i local'Bri&s. Tim hnnnhiilf (timid between tin Kop Ko KIlownllH nnd thn Itumm Klvcr Itilffnex, wlilcli will lin played ut tint high nclionl field nt I lit) end of North Holly at root Hntnnlny tiftoriioon, pro mise to tin il hot content. Tli Huff u'H iiy lliuy iohI hkiiih unit Huron to pay nil honpltiit mul itmlitil't itro ex ponent for inn Klliiwuiu. Wanted Market price padl for wool timl mohair. J, J, OHotilinieK". I'lion" i'ua-Y. , Gladioli nml Tnhoronn bulbs. F.don Vulloy Nursery, RK0 J2. Rvorywhr you look you ft ClivrolBt. H' Tri'vo l.uiimden left yHtonlny nfcr noon for lon Angeles ufrr u two days' visit with IMk pni-tmlM, Mr. mill ,lra. II, V.'.Liiniildoti.'nltd fileitiiU. ' ( Bt'iiitur miiiiiliinn with ICiiHr enrdn. IjKXKo DMHorliui'litn. Hwoiu'n Hluillo. 21 A, lovely Htm of rlblxm novltJ, vanities, 'to, fur Kanter gifts. Ilandl irtfft Hhop. 19 J'hnHy plant In bloom, ItoKtin Valley FUtrul Co, oust fni Smith Riverside. vhon loin. n Mini IVi flhft. ItiiuiiiRurtiKir.v KiihIImIi Instructor lit Did local high school loft i-Hleriliiy iifniiniMin for Clilco, Cullf.. whoro Kim will spend ih Knnier vaca tion. Youn iiil' want position n ston ottraplmr or offloo work Will do extra work In fither. Phono 283 J. if fort'li boxn nutl (mucins Imnkntu iirflmloslly arrangM. Hhkuo Vnllny FUlnU Co. I9 tfunh Outflow! for nil occasions. Our donlKrt work 1 distinctively nrtln lie , Itoifuf Vullwy Floral fo. ! Mm. K. J. Ilunl left IliU morning; for Hot Hprliiitn. Ark., a a delcgatA to the Y. W, !. A. conference from IliU dU trlct. jtn fortlllcr should hit niplll now. M It nt Monarch H'1 Co. Phone I'tiu. t)t a rebuilt lire for a npnro on your car. Kxcbangn Tiro Co., 2 S. Hlvcr lon. 22 Horace Ivitnn of 8nm Valley nt4'"! Wodncnday nftnrnoon In the city at tending ! hiiHln rum lor Try our nisrchantt lunch. The HhAsta. . MllloMJnarod to the. IU.md tiro And loUm, Klmnic Tlr Co., ii S. lllvor-UIa. 'f)oi'(orN Hrlttcn, Wnlki-r, HnnnKiin nml Mary worn In Mmlfonl Tiinnlny nlHtit iHlonillnn n tniH'tliiK of llin 1n i Int m of Houtlii'in Or.'K"u,'.' Hiiyit Dm (IrnntK 1'ann Courier. "It wn votil to chanKn llin namn of llio orunnlzH(loi) to Itoituo Klvor Dcnliil Hocli'ly Inalxml of Ilia Hoiillmrn Oreitun Imntftl imor. ntlon, Hr, Wnllii'i; Ih rri'liiry at Ihr niM-lrty." Mr, runt l.'aniin, corntlir for Nullono. I'hnno.DKOJ. tf tln'oi'Ku 1. TiiIiIii'mIiik of MiiH'in (;ily, lu In n Ki"Mi nt t tin lloti'l 1 loll nml. Olhrr kti'mlN liii'liiiln A. Ij. (Iiu-n. (I. II. Ciinlli lil nml M. K, Hanker of I'ort- liiml, It. H. I Mx, m of Kin tun Hi FiiIIii, A, J. Ilarliiliorn of Hun l-'riinrlnt'o, A. VV. Moon of Illll, Cullf,, Wliililn HliU-UIn of Hilvorlun. tiri'., nml Mr. nml Mm. I,. Hlijwnit of Hturliiti'U, S'n. l.iiiiilmr n n linporlml luxury If foi-ont f i rN ciiiil limn. Hit: I'lni'H l.tinilwr Co. Opornlloim wi-rn Hinrfil Munilay, Whlrli wIikii loinplrtivl, will t'lillirKn thn inpnplty of llin Annwliitnl Oil roiiiiinny plmit. on llin I'ut lflr lilKhwny Mouth of IIiIh r-lly, in tlo lln pp-M-nl fttpnclty. A rn-w of mi.n In at piHfni nt work on th niiiNt ruction of'tho aililltlon, flrowllmr t-nriln for Kilntnr. Bwntn'n SliKllo. Zl Horn, on Mondny to Mr. ntiil Mm. M. O. Drown of Ci-nirnl I'olnl, n nun; nml on TiiPHilny to Mr. nml Mm. l-oulu HiiiIiIi of l lw Hitinc illy, a iliitiKhn r. linrdwiMid rioorlng. Mi'dforrt l,uui bnr Co. k Of tho npproxlmnii'ly 23,K)fl Oron ft nrvlro mon who hnvn flloil lli-lr linnim ilaliim with lint cluio lonu roniiulHiilon toOuy M T wnnt ttm raxh nml 40.3 prrfor tlm onn, nrronllnK to n Intoiintion (vinniiii !y Marry iirum- IiuukIi, Hi'i ri'lury id thn r iiiiiiiIhbIum. Huli'in Cnpltal joumil. Clrwilni rnrdn for Mlr. Bwnm' Ktmllo. 