Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 08, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    ALLLll'UlvH .UAlli lKULAh. AU.IU'UUH. HU'.l.UA. .UlliD.n, .UUlh
"PAGE srx
METVFonn "r atTi TnmnxR Minuxmn oinwoy, s.vnnw.w. april s. 1022
Tho outlook now Is that Alfred
Parkhursl ami his son, Asa 1.. Park
hurst, of Portland, will operate the
Crater Lake lodge and other Crater
lake I'onceaslons this year, as the
Crater Lake company, which ran the
concessions last year, and Mr. Park
hurst have (ailed to eoino to terms,
and Pnrkhurst ts making all prepa
rations to operate the cemlne sea
Bon. Tho option of purrliasn held by the
Crater Lake company, composed of
Portland and Medford Kun, who op
erated tho concessions last year by
lease from Mr. Parkhurst, has ex
Jired and tho leaso has not been re
newed. The company which held this
option to purchase for ISO, 000, In re
cent negotiations offered Pnrkhurst
J 25,000 for the property, which sum
he refused. In return they raised
their bid to $50,000, and he reduced
his price to $60,000, which he says is
his lowest f'gure. It is said he does
not believe the company will accept
this offer.
v According to Mr. Parkhurst's plans
sa report reached here, the Crater
lake lodge will he opened July let, or
ks soon as the enow clears away from
.the park. It will be operated on tho'
American plan, the rates of which
have nol been established yet.
It is also understood that Park
tvurst will soon leave Portland for
California to procure a manager and
help for the hotel, and that he will
operate 10 and passenger cars and
ono baggage truck daily between
Medford and Crater Lake, and will
farm out the transportation business
between KlamatU Falls and Crater
COIUUNY Tho funeral sjrvloes
for Arnold Ouylord Cormany. inf. I
son of Mr. und Mrs. Walter A. Cor
niuny, will be held Sunday at 2 p. m.
at the Perl Funeral Home. Kev. Su
n'tt officiating, lnlermeut lu Med
fi rd I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Market News
WEST William Ionnison West,
62 years old, died at his heme, 'JtH
N. Uartlott street, April Tth from ill
ness dating back for the past threo
years. IVceaaed was born In Wilton,
Waseka county, Minnesota, Nov. U, '
is:9, and was educated In California'
schools. As a young man he settled
In Lake county and was engaged iU
tho stock business for tventy years. j
uctoner y, ists, ne was marriea
to I aura D. Myers at Jefferson. Ore.
Mr. West was held In high esteem by
the roop'o of Lake county and wul
elected county assessor and also was
C. S. commissioner, located at Silver!
Lake, for a period of eight years, Hi
was also a member of Silver Lakei
lodge of I. O. O. F. I
Mr. and Mrs. West canto to Med-t
ford Oct. IS, 19H, and have made
their home here since. Me Is sur
vived by his wife, Laura M.
The funeral service will be held
ct the Perl Fuueral Home on Sunday
at 3:10 p. m., A. J. llanby officiat
ing, and the Medford ledge I. O. O. F.
will have charge of tho services ct
the grave. Interment in Medford
I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Tho First tlapti.Ht ehmvlt unmiuiu'ea
services of special Interest fur Huntt.iy.
1 Kev. F. It. Leach (uvea n Palm Sunday
.'sermon at II u. m. m "The Ktngnltlp
of Christ" mill Mr. Walker will slmt
"The Palms" by Fauro. "How Men
, llooome llardoiied" is the theme tit tho
I evening HerviVo. An anthem mid selce-
itlon bv the (.utiles oualtet will add to
, , . the service. Jtiiptisut follows tho sor-1
The annual congregational -ueellng uou .,.,, (,wy w)1 ua(, U)) (i, (h(,l
of the Presbyterian church was held j-ivat L'nster services and the concert
In the chapel last evening with a to be ;lveu Sunday eveiilug by the
good representation of the members choir. I
I Try our merchant uineu. The ,
present. A cover dish supper was
served at 6:50 p. in, which made of
Hardwood flooring. Medford
the event a pleasant social feature, her Co.
