TWO MEDFORD MATE TRIflUXT!, MEDFORD. OK Eft OK. TTKKDAY. 'AlMilL I. Jfocal and Personal The fate of the baseball canvass will hot be definitely known until all the men drat'tcd to liPlp the tesm net started have made their return. In case the )itiK)Hition does nut appeal to (In extent necessary to pqutp the team all money collected will bo re tnrmti. The onentnff dance held at KUlfis bury SpritiKs Saturday night was well attended and all report a very enjoy able tjme. Telephone 1040 Rogue Valley Floral Co., for your cut flowers and plants. Ntpht phone 14!bV. 310 ,Th Kami Huroau has called a meet Imc of all the dairymen in this district, whale milk producers especially, for Saturday. April 8, 1:30 p. m. at the public library. The proposed new ordi nance by the city council concernins milk regulation will be discussed. , Rnptifl apron, children" clothosj and food sale.' April Ttb. Medford Auto Co., Main, and Holly. 13 Oct ready for sprinK. Oreat variety of Rrayg and browns. Price $42.50. Klein the Tailor, 12SE. Main. 15 There, wag born to Mr. and Mrs. Milton K. Schnchard an 8 pound son on April.3, at the Purucker maternity home. .Another Rood lance at Riverside rommunity Club on April 8th. Good music and Rood eats. , . ' 11 Mrs. Rosell "att, Spirella corsctiere fyr Medford and vicinity. Box 82. I'hoenix. Ore. 14 The "chow hounds" . will ' have a chance to x?rform at the American Lesion meetinK tonight, as "eats" are on the program. ',' fiuy baby , bunny bid big , Baptist bazaar, April "th.. Medford Auto Co., Main and Holly. 13 "Nick Young has moved his horse shoeing shop from Billings Blacksmith Shop to Eighth and Kir streets. 14 After spending several days in Por land., William Isaacs of Medford. known to the world as "Tofcffery Mil,"' deported Saturday for southern O re tail. While here he became fond of a riW brand of bread, which one of the rooks in the Multnomah has discov ered. When he left the city he carried a package of three loaves under his arm. Portland Oregonlan. . Don't miss the entertainment by P. Waldo Davis', on his Golden Chimes at the Baptist church, Thursday evening. A'pril 6 at 8 p. m. Adults 50c, children 25c-,. , ; . . ; . 11 Don't miss the entertainment by P. Waldo Davis, on his Golden Chimes at the Baptist church, Thursday evening, April. 6 at 8 p. m. Adults 50c, children 25c. 12 . Mrs. , Joseph Foster arrived from Montesano, Wash., yesterday and will visit several days with the family of her. brother, J .L. Yann. XliK surprise dance! Nat: Wed. nite! ? TV , . ' 11 . Pleating from one to twelve inches. Shop. . t , ,13 There, have been some good catches of steelhead and cut-throat trout the past few days. The Chinook salmon, which are reported as having" reached the Savage Rapids dam, are expected In ,this section of the river within a few, days. American Legion meet tonight. . 11 Dainty knitted gifts for the baby. Handicraft Shop. 13 Thecity council will hold its first meeting of, the month tonight, and one of the Important matters up for dis cussion will be the city auto camp. Quick Lunch seed potatoes at Mon- ach Seed Co. ...... . Fa 7 & Sloan make their own hats. 42G Medford Buildine. 14 Bob Galligan, the Canadian war vet eran who has been operating a news stand for several weeks In the lobby of the old Liberty theater building on Kast Main street, gave up that stand this morning. "Couldn't stand the $40 u month rent" he said terseily in way of explanation, Bob will work on the streets until lie can find a new loca tion. Feature da'nees! Nat! Wed. nite! 11 This week only, tailor-made suits, valijes J50 to $00 at $42.50. Klein the Tailor, 128 E, Main. . 