Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 23, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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    Jfocal and
ttJ Personal
The membrn of the O. A. C. Madrl
friil'dub, 24 younK wornfti, who glv a
concert t th high school itdtWliim
u! S o'clock tonight, arrived here from
Crania Vuhh on the morning trnin and
were met at the depot by a delegation
of local O. A. C. alumni and friends.
They were then taken ti the hotels
h ml various homes at which they will
be Ritpsts during their stay In the city.;
The club, which gives a concert iu
Ashland Friday nlRht, saw? several
numbers before the high school stu
dent body at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
St. Nark's Guild will meet at the
Hotel Holland. Friday afternoon at
2: :10 p. in. Mrs. Fabrlek and .Mrs.
Hamilton will be hostesses.
lliKh grade lime for spraying pur
IKiKcs. HiK Fines Lumber Co. 313
Frost Kxpert YounR and County
Affent Cnte were busy at the latter's
office today testing orchard thermo
meters in Retting ready for the smudK
Iur season. They urRe all ort-hardists
to bring In their thermometers for
tenting as soon as possible. The frost
danger period Is not far away, as if
warm weather follows the end of the
present rain spell the buds of the pear
trees will be out In blossom In a
week's time.
We are still selling velvet tobacco
2 for 25c. Army slickers $1.00. Men's
Barters 10c. Canvas Rloves 10c. Army
dress caps 25c. .Overseas caps 25c. at
Vnited Army Stores, 32 Central Ave.
South. 3
Frozen automobile, tractor and truck
cylinders welded, reinforced and
guaranteed. Only the finest pre-heat-in
fuels and metals used. Vulcan
Weding Works, 39 S. Front street tf
Helroy Getchell left last night for
Portland to" augment the large Med
ford delegation that is taking in one or
more of the performances of the Chi
cago Grand Opera company.
Have you tried our electrically
percolated cofree? Yankee Do-.Nut
Shop, 28 North Front. 6
There will be a meeting of the Wool
Crowers at Medford Public Library
Saturday, March 25th, at 2 p. m. All
wool growers are urged to be presenL
Mr. R. A. Ward, manager of Pacific
Cooperative association, will discuss
the wool situation. 311
There will be a meeting of the Pa
cific Co-operative Wool Growers here
Saturday. March 25, at the public li
brary. It is urged that all wool grow
ers attend this meeting as important
information will be at hand.
Ilig dance Applegate Sat., March 25.
I-aunspach's orchestra. Supper served
at midnight Tickets $1.10. 312
Army wood shirts $3.25, and cotton
. khaki shirts $1.00. Army shoes $2.90
and up. Vncle Sam watches, Btem
wind and stem set, $1.15. Small gov
ernment pack sacks, 25c. V. S. haver
sack 50c. Come to the Vnited Army
i Stores and save money. J2 Central
r Ave. South. 3
Adjutant General White and mem
bers of his staff, and Major Dusen
lerry. instructor-inspector general of
the United States army, detailed, to
the Oregon National Guard, left last
' night Tor Salem immediately following
the national guard -rally here at the
1. O. O. F. ball.
Repairing on ladies' and men's wear
ing apparel neatly done. Charges res,
sonable. The Pantorium. Phone 244.
Its the coffee. Yankee Do-Nut
Shop, 28 North Front St. 6
Miss Barbara May hew, the tiny
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.
Mayhew of this city, has received an
invitation to dance at the Elks Golden
Jubilee lo be held in May by the Port
land Elks. This young lady returned
yesterday from southern Oregon with
her mother. While there she danced
at the Jiedford Elks Minstrel show.
This show was given two nights in
Medford. one night each in 'Ashland,
. Grants Pass and Yreka. . CaU with
great success. Press comments from
cities visited by the Elks' organization
w ere laudatory in regard to little Bar
bara, who danced and sang in feature
offerings. Eugene Guard.
Free dirt for lawns or garden. Call
I at building site, Minnesota street H.
' A. Thierolf.
Xew wall tents in all standard sizes.
