"""" in ii" ijiiii, .Hiiin wuu. viii i , 7TU t I ITTi i i. II YXCXn STX MEDFOttD MATT) TTnBTTNE, MEtVFOBD, OliKCON. MONDAY, 'APIML X U22 II! 5 Si i ! -I. S ! it i! ! l! Ml ! i i ; ! : ; i i 1 1; f I. ! MM ; i TED THYE WILL WRESTLE RAY AT G. HILL APR. 11 - Tho Gold Hill Boxinir commission will irtage (U first iimokcr in several tnontha next Tuesday cveninn, April 11th, when Ted Thy of Portlitnd will wrwrtln Tom itnjr. Thyo will weigh 101. Kay 170. pounds, and the win ner of tho comh.it will b matched With Ralph Hand. Hay la a proteite Of Parmer Duma, nnd la a touch bird to throw. . A preliminary will be a boxing bout between Johnny Carlson and a Tort land boxer thru Thyo will bring down with him. . He has been commission ed to plok out somebody who will Itlvo tho Carlson boy a struggle. Tho Oold Hill commission expects to ' civ a number of wrratllnR and boxinir matches durins the Kprlnx and summer, one ohject helnc to put Ulph Hand up In tho ranks, by hav ing him meet the best wrestlers on tho coast, one contestant being Mike Yokel of Salt Lake City. ' HIGHEST COAL RECORD .WASHINGTON'. A:.ril 3. A produc ttott of 11,437.000 tons tho highest recorded since, a week' In December, 19J(V waa reached in the bituminous coai Industry during the week ended March 25, according to figures com- piled by the geoloRlcal survey. "First activity in anticipation of the strike," was said to have been largely respon sible for the heavy output. "Thin confirms the survey's forecast that stocks In the hands ot consumers woBld reach 35.000.OOO tons by April 1." the statement said, adding that at least 3.000,000 tons of the production of tho last reported week would be added to reserves. TOO revolvers, 39 machine Runa and 500,000 rounds oi rulo ammunition, together with a small quantity of ex plosives, it was stated In the houee of commons today by Winston Churchill, secretary for tho colonic. It was announced earlier that the adm'ralty had cute red an Inquiry iuto the 8eleure. A Dublin dtepatcu Sunday r.iris an account ot tho parade tt the Dub lin battalion of the Irish republican army, when more than 3,000 men marched nvav tn Krntr h'Ul'l un.l ! took an oath of alllglanco to the re public, quoted a statement by Kodr Ick O'Connor, one of the louden of the republican movement in connec tion with this selt u re. Mr. O'Connor In adde.r!nn the men declnrtd that Mchard Muloaliey. the Dall Klreann mllntser oi di-tenso, had caused the seizure of the repub lic. army's munitions and erenade factories In Dublin and elsewhere acd that the republicans had replied to this by selling at Cork a Ilrttlsh ship loaded with explosives. Soldiers Desert Government DUBLIN, April 3. (Ily Associated Fress.) Official figures given out to day 8 how that 322 men left the five Dublin battalions of the Irish republl can army yesterday afternoon, march ing to smithfield where they took an oath of allegiance to the republic free ing themselves from any further re sponsibility to the Doll Eireann. MVLUNGAR, County West Meath April 3. An Incident from which sen Rational events ore expected occurred here today when 100 free state troops marched to the gates of the barracks occupied by the Irish republican army Adherents of Eamonn DoValera and were refused admission. LLOYD GEORGE MAKES APPEAL (Continued from Page One) BELFAST, April 3. John Mallon. answering a knock at the door of his home in Bkegoniel avenue last night was confronted by a gang of men who asked If his son was In the house. Upon replying in the negative. Mallon waa shot dead. A bomb thrown into the bedroom in tho house ot John Simpson in Arlington street wounded two children, aged 3 and 6. MINERS BLAME OPERATORS (Continued from Page One) not know who will succeed us, hut i Would like to utter a word of kiudly warning: "Whoever succeeds us will find it Impossible in the present state of Europe to go on without conferences. The world is embattled, bruised and crushed that the cure will be a slow ope and will need many consultations cf its leadiag physicians." ' One ot the mo3t esentisal problem to a dealt with, continued Mr. I-loyd George," was the restoration of tho machinery . of International trade. He adduced soma figures - on this tradt. pointing out how vital it was to Great Britain and continued: 'One of the first thins that will have to be attempted at Geuo is the restoration of exchanges. ' Exchanges, continued the premier must be stabilized at a maintainable figure which must the;efore b-i con stituted on a reliable bas.s