15 Kenneth Turner spent Monday in Ashland attending: to business matters and visiting friends. Quick Lunch seed potatoes at Mon ti eh Seed Co. . Lime and cement. Medford Lumber Co. Annum the local cltixens who have recently bested I.l'l George Mttdilox, checker champion of the valley are the Rev. J. Randolph Snsnett and C. A, Whllloek. Both the above are exports at the game. IVin't miss the entertainment !' P. Waldo Davis, on his tloblen Chimes at the Baptist church, Thursday evening. April fl at S p. m. Adults nee, children 25c. . II The latest designs In pillow tops to be worked lu wool anil combinations of wool and silk. Handicraft SIiop. 13 To come to Giants Pass 'rout Jack sonville, only to rind . that if they wished to get married they would have to. visit the comity clerk's office in their own home town, was the exper ience of two young Jacksonville people this afternoon. K. 1.. Coon, county clerk, was deaf to their pleas, and would not issue them a marriajte license. Grunts Pass Courier. Fkwers for all occasions. See us alHHU your bedding plants. iorch boxes and hanging baskets. Maddox A: Bonney, lOOo Kast Main, Phono 3.4. If should be applied Monarch Seed Co. Dexter Rice, attorney of Rose-burs, who came Into statewide prominence last year' through the defense of Dr. Richard Itruntfiel.l. chained with the Kthol Huirytiiore 1111.I Htnnuny vho played nt the Page theater luxt nlglvl in "I Vela usee" departed on the ti;if train north this morning for Ktmi' Lawn fertilizer now., Get it at Phone 2t0. Mr. and Mrs. Wrightson. K. K DARING ROBBERY LOCAL JEWELER A burglary that occurred- in a local jewelry store February 26, has been kept quiet because those interested have been following" a clue that has led to the discovery of who the rob bers were, but not the recovery of the stolen jewelry. j- . The burglars entered through basement window and bored a hole through the floor and into the drawer in which- the Jewelry, consisting of gold' chain, flexible bracelet, string of gold beads and gold solder, amounting to a neat yum were kept. The Jewelry store where the robbery occurred was Johnson's, and the rob bers proved to be packrats. The Jewelry was In envelopes that were drawn through the hole made by the ratg and was not found. , i . Luckily Mr. Johnson had a policy with R. A.' Holmes, the Insurance Man against all losses on Jewelry, and was yesterday ; paid In full for the loss This policy Mr. Holmes says can be taken out 'by Individuals' or firms' on Jewelry. ; , . . ,. . 11 H. Moore. H. 11. Case, W, O. Dailey and J. F. Khrett of Portland are guests at the Hotel Holland. Other guests include H. V. Riley of Kugene. A. F. Marsh of Seattle. J. F. Hacks of Klam ath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Newton of Grants Pass and O. McAdoo of North Bend. Orders promptly filled for knife pleating. Handicraft Shop. ", 13 Nat! Wed. nite! A Jolly time! A number of surprise features. 1 Fred L. Champlin of "Foots creek returned to his home Monday after noon after a short stay in the city. Tractor Owners! Send me your name and address with make of trac tor. Important! Bliss Heine, 916 W Tenth St.. Medford. tf Bought suitings at astonishingly low prices, the saving is yours. Drop in and examine them. Klein the Tailor ' 1 13 Prof. Richard Kanthe, the wrestler who appeared in this city with a carni-1 share of crop, like rent. val last fall and was thrown by Ralph Realty Company,, Hand at -Gold Hill, is now holding forth in Chico. Calif., and has a match this week with one Roy Anderson. Don't miss the entertainment by P. Waldo Davis, on his Golden Chimes at the Baptist church, Thursday evening. April ft at 8 p. m. Adults 50c. children -5c- 11 Fruit and shade trees. Eden Yalley Nursery. 6S0-J-2. 