We have them and have the world
beaten in quality and nrice. Anv enn.
as bed sheets in 6 and 14-oz. double
nu ouck 6x14 ft. with snaps and ring
fasteners. The store that gives you
better goods for less money. United
Army Stores, 32 Central Ave. So. 3
H. W. Oden was fined $10 in Justice
Taylor s court this morning for ex
ceeding the automobile speed limit
last night on South Riverside nnii
State Motor Traffic Inspector McMa-
non made the arrest
Wade sewing school helps you to
sew and dress right at small cost
individual or class work by the hour
city and out of town. No evening
classes. e will shop for you by mall
ah appointments by phone or mail
only. M. J.; Wade, phone 416. 331
" Kast Main street. 323
central Point Hotel for sale. 40
rooms: would cost 130.000 tn hniid
Price today $2,600. Might trade. Price
will be reduced $100 every day until
sola. Gold Ray Realty Company
; i'hone 728-R or 134-Y. ' 310
fcarl Glen Allen today filed a suit
for divorce in the circuit
Josephine Allen, charging desertion.
Kiumatu Falls Herald.
If you like a good cup of coffee go
to the Medford Cafeteria. 312
Telephone 1040 Rogue Valley Floral
o., ior your cut flowers and plants
ivi.unt pnone 149-w. 320
Legal Guarantee Giverv
?V."' Km'e-tio imiii-i-nntinue work.
A U tee Gle-o-nli rile Treatment.
The first of a series of dances to be!
Rlvon by Hlllah templo Mystic Slirl-
ners, will he held at the Nat., this city, I
tomorrow night. All Masons are ln-l
vlted. . . ,
Everywhere you loon you see a
see a
Chevrolet. ' , tf I
Mrs, Paul Hansen, corsetlere for
NuHone, Phone 585-J. tfV
Negotiations are under way be
tween H. E. Spencer, who has con
ducted a confectionery and grocery
store next to the. pstofflce at RoRiie
River for nearly three years, and L.
M. Jnltnn, who recently moved to this
vicinity from Chehalia, Wash.. An In
voice will be taken the first of the
month, and the transfer mad soon
after. During his period of ow nership.
Mr. Spencer greatly Improved and in
creased the stock. Fred O'Kelly will
take over a majority of the grocery
stock, while the confectionery and
fixtures will be owned by Julian.
Grants Pass Courier. !
Will pay 25e apiece for hatching
turkey eggs under your setting hens.
Eggs furnished. Phone 2S-J-3. . tf
Everywhere you look you see a
Chevrolet . . tf
The present rain storm will prob-1
ably last another day, as rain is the'
prediction for tonight and tomorrow.
It rained steadily all diring last night
and the major portion of today, and
during the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m.
today .41 of an Inch fell.
All kinds of . rough and dressed
lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108.
Til East Main street
When better automobiles are built
Bulck will build them. tf
The curtain for the London Follies
performance at the Page theater to
night will rise at 8:30 o'clock. The
company will arrive on the late after
noon train from California.
Real Texas' chile at Talent's, 15c.
' 314
The lowest rate of Insurance Is
placed upon the Hupmobile. 312
Resolutions opposing the Inclusion
of the Diamond lake area In Crater
Lake National park have been adopted
by the Klamath Wool Growers' associ
ation. If the Diamond lake area were
mado part of the national park it
would be closed to grazing and, ac
cording to the wool growers, would
become a "breeding ground for timber
wolves and other predatory animals
such as the bobcat and the coyote."
Hard times made easy, buy ranches
without money, pay with share of crop,
tike rent Gold Ray Realty company, tf
Creamed waffles and coffee at
Talent's 20c. 314
George Treichler. who has been
wrestling with the flu around his
place of business for two or three days
was unable to "dodge" it and is con
fined to his home.
Fire insurance. Brown & White.
If it's insurance we write it R. A
Holmes, The Insurance Mao.
32 Beaume lime and sulphur: also
dry. Conner Warehouse.
Don't forget this is rubber heel week
at the Medford Shoe Hospital. Heels
only 35c; with half-soles, 25c. 313
Mrs. Delroy Getchell is at Portland
enjoying the grand opera season there.
Try our merchants lunch. The
Crescent orchestra Eagle Pt Mar. 25
When In need ot sash tnd doors.
call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to
711 E. Main street
Announcement of the complete high
way building program for 1922 will
probably be made at the meeting of
the state highway commission in Port
land today. This program, it is under
stood, will Involve improvements to
state highways aggregating approxi
mately $15,000,000.' Contract for pav
ing, grading, macadamizing and bridge
construction aggregating approximate
ly $1,000,000 will probably be let at
this meeting..
Dance Applegate Sat March 25th.
For Sale Baby Carriage, round
wicker, rubber tired, used only short
time. 10 Quince St Ant 2. 310
Please remember that classified ads,
locals and small ads are cash in ad
Tance. Bring In your ads and do not
nse telephone. ,. . tf
The pupils of the Rogue River
schools will present an operetta, "The
Treasure Hunters," the latter part of
April, rehearsals for which have al
ready been begun. E. C. Brown, nrin
cipal of the high school, is directing
the production which will be given in
the new community hall.