of Inter pol tonal commrce. Ti'i nations nust be induced to balance their bud get at otherwise the currency wouM b- debased and the divergencies in exchange become wider. This as a patter, he si'd, whero pressure could he exercised by an international conference of 'the leading ministers of tbo various nations. Piscussing tb- question of near) in Russia and "pearn witn Riasia," Mr. Lloyd George said rtuwia could not get capital without securing toufi- Cence and interpal as we' I as e::ict nal peace. Germany could not fully pay ber reparations until Russia was restored, be declared, and KtiMla must recognize all the conditions im posed upon and expected of civllud communities, as a test ot her fitueas for entering the community of ra tions. j miners from each state herein repre sented. together with the interna tional officers or the United Mine tt orkers' organization.' . Claim Breaking Faith. . "The mine workers of the country believed thnt the coal operators sign ed the agreement In food faith, but we now una mat mey contumaciously refuse to live up to their agreement. They have refuwd point blank to do as they agreed they would do. If they refuse to liquidate their financial obligations, it would be no more dis honorable than their refusal to keep 4 their solemn agreement with tho mine workers. "On two occasions since the month of December, 1921. the operators have been formally Invited by tho mine workers representatives to meet In joint conference at a designated time and place for the purpose indl-1 rated In the agreement. On each oc casion our Invitation has been re P. H. Penna of Indiana, the chief spokesman for the coal operators ot the central competitive field in an In-1 IRISH ARMY ON RAMPAGE (Continued from Page One) declared the meeting adjourned in the interest ot peace. Britifth Ship Seized ' LONDON', April 3. (By the Asso elated Press.) The Britten ordnance steamer Upton which was seized off the Irish coast last week by raiders, who stowed its cargo away in som unknown place, contained 400 rifles, not 20,000, as had been reported: tervlew said: I cannot deny that our refusal to ! meet is a violation of our agreement.' "In the face of such brazen and uncompromising amiuae on tne part of the coal operators the mine work ers had no alternative but to quit their work when tho agreement ex pired and await the making of another agreement. It is particu larly unfortunate that hundreds ot thousands of men must be withdrawn from the industry to the detriment of the social and economic well-being of our country before a lolnt conference can be held and an agreement ne-1 gotlated. The responsibility muHt clearly rest upon the shoulders of the coal operators. Their attitude should ..i 1 i J . I- . I. riKuiiuujr uriun uuwn upon inem m i iiujrai raffugauun ol an ouiragea citizenship. The public can follow its own rea soning In defining the motives of the operators. Whether It be their mere Kordld desire to enrich their already teeming coffers, or whether It be their futile hope to destroy the Unit ed Mine Workers of America nnd beat the miners backwardj It la equally reprehensible, "The -mine workers arc stilt ready to meet the operators at any time such a meeting Is possible." PINE BLUFF, Ark., April 3. Fire destroyed the main sawmill of the Arkansas Short Leaf Lumber company here early today with a loss of $500,' 000. Now Showing! ' WANDA HAWLEY in "THE HOUSE TH AT JAZZ BUILT" Ponrhym SUnlaws has taken Sophie Kerr's Saturday Evening Post story, "Sweetie Peach," ami with Wanda Haw ley in the leading' role luw piloted the dimpled star tlirougli' the hettt thing she has done. ' f COMING WEDNESDAY . WALLY EEID in "THE WORLD'S CHAMPION" RIALTO 'Wine MM New McCall Iniicrn S:M)2 New Spring Cottons Make Up Prettily Wash dressos can bo run up in a jiffy, especially since vou can use tbe sim pler "Printed" Pattern and a delightfully varied wardrobe of (linRhanm, Printed Voiles, Chambray, Dotted Swisses and Organ dies, mav be vnui's ftr onlv a t riffling cost. UNWEAVE WHITE . GOODS "Mien you buy Linweaye Wiite Fahri s you assure yourself of the best in quality and priec. 36 inch plain Sheer Lin weaves 49 ' 40 inch plain Sheer Lin weaves 50S 69, 79 36 and 40 inch Fanev Sheer Linweaves 39. 49, 59 to $1.25 OEQANDIES We have on sale pure Swiss Pennanent Finish Organdies, Plain White or colors $1.25 VOILES 40 Inch Voiles 49c These arc wonderful val ues, come in dark grounds with small figures. Two grades only, 49 and 65 -A . . r ml.. ' iJT Laces for Lingerie . Sheer materials, wheth erfrocks, or "undies" arc made prettier by laeey trimmings. For the dainty little touches for babv's clothes or summer dresses, there are suitable widths of in sertions or edgings. LACES AND EMBROID ERY . 