' VAGK -ETflTTT MEDFOTJTV MAJIS TKTntTNK. rEDFOTllX O I KG 0f . "NV K X )N KS DAY, MAM'ir 2. VJW WING WEALTH JACKSON COUNTY IS N L M TED H. M. Parks, Director of Ore ;. gon Bureau Paints Glowing Picture Local Resources War Eagle Mine Declared a Winner. II. M. Parks, director cf the OrcRon BureAU of Mine and Oology, gave a Tery Interesting and Instrurtite ad dress this noon before the Chamber of Commerce forum at tho Hotel Medford. The address dealt largely with the mineral resources of Southern Ore gon and methods to ho used in devel oping them. Mr. Parks stated thut tb country had Just passed through a period of years unfavorable to all Industrie but that nrobably no in dustry had, been harder hit than the mining industry. That the mining business Is entering a period of re vival at the present time because of the recent lifting of tho excess profits tax from the gold mining industry and because of the fairly high price cf silver, was one statement made by the speaker. He also stated that al though the copper Industry had suf fered an overstimulation during the war that that industry was also look ing up and would soon be on a normU basis. Mr. Parks in starting his discus sion of the general formation and geological characteristics of southern Oregon Illustrated to the audience by means of a cnart the manner In which deposition of metals In vein I Ij maJij. lie stated that sou thorn I Oregon showed particularly favorable i characteristics and explained thai reasons in a clear manner with the aid of the chart. According to records, stated the j speaker, Oregon has produced 9 1 St.- J vi'u.vvv m mineral products up to : date. These records have not Keen ' kept complete, much of the goM In! the early days having been listed as from California. In view of this! fact it is safe to estimate said llm speaker that the total production has been in excess of $200,000,000. Mr. Parks showed with, the chart the vast possibilities extended to the people by the yet undeveloped and tnimined resources. Ha explained hew due to erosion placer deposits were formed and how only about 10 per cent of the precious metals In- ! eluded In the eroded mass had been reclaimed by miners. This amount itself has been enormous but when an attempt is made to realise the quan Itity cf wealth still beneath the sur face of tho earth the mind of the no vice in such matters can comprehend nothing and the opinion arrived at l that which is always used by a col logo professor when stumped, name ly "infinity." Mr. Parks stated that the only thing needed to make south ern Oregon a productive and active niMiing district was a little real cour age, that no apprehension need be felt about the presence of the re sources but the only problem to be met wa? the mode of attacking thejn. War Eagle Mine Promising. The sneaker mentioned thn War ! Eagle mine. He stated that he had been watching it since the early stages of bs development and that It had been particularly consistent and gave promise of betas the most alualile and best quicksilver proper ty on the Pacific coast. He stated also that Med ford citizens should be proud of such an enterprise developed by local capital and that he expected to see in the very nea.- Suture a real quicksilver producer in oui nttit. In closing Mr. Psrks state Ui the bureau had a very good relief mtp of tho Diamond and Crater luke re gion and that in some way or another that the mup would be presented to the Medford Chainber of Comuurri. It U yet in an unfinished state mid the cost of tl:: lulling it is esttmu'iil st 1100. Dr. J, F, Ueddy was present tt the foi'iim meeting and asked tlie ikc. several questions, cue of which was "How much copper did southern Ore gou produce during the war" Mr. Parks said that tho amount had 'icon approximately it.t'iO.noo worth. Vernon It. Winter held tho pof. of chairman uud P. K. Merrick tluv. r.J song leader In the absence of Mr. Mil lard. A number of guests were pres ent, among them belug K. V. Car'.er of Ashland. 