"Ml'AH UKU MAU, 'IU1.LAU .U1.1MUKH. UKI.l.UA, o.Ul UIJ.U. .U'lllL W U- ill I hi ! ' i. It' 2 if j! I, Medford Mail tribune AN INDICI'E.NnKNT NEWHPAPKK FUMLIMHKI) KVKHY AI'TKUNOOS KXKOIT Kl'NI'AY MY tlili MKl'l-'OKU nUNTlNQ CO. Th Mtlford Sunday Sun in furnUhetl ut.ncribfr di-nlrtng mtven day tll nonrapaper. Office Mall Trlbun HulMIng, J5-S7-SH North Kir mroet. l'hona 76. A conaollilnllnn of the IVmooratli Time, tint Mc.Uonl Mall, tlia Mtttlforil Trlhiiin", the Southern iircgiml.ni. Tht lnhlatid Tribune. ROHRUT W. HUII1-, Editor. UUM1TKK 8. SMITH. Manaffvr VBBCBIFTIOM TiaUll Rf MAT! In Atlvnnre: Pallv, with Stimlny tfun, mr 17. M Imlly, with Hunility 8un. month 5 Pallv, without Sunday fun, ytar 6 Dally, without Sumlay Sun. month . Wwrfily Mall Trlbuntt, on year .. ! 00 flumlav Hun. year.... ..... l.0 MY CAHIUKU In Met! ford. Aahland. Jackaonvlll. Central Point, Phcwnix. Talent: ' . Dally, with Rundny Sun, month T5 iiaiitr m-ifhiiii Kun.lnv yon. month .65 rilv' without Kundav Sun. year.. T So Dailv. with Sunday Sun. one yar 1.60 All torma by carrier, caah In auvanca. Official papor of the City of Medford. Official paper of Jaekaon County. awpn riniiv aiTrairit circulation for alx month! endlnc Oct., tit. JMS Entcrrd. aa arrmtd oa matter at Mrdford. reon, under the act of Marob i. is;. MEMUER3 OF THE ASSOCIATED PllKSS. pv.a a w.lAtrf..! Omm la aTclualtntlv ntitlod to tha use for republication of all r.-w dlanatchra frlttfd to It, or not othrrwlax credited In this paper, and alao tha local neu puitusneu nerein. All right of republication of apecUU dlapatchea herein are also rtaaorvea. THE DRUG TRAFFIC. "THK love of money is the root of most evil. It is piirticuhu'ly I the root tmtl linmoh of the drug evil. A New York doctor has roeentlv written a look on the DrUK.Kvil which elenrly illustrate thin truth. But for the ho peddler, the in fiunous scoundrel who eapitidios the drug habit, to line his own pockets, the eivil authorities particularly the luedioul authorities, tould stamp out the Prng t'.vil in a comparatively nhort time. For neeonlini tti this doctor, who is recognized as an authority, the drug addict is a sick person rather than a denraved one, ami should lie treated not as a degenerate, but as an invalid. Moreover, indulgence in the dnn:. after the initial stages, is not a pleasure, but a grim ami matter-of-fact physical need. Ninety per ocnt of the di'iivietiin.s are eager to destroy th HOW MUCH DO. YOU KNOW? I 1. Who liivi'titett the flint hut nil' I fur unco? J 2. la what kind of ground do cut 1 tti la Kt't'N V II. W;im n common spoiiire ever iitliv? 1. How nvunv nu n aittl women of voting nee nit" there In the t'ltlteil St .-ilea? f. Is JiinUih" llohnt'x tc the au pivmo ctiort liny relation to tHvr Wvtult'll llolmra tle imct? tl. How tunny c-iu't'8lilttits mi'V cil us int'iiibci s tC t 'onid'cxa? T. Wlmt tiro the ruplula of cio lt nanu.iof tlo two diffi'ti'til, Kovt'rniin'nts in HHvPMtNT, , , To'mU Hianltila'UH Xhyfltt. rtu iuei- In yvv' lnlit W it all inK 'fhdtiiiiiiiit nVOiiti'tl ' hint M it hi- jitlilt' lust nlKht In MiniiKht lulU. In the hands of a competent physician, by scientific ami gradual re- ' .nit rtiitt wb.'ii it: unction ot ttoses, ttie liaiut can lie tlestroNtM, lint the traitut lias te-i,,t In tnpioen obiuinc 1 ),.lf ,,1,... l.i;., .,.,(.. 