13 It is reported that Horace Bromley, who underwent an appendicitis opera tion Sunday Is much improved today and that if the improvement continues he will be out of danger in another 24 hours. Crescent orchestra Eagle Pt. Sat. night. , . "29 Our hats are all exclusive designs. Fay & Sloan, 426 Medford Buildlng.14 Invest your savings in the Jackson County Building and Loan association. ...... Mrs. George B. Henselman and son Roger, who are visiting with Mrs. Henselman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell at the Campbell ranch will remain about three weeks while Mr. Henselman who Is here on busi ness will return tomorrow to Portland. just received a new line or stamped goods for applique and embroidery. Deuel's Art Dept. American Legion meet tonight. 11 ,' Crescent orchestra Eagle PL Sat night. , , 29 , An pound son was1 born last evening to Mr. .and Mrs. Harry G. Wortman. Jr., at the Purucker hospi tal. We carry a full line of ladies' hosiery at the Vanity Shoo. tf ; A Jolly time at Nat. Wed. nite. The best of music. 11 Morris B. ("Snipe") Leonard, local Standard Oil man, began his annual two weeks vacation yesterday. He an nounces that he will spent the vaca tion by endeavoring to paint his house. Repairing on ladies' and men's wear- Ing apparel neatly done. Charges rea sonable. The Pantorium. Phone 244. For rent on shares dancing pavilion, hotel, restaurant, fishing, hunting, bathing and camping privileges cover ing 1000 acres. River frontage. Gold Ray Summer Resort, Gold Ray Realty- Co. Phones "28-R or 134-Y. tf Autolsts returning from northern California reiwjrt that the surveyors have set the stakes for the paving of the Pacific highway between the Ore gon state line and Hornbrook, Calif. Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Edon Yalley Nursery. . 680-J-2. 13 Hard times made easy, bur ranches without money, pay with share of crop like rent Gold Ruy Realtv company, tf Real estate in Jacksonville, Oregon, is worth twice as much today as it was a year ago, according to J. J. McMahon inspector of motor vehicle division of the department of state who arrived here last evening on business and. Js registered at the Marlon. Tho mills at Butte Falls, will start up 'soon which will help that community and I also his home town. Roads are In ex cellent condition frrmi . Roseburg to Salem, the only bad stretch being Smiths hill. Salem Capital Journal. Burbank and Corey's Thornless blackberry. Eden Valley Nursery. 680-J-2. .13 When . in need of sash and. doors, call Wallace .Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street William West left Sunday for Murl- etta Springs, Calif., where he will re cuperate for a month. This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give yonf orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phone us and we will call. tf Please remember that classified ads locals and small ads are cash la ad vance. Bring in your ads and do not use toiepbonu. . , tl niurder of Dennis Russell, is a guest where that attraction appear tonight Hardwood flooring, Medford Lum ber Co. When In need of shingios and roof ing call Wallace Woods, 108. 7U F. Main. Fair weather Is the prediction for and Wednesday. Dmln the s einllim at S a. m. today .Pit ot an Inch uT rain fell, of which ,o:l caitio down early this morniivT Sash and doors, Medford Lumber Co. . Flowering slunbs and vines, Kden Valley Nursery. fiSO-J-2. IS K. M. Van llouten. formerly a p'k! dent of Gold Hill and .vicinity., lent three flmters of his rlahi hand, while working in the plant of the. Western Lumber Manufacturing Co. lie slipped in such a wayv that his himd whs caught in oms of the knives. He Is ut Mercy hospital. The fuels of the above article were taken from the Coos Ray Times. MnrshfleUI, Oregon. All kinds of rough and . dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, phone MS. 711 East Main street. Duncn. Fiigle Point every S.ft. night Strange as it may sound K. K. Hoilg man. state blsltwav engineer for this district, got his cheeks sunburned while coming over