A millionaire cannot travel in more
comfort thai! the owner of a Hup-
Children cared for. Mrs. W.
Campbell, 104 Newtown,
Hemstitching, j
Picoting, . .
8c per yd. . .
Buttons covered.
Handicraft Shop.
Superintendent of 8chools Aubrey
Smith was a visitor at Grants Pass
last Tuesday evening.
If you gave double the money you
couldn t get a better car than a Hup
mobile. , . . 312
Ex-service man, with 1 local refer
ences of reliable parties, wants yard or
garden work. Reliable party. Phone
C81-R or call at Horace Evans, 828 N
Central. tf
Everywhere you look you see
Chevrolet. tf
A year ago today the weather pre
diction was for rain, the precipitation
for the previous 24 hours was .08 of an
Inch, the minimum temperature was
34 degrees and the maximum of the
day before was 55 degrees, as com
pared with today's minimum of 44 and
yesterday s maximum of B2, and pre
cipitatlon of .41 of an Inch.
Dance Eagle Point, Sat. Mar. 25. 211
Try some pastry at the Medford
Cafeteria. Made by Mrs. Howell. 312
This office Is prepared to print
ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the
bookkeeping 'machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men and hare
them printed out of Medford. Phone
us and we will call. tf
K. A. Stuart, president of the (rnu-
tion Farms company of Seattle, was
elected president of the Pacific Inter-
national Livestock Imposition com-
Pny, at a meeting of the directors
this week to flit the vacancy left by
F, S. Stlmson, who died Inst Thanka
glvtng day.
Crescent orchestra Eagle l't. Mar. 25
Launspnch's orchestra, newly organ
ized, open now for engagements,, Per
sonal attention to private nnd club
dances. Go anywhere anytime. Phone
646 R.
The tea to be given net Saturday
afternoon by the Washington Parent
Teachers circle for the benefit of the
play shed fund nnd the Junior Red
Cross, will be held at the Hotel Hol
land Instead of nt Mrs. Perl's home as
first announced. An unusually fine
program has been prepared and the
committee In charge Is planning for
the entertainment of large crowd
since much Interest has always heen
manifested In the building of the play
thed, und all who fully understand the
character and aim of the Junior Red
Cross work are also anxious to make
that a success. Aside from the fine
program, this tea will afford an oppor
tunity for meeting nil one's friends,
nnd after all this is the real province
of teas.
High grade lime for spraying pur
poses. Big Pines Lumber Co. 313
Meeting of the order of De Molny
Thursday evening, March 23rd. Ma
sonic hall at 7:30. Initiatory degree.
Refreshments. Glen Fnbrlck, chair
man. 310
The bowling' teams of Separate
Company A. and the Elks kdge con
tested last Tuesday niRht and National
Guard team won the last game, mak
ing its first victory over the Elks team
tn the past two years.
A new line of embroidery transfers
of Initials and monograms. IS cents
copy. Deuel's Art Dept
Dance Eagle Point Sat Mar. 25. 211
The present rainy spell is not rel
ished by the orchardists as It still fur
ther delays the spraying of the trees.
The rain is also interfering with plow
ing on the ranches.
Orchard is t! Lime sulphur $8.75 per
barrel. Hear Creek Orchards. . Phone
Auto Insurance. Frown A White.
Several thousand dollars to loan on
improved ranch security. O. C. Boggs.
Just received a new line of stamped
goods for applique and embroidery.
Deuel's Art Dept. .
The city auto camp was a forlorn.
muddy and wet place today. Only two
families were parked at the camp who
arrived last night from California and
were encamped in the bungalow shed.
Stamped pillow cases for crochet
and embroidery. Deuel's Art Dept
Attention, ex-Soldiers: Ranches sold
under Soldiers Bonus plan or pay with
share of crop, like rent Gold Ray
Realty Company. tf
Invest your savings In the Jackson
County Building and Loan association.
When two brothers, who are carpen
ters build a house for one of them,
they lose no time on the job.- as is
amply Illustrated by the way in which
the fine colonial bungalow of Ed Mil
ler on the Pacific highway between
Medford and Central Point, which was
only begun a few days ago, is going
up. Ed and William Miller are doing
the job, and the natives thereabouts
and passersby who witnessed the re
cent start are almost awed at . the
rapidity with which the structure is
rising, and the daily progress made.
