IMEDFORP MAUi TRIIUINE, ' MEDFORD. OHEdOK TlintiSDAV. AfAECTr 2.1. 1022 tlEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INPEPKNPENT NBWHPAPKIt PtUUHHKl KVKHT AKTKKNOON KXKOPT BUNPAT PT THN . MKDKOIU) PRINTING CO. A Th Mixtford Sunday Sun il furnished tibaerlber tfealrlng a aeven uy oauy iMfriiMpcr. Offlc Malt Trlbuna Building, 15-J7-2 North Mr street, t-nona i. A consolidation of the Democratic tiniM UlfnM Mali, th Mdrnrd TribunA. the Houllicrn OreKonlan. The Aahland Tribuna. ROFttRT W. Kl'HL, Editor. BUMJTER 8. BMlTli. Manr. iviiounioi TI1HII irr UiTtln AHvrum' hallv, with Sunday fun, year 7.S LMLliy, wim minrmy nun, munui 4 . LMLliy, Willi runiuty ouii, fWtly, without Sunday- Sun. year 1.60 lhilly, without Sunday Sun, month Weekly Mall Trlhune, ona year. 5 J.00 J. 00 ttiitirinv Run. nn var Rf CART11KR In Medford. Ashland, Jacksonville. Central Point, Phoenix, Talent: . pally, with Sunday Sun, month..- .35 pally, without Sunday Sun, month . pally, without Sunday Bun. year. 7.50 ftaily, with Sunday Sun, ona year AU terms by carrier, caah In advance. Official paper of the City of Medford. umciai paper 01 jacaaon uumij-. m '., .tallw vmim .( rvn la t ! nn for ait months endioc Oct., 2. S3J5 Entered a aewna osa matter at Medford, Oregon, under the act of March N EXCELLENT way to keep taxes dowu is to keep non-tax payers out. That is, to say, confine tlie voting power on all measures which increase taxes to those who pay them. Otlierwise there seems little ehauee of materially reducing the tax uruYii. For ns long ns the non tax paying element hoMs the bal- nce of power, taxes ami bonds for improvements will be voted, for the uon-Uixpayer gets the benefit without shouldering his share o the cost. Of course, there is an obvious objection. Associating the money power with the voting power has always been distasteful to the Amer ican people and contrary to democratic traditions. Moreover, there s the danger with an exclusively taxpaying electorate, of an ultra conservatism whieh might render normal and desirable development impossible. Nevertheless, if the people of Oregon want taxes reduced and are serious in the present campaign, some such restriction in the vot ing power is essential. Otherwise, the natural human tendency to ote for self-interest rather than public iuterest will push the snow ball of taxation along in the future as it has been in the past. This regulation, of course, should apply only to tax measures. On 11 matters of public policy, m fact on all matters except tax mat ters, the franchise should remain as it is today. MEMBERS OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the una for republication of all newts diaDatchea ctVdlled to It, or not otherwise credited in this paper, and atoo the local news published herein. AU rla-hta of republication of special aUbatchea herein are also reserved. Virtue ell in. It doesn't follow thata man is on the level just because he has flat feet. Ye Smudge Pot ' ; "" By Arthur Ptrry. Herirv Ford's boy is planning on running for congress from Michigan, The rest of the country can only hoe theT dldH't spend all the money beat tng his visionary Pa for the senHte. .' A copious and businesslike rain fell o'tr the valley this day and dale. It is wOrth a million dollars to the farmers, but exempt from taxation. ONE AT A TIME (Klamath Herald) . ' To rid the pantry shelves of red ants, wipe them with denatured alcohol every few weeks. . Wis Ashpole