1... .,f' "ere nny n.'iut t. it t'l tuiiiAti, nun m in m flic ti'nwvi tt i. iihvi inv inning i : J VANt'orVKK. 11. t',---llohhy l,n ier of SfuU.e. rlnliunnl V lh I'm llli' enliNl Imhl t 1kIi. Illle, ktint-UiHl mil tlt'tutio utitto of Han l'r in 'Im'o hi ih ' Hlxih rouiitl of ti icii-i'iiiiihI nmln tM'iil itt a hoxlnu i -how hertt :i -tt iiUht, tnultt w.it ttiitu ltcl tinuiii.li the rupca hy u blow, a tin l tt bfl Oi the poinl nr. I he Jaw, 'l'lil-; MAei it the RIhIIq! l'lii-V'rt.-i ti I'luliiH, it at! M'isut mill ilieli' ii'aUhtdii wiiiit wuva of iluhm tliliiKs lire woven lino a Npli'tittlit inn Hun ili(iiro of ttie weal omitted "HtmlKlit Kmm I lie Mlionldei'," fvittui' lii llio row hoy miir, Hui U Juiich. It Im ii picime which I'lirrloH n riiu t liariii' tor Htutly, a iiit cttiii it it tl of runt tiiov IIIK mvitc.'i, noiiiii liidllnu I'immI Inrl ileal, bint u iiiiiiiln'i' .of iliiills vateulHl' t tl to Itn illt.li 111" iitniotit In MUHi"Mitt, "I'lit iilierlnu i'tHt'uli liiick .Imirta as a iaeeiaaktr, ttioiiK It Ijiililltii one. of the t'Hdaav I? Is there nny law iiKiiinst a nr.vxt.l.'ltt Neevlntr 11 tlillM ttti'il, . a reliable doctor, fifty get into the hands of tpiaeks ami hop peddlers, i io. wim-H chinestt Ktwcrninent .nd physical ami moral destruction is the result. r,'"''K,,ir,'J 1,1 u, V'" v"nU'v' The profits of the drug traffic are enormous. One peddler can iiswt rs t Yetertia'M iiesiions! ooneeal on his nerson, without anv serious danger of detection, enoiiuli ' u l,'a i"'-1"1'''" hiimieii inn- " . nui a r, ivst-nuilitt hU paaiport bo. nope io put nun on easy si reel lor a year, i no eontcnts oi a jnu nox lo.ay bring a six mouths salary for the average man. Small wonder that Coventor Olcott has taken action in this state to fight "the drug traffic and organize a law enforcing body through- rut the northwest to drive these human jackals out of civilized tity. WlNNll'Kll fl.inlt Uiililcaii if Vain ttuver, tl.uiimiu nf ilm I'niiatll.in W! IttTWi t villi lllphlllNtllll, out IKMMiod Johnny Tlllnma of SI. I'uul H'to'iv are several vtvl.l fli-.iilH r'Viil- hero hout, UiHt tiluht In it ,-aiistt the tiilniitier wrote limuo that the re-e.eetlti of I he president wniiVl to r.HKUintt? Alts. SO- i;as first utCtt III the ns Durihi; 1'olk'n metuy spent fur than f t i- ineii'M Quill Points Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. The man who thinks talk is cheap has never said: "Darling, will ou be nunc!" Now Owe i hungrr. The Greoks liavo boc-n bo busy coraitiR to America and starting froitstands Tor tho last three years, they had no time to jdow. , Cherries are riie on the spring bonnets of tho. CWUshevlkis. Poiibcra tions over the selection ot an Easter hat continue, and many disagreements result. It is sonio job to pick out a lid that does not make one look fat, and at the same time matches the dia ins room rns. A drunken jihoae pole ran iota an autoist on the Specific Dieway Thurs. and