PACTE TWO Jfocal and ttJ Personal A further indication nf Mertford'n continued proNperity and growth Is kIkvwu in tluf continued uuin in post ollice receipt. Tin' KUl receipt of the nunrter year ending March aist liiHt tiliow a 12 iter cent incieaso over the Ha mo three, months period of a your nsv Tlie Farm Uurenu lias called a meet ins of all dnlrvnipii in IliU illstvii l vlKflii milk producer especially, for Sulnrday, April 8,. 1:30 p. m. at the public lililary. The. proposed new ordi nance liy the city council concerning milk regulation will be discussed. 14 Kor rent on shares dancing pavilion, hotel, restaurant, - fishinfr, hunting, liathinn and camping lrivllejrs cover ing 1000 acres. River frontage. Gold Kay Summer Resort. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phones T2S-R or 134-Y. tf All kinds ot rough and dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. Til East Main street The members of the Elks lodfie will begin to gather at their temple early UiIm '.evening to inaugurate the new administration of the lodge. Besides the installation of the new officers, there will be initiation, some extra lodge doings and a feed. Klks band concert and dance at Elks Temple. Friday night, April 7th. Elks and their ladies only. Admission 55 cents each. 14 Dance Eagle Point every Sat night 29 Hemstitching, l'lcoting, Sc per yd. Muttons covered. Handicraft Shoo. tf Mr. and Sin. J. X. Brownlee leave tonighrfor a visit in the east of a couple of weeks. Newcomb sells slab wood for $2.00 per tier and less. Why pay more? Phone 631. 20 Crescent orchestra Eagle Pt Sat eight - 29 We carry a full line of ladies' hosiery at the Vanity Shop. tf S. A. Wheeler, warehouse foreman of the Southern Pacific railroad, is ill at his home with the flu. Mark Mont gomery, the local agent of the railroad was still confined to his bed today with the same ailment. "Bob Ingersoil s vs. Paul's Fu ture Hope" is the revival subject at ihe First Methodist church tonight This will be of interest to many who are troubled with doubt. Dr. Peck s forceful expositions and addresses are the subject of much favorable com ment. Hardwood flooring. Medford Lum ber Co. ' Phone Snider Dairy & Produce Co. for pastuerized milk. Safety first 17 Mrs. R. A. H aboard leaves tonight for a visit in the state metropolis. Try our merchant luncn. The Shasta. DRESSING A GIRL LIKE A PLYMOUTH ROCK HEN WON'T STIFLE HER PEA COCK INSTINCTS. SEE . BE B E DANIELS before she leaves ; Tonight in her latest picture that palpi tates with life, and sparkles with humor. "ONE WILD WEEK" Further Joy in the current bill is provided by "BABY" PEGGY In 'GET RICH QUICK PEGGY," A PATIIE XEWS ' ( and GENE HOWARD at the Mliihty WurliUer. FltlDAY and SATURDAY Page Theater rented to KU KLUX KLAN COMING SUNDAY HAROLD LLOYD in THE SAILOR-MADE MAN" Twice as- long., as., the.; usual l.Ioyd comedy and ten times as funny. itascaa It will be a week or more before the Grants Pass auto park will be official ly opened to the tourists. Dunce Kingsbury Spring, Saturday. April Sth. The best of music, the best of times. Everyone welcome. Come. Portland orchestra. Admission $1.10. war tax. H Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery. CS0-J-2. 