is spoken of for co. com. Wig feels as bad about it as it they had threatened to commit him to the legislature. Gents with foreign names, mostly unpronounceable, have commenced to erupt in connection with the threat ened coal strike April 1st. Sending some of these highly efficient hell raisers back to the Fatherland,' would be entirely too cruel and sensible. The girl witness In the Fatcoe Ar- buckle case, who suffered a lapse of memory at the second trial, is now too sick to talk. . There ought to be a law to prevent metropolitan newspapers from print ing pictures of reporters with C. Chap lin mustaches, as part of their stories v A NEW PROFESSION (Corvallis Gazette-Times) ;-. A Shanks came borne from Cor vallis Friday where, he has been studying chicken husbandry. .A score of local music lovers are up to Portland to bear grand opera, and the Espee engines are going to havi some competition when they get back. ?fo progress Is being made by fat Galshetlkis endeavoring to be living skeletons, via the spinach route. ' The New Jersey Methodist preacher who was forced to seek a job as a floor walker, without his flock knowing it, in order to make both ends meet, find comfort in the knowledge that there are plenty of funds for foreign mis sions. His pay as pastor was $24 per week, and no statement was made relative to how far behind be was with it-the average is nine years. WHAT'S THE MATTER? (Salem CapitaleJournal) ATTRACTIVE business girl 20 t worth 140.000. Wants kind help : Ing husband. Write quick for standing picture and descrip- tlon. Box 223, Los Angeles, Cal. ONE WAY TO REDUCE TAXES. EXCOMMUNICATED DUKE AND WIFE WHO CAUSED DUEL TO""""-' ' JTfS -' -a'aaM Quill Points is its own reward. When your sins find you out, you're "In future wars every eitizeu will be drafted." Then who will pay the bonus I t. Which new Ire Is quicker t lie ludlolelophonn or rtidlotitirntilt? 2. What tiilropoiiu ci. untiles have iiholttdiod enpiial u 11 ImIi iikmi t '.' St. From what Mud ot milk is llo- 0,ucfoit choose mnde? 4. How many men cotmtlttilo a Jury when a iTlinlntil euao in tried la Scotland 5. How Ioiir oko were Blot ma chines first used? . When did they come Into roii eral use? ".What Is the temperature In spuee? 8. In what your did ait Ice Jam lit Huffulo ii'most slop water from fall- Ins over Niagara Falls? 3. Is the name nine, unultod to all trees hitvinx; needle leaves? 10. How many uckcoc wore enu merated In the 1920 census? AitHtteres to yesterday's qiicKtloini. 1. What afo the nccepteit pronun ciations of the word sheik? Aus. Sheep and Shako. 2 Wucro Is the Flint Division or the army now located? Ana. Camp Dlx, N. J. 3 What Is meant by commercial geography? Ana. Cotiiiiierctal kihiii raphy treats of tlm distribution of the world's products, of exIstinK tlenuiiKlii for these cominoilltles and satisfac tory means of transportation and ex chance. 4 What city in 'the t'nlte.1 Slates Duke Torlonia lias lucuncd the d Is- na" ln"' M0Hl l'ttV''11 "KceUT Ans. leamirv of the Itoman Catholic church J'- "ll'Ko, by fiKhtlns a duel with Count Ixivatellll l,l,," vo munaer ami iikiu- noted sculntor. The duel arose from: n,"K 111 iM AUKeles? Aus. eryI- uilsiindorstiindins resardlng a statue Note to brides: The husband's love soon grows cold if he is kept in hot water. - The fire of genius seldom kindles ambition in the man who has money to burn. "When Nature makes an artistic tenipcratucut, she should take the