luckily escaped without serious injur-. WHERE IT BELONGS (Eugene Register) Miss Barbara ;a a fancy dancer and is but six years old. She has a future before her. Tho tong war in Ireland continues brisk. As usual on Saturday, a Bel fast policeman had same religion shot' into him at 3 am. with a 30-30. They say Hsu, the Chinese president, is dry. Chinese for 1120. The The early bird doesn't always mower beats him to it. A publisher warns us that new books should be handled with care. And some of them, wo fear, with ton-'s. About the only creature in the world that has hindsight is a mulo end he kicks about it. The 1022 ears are better in some ways, more action as collateral. be favmablo Vleve laml. s. When was iWliiro House? luliiiinlttli at ion. 3. Is there men women s t lothiin; i lotliiio; ? -li. Vt N. 1. Can a pensioner live In n for rinn vountry niol si ill Urn' his pen. i.inn? Ans. Yea. j 5. Why iWs wan,! ah'oliol poison Inc often reauil In lilimlnem? Ans. ;VimhI alcohol nets en tho bltitnl vett- ist ls t aasint; helnnrrhaKi a. The tiny ' arteiits of tho retina of iho ej are u.rien i uptm t'd. lausinit loa of kIkIii. name is prtdiablv ! ,:- tp ft' " every ittphnbet." Ans. It Ii lust in all ,fpliabeta cxrept tho old ennail in which It t'tuii. t fourth ntnl in the Kthopian in wbuh it rumis l.lili. 7. How manv mrea are ettveritt by tho Chit .i:n .--ttn Wy.n.la? Ana. iufl. S. Who vim die first man to tun! 'I tulle tit fortius! weather? Ana Prof. Cleveland At. be. , !. What Is the in.r.il thttkiuics of pliltt kIism'' Ans. From three .sixteenth to five-sixteenths of an melt. in. What other pit si, lent than T.vft s lebrateil hljt twelllv-flflh Wetl tin atiiuvt rsaty in the White House? Ans. I l.ij . , riTTKltrmS, April H. I'.ntl (llani tlttin, vi-lerun twlrler of the rutahttrti I'lrates. pll. lieil three innliiKS .verier day niuilnst the Spi iiik leltl, Mo . t lul xt the W'tthtern usioelatlon in tbst-r" ini; "llainilttui Uav" nl the Spiiimfiehl park. The ei.-mn, who la-nan iwclvo-riitiiul etl, its well ui a'liiie tlaiinil rticlio wnrk ami h.ii.l rlttliiK. At Iho lllallo Uraliv itiiinu r.' , Sunday an, I Monday. Y i.ii,... hliiiai.tr. The laiy li weiiuiiy une,- a liill.l lilliliei' w In n I In Hhil-y hoMUm. When ttm Mlrl'a Utliei' teUa blm ls 'ft M WOlk II ll" WtlUI'l IOU teen ", nliif tli.f (ImiKlit'-r, tin yoiilh iM'ill'M at it liM'i'iilllliK Mlntloll rtllil la het.Hi lor thit'o veaia. Ilia tin lie oil Mhlii- linat'il-lllH Hlioi-e leiivca-lilH reaetin nf ttm c.lil fixuii n Irmn heroiiH tullpli jn iho uileiil-liltt OHiapiolea every wlnfiu llniMM hi'lmi ttie alar to tlm fore Itroiinil In aci lieu wlili li are iIiIIciiIoiih. ly runny. Mildreil I No-la playa the chl In MplrUoil fiinlilon iiml III" ',IMI pilaeH ii KtHnlly linmhol' of I't-ll'iliin aiilloia. ' Notice Conlracton 111. la will he lecclvoil by tin l'.KU lUv.