PAGE STX MTTOTOTlll MAIL TRtRltNR. MEDF0U1), OUKOON'. WKDXFfclYAY. MATtOTT 29. 1fl22 COLLEGE PAPER DEPLORES BASIS lERfi 1 FOOTBALL NEW HAVEN", Conn.. March. The Ynlo IN'ews today irints the first cf a snrlcs of editorials on eollego tub let Ira in connection with an agree ment with Princeton and Harvard un dergraduate dallies. In noting the rapid spread of foot ball and tho Increasing number of teams- with high rattnK with many laying claim to "mythical champion ships," the News says that "it Is now Impossible to determine not only to what single Institution the palm of leadership should be awarded, but to what dozen. On this basts lntersoc tlonal games should be awarded, but to what dozen." On this basis lnter ectlcnal Karnes whereby Harvard goes out to California or Iowa State conies to New Haven are of a highly sensational and spectacular order but quite futile. ... "Each school would have to mako a' dozed such trips' In order to deter mine any championship. "The present day spirit or over-organization has already begun to In vade the xol'-ege curriculum and it must be restrained. On the football field," Yale. -Harvard and Trinceton have found in tho past and should continue to find, quite enough to oc cupy their, Interest and energy in de feating one another. " "Big games are only an added strain, a product of a too highly de veloped system; ' They should ty all means be abolished." AERIAL FLIGHT AROUND WORLD STARTS APRIL 20 P. GENERA! TO REVOLUTIONIZE P.O. DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON, IX C. Mti-.Uy di rection of the rorvn ofiuo in Lon don, the ltrltish embassy here bus re quested the stale department to have all proper faclliUes extended to Sirs , purtmont un,j,.r u stem of slnto eon Hons and Keith Smith, Krltlslt avia tors, when they lVaeh'. tho Vuited States on their attempted aerial tir- WASHINGTON. Mar. 29 Tho iost office department -apUily Is complet ing plans for a decentralization of much of tho. routine work of the de- cumnavitttitJun of the world. Sir Ross, with his brother Keith, fU-w from England to trail more than a year ago. latest venture will involve a start I from London April !0, tho first stop being In France. The route lies across southern Europe, Asia Minor, India, China, Japan and Siberia. Tho Pa cific will tie crossed nt Kering straits, landing beinR made on some of the Aleutian Islands and at I'nalaska, In Alaska. The course will thrn In- aerosa Can ada to the Soo, where It will swing to tho southeast and New York. Then the lino will be along- the New Eng land coast to Newfoundland, where the start will be made across the At lantic. If weather renditions are favorable, nn attempt will be made to rench Ire land directly from Newfoundland, following tho course taken by Hawker. Otherwise the plan Is to fry by way of the Azores to tho Euro pean continent at Portugal and up the west coast to the point of starting. tral offices which postal officials bn- lievo will incre.t the vffUiency of the service great it and ut the same ci,. 