precaution of leaving off the trigger finger. "The collection of antiques affords a quiet joy." should be a happy lot. lill collectors Apparently Mr. "Wilson made his great mistake by not calling Versailles Treaty a pact. the Now is the time to build a few houses and get your share of the early spring cussing of landlords. The knocker is usually right about his town. kind of town, it wouldn't tolerate him. If it wasn't that The reason why husbands don't stay at home more is because the Louse seems so empty with the wife gone. In a little while now we can forget our lesser problems and worry about the neighbors chickens in the garden. The man who says he never touched a drop before Prohibition came in, will probably lie about other things, too. It must take at of practice to enable the motormau to start the car just in time to deposit the fat lady in your lap. Future tax receipts issued to the boys who get the bouus should bear the portrait of a chicken coming home to roost. One way o improve the silent drama would be to silence the mc thanical devices used to provide music for the show. The politician figures that raising the bonus won't be as unpleas fnt as what the doughboy will raise it he doesn't. Being a one-way crossing, however, the crossing of the Red Se wasn't made dangerous by the glare of the Israelites. It's getting to where a man can't gouge more than two or thrc millions from the suckers until government interferes. 11 mignt ue a good idea lor tlie ultimate consumer to rescrv standing room in politics before the parking space is all taken. Relations between America and Englantl become increasingly cor dial and more and more celebrities come over to patronize as. .Poland has given women the right to serve on juries. As in Oregon will increase the expense, and crease the efficiency. it de- The city , council of Portland lias passed an ordinance prohibiting white ladies from dancing with Pullman por ters, etcet, etcet, and vice versa. This is a blow to goodfellowship, and proof that one drink of moonshine makes the world kin. 'Things have come to a pretty pass when one cannot dance with, whom one pleases. ; All candidates for all offices will re port,. Friday, and get an injection of virtue. An elocutionist will arrive from the south tomorrow, and drill the martyrs .for-the public good on how to utter "down with extrava gance," like they meant it, and with dramatic force. " They will also be drilled in starting a 11th hour canard, that So and So belongs to Suuh-and- Such-a-church without getting caught at it. Borne of the amateurs are using an abused expression. It is too early, and . liable to resemble a dying calf gawk, unless handled by an experi enced face, . Better get soma ot the print paper on rolls for wrapping paper at this oiuce and save 2 or S cents per pound. Come and look at it and be convinced. RipplingRhumes py wen ricon THE RAIN CARRIER. WHERE'ER I go it starts to rain before I've been there long; the water soaks the long parched plain and drowns the human throng. The Kansas drouth was once renowned; I went there to be dry, and presently the state was drowned, and barns went floating by. Old watercourses that bad lain for ages dry as dust, became wide rivers in the rain, to everyone's disgust. All bottomless was Kansas land, to husbandmen's despair; Niagaras on every hand, Xyanzas here and there. So to a country then I went where rain is seldom known, whose arid wastes, of wide