-r Valley Ciiuul f for Iho cm alrmHoa ut three enneivlo hni.hwiiy l Ulveilaoa the t'riimr Luke HlKltwaj'. Kor Inioininlloii call ai Coiuimny oil'lee Sotllll l'"lr alfoi'l. 17 At the Pajje If ynu want Io come unit nee a I "I liyklnu story of ilio kim will) Iho Illim itable ll.uiilil Llnyil t'linrltai; a h.iIIi r hitlietl ti In the I'li'e lln-afe lolimrrow . it the worm. Sometimes the lawn baseball career at Sin tiiitflebl, ilhtn't allow a man In n a. li first base an. I ill die I in itt inninu. It I lit. I thtt f. lit -till alrlkea. The Kanle, a si vell-illllltlH I : f In It-, was won bv the 1 Hales, to 1 I'lltl.Alil'.l.l'lllA - Kiu;l.in.t'.H . -nl-lone l.it-rtmsf team i outturn il lis rec ord of iinl'iokcii victories by tlefeat Inif the t'nlvt inliy of I'cnnn Ivanla, s to 0. Motnltv an. I Tueahiy an. I n.-o "A Sailor Made Man" ThU funny tt.illte of ti k.illoi'a life l-i Jn-.i aliottl tho elev crest coiiloily In whli ll Iho Hint Ii.ih nppoaretl ll ulvt-it I he apci-tiiiuc a in-nt in lte' ny Unit llie niill.ii mi nil- of I'lii-le Sam's wut'i-lilpti eninlnci-t Cord of Thnnki Wo wish Io tlniiik our friends tar their NMllpitlliy ttliil l.linllluuHes showil ihnllu: our leecllt ht'l'PitVelltelll. A I it I- the floral olfoflm( tU (VVShJlOl.'!' AMI FAMILY. 1". ' WM. ItooivlCH.ANIi KAMILY TENTS MedfoiJ Tent & Awting Works lpMkfll M. I. lN'llll MlLWAfKKt:. I'lnklo Mil. hell liMhlivt Isht, utveii neWNpnper tletis. Put over I'al Moral), New n team "in len -rotintl no-ilet (ti'ii. but the cars of" 1019 got Another thing a lot of people give up during Lent is the struggle, to keep up good resolut ions. EV1S VALLEY "A veteran, of the Argonne, and a vet eran of a Liberty Loan drive conferred at Main Stem and Ontrale Avenida last ere, regarding the billeting of the former ior the night "When temptation shows a charming pair of ankles, man's only tliapce is to show a clean pair of heels. In this sophisticated age, young love's dream is an old party with hardened arteries and a million. An infant blizzard visited tho valley this am. and snowflakes snuggled in the pear blossoms. It must be awful to live in Kansas, where the cyclones rageth, and the icicles hang from the henhouses till the middle of May. , WHAT'S tHE HURRY (Eugene Register) WANTED Woman or girl to take care of baby and keep house from the first to the sixth ot July. Call the Real Shoe Shop. Phone G30 or come to 1S38 Lawrence. - The SatEvePost. will hereafter be barred from the music center of the north went. This scurrillous periodical printed a picture of the Columbia river that did not show the Columbia high way. . . Mr. anil Mr ('.tin spent Suml.iy ivttilr.n with Mrs. fails' mother. Mm. Ceoli;.- Smith. tie. .!.; Hcntt. deputy atiscsxtir. fin (!.! tl his work In tint Itocuo lihvr ami Winter prct int In tnm week. The? voters In the Kvans fret Ic Irri gation Uistrlet heltl a mi. unit at the Kruntfo hall Wt ilnestlay a ft. l ie... n Mr. Cliintitwk of ('.rant I'atu upolf itu thor-o )ircHeiii antl i xplalncil fully ' several fincsth'its that many tlltl not The best treatment for a cod that causes open-face sneezins in u mien a mi vsrv tb-aiiy wture. Webb Neathiimcr was u lloBue Klver visitor Thurittlay. Mr. Horix-rtoe-k a truck load of I . . t . tr. to .1. r ... , , -,. . 