21 Tim rtiiinty Miurt lutlil n niMTlnl HPmlon tiMlny for thn ronnldcrAtlon of rmul inuiti'm. ' Ki'iol Hufclur rtiril. llf-Autlful f-lli-tk)n at Hwoni Htuillo. . 21 John M. Hoott. K'UTal panKcnitiT HKi-nt. 1, T. Hpnrkii, dlntrlct pnninr."r nnd fri'lRlit nsi-nt. nml A. 8. llown- no n. rlnlin nint, of kf xr K f S ' vui ( FORMER MEDFORD RESfDEN GORED HERBERT OAWt.lNSON a uNiveoAL uuie. l-.vi-n IiIm Klrl hud x-n mi of tlio truitiiiK onen to mt Imr money Into tlio crrMtlin' plnn. I'nul l'o'rtir taw tlilnijH r-l ln-n IiIh crook'n koul n-voltml III tho HioiiKlit of th rievflty nfoot. 1'laylnK Ot tho Klnllo tticntro thin week. Thr wrrn no new nrrivalH nt th cliy uoto csinp yrntcrdny or hint niuht. Si'Vi-rul piirtlnn of WioiIkU nro nllll umronni'il ut th ramp wnllln for tho wniithi-r to clcnr up. Tlio ilownixmr if mln yoMiordny nfti'rnoon put tho itroumU In it itnnlily nml rnlhi r furloi n rmul li Ion. HIiIh for thn linprovoninit of approx imately IT.O iiiIIph of Htntn IllKliwayn, Involvlnit nn pxprndilurn OKtliiuitcil at t2,0(iil,Otio, will he oMnl hy thn ntnto hlKhwoy rninmUnlon nt tin monthly mix-tin In Portland Friday and Hutur. dy. Iuvld Mulr clrovo down from Tort- , land Monday, nccompntili'd hy Mr. Mc- tormUk, and will r"tum tomorrow. Mr. Mulr formerly llvnd hore and ban mnuy frlmU who are Klad to ne him. Ho wt Itl ling proix.rty lotort-Htn hiTf. Mr. Iirt tirwr who rnwntly ' re- tumml to Anhlnod from Cnllfornlit. 'llrrt mIik njwnl Hnvi-rni monihn, no- roniianiod Mr. Orwr nnd Minit (ii-nr Kin Coffcn to Mirrd totlny and vImIi il frlPU'U. i no noam or onuruiion win hold a simIhI crnnlon within tho ni-xt fw thn Bout hern id.tyn to dwt lh toarhlnK ntuff of th Piwlrlc railroad w tin lin.I hoi-n horn j nrhtxils for n-xt yenr. There arc nevrrnl ilu ft thin morninit to nH-nd plenty of niiii-ntinM now in nnd morn the- dny at Cranu rintn, nnd will di.,nrrlvliin dally, Imt nu-h niiidlrntlonH pnrt from that i-lty tnnlcht for J'ort-Innd. orr rntlmr alow lant 'k. In rornini; In until Tim iiK iiilicrn of (lie I.lnroln n'-lioi)l iiii cot ti-arher nnn K latlun tendered an enjoynlde nurprlno party nnd dinner In thn tenehi-M of l.lnenin flif)l at G P. m. yesterday nt the homo of Mr. I, like Ityun, 215 Kani J.K-knon ntrn-t. Ituln In thn predli tli,n for Friday. DurlnK tho 24 hoiirn ending at 8 a. m. tiKluy, .OH of an Ineit of rain fell In Mwlford and vlrlnlty, tlm mont of whleli rttmn lut yentcrdny afternoon when II amounted to a reritnoU down-xitir. T 10 DEATH BY BULL The nnd new Of thn dnnth of Wil liam J. 1'hlppM, a former n.-nldent of Meilford, who reled near Clover 1ii, r.rltUh foluinhln, wan re,'ve,l ly relative In ililx city yewterday. He wan Buililenly klll- yeMterday ruorn Ini: l.y a Pull. Mr, I'lilppn ewried a rnrii-h al,iiiit one iiillu north r,t lllalne, Vii nnd II w on hln ranch fhnt the nr-eplent oeurrert. lie wn thu old'xt inn of J, ,1. I'lilppK, deeeimi'd nnd Mr. f'nllHtft 1'. I'hipim nnd a hrother of I'. 