Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 13, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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r 4
" Til VoOtord Sunday Bun la furntahe.
uijriwra uusiring uren hjt uh
Officii Mali Tribune Building, IS-? t
North Fir timet, t'none 7ft.
A . nflnanlM Mnn of tha DamOCratl-
Tlaioa. the Medford Mall, the Medfnr
Trioune. tha Southern Urvgonlan. Th
aahland Tribune.
' ROPERT W. Rimu Editor
UMPTRR 8. 8M1TH. Manager
trBackirrioa tsbmi
t MAIL In Advance:
Pally, with Sunftay Sun. year I7.$i
Hill I . U 11 .l .. C.n MAnlh 7 I
(US. Without Sunday Sun, year... .
ally, without Sunday Sun, mouth .1
r? 1 aekly Mall Tribune, one )sar.. .
4uuy Sun, one year i.
fA rRIKr In . Medford. Aahland
aekaonvllla. Central Point, PuoenU
W'wlth Bundav Run. month..- .N
gib, without Sunday Sun, month .
with Humisv Sun. one year
rina by currier, caah In advance
, i.riAii iump Ar inn i 11 ox Aieuiun
I iiei paper oi w
awrn dally average circulation jor
,,. . months ending Uot,. iDii. a
"trej a ewnk os matter a
oru, Oregon, unaer me aci oi "-'
111 ;
, PRKS8. , ,
.. AeMicteted Preaa la exclusive!;
.1 . . ... . HimhllMtlnn ft.
nnia w u "T.'l.i- ;r r. .
ii . ki niaDaicnea creuuru i v-
C,t gtherwiaa creauea in imo
M tha looal newa published hln.
TirVS.kt. MmihiioMtian of aieela
4lf atiihea herein are aino reaerveu.
... v miiaiiv
Yc Smudge Pot
' "', By Arthur Pgrry. -
ALL CITZENS should got behind the Chamber of Commerce pro
pram to revive the old Medford spirit.
Medford established the reputation many years ngo, ofjieing the
lustiest attic- city on the l'newic toast. Hum was not ft tribute to
numbers, but a tribute to spirit. the spirit of doiii big thing in n
liig way.
"Doing bin things in n biy: way." that is the most valuable asset
a foininuiiity can have. It doesn't mean n mere revival of the old
fashioned booster bunk, exaggerated value and exaggeratd! eluims.
nri n nn
mm n
J'.OMi:. April-
it means first of all the elimination of petty personal ipiarrels ami, inniaine n city
neighborhood squabbles, it means that jiood citizens lay down their
hammers, abandon this trivial controversy and that, and all pet to
gether and work together for the betterment and development of
Medford and the Rogue Hiver Valley.
It isn't an easy job. Friction and hostility seem to be in air,
not only here but everywhere else. (Joncral eeonomie conditions
moreover have created an atmosphere, in which the fine old spirit of
community loYalty finds it difficult to thrive as it did a decade ago.
.liut just as the old Medford spirit allowed Medford to make the
most of her opportunities then, so the revival of that spirit can allow
Medford to make the most of her opportunities now.
By all means make the effort, ami hit the line hard. This may nol
be the age of marvels, but marvellous things can be done by nnv com
munity that gets together, forgets its trivial differences, and unites
under the banner of "doing big things in n big way."
-It In
ttrlm'olv boM'ttiilUy ttmn (tenon.
vliero the k'retit ccammile conference
Is bcinit holil for It cnnuliin tlie au
lerb (minces built luusily iturliiK tbu
sixteenth century ti mvtlwfy tlm enne
of luxury, the ttintrwlntlon of nit nml I S On what river lit Culeiutu local
beauty of tl. nterclutnt iiiees ifel?
GeiuMt. ! When ws Hawaii nunle it torrl
There are no inlacen In Italy, per- tory?
I- pOn wlint ilile if n tree; diM'H (be
moat iiiom kioW ?
II Who commanded thu Iiatltillon
of lieiith tn thi ureal war?
3 How much lurser ta Ihc diameter
of the onrth tdun the dlumetnr of lb"
ilanet Velum?
I What Is the iercentaKn of Iimii In
the human body?
5 Who Is the register of tlu t'. H.
Treasury ?
B While at the tublo what In tbo
correct way t take your naikin?
"Where Is the Klmt'u colleRn In
North America located?