1 . - ,. . . , i.n itKK id t.ittiin .iisi. tor m r. i.iiii- ery hkely hell is a place where speeders eternally cat the ilust nArt nm, , MmiI,,v, pubic, is.to apply -a ewivel chair to the patient's ear. laiSTti.V Tomis- Montreal, I'r.oi tletn e, avvarth-tl ib-t Isi.m to tell itnt.i.l v,-r .lubes White. Albany. Abe lb at tic. New York, won from Johnny Sheppartl. In ten l.ulttipi. ClIAS i:,l'IIS - 1'ittl I'nllaii. lieattweikbt. Hot he tier. Minn.. t i etl a te. buif.tl kuotkoi.'t io, r II.mil. r Stulih, Kitlatitaron, Ml, h . in m-veiittt rotintl of a len-rouiul mat-h. IilA'VI I ; I: - ' '. ! i;e M tub y , t lou ver, won thi let Ision over Ktn ky titls Tianniy Muiphv. t beaKo. I 1 I RUCH RUMBLES of cars they are not permitted to pass. "Ovr l.o.'iOOOO feeble-minde.l peoplo in Ameriea,' Tliiuk of the wocxl alcohol that crowd will consume. Great guns. Ifc nry t'avo mitt Webb Neathanu-r wt-Vt to Acata Krblay to bt-isln work on the fr.iler Iike hlKhway. Mr. INi hman wan transact I ni; bitsl nes In ir.ints l'nsn one day thin m y . Misjt of tltn puplts In tho Mayso Creek district have rcc'iveroit from .a ......... . - . . . . ' IfVIV Wtnii., v ' e cioniit, nowevor, it tne illicit htiii owasions as much trouble an;ti, fiu una are iick in hool this this nhl Wfirld .is Iho tntidioa tluit urn nut wt ill ,we-kj , i If natioYis hadn't worried so nnn h about tin: balance of power, they wouldn't be worrying so much about the balance due. Sweeties do not always slay ruth lessly. The half sister of a Loa An geles gunlay has been arrested for rob bing her victim of 120 while enroute to tho altar. . . "SHORT SKIRTS TALK" (Hdline Coos Bay Times). Probably on the high cost of something. Outbursts of sanctimoniousness among peanut politicians are occur ring with the vehemence of a backfir ing 4d. Under the Oregon System an office-mad citizen has more righteous ness a month before election than a presidential nominee. SILVER PLATED VICTORV (Mark Sullivan in Portland Oregonian) There can hardly be any deny ing the Significance of the election in Hartford, which gave a demo cratic majority of between $3500 and $4000. This is the largest ma; jority ever recorded for any party in a Hartford city election. There is a largo outpouring of far mers iu our midst today. They will start pouring back into their respec tive districts about sundown. , Tho political jackpot in Jack. Co. has been gummed up . by Marshal Joffre not standing tip when he was phiffed through Ashland. Rons of rich meu have Rtarted cut ting up on tho front pages, which is moro interesting reading than, the news ot their daughters marrying de funct dukes und livery stable props. Wu RipplinRhijraQS w OUTCLASSED. HEX AXAX1AS was mi deck he snniinr his falsehoods day by day; he drove to wake the truth a wreck, hticeeed- ing, in a modest way. He did bis best, and if hi best was cheap, compared with modern curves, we should not flout him with a jest, denying praise that- he deserves. "Wc filiorjld not greet with ribald jeers the liars of an aire gone by; we sleould not scorn the pioneers who first discovered how to lie. There were no oil stpeks to be sold when Ananias blazed the way; tlure were no salted mines when- -.