Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 23, 1922, Page 8, Image 8

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nnin urn nnirn
luuLU mill ; rurLi
1 Testimony wan resumed this mor
ning in the trial of Mose Hail for rob
bery of poker name at Gold Hill,
ihu M1m Hanoi FlUpatrlrk took the
Uod tor the state and testified that
tbe ' telephone caII from Medford to
4 Cold till! pool hall which wA de
livered to Pan Ilurton at the Hall resi
dence on tho eventa of Nov. 25, was
put throuali from Medford to Gold Hill
at t;C8. ,
John Sutton, Vernon Fleming and
b I-ewls were called as defense wit
nessed the atato having rested Its ease
awaiting tho arrival of another wit-
i Gua Larsen was recalled and was
(fieationed liy the defense attorney,
tie was asked If he rememhored hav
ing made a statement to C W. Martin,
(WTerlntendeut of the cement plant,
tevonU days after the robbery, that
the, robbers, seemed to have been an
fljl man and a boy. That the old man
bad whlto hair and Ions, white hands,
tarsen stated that he did not remem
ber' whether he had made such a
statement .or not.
' C W, Martin was called as the next
Witness for the defense and stated
positively that Larsen had. made such
m- statement to htm while; describing
tie robbers.-
Dan Burton, wlio lives with the
Italia, aa called. Ho testified that
Rail's bonds wore In the same condi
tion at the present time as they were
la November. He testified also that
he and Hall went to bed the nifiht of
ttu robbery shortly after 8:15. and of lhp foroh,.at. ,,. hair and ti
that he thought It would have been eyM amj ,hal no waa poamvt, of th
impossible tor nan to nave lert tne identity
The next state witness was Gus
Swanson. whose testimony wm sub
stantially the same as that of Lar
house at tho lime quarry north of
Oold Hill on the nii;ht of November
5. 19S1.
Ous Larsen, partner la the contract
work being done In furnlshlna rock
for tho cvment plant at Gold Hill and
assistant foreman at the qvuirrys was
the first witness for the state.
Larsen Whs questioned for ubout
two hours and related the detailed
clrcuriutanc-s of tin; holdup. Ho tes
tified that two mn entered tho
bunk house ordered the Inmates to
hold up their hands and lined them
up against the wall. searching them
for valuable. The larger of the. men,
he stated, wwemed to be the leader nnd
tfavo orders. He compelled Iufsen
to He on the bed after had been
searched and When his luu-k was
turned Larson dodged out the door,
intending to bring assistance, and
capture the robbers. He was not suc
cessful as when ho ran the man fol
lowed him out the door snd fired two
shots, whereupon Iarwn ducked be
hind a ! and kept still. The tarter
man ran and made hi escape and the
smaller man escaped through the
rear window.
I.nrcn testified also that a poker
Kama was tn progress as the robbers
entered and that the robbers were
masked with blue bandanas, polka
dotted In w hite. He positively identi
fied the defends nt as the larger of
tho two highwaymen.
Cpon cross examination by the de
fense attorney, (lus Newbury, Ijirsen
was rather uncommunicative. When
asked if he had bevn drinking the
ovenlnt? of the robbery. h naid that
he had. but that ho had partaken
very IlKhtly of the liquor. Ho was
tuiked what it was that he had been
drinking, if it had been moonshine.
He remarked "Veil ay don't know
wat yu vould rail It." This answer
produced a laugh from spectators and
a svere reprimand, from tho Judste,
in which ho said that pentona mak
ing any further demonstrations of the
sort would be plaooU under arrest by
the bailiff and fined. I-arsen was
also asked how much of tho larger
man's face he had been able to see.
if his vision had not been hindered
by the handkerchief. He stated that
he had seen a Isriro part of the nose,
iu i i ,,, i,. a ,u -J... jia-i
ler knocked at the front door. Hall
opened the door and took the message
IbJch was for Burton. This is the
esaage spoken of in the testimony of
feisa .Fiunatrlck , which., was sent
through at 7:68.
Mr. Walker was called and testified
iat Larsen had told him, "I gave the
Id a job and he then came
tWT and robbed me." .