'time effect nn tinimrtant saving In Its Aus-Thelr cost. In Announcing tho broad nature of the plans today, rostuiasler Gen eral Work said he believed they would mark "one of the most important re forms in the service In several genera tions if not in its entire history." Details of policy, adjustments and service which have heretofore been thrown uiou the department In Wash ington for final disposition under the new plan, tho postmaster general said, will bo handled by a central postoffice for each district. The effect of this change. Dr. Work said, will be not only to relieve the mails of thousands of letters and documents shunted across the conti nent but also a great saving In oicrat ins expenses and In time required for service adjustiuelits of all kinds. LABOR MEIER OF BOARD RESIN NY . . .. .j - l.; POLAR DASH PLWBHss 2. . CAES TYPHUS RUSSIA COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS l Continued front lust Thuimliiy) . Health Itegislnilion W. S. Cury, health registra tion t l.TS Sophia Chlldreth, health resist ration X . T r J. W. Jucobs, health regls- trnnon lr. T. J. Malmgrou, health registration 3 , 7 Mrs. Nellie Hood, health registration .. l.t'O Dr. I". O. Swedenburg, ' health regis! ration S, 11 Tola! .....I 1S.25 S'mtKltti'ivd Cuttle W. W. lllttle.. claim for ' slaughtered cattle ( D. M. I,i we, claim kr slaughtered cattle 2.'.. 00 It. K. Smith, rlittm fur iulughtcred catt'e 25. Oil penso, , , 4.S23.1" Total i !,:i9ll.79 Aohlnnd KlnmiMli lull Huml Modford Furniture Hard ware, Co., , expense , Ash land Klitmuth Fulls road J . Drohthltloii l uml 3. II. Snudefer, prohibition enforcement '. J. It. Gal bra Ith, prohibition enforcement Tetal .'!...! hut.:.o IHig Funtl llimlionu & Co., dog cellar and licenses f W. T. DoKord, sheep killed by dou , 11. Mynul, sheep killed by dogs W 3s 50.00 ir.o.00 35.00 Total : $ C2.0M Cottnty Ajteni Stuto Of Oregi :i. agricul tural and farm demon stration work $ 500.00 Itojtd Fund Hoed District No. I K. C. Hoover, right of way district No. 1 $ 350.00 Head District No, li Wm. It ruin, pavroll dis trict No. 2 4C.00 Itimil lUtii(l "N. Win. Terry, payroll district No. a , , 207,50 J. Iliirtman, work on Ante-' U'po bridge 1.0d2.20 J. I.. Koberlstn, work on district No. .1 9.50 Total $ County l.lbiiuy I'tind E. Kay W'oolsey, llbrarlun'M salary , S K.Kuv Wools)-, librarian's expenso .... Mildred lUiton, assistant li brarian's salary Willo Howard, assistant li brarian salary IMouecr Library Hinder)' , bluRliiK books Mrs. I'. A. liatt, mmuuliu small lllirarli's , Medfonl Hook Store, library .books and supplies i'aisou Unit Company, maKiiilnes tor Central I'o'ut library I The J. lv. Gil! Co.. library books Hros., library sup-- CHICXGO. March 2.S. Albert Phillips, labof member of the Vnfted States railroad labor board, gave his resignation April 1, to the secretary of the board today. Mr. Phillips has been in 111 health for several months and has been In California on leave since January 1. He was an ap pointee ot former President Wilson. ' Mr. Phillips was formerly vice rica president of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Ehginemen and a member of the railway board -of adjustment No. 1. under tho fed- eial railroad administration. j One of the original board mem bers, Mr. Phillips had one more year to serve. His resignation If accept-' . ed, will fall on the same date as the evpiratlon of the terms of three other' original members' of the board, J. H.j Elliott, railroad member; A. O. Whar-j ton, labor menper and G. W. W. Hanger, public member: ' NEW YORK. Mar. Eould Amundsen, ntvtie. explorer, re turned today on the StavanaserCjord from a viit to Norway and conferred with those who will be ntmoeiated with him in his attempt to drift across the Arctic basin. His expedi tion will t out fom Seattle Juno 10. With Amundsen was .Lieutenant Oscar Omdal. Norwculap air force ace. who after special trtiinlns and , experience in flying under adverse 1 conditions wilt accompany the expedi tion. He 'w ill lie one of the pilots to handle American-constructed air planes, the other nilot. Lieutenant DahU now in on hi way to the coast via the Panama canal. Amundsen said he would rely on his two airplanes and powerful radio, and wirelrss telephone equipment to . - ...... 