Quill Points
The mist that hides the sunshine of prosperity is the pessimist.
Ti, iariff issue Is asaln before con-
t .- . , ,, ....
greag toe -Aiiim iiiu pi.
g topic upon wnicn anjone cn
at treat lenBtn. wimoui nouis
thlM at all about me suojeci, uu .
BO-cnance oi wins u.vciiuiij
putcd. Oregon is panicuiwiy luwir..-
ed 1 an ad valorem tax on
gravis trom reuna iu mo v-nw
. ..... i 1 I .l. hUDit.
catlte If It pigeonnwicu, t..- -
ed ' woodpeckers residing in me v-wj
cs, wi not build any nests in new-
(ock trees on the shady sides oi ra
vines less tnan aw iu aeep.
.!;-;;,; . -
too Arbuckle has finally been
... rv ltA ha. ,.naA 1, 1 m
aCOBIltea. le nn
that threatened to go 10 u-
OUl.cOBiernns wim uib tum uc; o.
: : . .
Conaa Doyle, creator of the Sher-
a . . I.. Jl.n
lock Holmea stones, now tue leaums
aplfltualUtic authority oi me worm, is
ttt . Anieric, on a lecture tour u
brt Cherrol twings.- sinners, vi
wV. Ik there U an alarming scarcity.
affoprdlDg to Mr. Doyle, do not spenu
etegJty TrjlnK in ineir own greaac
whjie acting as their own firemen. A
ntadful of cltlsens will be glad to hear
1 TH national chairman of the demo
cratic party announces a "victory for
forces of democracy in November."
this sounds something like the "drift
to Cox," which wag ao noticeable In
1920, till the rotes were counted.
? Add 'Wild Statements of Tame Citl-
tena: "I'd rather be in the rain of the
valley than In the sunshine of Flor
Ida" (Rosie Rosenbaum, Espee hire
uri bi un itcd I luri vt
- , (Oars spectator;
V f I I nJn - w mi Kail llltt
. . . . , .
mlsturtune ot ousting a rim on
last Monday.
(Run down by O. D.)
Champion Jack Dempsey, who sailed
Tuesday, with the delayed threat "to
(Slean up everything in Europe. 1U
visit the battlefields of trance. When
there was considerabln activity on
said battlefields the champion was
shackled to a rivet showered shipyard
at home.
In a spirited debate in the Nash dint.
Wed. eve, one of the leading miners
was hit in the lumbar region with a
platinum mine, hurled with deadly ac
curacy from a hipiwcket.
We fear the Irish Five State'will be of fend days and full of
10 What event furnlaties tho first
authentic event In Koiuun lilatory?
Aniwerg to Ycstsrday'g Quettiong
1 What is meant by iho "dlmaff
side" of ii family? Aim. The mother's
.You can hear almost everything on the radiophone now except a
Hollywood party.
At this season of the year, connubial bliss is largely a matter of
spring hats.
aperial telephone line haa been act
upfor the acrvlce if the riclcKntiuiia
and newspaper correapuudenta. Uead-
ic n uniriai silsiuchmi ima nanus ucrnss tut: t-u iifii u. lime ,rt. pared for ddcKutea nnd repnrtera.
jn the palms. ,
bnpa In the whole world, no mnisnlfl
cent In thenisulw and that form
audi n gultublu hnckiti'oiiiid for the
trvnaurc of art, the Van lyeka, the
Ifiihenx and the delightful idettiica of
the Venetian Hcbool that adorn their sldt.
wa Is. ) Where la the lai'Keat puit Iiok In
The Koyal I'al:n.o where the con- 'the failed Stutea? Ans. Jut otltaldo
ferenee la held. In addition to its hn H(y limits or New York. It Is
sumptuous furniture. Its nlorlo.m cnU(( j,n,r HWnln,,, -
nmrhle atairetisu and ImiIcoiiIcm, has a( , ,.,.i ... ., i
beautiful garden with gr lawns' 8;VV 1,ut U 'h ! 0 . - ,
and walks, shaded by a variety of "'"nd per curat? Ann. $So.iO.
trees and shrub. t-Wluit Is tho tonnsKf of the
The meinlM-rs of the different dele- steamship Leviathan? An. 01, SSL'
gallons nKcrt-irnte nt leant 2U0(t pei-- tons; ."
sons, who lire Indued In tlenoa a pul- j 6 What Is water Klass? Ans. It Is
aces and in the lovely villas that hiii- tonuound of silica and U so
round the town. When one realise ca)M ,,,..,
that all this beauty Is batbetl iu the . ., .... , ., ....
sunshine of nnMlnllnn sprlK. It is -ht Is he M,.dlion of IMro
dlfflcult to imagine ii Istier pnpara- BnlJ trntay ? Ans. .iib.UUO.