Mr. Ross took the stand and testi-
ted; that Larsen had described the
larger robber's hands as being slim
and white. . .
1 Anton Olsen took the stand for the
4efenq nut bis. testimony was barred.
i.Bradshaw and Cartwright of Gold
ill. testified that shortly after Nov.
& they noticed Hall's hair and that it
fas rather longer than men usually
wear their hair. . Cartwright was at
Qi time a barber in Gold H ill.
) Sheriff Terrlll testified that Larsen
tjad described the larger robber as
having slim; hands and close-cut hair
about th ears. ;
I Mrs; Hall took the stand and testi
fied la her husband's behalf. Her
story largely tallied with that of Bur-
Mi. ... ...
A- J. Vance, manager of the local
blepbpne company took the stand and
stifled that the time of a telephone
all on Jv'ovTiS from the camp at the
ck quarry to Sheriff Terrill was
1.08 p. m. but that the party was not
nnnected with the sheriff until 10:35
p, m. ,
Hall took the stand In bis own be
half and his story largely corroborated
that of Mrs. Hall excepting in the de
tali of her turning on the light when
be returned from taking the visitor
home: He stated that the light was
On when sho arrived and that he had
just finished reading the paper. He
testified that he was in the bouse the
entire evening and night of Nov. 25,
and that he badnothlng to do with the
robbery. '
!' Opening statements by ' Rawle
Moore, Dlstrlrt Attorney, and by Gus
JSfcwbury, attorney for the defense,
began yesterday afternoon In .eonnec
s S . nu; x
I . v ;;. I
i," .i i.-. j.j:1".
V- .:v. V---; - ?' .r i
Ned Hogan, 76 years old and a real
"native son" or Milwaukee, holds the
unique distinction of being the" most
"arrested" man n that city and os
slbly the entire country. He Is now
serving hi lOfith term in the House
of Correction on charges of vagrancy.
He is shown nt his favorite indoor
sport of peeling "spuds" for the work
house gang.
WASHINGTON. Mnr. Appoint
ment of division chiefs nnd deslgnn
tlon of hcmU;uartera for new general
prohibition enforcement territories
announced today by Commissioner
liaynei Included:
Wyoming, It ah and Colorado,
Theodore Switter.
Henttle, for Washington, Oregon
Idaho and Montana, K. A. Hmeltlno.
lis Anneles, for Calltornlit and Ne
vada, W. Anderson,
It Is expected, Mr. llaynes said,
theso chiefs will have entered upon
their new assignments by the first of
April, at whleh lime the entire foree
of general prohibition K''ils will be
allotted to the divisional chiefs under
whom they will function.
'These divisional chiefs have been
selected from the present personnel
of the general ncents foive wholly on
th basis of their experience, fitness
and record In the department service"
he continued. "All have been tried
and have hoen found producer and
men of highest Integrity nnd depend
ability. In most Instances, they have
necn assigned territory other than
their native sections and It will be
the policy to make frequent changes
of tho various squads and divisional
chiefs as to their territorial assign
ment." l
house without fata knowledge. He tes
tified also that Mrs. Hall took a neigh
bor who had been visiting that even
tig." home, at 8:15 and that he and "en- Swanson had three dollars
Hall then retired, that Mrs. Hall re-olen from his pocket by the larger
&Mut tih h ii-ht i. ii.iv. wv.' highwayman. Ho Identified Hall as
, . . u .i -. . . . . ! the man. The specific charge against
4 nt to ted. after a messen-,Ka.. . h lBdnt u eteaUna
of the three dollars from Swanson's
James Powers, also an Inmate of
the bunkhouse at the time of the rob
bery and who was in bed as the men
entered, was called after Swanson's
testimony was terminated. Powers
was not as positive as the foregoing I
witness on the identity of the man.
but testified that he was the same
general build and presented the same
general appearance, ile also de
scribed the clothes worn by the rob
ber and thia description tallied with
that, of the other witnesses.