19 Phone Snider Dairy & Produce Co. for pnstueriued milk. Safety first. IV George Porter 8 new lawn In front of the Big Pines Lumber comoanv of fice on West Sixth street attracts so little attention from the public that citizens stand on it In groups debating questions of the day until requested by George to "cel. often that grass seed,- fellows, will you, please?" "Oh certainly, excuse us." is the invariable reply as the excited debaters step a few, feet to one side on nn en, '.rely seeded shh which they had missed before. Home Sewing Week bargaiu: Crepe de chenes $1.39. M. M. Dept. Store. IS Hard times made easy, buy ranches without money, uav with Bhar of cron 1 like rent Gold Ray Realty company, tf nurbank and Corey's Thornless blackberry. Eden Valley Xurserv. CS0-J-2. i Dr. E. B. Pickei left last night for a short sojourn in the state metropolis. "Due to the great number of holdups that have been staged recently, many of the men whose business keeps them out at night have taken to carrying revolvers," says the Grants Pass Cour ier. "Nearly all of the railway men are armed, while merchants dealing in firearms of this description report sales to be brisk. Those who have re volvers at home are dusting them oft. and are preiring for the worst." Oil cloth 29 cents, a Sewing Week bargain, M. M. Dept, Store. 13 When in need of sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc, used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have thera printed out of Medford. Phone us and we will calL tf Workmen are enlarging the pre scription department of the Fred L. Heath drug store, and as soon as this Improvement is finished the work of Installing a balcony will be com menced. Newcomb sells slab wood for $2.00 per tier and less. Why pay more? Phone 631. 20 Please remember that classified ads. locals and small ads are cash In ad vance. Bring in your ads and do not use telephone. tf Baptist tpron. children's , clothes, and food sale. April 7th, Medford Auto Co. Main and Holly. n William Brown of Eagle Point, spent Wednesday in the city attending to business matters. Ida E. Wood of Medford. will give piano lessons in Central Point Wed nesday and Saturday. 13 Phone Snider Dairy & Produrn Cn for pastuerized milk. Safety first. 17 tiny baby bunnv bib biir limiti.i bazaar. April 7th, Medford Auto Co.. 31am and Holly. 13 J. W. Smith of Farco. V n . guest at the Hotel Holland. Other guests include X. A. - Wright r.r rn cago. J. Jordan!. W. C. Stone, and F. m. llussell of Portland, George E. Pit man of Gainsville. Tpi . ami 1 a ham of San Francisco. Another special sale at the Red Cross Thrift Shoo. Saturday. Aurll sth 2 p. m. Hats $1.00 each, newly lined and trimmed. Shoes for all the family per pair. Children's caps, ladies' waists. Best garden loam for rhnn. 912-J. Apples COc a box, Conner's Ware house. tj, Charles Adams, local noli spent this forenoon in Grants Pass. M. M. Dept. Store Home Sewing Week saves you much on everything iu yara Roods. 13. Attention. ex-SoIdiem: Kannha. .nu - a puiu under Soldiers Bonus plan or pay with suare or crop, uke rent Gold Ray Really Company. t. If It's instiranra rlt i r 1 ITolmes. The Insurance Man. A laborer was arrfntt.,1 wt., by Patrolman Adams and was placed in the city jail for being drunk on the streets. Chief of Police Timothy upciieu uie noosegow this morning and intended to take th man th ,.iin court, but instead got him a bow of 1101 torree to settle his digestive tract sufficiently for him to appear in pub lic. Blue Star bleached muslin, SO inch, 12 cents, a Sewing Week bargain. M. M. Dept. Store. 3 Everywhere you loo you tee a Chevrolet tf. Several thousand dollars to loan on Improved rar a security. 0. C. Boggs. J. O. Brown, Applegate rancher is in the city today transacting business and visiting friends. One dozen ladies' hats $1.50 each. One dozen children's caps, 10c each One dozen white waists, ladies'. 25c ea. One dozen pairs shoes, $1.00 each. At the lied Cross Thrift Shop, Sparta Bldg., 2 j. m. Saturday, April 8th. 14 Gladioli and Tuberose bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery. C80-J-2. 19 Free dirt for lawns or garden. Call at building site, Minnesota street. H A. Thierolf. , Tho almond trees are now Retting out in bloom about town. The late ness of the blossoms would indirato good fruit year, according to those who claim to be authority on fruit Ashland Tidings. Baptist apron, children's clothes and food sale, April 7th. Medford Auto Co., Maiu and Holly. 