Hon for the i-tunfort nnd pleasure of R Who wan the first man in the
Italy's quests. . j Illhle to Ret drunk on home-made
In addition ltaty has exerted her- wine? Ans. Noah. (Jenesla IX, L''i, 21.
self to provide for the conveniences 9 When a horse lies down whlrh
of lite needed by those who attend ,mrl f ,tlwcr f,rel?
the conference. Tho road along the
UKUiian Klvlorn baa been r lal.l for . ' '
a distance of about 15 miles. Ad.ll- -"at river in Kurop. U condi
tional telephone and teleKraphle cir- cr'i tho largest ? Ans. The .Volga,
cults have been constructed nnd n I 't empties Into tho Caspian sea.
The poet who sings of "the shade of night and the eloquent palm"
knows the great American porter, all right.
People seldom objeet to the length of a sermon, however, if it has
depth as welL
Some marriages are happy, and some people think two families
can live in the same house.
CAMP LEWIS' April 12
Spider Logic
A man once wrote tu Murk Twain aa
followa: "1 found a spider in my morn
ing paper. Is that good or bad luck?
What does It signify?"
The great huiuorWt answered him :
"Finding a spider In yuur paper la
neither good nor bad luck. The ;lde
was merely looking over the paper la
see what merchants were not advertls.
Another good wav to expand the chest is to carry n roll of long'8Prt are welcomed st the school.
. , . .Extra compensation -of $1.00 per
trrcen in your pant imekct. Bame provlded umplre, , .uditk n
to regular soldier's pay.
srncti icr umpires is neing neiu mis ; nK, so he could gu to their stores, spin
month In preparation for the opening a wc(, crosg t, s mrt nd Ve a life
of the league of army baseball teams of undisturbed peace cvfr aficrwarJ."
Here. All enlisted men desiring to
qualify tor this dangerous arm ot the
-lmost any minor statesman can tell you that the first essential!
to success is a majority following. , I
WICHITA. Haa., April 13. Ed
(Strangler) Lewla, world heavyweight
. wrestling champion, will defend his
Somehow we have a notion that a slow motion picture of a checker tltle a81"' Earl t'raddock, former
. . , , , , - , - champion, here tonight, icwla won
tournament would be good for the nerves. )tho champ,on8hll, from stanlslaua
Zbyszko here six weeks ago. ,
Effort to raise bonus nionev by taxing beer is merely an effort to The n,Rtch wiu t3 a rini8h- two
. . ,. J falls in three, for a purse of $20,000.
make the bonus measur a liquid measure. . rad(lock 8m, Lewl() hftVe Bet folir
times, both winning twice. Lewis.
Now that Uncle Sam is pressing for payment, we expect any dav we'shlng 220 pound, will hsve a thlr-,
n o rm k'li - i. ' i i . ty pound advantage over tho cbullcn-
occ unuiouj fJUb ill a 17111 Ml IUCJ1 10AC1J.
The following atudelits will .repre
sent the Thoenlx bleh wtirml nt the
contest which will be held at the
Medford hitch school In May: Tom
Custer anil Kloya Watklna In book
keeping: Margaret Sheets nnd U-lia
Nicholas in shorthiuid nnd typewrit
ing. This contest will le held by the
commercial departments of the liluh
achools of Jnekson county to stimu
late the Htud-nis In this particular
hluh school work.
The inalienable rights with which man is endowed are seldom TULSA Captain Itob Roier of Chi-
worth much unless he is endowed with a fighting spirit as welL
cago won the referee's decision over
Carl Morris, Sapulpa. In the third
round of a scheduled 12 round bout
After a time the small boy begins to understand that it is wrong! when Roper's claim of a foul was up-
, full Una ,1 ,1 1 .11- O nA n T-i n ii-ii. 1 n 1 r r n n I.a. 1 " '1
it: .vn uiiii-n.t j vu ai u a fiui cuk laiiviuK to a iguiau vJj .
