Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 11, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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medford mati; - TRiBtrNE.' MrwroRp ouoy,' vv kstuw; Arm r; n , mi2
Medford Mail Tribune
Th Medford Sunday Hurt H furnlhd
ubncrltiTi dtnlrtn? Mven day dally
E HOl'K FATE- runs true to form at Genoa. For Fate has a
.vay of donijr t ho unexpected. I hut is why it lias been asso
ciateil with Irony all these years.
Everyone in any way informed, expects the Genoa wnferenee to
bo a fiasco. Nothing truly constructive can be achieved, no near-
Ottlc Mail Tribune. HulHInB, SS-1T-II
North Fir atreuU l'hono U.
a oonii.iaiion of th Democratic ! cwte for European ills can be realized until the international fueds
Ttmwi, the Mwlford Mall, the Medmra
Tribune, the ("outliers Oregonlan. The
Ashland Tribune.
ROBERT W. Rl'HL, Editor.
BUM PTE It 8. 6M1TH. Manager.
BT MAIL In Advance:
DMt, with Sunday Sun. year.. 17.;
lally, with Sunday 8un, month. .7
Dallv, without Sunday Sun, year f .10
Pally, without Sunday Sun, month .
Weekly Mall Tribune, orte yt-ar t.00
Sunday Sun, one year I.wO
BT CARRIER In Medford, Aahland,
Jackaonvllle, Central I'olnt, phoenix.
Dally, with 8iinday Sun, month..- .TS
cease and until a virtual I'uited States of Europe based upon mutual
confidence nml peaceful association, is formed. That is the-prevailing
But most of the vital questions involved are not on the Agneda.
There is the Fri-nclwUcriuan feud, the Uritish-Freneli feud, the litis-
siau-llaltic feud, ami the Russia-French feud,, the Italian-Czeektk
feud, the Greek-Turk feud and, of course, the Irish question, the East
Indian trouble and the Jap Siberian imbroglio. Enough trouble one
would think to keep Europe in a ferment for another generation
Last but not least the United States, which is the greatest force for
Viny, without Sunday Bun. month . -"" m'1 "-,!1 "lc 1 ,,lllu --"" "iiicu -. w jiivn
85iiJ: :nh0sunSdrydsonn.y;e.r? iace iu the world today, is not officially represented.
All termi by carrier, cash In advance. j
Official paper of the City of Medford.
Official paper of Jackaon County.
Sworn dally averare circulation f or '
IX month , enuing
Oct., t!l. SMS
Entered aa aeeona naea matter at
Medford. Oregon, under U.e act of March
I, lS?t.
, The outlook therefore on paper is dubious. Hut as indicated
above.. Fate 1ms a way of spriuging surprises. And whenever nations,
stirred by ancient animosities, get together for a talk nboit their
troubles, there is always a ehanee that the troubles euu iu some way,
be accommodated.
.There is that chance, remote though it may be, in the present .con
ference. And there is Lloyd George who will make the-fight of his
en. ini.iii' ta exclusively
nttilsil to thf. use for republication of
Sot StVrwT.emed'Tthi.prd life for some real accomplishment .for on the success or failure of
"ah k rittatT of'wKiicir o7.Sioui the eonfereuee, the British premiers' future political fortunes depend
aiapatchea herein are also reaerreo.
Ye Smudge Pot
, By Arthur Ptrry.
So it would not be surprising if the outcome of the Genoa 'confer
ence would be far more reassuring to the future of Europe than any
of the wiseacres expect.' At least it can't be much worse. Ami as re
marked before, when nations gather together to talk over their
! troubles rather than to fight over them, the spirit of peace is always
i a factor,- evcu though it may at the outset be lurking in the baek-
ground. . - -f -
4 ry
'.-I iW,' vat wai" JIW;,
,5 ,i V
1 .,
Nevor mind the rain hut fcn tiar th Is BpWiulltl mule tttinrti'tte In Hvvorat
seleetions; hIso other seclil imislc nntl a MpleiutM sermon by Mr. Mlllanl
at th Christian church tonight.