the Slskiyous yes terday afternoon, and his face still allowed sins of the trip this forenoon. This was due to the fact that the snow has all gone off the Pacific highway over the mountain, and the glare from the warm sun on the pavement strikes up on the faces of those In the front seat of a car. Mr. Ibxlgman was re turning from a week's absence In Lake county laying out a new I.nkevlew- Klamath Falls road. Hemstitching, Plcotlng, , Sc per yd. , Buttons covered. Handicraft Shoo. tf A. J. Robinson, a rancher of Lake Creek, was recently fined $.".0 and costs amounting to $" in Justice Tay lor's court on the charge of killing. a deer out of the season The arrest was made by District Game Warden Patrick Daiipy. The was cum milled about the middle of last Jan uary. Try our merchants lunch. The Shasta. , at the Imperial. Mr. Rice believes! that the life of his client will eventu ally be spared,. With his partner, Mr. Rice U making n fight In the courts to prevent the execution of Dr. Drum field. Portland Urogonian. A new line of embroidery transfers lonll!Ut of Initials and monograms. 15 cents J ..j j,',,,, copy, iieuei s An iepi. Best garden loam 'for sale. Phone PI2-J. " William Miller, the . Russian who was convicted in the circuit court ten days ago on a burglary .charge was sent to Salem Saturday, where the state parole board wfU secure a job for him. Miller was accompanied by tils wife. In case the slate board Is unable to secure -a position for hlni ho w ill he returned to this eUy. and placed lu charge of his attorney, Ben F. Lindas. Miller was convicted on highly cir cumstantial evidence, and given the lowest possible sentence, two years, by the court. Miller Is an expert work er in Iron., There were extenuating circumstances In his case, and ho will not enter prison gates. If It's Insurance wo write It, It, A. Holmes. The Insurance Man. Everywhere you tooit you see Chevrolet. tf Guests at the Hotel Medford include C. F. r.allenger of Oregon City. W. A. Donley and Fred C. Young of Seattle. D. Van Gelder of San Francisco. A. A. Furrlmiin of Clinton, la.. H. A. Loreni of Milwaukee. Wis.. Geo. W. Xlarshall of Tacoma and F. N. Hulus of St. 1 .on Is. . Several thousand dollars to loan on Improved ranch security. O, C, Hoggs. Free dirt for lawns or garden. Call at building site, Minnesota street H A. Thierolt. - Gladioli and Tuberose bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery. 6S0-J-2. - 13 Thomas Temple left Saturday for Portland where he will visit friends and attend to business matters. Attention, ex-Soldiers: Ranches sold hinder Soldiers Bonus plan or pay with Gold Ray tf New pleating machine Installed at the Handicraft Shop. . l.l Whnn you want dry mill blocks Just call Yalley Fuel Company. Phone 76. The federal offices, includim; the postoffice hare started making out the quarterly reports, the first of the year. C. L. Goff writes insurance on any thing. Telephone 41 Young, lady wants position as sten ographer or. office work. Will do extra work In either. Phone 3S.1-J. tf Cash price for lime sulphur $S.T5 lb.l Bear Creek Orchards. 8 R1. tf William Hanna of the Associated Oil company, left last evening for Port land where he will be In the rare of a physician for some time. It is under stood that if necessary an operation will be performed. '.".. Kverywhere 70U look you see a Chevrolet tf ..Grafting wax.- Edpn Valley Nursery. 0S0-J-2. v , . 