This being the first annual meeting The Craters club will meet Tuesday
since tho oomfnir of the new mistor. ,or ,,,Ht "(w M!l " '!.
Hev. K. P. Lawrence, much Interest
was manifested in tho reports of the
various organizations and officers.
Ir. Charles T. Sweeney was chosen
chairman and lr. Wm. V. P. Holt,
clerk of tho meeting. Reports from
tho various organizations were read
and commended. The Sunday school
under the superintendeucy of Carl J
prior to the entertainment to bo given
their lad tea two weeks from Tuesday.
Phone Snider lialry S 'Produce Co.
for pastuerlted milk. Safety flrnt. I"'
Hard times made ciuy, buy ranches
without money, pay with share ot crop,
like rent, (!ii Kuy Realty comtiaoy. tf
Several thousand dollar to loan on
Improved ranch security. O. C. IVgg.
A blue-bellied Hard about nix Inches
PORTLAND, Ore.. April S. Catt'.e
nominally steady; receipts 14; hog3
steady; receipts 40; unchanged.
Sheep nominally steady, receipts
- nutter
PORTLAND, Ore.. April 8. But
ter steady; extra cubes 3c; under
grade IS; cartons 2C; prints 3Jc.
nuttcrfat No. 1 churning cream 33c
f. O. h. Portland; undei grades 33c.
. ROBERTS William J. Roberts
passed away at his home. 512 V.
10th street, in this city, at 10:13 p.
m. Friday.
Mr. Roberts with his family came,
to Medford in October. 1920. Prior to
this he had been a resident ot Kla-j
math Falls since 1910, where he was
actively engaged In the mercantile
business, and upon retiring came to
Medfcrd with hopes of recovering his
He Is survived by his wife and five
ch'ldren, Mrs. I. D. Whitmore, Los
Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Bert Hart, Tart-
are. Calif.; Mrs. Lee S. Thomas. Rio
; Vista. Calif.; Chas, J. and Audrey H.
of Medford. all ef whom were at the
bedside when the end came. He also
has one brother in India, two sis
ters in England and one sister in Af
rica. He was a member of the A. F. &
A. M. and the B. P. O. Elks ot Kla
math Falls.
Funeral services in charge of
Weeks-Ccnger Co., will be held at tho
First M. E. church at 2 p. m. Monday,
Rev. J. R. Sasnett off'ciating. Inter
ment in I. O. O. F cemetery.
Hromraer reported a membership of: in length was taken from between the
2."0 with average attendance of 1 .",' radiator ami fender of a northbound
with a'l bills paid and a small bul- automobile this mrning when that
ance In the treasury. Funds to the i car stopied nt tho Ass'H latod service
amount of 1 371 have been raised and station. The litard had In sonjo way
expended. j gotten aboard tn California and was
The reports from the Christian En-'near tlu radiator endeavoring to keep
dcavor both Junior aud Senior and warm. The fellows at the station tied
the Westminister Guild, whilo uol i a string alxmt his neck and placed htm
showing large memberships reported i in a position under the oil heater
good Interest and growing attendance
with good outlook for the new year.
, The Woman's Miss'onary society
under the leadership of Mrs. E. II.
Hurd as president and Mrs. Volney
Dixon, secretary reported missionary
study interest maintained aud funds
when he SiHn tame to life. Hi at
tempts to earn k) threatened t choke
hi m sml the loop of tho of r
eery strit. was tthlfted from his neck
to his body. During the strtiKgltt which
ensued between "Irish' and tho llxard
ns the string was being shifted tho
Tim uncertain weiithoi' of the paid
few days has put u or Imp In auto t wr
ist travel, tmly one car with tliien
lersoiis siietit last lilitht nt the city
(into cmp.