Ben H. Lampman, who was . sen
tenced by the Oregonlan to go around
the- world with Julius Meier, boosting
for the 1925 fair, surrendered at
Shanghai, China, and Is coming home.
A gifted and a clever writer, Benjamin
described .delightfully and accurately
what he saw, without hair-raising pub
licity for his host or his dream. Min
K'ed. with congratulations on his
escape, will be regrets that his travel
articles will no longer grace the col
umns of the music center's dailies.
' L. D. Mumpower and Fred Vallet are
among those buqy preparing the gar
dens . in Gladstone. (Oregon City
Lntrprise). The first named can
sever Join a 4 um.
The first spring carnival is upon us,
and cannot be averted. The last one
that came resulted in old men . with
Whiskers riding so much on the merry-go-round,
the rising generation never
bod a chance.
Fes Is Like a Ntw Woman
; "I wag a sufferer from kidney trou
ble for several years," writes Mrs.
Arthur Demtille, R. F. D. 1, Grasmere,
N. "and suffered so much I felt
completely lame all over. Since I have
been taking Foley Kidney Pills I am
not so lame. 'My back ached all the
time and my eyes were all a blur. Now
I can see fine and feel liko a different
woman. Since I have taken two bottles
of Foley Kidney Pills I don't have that
tired feeling. I can do my own work
now." They bring quick results. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
TAKE pink pills to cure my ills, my gout and flu and tetter;
I swallow ten, and now and then I think I'm feeling better. I
read the boast of Dr. Yost, who does much advertising; his pills,
he claims, cure gents and dames with quickness most surprising.
His ads appear throughout the year in every moral daily; his
pills will cure the rich and poor, he tells us, proudly, gayly. The
village doe is prone to knock the pills he sees me taking; "These
healing guys, who advertise," he says "are always faking. Oh,
come to me, my friend," says he, "when you are sick and jaded;
I'll feed you pills of mix and squills that have the Yost pills
faded." But old Doc Yost he gets the'most of all the coin I'm
earning; he takes his stand, throughout the land he keeps bis
lanthorn burning. In every sheet I chance to meet, his pills are
recommended; day after day we hear him say, "My pills. are
truly splendid. My pills are made of junk and jade, of barks nnd
buds and simples, they 11 cure catarrh and leave no sear, they 11
banish boils and pimples." Physicians roast this Old Doc Yost
who keeps on advertising, and still lie trills a bout his pills, whose
sales are most surprising.
TOPEKA Alan Enstice, Kansas
heavyweight wrestling champion, won
two straight falls from Jatrinda Gouar,
East Indian champion. Cliff Hinckley,
claimant of the Ohio heavyweight
championship, defeated John Granda
vkh, in the same order. I
Mrs. Bute's
SEATTLE Bobbie Michaels, New
j York lightweight, knocked out Joe
riarrahan, Seattle, In third round or a
four round event. Young Gardeau,
Boise, Idaho, was given decision over
Boy McCasIln, welterweight, Bremer
ton, Wash.
. .ay
One Fold One Shepherd
Catho'ics pray constantly that all Christians may soon be united
and have "One Lord, one faith, one baptibtn, one God and Father of
all, who is over all, and through all, and in all."'(Eph. 4. 5-6). The
Catholic Church Invites all Christians to return to that great Mother
Church, which teaches today the Same unchanging faith taught by
Christ and the Apostles. (John 17, 11), "Holy Father, keep them In
Thy name which Thou hast given me; that they may be ONE, even
as we are."
L .
These advertisements inserted daily and paid for by two native
Medford Catho'lc business men who believe In tbelr religion.
Prlscilla Dean Scores
PrisclUa Dean added another tri
umph to the series of her screen suc
cesses here, when her latest photo-
drama, "Wild Honey," .was shown at
the Page theatre yesterday.
"Wild Honey" Is a thriller. It grips
the imagination by the force of its
situations, and no moro than lets down
from orfe thrill before It carries one
Into another gripping suspense.
Miss Dean is supported by an ex
cellent , cast. Robert Ellis, Lloyd
Whitlock, Percy Challenger, Helen
Raymond, Landers Stevens, Carl
Stockdale, C. J. Frank and Harry dc
Scalloped Potatoes
Thit economical vay of
preparing po'.alort remove
them from the "iide dith" .
dan and makri of them a
dith of d'utinetiom
I tbsp. tilt, 4 medium sized
potatoes, 14 cup water, cup
Carnation Milk, t tbtp, butter.