The bungalow's cost will be about
When you want dry mill blocks Just
call Valley Fuel Company. Phone 76.
When in need of shingles and roof
ing call Wallace Woods, 108. 711 E.
Laundry work done. Phone 455-Y.
. . , sis
PEORIA, 111.,' March 23. A gen
eral curfew was put Into effect here
at midnight, last night, as a result
of a series of crimes. The solice
were ordered at the same time to en
force an earlier ordinance empower
ing them to arrest day or night, any
persons found on the streets without
known lawful means of support.
. A. F. 4. A. M. ' ;
Special communication Med
ford Lodge No. 103, Friday,
March 24th. Work will com.
mence at 1:30 p. m. and continue
throughout the afternoon and evening.
Dinner will be served at six o'clock.
All Masons are cordially invited. Hy
order of the V. M,
310 L.. E. WILLIAMS. Secy.
Attention, Car Owners
For the next 30 days we will give 25
per cent discount on all cylinder re-
boring in connection with overhaul
jobs and a ten per cent discount for
cash on all labor. We have one of the
best equipped shops in southern Ore
gon and employ only experienced
workmen. All work guaranteed.
Riverside Garage. tf
FOR. SALE $soo will put you . in
charge of dandy lunch and Ice cream
business, electrical equipment, best
location, living rooms in rear. Four
Sites Sales Agency, Medford Ulrtg.,
Medford, Ore. '2
FOR 8ALE 1918 Uulck, seven pas
senger, in excellent shape, just over
hauled, has been taken In on busi
ness deal, and will be sold at a
sacrifice. Phone 900. - C"
HrEftFOnt). OTMuW TlIUiishAY. MAkVir it. t!
.-. 9
The Uev. John W. Willlnuipon. n
Methodlxt iiiliilvtvr, was recently ap
pointed law enforcement commis
sioner for Chicago. When Muyor
Thompson announced Dr. William
son's appointment he said the min
ister would be given "carlo Munche."
' This is '"Self Penial Week" among
Presbyterian's Jhe world over. It is
proposed In order to raise funds to
meet some of the large deficit whiih
the Benevolent agencies of the
church at home and abroad nre fac
ing on account of the financial situa
tion the country over. Members of
the church. nre urged to make some
denials of comfort or luxuries or con
veniences and turn In tho savings next
SabbAth at thetr church services. In
some places members are urged to
give one day's wages. One denomina
tion is asking Its people to turn In a
title o fthelr income for the month.
The local Presbyterian church la in
line with the request and its people
are asked to bring In their self de
nial offerings next Suhl'uth, In order
that they may reach the treasuries of
the boards by April 1st.
WASHI.VUTO.S. March. 23 An In
creased demand for gas and fuel oils
may be anticipated In case of a coal
strike, the bureau of mines said today
and In that connection ixuM a state
ment showing that the stocks of these
oils ort hand February 1 was 1,319,-
4 SI, 359 gallons. Based on the dally
average domestic consumption. It
added, the stocks are equivalent t- CS
days supply.
Stocks of gasoline were increased in
January by 113,000,000 gallons and on
F'ebruary 1 there was reserve of i09,-
700,000 gallons which Is 130,000,000
gallons more (han for the correspond
ing date a year ago. These stocks are
equivalent to a 50 days supply.
Want Co, Assessor in
Oregon Out Politics
LA GRANDE, Ore., Mar. 23. Aboli
tion of the present methods of electing
county assessors and making that of
ficial appointive by one central body,
such as the tax commission was ap
proved when tho state tax Investlgat
Ing commission convened for a public
bearing here.
The variation between assessments
on sheep in adjoining counties in east
em Oregon were rend and ways to
reach greatest uniformity and fairness
were discussed. Possible efficiency of
an income tax, assessment of moil
gages and other means of developing
new tax revenues were considered.
County officials testified as to possi
bilities of reducing frills In county ex
Get your kodak-now.
Learn the little things
necessary to get quick,
good pictures, then
when vacation eoines
you are ready.
Book Store
34 N. Central St.
u ewsw--' " ' - . -i r f I
I . . .. I
i :
DANVll.l.K. in., March 2:!.
Frank (illlcnwater, carnival proprie
tor was rinecl $ t,OU0 and sentenced
to the Leavenworth peultcntluiy fur
twenty years yesterday by District
Judge .English for violating the white,
s'ave act. ll was charged with hav
ing taken l.llltnu, Merle and Marie
Thomnsou, young sisters, fro tnthelr
homo In I'awhuska, Oklahoma, nnd
Olndys Pipkin, ot Springfield. Mo.,
from Kentucky Into Illinois, for Im
moral purpose-. All of the Kllia tes
tlflml against him, two of them al
leging be watt the father of children I
born to them.