13 ' Get ready for spring. Great variety of grays and browns. Price $42 50 Klein the Tayor, 128 E. Maim 15 ! Blazer striped flannels for skirts, $1.89 a yard during Sewing Week. M. M. lopt. Stnrp, j3 rKDFonn matt; Tiunryrc. Thomas li, Simpson ot Ashliind, spent a few hours Wednesday after noon in tho city on business. Best iKMvales 1 $ cents, a Sewing Week bargain, M. M. Dept. Store. i:t Mrs. llosell Watt. Spirolln corsetlere for Medford and vicinity. Box S2. Phoenix. Ore. 1 1 Buy baby luinny bib big lkipllst bataar, April 7th. Medford Auto Co., Main and Holly. 1:1 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carpenter who have been spending the winter In Italy and other Mediterranean points will arrive home tho first week In Mav 'according to a letter received recent ,'ly. They expect tu arrive at Boston Mass.. Anril 2:liil. and w ill sueml a fiw j dfiys with Dunbar Carpenter before I starting west. Attend the " Boson' Salo" at the Ked Cross Thrift Shop. Sparta Bldg., Sat.. April 'th. 2 p. 111. One doen each, ladies' hats, children's caps, shoes, ladies' white waists. Special prices. 14 Nick Young has moved his horse shoeing shop from Billings Blacksmith Shop to Eighth and Fir streets. 14 New khaki pants and breeches at a very low price. Khaki shirts, new, at $1.00 each. Men's garters 10c. Can vas gloves at 10c pair. Pack sacks ns low ns 25c. Hlgh top rubber boots for $4.SJ. Army shoes that fit your feet at United Army Stores, 32 Central Ave. So. 15 Grover Coruui who has been In the city for the last week leaves today for his homestead In the Butte Falls dis trict. Fancy voiles 49 cents, Sew ing Week. M. M. Dept. Store. 13 New pleating machine installed at the Handicraft Shop. 13 When you want dry mill blocks Just call Valley Fuel Company. Phone 76. Because they were going to make their residence in Grants Pass. Lloyd L. Sparks and Thelnia Arretta Win ders, both of Jackson county, were granted a marriage license Saturday afternoon by F. L. Coon, county clerk. They were accompanied to the license bureau by C. C. Stevens, or the Inter urban Auto company, who supplied the information, as Sparks is going to work for him. The young couple were married by Judge Eclus Pollock, and after the ceremony were greeted with a shower of rice when they returned to their automobile on G. street Grants Pass Courier. Ginghams 15 cents, a Sewing Week bargain M. M. Dept Store. , 13 C. L. Goff writes insurance on any thing. Telephone 41. Young lady wants position as sten ographer or office work. Will do extra work in either. Phone 3S3-J. tf Jim Dinkens of Trail, has returned to his home after a short stay in the City and valley. Llnweave white goods at bargains during. Sewing Week. M. M. Dept Store. i3 Cash price for lime sulphur $3.73 lb. Bear Creek Orchards. 8-It-l. tf Everywhere you look you see a CbevroleL tf John Ueter of Jacksonville has pur chased the barbershop in the O. M. Solsby place on Front street, and has taken charge of the same. Linweave white goods at Sewing Week bargain. M. M. Dept Store. 13 Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery. GSO-J-2. 9 Auto Insurance. Crown & White. A. E. Kellogg of Gold Hill, spent Thursday afternoon in the city attend ing to business matters. "Beauty is the first gift that nature gives to women and the first she takes away." E. Burnham's toilet requisites: Shampooing, halrdressing, manicur ing, facial massage, scalp treatments, hair dyeing. Medford Beauty Shop. Medford Building. Phone 191-L. 13 Uncle Sam watches $1.15. Regula tion army and navy all wool cashmere socks at 35c or 3 pair for $1.00. Light weight summer underwear, short sleeves, ankle length for 95c at United Army Stores, 32 Central Ave. So. 15 ! The Women's Foreign Missionary society of the First M. E. church will meet with Mrs. Itobert Klnlevsldi-. 