' Ben Johnson was called as the next
witness for the state. testified
that the defendant "looked" like" the
larger of the two robbers, but he
would not positively identify him.
'Hugo Johnson, partner with Lar
sen. in getting out the rock for the
Gold Hill cement plant. Was called as
the last witness for the state, to tes
tify yesterday afternoon.
OTTAWA. Ont. Complete census
returns show Canada's population to
be 8.769.4S3 as compared w ith T.2o6,6-l3
in 1911. an increase for the ten years
of 1,562,846 or nearly 22 per cent, ac
cording to final figures announced by
the Dominion bureau of statistics.
The following is the population by
provinces according to the 1921 cen
bus: . i
Province. Census 1921
Nova Scotia 523.S37
New Brunswick 3S7.8S9
P. E. I S8.615
Quebec !Jt9,07
Ontario 229.504
Manitoba - 613.008
Saskatchewan 761.S901
A.berta C81.99G
llrlflsh Columbia 523.353 !
Yukon 4.1S2
X. W. T. 6.684
Canadian Navy 485
WASHINGTON. Mar. 23 Senate
republican leaders today made plans
to take up the nominations of Senator
Smoot. republican. I'tah, and Repre
sentative llurton, republican, Ohio, to!
the allied debt funding commission
soon after disposal of the four power
Canvasses made today were said to
indicate confirmation of the two nomi
nees In spite of the adverse recom
mendation of the majority of the sen
ate Judiciary committee which sus
tained the contention of Senator
Walsh, democrat, Montana that theyi
would become civil officers while
members of congress and therefore in
eligible. .. . -. . . ,
Total 8.769.489
In reviewing these figures, the bur-
Ills testi- tan reports point out. that for practi-
roony corroborated that of Larsen fve yenrg of ,he ,aRt docadlN
fTr,".'1 e Pr'tlvr,jr lden: Icanada was Involved In the world war
the two robbers. V
nation, when asked if he had been I
drinking he stated that he had had. ope and greatly curtailed from
Cpon cross exami-ana durinK tnat tlme Immigration was
d if he had been ! stopped from the British Isles and Eur-
a drink or possibly two. the number
not to exceed two.
Larson. Swanson and Hugo John
son all1 testified that Larsen had
spoken in Swedish urging Johnson
to be sure and look sharply at the
robber so that if be saw him again
he would know him. also that Larsen
had advised a fight and a clean-up on
the robbers, but that Johnson had ad
vised against It because of the danger
of getting shot; all in, the Swedish
Liberty Bonds
SEW YOItK. March 23. Liberty
bonds closed : ,
3Vl's 98.00; first 4's 9R.00; sec
ond 4's 97.92 bid; first 4H's 98.16;
second 4 V 'a 98.02; third 4V4' 99.30;
fourth 4 98.30; Victory 3K
100.02; Victory 4s 100.90.
Italiun Cabinet Kndorsecl.
LONDON. Mar. 23. Tho Italian
ealmlet, headed by Premier Facts was
iriven a -unanimous vntj of rnnfMenre
tta With tho -case of tho state against: by tho senate at the close of a do
Moxe Hall, who is charged with high-j bate on the government policy, says
wty romierT 01 oeeupnnis or in tjunK a Hieinnl diffpaten from Komn.
United States.
For two years prior to the war. Im
migration to Canada reached its peak.
The Dominion sent overseas more than
500,000 fighting men. Sixty thousand
of these were killed and 125.000 were
wounded." In addition more than 100,
000 men in the Canadian army were
engaged In military occupations on
this side of the ocoan. Durin? the war
period, marriage and the establish
ment of homes waa far below normal.
Taking into consideration the tragic
occurrences of the decade, the Increase
of population in Canada Is as substan
tial as could be expected, it is noted.
Today N
First you laugh
vlien you urn a big huky, good-looking
- liap get bounced from a $23 a wetdi Job
then you gasp
, ., tut you sec- a fortune of eighty milium
' ' dollar dropped into his lap with which
i . to do us ho pleases
then you shiver
at (lie wild opile mystory that lie Inherits
elong with his fortune and which lie jtiust,
' ' solve. . .