Mrs. Paul Hansen, corset le re foi
N'ulionu. Phone Rsisl, If
Pleimo reiiieiuber t'-iat cliiKstfled nl
locals and kiiiiiII sda are casli lu wl
vtmei). Prlntt lu your ads and do mn
use teliiphono. t
Plume Snider Hairy t Produce Co
for pastlierUed milk. Safety I lrt . IV
A large crowd Is expected to I tend
thn dunce t'liiiRlit if the volunteer fl''i
eoiuimny at Jacksonville, In the Odd
Fellows hall. Tho Ucbcknh ladles will
service a nlco lunch. The proceeds of
tho ilaiicA go to pay the Imlauco duo
u (lie new fire truck purihased IhhI
Pine liiuno rttuderod hud, lT'u cents
per lu. Star Market.
Ffen dirt for lawns or gnrdeti. Call
nt hutUIIng alto, Mluuesota street. II.
A. Thlerolf.
Host garden loam for sale. Pliotix
V1J. tf
Clenn VWiuldrldKe of Kouito Hlver
I'leailnl gulily todit befiuu JilsMce
Taylor to n l imine of havlim killed a
deer out of season, lie was fined ll'U)
and was sentenced to :I0 duys In (lie
county Jail. The Jail sentence xuih
ttusemled and will remain suspended
its l-ing as he is on giHd In-liavlor. Dl'
trli t Ciiiiio Warden P. II. Duilcy made
the arrest.
Apples 60o a box, Conner's Ware
house. tf
Attention, eX'doldlora: Ranches sold
under Soldiers '.onus plan or tay ltli
share of crop, like rent thdd Itiv
Really Couiany. P
llladlolt und Tuberoso bulbs. Kdeii
Valley Nursery. CStt-,1 -2. I'.i
Mrs. II. It. Elliott left lust tilgM It
a Visit of utout a week lit Port'.mid
Newcomb sells stub Wisid for 2lu
ler tier and less. W hy psy m re'
Phone G31. Su
Match vour next ruckle
for FiveCent Cigar.
T2 3hap?s
Bolh Lon Filler
T)2$tributor$ of
" r
raised to the amount ot 1SS, which . niitile lost about an inch of his easily
gc. to Home and Foreign missions detachable tail.
Portland Mlieat
PORTLAND. Ore., April 8. Wheat
Hard w-lnter, ne-rthern cpring $1.25:
soft wh"te. white club .Z red
Walla $1.22.
Today's car receipts Wheat 4 0;
flour 9; eats 1; hay 13.
$ Kaa Francisco Mat-kw
SAN FRANCISCO, April 8. (U. S.
Bureau cl Markets.) "Eggs, extru
pullets 23 extra puP.ets firsts
22 undersized No. 1. 20c
SAN FRANCISCO, April S. (Stale
rlvlBlon of Markets) Poultry un
changed. Liberty Bonds
NEW YORK. April 8 Liberty bonds
closed: 3V's 99.24; first 4Vi's 99.40;
second 4'a 99 JO; third 4Vs ;
fourth 4's 93.50; Victory 4 Vs 100.90.
(Continued from Page One)
aud rredtnan work. The work for
the new year will be under the lead
ership of Mrs. E. P. Lawrence as
president and Mrs. E. A. Welch as
The Woman's association, Mrs.
Charles T. Sweeney, president. Mrs
Jihn Perl, secretary, and Mrs. Dr.
Howard, treasurer, have had a good
year, reporting many social gather
ings, dinners and other gatherings ot
a social nature as well as for the
Phone Snider Ikilry & Produce Co.
for pastuerlzed milk. Safety first. IT
Ilurhank and Corey's Thorn less
hlacklierry. Eden Valley Nursery.
Co-J2. 19
When In need of sash and doors,
call Wallare Woods. 1U8 or come t
Til E. Main street.