1. ..-tSK !..' Keep nun in cuiisiuhl iuwh ,! i.iu, outside world, and to sivo his expe-! dition a cruising radius Impossible under other conditions. m. IS, Mar. I!. !'y tho Asso I'ress) The Genua conference asked to take up the task of tho spread of contuKlon from Kussla into central and western Europe in pursuance for a resolution -" Captain of .Nations tolay. exp.oi-er. re-, Thc.hyBienle conference, which has leen in session nt Wars;iw, reported the situation ns of the prnvewt char acter. There have been 20.000.000 cases i f typhus, cholera and other contagion diseases In Kussla in two years, . The report declared measures taken to prevent the spread of these diseases were inadequate. Total v $1,279.20 lb ,l IHstrict Nit. 4 W. M. Tetherow, payroll dis trict iNo. 4 4S.1 1 Komi District No. .1 V. J. Wtsou, payroll dls tlict No. 5 53.00 Hoa.t Iiitrict No. ' Uusy Corner Motor Co., pay roll Illstr'ct No. 7 24..0 llonil District No. H I. I.. Gregory, payroll Dis trict ....o. a 37.00 Hood District No. t. II. Vincent, puyrcll Dls liict No. 9 15S. 35 Portland branch of Federal Keserve Hank of San Francisco. Cnilf., expense district No. 9 i 1 59. 10 LEWIS CHALLENGES J. EM E AGAIN T WAR HERO PONCA CITY. Okfa., March 2S. Kd fStrangler) Lewis, wrestlinp The planes will be designed to per-' champ'c n, offers to meet Jack Demp- mit of landing on land or water and 8ey bcxiug champion, at 101 raucl will be equipped with fuel tanks for . . ,h . wrestlinz-box- lng match for a side bet of $50,00f FOR GIRL'S MURDER LONDON. Mar. 23. (By the Asso ciated Press) A coroner's jury, which held an. inquest over the body of Gertrude Yates, otherwise Olive Young, whose body was found some time ago' in the bath room of her flat in Kensington, today returned a ver dict of wilful murder against Major Ilonald True, an English aviator, who lived some time In the United States.. 2 Cents Income Tax Is Paid By Clevelander CLEVELAND, O., March One of the thousands of Clevelanders, who made nn Income t;A: cost the govern ment far more than it derived. The return wa for two cents, the smallest on record this year. From the time the return blank was mulled to the taxpayer until filed for a record it was handled by ten persons connected with the-, revenue department, attaches said. "Cut the 'bit; ones' balance lip 'tho losses." Collector Koulz-ahn declared. 20 hours' flvlng. In addition, each will have wireless equipment. Only one plane will leave the ship at a time with the second in reserve for relief work. Amundsen expected the expedition would start June 1 in order not to miss the current which was expected to give them a hig start In the 2,000 to 3,000-mile drift. The trip, if suc cessful, would take from three to fivo years, he said, ana nis snip, mo Maude, should emerge between-Norway and Grccn'.and. The expedition will take provisions for seven years. and the winner take all gate receipts. The offer was contained in a let ter from Lewis today replying to Col onel Joe C. Miller, who said he hat' offered a $200,000 guarantee and a spiff In receipts. ; Dempscy has noi been heard from. Miller said. VANDERB1LT PLEADS FOR CLIPPER'S LIFE BOSTON, Mar. 29. "Tho Glory of tho Sous," a Boston built clipper