1.. I'hiipn. Ir. Int 1). I'hlfipM nnd Mny 1'hlppn nil of (hln elty. Mr. I'liipp Im ntirvlved y n !f and four x inn II children in uddltioh to H non, lu ll W. f'hlppH of Oakland, fnllf. 1). K. I'liipp eft.lat evil 1 1) it fur rilnloe, Wn., ut whleh pl.'ii,.' thn body will prohaldy ho hurled. SPECIA L EASTER WIDOW DISPLAY TOMORROW N Personal Attention Prompt Service H. E. Phone 252 GROCER Phone 252 M arsh THREE ESCAPED CONVICTS CAUGH T SAN QI'KNTIN, Cal., April 13. Tliren (onvlom who ernpei from thn ntaln prlnon hero l.ut Friday were rnptim-d today near Knoxvllln, Cal., nflnr a mhoIvit batilo lastlnR aeTfral minute. It wan announred by Warden Jnmen Johnaton. Thn thmo were Wil liam 8. Segon, nerrlns ten yearn for rohliety; Fred Turner. nerrinK nlm ilnr nentenrti and ln Henfro, a life termer. Tho fourth man who enrnped. IkniKlan Griffin of Ijo Aneeles, ntill in at I a rue. a m TO CROSS BATS WITH 3 i)i-iniiiiFyryi(j Easter Shoe Sale FRIDAY and SATURDAY 10 REDUCTIONS i . " ' .-; i ' Nothing reserved in our entire shoe stock. Every pair on sale for two days at 10 less Ladies', Misses', Children's, and Men's Shoes Boys' Ladies' White Low Shoes i 8.r0 Wliile Kid Pumps, 1-st rap $7.05 8.f0 White Kid Oxfords 7.65 $5.50 liite Cnnvn.s Oxfords f 1.05 $7.15 White Xubuck Sjort Pumps $6.71 Ladies' Patent Pumps . $vS.0O Patent n-rstrap..........$7.20 $7.25 latont 2-straj $G.43 fijalilnfk Kid dxftrda:...$6.08t 8,75" lhwnKul linp $7;'88: "Ladies' High Top Hikers ; Chippewa Special ..;..,:.....:.$3.50 ' Children's Shoes .$1.98 Patent, straps 5 to P $1.70 $2.25 Kid, nnkle straps, 5U, o 8, $2.03 1.50 White Canvas, strajR, 5 to 8 $1.35 2.25 Patent, straps. S4 to li. $2.03 2.5i) K itl. st raSVJj to 11 2.25 11 AVliit,f.t rnp?.. SJ,vi toll., . $1.58 - $2.50 to 2, Patent, straps $2.25 2.75 Kid, straps, 1 IK to 2 $2.48 1. OS White, straps, 11 U, to 2, $1.70 TWO DAYS OF THE GREATEST SHOE S ELLING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER Emm lEPARTMENTSToRE PAY LESS AND DRESS BETTER Men's Shoes $8.50 Men's Dress Shoes, Black or Brown $6-50 $5.00 Shoes $4.50 Men's Work Shoes . $5.00 Double Sole .; ;...$4.50 Men's, Outing Shoes . $4.75 Speeial $4.28 $3.00 Muleskin ;.V.;....$2.70 Boys' Shoes $4.50 Boys' Shoe8...:l'.'..'J$4.05' $4.00 Boys' Shoes ............$3.60 $3.50 Boys' Shoes $3.15 $3.00 Boys' Shoes $2.70 s Thn homo offire l)a'Jall team of Tho California Orofton Power com-! pany knr.wn an tho "Kop Ko Kilo-J wattn" will rronn batn with tho TtoKue Hlver Uufnex" of tb Kogue river di vlnlon Saturday afternoon, April IS. on tho High achool fluid at 3 p. ni. Thn rivalry between (he tnama or iginated by a challenge from the Homo Office team to tbo Uogue Hirer team which wa annwered In kind by a hot acceptance, edited by the man aser of the Uufnex. Some of tbo San Franeinco officials of the Tower company will be present at tho came and a complete staff of rooters from each side. As the two teams have already tangled and di vided honom. In two practice games, it Is anticipated that a hot game will be witnessed. A. P. Hasan and S. M. Scott will umpire tho name. In the evening of the samo day, a meeting of the Copc.o Forum will he held in the Copco building, which will be attended by members of both the division and the Home Office staff. ESTABLISH K. OF P. LODGE IN