The changeable weather in tills
locality of late was niude more pro
nounced this morning by the fart sn'iw
was tailing with here and there
purpose or raising funds to he'p meet; throughout the cilv almond tns.s In
growing needs of the church. They re-' blossom. The snow only lasted a few
ported having raised and expended , minutes. The minimum tetiierature
close to $fr.0 during the year, which j of today was 32.5 degree, and the sun
includes $103 which was In the shono alternately from between black
treasury at the beginning of the year. chmhIh at various times. Htiln is Ibr
They have also a small balance in prediction for tonUlit and Sunday,
the treasury with which to start the! This office ts prepared to print
new year under the leadership ot1 ledger sheets, bills, etc, used on the
Mrs. J. F. Newman as president, and book keening machines. Don't rive
Mrs. John Perl secretary and Mrs. C. .your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out of Medford. Phone
runrrsj Notice. .
The Odd Fellows are requested to
meet at the Pert Funeral Home to
morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock to at
tend the funeral of kiUUm Denni
win West of Lakeview Lodge, in a
tmdy, by order of I O. Walgon. N. O.
Day stated, according to Campbell.
that Beck was between the drawing
room and dining room when he struck -him
dowu. I
The witness said Day told him hej
did not have his fiuger on the triegef
t-f the gun. Campbell said there
were a bottle and glasses on the
drawing room table. One glass con
tained sliced oranges, he said. He
said be did not taste the contents.
Campbell said Day told bim he
.truck Reck when the latter drew
back as if to strike him.
Mrs. Day was hysterica the offi
cers said, moaning that she "wanted
to die.'' and incoherent phrases. She
mentioned her honor. Campbell said,
but he did not recall her exact words.
Mrs. Day wore a one-piece blue
dress, had on brown hose and was In
her stork in? feet, the witness stated.
Campbell said that neither ot the
Days was intoxicated. Mrs. Day bad
blood on her face, dress and arms,
the witness said, which the officers
washed off.
us and we will call.
;o'd bacon 3'M! per
, Market.
j W. It. Uncles pl-ndod
W. McDonald, treasurer
The report from the session show
ed a rresent memiiersblp of 2."4. a
net increase of 2S over last year.
During tho yar eight have been add
ed to the church on confession of
their faith and 61 by letter from oth
er churches, making a total of 69 ad
ditions during the 1 1 months since
Mr. Lawrence's coming. The report
showed lojses to tho membershln
through removals and other causes of
41. The attendance and interest has iin,o. ti, i in
grown steadily during the 1 1 months, ( Everywhere you loo you
making the prospects for the new y-ar 'i hevrolet.
guilty this
TODAY 1:45, 3:30, 5:15, 7:00, 8:45
. and 10:00 p. m.
and a Side Diah of Smiles
a two-fisted peacemaker in
Straight from
the Shoulder"
a lively and thrilling play
one of the best In the history of the
The board of trustees through their
treasurer, reported close to $4,000
raised and expended, many old as
well as new hills paid and a small
deficit in the runnine Kriwinui fun.i
w-hlcn was quickly raised among those
present, so that the church will start
the new year clear as far as running
expense accounts are concerned. Tbe
treasurer reported $297 paid out for
benevolences during the year which
was much smaller than it should have
beeu but the hopeful condition of
the church will undoubtedly make it
possible to multiply that many fold
this year.
Tbe pastor's message brought forth
an enthusiastic response and the out-
, look is for a fine spirit and coopera
, live effort for large things for the
new yeai'.
morning before Ju-.tlie Taylor to a
rliar;:e of fallitis dim bis li"udllght'i
when approaching another vehicle. He
was fined $10, The arrest was made
by Iteputy Stnte Mot ir Vclikle Ina;i-c-tor
J. J. McMnhon.
If it's Inixirancv we write It. R, A.
eo a
Fresh smelt, three pounds fur
Star Market
Schedule Committee
Y. M. C. A. Meets Tues.
Writes Mrs. Hardee Regarding
Ljdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
There will be a meeting of the
nct-hedule committee of the Y. .M.