17 QUEBEC'S FAMOUS POSTMASTER ASKS EVERYONE TO PUT ON STREET AND NO iV. Y. Stocks CATHEDRA L BURNS QCEUKC. Que.. Mar. Fire today destroyed the basilica of Ste Anne de llcaupre. famous for its shrine, but the statue of Me Anne and the historical relics to which miraculous cures have been nscrllied were saved. Ste Anne de llcaupre. the 'most fa mous shrine In the new world, each year attracts hundreds of the lame, halt ami blind who fiock there from all parts of Canada and the I'nited States to be cured of their afflictions. Ste Anne de tleaupre, a village of a few thousand inhabitants is located a few miles from this city. The present church of Ste Anne was oiened for public worship in 1S76 and by pupal proclamation mn.de n basilica in IHS,. Xear It Is a well to which miruculous healing powers are ascribed. BELFAST, Mar. 29 ( Hy Associated Press.)" Several fires broke, out in different parts of the city early this morning. A bomb was thrown into a crowd watching: the burning of a fac tory In Unity street and three persons were Injured. Pomimstor Warner is conducting a I cnmiiikign to have local patrons prop erly address their mail to street and number, instead of Just mulling let-j tors udvlrcsscd simply to the city, as so many Mcdfordlics carvletmly do, especially business bonnes. This! causes much trouble to tho postoffioe staff and often letters are either de layed while street addiexs and num-j tier must bo looked up, r because of the fact that the residence of tlio per son addressed Is not knowa ' la tbs 1 poMtoffice. .' ' in his letter to business houses, asking for co-operation In this regard, I'oNtinuster Warner suy In purl: "As one of, our heavy mailers, especially around the flint .of, the month, when monthly statements are mailed. It has been otworved that all, or a large mrt ot the letters mailed by you for locul delivery ntc mulled without street number, or other spe cific address. "When It Is brought to your atten tion that this office has something over SO.ooo names in It's directory, in cluding ( tty, rural, box and general delivery, patrons as well as all for warding orders. I feel sure that you will ron lino that no distributing clerk, however proficient, run do the inem orltlng necessary for the proper dis tribution of all patrons mall. This Is j exactly what you are expecting lilm to to wricn you man your letters without street number or other spe cific address. "I sin endenvorinc to speed tin de- 'livery of mull st this office to the highest degree of efficiency, and ant making a personal appeal to you to assist this office in perfecting your mall service to the extent that you ad dress all mail for local delivery to street. It. F, 1. or box number. 'May I not have your hearty co operation? ntudobuUor Corporation ,. 107,11 TeiuiesHoo ('0iht U Texas Co. J.n Texas A Pacific , 32,1 Tobacco Products ., 01.7 ' Transcontinental Oil , 8 Union Ptu'irio, l:l. United Itctntl Mores , 45.5 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol 17,7 61. ti , 05,1 rti'.fl NEW YORK. Mar. 2!.-Uneenl lie live mtd broad operations In the Block market were resumed today. Practi cally every division wis Included in the many extreme gains of one to U nited State Ituhhcr three points, Sales approximated Untied Kittles Steel , 770.000 shares. . (Utah Copper ..,. American Meet Hugrtr 39 Wcstlngliotise Klocttlr American Can 40 i Willys Overland American Car A Foundry 1 1 I S i American Hide & Leather ptd 70.J American International Corp 42. S American locomotive 1 10.! American Smelt Ins & Kof'g 61.7 American Sugar 70." American Himi.it ra Tobacco.,...:,..' :i'j American T. A T ,. .........llpl.B American Tobacco 136.3 67.K DLOOOSHCO IN IRELAND (Continued from Page Ouo) wi.li, 1 1 L a:i.ii.l i i un. jiuu.i ; south ArmuKh-MotiiKliuii hnrdoi'. thin HptH'iitl countable and n sergeant were shot ii ml killed ninl another special won tided. l.lMKHIfK. March Armed li(en in disguise attempted to liill'tl the Kllprncoii rei'iot V near here lint li'Kht. Tlmy ordered the roelor, his s'fo lilld daughter to leave slid (lien set fire to l bo house. The rector rn turned with helper uttd put the fir out. The raider took niosl of thn rector' silver. TEX RICK ARO ACQUITTED American WiMilen 80.3 I I I NEW SHOW STARTING TODAY BIGGER THAN HIS FAMOUS V "SEA WOLF" HOBART BOSWORTH in The Sea Lion" A tremendous story of the sea of a man who hated the world and of a mermaid that he found on a South