ex tent, are drier than a bone. And to this bright and sunny clime I brought the word of doom ; it's raining, raining all the time, and creeks and rivers boom. The big black clouds roll up and melt in rain and splatter me; I know just how Dad Noah felt when he was out at sea. It's wetter than the law allows, the lawns arc sobbing seas, the streets are full of swimming cows, and floatipg cribs and trees. And people weep and wonder why the climate thus lias changed, traditions curl themselves and die, arid records are deranged. I am the hoodoo, I'm the gent who brought the change accurst; wherever I may pitch my tent the cloudbursts do their worst. ' WW HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? xecuted by I.ovntelll and Ksed for by Duchess Torloulu. BLAME PARCEL POST POSTOFFICE DEFICIT WASHINGTON. Mar. i. K. spon- iliillty for tlcfU'll.i InrurrcJ by the postoffii-e di'pnrtntent In the handl ing ( the mulls la ultnt.iitt.-d o the paro l pwt ayMi in. ai-cvrdltiK to data t'Cilteeted by tho Joint ononlHMlon and made public today. The ronimlHMioii and potofftro of- fielalH declared tho parol poHt to i indlxpeitsablo to (he country, but as serted some system should 1m- di nted to establiiih it on a paying basts. LOODWARNNGSON At the Rlalto t'ai inx fur ami sHndluit eighty lull lion dollars would bit couiildored by niont nnvoiie in u tiudv Ito'iinumntlily Hupcrlor to nuy nieie pletiHiuo ever Invented. Hut when the cnah mnkes the owner u tartlet for bulletH, poison and Hplnnlni; knives, the wholo tliluff lain u dllfeivnt flavor. "Tho Millionaire," broiti'.tit Herbert HawllliHou to tho screen or Urn ltlalto theatre yesterday In n stellar perfor mance tpilte nliove ordluiiry Htaiidiirdii cf uclliiK -aiul the histrionic, quality id tliu enleilalninent Is well Hocondod by a Kiiiipiio; ui ur veuim, love nun niysteiy, embodylim a whole Dock of new IwIhIk anil iineKiiected itiiKlea. llawlltiHon U exireiuoly natuint t alt Union and Lillian Itlcli exbibltn u nalvetto undTiwcutneHH that Is capti vating. . ' doiu. 6 How tunny first cluas pimtntfieca are there in the f. 8 ? Ans si)0. T How many second class postot flces are there? Ans. I'TTIJ. S How nun-It ot a 110 bill must Ih presenusl, if It Is datuaj;td. to new bill of full value? Ans. Three fifths. SK-Ilow much of the bill lutiht be presented ti) set halt value? Aus. Two thirds. l' Has there been an tdepliaiit In this rotintry, since JuiiiIhi, that was ns blK ns Jiimb-i? Aus. Sliir the time of Jumbo there lias never been nn elcMmnt in this country tln.t has equalled his sUo and welitht. KAIUio. N, !., Mai. IJ The name of A. J, (iioiina. feriiter t'lilti-d Hlali-a monitor front Nortli lmkolu was men. tloned pioinltieiitly at the non-pni'tl-nn loaaue eonvi-ntlon here Unlay for powolilu Imlol , lin-nt by tlm tnKie for the upper bullae of tlm national awmtlv another name kIvcii ntlen tloii la that of l.ynn J. 1-Yiil- r. who lllHt full Was tHIHIl'ft (loin tliu liov- ei not hhln In n let iilt eloi tloti. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers MOTHER! MOVE CHILD'S BOWELS WITH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP Hurry mother! Kvcil a airk child hive tlm frii v ' inula of "t'allfurnla. Kljj Hyruii" ami It never full in open tho lnovula. A li'nionnfii todiiv may prevent a alck rliitd tciuonow, If con. atipab'il, hilion, fevcilali, liitliil, baa iltl, colie, or il atomncli la amir, lonni rontril, Inratli bad, rctiii-ttibcr a (C. rleaiimnif of thn lilllo liowula la ufWn II that la iicrcaHary. Ak vonr ilriinjint for itcniilna "fall. forma Hi nyrnp which haa dirwilniia for Imlilca innl clul.lrni of all nua prllili'd en holll", Mother! Von mul aay "t nMornm" or you may p"'t an linl tation 12 nip. Coming: to MEDFORD Dr. Mellenthin SPm.M.IST III Intel niil Medlelue for I be mik eleven enm 1HH;S NOT iU'DHATi: Will Ih nl Holland Motel Monday, April 3 ofdii Hour t to a. in. Co 4 ). lit. om: h.w om.v No t linrce for t'oiuoiltiitlnn M!SSISSIPP ISSUED I'uliTl.ANU Ted Thye. I'm timid , niltblli'MelKlit v rentier, di-fentud T. .Miyiikp. i-iaimant of tlie worlua Jlu Jltau wi-oKtlltis; lltl". toktnir olio fall in one hour nml 21 inlnulen. MKMPHIS, Tin il . Mar. 23 Person livinjf on unproteeted land were warn ed tf move to places of safety Imme diately In a siHTial river forecast by J. II. Scott of tho I'nlted States weath er bureau today. A Mississippi river stage of 42 feet or more was predicted at Memphis before March 30 and 62 feet at Helena, Ark., the first week in April. WALLA WAIJ.A Kuur fluhta re- lault In four knockout: KI-hlo I'iixIm. I Walla Walla, vanquished Vernon Hu I coy, Yaklnin; Mike I'.rolherton, Wulln ! Walla, knocked out J. ('. Siolth, Spo kane; CeorKQ welsh, Portland, stop Sr6 A III f MM Win ' ' - Z II tOk II i Court News (Furnished 1 the Jackson County Abstract Co.) rwen't 5 ;irt a lot! !rop a litilo "Vrrrumr" on an arlung e,.fn. Intanily that torn Mn. loirtin. Ihrn nloirtlv )"ii lift il nyht MT willi Inii-rn. Truly') Votir itr-uj:Kit n-ll. a tinv ImiIiI., of "Kreeoiie" for a et-tita, nnVi-nt In n-movr every bard eorn. aifi corn, or IIOSTO.V Three of Ameiicns "flrKt ti-n" male tennis players ap peared In tho Indoor nrlxrd UnuliPa tournament. At the end ot a ten hour piOKiarn tho flelila in all three titular tourneys have been decreased materially. Itcul Hlalc Traiiffcrs. Meli.-hlor Hci-keiibe rcer to An drew Lan'Haievics. W. D. to '.i int. in NV of NE, sec. 16, twp. 35 H., It. I W 10 Gcortfe Lowd, i t ux. to Ancient Itlvcr Cold Mlnin Co. Ltd. W. IJ. to land In sec. 22, twp. 36, 8.. II. 1 Wcht 10 II. i. Edwards, et ux. ti) E. C Kbennan, et ux. H. W. i). to land in sec. ) 1. twp. 3'J ti ll 1 East 10 E. r. Sherman, et ux, to James Whytock, Q. C. I), to land In see. 14, twp. 39 ti., 11. 1 Eust 1 Jennie E. Mrritt to John Muce, et ux, W. I. to land in Central Point 10 Jarkson County Hank to it. V. lli-lehert. W. I), to land in Oallrmy'H Add. to Medford., 16 A. J. T. Hmlth (Ex.) to W. L. Vun Houten, deed to lots 9 und 10. 1.1k 31. Gold Hill ... 135 Hamuel IJertelxon, et ux, to K. Hur.uki and It. Kaito, W. I. to land in sec. 23, two. 37 B, It. 2 AVoMt 10 Sheriff to Anna L. Ulll, T, 1. to lot , Constant Tract, Central ' Point ... 143 (JeorKn W. Knnnard to Kred L. ;HI:k man, W. IJ. to lot 10, blk. 27, Hold Hill S50 Geo. Hnmrnersly, et ux, to W. W. Hlttle, W. 1). to land in see. 21. twp. 3(1 H" 11. 3 West 600 RELIEVES RHEUMATISM Relief blcswd rcl'.cf comrt whn good hot applications are used. Th best and hottest is BEGY'S MUSTARINE Just rub It on It won't blister Neu ritis and neuralgia also-30c 60c yel tow box. Best Home Brew Brfw om lo nlsht for th whola family rmuljn the bowelv--put llvrrand tlomach In (Inn condition lietpbvttrr. Purely veelble. 