ship of the 60's.has been condemned to the junk heap and Cornelius Vander- bllt has appealed to the maritime as sociation of the BoBton Chamber of Commerce to save her. . His telegram from Taroma, Wash., said the glory was capable of facing the Atlantic ut slight expense and that her copper probably was worth mosc than tlu: vessel would ' 'Tho Glory of the Seas," one of tho fastest square rigged ships afloat in her day, has been used us a burgc on tho Pacific In recent years. Check That Cold Right Away A SUDDEN .chill sneezes stuffy feeling in he head and you have the beginning of a hard cold. Get right after it,, just as soon as the sniiilej start, with Dr.-King's New Dibcovery. For fifty years a standard remedy for colds, coughs and grippe. There ure no harmful drugs, nothing but good, healing medicines, that get right down to the trouble and help nature. - You will soon notice a change for tUo Letter, .lias a convincing,, Hai-aWng taste that the kiddies like. : Oxxl f'r croupy coughs. All druggiVts, 60c. Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Cotds and Coughs Put I'Pcp" in Your Work. Many a man is a failure in business, many a woman in her home, localise constipa tion stores up poisons that enervate and depress. Dr. King's Pills make bowels act naturally. 25c. T"V PROAPT! WON'T GRIPE Dr. King's Pills 5000 Vacant Flats in High-Priced Chicago CHICAGO, March 29. There are 5.000 vacant flats now in Chicago and by June that number will be doubled says M. S. Walsh, secretary of the Tenants' league. The reaHon, he says id that prices ure too high. "Landlords are asking anywhere from tl't to 'i'oO a month for them and people can't pay," declares Mr Walsh. "Try and get a flat where you'd like to live for ?50. You can't do It.' EUGENE MEYER IN LOS ANGELES EN ROUTE TO PORTLAND LOS ANGELES, Mar. 28. Eugene Meyer, managing director of the war finance corisjration, wag a visitor In Ijs Angeles today on a tour of Inspec- jtion of the went, undertaken, he said at the direction of President Harding He will leavo tonight for San Francis co, Bait Lake City, Portland and seat tie. . 1 U.S. WASHINGTON, Mar. 28. President Harding was said today to believe It desirable to extend the use of the naval radio to the press for the trans mission of trans-Pacific dispatches until such titDO us private facilities will be available. The executive was described as feel tug that congress will work out such an extension and allow the press the privilege of sending the dispatches for Hawaii, the Philippines and other por tions of the Orient until (irivate facil itles are reasonably available. Tennis Champion Beaten. NKW YORK, Mar. 28. William T, TiUlen, 11.. notional tennis champion playing with A I Weiner, tho fourteen-year-old FK'liool boy, was put out of tho national men's indoor doubles championship tournament in the socdnd round today in two straight sets by lnf?o Harmon and .Tjhn Wing Flood Crisis Thtirxlay. MEMPHIS, Tenn., March 28. The crisis In tho Mississippi river flood If expected Thursday. No serious dam age has been reported so far. Back hurtJ you? Can't straighten up without ludden pain, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen 1 That' lum bago, sciatica, or maybe from a strain and you'll Ret relief the moment you rub your back with soothing, penetrat ing St. Jacobs Oil. Nothing else takes out soreness,, lameness and stiffness so quickly. You simply rub it on your back, and out comes the pain. It harmless, and doesn't burn the skin. Limber up! Don't suffer I Get small trial bottle of old. honest St Jacobs Oil from any drug store, and after using it just once you'll forget that you ever had' backache, lumbago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt, or cause any more misery never disappoints, and has been reconv Total I 317.75 Head PUtrict No. 10 I.. Cxtodmsn. payroll dis trict No. 10 SO 1.81 Hnhhard Hrcs.. supplies dls- tr'ct No. 10 20. 