325 Crater Lake avenue. Friday afternoon at .i:J0. Rev. peck will have charge ot tho devotionals. Mrs. Maude An derson Is program leader. Mrs. Kiu- leyslde will be assisted by .Mrs.' Bran- don, Mrs. Conser and Mrs. Arnspiger. St. Marks Guild will meet at the Hotel Holland, Friday afternoon at' 2:30. Mrs. Fred Heath bnd Mrs. A. L Hill will be hostesses. Ginghams 15 cents, a Sewing Week bargain, M. M. Dept. Store. 13 Lime for spray, Medford Lbr. Co. Launspath's orchestra, newly organ ized, open now for engagements. Per sonal attention to Drlvate nnd rliib dances. Go anywhere anytime. Phone 01 o-it "Can a Man Go to Heaven Without Being a Christian?"' is D. E. Millard's subject at the Christian church to night. Better go and see where vou are going. Special music bv male quartet and chorus choir. Fancy Voiles 49 cents, Sewing Week M. M. Dept. Store. 13" Goodwin corsets fitted and altered free. 20 S. Fir street. Alta Naylor. 17 Heating from one to twelve inches, five to fifteen cents per yd. Handicraft Shop. ' 13 The Lincoln Parent-Teachers circle will hold their regular meeting Friday afternoon 'March 7, 3 p. m. A full attendance Is desired us there ure im portant matters to be discussed. Also officers will be elected for the ensuing year, , Model rll'PUfl llnfnrrd nW.I I.. - Hi'ouiuicijr wr rect In measurements. 8!mpjy sew in your aress ana work is done at the Vanity Shop. tf , Bought suitings ut astonishingly low prices,' the saving Is yours. Drop in and examine them. Klein the Tailor. 15 about your bedding plants, .porch boxes and hanging baskets. Maddox & Bonney, 1005 Bust Main. Phone 374. tr mtidfotit). onECioy, The Paront-Teucher circle of the Jackson ncIiooI will celebrate its mi nimi "Buddy's Nile" KrMiiy. the 7th of April, at half a seven, iu tho as- OiMiihlv hill II,..,r A in.,,,.. 'tile fathers on tho program ure Attor neys Newbury, Monro and Thomas, the Hev. Lawrence and Mr. Clint Mo Curdy. Mrs. Wlunlfrcd Bulloy will sing and the ladles of the circle will serve refreshments. All fathers und mot hers of tho Jackson sch.Hil are cor- Utiully Invited. Best percales IS cents, a Sewing Week bargain. M. M. Dept. Store. Ill I Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for ! NuBeno. Phone DS.VJ. tf Kroien ont"nobllo, tractor and truck ylindcrs welded, re-lnforred anil guaranteed. Only tho finest pro-heat ins fuels and metals used. Vulcan edlng Works, 39 S. Front street tf This was tut ideal eaiiv sniiim dav. and It may be possible that tho weath er has settled ut lust, for fair weather the prediction for Flidnv. The max- imiim temperature, 60 degrees, of yes- onlay, was exactly the same ns the iiaximuiu of tho same day last year. iit this morning's minimum was 33.7 s against tho minimum of 2ti a year ago today. Wallace Bros, silverware set of six nlves and forks 75c. Six teaspoons 3c. Tho store that saves you money. nlted Army Stores, 32 Central Ave. South. 15U Bhuer striped flannels for skirts 1.S9 a yard during Sewing Week. M. M. Dept. Store, 13 T. W. Ilerriott hud tho misfortune to lose a valuuble Airdulc dog. wlili h was Killed by being run over by an auto last night. Dance Eagla Point every Sat. night. 