30c. package. Ther' health In every cup ol CELERY KING SLOAN'S RELIEVES NEURALGIC ACHES FOR forty years Sloan's Liniment has l)epn the cjuirkeiit relief for neuralgia, ariatua and rheuma tism, tired mutrlrs, lame harks, tprainj and strains, aches and pains. Keep Ploan'a Aiiftiiy and arp'y frei-ly, uilhout rttbbiiti, at the first twinge. ft caws and brine. comfort turrlv and readily. You'll find it clean and non-bkin-btaining. Sloan's Liniment is pain's enemy. Ask your neighlor. At all druggists 35c, 70c, $1.40. Liniment iPain'M Tbetortnr altklnltrh illiulcklylirlicvel by pplvina Iwfora retiring, lr. Holwon ' KcxemaOin u nwnt. Onenf I )r. Hobtoa a Family Kerned lea. w Stops TroiiMne Eczema Ointment ANNOUNCEMENTS STATE REPRESENTATIVE I lioreby iinnounco my cundldury (or tho rnpubllcun nomination for repre sentative. In tho'Htato leglHlutnro at the Muy pTlinury. JOHN If. CAHKIN. COUNTY COMMISSIONER Thos. H. Bimnson, of Aohliind aiithoi l.cH his unnoiinenmont as a Can dldato for tho nomination for thn office of County Commissioner of Jackson County, Btibjoct to tho iloclslou of tho Republican voters of said county at thu Primary Election, May 19th, 1922. Adv. without non-lie ur irritation. lied Jimmy I.v1h, Lew iston und l" ' 'he eallu.ea, Wayne Allen, Vultnlmr. won by s teebnli-nl knockout over iVvddla tlvt roan, Vallu Wulla. Ur, Mellenthin Is a rw; malu nto 'u ini'dUiue and su'i'e nti'l is II ciiii:l by the statu of H'ossor. llo visits piofemlunully the more) luiiort am ten ns and title nti I ifl-rJ to oil who mil en this trip iri ronau'.ta lion, ti-it the expense of I rent men l w in-it denli cd. AiMirdluit to bin niethol of treat lot ut lie does not operaln fi T chroulr ittetnllrttl, Kull stones, tlleera if slotiuieli. (onniU or adenoid s. He litis to hi credit nonderful re sults In dlrioaifJi of the stontitoh, 11V er, bowels, blood, skin. nerr-", liearl, kldnev, bladiter, bed, catarrh, weuk Iuiiks. rlii'timnllnii. sciatica, leg ubers and rectal ollinenU. If you have been ttllluK for aur li nr.tli of tlinn and do not :'t any Ix'tter, do not fall to cull, as Improp er mrmures rather than illneuM sr often the cause of your luiiK it'.audlnc trouble, Itninember, abovn date, that eon- sultutlon oo this trip wilt bo free and I hut his treatment la different. Married women must be accompan ied bv their hiisbandn. Address: 32ij ponton lliock, Mln. nraiiulls. Mluu. 7HE UNIVERSAL CAR THE FORD SEDAN Hpi-iiii; vrntlier U here! Stint. Ilio olltiiiK "i on ilKht in u Koi-d Nediin An idenl family car, ooifiy enoiiKli for nny oiillnu;. lint hely enclosed, i nnn and co,y on riMil evenliisi )M-n mid cool In f vhiiii Minuiier uralber. It Is cimy to oHTiile, turd y, ilimthlo and cconoinlenl. If you ore Interested I'liono Ml Otll' deinoil il.rntor In nt your wivlre. One liilo will Convince ou of tho nuM'ilor 1111111111111 of tlm I'ord HihIiiii, 0. E. GATES AUTO CO, Cor. Sixth and raciflfl Watiway I am a candidate for tho nomination for County Commissioner of Jackson county, on tho Republican tlokot, Hiib Joct to the decision of tho voters at tho primary to bo held May 1!HI), W22. G1SOUG13 ALFORD. 1'hocnlx, Cherro Hard Wheat Flour Guaranteed At Your Grovers CHANGE IN SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE FED, 1, 1023 MEDFORD ROSElBURG STAGES i , , . Dally Except Sunday ' LV. MEDFORD 10 A. M. LV. KOHEBUllQ 1.00 P. M. . GUAM'S 1'ASS-MEDFOIII) STAGES Dally aud Hunday Leave Medford . 10,(M) A. M. 1.00 I'. M. , 4.80 1'. M. Leave CI rants Pi 10.00 A. M. 1.00 1", f. 4.45 I. M. Fares: vMcdford-Ornnts Vann, fl.lRj Grants rnss-Rosobnrg, f.l.OOl Mndford-ltoseburg i,15. JTF.AT1T8 PUITG STORK