A. league In the small ledum room
at the librury Tuesday evening ut
Pluns and pollf-ies will bo discussed
and a sehedulo of g.mws set up for
the baseball H nson. Persons interest
ed as well oh regular committeemen
uro invited to uttoud-
Several of tho church teams arc
rilrjuly In working order and are
doing some practicing. At- least on
paper there soems to be considerable
championship material.
There is some talk of a playground
ball league among commercial houses
or some such baHia of organization.
Playground ball Is known In . nonie
parts of the country as "kitten bull."
Borne of Its advuiitiigen for the man
who Is not an athletu In training, are
the smaller diamond, the softer bull,
the elimination of musks, gloves und
All the regular features and sport
ing hazards of the lengue game nre
present and In many ways tho g:jinc
Itself ix faster than the outdoor
giimc. The common baseball inju
ries whieh the business man can
hardly afford to Incur are much tens
common. It is hoped to establish the
Pocohontas Attention
P. P. Flsbcr, Great Bachem of Ore
gon, will bo here Friday and Saturday
evening. Work in the Chief degree.
Feed and good time is assured. You
will miss u good time If you are not
Los Angeles, Calif. "I must tell you
that I am a true friend to Lydia E. Fink-
ham s vegetable
lompounu. i have
taken it off and on
for twenty years and
it has helped me
change from a deli
cate girl to a stout,
healthy woman.
When 1 was marrk-d
I was sick all the
time until I took
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound. I was in bed
much of my timo with pains and had to
have the doctor every month. One day
I found a little book in my yard in
Guthrie, Oklahoma, and I read it through
and got the medicine Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegntablo Compound and took
eight bottles and used tho Sanative
Wash. I at once began to get stronger.
I have got many women to take it just
by telling them what it has done for mo.
I have a young sister whom it has
helped m the same way it helped me.
I want you to know that I am a 'friend
Indeed, for you were a 'friend in need. ' "
Mrs. Gkorkb Hardkk, 1W3 Byram
fit., Los Angeles, California.
Let Lydia E. F'inkham'a Vegetable
Compound be a "friend indeed " to you.
Easter Dance
Medford Tent & Awning Works
Opposlto 8. I. li(iol
J frr.i,r'77-frj""-rT?
These prices a ill help yon compare:
30 x 3'4-Fi:d Tremler Trrad . $10.85
30 x 3i.NorKSl;td KnVic,, . ll.Ki
M x 3 - Kxt ra-i'ly Ilrd-Ton . 17.85
30 x .U
34 x 4
i- Kxt ra-i'ly Ilrd-Top .
I unrlirr Cord . . . 17.85
;Six-riy Non-SkttT
C.rrl Straight Side . 19.85
Six-I ly Non-Skid Cord 27.00
Non-Skid Cord . . . 30.50
I Non-Skid Cord . . . 39.00
Nnn-Skld Cord . . . 41.00
Non-Skid Cord . . . 51.50
SKE this tire and compare with any at a competing price.
It is your best purchase if you want a lovpnced tire.
The Fisk Premier Tread is a tire which yields an honest,
generous measure of service at a low price.
A remarkably good-looking tire, with a deep-cut, well-designed
non-skid tread.
It is a Fisk Tire, and is Fisk character clear through. ,
There' 3 a Fisk tire of ctra value in every slzo ,
for car, truck or speed wagon.
Timo to Ro-tir? Js " "--' ' - jA.
Compare These Cash Prices
With the Catalogue Prices
Freight Added
Drag saw with clutch $120.00
Two-horse spike tooth harrow j , $23.75
Fifteen-tooth two-section spring-tooth ........ $30.40
Seventeen-tooth two-section spring-tooth . . ... $32.78
Twenty-three-tooth three-section, spring-tooth . $47.50
Twenty-five three-section spring tooth .... ... .$49.90
Some good bargains in second-hand sprayers and
1 gasoline engines
Hubbard Brothers
Phone 231
Cor. Main and Riverside