13 Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Paul B. McKee. of the California Oregon Power company, returned this morning after a brief business visit 'in San Francisco. " Beauty is the first gift that nature gives to women and the first she takes away." E. Burnliam's toilet requisites: Shampooing, hairdresslng, manicur ing, facial massage, scalp treatments, hair dyeing. Medford Beauty Shop, Medford Building. Phone 19I-L. i:f Lime for spray. .Medford Lbf. Co. Launspach's orchestra, newly organ ized, open now for engagements. Per sonal attention to private and club dances. Go anywhere anytime. Phone 64C-R. The hillsides are now covered with wild flowers of a score of varieties, the warm rains and sunshine bringing them out in profnseness. Almond trees ar, blooming with lightning rapidity. Goodwin corsets fitted and altered free. 20 S. Fir street. Alta Naylor. 17 Mrs. Paul Hansen, corsetlere for NuBone. Phone 585-J. , tf Model dress linings absolutely cor rect in measurements. Slmpiy sew in your dress and work Is done at tlu Vanity Shop. tf For the first time In a number of years, the boys , of the city have for saken marbles for baseball. "One old cat" is the favorite game, and it Is a mixed affair being participated In by girls, who show as much Interest and adeptness In the siort as the boys. Everywhere you look you see a Chevrolet. tf Frozen automobile, tractor and truck cylinders welded, re-inforced and guaranteed. Only the finest preheat ing fuels and metals used. Vulcan Wedlng Works, 39 S. Front street", tf Dance Eagle Point every Sat. night - .- ' 29 Emil Mohr, who Is taking treatment at Murrleta Springs, Calif., for rheu matism writes that he Is slightly bet ter bit that the visible improvement in his condition Is aggravatlngly slow Hemstitching and pecoting-8c at (he Vanity Shop. tf Fire Insurance. Brown & White. When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. tf Roso bushes and evergreen shrubs. Elen Valley Nursery. 080-.I-2. 13 The first chlnook salmon to be caught this season was pulled out this morning by 8. Lewellyn, who was fisb ing near the old dam. 8he salmon weighed about 35 pounds and Is ex tremely bright, evlilunly having been in the river but a short time. The river has cleared considerably and within a fnwceks , salmon .. fishing should be at Its best. Grants Pass Courier. Personal service given to all auto repairs. Elwood's Auto Shop, 118 South Central. Phono 7fi!)-.J. 31 Stamped pillow cases for crochet and embroidery. Deuel's Art Dept, LOCAL EXPRESS E IRAOE REVIVAL BUSINESS SHOWS WAR-EAGLE MINING COMPANY ' wTtnirriif irnri , .1 The cxprcii business Is a nood barometer of trade, accord inn to O, .1, Gi.iild, tu,ent in elmrr.e of Hie local cxpi'ysK office, who declares It Is sift nltlcajit that, the American IUIItiv Express company is preparing for a heavy iphvomonl of ca proas traffic during' April. FluctuutU u lu the express bust nen, Mi'i'io'dinK lo.Mi'. Gould usually precedes like changes In gonural bit'il liess bv several weeks.' The express people are confident lluit business re sumption is near al Imiul At their1 New York ofiee, litis nt.ited that an unusual number of buyers have vis ited New York City recently utul thai U.any concerns have a full corps of traveling salesmen on the road. The express company Is i-etllng ready for a return of the small pai k age hnslnenH, mid the fit si two mouths if the jear showed a tlitben!i In crease Itt tftis Ira file. As the (Its! step lu lite preparations made for business increase, the ev press company" Is experimenting Jit li trel collapsible pack ing trunks, which are expected to give even greater protect but Irtun crushing, soil'ite, damage In moisture and plb feting of ii! small shipments. : ,. Must t i i i ' 1 I 1 1 ! oite,( i'l UtiUs i.i, ! (mil tniillilei'il bv . 