-jt- . in ;
NEW YORK, Mar. 23. Sollins of
German marks throughout the day
brought the rate down to 29 one
hundredths in the final hour of the
Mock exchange today, shattering all
previous records.
Dealers attributed the further weak
ness to the changes In the Genoa
reparations payments announced in
Pari last night and the firm attitude
of the United States government for
the payment of the exiienses of the
army of occupation on the Rhine,
MEXICO CITT, March Cntholir
priests and clericals In Mexico have
again been warned against mixing In
politics In a letter published recently
by Joso Mora y del Rio, Archbishop
of Mexico.
The yarning was prompted by the
threatened expulsion of Jose Maria
Bans Ccrrada, a Spanish priest, for
alleged activity against tho Obregon
SEATTLE. Mar. 23. A possible
clue to the motive for the slaying of
Ihiniel A. M-Ionad. formerly of
Edmonton, Alt-rta, was gl-en police
today by Horace A. Guth, McDonald's
attorney, who said ho had recenly
paid McDonald an old drht nnd tbnt
his client might have been slain for
this money.
McDonald s body was found yester
day In a gravel pit near Ilonald, north
of Seattlv. Marks on the head Indi
cated ho had ben beaten to death
with a rock or hatchet. Guth gave
officers tho name of two acquain
tances of McDonald, who he said
might be able to furnish a clue to the
NEW YOHK. Mar. 23. The prose
cutlou lute today rested Its case
against Tex Itkknrd, sporting pro
moter, charged with criminally us
K&ulilng 15-year-old Sarah Hchoen
feld,' after Herman Ucrt-h, janitor of
tho apartment house on West 47th
street, In which- the attack was al
leged to hove taken place, had been
called to the stand.
Kerch testified that after Klck
ard's arrest a stranner hnd led him to
Madison Hqunrc Garden nnd that
there Rlcknrd, charged hot someone
was trying to framo him, "told him
that If hn knew anything to keep
Standard (bid
Remedy forTwo
Il II I- tt nu, M4
. m mil m v c r vi
jnCMan br-n4 Qui to, tt
smJmI hsM mimmd lk 1M tm M
t U-Q. Alwrinlls-
M-tkt t nin.
t (w csa umi u
w. s. mm a. dm mi
PARIS, Mar. 23.-Kiord Curzon
had a talk with Premier Polncnre to-
idny and later the French premier, the
Italian foreign minister and tho llrlt
Ish foreign weretnry met, unattend
ed by aides, for an Informal exchange
of views on th Near East before be
ginning dismission of the different
lueKtioun nt issue.
With the opening of tho conference
proper,' the llritlsh point of view of
the whole situation will bo presented
by I.,ord Curaon, while foreign Mln
iHter Hchnnzer and M.'I'olniuiro will
follow with brief declarations of the
attitude of their respective govern
ments. After this tho ministers will
begin work on sppciflrt subjects. It
Is expected three or four days will bo
required to complete" 'tho discussions
under thu ugenda.
We are taking orders daily for
Children Clothes
Made to order in any style and any material desired at prices you
can not afford to overlook, and thereby be relieved of all respon
sibility. The latest styles in
Hats and Flowers
arriving. Come in and make your selections. The saving in
price will surprise you.
Don't overlook our bargains in all lines of Aluminum and Granite
ware and many other household necessities.
222 W. Main, Medford
The chain of SAMPLE STORES operated by
Breier and Peterson and C. J. Breier & Co., have
been incorporated for $1,000,000 and will be
known as
C. J. Breier Co. Inc.
The stores will be conducted along the same lines
iu before, giving the BEST VALUES OBTAIN-
' a
We wish to thank our many friends for their liberal
patronage in the past and to assure them of the same
courteous treatment in the future.
C.J. Breier Co. Inc.
on Christian Science
"v. . by .
Mrs. Blanche K. Corby, C. S. B.
Of Los Angeles, Calif.
Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The '
First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts.
PAGE THEATRE, Medford ! :
Friday, March 24
At 8.00 P. M.
All Are Cordially Invited