-obi was shown to coinc-ons evcrj- day. There were no offices iu sight, no candidates the snaps fiesired; there were no burbling blurbs to write, in praise of books that made men tired. Financial wizars didn't sell blue sky tn boobs unknown to fame, and so there was no chance to tell a falsi hood worthy of tin; name. There were no yearly almanac jn waljieh to boost some wooden pills; men knew not how to dodge a tax, or sidestep mer chants' monthly bills. The world was then ; simple place where people toiled and paid their debts, and it is ;urely no disgrace if Ananias missed Home bets. Jfe bravely warred against the truth, with tireless if misguided' zest, ami if his efforts' were uncouth, be surely tried fo do his best.' j Mr. t'avc wan transactim: biisinc in .Meiironl ami Ja Ksouvitie. ."ii !Jav antl Ttn-s.lHy. i Mr. and Mr. John Hitter r.f fioM ilfill visited ut Mr. llakcr's Inst Htm Uav. i mm r.irtT and wife of Sctmn. who have t n vMtinic Mr. iind Mm. 1 farter for wveral days., returned to their homo Friday. Mrs. Kerns nf l'laeer, w,ho has been xtniiiilng at J. sve Neath.imer'M for the limit three weeks, returned to her .homo Thursday. Mrs. Kmallne '.rati ford Is vlslllnft -tt the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. c'arl-r. Mis. John Malncy and il ttiKhter. Mailt-, npci.t Saturday in Medfonl. t.'Ulle ll ll.lml IT Of Klll'h people At tended the puny Kiven at the honm of I-red t'K. iihat her l ist iJatiinlay CVenltlK. t'liurlett Smith mitt family motor ed to M.-tlfortl Saturday itiornitu;. Lay if f i-n Int her nnt John I'ltn trail drove to Table l!"t k Katurday for Keed potatties.- j Honnt of i.ttr peopbt are id ituiitiK on JittnitllitK tlw ttant. at I'tilnn-r t'reek Kitnrtl.ty hIkIu. -Mism Muriloif of Medford, l ta let teat lier at Lin h ihl yet k. Win. "fnp!e ninl family iiinci to Crants I'ns.H Moinlav Mr. and Mm. . t'opple havi- many frietnln In the Mil-. ley. who reKretlt-d liaving them K-avn tho community. Carl Johnston iiml wife of Duel" 1'i.int. visit,. I Hiintlay with Mr. and Mr, t'opple. I Mis Tool Will Hive II iletlion.dt I- tlon of M-wliiK at AppU Kate the Kill and Htli of this, month. All Intel-i-Mcd lire Mtrdla'.lv InVil.-d to nUeiiil Mis litirr was n yisitor in the val ley Utinday afternoon. Iion't forget the nhl fa-tiioned el IiherltiK mult h to !- Iu ld al tin- Itinh st bun I I-'ililny rveiiliiit. april 1 1. Spring Op emng Gold Hill Boxing Commission , .' Tuesday, April 1 1 8:30 P. M. GOLD HILL PAVILION V. !'. Mandaril Oil Die. RT. A 'tit 'STINK. 11.1.. Al.rll 1 Martin "'ari y. vlcc-pri-Milcnt of the HtandariJ Oil company, died today In a loci! h'iuntal. TWO MAIN EVENTS Tom Ray vs. Ted Thye of Omaha of PortLlncl ' FINISH WRESTLIKO MATCH Johnny Carlson vs. Geo. Brandon of Spokane t of Portland . G ROUNDS OF BOXING, 130 POUNDS GOOD PRELIMINARY Ptices: Ring3icle, $2.75; Reserved, $1.65; General Admission, $1.10; Children, 55c. Includes War Tax. Ladies Invited. .. Seats on Sale: Brown Brown Medford; Niniger Warner, Ashland; Ross Ross, Central Point. COMMUNICATIONS Like Tribune Editorial To Iho Kilitor: Moro power to you. Your editorial In IuhI nlKht' paper cltowH a real (rasp of the Hlttiatlnn, it was constructive, it