On top of . alt - the disheartenlns
news comes the information that
James Middloton Cox, who once
thought he was running for president. ;
will speak "almost continuously from
July 5 to Novembpr 1, in the interests
of Democracy. . .
It takes the younger Galshevikl to
meet weather conditions. They go to
school in a gingham dress, and Ma's
fur coat.
(Tillamook Herald)
Hundreds ot calves will be
knocked in the head at birth dur
ing the next few weeks in this
Ticinity unless saved from such
fate by those ablo to care for and
feed them. The farmer cannot
keep all of them.
The council ought to prohibit 4ds
from parking on the Main Stem with
a 40 ft. fishpole sticking out behind,
if It don't cripple the piscatorial Industry.
The first result of the jr. seed
sender coming back from Washington,
D. C where he belongs, to look after
the interests of the farmer, is the ap
pointment of his brother-in-law to an
obese federal Job.
Ouill Points
April showers spoil hat flowers.
Spiustcrhood is simply the triumph of miud over curiosity.
. Those Senators who put their faith in reservations have had little
Pullman experience.
Apparently there is uo way tocut .the pattern of peace without
having a few scraps left over.
Some men are. born rich, some by industry acquire riches, but
some have frequent twins thrust upon them.
The average man has a vocabulary of 350 words, most of which
are used in combination with the pronouu "I."
.. At this season of the year it is difficult to distinguish between so
cial unrest and an acute attack of laziness.
It is well to remember that the only girls who leap from stranger's
automobiles are those who climb in.
Central may fail at times to get the right number, but she has the
world beat in th,e matter of getting goats.
nix, Ariz., Star). Unusual and cruel.
When the government starts chas
ing the war profiteers as threatened,
it ia hoped they den't slap the pirates
who charged 2-biu for a nickel hunk
of pie, too hard on the wrist. ' . .
' (Chico Enterprise)
Six boya. ranging from 16 to 20
years, in company with four girls,
' ono girl a student of the Chico'
High school and the other three
girls students in the Oakdale gram
mar, were taken into custody at
4 :15 a. m. Friday after, it is alleg
ed that they celebrated an all
night party.
"Mother of fifteen; father of fourteen" headline,
zling until we saw that it referred to age, not number.
It was puz-
Another of life's sad little failures is the effort of a high-brow to
keep from laughing at a slap-stick movie comedy.
t. Whrro la the OuVr rlvi-r lo
catd ?
2. What is triuonomciry?
3. Into wh:i famous 'n tli'f tlu
river Jordt-n tiiuty?
4. In whitl war Uld V tilled Stntoa
gnlit tiuum?
i. ,-Whut ar tho various color
KrnditiKH fur iluum?
B. Whut ia 11 U Ihittlt ."
?. Who is coilHldored llto Brent eat
ii.tslot of checker ptnyiiiK?
5. What wns tho flmt it a mo or
Tlalley. the partner of Ilarnuin?
9. At what place U It iomule to
go under Niaicam Fall ."
10. What ia the im.t ot n vumI
railed whltli markH this Unit: (
loading? ,
Answers to Vitcrlii)' 'JuiMloit:
1. Who is controller of V. S. Cur
rency" Ana. I). It. Crlssinner of
Marion. O. .
2. Who uu tho firt rocuRnUed
aorld'a ImittuniwelKht eliattipioit?
Ana. .(ieorKe Ulxnn.
3. What author aiilil: "N '
siUn )iernn ever made an aiiliny?
An. Unlpli Waldo Kinersoit.
4. Art there , liny Kold mines In
tho Alia? Ann. Cold, cilvtr. cup
In r, xinc an dcoal are mined 'in the
5. When did Jews come to the
frilled States? Ana. They wt ro al
lowed to seek nnyluni In this country
In 1604. . . .
S. H:ih an aniatuur theatrical clu!
tho right to produce a copyrighted J
pluy, provided no adiniasion ia rimm
ed? Ana. Not without pcrmtaMion.
, 7. V.i what other iinnic is ulfaKa
known? Ai-i. I.uierne.
