Declares 86,000 Is Limit for
U. S. Safety.
; supply bill provide fc-r a more ade
I quate enlisted force than 67,000. as
' fixed by the appropriations commil
jtee. ,
I . The president said he would be
s" uuwiipomiea as ne Knew me
the 1Sure whlcn ha Deen Proposed
lit Ik. -Ivl.r ...
h'le the decis'on must lie with
co"srera- lne presmoni sam oe couiu
oa rePt formally what he had aatd
'''format:- that he was perguaded It
wt"l t 'ts nae so drastic
cul Proposed In the house bill.
Th ,eter addressed to and read
hv RenrAAnlntiVA I romilw
. Ohio, said that a navy of 6..-
, men might be reached ultimately.
uUt "the trend toward peace and so-
c,,ri,v Sht b mere firmly estab-
,?h-l eft eoing beyond the limi-
faith of the navy and navy advisers
who dec'ared very emphatically it
was Impossible to maintain within the
proposed appropriation standard set
for the navy at the conference and
jnblch was proclaimed to the. wqrld."
tcelerence to British enlisted fig
ures was made dnrUig the reading of
the navy bill by Representative Green.
: republican. Iowa, who deca'red naval
llnteligunce officers did not have the
I tacts of else did not give them to the
appropriations committee.
"Tho BrUish enlistment total of
9S.r00 was given in the British par
l'nment ou March 16," said . Mr.
Green, "and that was the figure stat
ed '.n the committee report. It has
repeatedly happened that wrong in
formation has been given to the bouse
by tho navy denurtment."
Miss Alice M. Robertson, republi-
, 7, '"""'"' , ' --'"
" ., " , uu "'8
bill declared .women, as advisers to
the arms conference delegation, bad
helped tlx the 3-5-3 ratio, " below
i which she us a woman though con
gress should not go in fixing the en-
Bsted strength of the navy. This re
mark, taken by the bloc favoring an
86.000 maximum as enforcement '
their stand, brought a round of
cheers. . .
Announcing she had received "or
ders" from the American Association
of University Women to support the I
"small navy" program, Miss Robert-1
son attacked the organization "as the'
I most powerful lobby In. Washington."
and declared she. did nob intend to
heJed thu associut Ion's "orders.'
Steal $50,000 Diamonds
CLEVELAND. April 11. Diamonds
.. 4..1..
,",u Hl""'r""u1 "C1" l,u"' U,D,
office sale of Mux Kurjan company.,
ewelers. in a down own ofllce bu.ld-
lng this morning by three bandits who
entered the store with drawn rerol-
vers; drove David 8m th. office man-
agar and a friend Into a safe andw
i escaped with the diamonds.
President Rakosky of the
Ukraine Takes Leadership
at Genoa Can't Leave
U. S. Gold Atone Good
Humor and Cleverness Win
Correspondents' ,
GENOA. April 14. ( By the Asso
ciated Press ) Christian Uakovsky.
president of the Ukraine republic.
promises to become one of the so
viet delegations brightest platform
stars at the international conference.
He tbrivea on debate and has so much
persistence and good humor that
none of the other delegated seem able
to down him.
And he simply will not leave the
United States' gold reserve alone. He
made another attempt yeaterday to
raid the United States treasury
through his proposal before the fi
nancial commission that the states '
possessing the greatest quantity of
gold make loans to the poorer coun
tries. He made particular reference
to the United States. "
The' Ukrainian president suggested
loans to the bankrupt countries ou
;the basis of their population, which
naturally would give ftualsa the lion's '
share and his proposal has . caused
much humorous comment In confer
ence circles, especially aa coming
from a representative of the soviet,
which only'a short time ago wanted
to do away with money entirely.
'After rrakovsky ftnlshed hi storm r. f
se.tsion with the financial commission
yesterday he gave an hour to the
newspapermen. Unlike the other
delegates he raises no national bar
rler French, German, Russian, Jap
anese, Italian, British, American cor
respondents all were welcome. The
discussion was in French and anyore
having a pres card could attend.
SI. Rakovsky announced to the cor
respondents that the soviet delega
tion was as yet unable to comprehend
the proposals to Rnssla prepared by
the al'ied technical experts and con
sequently had not decided what to
do about them, but he would be glad
to answer any questions about Rus
sia. - Presidents of the republics are not
so open handed any day of the year,
and the Italian news writers wore es
pecially delighted at the opportunity
ho offered.
Meeting Breaks I'p
How about courts? Why did otlu'r
Ei'iopean nations feel their nationals
were unsafe in Russia! Had the CUe
ka actually been discontinued These
and a score of other questious were,
parried by Rakovsky, who declared
the Cheka bad been relegated to the
background, that trials were now held '
In courts better than any others Iu the
world, and that there was not the
-lightest reason for Europe's distVust
of the soviet government. . v
Socialist correspondents of the left. '
right and center struggled for the
floor and emphasized with wild gea
t'ctilatloti their queries about the
land question und property , righU .
The Atnerlcau and British corres
pondents, who had gone merely for
the sake of. getting the day's news
had no chance whatever but laugh
ingly watched the hand waving ques
tioners. The uproar finally became
so loud that uo Individual question
could be distinguished and the meet
ing was adjourned. -
inn u.s.a.
llu'y Defends Ru.ii ':
, GKNOA. April I I. (By the Aaso-"
qiated Press.) Divergencies of opln- '
Iqii fcver Itush are repdrted to hare
developed at' the meeting" this inorp-f
ing of the economic conference's "bii;
four" for discussion of Russian prob
lems. ' ' : ; : I f 'f ;
The partlfipunts were Prime Alin
tster I.Ioyd George of England. Vice',.
Premier Burtbou of Franco, Foreign -Minister
Schanzer of Italy and For-ii
eign Miuister Jasper of Belgium. The .
itallun delegation afterward confirm-I
e(J the t tnat
rirawn up l(V tne ,
Londt.D deBl wlt
the document
allied expert in
iitr Willi Ilia muiaf Inii
Ku88la whlch haa b(.en tne t f
much discussion had not been In
dorsed by the various allied govern-,
ments. The Italian expert had dis
approved of the clauses of Iho report
l...lWUll:" 1
which If, put into effect would humll
lute Uussfa. It was declared. , ,; L
J)r u d G , .Vtcd.
af the n)0rn
ored the Uus8llln pro , ,0
RnM, lndurallUv (or dam6Ses t ,
gll'8tlilned M the r(JBUlt of mlutttrv .
J (Continued on pnga air.)