29 IXiinly knitted gifts for the baby. Handicraft Shop. Mrs. Charles Young left last night for a visit In Portland with friends. Quick Lunch seed potatoes at Mon ach Seed Co. M. M. Dept. Store Home Rowing Week saves you much on everything in yard goods. l;( Archie Ash. well known former Med ford man, arrived here this morning from San Frauclsco for n visit of n week or ten days. "Aim this glorious'' he said as he iepwd from the train, drank In tho bracing Itoguo Hlver val ley air and bared his head t the warmth of the sun. "No us talking, but this town and climate can t be boat, and I have been all over the country. Medford continues to bo the best little city I have seen, and I will welcome the time when 1 will be able to. return and resume my permanent residence her. Just sniff that fine spring air, will you?" New wall and auto tents cheaper than you ever bought them before, at I'nited Army Stores, 32 Central Ave.. South. j; Blue Star bleo'ehed muslin. ."! inch. 124 cents, a Sewing Week bargain M. M. Dept. Store. 13 Glenn Lnldley left for Itoaebure Tuesday night to Join the engineering start of the California-Oregon Power company stationed in (hat vicinity. Hemstitching: and uecoting Sc at the Vanity Shop; tf Fay & Sloan make their own hat. 420 Medford Building. H Miss Claribel Decker left this morn ing for Corvallis where she will re main for a month visiting her parents. Oil cloth 29 cents, a sewing Week bargain. M. M. Dept. Store. . 13 This week only, tallor-mado suits, values $50 to $fio at $12.60. Klein fhe Tailor, 12S E. Main. 15 C. V. Fellz of the Callfornia-Oreg-in Power company returned to this cltv this morning after a month in Eugene on business. Quick Lunch seed potatoes at Mon- ach Seed Co. Home Sewing Week bargain: Crepe do chenes $i.3!. M. M. Dept. Store. 13 George HenHclinan left this inoinlnir by auto for Portland after a brief busi ness visit in this city. Fred Johnson accompunied him as far as Koseburg. everywhere you look you see a Chevrolet. , tf Lnwn fertilizer should lm applied now. Gel It at Monarch Seed Co. Phono 20. ' . --V 1 si7 SUfel u V; 1 Paint Creates Prosperity Save the Surface and You Save All. The "run down" house (there is one near you) is fust going to ruin merely because the owner unwisely neglects to keen It mo tected with paint. ' It costs more NOT to pulnt than to paint. Paint, saves the sur face and protects the building from sun, ruin, frost, und varying weather conditions that bring destruction, Prosperity demands the protection of all exposed surfaces with good paint. 1 ACHME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT gives lasting protection and beauty. It costs less because It takes less und lusts longer; Call at our store and let us show you color sumples and assist you in selecting the proper color-combinations that will make, your house uppeur to the best, advantage, . I Crater Lake Hardware Co. ttutTvSpay, wvnu, n. Edgar f, Piper, editor or the Ore gonlan accompanied the Joii're party from tills city to Ashland yesterday afternoon. Although Mr, Piper was not a member or the Jolfro party Ver non Vnwtor chanced 1 1 meet him en tho depot platform and invited hliu to make the trip to Ashland. Flro Insurance, Brown & White. Lime mid ceuienC. Modrmd Lumber Co. L. F. Kggloston departed for Imlluu uiiolts lust evening after having spent three months here employed at u initio near Medford. The latest designs In pillow tops to be worked in wo.d and combinations of wool and silk. Handicraft Shop. 13 When better automobiles ar built, Dulck will build them. tf Mrs. Cordelia Ankeny and daughter. Miss Gladys Ankeny, leave for their home at Eugene tonight after a visit here with relatives nud friends. Flowers for nil occasions. See us Uoso bushes and evergreen shrubs Eden Valley Nursery. OSO J 2. 19 Five cars and nine persons were parked itt tho city nut camp lust night The arrivals were ail from tho south. Orders promptly filled for knKo pleating. Handicraft Simp, 13 Tractor Owners! Send m your name and address with make of trac tor. Important! Bliss Heine. 