8. What is tho ialary of the King
of Spain?. Ans. About Jl.4tf0.000
under normal exchange condltlona.
9. What ia use to color candles?
Ant. Anilino dyea In liquid form.
;i0. What port ot this country ftit
nlahca the moat lumber? Ana. The
I'acirir-rwmiiweBt. ; j j
cliarncter roloa, und when nt lfi, ho d'
elded on tho siao ns his huslnesH he
Joined Krank liuciin'a tumimny.
llitwld Uovd clonea tmlrtht lit the
I'.iire theatro In hla fentttre ciniledv.
'The Sailor-Made Man."
noic.Mx, Aru nick orirrin. Kon
Worth, wtn techulcul kituckout Juat
before going in tenth over Ad Huhl
dotn. Klverside, Cal., when bout was
stopped to prevent further punishment.
The chap who smokes a Turkish cigarette in a holder is doubtless
trying to get the smell as far as possible front his nose. .
- ha mi i jit -
They met and they talked where the
. .crossroads meet
Four men from the four winds come,
And they talked of the horse, for they
. . loved the theme.
And never a man was dumb. j
And the man from the north loved the i
i strength of the horse, j
And the man from the east his pace, j
And the man from the south loved the
: i speed of the horse.
The man from tho west his grace.
So these four men from the four winds
. v come, ' ..
And paused a space in his course
And smiled Jn the face of his fellow-
. man
And lovingly talked of the horse.
Then each man departed and went his
; . way .
As their different courses ran:
And each man journeyed with peace
; in his heart .. .
And loving his fellow-man.
They, mot the . next, year where the
t ; icroBsroads meet
Pour men from the four winds come;
And it chanced as they met that they
! - talked of God, . .
And never a man was dumb.
One Imagined God In the shape of man
A spirit did one insist;
One aaid that nature itrelf was God,
Ono said that he didn't exist.
Hut . they lashed each other with
tongues that stung,
That smote us with a rod: , ,
Each glared in the face of his fellow-
And wrathfully talked of God.
Then each man departed and went his
(l way, .
As their different courses ran:
And each men journeyed with' war in
t, his heart,
And hating his fellow-man.
(From'Lend e.Hand." offlctal rnper
Oregon Statu Prison,);
Welt toon
MY NEIGHBOR keeps me in the hole, although he is a kindly
soul, who would not hurt a flea; he's done me no uncivil
,trick, and yet the record makes me sick he's nearly ruined me.
He's always buying gorgeous suits and noble hats and costly
boots, lie dresses like a king; and shall I let my. neighbor shine
in splendor costlier than mine? I can't stand that, by jingj My
neighbor buys a new sedan and makes mine seem an also-ran, a
rusty, thing ami frayed; and shall my neighbor ride in state
while I push round an old tin crate, the first that IJenry made?
My neighbor's wife is just as bad ; she paws around our little grad,
a new hat on her head ; my wife then murmurs through her tears,
"I've had my punk old lid for years I would that I were dead!"
I know just how the woman feeis, and so I dig up sundry wheels,
a helmet she must buy; we, cannot se our neighbors prance in
pomp and state and circumtsance,'and not make money ly.. My
neighbor has an ample wad and can afford to walk with diamonds
on his duds, and I have just the wage I draw, about enough to
buy the slaw, the soupbones and the spuds. But I'm a dead game
sport, I wot ; like other sportsmen I must trot with those who make
things whiz; and so my neighbor' keeps' me broke; 1 try to leave
a trail of smoke as sumptuous as his.' i i ;
AI.IU'QU Ityl K Demon llevern
l.aa Vegas, won city boxing coninils
tilon's decision over Voting Saul
I'urt'lo. nt- n! of fifteen round
Voting J I nt Flinn. Albuquerque, Rlvtn
decision over Jliiintiit J.u k;n. Ixiuhi
vllle. Ky.. in fourth round.
. , 11 iL.... i
I-W friends .every
day and still on
good term
with the
The Pope of Rome
At the Page
A nian who, can make himself felt
like Harold Lloyd irv a busy would
must have considerable strength b-
hind the mask of comic imbecility
which JJoyd affects in his pictures.