LIYFUroUL. Mar. 23 The Liver
pool IK'illy 1'ost and Mercury, com
menting upon Secretary Hughes' note
to tho allies asking that the t'nlted
Slates be paid the cnt of her army
pf occupation In ticrmnny uMn un
eipiat footing with the allies, says:
'The real lnurtnnce of Auieiicn'a
request lies In tho fact that It Is the
first step In ft policy that eventually
may force her to take a vigilant and
practii-nl Interest In tho financial
plight of Kurope. Another Wash
ington conference on Kumpean doliM
seems now something more Hum a
hopeful simulation."
CHICAGO, March 23. A reduction
of i'l per rent In dining car prices Is
announced by Iturlingtoii railroad of
ficials, who also stated thut table
d'hot serviie would be introduced
In dining cars.
Thi table d'hote service wi'J range
In price from i'Ur to $1 for luncheon
and a $1.25 dinner. A la carte ser
vice will be continued.
Decreuse In the prlco of food Is
responsible for the rhunge, the man
agement stated.
MUCKS! l' $2.73
2.x, mill f I. to.
Tomorrow Night Free Lecture on Christian Science
Starts Saturday Matinee Bill Hart in "Three Word
I.hMki.N, Mm-. s:i. (Hy llio Am
siiiintcd I'rt-HH I iiio IhitlKh Hulnna
rlue II-4S fins lieen lost wlllt nil
lia i. Ix In the Meitnerruiiean, xiivh nu
llvrhiuiKe TeliMiritpli illHimtth fiitnt
(llluiiltnc Imlny, Him collided with a
ilentroyer during iinineuvei t.
The t'l lll.-ll Miilimiu Iiii-h of the II
i-I.ihk were all built under t ho war
eineiKeiuy iroMiiiiil, inoHt of them In
I'US It). They nt-o of the xliiiilo hull
"lliillund" type, modified by the ad
miralty, 1 4 Vi to 11 feet Ion nnd
t.V liemu. They illMphne f'oni 440
lot MM) (on ami lire equipped wilh
two net of I Motte I eimlneii, fchinn n
Meet i( ) ;1 Knots oil the ton fllen.
They carry four torvodo tubes. Their
ordinary complement It !'J men.
. . ( . . ! .
illtlon of winter wheat and other f. ill
sun grain generally continued t
Improve; during thj week ending Tnes
day, the, weather bureau says In It h
weekly crop review. The vcepiions
noted by the hurt-Ail In Its reports arc
that It continued too dry In a low In
caution In the soutl'.weHt and xlei-t mi, I
tiao storms did mime damage in tin
western lake region.
tlalns during tho wecl.. however, the
review lullllmies. nerved t net Imrk
farm work and seoiling of out was re
t .in led In the central Ma ten hoi auto
of wet sail. I'liintliu: of mitfnr beet
has been nearly completed in Califor
nia and lltH early noeiteil one uro up
and look Ing well.
Wilh Me. If. ,i.l tin.lo In l .-. C.r .1
Eye3 Scientifically Tested
and Glasses Properly Fitted
llrnkrn lirnfcC Arcurniolv Implicated
I- it T Hi V rlll-.MIsKM
:tiN v.. M..ln. I iuIn S I'UTAIN
und 2.SO. llnl.ony 2.2l,
Include AVnr Tnv.
"It Costs No More
27 HoiKli Fronl. Htrwt
athiuilii hit! h "ilitMtl T.
thm MUrnnHy with y'
All-Wool Suit
for $15.
All This Week
Better save that $10
TheBest Shoes
in town and you
save from $2 to
S5 on every pair.
Work Shirts . 59c
Black and Tan Sox 10c
Men's White likfs 5c
. S3.50 Dress Shirts
Boys' Suits $3.50
Trunks, Suitcases
and Bags
Tents all sizes
Wagon Covers
Everything for Less
The Cheapest Store in
the West
Will H. Wilson
Our Iircifl is prrforri'd.
ly Polks who lmvo a
rcfrrciif' for t he Rood
limits of life. All you
have lo do is to rcnioin
Imt the name and order
it of your grocer nnd you
arc assured of hrcad sat
isfaction. Scholz's
Pure and Wholesome
to Bay a Kelly"
IMinnn 0.1