910 W. Tenth St.. Medford. tf F. I.. Stanley, former secretary of the Kluimuh Falls chamber 'of com merce, who with his family have residing In Portland since he reslKiio I his secretarial imsltlon some time iiko. Is spending several da In Medford, where he has many ai iuaintatires. Our hats uro all exclusive designs. Fay & Sloan, 420 Medford Biilldtug 14 Phone Snider Dairy & Produce Co. for pastuerized milk. Safety first. 17 P. II. Asher of Sun Francisco Is a guest ut the ILitel Modf rd lis are W. it. Hill and It. It. Robertson of Seattle. G. W. Harrington or Portland. N. J Drew and W. l. Clarke of Salem. W, P. West of Chicago und B. Page of 1as Augi-les. Fruit and shade trees. Eden Valley Nursery. 6S0J-2. j!t Phone Snider Dairy it Produce Co for pastuerized milk. Safety first. 17 The many friends of Thomas 1, Tem ple, manager of the J. C. Signer com pany will be pleased and surprised to hear of his marriage to Miss Ethel Trautfeatlier. The newlyweds went on a honeymoon trip to Portland, und will make their home lit this tity Both are well known In this city. Invest your savings in tho Jackson County Building and Loan, association. I tf Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. Col. and Mrs. F. L. Ton Voile nf Jacksonville, were visitors here Wed nesday afternoon nnd this forenoon Flowering shrubs and vines. Eden Valley Nursery. t.SO-J-2. 10 A. F. & A. M. f Siwelnl Communication Med V ford l-odgo lu.'l, Friday even Ing. April 7, 7:30 p. m. Wink in F. C. degree. If L. E. WILLIAMS. Secy. rOUGHS V . Apply over throat and chest "W" SWalJOW S.-IUIII niecM nf V A 10 Rub Over 17 MiUlonJan UmJ Ytatl DR. RiCKERT Lyes Scientifically Tested and Glasses Properly Fitted NO DKOI'S t'Hi:i Uroken N-hm-n Accurately duplicated i t-nmY on ri; " SMI V.. Main. I - - 1 1 T .Hi 10:2 Dandelions have stinted to blossom on the lawns iin(( grassy plots. They tiro generally regarded as 11 nuisance. Sarnie people use them for greens und some make w lue of theiu ftopulrititt on ladles' nud men's wear, ing unparol neatly done. Charges tea scumble, Tho Patitorliiiu. Phono 211. When In iiwm ur shingles ttnd roof ing call W'ttHuo Woods, 10JS. ,711 K, Main. Those planning on a (itideu for homo lotnmmptlou may bu Interested 111 the hooUol, "Vegetable Gardening in Oregon" Hint, Is ready for distribu tion b County Agent fate's orilco. and may bu had by calllim at the of fice. It contains much valuable Infer nun Ion for tho gaideimr, Personal Hcmico given to nil nuto repairs, Elwood's Auto Hhop, IIS South iVuli'iil, Phono 7011 J. . 31 Crescent ui client 1. 1 Kuglo Pt. Sat. night. 21 f 'vM'M w Here is tue genuine Edmonds "FOOT-FITTER" No. 1 It ha an arch support built right in tho shoc-for tho upport of r broken down" insteps and flat icct. It FiU Suugly In the Instep and Heel nnd ii Eaiy across the toe and bull. It holds tho loot in Absolutely Correct Position. No more heavy, cumbersome arch supports made scparr.te and pluccd in the shoe. Absolute Comfort and Ease. LET YOUR FEE1 BkEATHE IN CENUINE ED MOND'S "FOOT FITTERS"! They require no breaking in and feel ut once ltko old shoes. Price $7.50 C. M. Kick! & Co. 223 East Main Strict Fire BIG FIRE SALE Starts TOMORROW We bought the stock of E. L. Martin, 36 So. Grape street, consisting of new Mattresses, Springs, Beds, Tables, Stoves and Ranges, all kinds of Second-hand Goods, one heavy Double Harness Bought at 25c on the Dollar We want to close out the whole entire stock in two or three days. i . WE ARE GOING TO SELL IT You can save a lot, of money U yu get here in time. Good things don't last long. I'll say they don1 1. If ' you need any-( thing in this line now is the time to get it. Don t wait and let the other fellow have it That s all today WILL H. WILSON ill If You Need Strength nd Reserve Power TAN LAG Th World's Grtt Tnl KINGSBURY DANCE Saturday, April 8 " Portland Orchctitra O'Connor Melody Boyi SNAPPY JAZZY MUSIC J