Sea island. The finest thing that Bosworth ever did. PRICES: Adults 35c; Kiddies 10c; Loges 50c. Includes ( , War Tax. W J I I II ' II W II II Coming Sunday WANDA HAWLEY in "The House that Jazz Built" Anaconda Copier Atchison llaldwin Uwmotlve Ilethlehem Hteel "11" Canitilinn I'aclflc Chandler Motors Otilcapo, Mil. and 8t, Uaul Com i'roilueta Crucible Steel ..; Famous flayers l.nsky lieneral Asphalt Cicnorul Klectrlc General Motors tioolrich Co (ireat Northern, pfd...... Illinois Central Inspiration Copper International Harvester , ... Kelly-Springfield Tire Kenncrnlt Copper . liouisvllle ft Nashville Mexican Petroleum the treaty, bill "who believe that, If the proMHionai government were fool ish to drop the treaty, the Orange men would drop their vendetta," Thn newspaper contends that the HelfiiHt horrors run be ended by na tional iirlUn, but that this must be taken by an existing government utul .10S.2'biU only through iteeeptancc of I lie . 72.2 .137.2 . 71.7 . 23 .105.1 50 J7.3 I treaty can the government be ustah' liHhed. Afl off leers and men haxo loen re lieved of the rcNpotihilillliy of obeying orders given by any superior offleer who severed his cinnlln with the army through attending the "iiiemi- 7S.fi.lar" convent Imi of lust Sunday or who 60.; roeiignlm1 the so-called executive ....1.10. 5 eounell eleeteil by tho conveliliou. 10 I '"'ganlfei tif the convention g ji btlin to havo so per cent f the ai iuv i,, votes and deelnre to have a rlglit It ' jthey so ihHMi' to prohibit the reilb- .. " j t ' cleetliins. 95 j Hope In ltiuloii. 1,ONION Mar.29. tlly the Aso- S9.3!rlntel I'nus) A eon(ertnce railed by 116 (the linprilnl governmriil to cinil"r , I"'il the situation growing out of the re- Mlddlo Slates Oil U 2 ':vni U""'',,rs til Ireland, opened M Id vale Steel JI3.K i,M,', ,,M,M'r- . I i,e in'iinK ian nnuer uie prf-pi-tele y ef the llllelLi w. 1 1. 1 IV for i the ro nn n, uihton Hm'Io er 9 & hurehill. l ive roeiiiKrs of Ihe l- ls fifi.3 ler gnvernnient and our southern 3X. 7 j ministers are attending and tue S2.7 jmembem ef the lii tt!h robim t I"--3 sides Hwrrtary t'hurehlll will I pre- 11 Bi''1 " ,''",, 1,1 ""' '"oe. . The rorrecpouderil of the r.veniiut (Continued from I'SEt On) New York Cetitrnl , S7.7 Northern l'acifle Pacific Oil Pan American Petroleum , Pennsylvania People's Cas Pure Oil Ray Consolidated Copper .,.. Heading Hep. Irn & Stel nnl Isitch. N, Y. ;fear Hoehitck Sinclair Oil 21 s Southorn Pacific ; ... hii.l! coiicentrsted on this nun ruse. I llilnU II fair lo slate ihutln view or tho iun's decision I would not think It woi Ul wlille lo submit tho sumo farts in another Jury on 111" nbduclnn indictment.' IIU statement followed a declara tion by Mux l, Hteuor, iittorney fur Itlckurd. who said the NUtu.tll dis trict Attorney had regarded ihe. rat us ended and had promised not in try lib Ward oil Ilia other Indictment If the Hclinenrcld case fulled, Seldom has there been such s dem onstration in the court limine as that Hiu;ei when the Jury brought In Its verdict freeing Ktcknrd. Hundred had lingered about Ihe building, thinking the Jury would nut deliber ate long before reaching an s g re men t. When Ihe first syllable of the verdict roll from the Jury foreman, w rd was shouted through Iho fori I dtrs and passed slotttf lo tlio Ihrnnj salting In the street outkide. Ituk. ard was almost overwhelmed hf hi fi lends hut made his way through th" , crowi ti a telephone, where j railed his apartment sad Informed 'Mrs. Ithk!trd ol his uchuIIIuI 74 2' N'WS Ventures th opinion that the iwarilnu eleoielils in It. trust have 7 jrnllid a truee until the r- sulis of the 73.5 jeonfervuee sbnll let-oine knuwn Klamath P. M. Namtd j WAHIUNUTON, Mar, 29.-President Harding sent t'l tlie senate loony tho , nomination of John A. Mi Cull in Is IN Ntmasler si Klamath PsUs. Oregon. A HOOPING COUGH hl No "cutt" but ktlpt to r. W V doc poroaytnia of couhlnf. Southern Hallway Standard Oil of N. J 11K1.1WST, March 89, A police ... 