Wash, pare and cut potatoes
in thin slicea. Pot a layer in
buttered baking dith, sprinkle
with salt and dredge with a
small amount of flour. Add
milk and butter and bake until
potatoes are soft. This recipe
serves six people. .
II you havao't eu
Illutrsia4 aaoklat (
loo tMt4 recipe,
write for cegr
Carsatlea Milk Pre,
ucta Co., 603 Cancard
Bldf PorlUoS, Ora,
I hereby announce my candidacy for
tne republican nomination tor repre
sentative in the state legislature at tbo
May primary.
I announce myBelf as a candidate
for Representative In the legislature,
on the ' Republican ticket, subject to
tho primaries In May.
Eyes Scientifically Tested
and Glasses Properly Fitted
Thoa. II. Simpson, of Ashland,
authorizes bis announcement as a Can-
jdidate for the nomination for the office
or county commissioner oi jacsson
County, subject to the decision of the
Republican voters of said county at
the Primary Election, May l!Ub, 1922.
I am a candidate for the nomination
for County Commissioner of Jackson
ounty, on the Kepubllcon ticket, sub-
Broken lensc Accurately Duplicated' Ject to the decision of the voters at
FACTORY OX PREMISES he primary to be held May 19th, 1922.
. 1108 V, Main, I'imuOm Adv. GEORGIA ALFORD, Phoenix.
( ; V' i
Monarch Seed & Feed Co.
Phone 260 for Seeds That Grow
Aimy (). I. Blankets (new) .,. ... , I.imi
Ami) Sb.-lt. r Tenia, (n-ialmM hut giM.d n wh ) .,.!...-,. H.OO
Xmy IVa Jtrkila (mw) original rial IM.txi , ,, MMMI
(. I. Wool Itrw Im- (rrcUlniiMl) . ... ,
. 1. Wool Jarkel (ri-iinliiiiil) .7.1
Uulhcr Ititlrm. nil at)le 1,7.1 and U
Wel.b IMU . .. ,
Minkl otlon llreevtH'w (ret UIiiiimI) , ,. .MA
cr Navy laealin Jnrkcla, I.imi
Army Kliakl ('cnerxlU. .,;.'.' .',. a.nii
ltt-guliir Pntio ;icy Sinks , ,V,
Nwv Xa- Xortli km shirts (wool) , ,.', a.JM
New Overall , , .115
Anny Shoes (new mikI guaranteed) n.fto
New Army ( nnva Trunks, fine for camper ". 2..VI
Xew Army Camp tiralea I.imi
l'. S. Hnvemmka, great for hiker.: .ih
Anny Hob Xall Trench Shia (new) flneMi llilng for lisrmwn
et. Owt government $T.H ,. . 4..n
Xew Aluminum Canteen, Cup ami Cover f ,M
Fine Xew Army forupa, linmlnaiing illnl ...... a.lMI
Xew Army Shovels t,W
Xcw Splrul PulleH .... $ I. (HI ami $1 .VI
Ketiiiiiuiil Hilly llas , , .". ...
Army Meaa Kits, ronipl. le, (new ) 7
Fine Xavy Klei-I Sprlna Cola , 4,7.1
Xew Army Collnn MMttreatea for cirta ... (J.IMI
Army Ham! Ae ami Carrier (mw) ,a5
Many other useful article for rmnwr. hikers, fishermen ami lour
ltt al saving m-ltrx.
- . ,
Medford Shoe Hospital
ItKI XollJi Central
Spring went her In here! Start the outing sen
light In it Kuril Sediin An Ideal fninl'v ear.
roomy enough for any outing, l'.ntlrtdy enclosed,
warm and co.y on cool evenlngsj Open nnd cool in
warm summer weather. It Is easy to operate,
sturdy, durable and economical.
If you are inteiiwied Phono 111 Our demon
strator la nt your service. One ride will ciinvlnco
you of the stiHrlor ejiiiilllles of tho Ford Sislin.
Don't let tha blnze from your Inatch
Start u blii'Ae In tho woods.
Cor, Mirth and Paeifle Hlvhwae