00 W Total 321. St I:hmI IMtrlct No. II . L. Freed, payroll district. No. 1 1 $ 59.50 . I j. Wan llcuten, payroll district No. 1 1 93.60 IS" Gaylord plies . llernurd books Total , Brereton, library (SO. lit! 2a.l'0 "O t 'I iiO.cil O I . i J :.2... , 4.10 21. Ml 7 : l.o t 363. s; Total .$ 3S3.10 Itoad lLstrlct No. 12 W. L. Van Houten, payroll district No. 12 . .. f 1S3.7C I. L. Rowo, payroll district No. 12 IS. 3 llounty H. J. Oswald $ 6. w Walter Charley 0D Zera Dahack 2 .Vim llurrv Hays 1" U. W. U.we .0 Anton King 4j.o0 Fred lionart '." C. N. Horn :'." Otto Niodermeyer ., 7, no John Coblolgh 4.nn l. 11. Waleh on Melvtn Forsvthe 10. ltd W. F. IVKord 3.00 Herman Walter 1 1 " Frank Messluo 5.00 It. V. LcuUBtiant 2.00 Irvin twlt 2 no It. Phillips 46.00 Karl Ilostwlck . S. M. Hays 1 K.lio W. F. PeFord 3 on C. 1,. Mtoro l'. 00 Wm. Simmons 4. on A. L. Ferns "' 00 Charles Wocdworth ... 14. do Ike Ct ffman 3.oo J. K. Spencer o.i Hugh Hnrron 23. no Charles Injnfcrd " oo Paul Pearre 7.00 John l.rownsworth l.nn S. M. Hays 3.0o II. II. Walch 3.00 .VI. Walch T.oo Otto liackert 4.00 Joe Shoemaker 10.00 P. E. Sandox 12 00 Total 201.00 (n ut-ral llouds Tack Thraslier, payroll uon- eral roads 373.69 E. -P'ele, payroll general roads , ,... 22.30 Ashland Iron Works, gen eral road expense 20.43 Busy Corner Motor Co., gen eral road expense 16.32 W. J. KurbidKe. labor, gen eral roads 104.00 Chanslor k Lyon, general road expense 2C.84 Electric Shop, general road expense ., 1.60 Hittst a Mi tors, general road exicnso 40. OP Hubbard Bros, xeucral roud exueusn 10.60 Modford Sheet Metal Work". atiar 1 1 srt A aiifinllnd 11 V P, . w v. i i sweat pu'ii n Mcdford Service Station, general road supplies 71.84 Elmer Morse, labor, gen eral roads 130.00 Medford Furniture & Hard ware . Co.. teneral road suppliei 48.39 Thoi. T. Merrtman, general road expenso 3.0 Oregon Htate Highway Com- misssk.n. general roid expense 2,6 13.91 D. W. Pence, general roud expense 327. Rolley IllnabargiT. labor. general roads 104.00 Thrs. Uosetierry. supervisor general roads 15C.00 Southern Oregon, Hardware Co., general road expenso 1.1 Thos. If. Simpson, general road expenso 1.6 Arthur Shaffer, labor, gen eral roads 11. 00 Southern Pacific Co., . - freight, general roids .... 203.12 L'Dlon Oil Co.. of California, Oil and gas. general roads 2 4.0(! A. V. Walker Auto Co., gen eral rt-ad expense .T.. l.oO Young's Machine Shop, gen- - oral roud expense 41.75 killing's Cur & Auto Works. general road expense 20.17 P. J. Cronln Co., general , . road exiienae t 23.30 Fred J. Kick, general road expense ,. '., 33.21 F. E. Jenkins, general road expense ...r.s... ......v. 8.00 Medford Concrete Const. Co., general road,expcno - U3.77 Oregon 8tato HiBbway Comipv ? mission, general rnsdo-- t Total ., :rV.4.r.o CHAt'NCEY FLOUKi. , ri..,k Dr. Johnson Says VTe believe in ntlvortiMiis becnuse we'aro out 4sliameI that we are dentists. AIho it h gotnl business. Our work is quite rt'HSon abb'. An cxiimiimtion inny convince you as uuich. Dr. O. J. Johnson DENTIST 228 East Main St. Phone 669 ' Hi Best ri I' ! for Salads