22 patrol was Binliin bed today btwe4n ...173 iCullovl'le and YrossmaElen, on the j .i .... i' ijj . -- i VAfO RUB V Edson Marshall, winner of the (X Henry shcrt story prize today re ceive his check for $500 for tho first award and a letter from Ir. Blanche Cotton Williams cf which the follow ing is an extractr : "As I announced 1 tho winners, 1- took upon myself' the pleasant duty of reading your letu-r. Needless to say, your proposed I -ear hunt and all your other comments were vastly en- Joyed. Your letter was applauded heartily." The speakers were Don fioju, pub lisher ot the New York World: Alex ander Ulack, Sewell Haggard, editor of Everybody's: Henry 8. Canny, edit or of "The Literary Kevlew;" Ger trude Atherton, S. 8. McCluro. while Edward J. Wheeler, editor of Current Opinion, acted as toaatmaster. AT CENTRAL POINT A baby clinic will be held at the Central Point library In Central Point Tuesday at 1:30 for all babies two years old and under. Two doc tors will be in attendance as well as nurses to make physical examlna-' t'ons and give advice concerning the; care of the little ones. Mothers In thn vicinity of Central Point are I urged to bring their baWes to this : free clinic, for information of great j value to them and their children will i be given out. Attention, Car Owners For the. next 20 days we will give Zb per .cent discount on all cylinder re- boring In connection with overhaul Jobs and a ten per cent discount for cash on all labor. We have one of the best equipped shops In southern Ore gon and employ only experienced workmen. All work gtiarantood. Riverside Garage. tf MANN'S The Beat Ooods for the Price. No Matter What the Price MANN'S m m m m .W a va ia.AJT V 1B I l LsV - W.r V1 v' LA'.tC ,1 1'.U Tl rz, 2 More Big Bargain Days Thursday and Friday MAKE YOUR DOLLAR BUY MORE USED CAR VALUE VERY NECESSARY IN BUYING AUTO In purchasing a new car everyone should take Into consideration tho used car value when 'they want to sell or trade in cn another car. I'sed Velio cars are always picked up when Offered for sale, which la one of 4he evldonces of their trim value In the used car class as well as when new. Tho local Velio dealer and the auto distributing agency, bare no used Velio cars on hand, and seldom keep one morn than a few days. The Medford Velle dwnpany has tho latest models in their show room on South Front street, that they will; be glad to show or demonstrate to those who cull.. Tbey also ask Voile owners to cull for any information they may desire or to have their cars looked over, It's always a pleasure for thcio to acconimodato thrt pub lic. (! Pongee Silk 34 inches wide, all colors. Sold at $1.50 Dollar Day price, $1.00 yard Jersey Silk 36 inches wide, for underwear. Sold at $3.00. Dollar ' Day price $2.50 yard Broadcloth 54 inches wide, all colors, $4.50 value. Dollar Day Price $4.00 yard School Day Cloth 32 inches wide. Suitable for boys' Suits and House Dresses, 39c value. 3 yards for $1.00 Curtain Scrim 36 inches wide, good patterns, 25c values. This sale 6 1-2 yds, for $1.00 Bed Spreads Large size, fine quality. . Cheap at $2.50. This sale $2.00 each Crepe de Chene 40-inch heavy grade Crepe de Chene, $2.50 values. Dol lar Day price, $2.00 yard Foulard Silk 36 inches wide, new patterns, $2.50 values. Dollar day price $2.00 yard Wool Plaids 42 inches wide, good patterns. Sold at $1.50. Dollar Day price v . $1.00 yard Percales 36 inches wide, new patterns, fast colors Cheap at 25c a yd., 5 1-2 yds, for $1.00 Huck Towels Soft spun, good quality. Sold at 15c. This sale, 10 for $1.00 , Sheets 81x90, Wearwell brand," $2.00 values 2 for $3.00 Sport Silk 40-inch Mallinson's Sport Silks. Sold up to $7.00 a yard. Dollar Day price $2.00 yard Figured Crepe 40 inches wide, good patterns, all silk,' $2.75 values. Dollar Day price $2.50 yard , Sport, Skirtings All wool, new oat terns, up to $7.00 values. Dollar Day price, $4.00 yard Dress Ginghams 27-inch, fine grade Dress Ginghams, fast colors. Cheap at 25c a yard 6 yards for $1 .00 Bleached Muslin 36 inches wide, soft finish, 19c value, . 6 yards for $1.00 Pillow Slips 42 and 45-inch, fine grade, 39c values. , This sale 3 for $1.00 I nf an t's rub ber bloom ers, 50c yalue 3 pr. for $1 . Mann's Department Store The Store for Everybody Enti-ances E. Main and N. Central Medford, Oregon Women's Union Suits, Cheap at 75c this sale 2 for $1.00 Matt Orders Promptly Filled. Postage Prepaid. Agents for Pictorial Patterns.