Just now he stems to stand next
to Cbarllo Chaplin in tho comedy field
as the most Important mail doing' such
work. Like Chaplin. Lloyd has yearn
ings for Heriotis work; at leant for bits
of serious acting in the middle of the
fooleries that make up his plays. 1I
hopes eventually to bo able to do com
edy-dramas in which the human side
of life will be shown.
'Never Weuktn" ran In 1h Angolns
for seven . weeks and everybody held
up bands in surprise.: then along came
A Sailor-Made Man." and beat that
record by three weeks.
Jlarold has been in pictures seven
years, five of them as a star, and for
two years at leam, an important star
Ho begn. his work as an actor In a
stock comniiny at San Diego where
his family lived, ami while he was go
ing to school. Mo played boy, then
Easter Footwear
Ihuft wait until tho very last inin
uti' to niako Vow KnsttT sflortion
in foot, won r.
Can Learn
to Play the Banjo
in Twelve Lessons
and play the popular
music as soon as issued
in twelve lessons
Does this appeal to you?
Root Music Co.
! Ill W. Main St.,
Medford, Oregon
'The Harmony Music Store'
1 hereby ennounco uiy candidacy for
the republican nomination for .repre
sentative In the statu lceialuture at the
May primary. ,
The Supreme Court of the U. S. is infallible, but only In matUira
that pertain exclusively to the laws and Constitution of the country.
The Pope is infallible, but ONT.Y in matters that pertain exclusively
OBEDIENCE OP ANY KIND except in matters of faith and morals.
Matt. 16, 18-19.
These advertisements inserted dally and paid for by two native
Medford Catholic buulnesg men who believe In their religion.
1 announce myni-lf as a cundidato
for Representative in tho I'plslutur',
on. the Republic-tin ticket, subject to
the primaries In May. 1 1 '
f Thos... II. . Simpson,., pf Ashland,
authorizes his announcement as a Can.
didato for the nomination for the office
of County ' Commissioner of Jackson
County, subject to the decision ot the
Republican voters of said county at
the Primary Election, May 19th, 1922.
I am a candidate for the noinlnutlon
for County CommlsHlonor.ot Jackson
ounty, on tho Republican ticket, sub
ject to the decision of tho voters at
h primary to be held May 19th, Wl
viv I'mimr, !.roiti..i'ii iiv.
1-1 V 'AT- I
i a m
Our equipment means
dry , cleaning, .without
wear thoroughly; gent
ry. Prompt work, ;
Our lino of low shot's for both uu'ii
and women is nt'W and, wo can as
niv you a vtry piod siloftion at
prk't's inuch lower than one year
21' North Control
lOr' i"ni
"GOOD SHOES" Built Our Business.
(Siute 1IH2) .
fh i
Ml t
The Truth about your Health can readily be explained
by asking you a question.
. Would you expect to get the Best Music from a Piano
if never tuned?
. Certainly not ! . ...... . ,
Then why expect the Best of Health from your human
body if you never tune it up? .
Just aa the Piano strings get out of tune, and cause the
music to be inharmonious, likewise docs your various bones
in your body get out of tune and cause you to be unhealthy.
All the drugs in the world won't accomplish what
Chiropractic treatment will.
Rooms 312 to 314 inclusive, Medford Bldg. (with Dr. Bursell)
' Office Phone 29 House Phone 104
"Keep Smiling
i ,.L,.it.,i.a . ....... ' . i ... ...
'I ,-U.U." L1IL . I..HH
Going East?
If so, have your ticket routed
Through California
"The Sunshine and Open Window Way"
A Choice of Routes
, Convenient Schedules
Liberal Stopover Privileges
Through Sleeping Cars
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Dining Cars
Every part of the service
contributes to the
Traveler's Comfort.
Slop at Bun KrundtK-o uud Los AiikuIch, world futmniH
and bcaullful cltlt'B. '
-' "' . , .. ..!:, ' '.
" Kor furUier purtluulurs, ask agcnls or wilte
Southern Pacific Lines
JOH.V l. HtOTT,' V