was true. C. 11. HOWKU,. llerrydalo. April S. I Helped Her N;otnr Wonderfully In tliesi- ila. of "flu," coughs, cohls ; croup and whoopinit rouuli, it, is well to know hat every year thero are usntl more IjoILU-s of Koley'H Money and 'Par than of any other coukIi medicine. Mr. S. L. Hunt, B15 W. Cth St., Cincliinuti, Oliio, writes: "Foley's Honey and Tur relieved me of a hackins cough, tick tins in the throat, whoezintf antl pulns In the rhr-Bt. t Is lielpln my mother wonderfully." That's why druKKlittfl recommend I'oley'B. S"hl ever) wlieri. Adv. ANNOUNCEMENTS POETRY (The Craftsman) T picked a wild flower, 1 picked a wild flower yesterday. The wild flower I picked Will dio tomorrow. STATE REPRESENTATIVE I hereby nnnouncis my candidacy for the republican 'nomination'' for repre sentative iu the Htate legltiluture at the May primary. . Adv. JOHN H. CAUKIN'. The Rosary. Why Cathoflics Say It I me itosary used hy Catholic in their prayers in a Hiring of beads, divided into five equal parU, euch iiintncmoratltiB ttoine Kreat event in the lif of Christ. On them t)if Lord' Prayer and tne Hall .Mary (Luke, are recited, and wlifr-n in v.ainojics nieaiiato upon tuese evenlH. UMlnR their beaila, THE MONTH OF OCTOBER IS ESPECIAJ-.LY DEDICATED " TO THE ROSARY i These ativertiHements inserted daily and pail for by two native Jledforcl Catholic business men who believe In thf-tr religion. I announcH myxelt as a candidate for Keprefintative In the IlHlature, n the Iteptiliiiean ticket, ubject to tho primaries in May. Atlv. KAU'H COWOJUi. COUNTY COMMISSIONER - ' Thoa. II. Blmpgon, of Ashland, authorizes his announcement as a Can didate for the nomination for thu office of County CommlBBlonor of Jackson County. BuMeot to tho decialon of the Republican votern of ald county at the t'rimary Election, May 19tu. 192!!. Adv. I nm a candidate for the nomination for County CommlBsioner of Jackson ount.y, on the- Republican ticket, Hub- Joel in (lie di-clMon of the voters lit Im primary In ho held May Kith, 1!l-', jAdv. UKOItQH ALl-'OUJ), I'hoenlx. "; PNEUMONIA -uii pnyucun. 1 hen txjm etnerijency Ueatmetit with CIS PORUB Out r 1 7 Million Jan UteJ Ytilu WO V Vapi TH1SWEEK0NLY TAILOR-MADE I SUITS i r - Values $50 to $60 at 50 $42.: 128 E. Main WO O D ! l"lr $.'t.(MiTler nml up. rtali i:t;K Coal 81(1.50 Ton. MEDFORD FUEL CO. Cor I-'li- untl Tbli-a I'b'uuo 2 la Fbone 122 R GET IT AT 436 W. Main C. A. Do Voc, Prop. Groceries and Confectionery ICE CREAM, CANDIES, SOFT DRINKS, CIOARS, TOBACCOS, MAGAZINES, SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND STATIONERY, NUTS, FRUITS, SHELLED WALNUTS, MILK, CREAM, BUTTER AND BUTTERMILK, BAKERY GOODS, HOT COFFEE AND LUNCHES, TRU-BLU CRACKERS AND COOKIES , ' We Sell Anita Stewart Coffee YOU CAN GET IT AT DE VOE'S Open Evenings and Sunday, ASHLAND Branch Oregon State Normal at At ASHLAND, OREGON June 19-July 28, 1922 Full Noi'inii department merits, sociology, und hcIiooI miiiinRciiit.iit on demand Coin-no. I'nietien sehool for nil BrniU-k..' Music very Htrong. rKyeiioInrry cdiieiitional menHiire- -r infoi iiiatiuii write GEO. A. BRISCOE, Director, A s ' i i