V I cyp Ml I t m Yulk U.peua Paeik . S tpn HxHr x Ua.pimit Sal 3 uhlr.rnon, fraieoluiwo w 'mtr . A iiiM t mlwil tv4MtnK. tn r. with i t,..e,m, Irmi-H Ivncf er vlntB.M .ml lo. HI. I.lliiu n l4 nH-n MinU4iiiue im. Ill I.Oklui 11,1, ksn ullrr tl, li th Stml.i iiiv h rU.U,l mrr frtrkllv. lhln With UmiH.lut.o-IMtlra.r wwn nKrtoity, lhlui na U l.lfcl u Iwt. Miitolo-mnJe Mnyttnnalaa keeps longer witluuitKparatinil (ild m.wie wit h M itols-lreiuh drcttt. InRitrMayonnniwhavodixint'. tlvrt.i-.te. MttilaliiurdlalcjJ ImrvIuIm, hotrli ami dining csn 'throujhout America and sold by grocer everywhere in pint, ju.irt, 'j-gnllim sttd gallon cam. 4 lf4ir,H Kinf'rwtl uro t uelt II.HiW t,l S rn. Writ Uvrn l'tdui. ltUnls !., Uiinii-HrA. Ill, f - y wsnsvfii in, rrwt in, w PENNSYLVANIA Vacuum tup Tires Cords and Fabrics at New Low Prices A FREE TUBE Given away with every Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup ' Tire sold for cash during tho month of March. Buy your tires now. Busy -Corner Motor Co. Main at Riverside Day or Night WEEKS-CONGER CO Funeral Directors WOOD! I ir U.l0 Tier and up. ft ah Fire Coal Win. .10 Ton. MEDFORD FUEL CO. dr Mr un.l T'llnl I'hon 2i DRY WOOD Two Tior 1'. ifh Pino, One Tier 12 inch O.-ik ami lnurvl, all for $2.75 a Tier. CUT RATE , WOOD YARD Phone 551 , OEM CHUNG China Herb Store Tlila In to curllfy 'thnt dim Ch'nnir f ll'dfwi. On-., hiiH cur1 inn ot join ami Ktinui-li trmihl. H. M, t,iHiiurl. liun J Hi . (IrnntH runs. Tdlii Ih to cirtiry Hint film flmtiie of Mfi'lfonl, On:, Iihn nnri-U run of rnpluri1 of four yi-urx' Htnmllnic . it. iHlmin. 113 H HI., OrunlH I'M, Oi. Mvdf.ircl, irKun, Jan. 1), 131?.: Thin In tn (T.-rnry Hint I, tint unilr-h!kii-1, Iih.1 vi-rv N.-rn Mtoniiicli troutfli ami liiut Ix-rn lnUi' n-l fi.r :veral yi r ami nt Auiiiiii " "'it rK-etl -t'i live; uml hcuiliiK t liitu C'liiint (t"w IfiTti more In ut 'II rtoulh Fnmt tr,-t, Mi-foril). I ilrcirtVfi Mut ImrbN for my Momauh troulili-, uml I nlnrUul to frrllng hi tu r mi Honn un I uw1 ihnm uml today am u wi ll man ami cn heartily rncoin mcnt Hnyonu affllrtud uh I was to n- dim Cluing and try III H'-rhn. fftlgm-d) W. 11. JOIIN'ON. W'HncHiM-a: Wm, lwla. Kagli- Tolnt. W.-L. Chlldreth, Kaglii Point. f. "A. Andoraon, Mi.-dford. K H. Ilolim-B, Kairlb 1'filnt, C, K. Mooro. KiikIc Point. .1, V. Mcintyre, )CiikIi Point. 00; Von dcr Hi.llon.-KnrtB Pqlnt. W.n V. Nlolmt V,nrf PMnt7 It j.. - -- J . mmt ... jt '. ' , . fa - ' .v' IV I i' i n - LET US HELP YOU tnako your Ht-ln:tion of plumbing fixtures for hat new hpniq, .or, ro plaecment ht old 'ini sauitaiy bncs in ; use. Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. Phone 620 Sparta Bldg. Broadway at Stark Portl AN D, Ore. . IN Till; VKIiY iii:akt ok;.tiie i ity iiihI nlonj; . , !'i rOUTLAND'S uGreat White Way" if , i;';iWiU llo Your HfiMlfiuaitcia -' ; At Thii ropulnr llontclry. Komcliko Accomodations, Comfortable, Spicioua Lobiy And the Home of the Famous. ye -y f . lM fV1 M m tr T4k tT Ik M MKIHUK 11. riTKa riANAGER, 1 i v ty CHANGE IN SCHEDULE KPFEOTIVE FEU. t, 1023 MEDFORDi ROSEBUR& STAGES 1 ' r lily UKcept Suudnjr t ,", , lv. Mi;i)Fonn 10 a. !.-.. - i . -i.v. rohkuiiuj 1.00 r. m. G HANTS PASS.MKDFOW) STAGES ' t Ltavo Medford ; "10.00 A. M. 1.00 1', M. 4.30 I RI. Daily and Sunday ? li . (,, :,! . . .,,'- f .4A, 1 . I. . Ijeare Ornnta Tan- 1 '10.00 A. M. 1.00 . M. 4.43 I. M. Farm: Miulfunl-Grantt I'dm, $1.13; OrnutH Pu-llonuliur. $.1.00) Motlford-Roaoburg $4. IB. TllVRCOrCO wel'-c d-0, "ll-9i rnt-nird or W yci j,