ASHLAND I a. 8. Finspth of Italia. Crnnd ChanrolWir of the Knights of Pjthinii, and Attorney Walter I Tooze, Jr., 'of .tlcMlnhville. ileputy grand chan ' cei:rr, drove down from - 1'ortlnhd I Wednesday, spent the uiicht here and went to Axhland. wher they will npend two or three days and expect to organize a K. of P. lodge. Mr. Toozo ha n numtx-r of friends in Miilford. Ilia brother. Ueut. Tooie. who saw active s.rice ovrcscas, and whoso twin brother was killed over seas, spoke in Medford several times during the war. A. F. A A. M. Special communication Mod ford Lodge 103, Friday even ing, April 14. 7:30 p. m. Work in E. A. degree. ' ' L. E. WnLLlAMS, Secy. Notice Contractors Bids will be received by the Rogue River Valley Canal Co. tof the con struction of three concrete highway culverts on tho Crater Lake Highway. For Information call at Company office South Fir street 17 Notice I The poople who are piling garbage and rubbish on tho parking or alleys must call the City Onrbage to get It removed, an-the' city" does not remove It' tiny more free of cltargo. 20 CH1KF OF POLICE. .t ' Hve wlstr to etpH? TSur,'-nPTpP8t thanks antf Appreciation' to our Mends of 'Medford, for. all their kindnesa and sympathy to us. and also tor the boun tiful flowers which wero sent during our recent bereavement. . ' MRS. V. J. RORERTS 19 AND FAMILY. Card of Thanks Wo winn to thank our friends for their many acts of sympathy, kindness and assistance rendered during our re cent bereavement and for their beau tifnt floral offerings. MRS. ISAAC F. BRITTSAX 19 ' AND FAMILY. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Woman or girl for general housework; two in family. Hox A Mall Tribune. 21 FOR SALE 4 acres, some fruit, good noune and outbuildings. Price I27D0, This is toss than buildings cost C. S. Butterfield. . . 20 WAN'TEtV Any kind of work by m,ar nod man; steady worker. " Cans.' 'Hall,1 Talent: x-- ' ' J FOR REN T A part m en t,. h Igh class, to . aolectead, people, only, Carglll Court FOR SALE Reasonable, six high grado registered Jersey bull calves up to six months old. Their moth , ers test from 7.55 to 9:45 butterfat. Here la your chance, if you want to improve your herd. rror.. C. Enjei AMERICAN LEGION Annual Easter Dance Monday, Apr. 17 NATATORIUM Admission 25c a couple Launspacli's Orchestra It -.gx' pSv- It's not what you pay but what you get for .what you pay that counts. The very best values ever offered are embodied in bur genuine Edmonds "FooVFitters" at $7.50 They have all the com fort of an old shoe no matter what the shape of 1 your foot. Tt ere 's Beauty and Elegance in their Style and More Wear in their leather. They're designed by Style Experts, made in the Most Highly Specialized Factory In the Country and are fitted in this store by experienced salespeo ple! ; -7 . Price $7.50 C. M. RIDD CO. 223 E. Main St. 0. 1 Easter Flowers Can It really he Easter in your homo without Flowers? You can mako your selection from tho following list: Kaster Lilies, Hydrangeas. Hyacinths, Primroses, Roses, Sweet Pens, Tulips, Calla Lilies, Carnations, Ferns, Palms. To avoid disappoitraent, arrange now for your Easter Plants and Cut Flowers for delivery in good season. M ADD OX & BONNE Y ITiones 371-813 3Z"T-I 1 bardt, R. 3, Medford, . , ., 21 : : : v. .;.:, 1 :)' ' -