1000 yards Laec............5 1000 vards Lace 7 1000 "yards Laee '. 10 Embroideries for all kinds of undcixcar trinnning, , 10 to 50 yard . "i ' - " Notions Here's an opportunity to ; replenish your sewing has- ket with the necessary sewing helps and to keep on hand those needed but tons, hooks and eyes, snap fasteners for "mending" days. Elite Dress Snaps, 2 cards 5 Sewing Needles 8 Pearl Buttons, doz 5$ Crochet Cotton ,.10 Pias Tapes, all qualities and width. G spools Cotton 0. K T. Thread 25 This event opens a week of s'avings for women who ew, Ma terials were specially purchased in quantity and therefore lower priced; other merchandise is markedly reduced in order to be included in this offering. Now that shelves are full and counters piled high with splen did variety of Yard Goods, you can plan home sewing and be sure of carrying out your ideas to the last detail, in the most economical way. That is, if you make your visit to this Store on the first day of the Home Sewing Week Sale. There is no telling how long the materials can be kept in this variety or how quickly the items will vanish. It's better to be here when the doors open! f vj How you Can Have An Entire Wardrobe at a Trifling Cost More than ordinary savings are represented in this colo tion of Yard Goods. Any one of the items are a good "buy" a' value that will allow vou to enlarge your home seeing plans. When you can tw a simplified Pattern that is "printed" to help you make up beautiful materials you may have, an sent ire wardrobe with i he utmost variety . FANCY WOOLENS Pig assortment of Plozer Flannels and fancy striped Woolens for 'skirts. ' 27 inch Plozer striped Flannels $1.89 54 inch Striped Skirtings $2.25 $2.49, $3.50 IMPORTED TISSUES We have just received a wonderful assortment of Batiste Imported Gingham Tissues 98 to $1.25 NAINSOOKS AND LONG CLOTHS Japanese Nainsooks 39, 45S 49 59, G5 All 10 inch and fast permanent finish. BLACK AND WHITE CHECKED WOOLENS neautiful Sbephertl Checks, 40 inch to 54 inch. Special $1.39, $1.50, $1.98 Now, Quicker, More Successful Sewing: With This New McCall Pattern, "Ifs Printed" The puzzling old-styln pattern Tho clivss pictured l made with New McTl ' rat tern 2,.14 "It's printed mmr. The simple, new "IVInted" I'uttern . ' Anyone, even women who have never scwetl before, find that with the New,"' Printed" 'Pattern it is simple to make clothes and have tliem smart. Those who .ire experienced in sewing know that the New McCall Pat tern, "it's printed" helps them to keep the style lines and the fit of a dress aeciu'ate. That is why Home Sewing has become moro successful. That too, is why, this Spring women are planning to turn - more of the pretty, new fabrics into smart clothes. , ' 1 ' New M( all I'Mltern Sill New Fabric for Fashionable Clothes The new knitted ma terials, the Crepe silks, Crcpcknit, Trelainc, Tweeds nnd Wool Tricot are well suited for making tbe latest sport styles that" come in the easy to use, new "Printed" Pattern. 40 inch Crepe D.e Chene $1.39 Tli is i a splendid heavy silk, comes in 50 different shades and colors. HcgiilariJl.Tri. Sale $1.39 Crepe Canton $1.74 A heavy crepe for dresses and skirts Navy, brown, taupe, plum, white. Uegular 2.00. Sale $1.74 Messaline Satins $2.74 Every shade for spring and summer. Full 'M inches wide. Hegular flOO. Sale $1.74 How Will You Make Your New Spring Clothes? He sure and know the Spring and advanced Sum mer styles before you plan your new wardrobe. Yon can get a well rounded idea of the va-rietv-jof new st vies for Shirts, Evening, After noon, and Every day wear from the New Mc Call Quarterly. New McCall Quarterly, 25c Trimmings Give Style Touches If you want to give this season's st vie to dresses you make, use new fringes, ruf flings, braid nnd bended trimmings. Peasant De signs in colored embroid eries arc smart for frocks and blouses. Organdy Trimming Braids in ro'se, eopen, tan, greeiU , Narrow or wide 29 Sticker.- Braids in all colors ....12 up Big line of. Finishing Braids. ' , . Ginghams and Percales 3(5 Inch Percales in light colors. Special 18 3(5 inch Percales iu dark colors. Special 19 27 inch Ginghams, new patterns ..: 15 ' 32 inch Ginghams, fine Zephyrs-: 39 32 inch Imported Tissues ; - C9 32 inch Jap Crepo A A A quality 35