1 , ., 1 ,1 . ..... . ...i. i . evi'i'voiie. ill .Meinii in loiiM, kiiiiwi im t tie iinuve properly 1 ' ....... . . . . . . ... ...... north ol Ali'illol'tl in Hie .Men. lows .Mlinnif IMMl'b'l ' Mi'iH'itnl ImsiiuHH nii'ii. Over ) stueUlinlili'rH nre toeul eilielis '"lyb't litnuil '.'"l llildil ioiinl stilmefipl iulia ImVe liei'll Seeirei recently I'l'oiil local peopli', i n unlet' to mviiiv 11 little working eniilnl 11 niiiiiII Mock of-Mock was set iisiile'iiiul Medford people nn liciiig" ivt'ii the first upportu nity to M'fui't' 1111 intoivM in tliis vnliiiiMc property, which i to In t lifted up under the supers isiuii of u t lioroiiuhly ri'liiiMe mid exper ienced iiuioUsilvor operator, This is 11 proven mc morions propci'ty which will mioii hi1 tiirniiivr I nut the finished product which n lemlino euiniuudity rxperl inlvises I his clients to Inty on the present . i We own r'J(l acres of lain I mid in n.hlilioii thereto iiliniit 110 acres J id' liiiniuK claims, nil heavily tiinhi'l'ed tunl with iihlliicliint Wilier. I.ii iiMilo nil local prejudice mid IfiuiU s"lieriy tunl lliilieslly ol inr own best interest. Take yood mlviee mid Im v ut least some of this block of woi'tlfw lule stuck. Present offer will mils hold irod fur lliis'weck. phone ('nil nt mil' oil ice, riiuiii ;.''' I'lt'st National II. ink liinhliiit;, or ....1,... 1 r... I",. Kill (III I. ' II'". "il."l .' l- thee informal ion. w u i:tii.i: MtviNti ri. Jltmm ..'.' Flint Nul l. Hank ItlOtf 1 Without any ob'liiailon to me, please, supply me with Inforiunt ion in rH'ird to your Invest incut in stork. N11 me Ad.lrMss WAR EAGLE MININd CO Medford, Oregon. if'" Feels Like s New Woman "I was a sufferer from kidney trou ble for several years." writes Mrs Arthur IVmtille, It. 1 l I. Crasim-re. N. H.. "and suffered so much I felt completely lame all over. Since 1 have been taking Koley Kidney Pills t am not so lame. My back ached all the time and my eyes were all a blur. Now I can see fine and feel like a different woman. Since I have taken two bottles of Foley Kidney l'jlls I don't have that tired feeling. ,1 cm do my own work J now. They )r ini quick results. Sold every whe.c. Adv. M. W. of A. Meeting Wednesday Night The Modern Woodmen will nie-t In refcular session at Althea Hall tomor row nlRht at 8 o'clock. A prize l!l be awarded each member who attends. Vlsillns' neighbors welcome. 11 S P'O Km. HATS! An attractive array of new sport hats will be on display. Sec our a window. x7 iv VW- -Vx -'l J V V- 1C X Wednesday and Thursday" ; April 5th and 6th Sport Hats and Sweaters to Match OUR DISPLAY WILL PLKASK YOU VANITY SHOP it "Quality, and Service Cor. Main and Bartlett Sts.,' Medford R. A. M. Crater Lake Chapter No. 32 Rlieclal communication. Tuesday, April 4th. M. K. M. Iiesree, Visitors wel come. "ll A. V. NOTH. Secy. XVIth Medford trade In Medford msdn TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY KUll KENT -rooms. Men. Furnished sleepin? 20i S. Central. M LOST Card casq contalninK Amer ican l.eeion and Klks membership cards. Fbone MM-ll. tf KOH SALK Kolir ' room furnished house. I'.Ol Clark ft. 13 WAN'TKIJ Second hand or inch Balvani.ed pipe. Phone evenlnus cr.o-ii. Y 2Z NOW PLAYING Tho Gooil Little Bad Girl TTh TTa nri tta K H K H JLy lLy JU H 'J. - DANIELS Who will surprise you with the lively stunts she pull3 and gets away with in this delightful comedy-drama, ' . ; . . ' -. ' ' There iant a dull moment at the Pago with tho (ollowinj program: McCurdy ivsrn.nt k. ,w;k.Vy Six automobile losses in this agency alone last week. Joy riders are getting busy. Is Your car Insured? Call Phone 2-3 Medford National Bank Bid g. Win) H, TODAY TOMORROW THURSDAY , ONLY ' TIMES WEEK 9 1. PATHE NEWS WEEKLY. 2. 'BABY' PE00Y COMEDY. "Got Rich Quiok Peggy" i 3. BEBE DANIELS in 'One Wild Wcok. 4. GENE HOWARD at tho Mighty Wur- litzcr. , ' . , KINGSBURY DANCE Saturday; April 8 Portland Orchestra . , O'Connor's . ' ' ' " Melody Boys SNAPPY JAZZY MUSIC - .V.'.. . , . - - ' ft J ' " - COMING ; EVENTS . Page Theatre Rented FRIDAY and . SAT. UltDAY to tho KU KLUX , KLAN 1 1 STARTS SUNDAY HARRY LLOYD in ''THE BAILOR MADE MAN',' I'wlce us long as the tfsnitl Lloyd ciimedy, and ten (Iiiicn iih fiitinV. A